M/S Gubbi Civil Engineer: Hazard Identification & Risk Analysis
M/S Gubbi Civil Engineer: Hazard Identification & Risk Analysis
M/S Gubbi Civil Engineer: Hazard Identification & Risk Analysis
1. Demolishing of 1. Minor cut injury 1) Use Safety Helmet, 1.Use Tested hand tools such as
RCC. Handgloves, safety shoes, safety grinder, cutter machine
2. Eye injury goggles.
2. Trained and approved work
3. Electric shock 2. ELCB board must present on should be deployed for cutting
4. Fire hazards. the site. steel.
2. Providing and 1.Eye irritation. 1.Tool box talk to be given before 1.Person should have medical fitness
Applying Epoxy starting work certificate by authorized Doctors.
Bonding Coat. 2. Breathing difficulty
2. Wash the sting area with soap 2. Full time competent sup. And safety
3.Erosion to skin hands due to and water. officer provide at on site ( No
coming in contact with cement supervisor –No Work)
and chemicals 3. Use good quality safety mask,
goggles and aprons
3. Providing & 1. Careless work causes falling 1. Use tested compressor m/c 1.Use of mask and goggles
Fixing XPM of materials and workmen and deployed authorized
Galvanized Wire causing major injuries. operator for operating
mesh of 16 gauge
on concrete surface. 2. Work without safety of 2. Use proper PPE’S i.e , Safety
hands causes skin problems. shoes, safety goggles, mask
3.Electric shock. belt.
3. ELCB board must present on
the site.
4.Demolishing & 1. Work without safety of 1. Use Safety Helmet, 1.Use Tested hand tools.
Redoing guniting hands causes skin problems. Handgloves, safety shoes, safety
work. goggles. 2.Use cotton handglooves for
2. Careless work causes falling breaking.
of materials and workmen 2. Use tested compressor m/c
causing major 1njuries. and deployed authorized 3. Use tested Compressor and
operator for operating. Generator for guniting.
3. Eye irritation and breathing
problem 3. Tool Box Talk should be give
before starting the work.
4.Electric shock.
4. ELCB board must present on
the site.
5.PPC with coarse 1) Work without safety of 1) Use Safety Helmet, 1.Use Tested hand tools.
aggregates hands causes skin problems. Handgloves, safety shoes, safety
concrete. goggles. 2.Use cotton handglooves for
2) Careless work causes falling breaking.
of materials and workmen
causing major enjuries.
6.Plain Cement 1) Work without safety of 1) Use Safety Helmet, 1.Use Tested hand tools.
Concrete. hands causes skin problems. Handgloves, safety shoes, safety
goggles. 2.Use cotton handglooves for
2) Careless work causes falling breaking.
of materials and workmen
causing major enjuries.