GOD and I: The Writer Is A Realized Monist
GOD and I: The Writer Is A Realized Monist
GOD and I: The Writer Is A Realized Monist
Mahayogi Sudhakarji
All that is being said and experienced, What is Spirituality and the God concept in our daily
experience ? Are they separate from human life or they part and parcel and are being fully experienced
by man in everyday life ?
The later part is factual but all the time remains beyond human understanding and acceptance. Behind
all the names and forms of Gods and Goddesses, there is the “I AM” feeling from the Cosmic
Consciousness which is Universal indwelling and eternal. This feeling is beyond the expression and all
the words slide into the deep sleep in the night. The feeling “I AM” merges in the ever-glowing flame
and Jyothi in the heart. The Deep Sleep state is free from all mental projections of emotions, ill-will,
human misery and misfortunes, cravings and worldly attractions and attachments, fears and all the
Deep sleep state is the Swarga and the only source of absolute peace and happiness. Here the human
soul finds bliss, plenty and happiness. The soul is free from the trammels of death and misery. In the
deep sleep state the soul “I AM” feeling is the purest in the flame, taint less and infinite in nature. Here
the soul is said to be the Lord of the Worlds and the Creator and is the supreme and Universal Being.
He is the cherishable Supreme God in theism.
The Divine Jyothi in the heart is the source of life energy. It is just a ray of the outside sun in the sky in
the solar system and the Sun is the Supreme cause for creation of life on earth. All the religions
worship this flame and fire as the Supreme with different names. The religions also worship the
Supreme Being “I AM” as the living God and externalizing, provide various names and forms for the
purpose of worship, this Supreme Being is believed to listen the prayers and provides protection and
guidance in times of misery of man.
From this flame before waking up in the morning, this purest soul descends into the Astral Body
( Lohita Pinda/Linga Deha ) and brings out his own objective personality from himself, becomes
impure and is tainted with the worldly relations. He moves into the waking state and identifies himself
with the body, mind, thought, all senses and outside objective world. Having been caught in the
clutches of these Upaadis the Soul fully identifies itself as man and suffers the pangs of death, misery
and fear. Many a time he quietens the mind, closes the eyes and looking into the heart with folded
hands beseeches for guidance from his own higher nature. His own higher nature is the living spirit “ I
AM “ in the flame. The Divine flame and the Supreme “I AM” being are the source of all worldly
knowledge and the wisdom helping him to take appropriate decisions and find his way ahead in life.
Daily rituals, worship and prayers, all other self inflicting religious practices have nothing to do with
the spiritual experience and practice. If the reader reflects on the above daily experience of man and
improves his understanding, he shall agree that he does receive guiding instructions from his own inner
higher nature in all times of misery. Great yogis realized this Supreme Being and the eternal Jyothi in
the remote corners of his heart and proposed the “heart prayer” Daharopasana.