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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Sta. Lucia High School
Sta. Lucia Calumpit, Bulacan

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students shall be able to:

a. note important details;
b. unlock the meaning of the vocabulary words using context clues;
c. relate personal experiences to the theme of the story; and
d. participate in group activities.

II. Subject matter:

Topic: “The Mats” by Francisco Arcellana

Reference: Grade 7 English Teaching Guide and Learning Package
Pages: 8-12
Materials: Laptop, speaker, projector
Visual aids (cartolina, manila paper, colored paper)
Chalk and chalkboard

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities


1. Prayer
“Good morning class!” “Good morning Ma’am!”

“Let us pray. May I ask the class president to

lead the prayer?” “Are you ready to pray classmates?”
“Yes, we are”
“Let us pray. Dear Lord, thank you for this
wonderful day , help us to focus our hearts and
minds now on what we are about to learn,
inspire us by your Holy Spirit as we listen and
write, guide all of us as we discover more
about the world around us, amen.”
2. Checking of room's cleanliness
“Before you sit, please pick up the pieces of
trash under your chairs and align your chairs
properly.” “Okay Ma’am.”

“Thank you. You may now take your seat.” “Thank you, Ma’am!”
3. Checking of attendance
“Class Monitor, do we have absentees for
today?” “None, ma’am. Everyone is present today.”
“Very good, thank you.”

4. Review of the past lesson

“Now, let’s recall what we discussed last time.
Anyone who wants to give me a review?” “Last time, we discussed about the Rice Myth
Bohol version entitled "Sappia the Goddess.”
“Based on the story, what was the condition of
Bohol during that time?”
“Famine gripped Bohol. All the land was
brown and dried up and people were dying for
"That's right! What did Sappia do to help the
hungry people of Bohol?" "Sappia dropped milk into each barren of
weeds and those weeds grew and became rice."
“Very good! Are we clear with the last topic?” “Yes, ma’am.”

5. Checking of Assignment
"I gave you an assignment, right?" "Yes."
"What is your assignment again? "Our assignment is read the stories entitled
“The Mats” and research some information
about the author named Francisco Arcellana."

"Okay, bring out your assignments or notes,

and later, as we go along the discussion, I will
ask you questions about the text and the
author." “Yes, ma’am.”


“Before we proceed to our discussion, I have

prepared an energizer. Alright, Stand up
everyone and altogether, let us sing and dance
the Barney Song entitled "I love you". Are you
ready? “Yes, we are!”

“That was fun, right?” “Yes.”

“Nice to hear that, I had fun too. You may now
take your seat.” "Thank you, Ma'am!"


“Now that your minds have already been

activated because of our energizer, let us now
make it function more. We will play a game
entitled "All-studs videoke". In this game, you
just need to sing and fill in the missing lyrics
of the song. Now, I need five participants who
will play the game. Let us now see who will be
our lucky participants through the use of your
(chosen students will go in front)

"These are our participants of "All-studs

videoke" Choose your place, studs! By the
way, those on their seats, jot down some lyrics
of the song because I'll ask something to you."
"We will start with (name of the student), our
first song is entitled "Dance with my Father".
Let’s start with (name of the student), are you
"Players, are you video-ok?"
"I'm already video-ok!"
"All-studs videoke, 1 2 3 Go!"
"We are video-ok!"
"Congratulations to the winner of "All-studs
Videoke". Let us give him/her an oppa clap.
This is how I do the oppa lap. Clap your hands
three times, stamp your feet for three times
then make a little heart using your finger and
say "Oppa!” Okay, let's do the oppa clap for "123 123 Oppa!"
our winner."
"Thank you players for a job well done. You "Thank you, ma'am!"
may now take your seat."
"Now, what have you noticed with the songs "The two songs are both sad and they are both
that we played? about death of someone or remembering a dead
loved one."

"Very good! In the first stanza of the song

"Dance with my father" which is " Back when
I was a child, before life removed all the
innocence, my father would lift me high, and
dance with my mother and me and then." What "The persona of the song was reminiscing the
do these lines imply? memories she had with her father and how
much she wanted to go back to the past to do
those things together with his father who
already passed away."

"Good! That's right! How about you?

Somebody here who has a dead loved one
already? Who is it?" -“We still celebrate their birthdays and death
"How do you remember your dead loved one? anniversary.”
Do you also want to go back to the past when
they were still with you? "Yes, whenever I think of them, I feel that I
want to go back to the past so I could enjoy
every single time that I could have with them."

"Since we are already talking about family and

remembering our dead loved ones, it’s about
time to begin our lesson proper.


"Our lesson for today is all about the story

entitled "The Mats" by Francisco Arcellana. As
we go along the discussion, we will find out
why we have talked about remembering our
dead loved ones. Now, let us first know the
person behind this story. I gave you an "Yes"
assignment, right?"
"I told you to research some information about "Francisco Arcellana is a writer, poet, essayist,
the author, what have you found?" critic, journalist and teacher. He was born on
September 6, 1916 and he died on August 1,
2002. He is considered as important progenitor
of the modern Filipino short story in English."
"Very good! I've prepared a diorama here; its
concept is based from the most-used social
media site--the Facebook. Let us visit
Francisco Arcellana's timeline to know more
about him. Here it is, this is the picture of
Francisco Arcellana, and these are the
informations about him. Will you read? "Zacarias Eugene Francisco Quino Arcellana.
Born on September 6, 1916 and died on August
1, 2002. He was declared as a National Artist
of the Philippines for Literature. He is also a
Rockefellar grantee. The man behind "The
Man who could be Poe", "Lina" and "The

"Very good! Now, let's take a look at his post.

Let us watch this video with a caption
#TheMats #HowToMakeMats

"The video is a documentary about a mat

"What is the video all about?" weaver, how to make a mat and where can we
find mat weavers.”

"Based on the video where can we find mat “Mat weavers can be found in Leyte or
weavers?" Southern Philippines.”

"That's right! What is the most commonly used “I think Tikog or Sea Grass.”
material in making mats?"

"Very good! Does this video make you feel

more curious about our lesson?" "Yes."

"Before we proceed to the story, let us unlock

the meaning of the vocabulary words that we
might encounter as we go along the story."

1. Unlock the Difficulties

"Posted on the board are the phrases that we
need to unlock the meaning. Look under your
armchair if you have a key for these padlocks."
"To those who have a key, go in front and look
for the perfect padlock that fits the key and
unlock the meaning of the vocabulary
"Now that they already unlocked the meanings. "1. Homecoming-a person’s arrival home after
Will you read the phrases and their meanings?" being away for a long time.
2. Matweaver-one that weaves mats.
3. Birthstones-a gemstone associated
symbolically with the month of one's birth.
4. Itinerary-the route of a journey or tour or the
proposed outline of one.
5. Ponderous- unwieldy or clumsy because of
weight and size.
6. Cadena-de-Amor- is a climbing, somewhat
woody, perennial vine, with stems attaining a
length of 10 meters.
7. Aesculapius- the god of medicine and
8. Hysterical- feeling or showing extreme and
unrestrained emotion.”
"123 123 Oppa!"
"Let us give them an oppa clap!"

2. Lesson Proper
"Thank you, let us now proceed to the story
itself. Have you read the story?"
Alright, so I believe that you have already "Yes!"
knowledge about the story. But to explain it
further, we will visit the timeline of some of
the characters of the story, I made use of this
giant Facebook so that as millennials, who are
fond of using Facebook you'll be able to easily
understand the important details that happened
in the story. With whom did the story start?"

"That's right, Let us visit Mr. Angeles' timeline. "The story started with the main character, Mr.
Here it is, this is Mr. Angeles. Angeles."

"Based on the story, who is Mr. Angeles? What

“I think Mr. Angeles is an inspector but I don’t
kind of person is he?"
know what kind of inspector he is. He is the wife of
Nana Emilia and the father of Jose, Susanna,
Antonia, Marcelina, Antonio, Juan and Jesus."

"Very good! Mr. Angeles is the main character

of the story because the main focus of the story
was on him. Let us now look at his post. Who "ATM, with the Mat weaver of the South.
wants to read the caption of his post?" #RealArtist#SleepingMatsForMyFamily

"It was when the story started, that’s why the

"What can you say about his post?" #INTRODUCTION was written there. Mr. Angeles
told his family that he asked the matweaver to
make sleeping mats with their names woven into it
and color of their respective birthstones."

"That's right! Just like what we have said a

while ago, the story started with Mr. Angeles.
We could also find the theme of the story from
the introduction of the story. What do you
"I think the theme of the story is love for family or
think is the theme?"
simply family."

"What a nice guess! The theme of the story is

family specifically love for family. How about "Home sweet home. Dinner is over! It's time to
the next post of Mr. Angele, will you read?" distribute my "Pasalubong" for them.
#SleepingMats #CLIMAX

"What do you think is the reason why this post "I think this is the middle point of the story, there's
was considered as the climax of the story?" a turning point in this scene and that scene is when
other characters were introduced.'

"That’s right! Very good! This is the scene

when everything has started to change
especially the emotions of the characters, from
being excited and happy to sad and emotional.
Let us look at his next post; we could see here
how their emotions have changed. Who wants "--feeling emotional. Josefina, Victoria,
to read?" Concepcion, I've brought mats for you guys; you'll
always be in our hearts. We miss you! #MatsforYou
#ValueFamily #NeverForgotten #ENDING

"That is how the story ends. What can you say

“From lively, excited and happy they became
about the changes in emotions?" emotional because they remembered their dead
loved ones."

"What do you think is the reason why Mr. "To show that he still value them even if they were
Angeles still bought mats for them?" gone already and to show that he never had
forgotten them."

"That's right! Now, what do you think is the "The message of the story is never forget to
message of the story?" remember your dead loved ones. Always recall
your memories with them and make even small acts
to show that you still value them even if they are
not with you anymore."

"Indeed! This story taught us how to value our

family or friends even they are gone already.
Now, we are through with Mr. Angeles but, we
still have another timeline to visit. It's Nana
Emilia's timeline. She played an important role
in the story that's why we need to talk about
"Emilia y Jaime Recuerdo or Nana Emilia is the
her. Who is Nana Emilia?" wife of Mr. Jaime Angeles."
"Okay, let's take a look at her post. Read her "Jaime will bring us new mats tomorrow. Let me
first post." post this old mat that my mother gave to me when I
and Jaime got married. #Throwback #Memories

"Thank you, as you can see, it's a picture of an

old mat right? An old mat. What do you think "It is a significant thing for Nana Emilia because it
is the significance of this old mat for Nana was given by her mother. It was also filled by
Emilia?" different memories, good or bad. It makes her
remember the people who slept on it."

"Very good answer! Since the title of the story

is "The Mats", what do you think is the reason
why it was entitled as that? What does the mat "The mat symbolizes strong family ties. The mats
symbolize?" have bonded that tie until death as in the case of the
Arcellana family. In the story, the mat was used to
pay tribute to Mr. Angeles' three kids who were not
with them anymore."

"Excellent! Do you have any questions?"


“If you don't have any questions, let us now

have a group activity. You're already with your "Yes!"
group mates, right?"
"Okay, form a circle."
"Posted on the board are the things that you
need to do. I will show you sample works so
you could have an idea of how you will do
your assigned activity." You only have 5
minutes to finish your activity. Your timer
starts now."
Group 1: Assume that you are Mr. Angeles. Make a
Group 1:Travelogue travelogue about your trips in southern Philippines.
Group 2: Write a journal entry regarding personal
Group 2:Journal entry experiences of losing a loved one.
Group 3: Write a personal letter to Mr. Angeles
expressing your sympathy and encouragement.
Group 3: Personal Letter Group 4: Make a script for the story "The Mats".
Group 4: Script


Content 10 points

Organization 10 points

Language 10 points

Mechanics 10 points

TOTAL 40 points

"Time's up! Present your works, now."

"Now let us summarize what we have
discussed earlier.
"What is the story all about?" "The story is all about family, specifically valuing
"Excellent! What is the significance of the mat
"Mats were used by Mr. Angeles to show that he
in the story?"
never had forgotten his children even if they
already passed away.”
"Nice answer! Okay, anyone who can discuss "The message of the story is never forget to
briefly the message of the story?" remember your dead loved ones and make even
small acts to show that you still value them."

"Very good, class! It seems that you really

understand the story."

"Class, if you were Mr. Angeles' wife, what
would be your reaction if your husband still
bought mats to your kid who already passed "Maybe my reaction will be the same as Nana
away? Emilia. I could not say anything but of course
maybe, at the end of the day, I will realize that I
must be glad of what he did and appreciate him for
being a lovable husband and father to his children.

"If you were Mr. Angeles, would you still buy

mats for your dead loved ones?" "I think in my case, I will not think that way as Mr.
Angeles, because you know no one would use them
so why do I need to buy? But seriously, I was
inspired by Mr. Angeles for being such a kind and
loving father.
"123 123 Oppa!"
"Very good! Give all yourselves an oppa clap!"
IV. Evaluation:

Choose the letter from the column B that corresponds to the statements in Column A.
_______1. It symbolizes strong family ties. a. Matweaver
_______2. Over his name is the symbol of Aesculapius. b. Susanna
_______3. The author of the story entitled "The Mats." c. Marcelina
_______4. She was a student of music and was quite a proficient d. Old mat
_______5. His mat was simply decorated and the design almost e. Love for Family
_______6. It had green leaf borders, and a lot of gigantic red roses f. Mat
woven into it.
_______7. The fifth child of Mr. Angeles. g. Jose
_______8. The theme of the story. h. Francisco Arcellana
_______9. Itenarary i. Jaime Angeles
_______10. Matweaver j. Itenarary
k. Antonia

V. Assignment:
1. Define Simile.
2. Give atleast five examples of Simile.
Prepared by:

Nicole M. Ong

Checked by:

Mrs. Amalia Regalado


Approved by:

Mrs. Aileen Mejares

Head Teacher, English Department

Noted by:

Dr. Nancylita C. Cubol


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