Placenta Development Lecture 2018 PDF
Placenta Development Lecture 2018 PDF
Placenta Development Lecture 2018 PDF
This lecture is an introduction to the
development and functions of the
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through this online lecture page, singularis (Dedication dated 1626).
have a look at the Medicine practical class, 7 pages the students work
through in 2 hours.
The placenta and placental blood at birth has recently been seen as a new
source for stem cells in bone marrow replacement therapy in many
diseases. The topic of stem cells will be covered later in this current course.
Lecture Objectives
Understanding of placental villi development
Understanding of placental structure
Understanding of placental functions
Brief understanding of placental abnormalities
Lecture Resources
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Histiotrophic - describes the intital transfer of nutrition from
maternal to embryo.
occurs before implantation and during early implantation mainly
from uterine glands.
Haemotrophic - describes the later blood-borne nutrition.
occurs in the embryonic and fetal period after placenta
Fetal Membranes
Villi Stages
Primary villi Secondary villi
Week 2 - first stage of Week 3 - second
chorionic villi stage of chorionic Tertiary villi
development, villi development,
trophoblastic shell cells extraembryonic Week 4 - third stage of chorionic
(syncitiotrophoblasts mesoderm grows villi development, mesenchyme
and cytotrophoblasts) into villi, covers differentiates into blood vessels
form finger-like entire surface of and cells, forms arteriocapillary
extensions into chorionic sac. network, fuse with placental
maternal decidua. vessels, developing in connecting
stalk. Basal region will form
chorionic plate.
Stage 14 - Ventral
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Stage 14 | Embryo Slides Slides
Villi Terms
Placenta at Birth
Placenta (Greek, plakuos = flat cake)
embryonic/maternal organ
villous chorion/decidua basalis
continuous with amniotic and chorionic sacks
Fetal Surface
- cord 1-2
diameter, Cotyledons Fetus in utero, between fifth and sixth
30-90cm - form months
long cobblestone
covered appearance,
with originally
amniotic placental
membrane septa
and formed
attached to grooves.
chorionic covered with
plate maternal
umbilical decidua
vessels basalis
branch into
CT term placental blood vessels showing branching pattern of placental
Placental Classification
Classification of placenta is on the
basis of histological (microscopic)
structural organization and layers
between fetal and maternal
circulation, giving 3 main groups:
Haemochorial - placenta
where the chorion comes in direct contact with maternal blood
Endotheliochorial - maternal endometrial blood vessels are bare to
their endothelium and these comes in contact with the chorion. (dogs,
Epitheliochorial - maternal epithelium of the uterus comes in
contact with the chorion.considered as primitive (pigs, cows)
The presence of these three differing types of placenta have also been used
to describe the pattern mammalian evolution. See also Placental Layers
Placental Types
Discoid in humans, mice,
insectivores, rabbits, rats, and
Zonary in dogs, cats, bears and
Cotyledenary in cows, deer,
goat, and giraffe.
Diffuse in horses, pigs, camels,
lemurs, opossums, kangaroos,
and whales
Links: Comparative
Chorionoic Villi Trimester Development
Placental Function
4 layers separate maternal and
fetal blood: syncitiotrophoblast,
cytotrophoblast, villi connective
tissue and fetal capillary
3 main functions: metabolism,
transport and endocrine
Placental Metabolism
Placental Transport
Placental Endocrine
Human chorionic
gonadotrophin (hCG) - like
leutenizing hormone, supports
corpus luteum
Human chorionic
somatommotropin (hCS) (or
placental lactogen) - hormone
level increases in maternal
blood through pregnancy,
decreases maternal insulin sensitivity (raising maternal blood glucose
levels and decreasing maternal glucose utilization) aiding fetal
nutrition ("anti-insulin" function)
Human chorionic thyrotropin (hCT) - Peptide placental hormone,
similar to anterior pituitary released thyroid stimulating hormone
(TSH), which along with human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is
thought to act on maternal thyroid. There is little recent research
published on this hormone, its level and activities.
Human chorionic corticotropin (hCACTH) - placental hormone
thought to have corticotropin (ACTH)-like activity, increasing
maternal cortisol levels.
Steroid Hormones
progestins - progesterone, support of the endometrium and
suppress uterine smooth muscle contractility.
estrogens - estriol, stimulate growth of the myometrium and
mammary gland development.
both hormones support maternal endometrium
Relaxin - Humans high levels early in pregnancy than at birth
promotes angiogenesis probably plays a role in development of the
uterus/ placenta than in the birth process
Fetal Placenta
Trophoblast cells are the major
source of placental hormones.
Maternal Placenta
Uterine and placental vasculature Placenta spiral artery conversion
Placental Abnormalities
Placenta Accreta - abnormal
adherence, with absence of
decidua basalis. The incidence
of placenta accreta also
significantly increases in
women with previous cesarean
section compared to those
without a prior surgical
Placenta Increta - occurs
when the placenta attaches deep into the uterine wall and penetrates
into the uterine muscle, but does not penetrate the uterine serosa.
Placenta increta accounts for approximately 15-17% of all cases.
Placenta Percreta - placental villi penetrate myometrium and
through to uterine serosa.
Placenta Previa - In this placenatal abnormality, the placenta
overlies internal os of uterus, essentially covering the birth canal. This
condition occurs in
approximately 1 in 200 to 250
pregnancies. In the third
trimester and at term,
abnormal bleeding can require
cesarian delivery and can also
lead to Abruptio Placenta.
Ultrasound screening programs
during 1st and early 2nd
trimester pregnancies now
include placental localization.
Diagnosis can also be made by Historic model of placenta previa
transvaginal ultrasound.
Vasa Previa - (vasa praevia)
placental abnormality where
the fetal vessels lie within the
membranes close too or
crossing the inner cervical os
(opening). This occurs normally
in 1:2500-5000 pregnancies
and leads to complications
similar too those for Placenta
Previa.Type II is defined as the
Hydatidiform mole pathology
condition where the fetal
vessels are found crossing over the internal os connecting either a
bilobed placenta or a succenturiate lobe with the main placental mass.
Some recent evidence of successful in utero laser ablation of type II
vasa previa at 22.5 weeks of gestation.
Abruptio Placenta - a retroplacental blood clot formation,
abnormal hemorrhage prior to delivery.
Chronic Intervillositis - (massive chronicintervillositis, chronic
histiocytic intervillositis) Rare placental abnormality and pathology
defined by inflammatory placental lesions, mainly in the intervillous
space (IVS), with a maternal infiltrate of mononuclear cells
(monocytes, lymphocytes, histiocytes) and intervillous fibrinoid
Placenta Abnormalities
Placenta abnormalities
Circumvallate placenta
Placental chorioangioma
Cord knotting - can also occur (1%) in most cases these knots have
no effect, in some cases of severe knotting this can prevents the
passage of placental blood.
Cord torsion - Rare event where even without knot formation can
also affect placental blood flow, even leading to fetal demise.
Placental Infections
Several infective agents may cross into the placenta from the maternal
circulation, as well as enter the embry/fetal circulation. The variety of
bacterial infections that can occur during pregnancy is as variable as
the potential developmental effects, from virtually insignificant to a
major developmental, abortive or fatal in outcome.
Pregnant women have an increased susceptibility to malaria infection.
Malarial infection of the placenta by sequestration of the infected red
blood cells leading to low birth weight and other effects. There are
four types of malaria caused by the protozoan parasite Plasmodium
falciparum (main), Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale,
Plasmodium malariae). This condition is common in regions where
malaria is endemic with women carrying their first pregnancy
Placental Pathology
External Links
External Links Notice - The dynamic nature of the internet may mean
that some of these listed links may no longer function. If the link no longer
works search the web with the link text or name. Links to any external
commercial sites are provided for information purposes only and
should never be considered an endorsement. UNSW Embryology is
provided as an educational resource with no clinical information or
commercial affiliation.
Comparative Placentation
University of Ottawa - Histology - Placenta
Virtual Microscopy Histology
Placenta Terms
Placenta Terms (expand to view) [Expand]