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Course Structure and Standard Syllabus Course Topic: General Macroeconomic Analysis Course Title: Macroeconometric Forecasting and Analysis (MFA)

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Course Structure and Standard Syllabus

Course Topic: General Macroeconomic Analysis

Course Title: Macroeconometric Forecasting and Analysis (MFA)

Objectives: This two-week course aims at providing government and related officials a rigorous
foundation in the estimation of macro-econometric models and their application for forecasting
and policy analysis in central banks, ministries and public research institutions. Participants will
work together in groups to undertake a number of hands-on estimation and forecasting exercises.

By the end of the course participants should be able to:

 Understand the underpinnings of a number of model specifications.
 Use EViews software to apply modeling techniques to country data and replicate results
from a variety of important published research papers.
 Apply the techniques learned to country cases from their region to forecast and analyze a
policy issue.
 Bring applicable econometric tools, implemented in the EVIEWS econometric package,
back home that can quickly be applied to their own work or research projects as well as
to those of others that need to be understood or reviewed.
1. Stationary VARs, structural VARs and their application I: short-run restrictions
2. Modeling of non-stationary variables, forecasting with VECMs
3. Structural VARs and their application II: long-run and other restrictions
4. Forecasting with VAR extensions: FAVARs
5. Conditional forecasting with VARs in small open economies
6. Estimation of and forecasting with Bayesian VARs
7. State-space models and the Kalman Filter
8. Forecast Combination
9. Univariate and multivariate models of volatility and their application
10. Final Project: application of models for policy analysis and forecasting in selected

The course is targeted to staff economists involved in developing macro-econometric models and
forecasting for the analysis, design and implementation of macroeconomic policy. Participants
should have an advanced degree in economics or equivalent experience and background in
econometrics. They should also be comfortable using EViews for econometric applications. The
online Macroeconomic Forecasting (MF.x) course is strongly recommended as a prerequisite,
completing it will be considered an advantage in the applicant selection process. Participants are
expected to complete the EViews component of MF.x prior to the start of the course in case they
are not already experienced EViews users.
Performance Evaluation
Two multiple-choice tests will be given, one at the beginning and one at the end of the course.
Performance in these tests will be recorded in participants’ evaluations.

Charis Christofides (lead), Adina Popescu, Christian Johnson, and Mikhail Pranovich (JVI).

 Internal: Sam Ouliaris, Sunil Sharma (RES).
 External: Massimiliano Marcellino (Bocconi University).

 Lectures to be completed by end-April, 2016.
 First delivery at the JVI, May, 2016.
 China August, 2016 offering, to be based on Chinese data.
 Morocco offering, November, 2016.

Introductory Lecture: Overview of the Macroeconomic Forecasting course
Lecture 0.5 hours L-0 1. Structure of the Course
2. A short introduction to the design of the course, its main
elements, and objectives.

List of references: Not Applicable
UNIT 1: Stationary VARs, structural VARs and their application I: short-run restrictions

Lecture 1.5 hours L-1 1. Introduction in SVAR: identification problem

Part1 2. Choleski decomposition and short-run SVAR restrictions
3. Impulse responses

Workshop 1.5 hours W-1  Evaluating effect of monetary policy shocks in “Choleski-
Part2 ordered” SVARs and SVARs with the “institutionally-
implied” short-run restrictions
 Sims, C. (1992). “Interpreting the Macroeconomic Time Series Facts: the Effects of Monetary
Policy,” European Economic Review, pp. 975-1000.
 Bernanke, B. and I. Mihov (1995). “Measuring Monetary Policy,” NBER, WP/5145.
 Blanchard, O. and R. Perotti (2002), “An Empirical Characterization of the Dynamic Effects of
Changes in Government Spending and Taxes on Output,” The Quarterly Journal of Economics,
pp. 1329-68.
 Canova, F. (2007): Methods for Applied Macroeconomic Research, Princeton University Press.

UNIT 2: Modeling of non-stationary variables, forecasting with VECMs

Lecture 3 hours L-2 1. Testing variables for integration

2. Testing for cointegration and estimating VECMs

Workshop 3 hours W-2  Estimating long-run macroeconomic equilibrium

relationships. Forecasting with VECMs

 Johansen, S., 1988, “Statistical Analysis of Cointegration Vectors,” Journal of Economic
Dynamics and Control, Vol. 12, No. 2–3, pp. 231–254.
 Hamilton, J. D., 1994, “TS Analysis,” Princeton University Press, Chapters 15–19, pp. 435–629.
 Martin, V. L., A. S. Hurn and D. Harris (2013), “Econometric Modeling with Time Series:

Specification, Estimation and Testing,” Chapters 16–18, pp. 612–749.

 Ghysels, E., and Massimiliano Marcellino, 2015, “Forecasting Book,” Chapter 7.
UNIT 3: Structural VARs and their application for policy analysis II: long-run and other

Lecture 1.5 hours L-3 1. Identifying Structural VARs using long-run restrictions
Part 1 2. Other restrictions

Workshop 1.5 hours W-3  The SVAR for evaluating effects of fiscal policy.
\Part 2 Studying the effects of supply and demand shocks in the
SVAR with long-run restrictions. Tri-variate SVAR with
sign restrictions.
 Blanchard, O. and D. Quah (1989). “The Dynamic Effects of Aggregate Demand and Supply
Disturbances,” American Economic Review, pp. 655-73.
 Fry, R. and A. Pagan (2011). “Sign Restrictions in Structural Vector Autoregressions: A Critical
Review,” Journal of Economic Literature, 49, pp. 938-60.
 Ouliaris, S. et al (2015). “Quantitative Macroeconomic Modeling with SVARs”, Ch.6-7.

UNIT 4: VAR extensions II: FAVARs

Lectures 3.0 hours L-4, L-5 1. Basics of factor models

Part1 2. Small and large scale; selection of number of factors
3. Estimation, forecasting with FAVAR
4. Extensions
5. Unbalanced datasets; I(1) variables; nonlinearities

Workshops 3.0 hours  Estimating FAVARs on several macro-financial datasets

W-4, W-5
(monthly industrial production; quarterly GDP growth;
monthly inflation). Examples from both industrial and
emerging economies.

 Bernanke, B., Boivin, J., and P. S. Eliasz, 2005, "Measuring the Effects of Monetary Policy: A
Factor-augmented Vector Autoregressive (FAVAR) Approach," The Quarterly Journal of
Economics, MIT Press, vol. 120(1), pp. 387-422.
 Stock, J. H. and M. W. Watson, 2005, "Implications of Dynamic Factor Models for VAR
Analysis," NBER Working Papers 11467, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
 Fernald, J., M. M. Spiegel, E. T. Swanson, 2014: “Monetary policy effectiveness in China:
Evidence from a FAVAR model,” Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol.
49(PA), pages 83-103.


UNIT 5: Conditional forecasting with VARs in small open economies

Lecture 1.5 hours L-6 1. Conditional forecasting using VARs

Part1 2. Incorporating external forecasts and scenario analysis
Workshop 1.5 hours W-6  Conditional forecasting and scenario analysis with a VAR
Part2 model for a small open economy

 Waggoner D.F., and T. Zha, 1999, “Conditional forecasts in dynamic multivariate models,” The
Review of Economics and Statistics, 81:4, pp. 639-651.

UNIT 6: Estimation of and forecasting with Bayesian VARs

Lecture 3 hours L-7 1. Introduction to Bayesian econometrics, estimation of

Part1 linear regression models
2. Activity: exercise on Bayesian estimation of moments of
normal distribution
3. Estimating BVARs with analytical Minnesota and DSGE-
VAR priors
4. Review of empirical results on BVARs forecasting

Workshop 3 hours W-7  Estimating BVARs with Minnesota, Normal-Wishart

Part2 priors and DSGE-VAR priors. Forecasting
macroeconomic variables with BVARs

 Andrea Carriero, A., T. Clark and M. Marcellino, 2011, “Bayesian VARs: specification choices
and forecast accuracy,” Journal of Applied Econometrics, 30: pp46–73.
 Litterman, R. B., 1986, “Forecasting with Bayesian Vector Autoregressions—Five Years of
Experience,” Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 4, 1, pp. 25–38.
 Del Negro, M., and F. Schorfheide, 2004, “Priors from General Equilibrium Models for VARs,”
International Economic Review, 45, 2, pp. 643–73.
 Del Negro, M., and F. Schorfheide, 2007, “Bayesian Macroeconometrics,” prepared for the
Handbook of Bayesian Econometrics.
 Giannone, D., Lenza, M. and G. Primiceri, 2015, “Prior Selection for Vector Autoregressions,”
The Review of Economics and Statistics, 97(2), pp. 436-451.


UNIT 7: State-Space Models and the Kalman Filter

Lecture 3 hours L-8 1. State-space representation

Part1 2. The Kalman filter
3. Maximum likelihood estimation and Kalman smoothing
Workshop 3 hours W-8  Application of state-space models: estimating business
Part2 condition index, forecasting the yield curve, estimating
equilibrium interest rate
 Output gap estimation (e.g., HP filter, multivariate filter)
 Aruoba, S.B., Diebold, F.X. and C. Scotti, 2009, “Real-Time Measurement of Business
Conditions,” Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 27:4, pp. 417–27.
 Diebold, F. X. and C. Li, 2006, “Forecasting the Term Structure of Government Bond Yields,”
Journal of Econometrics, 130, pp. 337–364.
 Laubach, T., and J. C. Williams, 2003, “Measuring the Natural Rate of Interest,” Review of
Economics and Statistics, vol. 85, no. 4, pp. 1063–1070.
 Ghysels, E., and Massimiliano Marcellino, 2015, “Forecasting Book,” Chapter 12.

UNIT 8: Forecast Combination

Lecture 1.5 hours L-9 1. Motivation for combining forecasts

Part1 2. Implementation issues
3. Methods to assign weights
Workshop 1.5 hours W-9  Application of combination techniques to forecasting of
Part2 macroeconomic variables
 Clemen, R., 1985, “Combining Forecasts: A Review and Annotated Bibliography,” International
Journal of Forecasting, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 559–583.
 Stock, J., and M. Watson, 2004, “Combination Forecasts of Output Growth in a Seven-Country
Data Set,” Journal of Forecasting, Vol. 23, Issue 6, pp. 405–30.
 Timmermann, A., 2006, “Forecast Combinations,” in Handbook of Economic Forecasting,
Volume I, ed. by G. Elliott, C. W.J. Granger, and A. Timmermann (Amsterdam: Elsevier),
Chapter 4.


UNIT 9: Univariate and multivariate models of volatility and their application

Lecture 3 hours L-10 1. Estimating univariate volatility models (ARCH, GARCH)

Part1 and their descendants (TARCH, EGARCH)
2. Estimating multivariate volatility models
3. Background for the workshop: Value-at-Risk analysis
Workshop 1.5 hours W-10  Estimation of univariate and multivariate GARCH
Part2 models. Forecasting with GARCH models, application of
MVGARCH to Value-at-Risk analysis
 Volatility impact on first moment prediction
 Bollerslev, T., 1986, “Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity,” Journal of
Econometrics, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 307–327.
 Andersen, T., Bollerslev, T., Diebold, F. and P. Labys, 2003, “Modeling and Forecasting
Realized Volatility,” Econometrica, Volume 71, Issue 2, pp. 579–625.

UNIT 10: Final Project: application of models for policy analysis and forecasting in selected

Workshop 10.5 hours O-1  Projects: Participants will be provided (and encouraged to
Part1 bring their own) datasets for a number of selected
countries from the region and apply models taught in the
course to forecast inflation or another key macro variable
(single equation, factor, Kalman Filter, combination).

Workshop 3 hours O-2  Project presentations: groups present and discuss results of
Part2 their projects in a plenary session

List of references: Not Applicable


MFA -- Summary of Time Allocation

L-0 Intro 0.5
L-1 Structural VARs and their application for policy analysis I: short-run restrictions 1.5
L-2 Modeling of non-stationary variables, forecasting with VECMs 3
L-3 Structural VARs and their application for policy analysis II: long-run and other restrictions 1.5
L-4 Forecasting with VAR extensions II: FAVAR, Basics of factor models 1.5
L-5 Forecasting with VAR extensions II: FAVAR, Extensions 1.5
L-6 Conditional forecasting with VARs in small open economies 1.5
L-7 Estimation of and forecasting with Bayesian VARs 3
L-8 State-Space Models and Kalman Filtration 3
L-9 Forecast Combination 1.5
L-10 Univariate and multivariate models of volatility and their application 3

W-1 Structural VARs and their application for policy analysis I: short-run restrictions 1.5
W-2 Modeling of non-stationary variables, forecasting with VECMs 3
W-3 Structural VARs and their application for policy analysis II: long-run and other restrictions 1.5
W-4 Forecasting with VAR extensions II: FAVARs, Basics of factor models 1.5
W-5 Forecasting with VAR extensions II: FAVARs, Extensions 1.5
W-6 Conditional forecasting with VARs in small open economies 1.5
W-7 Estimation of and forecasting with Bayesian VARs 3
W-8 State-Space Models and Kalman Filtration 3
W-9 Forecast Combination 1.5
W-10 Univariate and multivariate models of volatility and their application 1.5

O-0 Quizzes, Administrative presentations 2.5
O-1 Participant Presentations - Prep 10.5
O-2 Participant presentations 3

L's 21.5
W's 19.5
O's 16

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