9251 Dailyphonics Sampler-2 PDF
9251 Dailyphonics Sampler-2 PDF
9251 Dailyphonics Sampler-2 PDF
Correlated Standards
EMC 9251
2 • 32 weeks of sequential
phonics instruction and
• 15- to 20-minute daily
• Teacher-directed explicit
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Scope & Sequence
6 CVC Words
Weekly Teacher Page
DAY Listening for Medial Vowels
Read aloud the focus statement at the top of the page. Then point to each example as you sound out the
1 consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words. Say: This is the word rat. Point to each letter as I read the word:
/r/ /ă/ /t/. You hear the sound of short a in rat. Say rat. (rat) Run your finger under the letters as we read the
word together: rat. Repeat the process for the remaining examples. Then read the directions and call
students’ attention to number 1. Say: Today we are going to listen for the short vowel sound in the middle of
each word. Point to the net. Say net. (net) What sound do you hear in the middle of net? (/ĕ/) What letter stands
The weekly phonics skill is shown
for that sound? (e) Write the letter e on the line. Now let’s read the word together: net. Repeat the process for the
remaining pictures. Picture Key: 1. net, 2. hat, 3. pin, 4. hug, 5. wig, 6. can, 7. web, 8. cub, 9. dog
Dictation Direct students’ attention to the bottom of the page and say:
at the top of the page .
Listen to each word I say. Then write the letters that stand for the sounds you hear. 1. hop 2. sit 3. tan
Reading CVC Words
Read the directions and call students’ attention to number 1. Say: Each sentence has a picture next to it that
helps us figure out which word completes the sentence. We are going to read each sentence and choose the missing
word. What does the first picture show? (a hat) Now let’s read the beginning of the sentence together: It is a
students through the activity .
. Let’s read the words in the gray bar: hat, hot. Which word completes the sentence? (hat) Fill in the
circle next to the word hat. Then write the word hat on the line. After students have written the word, say:
Now let’s read the sentence together: It is a hat. Repeat the process for the remaining sentences.
Dictation Direct students’ attention to the bottom of the page and say:
Listen to these words: a cat in a hat. Now write the letters that stand for the sounds in cat on the first three lines.
Write the letters that stand for the sounds in hat on the last three lines. Now let’s read it together: a cat in a hat.
Name __________________________________________________________
Day 3
Write It 6
Letter Box
Name __________________________________________________________
a e i o u Day 2 Week
Daily Student Pages
Listen for It 6
A vowel between two consonants has a short sound.
p-i-g p - o -t s- u - n top of each page help students
f n
man net
m p
p ot
understand the phonics skill .
4 Say the picture name. Listen to the vowel sound.
5 6
r– a – t
Fill in the circle next to the correct word. b–e–d d -i - g l-o-g r- u - g
ra t bed dig log rug
Pronunciation Model how to pronounce letter-sounds and word chunks . Have students watch
Is Key your mouth as you say a word . Then have students repeat the word .
Connect to Be aware of nontransferable sounds and symbols in students’ home languages .
Home Language Help students articulate sounds in English that are new to them . Make
connections to words in their home language .
Support Vocabulary Develop vocabulary by connecting words to actions and providing context .
Development Help students draw on background knowledge to connect vocabulary words
to objects, concepts, actions, and situations they are familiar with .
Dictation Direct students’ attention to the bottom of the page and say:
Write the letter that stands for the first and last sounds you hear in . 1. bed 2. nod 3. pan
Dictation Direct students’ attention to the bottom of the page and say:
Write the letter that stands for the first and last sounds you hear in . 1. rag 2. dog 3. far
Dictation Direct students’ attention to the bottom of the page and say:
Write the letter that stands for the first and last sounds you hear in . 1. tan 2. leg 3. rat
Dictation Direct students’ attention to the bottom of the page and say:
Write the letter that stands for the first sound you hear in . 1. red 2. led 3. bed 4. tip
Dictation Direct students’ attention to the bottom of the page and say:
Write the letter that stands for the last sound you hear in . 1. dog 2. rod 3. got 4. run
Day 1
Listen for It 3
d n
dollar bed nest fa n
Say the sound of the letter. Then say the picture name.
Fill in the circle to show if you hear the letter-sound first or last.
1 d 2 n 3 d
4 n 5 d 6 n
7 d 8 n 9 d
1. e 2. o 3. a
© Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2788 • Daily Phonics Skill: Discriminating initial and final consonants 17
Name __________________________________________________________
Day 2
Listen for It 3
r g
r a ke s ta r g a te f ro g
Say the sound of the letter. Then say the picture name.
Fill in the circle to show if you hear the letter-sound first or last.
1 r 2 r 3 g
4 g 5 r 6 g
7 r 8 g 9 g
1. a 2. o 3. a
18 Skill: Discriminating initial and final consonants Daily Phonics • EMC 2788 • © Evan-Moor Corp.
Name __________________________________________________________
Day 3
Listen for It 3
t l
ten jet leaf seal
Say the sound of the letter. Then say the picture name.
Fill in the circle to show if you hear the letter-sound first or last.
1 t 2 l 3 l
4 l 5 t 6 l
7 l 8 l 9 t
1. a 2. e 3. a
© Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2788 • Daily Phonics Skill: Discriminating initial and final consonants 19
Name __________________________________________________________
Day 4
Write It 3
Letter Box
d n r g t l
1 2 3
o l l i f t os e
4 5 6
e s t e n og
7 8 9
oot h u g i r l
Day 5
Write It 3
Letter Box
d n r g t l
1 2 3
ca pi b e
4 5 6
fa bi r te n
7 8 9
s ta r u ha n
10 11 12
ca m e d e e f la
1. do 2. ro 3. go 4. ru
© Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2788 • Daily Phonics Skill: Writing final consonants 21
WEEK Short Vowel Sounds
4 a, i
Dictation Direct students’ attention to the bottom of the page and say:
Listen to each word I say. Then write the letters that stand for the letter-sounds you hear. 1. fan 2. cap 3. hat
Dictation Direct students’ attention to the bottom of the page and say:
Listen to each word I say. Then write the letters that stand for the letter-sounds you hear. 1. pin 2. wig 3. lid
Dictation Direct students’ attention to the bottom of the page and say:
Listen to these words: pig in a bag . Now write the letters that stand for the sounds in pig on the first three lines.
Write the letters that stand for the sounds in bag on the last three lines. Now let’s read it together: pig in a bag.
Dictation Direct students’ attention to the bottom of the page and say:
Listen to these words: rat in a hat . Now write the letters that stand for the sounds in rat on the first three lines.
Write the letters that stand for the sounds in hat on the last three lines. Now let’s read it together: rat in a hat.
Day 1
Listen for It 4
short a ca t
1 2 3
1. 2. 3.
© Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2788 • Daily Phonics Skill: Listening for short a 23
Name __________________________________________________________
Day 2
Listen for It 4
short i l i ps
1 2 3
1. 2. 3.
24 Skill: Listening for short i Daily Phonics • EMC 2788 • © Evan-Moor Corp.
Name __________________________________________________________
Day 3
Listen for It 4
short a short i
ca t l i ps
2 3
a a a
i i i
4 5 6
a a a
i i i
7 8 9
a a a
i i i
i n a
© Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2788 • Daily Phonics Skill: Discriminating short a and short i words 25
Name __________________________________________________________
Day 4
Write It 4
Letter Box
a i
1 2 3
p n w g f n
4 5 6
p n h m d g
7 8 9
r t b b s t
in a
26 Skill: Writing medial vowels Daily Phonics • EMC 2788 • © Evan-Moor Corp.
Name __________________________________________________________
Day 5
Read It 4
sit pig
The can .
wig rat
The has a .
sun big
The is .
bag pig
The is in a .
Th e .
© Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2788 • Daily Phonics Skill: Reading short vowel sounds 27
WEEK Short Vowel Sounds
5 e, o, u
Dictation Direct students’ attention to the bottom of the page and say:
Listen to each word I say. Then write the letters that stand for the sounds you hear. 1. leg 2. ten 3. web
Dictation Direct students’ attention to the bottom of the page and say:
Listen to each word I say. Then write the letters that stand for the sounds you hear. 1. hop 2. mop 3. top
Dictation Direct students’ attention to the bottom of the page and say:
Listen to each word I say. Then write the letters that stand for the sounds you hear. 1. pup 2. tub 3. gum
Dictation Direct students’ attention to the bottom of the page and say:
Listen to the words I say. Then write the letters that stand for the sounds you hear: wet pet.
Now let’s read the words together: a wet pet.
Day 1
Listen for It 5
short e jet
1 2 3
1. 2. 3.
© Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2788 • Daily Phonics Skill: Listening for short e 29
Name __________________________________________________________
Day 2
Listen for It 5
short o b ox
1 2 3
1. 2. 3.
30 Skill: Listening for short o Daily Phonics • EMC 2788 • © Evan-Moor Corp.
Name __________________________________________________________
Day 3
Listen for It 5
short u cu p
1 2 3
1. 2. 3.
© Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2788 • Daily Phonics Skill: Listening for short u 31
Name __________________________________________________________
Day 4
Write It 5
Letter Box
e o u
1 2 3
h n l ck b s
4 5 6
p p m p t nt
7 8 9
f x l g g m
32 Skill: Writing medial vowels Daily Phonics • EMC 2788 • © Evan-Moor Corp.
Name __________________________________________________________
Day 5
Read It 5
nest up
The is .
doll hug
I my .
pup wet
My is .
pen hen
The is in the .
Th e j t we nt p.
© Evan-Moor Corp. • EMC 2788 • Daily Phonics Skill: Writing medial vowels 33