Blackbook Project On Research On Credit Risk Management PDF
Blackbook Project On Research On Credit Risk Management PDF
Blackbook Project On Research On Credit Risk Management PDF
Credit Risk Management
The data collection i.e. the raw material input for the project has been
collected keeping in mind the objectives of the project and accordingly
relevant information has been found. The methodology used is a descriptive
method of the Research. Following are the sources:
The data had been collected by reading various books on Credit Risk
Management, Bank Quest, Bank Weekly and relevant Websites (refer
The data regarding the banks introduction and history was collected
from their official websites on the recommendations of the persons
Credit Risk Management
interviewed. Also some part of the data was collected by referring to the RBI
Bulletin, Bank Booklets, and Newsletter.
The Sampling Method was used to collect the data about the
current practices followed by the private banks in India as far as credit risk
management goes.
Only Private Banks have been taken because the purpose of this
project was to understand the in-depth knowledge on Private Banks practicing
Credit risk management.
Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
The challenge for financial institutions is to turn credit risk into an opportunity.
While banks attention has returned to credit risk, the nature of credit risk has changed
over the period.
Credit risk must be managed at both the individual and the portfolio levels and
that too both for retail and corporate. Managing credit risks requires specific
knowledge of the counterparty’s (borrowers) business and financial condition. While
there are already numerous methods and tools for evaluating individual, direct credit
transactions, comparable innovations for managing portfolio credit risk are only just
becoming available.
Likewise much of traditional credit risk management is passive. Such activity
has included transaction limits determined by the customer's credit rating, the
transaction's tenor, and the overall exposure level. Now there are more active
management techniques.
Mostly all banks today practice credit risk management. They understand the
importance of credit risk management and think of it as a ladder to growth by
reducing their NPA’s. Moreover they are now using it as a tool to succeed over their
competition because credit risk management practices reduce risk and improve return
Credit Risk Management
Any activity involves risk, touching all spheres of life, whether it is personal
or business. Any business situation involves risk. To sustain its operations, a business
has to earn revenue/profit and thus has to be involved in activities whose outcome
may be predictable or unpredictable. There may be an adverse outcome, affecting its
revenue, profit and/or capital. However, the dictum “No Risk, No Gain” hold good
The word RISK is derived from the Italian word Risicare meaning “to dare”.
There is no universally acceptable definition of risk. Prof. John Geiger has defined it
as “an expression of the danger that the effective future outcome will deviate from the
expected or planned outcome in a negative way”. The Basel Committee has defined
risk as “the probability of the unexpected happening – the probability of suffering a
The four letters comprising of the word RISK define its features.
R = Rare (unexpected)
I = Incident (outcome)
S = Selection (identification)
K = Knocking (measuring, monitoring, controlling)
Credit Risk Management
The risk profile of an organization and in this case banks may be reviewed from the
following angles:
A. Business risks:
I. Capital risk
II. Credit risk
III. Market risk
IV. Liquidity risk
V. Business strategy and environment risk
VI. Operational risk
VII. Group risk
B. Control risks:
I. Internal Controls
II. Organization
III. Management (including corporate governance)
IV. Compliance
Credit Risk Management
Both these types of risk, however, are linked to the three omnibus risk categories
listed below:
1. Credit risk
2. Market risk
3. Organizational risk
Fixing a boundary within which the organization/bank will move in the matter
of risk-prone activities.
The functional authorities must limit themselves to the defined risk boundary
while achieving banks objectives.
There should be a balance between the bank’s risk philosophy and its risk
Credit Risk Management
The Concern over risk management arose from the following developments:
In February 1995, the Barings Bank episode shook the markets and brought
about the downfall of the oldest merchant bank in the UK. Inadequate
regulation and the poor systems and practices of the bank were responsible for
the disaster. All components of risk management – market risk, credit risk and
operational risk – were thrown overboard.
Shortly thereafter, in July 1997, there was the Asian financial crisis, brought
about again by the poor risk management systems in banks/financial
institutions coupled with perfunctory supervision by the regulatory authorities,
such practices could have severely damaged the monetary system of the
various countries involved and had international ramifications.
Credit Risk Management
Ideally, the risk management system in any organization/bank must codify its
risk philosophy and risk appetite in each functionally area of its business.
Risk philosophy: It involves developing and maintaining a healthy portfolio within
the boundary set by the legal and regulatory framework.
Risk appetite: Is governed by the objective of maximizing earnings within the
contours of risk perception.
Risk philosophy and risk appetite must go hand-in-hand to ensure that the bank has
strength and vitality.
Close involvement at the top level not only at the policy formulation stage but
also during the entire process of implementation and regular monitoring.
Credit Risk Management
In the terminology of finance, the term credit has an omnibus connotation. It not
only includes all types of loans and advances (known as funded facilities) but also
contingent items like letter of credit, guarantees and derivatives (also known as non-
funded/non-credit facilities). Investment in securities is also treated as credit
Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
A `back testing’ process-where the quality and accuracy of the actual risk
measurement is compared with the results generated by the model and
corrective actions taken-must be installed.
There should be periodical reviews- preferably on semi annual basis- of the
risk mitigating tools for each risk segment. Improvements must be initiated
where necessary in the light of experience gained.
There should be a contingent planning system to handle crises situations that
elude planned safety nets.
While identifying risks, the following points have to be kept in mind:
• All types of risks (existing and potential) must be identified and their likely
effect in the short run be understood.
• The magnitude of each risk segment may vary from bank to bank.
• The geographical area covered by the bank may determine the coverage of its
risk content. A bank that has international operations may experience different
Credit Risk Management
MEASUREMENT means weighing the contents and/or value, intensity,
magnitude of any object against a yardstick. In risk measurement it is necessary to
establish clear ways of evaluating various risk categories, without which
identification would not serve any purpose. Using quantitative techniques in a
qualitative framework will facilitate the following objectives:
• Finding out and understanding the exact degree of risk elements in
each category in the operational environment.
• Directing the efforts of the bank to mitigate the risks according to the
vulnerability of a particular risk factor.
• Taking appropriate initiatives in planning the organization’s future
thrust areas and line of business and capital allocation. The
systems/techniques used to measure risk depend upon the nature and
complexity of a risk factor. While a very simple qualitative assessment may
be sufficient in some cases, sophisticated methodological/statistical may be
necessary in others for a quantitative value.
Keeping close track of risk identification measurement activities in the light
of the risk, principles and policies is a core function in a risk management system. For
the success of the system, it is essential that the operating wings perform their
activities within the broad contours of the organizations risk perception. Risk
monitoring activity should ensure the following:
• Each operating segment has clear lines of authority and responsibility.
• Whenever the organizations principles and policies are breached, even if
they may be to its advantage, must be analyzed and reported, to the
concerned authorities to aid in policy making.
Credit Risk Management
There must be appropriate mechanism to regulate or guide the operation
of the risk management system in the entire bank through a set of control
devices. These can be achieved through a host of management processes such
• Assessing risk profile techniques regularly to examine how far they are
effective in mitigating risk factors in the bank.
• Analyzing internal and external audit feedback from the risk angle and
using it to activate control mechanisms.
• Segregating risk areas of major concern from other relatively
insignificant areas and exercising more control over them.
• Putting in place a well drawn-out-risk-focused audit system to provide
inputs on restraint for operating personnel so that they do not take
needless risks for short-term interests.
Credit Risk Management
The international regulatory bodies felt that a clear and well laid risk
management system is the first prerequisite in ensuring the safety and stability
of the system. The following are the goals of credit risk management of any
bank/financial organization:
• Maintaining risk-return discipline by keeping risk exposure within
acceptable parameters.
• Fixing proper exposure limits keeping in view the risk philosophy and
risk appetite of the organization.
• Handling credit risk both on an “entire portfolio” basis and on an
“individual credit or transaction” basis.
• Maintaining an appropriate balance between credit risk and other risks –
like market risk, operational risk, etc.
• Placing equal emphasis on “banking book credit risk” (for example,
loans and advances on the banks balance sheet/books), “trading book
risk” (securities/bonds) and “off-balance sheet risk” (derivatives,
guarantees, L/Cs, etc.)
• Impartial and value-added control input from credit risk management to
protect capital.
• Providing a timely response to business requirements efficiently.
• Maintaining consistent quality and efficient credit process.
• Creating and maintaining a respectable and credit risk management
culture to ensure quality credit portfolio.
• Keeping “consistency and transparency “as the watchwords in credit
risk management.
Credit Risk Management
also not be in a position to deploy all its lendable funds, since obviously
takers for loans will be very and occasional.
Credit Risk Management
• In the case of cross – border obligations, any default arising from the flow
of foreign exchange and /or due to restrictions imposed on remittances out
of the country.
Any kind of concentration has its limitations. The cardinal principle is
that all eggs must not be put in the same basket. Concentrating credit on any one
obligor /group or type of industry /trade can pose a threat to the lenders well
being. In the case of banking, the extent of concentration is to be judged
according to the following criteria:
• The institution’s capital base (paid-up capital+reserves & surplus, etc).
• The institutions total tangible assets.
• The institutions prevailing risk level.
Credit Risk Management
A strong appraisal system and pre- sanction care are basic requisites in the
credit delivery system. This again needs to be supplemented by an appropriate and
prompt post-disbursement supervision and follow-up system. The history of finance
is replete with cases of default due to ineffective credit granting and/or monitoring
systems and practices in an organization, however effective, need to be subjected to
improvement from time to time in the light of developments in the marketplace.
Credit Risk Management
and lesser collateral. The organization on the other hand may have a limited credit
risk appetite and like to reap the maximum benefits with lesser credit and of a shorter
duration. An articulate balancing of this conflict reflects the strength and soundness
of risk management practices of the bank.
Credit Risk Management
• Implementation of Credit Risk Policy.
• Monitoring credit risk on the basis of the risk limits fixed by the
board and ensuring compliance on an ongoing basis.
• Seeking the board’s approval for standards for entertaining
credit/investment proposals and fixing benchmarks and financial
• Micro-management of credit exposures, for example, risks
concentration/diversification, pricing, collaterals, portfolio review,
provisional/compliance aspects, etc.
Besides setting up macro-level functionaries on a committee basis each bank
is required to put in place a Credit Risk Management Department (CRMD),
whose functions have been prescribed by the RBI.
• Measuring, controlling and managing credit risk on a bank –
wide basis within the limits set by the board/CRMC.
Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
1. Through the cycle: In this method of credit rating, the condition of the
obligor and/or position of exposure are assessed assuming the “worst
point in business cycle”. There may be a strong element of subjectivity
on the evaluator’s part while grading a particular case. It is also
difficult to implement the method when the number of
borrowers/exposures is large and varied.
2. Point-in-time: A rating scheme based on the current condition of the
borrower/exposure. The inputs for this method are provided by
financial statements, current market position of the trade / business,
corporate governance, overall management expertise, etc. In India
banks usually adopt the point-in-time method because:
Credit Risk Management
The main aim of the credit rating system is the measurement or quantification
of credit risk so as to specifically identify the probability of default (PD), exposure at
default (EAD) and loss given default (LGD).Hence it needs a tool to implement the
credit rating method (generally the point in time method).The agency also needs to
design appropriate measures for various grades of credit at an individual level or at a
portfolio level. These grades may generally be any of the following forms:
1. Alphabet: AAA, AA, BBB, etc.
2. Number: I, II, III, IV, etc.
The fundamental reasons for various grades are as follows:
• Signaling default risks of an exposure.
• Facilitating comparison of risks to aid decision making.
• Compliance with regulatory of asset classification based on risk
• Providing a flexible means to ultimately measure the credit risk of an
Scores are mere numbers allotted for each quantitative and qualitative
parameter---out of the maximum allowable for each parameter as may be fixed by an
organization ---of an exposure. The issue of identification of specific parameters, its
overall marks and finally relating aggregate marks (for all quantitative and qualitative
Credit Risk Management
A basic requirement in risk grading is that it should reflect a clear and fine
distinction between credit grades covering default risks and safe risks in the short
run. While there is no ideal number of grades that would facilitate achieving this
objective, it is expected that more granularity may serve the following purposes:
• Objective analysis of portfolio risk.
• Appropriate pricing of various risk grade borrower’s, with a focus on low-
risk borrowers in terms of lower pricing.
• Allocation of risk capital for high risk graded exposures.
• Achieving accuracy and consistency.
Credit Risk Management
Generally speaking credit rating is done for any type of exposure irrespective
of the nature of an obligor’s activity, status (government or non-government) etc.
Broadly, however, credit rating done on the following types of exposures.
• Wholesale exposure: Exposed to the commercial and institutional
• Retail exposure: Consumer lending, like housing finance, car finance, etc.
The parameters for rating the risks of wholesale and retail exposures are
different. Here are some of them:
• In the wholesale sector, repayment is expected from the business for which
the finance is being extended. But in the case of the retail sector, repayment is
done from the monthly/periodical income of an individual from his salary/
• In the wholesale sector, apart from assets financed from bank funds, other
business assets/personal assets of the owner may be available as security. In
case of retail exposure, the assets that are financed generally constitute the
sole security.
• Since wholesale exposure is for business purposes, enhancement lasts
(especially for working capital finance) as long as the business operates. In the
retail sector, however, exposure is limited to appoint of time agreed to at the
time of disbursement.
• “Unit” exposure in the retail category is quite small generally compared to
that of wholesale exposure.
• The frequency of credit rating in the case of wholesale exposure is generally
annual, except in cases where more frequent ( say half yearly ) rating is
warranted due to certain specific reasons ( for example, declining trend of
asset quality. However retail credit may be subjected to a lower frequency
Credit Risk Management
(say once in two years) of rating as long as exposure continues to be under the
standard asset category.
A. Wholesale exposure:
For wholesale exposures, which are generally meant for the business
activities of the obligor, the following parameters are usually important:
Quantitative factors as on the last date of borrower’s accounting year:
1. Growth in sales/main income.
2. Growth in operating profit and net profit.
3. Return on capital employed.
4. Total debt-equity ratio.
5. Current ratio.
6. Level of contingent liabilities.
7. Speed of debt collection.
8. Holding period of inventories/finished goods.
9. Speed of payment to trade creditors.
10. Debt-service coverage ratio (DSCR).
11. Cash flow DSCR.
12. Stress test ratio (variance of cash flow/DSCR compared with the
preceding year).
Credit Risk Management
B. Retail Exposure:
In undertaking credit rating for retail exposures----which consists
mainly of lending for consumer durables and housing finance, or any other form
of need based financial requirement of individuals/groups in the form of
educational loans—the two vital issues need to be addressed:
1. Borrower’s ability to service the loan.
2. Borrower’s willingness at any point of time to service the loan and / or
comply with the lenders requirement.
The parameters for rating retail exposures are an admixture of
quantitative and qualitative factors. In both situations, the evaluator’s objectivity
in assessment is considered crucial for judging the quality of exposure. The
parameters may be grouped into four categories:
a. Age: Economic life, productive years of life.
Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
Credit audit must cover not only funded credit/loans --------including accounts
receivable------but also the investment portfolio, of both government and corporate
securities. It should also cover non-funded commitments (letter of credit, guarantees,
bid bonds, etc).individual account verification should be followed up by portfolio
verification (for example, loan/credit portfolio on the whole, sectoral position, etc.)
Credit Risk Management
The scope and coverage of such an audit depends on the size and complexity
of operations of an organization and past trends (say a period of three-five years)
reflected in the individual / portfolio quality of accounts.
Although the basic element of both credit audit and accounts audit is
verification/examination, the following points of distinction between the two are
1. Concerned with loan /investment assets of an Concerned with all types of assets and liabilities
organization like a bank. of an organization.
2. This is not a statutory requirement even for a It is a statutory requirement (at least once a year)
limited company (private/public). for all types of limited companies (no statutory
requirement for others).
3. The scope of credit audit (otherwise known as The scope of accounts audit covers all assets
loan review mechanism) is restricted to /liabilities without any restrictions, but within the
compliance with respect to sanction framework of the Accounting Standards of the
(loan/investment) and post-sanction Institute of Chartered Accountants.
processes/procedures as may exist in a bank.
4. modality/periodicity may be decided by the Modality of audit rests with the auditor
financing institution subject to the regulatory concerned, who has to follow accepted financial
guidelines of the RBI. practices/standards. For a limited company
(public / private), an audit once a year is a must.
5. The audit may be undertaken in-house by an Audit of limited companies (private/public) can
organization, and the auditor need not be a be undertaken only by qualified chartered
qualified chartered account. accountants.
Credit Risk Management
6. Credit auditor is not required to visit If need be, an auditor may not only verify the
borrower’s factory/office, but frames his opinion books of accounts, he may also physically
only on the basis of records. inspect factory/place of storage of assets.
Credit Risk Management
Monitoring: The credit audit process ensures that the bank/financial institution
concerned follows necessary monitoring measures so that the asset quality
(loan/investment)remains at an acceptable level, and in cases of signs of deterioration,
necessary rectification measures are initiated. Monitoring is an ongoing mechanism
and in reality a safety valve for a bank/financial institution.
Therefore, a credit audit is complementary to the entire credit risk management
Credit Risk Management
audit process. A random selection of 5-10%may be made from the rest of the
6) Credit audit is an ongoing process. However, for individual accounts, the
frequency depends upon the quality of the accounts. The audit may even be on a
quarterly basis in the case of high-risk accounts.
7) Large banks/financial institutions usually prefer to cover credit audit with a cut-off
size (say, individual exposures of Rs 3-5 crores and over)on a half-yearly basis
through their in-house officials.
Credit Risk Management
-To analyze credit audit findings and advise the departments/functionaries concerned.
-To follow up with the controlling machines.
-To apprise the top management.
-To process the responses received and arrange for the closure of the relative credit
audit reports.
-To maintain a database of advances subjected to credit audit.
Scope and coverage:
The focus of credit audit needs to be broadened from the account level to kook
at the overall portfolio and the credit process being followed. The important areas are:
Portfolio review: Examining the quality of credit and investment (quasi-control)
portfolio and suggesting measures for improvement, including the reduction of
concentrations in certain sectors to levels indicated in the loan policy and prudential
limits suggested by the RBI.
Loan review: Review of the sanction process and status of post-sanction
process/procedures (not just restricted to large accounts). These include:
-All proposals and proposals for renewal of limits (within three-six months from the
date of sanction).
-All existing accounts with sanction limits equal to or above a cut-off point,
depending upon the size of activity.
-Randomly selected (say 5-10%) proposals from the rest of the portfolio.
-Accounts of sister concerns/groups/associate concerns of the above accounts, even if
the limit is less than the cut-off point.
Action points for review:
-Verifying compliance with the bank’s policies and regulatory compliance with
regard to sanction.
-Examining the adequacy of documentation.
-Conducting the credit risk assessment.
-Examining the conduct of account and follow-up looked at by line functionaries.
-Overseeing action taken by line functionaries on serious irregularities.
-Detecting early warning signals and suggesting remedial measures.
Frequency of review:
Credit Risk Management
The frequency of review varies depending on the magnitude of risk (say, three
months for high risk accounts, and six months for average risk accounts, one year for
low-risk accounts).
-Feedback on general regulatory compliance.
-Examining adequacy of policies, procedures and practices.
-Reviewing the credit risk assessment methodology.
-Examining the reporting system and exceptions to them.
-Recommending corrective action for credit administration and credit skills of staff.
-Forecasting likely happenings in the near future.
Here’s a model report for the credit audit for bank credit/loan accounts. The format
may be modified to meet organization-specific requirements.
Credit Risk Management
-Comments on industry
averages for inventory,
receiveables,creditors etc.
taken into account:
Credit Risk Management
-Comments on financial
performance of the party vis-
a-vis estimates and industry
position,if available:
-Security documentation:
-Date of document:
Credit Risk Management
-Interest serviced up to
-Submission of return/state-
ment by the party: Stock
statement/statement of book-
debts submitted up to (month/
-Collateral securities:
- Physical inspection
of securities:
- Whether pre-sanction
inspection carried out
and found in order.
Credit Risk Management
-Whether post-disbursement
inspection is regularly carried
out and found in order:
A credit risk model is a quantitative study of credit risk, covering both good
borrowers and bad borrowers. A risk model is a mathematical model containing the
loan applicants’ characteristics either to calculate a score representing the applicant’s
probability of default or to sort borrowers into different default classes. A model is
considered effective if a suitable ‘validation’ process is also built in with adequate
power and calibration. As a matter of fact, a model without the necessary and
appropriate validation is only a hypothesis.
Banks may derive the following benefits if they install an appropriate credit
risk model:
• It will enable them to compute the present value of a loan asset of fixed
income security, taking into account the organizations past experience and
assessment of future scenario.
• It facilitates the measurement of credit risk in quantitative terms, especially in
cases where promised cash flows may not materialize.
Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
core of credit rating exercise. as tools for analysis over the long
• Facilitates grading exposures to • Facilitates computation of
an ideal range of 8-9 grades ‘exposure of default’, ‘probability
comprising both of good and bad of default’, loss given default’
exposures. towards risk capital requirement.
Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
The attributes of correlation and volatility in portfolio management
facilitate diversification of credit risks. But often in the process a paradox
emerges; whether to expand a particular portfolio with a higher order of risk but
with lower transaction costs and / or higher spreads or could be content with low
risk and low earning exposures. Furthermore, increasing exposure to the same
party/ group that is know to an organization for a long time and provides a good
source of income may apparently be in its interests but may lead to concentration
of risks. This in turn may lead to unexpected losses. This kind of situation is
Credit Risk Management
1. Group exposure ceilings: The RBI has prescribed that banks/financial institutions
limit their exposures----both funded and non-funded -------- to a certain portion of
their capital fund. This is applicable for both single exposure and group exposure.
From the viewpoint of portfolio exposure control, the prevailing guideline suggests
that a bank must place a ceiling on group exposure (beyond which no group exposure
can be taken up without RBI’s approval). The ceilings are:
• Single exposure: ceiling of 15% of the banks capital fund (additional 5% in
case of infrastructure exposure).
• Group exposure: ceiling of 40% of the bank’s capital fund (additional 5% for
infrastructure exposure).
This technique aims at portfolio control, at both the individual and group
(i.e. borrowers interlinked through shareholding, commonality of management, etc.)
levels. As a result of correlating the overall single/group exposure ceiling with its
capital fund, a bank ensures -----from the credit risk angle-----that its own stake in an
unexpected situation does not go out of gear.
This mechanism may be treated as ‘risk limits’.
Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
The activity involves low capital expenditure and the requirement of technical
knowledge and expertise is fairly small.
Depending on the end process, the production process may be of the
following types:
• Primary processing.
• Secondary processing.
• Tertiary processing.
Primary processing covers cleaning, powdering and refining
agricultural produce. Secondary processing is a value-addition process such as
making tomato puree, processing meat products, etc. Tertiary processing on the other
hand covers food items that have gone through the tertiary process and are ready for
consumption at the point of sale, like bakery products, jams, sauces, etc.
Credit Risk Management
• Fragmented, with various small units as against the global situation of massive
scales of operation.
• High levels of wastage.
• Low farm yield mainly due to the lack of modernization of agricultural
• High employment potential(it is estimated that an investment of Rs 100 crores
creates around 54,000 jobs as compared to 25,000 in a mass consumption item
like paper).
• Inadequate infrastructure. The food processing industry deals in items that are
very perishable. Lack of dependable storage and transportation facilities
hinders its growth.
• Laws/directives on prevention of food adulteration are not sufficiently
Hindustan Lever Limited Ice creams, packaged wheat flour, salt, tea,
bread, oils, fats and diary products.
Credit Risk Management
Processed food accounts for around 25% of our country’s total agro exports.
Fruits, spices, vegetables, rice and various animal products are the main items
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Credit Risk Management
According to RBI, the following are the main reasons for non payment by
b) Diversion of funds towards expansion, diversification, modification, new
project and in some cases providing funds to associates/sister concerns
with/without any interest.
c) Time/cost overruns of projects.
d) Business failure (product, marketing, etc).
e) Strained labor relations.
f) Inappropriate technology/recurrent technical problems.
Credit Risk Management
a) Recession.
b) Non-payment by borrower’s customers ------both abroad and local.
c) Inputs/power shortage.
d) Price escalation (especially borrower’s product without the ability to pass on
full quantum of increase to their buyers.
e) Accidents and massive earthquakes.
f) Changes in government policies regarding excise duty/import duty/pollution
control orders.
So far there has been no standard definition of willful default. The RBI has
stated the following examples of willful default.
a) Default occurs when the unit has the capacity to honor its obligations.
b) When the unit has not used the funds for the specific purposes and diverted
them for other purposes.
c) The unit has siphoned off the funds in breach of the specific purposes of the
finance; the funds are not available with the unit in the form of other assets.
In essence, willful default may be defined as any non payment of
commitment by an obligator ---even when there is no cash / asset crunch ----
with the sole intent of causing harm to a lender.
A willful default is generally the consequence of siphoning off funds
by means of misappropriation / fraud. Cases of willful default need stern
action including filing of a criminal suit when so advised.
Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
ICICI Bank was reduced to 46% through a public offering of shares in India in fiscal
1998, an equity offering in the form of ADRs listed on the NYSE in fiscal 2000,
ICICI Bank's acquisition of Bank of Madura Limited in an all-stock amalgamation in
fiscal 2001, and secondary market sales by ICICI to institutional investors in fiscal
2001 and fiscal 2002. ICICI was formed in 1955 at the initiative of the World Bank,
the Government of India and representatives of Indian industry. The principal
objective was to create a development financial institution for providing medium-
term and long-term project financing to Indian businesses. In the 1990s, ICICI
transformed its business from a development financial institution offering only
project finance to a diversified financial services group offering a wide variety of
products and services, both directly and through a number of subsidiaries and
affiliates like ICICI Bank. In 1999, ICICI become the first Indian company and the
first bank or financial institution from non-Japan Asia to be listed on the NYSE.
After consideration of various corporate structuring alternatives in the
context of the emerging competitive scenario in the Indian banking industry, and the
move towards universal banking, the managements of ICICI and ICICI Bank formed
the view that the merger of ICICI with ICICI Bank would be the optimal strategic
alternative for both entities, and would create the optimal legal structure for the ICICI
group's universal banking strategy. The merger would enhance value for ICICI
shareholders through the merged entity's access to low-cost deposits, greater
opportunities for earning fee-based income and the ability to participate in the
payments system and provide transaction-banking services. The merger would
enhance value for ICICI Bank shareholders through a large capital base and scale of
operations, seamless access to ICICI's strong corporate relationships built up over
five decades, entry into new business segments, higher market share in various
business segments, particularly fee-based services, and access to the vast talent pool
of ICICI and its subsidiaries. In October 2001, the Boards of Directors of ICICI and
ICICI Bank approved the merger of ICICI and two of its wholly-owned retail finance
subsidiaries, ICICI Personal Financial Services Limited and ICICI Capital Services
Limited, with ICICI Bank. The merger was approved by shareholders of ICICI and
ICICI Bank in January 2002, by the High Court of Gujarat at Ahmedabad in March
Credit Risk Management
2002, and by the High Court of Judicature at Mumbai and the Reserve Bank of India
in April 2002. Consequent to the merger, the ICICI group's financing and banking
operations, both wholesale and retail, have been integrated in a single entity.
Credit Risk Management
3. Portfolio monitoring
• Methodology to measure portfolio risk.
• Credit Risk Information System (CRIS).
During the year, the department has been instrumental in reorienting the
credit processes, including delegation of powers and creation of suitable control
points in the credit delivery process with the objective of improving customer
response time and enhancing the effectiveness of the asset creation and monitoring
Availability of information on a real time basis is an important requisite for
sound risk management. To aid its interaction with the strategic business units, and
provide real time information on credit risk, the CRC & AD has implemented a
Credit Risk Management
2. Does the bank have a separate credit risk department? What are its
functions? / Does the bank have different departments for handling
corporate credit risk and Retail credit risk?
A. Yes, we do. Infact there is a separate floor for the loans department, wherein
there are credit managers, who take care of the various aspects of credit, right
from giving credit to a customer till recovering the EMI’s from them.
The hierarchy at ICICI in the credit department is as follows:
Credit Risk Management
ICICI infact has separate branches for retail banking and corporate banking
and each branch has separate credit departments.
3. Is some insurance there for covering credit risk? Has the bank taken
business credit insurance?
A. Well, I am not sure if such a thing exists. However we provide insurance cover
with the loans that we give. At present, ICICI provides insurance with Home Loan
but that is built-in and is optional.
4. Is loan always given on security? What are the limits until which the bank
gives loan without security and with security?
A. No, loans need not necessarily be given on security. Personal Loans are
completely unsecured. In case of Auto loan the vehicle’s papers are mortgaged with
the bank, same is the case for home loan. So in such a case the car or the house
becomes the security.
5. Now- a- days almost all the banks have come up with so many schemes and
are giving away a lot of credit. How profitable is this to the bank? Can all this
be managed without a proper credit risk department in place?
A. That’s true, there are a lot of schemes in the market today and is primarily there
to attract the customer. And yes the credit risk management is very important and
no financial institution, or even an organization for that matter can do without one.
Credit Risk Management
A. We follow our company guidelines which are inline with the RBI. The RBI is
the regulatory body for all functions carried on by the banks.
7. What information does a bank collect about its borrowers? Who collects it?
A. While granting credit to an individual who is a salaried person, we consider last
three months
Salary slip and/or last three months bank statement. While in the case of a self
employed person.We take into consideration his last two years ITR (Income Tax
Return). Our DSA’s (Direct Selling Agents) and DST’s (Direct Selling Teams)
collect the information about people whom they approach and who may be
prospective borrowers but once the loan is granted the information about the
borrowers is stored in the company’s MIS.
8. Does the bank give away a lot of credit due to competitive pressure? This
could turn out to risky, so how does the bank strike a balance between
profitability and volume of business?
A. Frankly, competition does not bother ICICI. ICICI has a very strong brand name.
The statistics speak for them selves. ICICI does a business of 800 crores per month
where as our nearest competitor HDFC does a business of 200 crores per month.
However we keep on pushing our DSA’s to obtain a greater market share.
However to keep ahead of competition we do give attractive schemes to the
masses, for example if an HDFC account holder comes to ICICI for a loan then he
has to pay 2% less interest and he need not give his bank statements, however he
must have a well maintained balance.
9. How long does a person take to obtain credit from your bank?
A. Within a weeks time the loans are sanctioned. A person who does not have an
account with
ICICI can also avail of loan from the bank. While sanctioning the loan we take into
Credit Risk Management
various factors like stability, ability and intent. For example in case of personal
loans the
minimum age limit is 25 years, minimum work experience is 1 year, stability is 1
year and the
minimum net income must be 8 thousand rupees per month.
10. When talking about credit, is it limited to just loans taken by individuals or
it also includes Letter of Credits, etc?
A. In the case of lending to individuals it is Personal loans, Auto loan and Home
loan and in the
case of corporate loan the letter of credit is included.
12. Are there different Rules and Procedures for Corporate credit risk
management and for
Retail Credit risk management?
A. Yes there are differences primarily due to the volume of business.
13. What is the Basel Report? Does the bank follow it?
A. I think Basel Report has just guidelines. It talks about the best practices. For
us the governing
body is the RBI and we follow our company guidelines, which are flexible
enough so as to
serve customers better.
Credit Risk Management
15. How often does the bank follow-up and keep on checking the capacity of the
and is it done for all the cases?
A. Once the loan is given at least in case of retail banking we do not follow up the
customer as
long as he is paying the EMI’s regularly, it’s only if he approaches for another loan
that various
things will be checked. In the corporate banking things are a slightly different.
16. How does the bank take on its defaulters? What does the bank do when the
becomes bankrupt?
a. In case of the EMI’s not paid on time we generally relax the procedure if it is a
case of
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genuine default. However if the person is in no position to pay at all in case of Auto
loan ,
Home loan , etc the security that is the vehicle or home will be taken away as the last
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Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
finance sector. The housing finance subsidiary has since been renamed 'IDBI
Home finance Limited'.
• December 2003: On December 16, 2003, the Parliament approved The
Industrial Development Bank (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal Bill) 2002
to repeal IDBI Act 1964. The President's assent for the same was obtained on
December 30, 2003. The Repeal Act is aimed at bringing IDBI under the
Companies Act for investing it with the requisite operational flexibility to
undertake commercial banking business under the Banking Regulation Act
1949 in addition to the business carried on and transacted by it under the IDBI
Act, 1964.
• July 2004: The Industrial Development Bank (Transfer of Undertaking and
Repeal) Act 2003 came into force from July 2, 2004.
• July 2004: The Boards of IDBI and IDBI Bank Ltd. take in-principle decision
regarding merger of IDBI Bank Ltd. with proposed Industrial Development
Bank of India Ltd. in their respective meetings on July 29, 2004.
• September 2004: The Trust Deed for Stressed Assets Stabilisation Fund
(SASF) executed by its Trustees on September 24, 2004 and the first meeting
of the Trustees was held on September 27, 2004.
• September 2004: The new entity "Industrial Development Bank of India"
was incorporated on September 27, 2004 and Certificate of commencement of
business was issued by the Registrar of Companies on September 28, 2004.
• September 2004:Notification issued by Ministry of Finance specifying SASF
as a financial institution under Section 2(h)(ii) of Recovery of Debts due to
Banks & Financial Institutions Act, 1993.
• September 2004: Notification issued by Ministry of Finance on September
29, 2004 for issue of non-interest bearing GoI IDBI Special Security, 2024,
aggregating Rs.9000 crores, of 20-year tenure.
• September 2004: Notification for appointed day as October 1, 2004, issued
by Ministry of Finance on September 29, 2004.
Credit Risk Management
January 2005: The Board of Directors of IDBI Ltd., at its meeting held on January
20, 2005, approved the Scheme of Amalgamation, envisaging merging of IDBI Bank
Ltd. with IDBI Ltd. Pursuant to the scheme approved by the Boards of both the
banks, IDBI Ltd. will issue 100 equity shares for 142 equity shares held by
shareholders in IDBI Bank Ltd. EGM has been convened on February 23, 2005 for
seeking shareholder approval for the scheme.
Credit Risk Management
With regard to my project Credit Risk Management, I met Mr. Bilal Anwar,
Credit Analyst, at IDBI Bank LTD. at his office in Nariman Point, Mumbai-400 021.
The following are the questions asked to Mr. Bilal and the answers given by
1. What is credit risk management?
A. Credit risk Management is managing credit given by the bank to its borrowers,
such that the bank does not lose its money.
2. Does the bank have a separate credit risk department? What are its
functions? What is the hierarchy in the credit risk department?
A. Yes, the bank has a separate credit risk department. The hierarchy of the
department is as follows:
3. Is some insurance there for covering credit risk? Has the bank taken
business credit insurance?
Credit Risk Management
A. Yes, even I have heard of it but it is still in its nascent stage and caught up in India
as of now.
4. How does the bank go about collecting information about its borrowers? Who
does it?
A. Before giving loan to the borrowers we take in to account various factors in order
to avoid risk n loss. Various factors like age of the person, existing commitments,
financial conditions of the person, annual report in case of corporate loan and salary
in case of personal loan is taken into consideration.
5. Is loan always given on security? What are the limits until which the bank
gives loan without security and with security?
A. In the corporate banking sector mostly loans are given on security basis but a lot of
business is done on the basis of trust also and so is the case in retail banking.
6. Does the bank give away a lot of credit due to competitive pressure? This
could turn out to risky, so how does the bank strike a balance between
profitability and volume of business?
A. Competition is healthy; we always try to be ahead of competition. However, at all
times we do not mindlessly give away loans to gain market share. We see to it that
there is a healthy balance between Risk and Return.
8. Does the bank have different departments for handling corporate credit risk
and Retail credit risk?
A. Yes, the bank has different departments for handling corporate business and retail
Credit Risk Management
9. Are there different Rules and Procedures for Corporate credit risk
management and for Retail Credit risk management?
A. Not really, the volume of business differs however some basic rules remain the
10. How long does a person take to obtain credit from your bank?
A. As soon as the information received from the would-be borrower is authenticated,
the loan is granted almost immediately.
11. When talking about credit, is it limited to just loans taken by individuals or it
also includes Letter of Credits, etc.?
A. Yes, it is both. In case of retail banking the loans are given to individuals and rest
comes under corporate banking.
12. What does Asset Quality mean?
A. When a bank gives a loan to an individual or a company, it comes on the asset
side of the balance sheet. It is an asset because it earns an income for the bank. Asset
quality means the RISK PERCEPTION that the bank associates with a particular
For example, if Mr. Azim Premji approaches the bank for an amount of say, one
lakh rupees, the bank will give him the money without any security, because of risk
perception being low. That is because; Mr. Premji will not default in payment.
However a certain procedure will have to be followed if any common man comes to
the bank for a loan of the same amount because the risk perception differs.
14. How often does the bank follow-up and keep on checking the capacity of the
borrowers and is it done for all the cases?
A. Yes follow ups are done in some cases and that too in the corporate sector but in
most cases we need not do a follow-up, just being aware as to what is going on in the
market by updating yourself with the latest news is sufficient.
Credit Risk Management
16. How does the bank take on its defaulters? Is there a proper procedure
prescribed by the RBI?
A. It depends from case to case. If the default is a case of willful default, then the
bank is compelled to take legal action. However if the default is a genuine business
default, then the bank goes in for one time settlement. There are RBI regulations in
case of OTS.
Credit Risk Management
Federal Bank , one of the leading private sector banks in India with a history
of 75 years of public confidence and trust, has also built up a reputation of being an
agile, IT savvy and customer friendly Bank. The Bank has a very wide network of
more than 500 offices covering almost all the important cities in the country with a
dominant presence in the State of Kerala with more than 300 branches.
Deposits 15193
Advances 8823
Investments 5799
Strong Financials
The Bank, having a net worth of over Rs.715 crores and a business turnover
exceeding Rs.24000 crores, has turned in an excellent performance in the current
financial year with a net profit of over 90 crores. As on March 05, the Bank's share
(face value Rs 10/-) has a Book Value of Rs 110/- and an Earnings per Share (EPS) of
Rs 13.73.
Credit Risk Management
Federal Bank has played a pioneer role in developing and deploying new
technology assisted customer friendly products and services. A few of its early moves
are cited below:
· First, among the traditional banks in the country to introduce Internet Banking
Service through FedNet
· First among the traditional banks to have all its branches automated.
· First and only Bank among the traditional Banks in India to have all its branches
· First Electronic Telephone Bill Payment in the country was done through Federal
· First and only bank among the older Banks to have an e-shopping payment gateway.
· First traditional Bank to introduce Mobile Alerts and Mobile Banking service.
· First Bank to implement an Express Remittance Facility from Abroad
The Bank has also the distinction of being one of the first banks in the country to
deploy most of these technology enabled services at the smaller branches including
rural and semi-urban areas.
AnyTime-AnyWhere-AnyWay Banking
The Bank has the full range of delivery channels including, Internet Banking,
Mobile Banking and Alerts, Any Where (Branch) Banking, Interconnected Visa
enabled ATM network, E-mail Alerts, Telephone Banking and a Centralized
customer Call Centre with toll free number. Customers thus have the ability to avail
24 hour banking service from the channel of his choice, according to his convenience.
The Bank is currently in the process of building a network of ATMs, across the
country to supplement its delivery options. Its current network of 275 plus ATMs is
being expanded aggressively. Federal Bank already has the largest number of ATMs
in Kerala, taking round-the-clock banking convenience to even many rural areas. The
Credit Risk Management
Bank has launched its anywhere banking service, enabling customers to branch at any
branch of his choice regardless of the place where the account is maintained.
The Bank has now emerged into a financial supermarket giving the customers
a range of products and services. Apart from the entire slew of Banking products and
delivery channels we also provide the following facilities:
· Depository Services
· Credit Cards
· Life Insurance Products in association with ICICI Prudential
· General Insurance Products in association with United India Insurance
· Export Credit Insurance Products in association with ECGC
· Express Remittance Facility from Abroad - FEDFAST
· Cash -On- Line Express Cash Remittance
· Lock Box Service for NRI's in the US
· Cash Management Services
· Merchant Banking Services
· E shopping Payment gateway
· BSNL Bill Payment
· On-line LIC Insurance Payment
· Utility Bill Payment through Telebanking Channel - Fed e-Pay
· Easy Pay- On-line fee payment system
Credit Risk Management
convenience, we have always strived to ensure that our product and services are
simple, easy to use and most affordable.
With regard to my project, I met Mr. Shahji Jacob, Chief Manager of Federal
Bank’s Fort branch. The questions asked to him and the answers given by him are as
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Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management
For my project I visited three private banks--- ICICI Bank, IDBI Bank Ltd and
The Federal Bank Limited. The visits were extremely knowledgeable and helped me
to gain an insight into the practical world. The importance of credit risk management
is clearly evident after the field interviews.
I found out that though the names of the designations are different for
different banks, the core function remains remain the same. Further more the
difference between credit risk managers in the corporate department and retail credit
risk is basically the volume of businesses. The process of credit risk management
remains the same in all the companies and is carried out by all the companies of
course with a few changes in terms of who collects and stores the data, etc about the
The field visits gave me a clear cut idea about the importance laid by the banks on
credit risk management. Managing credit risk is of utmost importance as it helps the
banks to reduce the risk of NPA’s (Non Performing Assets). Any venture taken by
any body today involves a certain amount of risk today. Without risk there can be no
gain. As far as the banking industry goes, one of their main aims is giving loans
Credit Risk Management
(credit) to individuals and corporates for personal as well as personal needs. Credit
risk is closely related with the business of lending. This comprises a huge
percentage of their business.
Credit risk reduces the Probability of loss from a credit transaction. Thus it is
needed to meet the goals and objectives of the banks. It aims to strengthen and
increase the efficacy of the organization, while maintaining consistency and
transparency. It is predominantly concerned with probability of default. It is forward
looking in its assessment, looking, for instance, at a likely scenario of an adverse
outcome in the business.
The credit risk management function has become the centre of gravity, especially
in a financially in services industry like banking. Moreover they are now using it as a
tool to succeed over their competition because credit risk management practices
reduce risk and improve return on capital.
In the terminology of finance, the term credit has an omnibus connotation. It not
only includes all types of loans and advances (known as funded facilities) but also
contingent items like letter of credit, guarantees and derivatives (also known as non-
funded/non-credit facilities). Investment in securities is also treated as credit
Further I found out that the method of obtaining the business for the banks (loans
in this case) is outsourced by ICICI. They have a lot of DSA’s (Direct selling Agents)
and DST’s (Direct Selling Teams) working for them, who get them business. Thus
the credit managers at ICICI do not meet their clients in person as per popular
perception; it is only the DSA that the customers come in contact with. However
their counterparts at IDBI Bank Ltd and The Federal Bank Limited meet their clients
face to face and act as relationship managers.
Another fact I found out from all the interviews was that approximately in about
80% of the cases of corporate loans the banks do not sanction the entire amount asked
for by the borrowers even if they are fully convinced that the borrower is in a position
to pay back the loan. This is done to reduce their credit risk in unforeseen
circumstances. In credit risk management perception of the bank about the borrower
also plays a very important role, if the manager feels that the person is not an honest
Credit Risk Management
person and is capable of default (in this case it is called Willful default) the bank does
not sanction the loan amount at all.
Further a fact that was brought out and discussed in all the interviews was
that in the corporate loans the banks were not very hesitant to give loans to most of
the companies because the economy as a whole is doing well and thus all the sectors
and industries also.
• Establishment of an appropriate credit risk environment / culture.
• This should operate under a sound and independent credit approval process.
• Maintaining appropriate credit administration, measurement and monitoring
• Ensuring adequate controls over credit risk.
• Awareness of the implications of other forms of risk, such as market risk and
operational risk.
• Instilling risk-return discipline keeping in view the sophistication of a
particular type of business activity of banking.
The stakeholders----especially shareholders, depositors (in the case of banks)
and the government---- are the beneficiaries since the economic and social costs of
Credit Risk Management
poor credit risk practices strengthens the confidence in the operation of the
organization concerned, besides enabling systematic peer-level analysis and
comparison. It is also a fact that such practices facilitate forward-looking assessment,
aided by the tools of stress testing, credit VaR, etc. The end result is certainly
enhanced investor confidence and returns.
The aim of credit risk management is to reduce the Probability of loss from a
credit transaction. Thus it is needed to meet the goals and objectives of the banks. It
aims to strengthen and increase the efficacy of the organization, while maintaining
consistency and transparency. It is predominantly concerned with probability of
default. It is forward looking in its assessment, looking, for instance, at a likely
scenario of an adverse outcome in the business.
Thus we conclude that Credit risk management is not just a process or
procedure. It is a fundamental component of the banking function. The management
of credit risk must be incorporated into the fiber of banks. Credit risk systems are
currently experiencing one of the highest growth rates of any systems area in
Credit Risk Management
financial services. There is a direct correlation between market risk and credit risk
and credit risk has an impact on the operational market.
In my opinion credit risk management is an important function of banns
today. All banks need to practice it in some form or the other. They need to
understand the importance of credit risk management and think of it as a ladder to
growth by reducing their NPA’s. Moreover they must use it as a tool to succeed over
their competition because credit risk management practices reduce risk and improve
return on capital.
Credit Risk Management
5. Is loan always given on security? What are the limits until which the bank gives
loan without security and with security?
6. Now-a-days almost all the banks have come up with so many schemes and are
giving away a lot of credit. How profitable is this to the bank? Can all this be
managed without a proper credit risk department in place?
7. Does the bank give away a lot of credit due to competitive pressure? This could
turn out to risky, so how does the bank strike a balance between profitability
and volume of business?
8. The Regulatory Body which regulates the credit given by banks.
9. How does the bank take on its defaulters? Is there a proper procedure prescribed
by the RBI?
10. How long does a person take to obtain credit from your bank?
11. When talking about credit, is it limited to just loans taken by individuals or it
also includes Letter of Credits,
12. Are there different Rules and Procedures for Corporate credit risk management
and for Retail Credit risk management?
13. Does the bank have different departments for handling corporate credit risk and
Retail credit risk?
14. What does Asset Quality mean? How is it managed?
15. What is the Basel Report?
16. How often does the bank follow-up and keep on checking the capacity of the
borrowers and is it done for all the cases?
17. What is the recovery procedure in case of a defaulter?
18. What does the bank do when the borrower becomes bankrupt?
19. Does the bank rate its borrowers? Does the bank follow a credit rating
20. How does the bank go about credit risk portfolio management?
Credit Risk Management
Books referred:
Websites Visited:
Credit Risk Management