Sayyid Abdul Ghoffar

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Jl. Prof Soedharto SH Tembalang Semarang


D3 Teknik Perkapalan

Mata kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : B
Hari/ Tanggal : Selasa, 7 April 2020
Waktu : 60 Menit

Nama / NIM : Sayyid Abdul Ghoffar/40040418060019

Dosen Pengampu : Dra. Wiwiek Sundari, M.Hum

A. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the prepositional phrases that come
before the verb. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

C 1. During the meeting in the office discussed the schedule.

C 2. The doctor gave the patient a prescription.

I 3. The tall evergreen trees along the road.

C 4. The watch in the jewelry box needs a new battery.

I 5. Pleasantly greets everyone in all the offices every morning.

I 6. In the office of the building across the street from the park on the corner.

C 7. The dishes in the sink really need to be washed as soon as possible.

I 8. In a moment of worry about the problem with the cash in the account.

C 9. The plane from New York circling the airport.

C 10. On a regular basis the plants in the boxes under the window in the kitchen are watered and fed.

B. Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.

1. Mark Twain _____ the years after the Civil 2. Early _____ toes instead of hooves on their
War the “Gilded Age”. feet.
a. called a. horses
b. calling b. had horses
c. he called c. horses had
d. his calls d. horses having

3. _____ grow close to the ground in the short 7. _____ radio as the first practical system of
Arctic summer. wireless telegraphy.
a. Above tundra plants a. Marconi’s development
b. Tundra plants b. The development by Marconi
c. Tundra plants are found c. Developing Marconi
d. For tundra plants d. Marconi developed

4. In 1867, _____ Alaska from the Russians for 8. In 1975, the first successful space probe to
$7.2 million. ____ beginning to send information back to
a. purchased the united states Earth.
b. to purchase the united states a. Venus
c. the united states purchase of b. Venus the
d. the united states purchased c. Venus was
d. Venus it was
5. Between 1725 and 1750, New England
witnessed an increase in the specialization of 9. The two biggest resort _____ Arkansas are
_____ . Hot Springs and Eureka Springs.
a. occupations a. in
b. occupies b. towns in
c. they occupied c. towns are
d. it occupied them d. towns are in

6. The large carotid artery _____ to the main 10. NASA’s Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
parts of the brain. ____ control center for the Mercury, Gemini,
a. carrying blood and Apollo space flights.
b. blood is carried a. it was at the
c. carries blood b. it was the
d. blood carries c. was the
d. the

C. Each of the following sentences contains one or more participles. Underline the subjects once and
the verbs twice. Circle the participles and label them as adjectives or verbs. Then indicate if the
sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

C 1. Our hosts are serving drinks on the tiled patio.

I 2. The tired woman taking a much-needed nap.

I 3. The letters were sent on Monday arrived on Wednesday.

C 4. The winners deserved the big prize.

I 5. The plants are growing in the garden need a lot of water.

I 6. The shining stars lit up the darkened sky.

C 7. The driver rapidly increased the speed of the racing car.

C 8. The excited children trying to build a snowman in the falling snow.

C 9. The students are completing the course will graduate in June.

C 10. The dissatisfied customer is returning the broken toaster to the store.

D. Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and
the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

C 1. The lawyer presented a strong case, but the client was still found guilty.

C 2. After the children read some stories before they went to bed.

I 3. The report needed to be completed, the workers stayed late every night for a week.

C 4. If you do not turn on the lights, you will trip in the dark.

C 5. A thick fog came rolling in, so planes unable to land.

C 6. All of the shoes are on sale until the current stock is gone.

C 7. The ship leaving the dock even though some passengers were not on board.

C 8. The outline must be turned in to the teacher a week before the paper is due, and must approve it.

I 9. Because the food was cold when it was served the dinners sent it back to the kitchen.

C 10. You should slow down while you are driving, or the police will pull your car over.


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