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4 Common Types Of Tests Teachers Give

(And Why)
Amy Reilly is a proud mom of three, former teacher, and an
assessment expert at Pearson. She specializes in finding
new ways to measure what students know and can do –
and translating that data into actionable and interpretable
information for students, parents, and teachers.
As a former teacher and self-proclaimed assessment nerd,
the word “testing” can raise my heart rate.
It immediately brings to mind passing or failing, when what
we’re really trying to do as educators is learn—learn what
students know so we can celebrate that while also learning
where they need extra support.

While some tests are, in fact, pass/fail, many others provide

various types of results based on their purpose or goal.
Regardless of their objective, all tests are measurement
As parents, when we hear the word “testing,” we think to
ourselves this is that time of year when under no
circumstances can I allow my child to not get a good night’s
sleep and a healthy breakfast.
The pressure is real; I feel it with my own kids.
We often imagine testing to be what happens at the end of
the year when students are faced with bubble sheets and
forced to sit quietly until their class finishes.
But in reality, measuring students occurs throughout the
year, both formally and informally, for different purposes,
audiences, and uses of the information they provide.
As parents, it is helpful to understand these different types
of assessments as we engage in discussions with both our
children and their teachers.
This is particularly true when trying to make decisions on
how to best support our children in their learning, which can
be challenging when the assessments may vary in terms of
the scores they provide, their timing, and their relevance.

Different Types Of Measurement

There are four common types of testing in schools today—
diagnostic, formative, benchmark (or interim), and
They all serve distinct purposes and should work together
in order to make up a comprehensive or balanced
assessment program.
1. Diagnostic Testing

This testing is used to “diagnose” what skills a student has

demonstrated proficiency on. Diagnostic testing often
measures for student misconceptions or where students are
in stages along a progression, such as by grade level, of
concepts, or skills. For example, diagnostic reading
assessments can measure what grade level students are
fluent at reading, or based on their comprehension of the
Teachers use diagnostic testing information to guide what
and how they teach. They’ll spend more time teaching skills
students struggled with most on the diagnostic test.
Diagnostic assessments can be a very helpful tool for
parents. The feedback my kids receive on these tests lets
me know the specific areas where they  may need extra
help at home.
2. Formative Assessments

Formative assessment is often viewed as more of a natural

part of the teaching and learning process. It can include
strategies such as observations, having students read out
loud, and asking students questions in class, as well as the
use of different types of tools, like digital games.
This type of testing is used to gauge student learning during
the lesson. Often, teachers are evaluating student learning
without even knowing it. It is informal and low-stakes,
meaning that the kind of decisions that are made from
these types of assessments should be limited to informing
and adjusting instructional practices, such as reteaching a
lesson or grouping students for extra help. They are
designed to give students the opportunity to demonstrate
they understand the material.
Schools normally do not send home formal reports on
formative testing, but it is an important part of the teaching
and learning process. If you help your children with their
homework, you are likely using a version of formative
testing as you work together.
3. Benchmark or Interim Testing

This testing is used throughout the school year often to

check whether students have mastered a unit of instruction.
There are other types of benchmark assessments that
mirror the state summative test as a way to view progress
and see if students are on track.
When designed for this particular use, benchmark or interim
tests may even provide a predictor of how students may
perform on the end of year summative test.  These tests are
typically longer than formative assessments and are often
used for a grade.
Unlike diagnostic testing, students are expected to have
mastered material on benchmark tests. Parents will often
receive feedback from these tests, which is important to me
as a parent, as it gives me insight into which concepts my
kids did not master. If I want to further review a concept
with them, I can find lessons, videos, or games online, or
ask their teachers for resources.
4. Summative Assessments

Summative assessments are used as a checkpoint at the

end of the year or course to assess how much content
students learned overall.
These tests are given to all students in a classroom, school,
or state, so everyone has an equal opportunity to
demonstrate what they know. Students demonstrate their
ability to perform at the level prescribed as the proficiency
standard for the test. Results are often aggregated to also
understand school and district performance for the purpose
of accountability.
In my opinion, the most important function of summative
assessments is student equity. It’s our way of making sure
that populations of students are not being left behind. In
order to do so, we need to evaluate not just the total
population of students but a breakdown by subgroup so we
can identify any potential underserved populations of
students and put interventions in place for their success.
Since summative tests cover the full range of concepts for a
given grade level, they are not able to assess any one
concept deeply. As a parent, I consider summative testing a
confirmation of what I should already know about my sons’
performance. I don’t expect to be surprised by the results,
given the feedback I have received from diagnostic,
formative, and benchmark testing.

Combining Test Results

We need a balance of the four different types of testing in
order to gain a holistic view of our children’s academic
performance. What testing offers me, as a parent, is an
understanding of how my children are doing academically.
Test results are a way for me to have eyes on my kids’
classrooms even though I am not there. This information
guides what we focus on when we do homework at the
kitchen table.
Understanding the different types of testing, the kinds of
results they provide, and how they complement one another
can help parents help their children learn.
Hopefully, the next time parents hear the word “testing,”
they won’t just think of summative testing. Instead, they’ll
think of all four types and the value of each in realizing a
richer, more thorough understanding of their child’s

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