PEC700 REFLECTION Week 3 and 4

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You need to explain in details your WEEKLY ACTIVITIES in a form of
paragraph. Answer all following questions and use given template to write
your reflection report. Screenshot and attach any diagrams or pictures
related to the activities.


1. What was your group task(s)?

2. What was your task(s)? Explain.
3. What was the online IT tool that you used to complete the tasks? Explain the step by
step in details.
4. What was the problem or issue did you encounter during the activity and while using
the online IT tool?
5. How was the problem resolved? What was your effort?
6. How do you feel about the online IT tool after you have completed your tasks?
Elaborate and compare your experiences before.
7. What did you learn through the activity?

FULL NAME: Michael Francis


ACTIVITY: Logo design for Video Campaign

WEEK: 3 DATE & TIME: 24/09/19 9 a.m.

1. What was your group task(s)?

2. What was your task(s)? Explain.
3. What was the online IT tool that you used to complete the tasks? Explain the step by
step in details.
4. What was the problem or issue did you encounter during the activity and while using
the online IT tool?
5. How was the problem resolved? What was your effort?
6. How do you feel about the online IT tool after you have completed your tasks?
Elaborate and compare your experiences before.
7. What did you learn through the activity?

My group was tasked with designing a logo for our Video Campaign.My task was
to choose the colour of our logo.The online IT tool that I used to complete the
task was Canva.I logged in to I examined the current logo
design that my other group mates did.I decided to choose a green background
because it reflected mother nature and the planet earth.I selected the colour from
the Canva colour panel and applied it to the logo.The problem that I faced was
that the colour fo the background was the same as the colour of the logo
title.Therefore,the title could not be seen clearly.To solve this problem I made
sure that there was a contrast between the colour of the logo title and the
background.I feel that Canva is a great and user-friendly IT tool.Before I used it,I
assumed that it was too complex but after I used it,I was got used to the controls
easily.Through this activity,I learned that the colours of a logo title and it’s
background must be different so that the title can be seen clearly.

FULL NAME: Michael Francis


ACTIVITY: Creating Powtoon video to explain poster design

WEEK: 4 DATE & TIME: 01/10/19

1. What was your group task(s)?

2. What was your task(s)? Explain.
3. What was the online IT tool that you used to complete the tasks? Explain the step by
step in details.
4. What was the problem or issue did you encounter during the activity and while using
the online IT tool?
5. How was the problem resolved? What was your effort?
6. How do you feel about the online IT tool after you have completed your tasks?
Elaborate and compare your experiences before.
7. What did you learn through the activity?

My task was to create a video that will show and explain my poster design
process.The online IT tool that I used to complete my task was called
Powtoon.Powtoon is a website program that is used to make video
presentations.I first chose my slide background.Then added designs and visual
elements to the slide such as animations and pictures.I used slide transitions to
make interesting my powtoon video more interesting.The problem that I
encountered was the challenge making my video presentation as long as 1
minute plus.This is because the maximum length of the video presentation had to
be 1 minute.I solved this problem by removing some unnecessary slides from my
video presentation.I also made a few slides shorter and I summarized the text on
each slide.Before I used Powtoon,I felt it was too tedious and difficult to use.
.After I used Powtoon, I felt that it was a great IT tool to make video
presentations.By using Powtoon,I learned how to make an interesting and
informative video presentation that was short but of high quality.

FULL NAME: Michael Francis

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