Electrical Quality Devies
Electrical Quality Devies
Electrical Quality Devies
power quality devices that every commercial plant must have installed (photo
credit: nicegrid.fr)
Many plants have some power quality solutions implemented, but how many
of them have done an in-depth analysis of their electrical system and the
actual need for power? The point is that power quality analysis is a smart
job, and it costs a lot.
However, the most important is that the size of power quality problems must
be defined by estimating the cost of disruptions caused to distribution
system equipment (utilities and consumers’ equipment) and the extent of its
sensitivity to power quality. Some plant equipment may be less sensitive to
disturbances, allowing it to ride through the disturbances.
For other equipment that are sensitive, a solution is needed, for example, by
installing power quality devices that suppress or counteract the
disturbances. A cost/benefit analysis of the different solutions is applied to
enable the distribution system planners to make a decision on the most cost-
effective solution.
The power quality devices are used to protect the electrical equipment or to
eliminate the source of disturbances or to mitigate the effect of disturbances.
The devices that are commonly used for this application include the
following: surge protection device, shielding, uninterruptible power supply,
dynamic voltage restorers, series capacitors, capacitor voltage
transformers, wiring and grounding, static var compensator, energy storage
system (ESS), backup generators, isolation transformers and filters.
Let’s see these five devices that can improve the power quality:
External surges are generated outside a facility and enter the facility through
utility wires. They result from fuse operation, power system switching and
1 – Surge protection device installation (on photo: Surge filter installed to protect the DC
charger to power up generators in Phlippines. Prosurge’s SPD is well-performed under such
high lightning exposure area; credit: Prosurge)
Surge protection devices protect the equipment against these surges by
limiting the amount of undesired surge energy that reaches the equipment.
The surge energy is diverted to a path rather than the equipment itself
(neutral or earth).
The surge protection devices is a nonlinear element acting as an isolating
switch in the normal conditions where its resistance is very high. When the
voltage increases and reaches a certain value called “clamping voltage”,
the surge protection device will change rapidly (in nanoseconds) from a very
high resistance mode to a very low resistance mode.
Then the majority of surge energy is directed through surge protection
device, and most of this energy is dissipated in its internal resistance (Figure
2 – Function of surge protection device
2. Backup generators
In large industries and for long-duration interruptions, backup generation is
essential to supply at least the critical loads. It is common to use diesel
generators set with rating sufficient for feeding these critical loads such as
emergency lighting system, electric lifts, industrial processes that cannot
withstand long interruption, hospitals and the like.
In many cases, the main LV busbar is sectionalized into two sections with a
bus coupler to increase the reliability. Each section is fed from a different
utility source (see Figure 4). The outgoing feeders of critical loads are
preferred to be connected to one of these two sections that is supplied by the
utility source in normal operation and backup generator in emergency
It is designed to generate sinusoidal voltage even when supplying nonlinear loads, that is,
During normal operation, the utility supplies power both to the load directly
bypassing the UPS unit and to the UPS to charge its batteries via the rectifier
circuit. In emergency operation, for instance an outage of utility power
source, the UPS supplies power to the load fast enough (few milliseconds) to
avoid any damage resulting from load interruption.
6 – Principles of half-bridge converter
UPSs are effective for digital electronics-based loads, such as computer
systems and PLCs where the loss of data is avoided. On the other hand,
they have deficiencies where the transfer switch and rectifier are exposed to
line disturbances in normal operating conditions. In an emergency, the
operation time of UPS is limited by the capacity of batteries.
The design of UPSs and, generally, ESS depends on the required mode of
operation. Three modes of operation are considered: standby (offline), online
and line interactive. (Learn more about UPS devices )
The standby mode of operation means that the ESS operates only during the
interruption time, while it operates full time in the case of online mode of
operation. Line-interactive mode of operation includes both of these two
4. Isolation transformer
They are generally composed of two separate windings with a magnetic
shield between these windings to offer noise control. The noise can be
transported to the electric device by electromagnetic coupling (EMC) in two
basic ways: a differential mode noise and a common mode noise (see Figure
The isolation transformer is connected between the power source and the
electric device. Therefore, it carries the full load current and thus must be
suitably sized.
The main benefit offered by isolation transformers is the isolation between two circuits by
converting electrical energy to magnetic energy and back to electrical energy, thus
Figure 8 – Isolation
transformer differential and common-mode noises
If these transients are differential mode, then the isolation transformer will
effectively pass these transients with little or no attenuation.
The common type used for regulating the voltage is a motor-driven variable-
ratio autotransformer. A motor is used to change the location of a slider on
transformer winding, providing a change of transformer ratio to increase or
decrease the voltage levels (see Figure 11).
The response time is slow, which may be inadequate for some loads and
may not correct large short-term voltage variations.
1. Electric distribution systems by ABDELHAY A. SALLAM and OM P.
2. Protection against lightning effects by Legrand