Rubric For Student Reflections

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Above Expectations Meets Expectations Approaching Below

Expectations Expectations
5-4 3 2 1
Reflective Thinking The reflection The reflection The reflection The reflection
explains the explains the attempts to does not
student’s own student’s thinking demonstrate thinking address the
thinking and about his/her own about learning but is student’s
learning processes, learning processes. vague and/or unclear thinking and/or
as well as about the personal learning.
implications for learning process..
future learning.
Analysis The reflection is an The reflection is an The reflection The reflection
in-depth analysis of analysis of the attempts to analyze does not move
the learning learning experience the learning beyond a
experience, the and the value of experience but the description of
value of the derived the derived value of the learning the learning
learning to self or learning to self or to the student or experience.
others, and the others. others is vague and/or
enhancement of the unclear.
appreciation for the
Making The reflection The reflection The reflection The reflection
Connections articulates multiple articulates attempts to articulate does not
connections connections connections between articulate any
between this between this this learning connection to
learning experience learning experience experience and other learning
and content from and content from content from other or experiences.
other courses, past other courses, past courses, past learning
learning, life learning experiences, or
experiences and/or experiences, personal goals, but
future goals. and/or future the connection is
goals. vague and/or unclear.
Rubric for Student Reflections

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