Why I Chose To Become A Teacher
Why I Chose To Become A Teacher
Why I Chose To Become A Teacher
By Mack S. Tribble
My choice to become a teacher was not made lightly. This decision
teachers individually and collectively have the ability to not only change the
world, but to improve it. Within the process of teaching, I hope to find both
with the hope of one day being counted among those in whom future teachers
find inspiration.
school and college that great teachers have skills that I wanted to learn. I
want to follow their examples. I remember that great teachers were good at
explaining content, were patient yet firm with students, were always fair, set
They were great communicators who had a command of their subject matter
will play a part in helping them to do that. I will have the privilege of shaping
future parents and productive members of society. For all of these reasons, I
ask myself, what better job could there be. My answer is none because
(India), psychology for adults, children, and adolescents, along with topics
that are important to both educators and parents (Raising Boys to be Men of
church. With the love I have for children, along with my education, and the
experience I have had in the classroom, I know that teaching is a career that I
opportunity to make a difference, to change the future. I have been told that
I am an idealist. I want the best for everyone. I will set high goals as a
teacher and do my best to show each and every student that these goals are
within their reach. I will expect every one of my students to want to learn
seats in the front row as if they were attending a concert, not elementary
school. I want to make my students wonder; make them question; make
them think critically; make them write; make them read, read, read.
excellent teacher goes the extra mile. They can take any individual and make
them believe, truly believe, that their hopes and dreams are within their
reach. An excellent teacher will not let a student walk away until every
may take. If the day ends and the student still has not understood the lesson
“How can I explain this concept to the student so that he or she can better
a challenge. There are too many educators that haven’t accepted this
forced to. Many times learning is not their top priority, but the teacher’s job
what the teacher is teaching. Since this is the case, a teacher must not only
know his or her content area, they must also be prepared to teach other
more valuable than knowledge itself. This is the reason I want to become a
teacher…. I want to inspire the children who will represent the future of our
great nation.