T2 Tender Notice 23.9.19
T2 Tender Notice 23.9.19
T2 Tender Notice 23.9.19
2 Circle : Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh
PIN CODE:523001
1) Individual/ Firm/ Company registered with valid registration in terms of CPWD or PWD
Codes in anywhere in the Country.
2) The Bidder shall have experience in Tunnel excavation using Tunnel Boring Machine or
shall have a MoU with an Agency / Manufacturer having experience in Tunnel excavation using
Tunnel Boring Machine.
3) In case of J.V, at least one member of the J.V group should have a valid registration with
Central /any State Government and others should have applied for registration with the
Central /any State Government as on the date of submission of bids. Evidence of their
making applications with Central /any State Government will be sufficient to make them
eligible for participation.
In case the J.V. happens to be successful Contractor, the other J.V partners who have
applied for registration should produce valid registration with Central /any State
Government within 3 months after concluding Contract agreement.
Failure to comply with this condition, contract shall be cancelled, duly forfeiting the Performance
Security, security deposits and value of work done as on that date besides blacklisting the other
J.V partners having valid registration with Central /any State Government.
4) The Bids are limited to those individuals, firms, companies, joint ventures, who meet the
following qualification and eligibility requirements and herein after referred to as “Contractor”.
5) In case of joint ventures, the eligibility criteria will be considered on the basis of combined
resources of the JV members.
6) The total members in the Joint venture shall not be more than 3 (Three).
7) The Contractor should submit a Power of Attorney for Signing of Bid. In the case of a Joint
Venture, the members should submit a Power of Attorney in favour of the Lead Member.
8) In case of Joint Venture, the JV members should have entered into a legally valid Agreement
for joint and several responsibilities and submit along with bid. The name of the Lead Member
shall be defined. The Lead Member’s share shall be not less than 51% in the joint venture. The
share of each member including lead Member shall be exhibited in the JV Agreement.
9) The JV Agreement should clearly exhibit the responsibilities of the JV members. The non lead
members of the JV shall execute a Power of Attorney in favour of the Lead Member authorizing
the Lead Member to conduct all business for and on behalf of the JV during (a) Tendering
process and (b) execution and for successful performance of the package including the Defect
Liability period in case of award of work. The Lead Member shall execute a Power of Attorney
in favour of one of its officers to be the Authorized Signatory for signing the Bid Documents and
also to undertake all other acts and deeds on the behalf of the JV in connection with the Bid and
the Contract.
10) The JV Agreement should clearly exhibit the validity of the Agreement until the completion of
the work including the Defect Liability period.
11) The JV firm should furnish an undertaking from all the members that in case of award of work,
the J.V Agreement deed is irrevocable by any one or all the members together until 3 months
after the completion of the contract period including the defect liability. In case of Extension of
time granted by the employer, the Agreement of joint undertaking is also deemed to be extended
for the period of such delay and that it is irrevocable until 3 months after the completion of the
extended periods also.
12) The JV Agreement should also include JV members to agree that the above undertaking to be
without any prejudice to the various liabilities of the members of the JV (Contractor) including
the performance security deposit as well as all the other obligations of the contract.
13) In case of J.Vs in meeting the requirement of eligibility criteria except “Available bid capacity”,
will ascertained as combined resources of all joint venture members.
14) The experience of the work for which bids are invited shall be shared among the members of J.V.
in the same ratio of their financial/equity participation in the work.
15) Bidders/ any of the joint venture member has suffered bankruptcy/declared
insolvency/liquidation by NCLT/any court are not eligible to participate in Bidding.
16) The Bidders shall invariably register with AP e- Auction Portal (https://konugolu.ap.gov.in) for
participating in e – Auction / Reverse Auction by paying registration fee.
B) Eligibility criteria:
1. Assessed available Bid Capacity as per formula (3AN-B) should be greater than the Estimated
Contract Value.
2. The bidder should have executed a Tunnel Excavation work of length not less than
2.00 Km of minimum 4.60 Diameter.
3. The bidder should have satisfactorily completed similar nature of works in Irrigation / Hydro
power projects having Tunnel Excavation as one of the components of value not less than
Rs. 105.67 Crores as a prime contractor or as a lead member in a J.V. in the same name
and style in any one financial year during the last 10 financial years (2009-10 to 2018-19)
updated by giving 10% simple weightage per year to bring them to 2019-20 price level.
4. The Bidder should have executed minimum quantities in one year during last ten
financial years (2009-10 to 2018-19)
a) Cement Concrete in Cubic meter : 14,502 cum
b) Hard Rock Excavation in Irrigation
Or Hydro Power Projects : 1,20,625 cum out of which at least 50% in
Tunnel Excavation
5. The Bidder should have minimum annual financial turnover in all civil engineering and
Hydro-Power works of value not less than Rs.105.67 Crores in any one year in the same
name and style during last 10 (ten) years (2009-10 to2018-19) up dated by giving 10% simple
weightage per year to bring them to 2019-20 price level.
In case of joint venture the combined resources will be considered.
Certificate regarding annual financial turnover of the firm in all Civil Engineering and Hydro-
Power works duly authenticated by Statutory Auditor along with audited Balance Sheet
shall be furnished.
6. The Bidder and each member in case of joint venture should be net profit making in at
least 3 (Three) Financial Years during last five Financial Years.
7. (a) Liquid assets or credit facilities or Solvency Certificate from Indian Nationalized or
Scheduled Banks of value not less than Rs.52.84 Crores.
8. Assured available Bid capacity as per formula (3AN-B) shall be greater than Estimated
Contract assessed by employer.
A = Maximum value of Civil Engineering and Hydro Power works executed in any one
year during last 10 (ten) years (updated by giving 10% simple weightage per year to
bring them to the Financial Year 2019-20 price level.
N = Number of years prescribed for completion of Works for which tenders are invited.
9. Even though the Contractors meet the above Qualification Criteria, they are subject to
disqualified if they have:
a. Record of poor performance such as abandoning the works, not properly completing or
financial failures etc., in preceding 10 (ten) financial years (2009-10 to 2018-19).
b. Consistent history of litigation or arbitration awards against the Contractor or any member
of the JV in preceding 10 (ten) financial years (2009-10 to 2018-19).
10 Procedure for Bid : 1. Tender schedule can be downloaded from the web site:
Submission. https://tender.apeprocurement.gov.in
2. Intending bidders can contact Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole, Andhra
Pradesh Ph.No.08592-234253 for any clarification, information on any working day during
working hours.
3. All bidders must fill out the pre-qualification checklist and sign on the self-declaration form
stating their compliance with all the technical and financial pre-qualification criteria
4. All bidders must upload documents in the e-Procurement portal validating their declarations
under the technical and commercial pre-qualification criteria laid out in the checklist
5. The bidders should quote their initial price offer at the prescribed field / place provided in the e-
market place.
6. The quoted initial price offer cannot be in excess of 5% over the Estimated Contract value
provided by the Department
7. The bidder shall sign on all the documents uploaded by him including EMD along with the self-
declaration for fulfilling pre-qualification criteria set by the Department(on the checklist)owning
responsibility for their correctness / authenticity and upload along with Tender.
8. The Department shall carry out the technical bid evaluation solely based on the uploaded
certificates / documents, DD/BG towards EMD in the e-procurement system and open the price
bids of the responsive bidders.
9. All bidders shall furnish the original hard copies of the DD/ BG for EMD before submitting their
Initial Price Offer and within the stipulated time.
10. If any bidder fails to submit the original hard copies of the DD/ BG for EMD within the stipulated
time, the Initial Price Offer of the respective bidder will not be opened and they shall not be
carried forward into the reverse auction phase
11. After identification of the L-1 Initial Price Offer, eligible (those who have submitted original hard
copies of the DD/ BG for EMD) bidders shall be transferred to the Reverse Auction Platform
12. The bidder shall submit the bid and all related correspondence in English language only.
11 Reverse Tendering : 1. All bidders shall furnish the original hard copies of the DD/ BG for EMD before submitting their
Process Initial Price Offer and within the stipulated time, failing which their Initial Price Offer shall not
be opened and they will not be taken forward into the reverse auction.
2. After identification of the L-1 Initial Price Offer, eligible (those who have submitted original hard
copies of the DD/ BG for EMD) bidders shall be transferred to the Reverse Auction Platform
3. The initial period of the Reverse tendering process will start after 2 hours and 45 minutes,
following which there will be auto extensions of time by 15 minutes in case of any reduction in
bids recorded in the prior 15 minutes
4. Decrements made in each subsequent bid shall not be less than 0.5% of the ECV uploaded
5. Only the current L1 bid shall be visible to all bidders who may revise their bids until the end of
the process
6. The L1 bid may be determined following a period of inactivity of more than 15 minutes of reverse
bidding after the initial 2 hours and 45 minutes period.
12 Conclusion of the : 1. After conclusion of the reverse auction process, the pre-qualification criteria of all bidders shall be
Reverse Tendering verified along with an additional field verification for the successful bidder. In case of successful
Process verification of pre-qualification criteria of the L-1 Bidder, he will be awarded the contract and the
EMDs of other successfully verified bidders shall be refunded.
2. If any variation is noticed between the up loaded documents and the self-declaration submitted by
the bidder, the bidder will be suspended from participating in the tenders on e-procurement
platform for a period of 3 years. If any of the documents furnished by the bidder are found to be
false / fabricated / Bogus, at any time the bidder will be black listed and the EMD will be
3. In case of the L1 bidder being disqualified, the Department reserves the right to restart the reverse
auction process with the L2 price of the concluded reverse auction as the start/ maximum bid
price OR to restart the entire tendering process from the NIT Stage. In either case, the date and
time of the subsequent process shall be communicated to the remaining bidders.
4. Successful bidder shall furnish the original hard copies of all the documents / certificates
/statements, DD/ BG uploaded by him before concluding agreement and stipulated time.
5. If the successful bidder fails to submit the original hard copies of up loaded certificates /
documents within the stipulated time or if any variation is noticed between the up loaded
documents and the hard copies submitted by the bidder, the bidder will be suspended from
participating in the tenders on e-procurement platform for a period of 3 years as per G.O.Ms.No.
174, Dated 01.09.2008. If any of the documents furnished by the bidder are found to be false /
fabricated / Bogus, at any time the bidder will be black listed and the EMD will be forfeited.
6. e-procurement corpus fund: An e-procurement corpus fund of Rs.25000/- administered by APTS
has to be paid by the successful bidder in the shape of Demand draft in favour of Managing
Director, AP Technological Services, Vijayawada at the time of concluding the agreement.
13 Special conditions : 1. The Scope of Work shown above is only indicative and detailed scope has been described in the
Bid Document.
2. The time for completion of the Works is 30 months and Defect Liability Period is 24 months after
successful completion of Works.
3. Issue of Bid Document will not automatically construe the eligibility of the Contractor(s) for
participation in the subsequent Bidding process and will be determined during evaluation.
4. The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the Bids without assigning any
reason whatsoever.
5. The dates stipulated in the NIT are firm and under no circumstances they will be relaxed unless
officially extended / notified.
6. The Contractors shall submit their Bids online only. Any sort of difficulties or the problems in the
internet, web site in submission of tenders, the Employer is not responsible.
7. The processing of designs in respect of some of the components is at various stages in the
department and Central Water Commission. The Contractor shall process all those designs and
he/they shall initiate the designs and drawings for the remaining components involved under the
Scope and process them till they are approved by the competent authority. The Contractor shall
take all these aspects into consideration while quoting the tender.
8. Initial Price Offers received in excess of more than 5% over the Estimated contract value
Specified by the employer shall be summarily rejected.
9. In respect of Initial Price Offers received beyond 25% less than Estimated contract value
specified by the employer, the Contractor shall furnish a Bank Guarantee (or) Demand Draft for
the difference between the Bid amount and 75% of Estimated contract value at the time of
concluding Agreement as additional security deposit valid up to 6 months after completion of
10. The Employer reserves the right to cancel the Bids at any time without assigning any reasons.
11. The Contractor should submit a copy of valid GST registration certificate issued by the
registration authority.
12. The Contractor should submit copy of PAN card and copy of latest Income Tax return submitted
to IT Department along with proof of submission.
13. Any other condition regarding receipt of Bids in conventional method appearing in the Bid
documents may please be treated as not applicable.
14. The Contractors should invariably upload the scanned copies of Bid Security and experience
certificates and other relevant documents duly signed by them.
15. The successful tenderer should however pay Performance Bank Guarantee. i.e., the PBG
calculated at 2 ½% ( Two and Half Percent) of Tender Contract Value (TCV) at the time of
concluding the agreement in the shape of CFMS challan in favour Assistant Pay and Accounts
Officer, Works Accounts, Ongole (or) unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee as per the
standard format. The BG of 2 ½% is to be valid for a period of 54 Months plus
28days (i.e., period of completion of 30 Months plus defect liability period of 24 months plus 28
days) should be in favour of Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole. The EMD
paid at the time of submission of tender will be returned.
16. Bids shall be valid for a period of 3 months from the last date of submission of Bids. Before
expiry of validity, the authority who called for the Tenderers, shall seek for further extension of
validity from the Contractors and in case the validity is not extended by any Contractor, his Bid
will not be considered after such expiry and his Bid Security shall be returned.
17. The retention amount from the bills will be deducted at the rate of 7.5 % as usual.
18. Rs.29,500 /- (25,000/- + GST: 4,500/-) The participating bidders will have to pay transaction
fee to M/s. Vupadhi Techno services Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad. It is mandatory for the bidders to pay
the transaction fee through the Electronic payment Gateway.
19. All necessary permissions / clearances / approvals are to be processed and obtained by the
Contractor only at his own cost. As an user agency, the Employer will cooperate in processing
the proposals in respect of the above.
20. In case of discrepancy between the Price Bid quoted online and in supporting documents
uploaded, the Price Bid quoted in the template provided online only would be considered for
21. Bid Price should be quoted online in the specified template.
22. e-procurement corpus fund of Rs.25,000/- should be paid in the shape of DD in favour Managing
Director, APTS before concluding the agreement by the Successful Contractor/ Contractor.
23. Experience relating to the works executed in State / Central Government Departments or State /
Central Government under takings in India shall be considered.
24. In respect of the works executed outside India, the experience gained in Government Departments
or Government undertakings shall be considered.
25. In case of Projects executed in Government departments/Government undertakings the
experience certificates should be certified by the Executive Engineer or equivalent and counter
signed by the Superintending Engineer or equivalent and copies may be uploaded along with
tender duly self attested.
26. Further, the Employer reserves the right to undertake a verification of the experience so stated,
through engaging the services of a Professional Agency, and if any discrepancies are noticed in
the information provided by the Contractor/ Successful Contractor/Contractor (meaning one or
more members, in case of JV) regarding previous relevant experience, the said
Contractor/Successful Contractor/Contractor shall be disqualified duly forfeiting bid
security/performance security and value of work done and shall be liable to pay damages as
determined by the Employer. Further, the Contractor/ Successful Contractor/Contractor shall be
black listed.
27. The Contractor is subjected to be disqualified and liable for black listing and forfeiture of Bid
Security, if he is found to have misled or furnished false information in the documents submitted
in proof of qualification requirement.
28. Even during execution of the work, if found that the Contractor had produced false/fake
certificates of experience he will be liable for black listing and the Contract will be liable for
termination duly forfeiting Performance Security and all the amounts due to him.
29. The Employer reserves the right to relax the conditions if required for eligibility of the Contractor
in the public interest. The contractor(s) shall not have any right to question the decision taken by
the employer in this regard.
30. Articles of Contract: Successful Contractor/Contractor is to execute Articles of Contract as
provided in the Bid Document.
14 General Terms 1. The details and certificates are to be furnished as per the proformae available in the tender
& Conditions schedules in proof of Qualification Criteria. The details of works not furnished in the relevant
formats shall not be taken in to consideration for evaluation, though up loaded along with Bid.
2. The Contractor should have the key and critical equipment (either owned or leased) as
mentioned in the Bid Document.
3. The Contractors shall submit Written Power of Attorney authorizing the signatory of the Bid
to commit for the Contractor. In case of JV, Power of Attorney has to be provided by Lead
Member of the JV, in the formats provided
15 Scope of Work : The Scope of the work is as detailed below.( as per Schedule-A of Bid document) including defect
liability period of 2 years after successful completion of the project.
18 Type of Quotation : The Lumpsum price quoted will be Evaluated for arriving at the single successful bidder will be
carried out through reverse tendering process as detailed in the bid documents.
19 Transaction Fee : Rs.29,500 /- (25,000/- + GST: 4,500/-) The participating bidders will have to pay transaction fee to
M/s Vupadhi Techno services Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad. It is mandatory for the bidders to pay the
transaction fee through the Electronic payment Gateway.
20 Pre Bid meeting : 27.09.19 at 11.00 AM in the office of the Superintending Engineer, Construction circle, Ongole,
Prakasam District
22 The bidder or the joint venture bidding for the bid should bid should meet all the eligibility requirements. Further it should be
noted that, the total number of joint venture members in the joint venture shall not be more than 3 ( Three ). However the bidder or
the JV can enter MoU where ever it is allowed. The MoU partner should be associated with only one bidder on exclusive basis and
should not be a MoU partner with other bidder or joint venture who is bidding for the project.
23 Earnest Money : Rs.5.29 Crore. Through Net Banking ((EMD shall be paid using Net Banking RTGS/NEFT from
Deposit (EMD) (INR) their registered bank accounts only or using Credit Card / Debit Card as per the VISA/Master Card
Guidelines as per GO Ms.No.8, ITE&C Dept Dt.8-5-2016) / Challan Generation / Bank Guarantee
in favour of Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, Ongole.
24 Performance Bank : 2.50% ( Two and Half Percent) of Tender Contract Value (TCV)
Guarantee (PBG)
33 Officer Inviting Bids : Sri V.Veerraju, Superintending Engineer, Construction circle, Ongole