Python Full Course PDF

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The document outlines a Python programming course that covers basic Python concepts like variables, data types, control flow and file operations. It then discusses more advanced topics like object oriented programming, databases, GUI tools, machine learning and distributed computing using Spark.

The Python course appears to cover basic Python programming concepts followed by topics like functions, exceptions, regular expressions, modules, classes and file operations. It also discusses databases, GUI tools, machine learning algorithms and projects.

The document mentions covering linear regression, decision trees, random forests, support vector machines, K-means clustering and deep learning using TensorFlow as part of the machine learning topics.

Python [Programming] (40)

Module 2 Day 5, 6, 7, 8
Module 1 Day 1, 2, 3, 4
Sequences and File Operations
Introduction to Python
Lists 5
Get an overview of Python 1
Tuples 5
List the Advantages/Disadvantages of Python 1
Indexing and Slicing 5
Start Python 1
Iterating through a sequence 5
Use the Interpreter 1
Functions for all sequences 5
Run a Python Script 1
Using enumerate() 5
Explore Python Editors and IDEs 1
Operators and keywords for sequences 6
Use Variables, Keywords, 1
The xrange()function 6
Basic IO, String formatting, 1
List comprehensions 6
Built-in Functions, 2
Generator expressions 6
Strings 2
Dictionaries and sets 6
Math operators and expressions 2
Working with files 7
Command line parameters 2
Modes of opening a file 7
Flow Control - conditional 3
File attributes 7
Flow Control - loops 3
File methods 7
Exam 4
Exam 8
Module 3 Day 9, 10, 11, 12 Module 4 Day 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

Deep Dive – Functions, Sorting, Exceptions, RE & Packages Basic Libraries & Object oriented programming in Python

Functions 9 The sys Module 13

Function Parameters: variable ; named; default; 9 Interpreter information 13

Global variables 9 STDIO 13

Variable scope and Returning Values 9 Launching external programs 13

Sorting, Alternate Keys 9 Paths 13

Lambda Functions 9 Directories and filenames 13

Sorting collections of collections 9 Walking directory trees 13

Sorting dictionaries 9 Math Function 14

Sorting lists in place 9 Random Numbers 14

Regular Expressions 9 Dates and Times 14

Errors and Exception Handling 10 Zipped Archives 14

Handling multiple exceptions 10 Introduction to Python Classes 15

The standard exception hierarchy using Modules 10 Defining Classes 15

The Import statement 11 Initializers 15

Module search path 11 Instance methods 15

Package installation ways - Module Aliases 11 Properties 15

Mini Project 11 Class methods and data 15

Exam 12 Static methods 15

Private methods and Inheritance 15

Mini Project 16

Exam 17
Module 5 Day 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

Database Interaction / SQL Module 7 Day 33, 34, 35

SQL 18 Socket Programming & Email

SQLite 3 19 Introduction to sockets 33

MySql / Postgre 20 Client-server architecture 33

Intro to NoSQL 20 Multithreading with sockets 34

MiniProject - Information System 21 Understanding SMTP 35

Exam 22 Sending email with sendmail() function 35

Sending email using Gmail 35

Email sending with attachment and MIME 35

Module 6 Day 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 Module 8 Day 36, 37, 38

GUI - Desktop , Web Debugging, Project skeletons, Testing

Desktop - QT / Tkinter 23 Debugging 36

HTML 24 Dealing with errors 36

CSS 25 Using unit tests 36

JAVASCRIPT 26 Project Skeleton 37

BOOTSTRAP 27 Required packages 37

JQUERY 28 Creating the Skeleton 37

Flask / Django 29 Project Directory 37

Web Api 30 Final Directory Structure 37

Mini Project: Information System 31 Introduction to Testing, Selenium 38

Exam 32

Module 9 Day 39, 40

Python Advanced [Data Science & Eng.(33)]
Module 3 Day 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
Module 1 Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Machine Learning using Python – Essentials
Statistics – Machine Learning Prerequisites
Introduction to Machine Learning 12
Data terminology 1
Areas of implementation of Machine learning 12
Types of data 1
Why Python 12
IPython notebook installation 1
Major classes of Learning Algorithms 12
Numerical measure 1
Supervised vs. Unsupervised learning 12
Visualization with Matplotlib 1
Inference models 12
Deviation and variance 2
Linear regression and mean squared error 13
Standard deviation 2
Multivariate regression 13
Covariance and correlation 2
Cross validation 13
Conditional probability , Bayes theorem 3
Regression Summary 13
Distribution/Probability functions 3
Introduction to Pandas 14
Installing Numpy 5
Creating Data frames 14
Numpy arrays and matrices 5
Grouping 14
Installing Scipy, Scipy Modules and stats 6
Sorting 14
Mini Project 7
Plotting Data 14
Exam 8
Creating functions 14

Converting different formats 14

Module 2 Day 9, 10, 11
Combining data from various formats 14
Web Scraping in Python and Project Work
Slicing/Dicing operations 14
Web scraping 9
Mini Project 15
Beautiful soup package 9
Exam 16
How to scrape webpages 10

Mini Project: A Real-world project on 11

Google finance and IMDB

Module 4 Day 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 Module 5 Day 22, 24, 25, 26, 27

Data Analysis and Machine Learning – Deep Dive Scalable Machine learning using Spark

Feature engineering 17 Apache Spark, Distributed Computing 22

Dealing with categorical data 17 Spark engine 22

Dealing with text data 17 Spark core API 22

Using encoders 17 Spark libraries 22

Count, TF-IDF Vectorizer 17 SparkContext and SparkConf 22

Bias/Variance tradeoff 17 Concepts - RDD, Shuffling and Persistence 22

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 18 RDD transformations and actions 22

KNN 18 Shared variables - Accumulators, Broadcasts 23

Decision Trees 18 Spark SQL and Dataframes 23

Random Forests 18 Spark MLlib 23

Ensemble Learning 18 Regression with PySpark 24

Averaging and boosting algorithms 19 Classification with PySpark 24

Random Forest classifier 19 Clustering with PySpark 24

Support Vector Machines 19 Mini Project 25

Support Vector Classifier 19 Exam 26

Accuracy measures - AUC, ROC, Confusion Matrix, 19

Log Loss

Clustering algorithms and accuracy measures 19 Module 6 Day 27, 28, 29

K-Means clustering 19 Intro to gaming : pygame 27

Silhouette coefficient 19 Mini Project 28, 29

Hierarchical clustering using Dendrogram 19

Density-based clustering using DBSCAN 19 Module 7 Day 30, 31, 32, 33

Deep Learning, Intro to tensorflow, caffe 19 Project

Mini Project 20

Exam 21

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