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Units, Dimensions & Error Analysis

The word Science originates from the Latin verb “Scienta” meaning ‘to know’. Science is a
systematic attempt to understand natural phenomena in as much detail and depth as possible,
and use the knowledge so gained to predict, modify and control phenomena. Science is exploring,
experimenting and predicting from what we see around us. The curiosity to learn about the world,
unravelling the secrets of nature is the first step towards the discovery of science. The scientific
method involves several interconnected steps:
1. Systematic observations
2. Controlled experiments
3. Qualitative and Quantitative reasoning
4. Mathematical modeling
5. Prediction / Law
6. Verification or falsification of theories.
Science is ever dynamic. There is no ‘final’ theory in science and no unquestioned authority among
scientists. As observations improve in detail and precision or experiments yield new results,
theories must account for them, if necessary, by introducing modifications.

The word physics is derived from Greek word fusis, meaning nature or natural things. As such,
physics is defined as that branch of science, which studies natural phenomena in terms of basic
laws and physical quantities. The study is generally structured to satisfy queries, arising from the
observed events occurring around our world. Physics answers questions about universe and the
way elements of universe interact to compose natural phenomena. The underlying principles in
physics are simple and general, but defining (basic) in nature. Elements and quantities used to
describe natural phenomena are also general and basic. The whole of universe, as a matter of fact,
can be considered to be comprising of two basic quantities: (i) matter and (ii) energy. Physicists
define physics as the study of matter and energy.

Domain of physics
The domain of physics extends from the infinitesimal to the infinite and is largely undefined. At
one end of the scale, there are quarks composing nucleons (neutrons and protons) and on the
other end, there are galaxies, with sun-like stars as its constituents and a universe that we do not
know much about. Domains are also defined in terms of various important attributes like speed,
temperature and other physical quantities. In the domain, defined by speed, we study both
stationary objects and objects moving at very high speed, perhaps three- fourths of the speed of
light. The upper limit of speed is the speed of light in a vacuum. Similarly, the lower limit of
temperature is 0 K. The uncertainty about the domain of physics stems from the fact that new
experiments and discoveries continuously break the bounds (limits) set before. An example: for
many years, the charge on the electron was considered the smallest amount of charge, but today
after the discovery of quarks, we know that these carry lesser amounts of charge than that carried
by electrons. Thus, the extent of physics is actually changing as we learn more and more about
Units, Dimensions & Error Analysis
Simplification and unification have emerged as the basic trait of physics. There are only a few
laws to define a wide variety of natural phenomena fi a fact that underlines the simplification of
governing laws in physics. On the other hand, unification of physical quantities and concepts is
also prevalent. Take the example of matter and energy. They are now considered equivalent. The
Special Theory of Relativity establishes the equivalence of these two quantities as E = mc2.
Further, this dual nature of matter highlights the wave (E energy) nature of particles (m mass),
which underlies the concept of mass-energy equivalence. Similarly, the treatment of magnetism in
terms of electrical charge is an example of unification of physical concepts.

Domains of physical laws

There is an irresistible perception that physical phenomena are governed by a universal law - a
fundamental law, which is valid at all dimensions and at all speeds. As against this historically
evasive natural conjecture, our understanding and formulation are limited to domains of
applicability. Newton's law works fine in our world, where dimensions are bigger than atomic size
and speed is not exceeding 0.17c (speed of light). If the speed of an object exceeds this limit, the
relativistic effects can not be ignored.
Consequently, we are currently left with a set of laws, which are domain specific. One law resigns
in favor of other as we switch from one domain to another. The plot below approximately defines
the domains of four major physical laws in terms of dimension and speed. Though, there are
further subdivisions proposed, but this broader classification of applicability of natural laws is a
good approximation of our current understanding about natural phenomena.

Physical Quantity
A quantity which can be measured and by which various physical happenings can be explained and
expressed in the form of laws is called a physical quantity. For example length, mass, time, force
On the other hand various happenings in life e.g., happiness, sorrow etc. are not physical
quantities because these cannot be measured.
Measurement is necessary to determine magnitude of a physical quantity, to compare two similar
physical quantities and to prove physical laws or equations.
A physical quantity is represented completely by its magnitude and unit. For example, 10 metre
means a length which is ten times the unit of length. Here 10 represents the numerical value of
the given quantity and metre represents the unit of quantity under consideration. Thus in
expressing a physical quantity we choose a unit and then find that how many times that unit is
contained in the given physical quantity, i.e.
Physical Quantity (Q) = Magnitude × Unit = n × u
Where, n represents the numerical value and u represents the unit. Thus while expressing definite
amount of physical quantity, it is clear that as the unit(u) changes, the magnitude(n) will also
change but product ‘nu’ will remain same.
i.e. n u = constant, or n1u1  n2u2  constant ;  n 
i.e. magnitude of a physical quantity and units are inversely proportional to each other .Larger the
unit, smaller will be the magnitude.
Units, Dimensions & Error Analysis
(1) Ratio (numerical value only): When a physical quantity is the ratio of two similar
quantities, it has no unit.
e.g. Relative density = Density of object/Density of water at 4oC
Refractive index = Velocity of light in air/Velocity of light in medium
Strain = Change in dimension/Original dimension
(2) Scalar (magnitude only): These quantities do not have any direction e.g. Length, time, work,
energy etc.
Magnitude of a physical quantity can be negative. In that case negative sign indicates that
the numerical value of the quantity under consideration is negative. It does not specify the
Scalar quantities can be added or subtracted with the help of ordinary laws of addition or
(3) Vector (magnitude and direction): These quantities have magnitude and direction both
and can be added or subtracted with the help of laws of vector algebra e.g. displacement,
velocity, acceleration, force etc.

Fundamental and Derived Quantities

(1) Fundamental quantities: Out of large number of physical quantities which exist in nature,
there are only few quantities which are independent of all other quantities and do not
require the help of any other physical quantity for their definition, therefore these are
called absolute quantities. These quantities are also called fundamental or basic quantities,
as all other quantities are based upon and can be expressed in terms of these quantities.
(2) Derived quantities: All other physical quantities can be derived by suitable multiplication or
division of different powers of fundamental quantities. These are therefore called derived
If length is defined as a fundamental quantity then area and volume are derived from
length and are expressed in term of length with power 2 and 3 over the term of length.
Note: In mechanics, Length, Mass and Time are arbitrarily chosen as fundamental quantities.
However this set of fundamental quantities is not a unique choice. In fact any three quantities in
mechanics can be termed as fundamental as all other quantities in mechanics can be expressed in
terms of these. e.g. if speed and time are taken as fundamental quantities, length will become a
derived quantity because then length will be expressed as Speed  Time. and if force and
acceleration are taken as fundamental quantities, then mass will be defined as Force /
acceleration and will be termed as a derived quantity.

Fundamental and Derived Units

Normally each physical quantity requires a unit or standard for its specification so it appears that
there must be as many units as there are physical quantities. However, it is not so. It has been
found that if in mechanics we choose arbitrarily units of any three physical quantities we can
express the units of all other physical quantities in mechanics in terms of these. Arbitrarily the
physical quantities mass, length and time are chosen for this purpose. So any unit of mass, length
and time in mechanics is called a fundamental, absolute or base unit. Other units which can be
expressed in terms of fundamental units, are called derived units. For example light year or km is a
Units, Dimensions & Error Analysis
fundamental unit as it is a unit of length while s–1, m2 or kg/m are derived units as these are
derived from units of time, mass and length.

System of units: A complete set of units, both fundamental and derived for all kinds of physical
quantities is called system of units. The common systems are given below
(1) CGS system: This system is also called Gaussian system of units. In this length, mass and
time have been chosen as the fundamental quantities and corresponding fundamental
units are centimetre (cm), gram (g) and second (s) respectively.
(2) MKS system: This system is also called Giorgi system. In this system also length, mass and
time have been taken as fundamental quantities, and the corresponding fundamental units
are metre, kilogram and second.
(3) FPS system: In this system foot, pound and second are used respectively for measurements
of length, mass and time. In this system force is a derived quantity with unit poundal.
(4) S. I. system: It is known as International system of units, and is extended system of units
applied to whole physics. There are seven fundamental quantities in this system. These
quantities and their units are given in the following table

Units of measurement
The study of science, including physics, is quantitative in nature. We study natural phenomena and
events in terms of quantities, which can be measured. A measurement is basically observations to
estimate a physical quantity. Its basic objective is to reduce uncertainty and to give definitive
stature to the quantities being described.
The measurement of quantity is done by comparing it with some standard called unit. A unit,
therefore, is any division of quantity, which is accepted as one unit of that quantity. A quantity (Q)
is expressed as the product of a number (number of times in comparison to the standard) and the
name given to the unit or standard.
Q = n times unit
1. Basic or fundamental quantities
2. Derived physical quantities

International System of Units (SI Units):

SI is the world's most widely used system of measurement, used in both
everyday commerce and science.
The International System of Units (abbreviated SI from French: Le Système international d'unités)
is the modern form of the metric system.
It comprises a coherent system of units of measurement built around seven base units, a set
of derived units, some of which have special names and set decimal-based multipliers that are
denoted as prefixes. The term "SI Units" includes all three categories, but the term "coherent SI
units" includes only base units and coherent derived units.
Base units are the building blocks of SI – all other units of measure can be derived from the base
units. Derived units are formed by powers, products or quotients of the base units and are
unlimited in number.
Units, Dimensions & Error Analysis

One meter is the length of path traveled by light in vacuum during a time
interval of of a second.
1,650,763.73 wavelengths in vacuum of radiation corresponding to
orange red light of krypton-86.
One second is the duration of 9192631770 periods of the radiation
corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the
ground state of the Cesium-133 atom.
of a day.
One kilogram is defined as the mass of a platinum-iridium cylinder kept at
the International Bureau of Weights and Measures, France.
Mass (Earlier)
The kilogram was defined as being the mass of one cubic decimetre (one
liter) of pure water at its freezing point (at 4ºC).
One ampere is that constant current, which when flows through two
infinitely long straight parallel conductors of negligible cross-section, kept
one meter apart in vacuum, produces between them force of 2 × 10–7
Electric N/m per unit length.
Current (Earlier)
A tenth of the electromagnetic CGS unit of current. The [CGS] emu unit of
current is that current, flowing in an arc 1 cm long of a circle 1 cm in
radius creates a field of one oersted at the centre.
One kelvin is equal to the fraction of the thermodynamic
temperature of triple point of water.
The centigrade scale is obtained by assigning 0° to the freezing point of
water and 100° to the boiling point of water.
One mole is the amount of substance of a system which contains as many
Amount of
elementary particles/entities (atoms, molecules, ions etc.) as there are
atoms in 0.012 kg of carbon–12
One candela is the luminous intensity in a given direction of a source that
emits monochromatic radiation of 540 × 1012 Hz and that has a radiant
intensity in that direction of 1/683 watt per steradian.
Luminous (Earlier)
Intensity One candela is the luminous intensity of a blackbody of surface area
m2 placed at a temperature of freezing platinum and at a
pressure of 1.01325 × 105 N/m2 in the direction perpendicular to its
Units, Dimensions & Error Analysis
Supplementary Units: Some derived units have special names, for example the unit
of force is the newton.

radian, steradian, hertz, newton, pascal, joule, watt, coulomb, volt, farad, ohm, siemens,
weber, tesla, henry, degree Celsius, lumen, lux, becquerel, gray, sievert, katal

One radian is the plane angle between two radii of a circle which cut off
Plane angle on the circumference an arc equal to the length of the radius.
One steradian is the solid angle which having its vertex at the centre of
Solid Angle the sphere, cut off an area of surface equal to that of a square with sides
of length equal to the radius of the sphere.

One becquerel is defined as the activity of a quantity of radioactive

material in which one nucleus decays per second.
Radioactivity (Earlier)
One curie is the quantity of any radioactive substance which undergoes
3.7 × 1010 disintegrations per second.

S.I. Prefixes:
A prefix may be added to a unit to produce a multiple of the original unit. All multiples are integer
powers of ten, and beyond a hundred(th) all are integer powers of a thousand. For example, kilo-
denotes a multiple of a thousand and milli- denotes a multiple of a thousandth; hence there are
one thousand millimetres to the metre and one thousand metres to the kilometre.
The prefixes are never combined, and multiples of the kilogram are named as if the gram was the
base unit. Thus a millionth of a metre is a micrometre, not a millimillimetre, and a millionth of a
kilogram is a milligram, not a microkilogram

Multiples Prefix Symbol Fractions Prefix Symbol

101 deca da 10–1 deci d
102 hecto h 10–2 centi c
103 kilo k 10–3 milli m
106 mega M 10–6 micro 
109 giga G 10–9 nano n
1012 tera T 10–12 pico p
1015 peta P 10–15 femto f
1018 Exa E 10–18 atto a
1021 zetta Z 10-21 zepta z
1024 yotta Y 10-24 yocto y

Practical Units
(1) Length:
 Planck length: 10–35 m
Units, Dimensions & Error Analysis
Distance traveled by light in one Planck time (10–43 sec)
 1 fermi = 1 fm (femtometer) = 10–15 m. Nuclear dimensions
 1 X-ray unit = 1XU = 10–13 m
 1 angstrom = 1Å = 10–10 m Atomic dimensions
 1 micron = m = 10–6 m
 yard (yd) = 0.91 m [1 m = 1.1 yd]
 Astronomical Unit (AU). It is the mean distance between sun and earth or mean radius
of earth’s orbit. It is used in solar studies.
1 A.U. = = 1.496 × 1011 m  1.5  1011 m  108 km
 Light year (ly): 9.46 × 1015 m. It is distance traveled by light in vacuum in one year.
 Parsec (parallactic second) = 3.0857 × 1016 m. It is the distance at which mean radius of
earth’s orbit subtends an angle of one second of arc. 1 Parsec = 1pc = 3.26 light year
(2) Mass:
(i) Chandra Shekhar unit: 1 CSU = 1.4 times the mass of sun = 2.8  1030 kg
(ii) Metric tonne: 1 Metric tonne = 1000 kg
(iii) Quintal: 1 Quintal = 100 kg
(iv) Atomic mass unit (amu) 1.66054 × 10–27 kg
Mass of proton or neutron
It is the (1/12th) of mass of 6C12 atom
(v) pound (lb) = 0.453592 kg [1 kg = 2.2 lb]

1. Light year is a unit of
(a) Time (b) Mass
(c) Distance (d) Energy
2. The magnitude of any physical quantity
(a) Depends on the method of measurement
(b) Does not depend on the method of measurement
(c) Is more in SI system than in CGS system
(d) Directly proportional to the fundamental units of mass, length and time
3. Which of the following is not equal to watt
(a) Joule/second (b) Ampere  volt
(c) (Ampere)  ohm (d) Ampere/volt
4. Newton–second is the unit of
(a) Velocity (b) Angular momentum
(c) Momentum (d) Energy
5. Which of the following is not represented in correct unit
(a)  N/m2 (b) Surface tension = N/m
(c) Energy  kg-m/sec (d) Pressure  N/m2
Units, Dimensions & Error Analysis
6. One second is equal to
(a) 1650763.73 time periods of Kr clock
(b) 652189.63 time periods of Kr clock
(c) 1650763.73 time periods of Cs clock
(d) 9192631770 time periods of Cs clock
7. One nanometre is equal to
(a) 109 mm (b) 10 6 cm
(c) 107 cm (d) 109 cm
8. A micron is related to centimetre as
(a) 1 micron  10 8 cm (b) 1 micron  10 6 cm
(c) 1 micron  10 5 cm (d) 1 micron  10 4 cm
9. The unit of power is
(a) Joule
(b) Joule per second only
(c) Joule per second and watt both
(d) Only watt
10. A suitable unit for gravitational constant is
(a) kg - m sec 1 (b) N m 1 sec
(c) N m2 kg 2 (d) kg m sec 1
11. SI unit of pressure is
(a) Pascal (b) Dynes / cm2
(c) cm of Hg (d) Atmosphere
12. The unit of angular acceleration in the SI system is
(a) N kg 1 (b) m s 2

(c) rad s 2 (d) mkg 1K

13. The unit of Stefan's constant  is
(a) W m 2 K 1 (b) W m2 K 4
(c) W m 2 K 4 (d) W m2 K 4
14. Which of the following is not a unit of energy
(a) W-s (b)
(c) N-m (d) Joule
15. In S  a  bt  ct 2 . S is measured in metres and t in seconds. The unit of c is
(a) None (b) m
(c) ms (d) ms 2
16. Joule-second is the unit of
(a) Work (b) Momentum
Units, Dimensions & Error Analysis
(c) Pressure (d) Angular momentum
17. Unit of energy in SI system is
(a) Erg (b) Calorie
(c) Joule (d) Electron volt
18. A cube has numerically equal volume and surface area. The volume of such a cube is (a)216
units (b) 1000 units
(c) 2000 units (d) 3000 units
19. Wavelength of ray of light is 0.00006m . It is equal to
(a) 6 microns (b) 60 microns
(c) 600 microns (d) 0.6 microns
20. Electron volt is a unit of
(a) Charge (b) Potential difference
(c) Momentum (d)Energy
21. Temperature can be expressed as a derived quantity in terms of any of the following
(a) Length and mass
(b) Mass and time
(c) Length, mass and time
(d)None of these
22. Unit of power is
(a)Kilowatt (b) Kilowatt-hour
(c) Dyne (d) Joule
23. Density of wood is 0.5gm / cc in the CGS system of units. The corresponding value in MKS
units is
(a)500 (b) 5
(c) 0.5 (d) 5000
24. Unit of energy is
(a) J / sec (b) Watt  day
(c) Kilowatt (d) gm-cm / sec2
25. Which is the correct unit for measuring nuclear radii
(a) Micron (b) Millimetre
(c) Angstrom (d)Fermi
26. One Mach number is equal to
(a) Velocity of light
(b) Velocity of sound (332 m / sec)
(c) 1 km / sec
(d) 1 m / sec
27. The unit for nuclear dose given to a patient is
(a) Fermi (b) Rutherford
(c) Curie (d) Roentgen
28. Volt/metre is the unit of
Units, Dimensions & Error Analysis
(a) Potential (b) Work
(c) Force (d)Electric intensity
29. Volt/meter is the unit of
(a) Energy (b) Momentum
(c) Force (d) Pressure
30. The unit of surface tension in SI system is
(a) Dyne / cm2 (b) Newton / m
(c) Dyne / cm (d) Newton / m2
31. The unit of reduction factor of tangent galvanometer is
(a) Ampere (b) Gauss
(c) Radian (d) None of these
32. The unit of self inductance of a coil is
(a) Farad (b)Henry
(c) Weber (d) Tesla
33. Henry/ohm can be expressed in
(a)Second (b) Coulomb
(c) Mho (d) Metre
34. The SI unit of momentum is
kg kg.m
(a) (b)
m sec
(c) (d) kg  Newton
35. The velocity of a particle depends upon as v  a  bt  ct 2 ; if the velocity is in m / sec , the
unit of a will be
(a) m / sec (b) m / sec2
(c) m2 / sec (d) m / sec 3
36. One million electron volt (1 MeV ) is equal to
(a) 105 eV (b)
(c) 10 eV (d) 107 eV
37. Erg  m1 can be the unit of measure for
(a)Force (b) Momentum
(c) Power (d) Acceleration
38. The unit of potential energy is
(a) g(cm / sec2 ) (b) g(cm / sec)2
(c) g(cm2 / sec) (d) g(cm / sec)
39. Which of the following represents a volt
(a) Joule/second (b) Watt/Ampere
(c) Watt/Coulomb (d) Coulomb/Joule
40. Kilowatt  hour is a unit of
(a) Electrical charge (b)Energy
Units, Dimensions & Error Analysis
(c) Power (d) Force
41. What is the SI unit of permeability
(a) Henry per metre
(b) Tesla metre per ampere
(c) Weber per ampere metre
(d)All the above units are correct
42. In which of the following systems of unit, Weber is the unit of magnetic flux
(a) CGS (b) MKS
(c)SI (d) None of these
43. Tesla is a unit for measuring
(a) Magnetic moment (b)Magnetic induction
(c)Magnetic intensity (d) Magnetic pole strength
44. If the unit of length and force be increased four times, then the unit of energy is
(a) Increased 4 times (b) Increased 8 times
(c)Increased 16 times (d) Decreased 16 times
45. Oersted is a unit of
(a) Dip (b) Magnetic intensity
(c) Magnetic moment (d) Pole strength
46. Ampere  hour is a unit of
(a) Quantity of electricity (b)Strength of electric current
(c) Power (d) Energy
47. The unit of specific resistance is
(a) Ohm/cm2 (b) Ohm/cm
(c) Ohmcm (d) (Ohmcm)1
48. The binding energy of a nucleon in a nucleus is of the order of a few
(a) eV (b) Ergs
(c) MeV (d) Volts
49. Par sec is a unit of
(a) Distance (b) Velocity
(c) Time (d) Angle
50. If u1 and u2 are the units selected in two systems of measurement and n1 and n2 their
numerical values, then
(a) n1u1  n2u2 (b) n1u1  n2u2  0
(c) n1n2  u1u2 (d) (n1  u1 )  (n2  u2 )
51. 1eV is
(a) Same as one joule (b) 1.6  1019 J
(c) 1V (d) 1.6  1019 C
52. 1kWh 
(a) 1000W (b) 36  105 J
(c) 1000J (d) 3600 J
Units, Dimensions & Error Analysis
53. Universal time is based on
(a) Rotation of the earth on its axis
(b) Earth's orbital motion around the earth
(c) Vibrations of cesium atom
(d) Oscillations of quartz crystal
54. The nuclear cross-section is measured in barn, it is equal to
(a) 10 20 m2 (b) 10 30 m2
(c) 10 28 m2 (d) 10 14 m2
55. Unit of moment of inertia in MKS system
(a) kg  cm2 (b) kg / cm2
(c) kg  m2 (d) Joule  m
56. Unit of stress is
(a) N / m (b) N  m
(c) N / m 2
(d) N  m2
57. Unit of Stefan's constant is
(a) J s 1 (b) J m 2 s 1K 4
(c) J m2 (d) J s
58. Unit of magnetic moment is
(a) Amperemetre2 (b) Amperemetre
(c) Webermetre 2 (c) Weber /metre
59. Curie is a unit of
(a) Energy of -rays (b) Half life
(c) Radioactivity (d) Intensity of -rays
60. Hertz is the unit for
(a) Frequency (b) Force
(c) Electric charge (d) Magnetic flux
61. One pico Farad is equal to
(a) 1024 F (b) 1018 F
(c) 1012 F (d) 106 F
62. In SI, Henry is the unit of
(a) Self inductance (b) Mutual inductance
(c) (a) and (b) both (d) None of the above
63. The unit of e.m. f . is
(a) Joule (b) Joule-Coulomb
(c) Volt–Coulomb (d) Joule/Coulomb
64. Which of the following is not the unit of time
(a) Micro second (b) Leap year
(c) Lunar months (d) Parallactic second
(e) Solar day
Units, Dimensions & Error Analysis
65. Unit of self inductance is
newton  sec ond joule  coloumb  sec ond
(a) (b)
coulomb  ampere ampere
volt  meter newton  meter
(c) (d)
coloumb ampere
66. To determine the Young's modulus of a wire, the formula is Y  : ; where L = length,
A L
A  area of cross-section of the wire, L  change in length of the wire when stretched with a
force F . The conversion factor to change it from CGS to MKS system is
(a) 1 (b) 10
(c) 0.1 (d) 0.01
67. Young's modulus of a material has the same units as
(a) Pressure (b) Strain
(c) Compressibility (d) Force
68. One yard in SI units is equal
(a) 1.9144 metre (b) 0.9144 metre
(c) 0.09144 kilometre (d) 1.0936 kilometre
69. Which of the following is smallest unit
(a) Millimetre (b) Angstrom
(c) Fermi (d) Metre
70. Which one of the following pairs of quantities and their units is a proper match
(a) Electric field – Coulomb / m
(b) Magnetic flux – Weber
(c) Power – Farad
(d) Capacitance – Henry
71. The units of modulus of rigidity are
(a) Nm (b) N/m
(c) Nm2 (d) N/m2
72. The unit of absolute permittivity is
(a) Fm (Farad-meter) (b) Fm 1 (Farad/meter)
(c) Fm 2 (Farad/ metre2 ) (d) F (Farad)
(e) None of these
73. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists

List-I List-II
I. Joule A. Henry  Amp/sec
II. Watt B. Farad  Volt
III. Volt C. Coulomb  Volt
IV. Coulomb D. Oersted  cm
E. Amp  Gauss
F. Amp2  Ohm
Units, Dimensions & Error Analysis
(a) I  A, II  F , III  E , IV  D
(b) I  C ,II  F , III  A, IV  B
(c) I  C ,II  F , III  A, IV  E
(d) I  B, II  F , III  A, IV  C
74. Which relation is wrong
(a) 1 Calorie = 4.18 Joules
(b) 1Å  1010 m
(c) 1 MeV  1.6  10 13 Joules
(d) 1 Newton  10 5 Dynes
75. If x  at  bt 2 , where x is the distance travelled by the body in kilometres while t is the time
in seconds, then the units of b are
(a) km/s (b) kms
(c) km/s 2 (d) kms 2
 a
76. The equation  P  2  (v  b) constant. The units of a are
 v 
(a) Dyne  cm5 (b) Dyne  cm4
(c) Dyne/cm 3 (d) Dyne / cm2
77. Which of the following quantity is expressed as force per unit area
(a) Work (b) Pressure
(c) Volume (d) Area
78. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the lists

List-I List-II
(a) Distance between earth and stars 1. Microns
(b) Inter-atomic distance in a solid 2. Angstroms
(c) Size of the nucleus 3. Light years
(d) Wavelength of infrared laser 4. Fermi
5. Kilometres
a b c d a b c d
(a) 5 4 2 1 (b) 3 2 4 1
(c) 5 2 4 3 (d) 3 4 1 2
79. Unit of impulse is
(a) Newton (b) kgm
(c) kgm/s (d) Joule
80. Which is not a unit of electric field
(a) NC 1 (b) Vm1
Units, Dimensions & Error Analysis
(c) JC 1 (d) JC 1m1
81. The correct value of 0o C on the Kelvin scale is
(a) 273.15K (b) 272.85K
(c) 273K (d) 273.2K
82. 'Torr' is the unit of
(a) Pressure (b) Volume
(c) Density (d) Flux
83. Which of the following is a derived unit
(a) Unit of mass (b) Unit of length
(c) Unit of time (d) Unit of volume
84. Dyne/cm2 is not a unit of
(a) Pressure (b) Stress
(c) Strain (d) Young's modulus
85. The units of angular momentum are
(a) kgm2 /s2 (b) Joules
(c) Joule/s (d) kgms2
86. Which of the following is not the unit of energy
(a) Calorie (b) Joule
(c) Electron volt (d) Watt
87. Which of the following is not a unit of time (a)Leap year (b) Micro second
(c) Lunar month (d) Light year
88. The S.I. unit of gravitational potential is
(a) J (b) J-kg 1
(c) J-kg (d) J-kg 2
89. Which one of the following is not a unit of young's modulus
(a) Nm1 (b) Nm2
(c) Dyne cm 2 (d)Mega Pascal
90. In C.G.S. system the magnitutde of the force is 100 dynes. In another system where the
fundamental physical quantities are kilogram, metre and minute, the magnitude of the force
(a) 0.036 (b) 0.36
(c) 3.6 (d) 36
91. The unit of L / R is (where L = inductance and R = resistance)
(a) sec (b) sec1
(c) Volt (d) Ampere
92. Which is different from others by units
(a) Phase difference (b) Mechanical equivalent
(c) Loudness of sound (d) Poisson's ratio
93. Length cannot be measured by
Units, Dimensions & Error Analysis
(a) Fermi (b) Debye
(c) Micron (d) Light year
94. The value of Planck's constant is
(a) 6.63  10 34 J-sec (b) 6.63  1034 J/sec
(c) 6.63  10 34 kg-m2 (d) 6.63  1034 kg/sec
95. A physical quantity is measured and its value is found to be nu where n  numerical value
and u  unit. Then which of the following relations is true
(a) n  u2 (b) n  u
(c) n  u (d) n 
96. Faraday is the unit of
(a) Charge (b) emf
(c) Mass (d) Energy
97. Candela is the unit of
(a) Electric intensity (b) Luminous intensity
(c) Sound intensity (d) None of these
98. The unit of reactance is
(a) Ohm (b) Volt
(c) Mho (d) Newton
99. The unit of Planck's constant is
(a) Joule (b) Joule/s
(c) Joule/m (d) Joule-s
100. Number of base SI units is
(a) 4 (b) 7
(c) 3 (d) 5
101. SI unit of permittivity is
(a) C 2m2N 1 (b) C 1m2N 2
(c) C 2 m2N 2 (d) C 2m2N 1
102. Which does not has the same unit as others
(a) Watt-sec (b) Kilowatt-hour
(c) eV (d) J-sec
103. Unit of surface tension is
(a) Nm1 (b) Nm2
(c) N2 m1 (d) Nm3
104. Which of the following system of units is not based on units of mass, length and time alone

(a) SI (b) MKS

(c) FPS (d) CGS
105. The unit of the coefficient of viscosity in S.I. system is
(a) m / kg-s (b) m-s/kg 2
Units, Dimensions & Error Analysis
(c) kg/m-s 2 (d) kg/m-s
106. The unit of Young’s modulus is
(a) Nm2 (b) Nm2
(c) Nm (d) Nm1
107. One femtometer is equivalent to
(a) 1015 m (b) 10 15 m
(c) 10 12 m (d) 1012 m

108. How many wavelength of Kr 86 are there in one metre

(a) 1553164.13 (b) 1650763.73
(c) 652189.63 (d) 2348123.73
109. Which of the following pairs is wrong
(a) Pressure-Baromter
(b) Relative density-Pyrometer
(c) Temperature-Thermometer
(d) Earthquake-Seismograph
1. c 26. b 51. b 76. b 100. b
2. b 27. d 52. b 77. b 101. d
3. d 28. d 53. c 78. b 102. d
4. c 29. d 54. c 79. c 103. a
5. c 30. b 55. c 80. c 104. a
6. d 31. a 56. c 81. a 105. d
7. c 32. b 57. b 82. a 106. b
8. d 33. a 58. a 83. d 107. b
9. c 34. b 59. c 84. c 108. b
10. c 35. a 60. a
85. b 109. b
11. a 36. b 61. c
86. d
12. c 37. a 62. c
87. d
13. c 38. b 63. d
88. b
14. b 39. b 64. d
89. a
15. d 40. b 65. b
41. d 66. c 90. c
16. d
42. c 67. a 91. a
17. c
18. a 43. c, b 68. b 92. d
19. b 44. c 69. c 93. b
20. d 45. b 70. b 94. a
21. d 46. a 71. d 95. d
22. a 47. c 72. b 96. a
23. a 48. c 73. b 97. b
24. b 49. a 74. d 98. a
25. d 50. a 75. c 99. d
Units, Dimensions and Measurement

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