14 Pulp and Paper
14 Pulp and Paper
14 Pulp and Paper
Environmental Standards
*The standards for total organic chlorine (TOCL) are applicable from January, 1992.
TOCL – Amount of organically bound chlorine that has carried over from the
bleaching process into the wastewater. This specific test is carried out on samples of
wastewater to determine TOCL content.
Environmental Standards
• CATEGORY A: Agrobased
– Before 1992 = 200 cum/tonne of paper produced
• It is a materials industry.
• Few mills produce pulp alone and most of the mills produce paper
and pulp.
– Paper production
Pulp Making
– Grinding of wood
– carrying it by water through screens.
– This produced coloured paper, low grade, non-durable.
• Sulphite process
– Magnesium or calcium bisulphite and sulphurous acid are used.
– Temperature 300 oF (150 oC) and 70 lb pressure, 5 to 6 hr.
• Alkali Process
– Sodium hydroxide or lime is used (or mixture of Na2CO3 and
Ca(OH)2) for soft wood.
Pulp Making
• After digestion (by any of the process) the black liquor is allowed to
drain from chemically prepared pulp.
• This spent liquor called as ‘black liquor’ is rich in lignin content and
unutilized chemicals, therefore treated separately for chemicals
• ‘Black liquor’ from sulphite process is not treated for chemical
• The cellulosic fibers after separation from ‘black liquor’ are
washed and then partially dewatered in a cylindrical screen called
• Bleaching
– The dried, bleached pulp is ready for sale or use in paper mill.
Paper Mill
• Beater
– The pulp is disintegrated, and mixed with various filler materials such
as alum, talc etc. and dyes, in a special tank called as ‘beater’.
– Beater is designed to break up the knotted or bunched fibers and
cause a thorough mixing.
– This is carried out with help of drum with knives attached to its wall and
• Jordan
– After beating the pulp is refined in a machine known as ‘Jordan’.
– This cuts the fibers to the final size desired. (with help of conical
drums with knives)
Paper Mill
• Screens
– The pulp is then diluted to proper consistency for paper making and
passed through the screen to remove lumps or knots.
• Rolls
– This pulp is carried by traveling belt of fine screen to series of ‘Rolls’
where the paper is produced.
– The drain water called ‘white water’ forms the wastewater from the
paper mill section. This contains fine fibers, alum and talc.
– Usually fibers are recovered and rest liquid is reused for the wet
chipping process.
Recovery of chemicals from black liquor
Black liquor Smelt Green White Liquor
Evaporator Furnace Liquor Reused in
Lime mud (contains lignin)
Recovery of chemicals from black liquor
• Some toxic waste material may develop during chemical recovery from
black liquor e.g. Dimethyne Sulphide, Methyl Mercaptan and after
condensation form colourless wastewater.
Semichemical pulping
• This softens the wood but does not fully pulp the wood.
Production Process
Chlorine Caustic Glue, alum,
Production Process
Jordan Screen Paper Dryers Realers
Knots White
reused in
Characteristics of pulp and paper mill wastes
• Low values in large mills are due to chemical recovery from black liquor.
• Separated lignin
– Can be used as dispersing agent in various suspension
– Raw material for polyacrylonitrile fibers
– Production of activated carbon
• Massive Lime Treatment: 90% colour and 40- 60% BOD removal
– The quantity of lime required for green liquor is allowed to react with
coloured waste effluent.
– The colour is absorbed by the lime, sludge after settling is used for
addition to ‘green liquor’ to form white liquor.
– After treatment it will form dark brown liquor instead of white liquor.
– This contain desired cooking chemicals and used in digester liquid.
– The coloured waste stream can be brown stock + caustic extraction
waste and black liquor, if no chemical recovery.
– After digestion, the lignin present in the liquid will be destroyed along with
‘spent black liquor’ during incineration.
Treatment of pulp and paper mill waste
Caustic extraction waste
Brown stock wastewater
Lime Sludge
Green Liquor
Wastewater Brown Liquor
(used for digestion)
Lime mud
Treatment of pulp and paper mill waste
• Clarification:
– 70 – 80 % of suspended solids can be removed from combined waste.
– BOD reduction is small 25 – 40 %, COD removal 50%.
– Sludge can be dewatered mechanically.
• Biological Treatment: