ERP Document For Trading Company
ERP Document For Trading Company
ERP Document For Trading Company
System Requirement Study
As per compatibility of ERP
Operating System for Server and
Operating System application (Vendor will provide
Information of the same)
UDN will procure all the necessary
licenses for Operating system,
Licenses Software Database Servers and any other
commercial software needed to
deploy the solution
Remote Desktop Like Ammy, Team viewer
The location from where users will be access ERP system i.e. HO and its Multi-Warehouse and Birgunj Branch
through Intranet/Internet.
Installation and Implementation-
If there is specific/additional
Specific/Additional Shall provide the Specific/Additional requirement of Users then
Requirement by Users Requirement to Vendor Vendor will do needful of the
Business Process
Overview of Company-
United Distributors Nepal Private Limited (UDN) has been engaged in trading and distribution business and is
renowned company of Nepal. UDN imports FMCG product from different countries and distributes and
promotes their products across Nepal through the different distribution channels i.e. Stockiest (Sub-Distribution,
Modern Retailer and Wholesaler). UDN is working with some of the top most global FMCG companies such as
P&G, Ferrero, Mars International, GSK and many more.
The corporate office of UDN is situated at Thapathali, Kathmandu and its warehouses are located in different
location i.e. Bhaktapur and Lalithpur.
UDN's Branch is situated at Birgunj and its account, inventory and transactions like Sales Invoice, dispatch are
maintained separately and Sales & Marketing and Purchase are maintaining centralized.
Separate P & L Statements and Balance sheets are prepared for Corporate Office and Birgunj branch and
further the P&L and Balance Sheets for both are consolidated and finalized.
Departments are -
Department Sales & Marketing Department
Process Name Sales & Marketing Structure
Type of
Regular End of Period Occasional Rare
Start Event
Process End
No. S_001
Z1 Z2 Z1 Z2 Z1 Z2
A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2
Sales Team Structure-
Sales Head
4. Stockiest (Distributor) also has his own sales men (DSE) whose incentives are paid by the UDN
Company as per plan (DRCP- Daily Route Coverage Plan) which is created by Sales Head of UDN. On
that plan (DRCP) basis, a DSE (from sub-distributor) reach out to all the Retailers in their regions to
take orders.
5. Finally SO/STL takes order of distributors and pass on the order to the MIS person by email or calling
6. Sales Head gives target to sales team based on Volume and Value of product.
7. Salesperson is done sales in two categories i.e. Primary and Secondary sales. Primary sale is UDN
deals with Sub Distributor/Modern Retailer and a secondary sale is sub-distributor deals with Retailer
likewise Modern Retailer deals with Consumer.
1. Branch Wise Sale
2. Business Group wise sale report
3. Product Wise sale report
4. Zone/Area wise Sale Report
5. Zone/Area wise sale team report
Department Sales and Marketing Department
Process Name Allocate New Customer (Sub-Distributor and Modern Retailer)
Type of
Regular End of Period Occasional Rare
Start Event
Process End
No. S_002
Flow Chart-
Sales Person check the area Sales person Enter the details of
Customer Create List of
to allocate new Sub- collects the profiles of
Creation Plan Potential
distributor/ Modern Retailer profiles of them Potential
(Potential Customer)
Approved the
P.Customer to Analysis the Sales Head
Cancel the Potential Finalize Potential check the
Customer as per
Customer if criterion TOT (Terms of Customer as profile of
does not meet as per ? Trade) by Sales per TOT them
TOT Head
Process Details-
1. Sales Head make Marketing planning with sales team to allocate new Sub-distributor/Modern
2. UDN allocates Prospect Customer on following criteria
a. Geography
b. Size of opportunities
c. Financially Strong
3. Sales Person checks the area and generates list o new Potential customer and collects the profiles of
4. Sales team forward potential customer‘s profiles to Sales Head for analyzing as per TOT.
5. After analyzing, the MD approved and finalized the potential customer to be customer as per Terms of
6. UDN finalize the new Sub-Distributor /Modern Retailer/Wholesaler based on Term of Trade are-
a. Bank Guarantee or Cash in Advance or Credit
b. Customer's PAN/VAT Number and
c. Payment Terms
Department Sales and Marketing Department
Process Name Sales Order Processing
Type of
Regular End of Period Occasional Rare
Start Event Takes Order
Process End Account Receivable
No. S_003
Flow Chart-
Gate Keeper check final the Delivery material Customer payment Entry details of
Cartons of items against at Customer's site against SI as per Account
Sales Invoice and Dispatch payment terms Receivable as per
Challan 9 Credit Period
Process Details -
1. DSE takes order from customer and forward the same to ASM/STL and then ASM/STL sends the
order details to MIS person through email or telephone and in order MIS person prepares the order
sheet of the same.
2. MIS person checks for the available stock against the Order sheet, and then he creates sales order
of available items and cancels the order which is not available in stock.
3. After creating SO, the MIS person forward the same sales order to the Sales Head for approval. If
the sales order is approved and then forward it to the account department. Otherwise it is kept on
hold on the basis of pending payment of customer or credit limit cross.
4. MIS person follow up with a customer for the pending payment, if the pending payment is released
by a customer, then sales order is approved and forward it to the account department. Otherwise,
cancel the order if the payment is not released within sales order's validity.
5. The account person forwards the Pre-dispatch Challan to the warehouse for confirmation the
availability of stocks. Store person checks for the material availability against Pre-dispatch Challan
and then intimate to account department for the same. He cancels the order which is not available
in stock and intimates the same to accounts dept.
6. Once confirmed of availability stock, the account person creates the Sales Invoice against Pre-
dispatch Challan and forward the same to the warehouse for dispatch.
7. Based on Sales Invoice the Store person generate the dispatch Challan
8. The store person picking and load the material into truck against the Sales Invoice and Dispatch
Challan and finally check by gate keeper the carton of item against Dispatch Challan and Sales
9. Against the Sales Invoice the payments is released by customer based on payment terms.
Note- 1. The Pre-dispatch Challan is internally used only which is created before Sales Invoice and based on
this the store person check and confirm the materials which are available in stock and pickup the material for
2. If order for Birgunj branch and the order is not completed due to non-availability of material at Birgunj and has
to complete the customer’s order, then rest of material dispatch from Kathmandu branch by creating another
sales invoice.
Price Management-The Selling price list is created by MD with effective date for different levels like Sub-
Distributor, Retailers, Modern Retailer, and Consumer and set the margin. The prices for items are set for
different channel partner based on MRP and changed the price based on changing MRP. The price list is
forwarded to the Account Dept to be applied the price for each item while creating Sales Invoice. Price list is
managed centrally. Some of purchase prices for same product are different as the purchases are done from
different countries.
Product and Trade Discount- Product and Trade discount are decided and finalized by MD and apply the
Product and Trade discount on sales invoice for Stockiest and Modern Retailer.
Flow Chart-
If due
Is payment < Follow up with Stop Order
Credit? 30 days of customer by Sales Processing
first Billing head
Process Details-
1. Account dept send the Ageing Receivable report to the Sale Head for following-up the payment.
2. In Bank Guarantee case, Sales Head follow-up with customer for payment;
a. If the credit period is above 21 or 30 days (user to set the parameter of credit period) then
Sales Head follow up with customer for payment.
3. If payment is not release within 45 days then sales head stops the Order processing for customer
4. In Credit case , Sales Head follow-up with customer for payment
a. If the credit period is above 30 days of first billing date the sales head keeps Onhold the
customer's further order.
Department Sales and Marketing Department
Process Name Sales Return- Non-Sold/Excess Materials
Type of
Regular End of Period Occasional Rare
Start Event
Process End
No. S_005
Flow Chart-
Sales person
Sales person Customer sends the
Customer intimate verify and
goes at debit note to UDN
to sales person for prepares sheet of
customer's site based on Non-Sold
Non-sold/Excess Non- Sold/Excess
for checking /Excess items
items items
Process Details-
Department Sales and Marketing Department
Process Name Sales Return- Damaged/ Expiry Material (Sub-Distributor)
Type of
Regular End of Period Occasional Rare
Start Event
Process End
No. S_006
Flow Chart-
Retailer returns the Sales team goes Sales team verifies Sub-Distributor
Damaged/Expiry at customer's site and prepares the sends the Debit note
material to Sub- for checking report of the to the UDN
Distributor damaged/expiry
In the case of damaged/expiry material is not returned physically by the customer, but the required amount to
be recovered for the losses are debited by the customer to UDN A/c.
Process Details:
1. Retailer returns the expiry material to the Sub-distributor and based on the expiry material the sales
person goes at client's site and verify and prepares the sheet for the same.
2. Sub-distributor send the Debit note to the UDN and account dept entries the details of Debit Note
3. Sales person forward the report of Expiry/Damages material to the Sales Head for verification.
4. Verify the debit note with report by the Sales Head
5. After verifying it, the Sales Head send the Debit note to the CFO/MD for approval. If there is amendment
in debit note the sales head discuss with customer and amend the debit note accordingly.
6. Once approved, account dept send the credit note to the sub-distributor
7. Afterward the sales team goes to customer's site for destroying the expiry material as per report.
Department Sales and Marketing Department
Process Name Sale Return- Damaged/ Expiry Material (Modern Retailer)
Type of Process Regular End of Period Occasional Rare
Start Event
Process End
No. S_007
Flow Chart-
Expiry/ Damaged Sales team goes Sales team verifies Modern Retailer
Material at at customer's site and prepares the sends the Debit
Modern Retailer's for checking report of the expiry note to the UDN
se material
Account dept
Adjust the Verified Verify the DN Sales person
enter the details
DN ? with report by forward the sheet
of Debit Note
Sales Head to Sales Head
Approved the Account dept send Sales Return at Destroy the expiry
Debit Note by the the credit note to the UDN's warehouse material
MD Modern Retailer
Enter the
details of sales
In the case of sales material rejection by modern retailer, material is received at UDN’s warehouse and giving
credit to customer.
Process Details-
1. Based on the expiry/damaged material the Modern Retailer intimate to sales person.
2. Sale person goes at customer’s for checking and verifies and prepares sheet of expiry/damaged
3. After verifying, the customer sends the Debit Note to the UDN and Account dept entries the details
of Debit Note.
4. Sales person forward the sheet to the Sales Head for verification.
5. Sales Head verifies the Debit Notes with report and if there is adjustment in Debit note the sales
head discuss with customer and adjust the debit note accordingly.
6. After verifying it , the Sales Head send the Debit note to the CFO/MD for approval
7. Once approved it, the Account dept send the credit note to the Modern Retailer
8. Modern Retailer returns the expiry material to UDN’s warehouse and afterward the UDN destroy
the expiry material.
Department Sales and Marketing Department
Process Name Short of Material
Type of
Regular End of Period Occasional Rare
Start Event
Process End
No. S_008
Short of Material-
In case of short of material is received by customer, the UDN verifies where from the short of material is done, if
the short of material is done while transit and then UDN claim from the transporter for the same by sending
Sales Invoice and send credit note to the customer against the debit note of short of material which is sent by
the customer. If the short of material is done at UDN end then the required amount to be recovered for the loss
is debited by the customer to UDN A/c.
Department Sales and Marketing Department
Process Name Sales Promotional Schemes (Sub-Distributor)
Type of
Regular Monthly End of Period Occasional Rare
Start Event
Process End
No. PS_001
Flow Chart-
Sub Distributors Secondary Promo Retailers
The Promotional Schemes run under Supplier and UND and centrally manage promotions.
UDN proposes to run quarterly Promotional Scheme for Retailer/Consumers and takes an approval of
Promotional scheme from the Supplier. Some Promotion Schemes run by UDN itself for making more Business
After approving the Promotional Schemes, the sales head creates the monthly Trade Promotion Plan sheet as
per approved plan e.g. giving discount/offer (Rs off, Buy 1 get 1 free and etc) on specific products and their
quantities and then forward the same sheet to MD for approval.
There are different types of promotion scheme like Primary Promotion, Consumer offer Promotion and
Secondary Promotion scheme.
If there is Primary/Consumer Promotional Schemes, then apply the discount/offer while creating Sale Invoice.
b) Secondary Promotions:
If there is a Secondary promotional scheme then give off-invoice like Quantity Purchase Scheme/
discount/Product offer to channel partner and channel partner claim the same from UDN to send Claim Sheet at
the month end. The finance department verifies the claim sheet based on the status of Opening and closing
stock at channel partner's site to ensure that they are claiming as per sale the product under schemes to
retailer, if there is discrepancy in claim sheet then finance department discuss with sales head and adjust it
accordingly. After verifying it, the finance dept generates credit note based on claims sheet and CFO/MD
approves the credit note and sends it to customer.
Subsequently, UDN's account dept generates debit note for claims based on Approve Plan and approved it by
CFO/MD and send it to the Supplier. Note- the UDN claims as per the promotional scheme plan which is
approved from supplier on specific items and approval quantities.
Display Promotions:
In case of Display Product scheme, the sub-distributor offers to retailers for shelf space with Promotional
display and monthly/quarterly sum is paid to the retailers for the display space and then sub-distributor claim the
same charges from UDN by sending Display Contract bill and UDN claims the same by sending the Debit Note
to Supplier (Principal).
Department Sales and Marketing Department
Process Name Sales Promotional Schemes (Modern Retailer)
Type of
Regular Monthly End of Period Occasional Rare
Start Event
Process End
No. PS_002
Flow Chart-
Send it to the
Consumer Promotion-
UDN makes a trade promotion budgets for Retailer/Consumer and then proposes to Supplier to run quarterly
Promotional Scheme and takes an approval of Promotional scheme from the Supplier as well. After approving
the Promotions Schemes, the sales head creates the monthly Trade Promotion Plan sheet of Consumer Offers
and Trade Promotion discount on specific products and their quantities and forward the same sheet to MD for
approval. After approving it, the account dept entries consumer offers and Trade promotion for product on Sales
Display Schemes-
In case of Display Product scheme, Modern Retailer runs the scheme and they claim the same from UDN by
sending Display Contract bill.
Subsequently, the UDN claims from Supplier on promotional schemes based on Approve Plan. Account dept is
prepared sheet for claims and approved it by CFO/MD and send it to the Supplier.
Note:- the UDN claims as per the promotional scheme plan which is approved from supplier on specific items
and approval quantities.
Flow Chart-
Request for
Vendor selection Comparison of
Quotation entry Quotation from
and Approve by Quotations by
Sales Head Sales Head
UDN claim the Account dept Approved the UDN send the
same from generate debit Debit Note by debit note to the
Principal note CFO/MD Principal
FMOT is In/out-store advertising (Promo- items), the various forms of advertising articles on the store premises
like Banner, pamphlet, and etc.
Process Details-
1. The Sales head proposes for launching the In-store advertising and takes an approval the same from
2. Then Sales head plan for procure the in-store advertising articles and approve it from the CFO/MD
3. Once Approved, Quotation from different vendors are demanded for advertising articles requirements
then quotation comparison is done on various parameters of quality, delivery schedules, and payment
terms. On this parameter basis the sales head select and approve the vendor.
4. After approving the Vendor then Sales Head forward the approved quotation to the Purchase dept for
creating the PO.
5. Once the PO created, the Purchase dept send the PO to the CFO/MD for approval
6. Once approved the PO, then Purchase dept send the PO to the Vendor for order and vendor place the
order at UDN's warehouse against Challan and store person enter the details in inward register against
1. For requisition the advertising articles, the Sales Head send the email of the same to the Store dept
The store person issues to Distributors the material against requisition email and maintains the stock of
the same.
Department Purchase Department
Process Name Purchasing Processing (import)
Type of
Regular End of Period Occasional Rare
Start Event Reorder level
Process End Submit Proforma Invoice to Bank
No. P_001
Flow Chart:
Receive Proforma
Update source wise Invoice (PFI)
Send PO to
Purchase Order in Order Check PO Qty Appro against PO from
Pad based on Purchase by CFO/MD ved? Supplier at
Planning by Purchase Dept Purchase Dept
Process Details-
1. Receive the source wise Order Pad from Principal and update the Order Pad in system
2. Then Purchase Dept creates Purchase Order source wise by updating quantities in Order Pad on the
basis of Purchase Planning to considering all the parameters like available stock, Average Business
Sale, Pending ( to be received) and reorder level of stocks and approve the PO by CFO/MD. If there
are changes in PO then send it back to purchase department for modification.
3. Once approved it, the Purchase dept. send PO to the Supplier and receive the Proforma Invoice from
supplier based on Purchase Order and then CFO/MD check the Proforma Invoice, if there is
amendment in PI, then send it back to the Supplier for amendment, otherwise approved it.
4. Once PI approved, account dept submit the Proforma Invoice to the Bank to open a Letter of Credit or
Telegraphic Transfer
Department Purchase Department
Process Name Payment by LC Process
Type of
Regular End of Period Occasional Rare
Start Event Applying for LC
Process End Close LC
No. P_002
Clearance to
material and pay
Delivery the Receive the UDN send the Appoint the clearance fee by
material by material at documents at Clearing Agents clearing agent at
Supplier Calcutta Port clearance office Port
Close LC
Purchase (Import) by LC Process-
1. Once confirmed the LC by UDN's bank, the Bank sends the original document to the UDN and
account dept maintain the documents of LC and supplier's document.
2. After receiving the document from Bank, the account dept submit the LC details to insurance
company for applying an Insurance certificate and pay the premium.
3. In the case of import from India, the UDN sends the copy of LC with insurance to the custom office
(Birgunj). The UDN appoints to Clearing Agent and he performs all the clearing formalities and
documentation and pays the custom duty with VAT at custom office based on the soft copy sent to
4. In the case of import from other countries, the UDN send the copy of LC with insurance to the
clearance office at Calcutta port. The UDN appoints to Clearing Agent and he performs all the
clearing formalities and documentation and pays the clearance fees at Calcutta port. After
clearance from Calcutta port the material reached at Birgunj and there clearing agent performs all
the clearing formalities and documentation and pays the custom duty at custom office based on the
soft copy sent to him.
5. Then Material receives at UDN's warehouse with documents (against Pragyapan Patra and
Packing List). If partial shipment is allowed, the partially shipment is done otherwise the LC is
closed. Then Payment is done against Commercial Invoice of supplier.
6. In the case of damaged or loss material during transit, then Insurance company/supplier (if
CIF) is responsible for damaged or loss material until material are delivered to the carrier at the port
of destination and if damage during transits, UDN claims of damage or loss from Insurance
company. if there discrepancy on value between LC Value and CI Value (if less received than
actual), then UDN request to insurance company for refund the premium amount of differences
7. If LC is expired at the time of shipment of material from supplier, then UDN send letter to Bank for
extending the date of LC.
8. The payment to Clearing Agent is paid mostly in advance.
Department Purchase Department
Process Name LC Amendment
Type of
Regular End of Period Occasional Rare
Start Event
Process End
No. P_003
Flow Chart-
Process Details-
1. After receiving the original document of LC from bank, if there is amendment in LC then UDN sends the
Letter of amendment LC on approval basis from CFO/MD.
2. Amend the LC to increase the quantity; UDN creates another PO for additional quantity under same LC.
3. Bank amend the LC and confirm the LC based on agreement from supplier
4. After confirming, the Bank sends the amended original LC to UDN.
Department Purchase Department
Process Name Payment by TT Process
Type of
Regular End of Period Occasional Rare
Start Event Applying for TT
Process End Received Material
No. P_004
Flow Chart-
Clearance to material
Reached at UDN send the and pay custom duty & Reached at
Border (Birgunj) documents to VAT by clearing agent at Border (Birgunj)
Custom office custom office (Birganj)
Process Details-
1. Purchase Dept. creates Import Purchase orders for Material on Reorder Level based and it is
approved by the CFO/MD, if there are changes in PO, then send it back to purchase department for
modification. Once approved it the Purchase dept. send to the Supplier.
2. Receive the Proforma Invoice from supplier based on Purchase Order at the Purchase Dept and
approve it by Manager, if there is amendment in PI, then send it back to the Supplier for
3. Once PI approved, account dept submit the Proforma Invoice to a Bank for applying the
Telegraphic Transfer (TT) and transfer the money to beneficiary.
4. Once transfer the money, the supplier delivery material with documents.
5. In the case of import from India, the UDN sends the copy of Proforma Invoice with TT to the custom
office (Birgunj). The UDN appoints to Clearing Agent and he performs all the clearing formalities
and documentation and pays the custom duty with VAT at custom office based on the soft copy
sent to him.
6. In the case of import from other countries, the UDN send the copy of Proforma with TT to the
clearance office at Calcutta port. The UDN appoints to Clearing Agent and he performs all the
clearing formalities and documentation and pays the clearance fees at Calcutta port. After
clearance from Calcutta port the material reached at Birgunj and there clearing agent performs all
the clearing formalities and documentation and pays the custom duty at custom office based on the
copy of TT sent to him.
7. Then Material receives at UDN's warehouse against Pragyapan Patra and Packing List and store
person entries the details in inward register.
Department Purchase Department
Process Name Local Purchase Process
Type of
Regular End of Period Occasional Rare
Start Event
Process End
No. P_005
1. Local purchase is not done in large scale but some materials are purchased against purchase
order. The materials of local purchase are capital goods, consumables and admin items and other
trading materials also.
2. The Admin Dept issues the admin items to the employee on approval basis.
Department Purchase Department
Process Name Short of Material Received
Type of
Regular End of Period Occasional Rare
Start Event
Process End
No. P_006
Flow chart-
Dispatch person send Account Dept Check Is short Account Dept creates
the Tally Sheet (GRN) in Tally sheet (GRN) with Mat recvd the Purchase Return
excel with shortage of Commercial Invoice for Principal?
Invoice (PRI) based
material to Account discrepancy on short of material
PRI by
Is short Is short
UDN bear loss Mat at Mat
of shortage custom during
material office? transit?
Send the PRI to
Process Details-
1. The dispatch person send the Tally Sheet in excel format to the account dept
2. Based on Tally sheet (GRN) Account Dept check quantity with Commercial Invoice, if the material is
short from the principal the account dept generates Purchase Return Invoice based on shortage of
material and approve it by the CFO/MD and send it to the Supplier.
3. If the material is short while material transit from custom office to Warehouse then UDN claims of
shortage material from Transporter to send the Sales Invoice of shortage material. If transporter is
failed to pay the claim against losses, then UDN itself bear of losses.
Department Store and Logistic Department
Process Name Outgoing Material Process
Type of
Regular End of Period Occasional Rare
Start Event
Process End
No. I_001
Flow chart-
Intimate to the
Acc person of
Delivered material
at Customer' site
Entry the dispatch and take Customer Send debit
details in Outward Acknowledgement To Pays freight note to
Register. Pay?
on Sale Invoice charges UDN
Account dept
Receive Bill from generates Credit
Transporter at Note
Account Dept
Process Details-
1. After receiving the Pre-dispatch Challan, the Store person checks for the material against the Pre-
Dispatch Challan, if the materials are available in stock, then store person picks available materials
and put them at outward material zone. The Account dept. generates the Sales Invoice of available
materials and forwards it to the Store Department.
2. As per sales invoice Store Department book the transport and receive the hard copy of Billty from
transporter and entries details of Transport’s Details like Transporter name, Billty No. and Date,
Billty booked carton/case.
3. Loading the material for customer and entries the same details in outward register and
loading/unloading bill send to the Account dept. at HO
4. After delivering the material to Customer, the transporter sends the hard copy of Transport bill to
the UDN. In some cases, the freight charges are 'to pay' i.e. the freight charges will be borne by the
customer at the time of receiving material and afterward the customer send debit note to UDN for
the same. The account dept generates the credit note and approved it from CFO/MD and send it to
the customer.
5. In case of sales material return, material is received at UDN's warehouse from Customer and
freight charges of transport are borne by the UDN.
Department Store and Logistic Department
Process Name Import from other Countries
Type of
Regular End of Period Occasional Rare
Start Event Reached Material at Calcutta Port
Process End Reached Material at Birgunj
No. I_002
Reached the
material at Calcutta Start
Get an intimation of
Reached the
material dispatched
B Material at
from Calcutta by email
Border (Birgunj)
to UDN
Process Details-
1. In case of import from other countries, once the container of material are reached at Calcutta Port,
UDN gets an intimation of material received at port by email to be monitoring of transport logistic
activities. The clearing agent carries out all clearing formalities at Calcutta Port.
2. Then, UDN book the transport (by road) from Calcutta to Birgunj and gets an email of intimation of
material dispatched from Calcutta.
3. At Birgunj the containers are destuffed and UDN book again transport (by road) from Birgunj to
Kathmandu after clearance to material from custom office.
Department Inventory and Logistic Department
Process Name Import from India
Type of
Regular End of Period Occasional Rare
Start Event Reached Material at Birgunj
Process End Reached Material at KTM Warehouse
No. I_003
Entry the details by Check material Receive Bill The Transport's Bill
Store person in and send Tally from Details entry by
inward Register Sheet to Acc Dept Transporter Account Dept. at
against Pragyapan HO
Patra and packing list
Process Details-
4. In case of import from India, once reached the material at Border from supplier, receive the
information of the same to UDN by email and UDN book the Transport at border (Birgunj) and
unload/load the material and bring the material to Kathmandu after clearance to material from
custom office.
5. Receive the material at UDN's warehouse (Store 1 or Store 2 or Birgunj Branch's store).
6. Unload the material and check the material by Store person against packing list and entries the
same details in inward register and send the Tally sheet to Account department at HO. In Tally
sheet, all the details of received material and transports with short of material are mentioned. The
actual entries of received material against Commercial Invoice (supplier) for Kathmandu or Birgunj
in system by account person in HO.
7. After receiving the material at Kathmandu’s warehouse, Loading/unloading bills and the
transporter's bills send to the account dept at HO.
Perform activities by Store in-charge as following-
1. Store person maintains the log of stocks in Carton/Case, piece wise and SKU wise.
2. UDN's warehouses are located in different location Store-1 and Store-2 and maintain the stock
3. For Birgunj branch the stock is maintained separately and send the Stock Report at HO
4. The stock is maintained in rack wise and tracking the stock by Batch no/ Lot no. / Serial
5. Maintain the log of Transport’s Details of outward/inward material.
6. Maintain the Minimum Level Stock
7. Tracking Manufacturing and Expiry Date of the item and maintain log for the same.
8. Maintaining records of incoming and outgoing materials and sales return.
9. Customer's end Expiry/Damaged material is destroyed and maintains log for the same
10. Godown Expiry/Damaged material is destroyed and maintains log for the same.
11. Maintain record of Slow and Fast moving Items based on daily/monthly consumption of items.
12. Physical stock is taken at the end of each month.
13. Stock valuation is done by taking physical stock on FIFO basis
14. Maintain the stock of In-store Advertising material
15. Stock Transfer is done from Birgunj branch to Kathmandu or vice-versa against Challan
Note- Carton size of products is not fixed, it may be changeable.
Department Account /Finance Department
Process Name Bank Guarantee Process
Type of
Regular End of Period Occasional Rare
Start Event
Process End
No. A_001
Flow Diagram:
Customer Submits
Bank Guarantee
check the Expiry Date
of BG
Process Details-
1. After finalizing the Customer as per Terms of Trade policy, the UDN send the letter to customer for
requesting BG to allow Credit Exposure
2. The customer Submit the BG to UDN and enter the details of BG with Value in system by Finance
3. Account department set the parameter of Credit Limit and Credit Period based on BG. for e.g. if BG is
1, 00,000 NRP, the account manager set the Credit limit 110,000 NRP based on financial strength of
4. Finance Dept check regularly/periodically the expiry date of BG, if the BG is getting expiry then Finance
Dept sends the letter to customer for Renewal of BG.
5. Receive the BG from customer and Update the Renewal BG details in system.
Loan -
The UDN takes loan against Letter of Credit/ TT and then UDN maintains Bank wise disbursement of
Loan interest along with variable rates and terms of interest and on weekly, the reconciliation is done by
receiving the Bank Statement from Bank.
Account Receivable -
1. The payment is made by customer in Credit or Bank Guarantee or the advance in cash as per
Payment terms.
Account Payable-
1. In Purchase (import) case the payment is done through LC/TT/DAP and in local purchase case the
payment is done in credit.
2. In UDN the import is done in large scale so transaction in multiple foreign currency and account is
maintained in NRP (Nepali Rupees)
Cash is accounted on approval basis against expenses sheet and sometimes advance payment is also
Expenses booking-
Expenses booking are done on approval. In general all payments to parties are paid for against
valid bills and related documents.
Sales Return-
In case of sales material rejection, material is received at UDN's warehouse from Customer and
giving credit to customer. In some cases the damaged/expiry material is not returned physically by
the customer, but the required amount to be recovered for the losses is debited by the customer to
UDN A/c.
Credit/Debit Note-
1. The UDN issues the credit note to customer against as following are-
a. Short of material at customer site.
b. Sale return- Expiry material/Damaged Material/ Excess material
c. Freight Charges (to pay) which is paid by customer during delivery time
a. Promotions Schemes claim like Trade promotion/Consumer promotion./Display
2. The account dept. issues the debit note to the Supplier against as following are-
a. Short of Material/Damage Material received
b. Promotion schemes claim as per Approval Plan
c. FMOT In-store advertising claim as per Approval Plan
1. Bank gives a soft or hard copy of bank account at month end and reconciliation the Bank Statement
2. Creditor/Debtors Reconciliation is done at the end of Month/financial year (as per Nepal Fiscal
Statutory Taxes-
Fixed Assets-
The rate of depreciation for fixed asset is maintained as per Company act.
Stock Valuation-
Stock valuation is done by physical stock taking by stores on FIFO basis. Stock adjustment required in
system for physical stock.
Generate Register/Reports-