On-Line Thermal Barrier Coating Monitoring For Real-Time Failure Protection and Life Maximization

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On-Line Thermal Barrier Coating Monitoring for

Real-Time Failure Protection and Life


Final Technical Report

For the period October 2002 to October 2005

Prepared for:

U.S Department of Energy

National Energy Technology Laboratory
P.O. Box 10940
Pittsburgh, PA 15236-0940

Cooperative Agreement No. DE-FC26-01NT41232

Prepared by:

Dennis H. LeMieux

Siemens Power Generation, Inc

4400 Alafaya Trail
Orlando, Florida 32826

October 2005

This report as an account of work sponsored by an

agency of the United States Government. Neither the
United States Government nor any agency thereof,
nor any of their employees, make any warranty,
express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or
responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or legal
fullness of any information, apparatus, product, or
process disclosed, or represents that its use would
not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein
to any specific commercial product, process, or
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otherwise does not necessarily, or favoring by the
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views and opinions of authors expressed herein do
not necessarily state or reflect those of the United
States Government or any agency thereof.


Public Abstract .............................................................................................................1

Executive Summary .....................................................................................................2

Technical Discussion ...................................................................................................5

Scientific and Technical Merit ......................................................................................5

1.1 Relationship to Overall Program Goals ...................................................5
1.2 Improvements Over Present Technology ................................................6
1.3 Potential for Scientific /Technical Breakthrough ......................................7
1.4 Scientific and Technical Basis and Merit of the Proposed Work .............8

1.0 Task 1: Conceptual Design of System Configuration and Definition................11

1.1 Task 1 Final Report Status – Complete and Final Report Submitted ....14

2.0 Task 2: Develop On-Line TBC Monitor for Blades ...........................................20

2.1 Determine Temperature-Dependent IR Characteristics
of Blade Surface and GT Working Fluid ................................................20
2.2 Develop IR Monitor for TBC Coated Blades..........................................21

3.0 Task 3: Develop On-Line TBC Monitor for Vanes ............................................23

3.1 Conclusions ...........................................................................................24

4.0 Task 4: Develop TBC Remaining Life Prediction Model ..................................25

5.0 Task 5: Develop Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Based Supervisory System ...........27

5.1 Task 5 Results and Summary ...............................................................29

6.0 Task 6: Field Trials ...........................................................................................29

7.0 Summary and Conclusion .................................................................................30

8.0 The Major Achievements and Conclusions

of This Development Program...........................................................................32

9.0 List of Figures and Tables

Figure 1.3a – Thermal Snapshot of 2' Diameter Flywheel with
Target Features "White Light Still Frame" in Inset ................... 7
Figure 1.4a – Microstructures of Two Different TBC Systems
a. APS and b. EB-PVD ........................................................... 8
Figure 1.4b – Microphotographs for APS TBC Failure Mechanism ............... 9
Figure 1.4c – TBC Ceramic Structure and Level of Convective Cooling ..... 10
Figure 2.1a – Block Diagram for the Project ................................................ 10
Figure 3. – New and Used Row 1 Blades .................................................16
Figure 4. – Concept Diagram for Initial Onsite Evaluation System ...........17
Table 1. – Performance of the Indigo ISC9809G 320 x 256
Focal Plane Array ...................................................................18

10.0 Acronym Table

a. (TBC) Thermal Barrier Coating

b. (NIR) Near Infrared

c. (RAM) Reliability Availability Maintainability

d. ATS and NGT (Advance Turbine Systems) (Next Generation Turbines)

e. (InGaAs) Indium Gallium Arsenide

On-Line Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) Monitor for Real-Time Failure

Protection and Life Maximization

Under the sponsorship of the U. S. Department of Energy’s National Energy

Laboratory, Siemens Power Generation, Inc proposed a four year program titled,

“On-Line Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) Monitor for Real-Time Failure Protection

and Life Maximization,” to develop, build and install the first generation of an on-line

TBC monitoring system for use on land-based advanced gas turbines (AGT).

Federal deregulation in electric power generation has accelerated power plant

owner’s demand for improved reliability availability maintainability (RAM) of the land-

based advanced gas turbines. As a result, firing temperatures have been increased

substantially in the advanced turbine engines, and the TBCs have been developed

for maximum protection and life of all critical engine components operating at these

higher temperatures. Losing TBC protection can therefore accelerate the degradation

of substrate components materials and eventually lead to a premature failure of

critical component and costly unscheduled power outages. This program seeks to

substantially improve the operating life of high cost gas turbine components using

TBC; thereby, lowering the cost of maintenance leading to lower cost of electricity.

Siemens Power Generation, Inc. has teamed with Indigo Systems, a supplier of

state-of-the-art infrared camera systems, and Wayne State University, a leading

research organization in the field of infrared non-destructive examination (NDE), to

complete the program.

With On-line blade monitoring, Siemens Power Generation (SPG), under the

sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Energy, have developed an innovative way to

continuously monitor row 1 and 2 blades in gas turbines. By using a high-speed

infrared camera these blades can be kept under surveillance during operation of the

gas turbine. The challenge comes when the blades are running they rotate at

extremely high speeds and in a hostile environment of a fully operating turbine

engine. This unique approach opens opportunities to real condition-based

maintenance which can lead to significant cost savings for Siemens Power

Generation’s customers.

This monitoring system makes it possible to replace the blades based on their actual

condition. Blades will be replaced only when they are worn, such as when the

thermal barrier coating is severely damaged. Taking into account the high costs of a

row-1 or row 2 replacements, by implementing this new technology significant cost

savings can be achieved.

During the month of October 2-12, 2004, Siemens Engineering successfully installed

a commercial On-line TBC Blade Monitor in a W501FD gas turbine at Empire District

Electrical Company in Joplin Missouri. This is the first commercial full scale, high

temperature, full pressure, blade monitoring system. Blade monitoring is

accomplished by both near and mid- wave infrared (IR) high speed cameras. Two

access ports were design reviewed and installed to allow two vantage points for

viewing the row 1 blades on the W501FD engine. A pair of IR lens trains were

designed and built to install optics within the turbine cover. These optics are capable

of withstanding the high temperature of the turbine casing with only a small amount

of compressor discharge cooling. The cameras are operated via a control station in

the engine test room. A TATM blade rotor synchronization system was developed to

allow for specific blade(s) viewing. Custom software has been created to operate the

camera(s) and select any combination of blade views and view periodicities. The

software also operates filter functions, camera motion and skew. The entire camera

system is contained in an environmental enclosure that is cooled with a small amount

of compressed shop air. The enclosure is self contained and allows multiple

adjustments to the optical system from the engine test room. The system was design

with a minimum expected life of 8,000 hours.

This commercial monitoring installation will installed and evaluated the performance

of row 1 TBC coated blades of both pressure and suction sides. The tests and

demonstration evaluated the mechanical design of the monitoring viewing ports,

mechanical integrity of TBC monitoring system (camera performance, environmental

enclosures and spectral filter) and integration and development of system

supervisory system and TBC Lifing Model.

The anticipated benefits are listed below:

• Use of the on-line TBC monitor will significantly improve plant reliability and

availability by extending critical component lives.

• Damaged TBC can be identified early and repaired before the component’s

catastrophic failure.

• Use of the on-line TBC monitor will significantly increase availability of

peaking gas turbines by eliminating down time required for frequent

borescope examination of TBC’s.

• The on-line TBC monitor can be used on all existing and new gas turbines

that use TBC to protect critical turbine parts. The fundamental concepts of

the on-line TBC monitoring are equally applicable to smaller land, aero and

marine based gas turbines. This opens future global market opportunities for

the team to pursue.

The financial payback of this technology comes in the form of reduced maintenance

costs and having power plants available when they would not have been. All of

today’s advanced gas turbines can benefit from this monitor. We expect over 600 “F”

and “G” class gas turbines to be in service over the next 12 years.

1. Scientific and Technical Merit

1.1 Relationship to Overall Program Goals

Responding to the Area of Interest 16, “Advanced Turbines”, Siemens Power

Generation, Inc., Indigo Systems, and Wayne State University propose a four-year

program to develop and demonstrate an on-line thermal barrier coating (TBC)

monitor for critical engine components, row 1 turbine blades and vanes. This on-line

TBC monitor represents an important advancement toward achieving the program

goals of improved reliability availability and maintainability (RAM) of existing and

advanced gas turbine power plants by continuously monitoring the health of critical

thermal barrier coated parts allowing plant owners to operate the units longer than

conservative inspection requirements would allow.

As engines are driven to higher efficiencies (or higher firing temperatures), they

require ceramic TBC to protect the thermally challenged base metal of critical

components. As a result, the newest engines used today for land based power

generation rely heavily on the durability of the TBC. Current operating evidence

demonstrates the importance of monitoring the TBC on a frequent basis. Waiting for

scheduled down time, even if it is on a basis as for peaking units, would not be

frequent enough and would require daily viewing through borescope ports. Because

TBC coated components fail primarily by debonding which progresses to spallation,

an on-line monitoring system that can detect TBC failure will provide the necessary

early detection of premature component failure. Therefore, the on-line TBC monitor

will not only significantly extend critical component lives by advising of the need for

repair before the component’s failure, but also serve as a guard for the safe

operation of a turbine engine. One-hundred percent monitoring, when fully

implemented, will allow for better scheduling of maintenance outage and operation of

the turbine to meet immediate “call for electricity” demands. It will do this by

combining the state-of-the-art real-time infrared (IR) sensor systems, component

lifing models, engine operational parameters and expert systems into a supervisory

system that will oversee and report on component status and recommend best

operating practice. It will therefore significantly escalate the current

reliability/availability/maintainability (RAM) standard of electric power generation for

gas turbines.

In the development process, the work will initially focus on the “F” and “G” class

AGT’s. When the technology has been successfully implemented on these designs,

we will extend the use to ATS and NGT class gas AGT’s that will be operated at even

higher temperatures. All gas turbine engines using TBC coated components will

eventually benefit from this on-line monitoring technology. The on-line monitor can be

implemented on existing engines with upgraded capability or fully integrated into a

new generation AGT’s.

To accomplish our objective, we will team with Indigo Systems Inc., a leader in

advanced infrared camera design and manufacturing, and Wayne State University,

with 25 years of leadership in the Infrared NDE field.

1.2 Improvements Over Present Technology

Current power generating turbines are equipped with sensors of limited functions

such as gas-path temperature measurement and flame detection, providing basic

turbine operating conditions. IR spot pyrometers have been used for many years to

check local temperatures in turbines but they have limited field of view and scan only

one 5mm (.200 inch) radial sweep of the blade. Complex supervisory systems are

already installed in many operating plants and have incorporated, in recent years, the

input from many advanced sensor systems. Monitoring of in-service parts

degeneration during engine operation has not yet been performed. The need for such

monitoring has become more critical in recent years as engine gas temperatures

have risen and the potential impact of parts failure has grown. In particular, the need

to guard against the loss of TBC has become an important factor for predicting

operating turbine availability and for providing commercial guarantees. Currently, we

have no comparable system. Borescopic inspections are conducted frequently to

evaluate TBC quality. Each inspection requires a power down and Cool down cycle

of approximately 7 hours to allow the borescope to enter the engine without damage.

The examination takes an additional 3 hours to complete and close the unit.

1.3 Potential for Scientific /Technical Breakthrough

What is required now is to demonstrate that planar arrays can detect TBC failure

related local temperature rises over larger

areas. Our recent studies have shown that

modern systems are capable of detecting the

required defects in real time. The proposed on-

line TBC monitor implements state-of-the-art

focal plane array (FPA) infrared thermal wave

imaging sensor(s) as the primary technique.

This sensor captures array images on the

Figure 1.3a – Thermal Snapshot of 2’ Diameter Flywheel
with Target Features “White Light Still Frame” in Inset
blade tip rotating 3600rpm which is equivalent

to 400m/s linear speed as demonstrated in

Figure 1.3a. These systems do not need cryogenic cooling which is critical for

hardware packaging and support. Given that supervisory system structures are

already in-place, if monitoring systems can be demonstrated for self scanning blades

we still require innovative solutions for: (1) Overcoming the vane sensor limitations

identified by developing new sensors, (2) Understanding the working fluid IR

characteristics and selecting the best spectrum for TBC observation, (3) Combining

sensor outputs with engine parameter outputs and developing a supervisory system

to monitor TBC integrity, and (4) Developing and incorporating a TBC remaining life

model which requires the development of distributed monitoring systems for

stationary vanes in order for complete monitoring. Thus, the initial demonstration that

modern, fast IR planar array monitors can detect incipient TBC failures on line would

provide the basis for a breakthrough in the development of on-line TBC monitoring

systems. Monitoring TBC failures on-line appears to be feasible using a thermal

imaging system whereby the local temperature variation derived from the precursor

structure to spallation is imaged and identified by advanced sensor(s).

1.4 Scientific and Technical Basis and Merit of the Proposed Work

The scientific and technical basis of our work demonstrates that on-line signals from

a focal planar array (FPA) IR sensor can be used to detect the precursors of TBC

failure. Our in-house preliminary studies have shown that new sensors have the

potential to meet these needs. Indigo Inc. has developed an FPA InGaAs detector

that has the right characteristics for the proposed application (500nS integration

times, 40Mpix/sec processing time. Spectral sensitivity of 0.9 to 1.7 um is equivalent

to 200 – 1800C optimum temperature range). These characteristics of speed and

spectrum are essential for the success of the on-line monitor due to the high speed,

temperature and atmosphere involved.

The initial phase of the work was devoted to establishing the capability of the IR

detector to monitor the precursor and growth of TBC defects on blades. Vane

monitoring is different from blade monitoring because the vanes, unlike blades, do

not all pass in front of the same sensor. Several different potential approaches have

been identified and will be evaluated and implemented in the vane monitors.

TBC systems used in land-based turbine engines and aircraft gas turbines are

fabricated by either atmos-

pheric plasma spray (APS) or

electron beam-physical vapor a

deposition (EB-PVD). Figure 50 µm 200 µm

Figure 1.4a. Microstructures of Two different TBC

1.4a shows microphotographs systems. a. APS, b. EB-PVD

of APS and EB-PVD microstructures. These TBC systems nominally consist of a

0.127mm (0.005in) McrAlY bond coat and a 0.254mm (0.010in) ceramic top coat.

The bond coat is needed to prevent oxidation of the substrate material and provide a

good ceramic-to-metal bond. Yttria stabilized zirconia (nominally 7wt% Y) is typically

used for the ceramic top coat. APS TBC is a bulk coating in which the ceramic

contains pre-existing micro-defects. In general, the TBC ceramic layer is in

considerable residual compressive stress at room temperature. Crack growth and

spalling (far from edges and corners) is predominantly associated with buckling. As

briefly discussed, failure mechanisms of APS and EB-PVD TBC systems are

different. In general, however, both TBC systems start failing when the imposed

stresses exceed the material strength at or near the ceramic-metal interface. APS

TBC failure occurs just above the metallic bond coating in the ceramic material.

Ceramic delamination cracks initiate very near (or at) peaks in the rough bond

coating and propagate along the interface in the ceramic layer as shown in Figure

1.4b. EB-PVD TBC failure appears to occur in the thermally grown oxide (TGO)

layer adjacent to the metallic bond.

Thermal barrier coatings (TBC) are a powerful cooling method. Each 0.025mm

(0.001inch) of TBC thickness provides

17-33C (30-60F) temperature reduction

depending on the TBC ceramic

structure and level of convective

cooling as seen in Figure 1.4c.

Unfortunately, TBC delamination and

spalling in hot section components may

occur before reaching the component Figure 1.4b. Microphotographs for APS
TBC Failure Mechanism.
design life requirement. Local TBC

spalling introduces a hot spot condition in the substrate which aggravates substrate

thermo-mechanical fatigue (TMF) crack initiation. As a result, the full TBC cooling

benefit can not be realized.

The work proposed and demonstrated initially focused on on-line monitoring of APS

TBC system because it has become the most widely used coating. With successful

completion of APS TBC monitor development; this technology could be extended for

use on EB-PVD coated components.

The demonstrated NDE technique (Infrared thermal

wave imaging sensor) will detect these failure

stages (i.e., delamination, and spallation), and

submit it to artificial intelligence (AI)-based

supervisory system for an immediate action request

or to numerical TBC remaining life prediction model

for warning how long the component may continue

to service until it has to be either repaired or

Figure 1.4c. Temperature Gradient
replaced. Across TBC Thickness

The following Project Tasks are describe in the following report. This report describes

the original Tasks and Final Repots as purposed in Program Solicitation



Tilted On-Line Thermal Barrier Coating

Task 1

Monitor for Real-Time Failure Protection

Task 7 Conceptual Design of
Program Management System configuration
& Definition

and Life Maximization - Application

Task 4
Task 2 Task 3
Develop TBC
Develop On-line TBC Develop On-line TBC
No. 1117 Monitor for Blades Monitor for Vanes
Remaining Life
Prediction Model

The work consists of seven major tasks

Task 5
Develop Artificial
Intelligence (AI)-based
as shown in Figure 2.1a. Discussions for Supervisory System

each of the tasks follow: The following Task 6

Field Trials

status will describe the original contract

Figure 2.1a. Block Diagram for the Project
task proposal and final reports.



1.1.1 Review Target GT Designs: Structural designs and operating conditions of

targeted AGT’s will be thoroughly analyzed in order to establish on-line TBC monitor

sensor design criteria (exact sensor attachment positions, the number of total

monitoring sensors, etc.).

1.1.2 Establish Blade and Vane Monitor Coverage’s: Several factors will determine

the degree of blade coverage that can be realized. These factors include criticality

ranking of all blade regions, accessibility determination of blade surfaces, and

propensity for degradation for blade surfaces. Critical surfaces as determined by

design engineering will mandate coverage. Critical surfaces have been estimated to

include the leading edges and the fillet radii. Balance of airfoil surfaces and platform

surfaces will be reviewed as well. The accessibility of all blade regions will be

determined. Depending on the specific infrared sensors, the coverage of the blade

will rely on multiple sensor array detectors. Detectors arranged for forward, retro

and/or radial viewing will be considered. Some regions of the blade may have a

higher likelihood of damage due to other factors. For example, regions on the

platforms have in the past been prone to severe erosion and wastage.

1.1.3 Assess Blade Monitor Sensor(s): The blade sensor uses high speed thermal

imaging and computer recognition software to thermally examine each blade as it

passes a focal plane array (FPA) sensor. Several candidate sensors will be

reviewed for adequacy. Sensor type, style and cooling requirements will be

compared against performance and robustness. Sensor elements may be selected

for various spectral and energy ranges as well. It is very likely that fiber optics will be

used to transmit the radiant information to the sensor. Due to the spectral

transmissivity characteristics of the various fiber options, the sensor will have to

accommodate the wavelength allowed by the fiber. In the event of using sensor

arrays, the aspects of spatial resolution related to using an array will be considered.

A parallel effort will characterize the operating conditions that the sensor will be

subjected to in the turbine engine. The sensor optics will be introduced into the

pressure chamber of the aggressive environment of the turbine section of the engine.

These conditions will be fully characterized from the existing design data and

literature. The final sensor selection will depend on the best combination of

reliability, robustness and sensitivity.

1.1.4 Assess Vane Monitor Sensor(s): Whether monitoring engines for catastrophic

failure or attempting to extend the time between power plant outages, it will be

necessary to have an on-line indication of the condition of Row 1 turbine vanes.

Since Row 1 vanes are subjected to the hottest conditions in the turbine, and they

are the first to be impacted by foreign objects entering the hot path so monitoring is

important. Development of a monitor sensitive to TBC coating degradation in Row 1

vanes may, therefore, provide the first indication of over temperature conditions and

other problems in the gas turbine engine. Early indication of Row 1 vanes TBC

coating degradation may allow adjustments in engine-operating conditions before

major component damage results down stream. Any attempts to extend life beyond

normally scheduled outages will need to have assurance of the integrity of Row 1

Vanes. The vanes are stationary and they extend over a large positional area of the

turbine, making monitoring of this component quite challenging. In the development

process, different approaches will be evaluated in terms of practicality, maturity,

accuracy, and flexibility.

1.1.5 Assess System Hardware Package: System hardware and hardware packaging

requirements will be considered with field trial site representatives to assure

understanding of the limited space and aggressive conditions of the turbine engine

environmental enclosure. Hardware required for signal conditioning, preprocessing

and transmission, protective cabinets, conduits, and terminals will be reviewed in

preparation for Task 6 activities. A layout of the locations of turbines, monitoring

computers and monitoring personnel quarters will be reviewed.

1.1.6 Assess Computer Controls and Software Needs: All team members will be will

define the complete diagnostic system. A system specification will be drafted by all

partners for final acceptance to begin system development in Task 4. The details of

the form and transfer of data through the ascending hierarchy of combined

processing and intelligent systems will be established. The data will be

preprocessed and summarized into information from each sensor system prior to

introduction into the artificial intelligence system. The artificial intelligence system will

be comprised of several complex subsystems to; monitor the engine operating

conditions and update the presentation of this information to the supervisory system,

continually analyze for TBC degradation rate via the SPG-developed model, review

and compare blade monitor information, review and compare vane monitor

information, and reiterate various subsystem interaction scenarios for a continually

updated output on immediate or eminent damage, remaining life of TBC’s and or

recommendations for best operating parameters for a given power demand.

Subtask 1.2 Definition of On-line Monitoring System

A conceptual design will be completed to align all parties involved. Technology

development partners and subcontractors will be actively involved during this effort.

Full documentation and detailed system specifications will be completed and

forwarded to the subcontractors.



Monitoring of mission critical engine parts during gas turbine operation is now

possible by combining innovative access port design, high-speed infrared imagery, a

tailor-made overall control and image evaluation system, and related Thermal Barrier

Coating (TBC) lifing models. The need for such monitoring has become more critical

in recent years as engine firing temperatures have risen and the potential impact of

part failure has grown. In particular, the need to guard against the loss of TBC has

become an important factor for maximizing turbine availability and for minimizing

commercial risk. This On-Line TBC Blade Monitor will not only help insure the safe

operation of a gas turbine, but also provide the opportunity to extend the life of

blades beyond the nominal operating hours, based on real-time and historical images

that clearly prove the integrity of the thermal barrier coating. Detection of spallation is

important to provide a warning signal of potential blade failure. This report is a

comprehensive review of the Online Thermal Barrier Coating Blade Monitor. The

system concept is based on a telescopic arrangement consisting of a lens objective

head and a series of relay lenses with the final relay acting as the system focus. The

system was designed to function in the near infrared (NIR) (~0.9 – 1.65 microns)

region. This on-engine real-time monitor measures infrared radiation through a Near

Infrared optical lens assembly.

This On-Line TBC Blade Monitoring system is able to capture two-dimensional

infrared images of row-1 blades during full engine operation. This system, which was

successfully tested on our 200 MW class gas turbine at full load, was developed by a

team of Siemens Power Generation Engineering and Diagnostics experts in

cooperation with Siemens Corporate Research under the sponsorship of the U.S.

Department of Energy’s National Energy Laboratory.

Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) is an important method to increase efficiency of

modern stationary gas turbines. Increasingly, ceramic thermal barrier coatings

(TBC’s) deposited on airfoils are utilized as insulation layers to reduce the heat

transfer rate from the hot gas path, which can reach temperatures above the melting

point of superalloys, to turbine engine walls and components. Such a reduction in the

rate of heat transfer is achieved by creating a path of high resistance to the transfer

of thermal energy, thus enabling engine parts to operate at cooler temperatures

without excessive cooling air schemes. The most obvious benefit of the IR imaging is

that the detector assemblies in focal plane arrays have multiple detector elements on

a single detector chip that map directly to the aperture of the optical system.

Therefore in addition to providing temperature information of the Blade surface it

provides high spatial resolution means the camera can distinguish between two

closely spaced items. Watching a part "age" may be of great value to the plant

maintenance department in predicting the expected failure date for a machine

component. Being able to trend thermal data as a function of time is one way to

watch the aging process.

Loss of thermal barrier coating (TBC) reduces the temperature resistance of parts

and can cause unscheduled engine failure or engine damage. The trend toward

higher combustion temperatures makes TBC more important. Row 1 blades in a

stationary gas turbine are of specific interest. Blades on row 1 rotate at high speed

and are exposed to high temperatures. It is important to monitor TBC of row 1 blades

in stationary gas turbines to avoid unscheduled engine failure or engine damage. It is

necessary to replace coated blades (Figure 3) due to the limited lifetime of the TBC.

Figure 3. New and Used Row 1 Blades

Figure 3 shows new row 1 blades and used row 1 blades, Monitoring of TBC loss is

important to avoid unscheduled engine failure or engine damage. It is necessary to

replace coated blades due to the limited lifetime of the TBC.

Limited real-time information about the condition of turbine blade temperature barrier

coating were available during engine operation in the past. Blade pyrometry

measurements, for example, are usually limited to single point or line scanning

measurements. Siemens Power Generation has proposed a four year program for

”On-Line Blade Monitoring for Real-Time Failure Protection and Life Maximization”.

The goal of the Siemens Power Generation project, co-funded by the U.S.

Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (DOE), was to

develop, build and install the first generation of an on-line TBC monitoring system for

use on land-based gas turbines. The system operates with combine state-of-the-art,

real-time, high speed infrared (IR) camera systems, component lifting models, engine

operational parameters and image evaluation expert systems into an overall

supervisory system.

Figure 4. Concept Diagram for Initial Onsite Evaluation System

Siemens Power Generation has teamed up with several internals Siemens groups

and external organizations to accomplish the goals. The entire program contains

several aspects, such as preliminary studies, material analysis, wavelength analysis,

experimental tests, mechanical port designs, enclosure design, and lens designs.

The system concept is based on a telescopic arrangement consisting of a lens

objective head and a series of relay lenses with the final relay acting as the system

focus. The system was designed to function in the near infrared (NIR) region of 0.9

µm to 1.6 µm.

For the purpose of the testing, a Near-infrared sensor head from FLIR Systems with

a 320 x 256 Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs) focal plane array (FPA) was used.

InGaAs detectors are highly sensitive to energy in the near-infrared (NIR) and

shortwave-infrared (SWIR) wavebands from 900 to 1700 nanometers.

The 320 x 256 InGaAs photodiode arrays produced at Indigo Systems are mated

with Indigo’s ISC9809 ROIC. The 320 x 256 element FPA is constructed with the

pixels on a 30 mm pitch. This FPA will support a wide range of system requirements

from very low background applications (nightglow) to daytime high illumination

conditions. To accommodate the wide scene dynamic range requirements, two

selectable integration capacitors are used to control the input circuit transimpedance

gain. A 0.01pF integration capacitor is used for low noise and low flux levels down to

10-5 ft Lambert corresponding to approximately 2x1010 photons/cm2/sec for 0.9 to

1.7micron spectral band using f/1.5 optics assuming a 2856 Kelvin blackbody

distribution. For higher flux levels, a 0.21pF integration capacitor can be selected

thereby providing over a factor of 20 dynamic range. A capacitive feedback

transimpedance amplifier (CTIA) provides a low noise detector interface circuit

capable of operating at low input currents without frame-to-frame image lag. A

sample and hold capacitor is also part of the input unit cell architecture which allows

the FPA to be operated in full frame snapshot mode and provides the maximum

integration time available. The integration time is electronically controlled (gated) by

an external clock pulse and is adjustable from 0.5msec to approximately the frame

time of 33.3msec for 30 Hz operation. This provides an additional factor of 66,000 to

the total system dynamic range. Additional features include programmable operating

modes such as dynamic image transposition, dynamic windowing, selectable number

of outputs, variable signal gain, input charge skimming and on-chip power

adjustment. Performance specifications of the ISC9809G InGaAs FPA are

summarized in table 1 below.

Table 1. Performance of the Indigo ISC9809G 320 x 256 Focal Plane Array

The near infrared (NIR) system is designed to operate in the spectral range of 0.9µm

to 1.6 µm. Optical radiation emanating from the tilted object passes through an

aperture and onto the objective head system. The light is then imaged onto the first

of four image planes of the system. Three relay sections, each comprising of six

lenses, bring the optical signal to the focal plane array (FPA) of the camera, with the

final lens set acting as the system focus. The sapphire window is the boundary

between the turbine and the external environment. All NIR optical elements were

coated to allow maximum transmission at 1.3 µm. The sapphire window was not

coated. The optical elements are kept at their respective distances by a series of

spacers. Tube spacers separate the relay components while ring spacers are used to

separate the lens elements in the objective and the relay lens set. Three ring spacers

are needed for the objective and two ring spacers are needed for each of the two

relay lens sets in the relay unit.

The mechanical design of the On-Line Monitor System purposed two (2) viewing

concepts for purposes of viewing row 1 turbine blades. The first design view or (radial

view) would provide viewing of leading edge, pressure side, platform and a portion of

suction side of blades. This view would observe approximately 70 % of total surface

of blades. The second design view or (radial oblique) would provide viewing of

pressure side and leading. This view is very common by pyrometry measurements.

For the purpose of developing a robust monitoring system that would endure 8,000

hrs of operation at a commercial host site an additional pro-type was developed and

installed at the Siemens AG Berlin Test Bed facility. This prototype installation helped

develop process procedures for the future commercial installation.


2.1 Determine Temperature-Dependent IR Characteristics of Blade Surface and

GT Working Fluid

2.1.1 Measure Spectroscope Properties of GT Working Fluid: Infrared transmission,

absorption, and emissivity properties of the turbine engine atmosphere will be

determined within the range of operating parameters expected. The high-pressure,

high-temperature, high-velocity gas will effect the relationship between radiance and

temperature as will the TBC damage. These effects require understanding so that

they may be negated.

At atmospheric pressure NIR bandpasses can be chosen that match the near-

blackbody wavelength region for TBC’s so as not to overlap with the NIR

emission/absorption signature of the major combustion gas products, carbon dioxide

(CO2) and water (H2O). However, as pressure is increased the gas signatures

broaden to result in significant interference that is path length dependent. NIR TBC

turbine blade temperature measurements corrections are be applied to account for

the combustion gases in the optical beam path etc. The wavelength dependent

emission/absorption features for H2O and CO2 as a function of temperature. Software

correction could be used with the interference over the distance from the optical

probe and accounting for the changing distance due to blade curvature).

2.1.2 Measure TBC Coated Blade Emissions as function of Temperature: Thermal

emission characteristics will be determined for several states of the TBC condition.

They will include sintering, contamination and defect formation. Characteristics of

deteriorating TBCs will be studied. Deteriorating TBC emissions will demonstrate a

local step change in emissivity. These normal changes are gradual, and therefore are

expected to cause gradual and accountable changes in the emission of a normal


2.1.3 Characterize Emissions from TBC Defects (APS): Emissions from critical TBC

defects types will be determined. Debond growth and surface temperature changes

will influence the radiance and radiant transients. The debond is expected to cause

an increase in the absolute temperature of the TBC surface. As the same debond

grows, the temperature will increase and the imaged region of the spallation will

grow. Basic measurement capabilities will be investigated by building a laboratory

model of the TBC blade sensor.

2.2 Develop IR Monitor for TBC Coated Blades

This subtask consists of the following components: (1) select/develop IR sensors; (2)

determine data types, transmission rate, and formats, (3) design data analysis

scheme for the GT-TBC monitor inputs, (4) determine control interface and blade

sensor attachment, and (5) develop blade surface condition monitor. Two possible

embodiments considered for the blade sensors are:

(1) Rectangular array designed for direct, line-of-sight viewing of blade region of


(2) Rectangular array designed for coherent fiber bundle for non line-of-sight

viewing of blade region of interest.

The array detector will be a state-of-the-art, cooled, solid state, infrared detector.

Work conducted in Task 1 shall determine the best combination of atmospheric

spectral window and maximum TBC system information. Once determined, the

detectors will be designed within these spectral windows. The detector spectral

selection used for embodiment 2 shall have the additional consideration of fiber optic

transport. The fiber optic system must be rugged in the AGT environment and allow

remote detector location outside of the AGT enclosure if possible. The fiber optic

device shall be designed to allow replacement of the fiber bundles, including gas-

exposed viewing optics without disassembling any AGT components. The closest

location for detector installation is outside of the shell of the turbine. Future

embodiments may allow complete gas path viewing fiber and detector replacement

without shutting the turbine down. An internally installed optical directly involved in

this activity. Design Engineering will determine the optimum sensor vantage points

with the following considerations: pressure boundary control, serviceability, viewing

optics protection, critical region viewing, viewing regions, and sensor installations

minimization. This activity will establish guidelines and limitations for sensor type,

placement and attachment. The Program Manager along with SWPC Design

Engineering will publish an installation requirement complete with specifications,

attachment requirements, and modified and approved AGT drawings demonstrating

penetrations and detailed pressure boundaries. They will be responsible for

approving all sensor attachments and installation procedures.





The objectives for Row 1 TBC vane coating monitor is to detect TBC coating

degradation of the hottest location in the expander to provide an early warning for

degradation of TBC coating in the hot gas path. Monitoring information from the Row

1 vane will also be integrated into TBC lifing models to allow outage planning and

maximization of availability. In order for the Row 1 Vane monitor to meet these

objectives, it will need to have the following criteria:

• The monitoring system should be capable of providing real-time data, and the

sensors should have life capability in excess of normal outage times at operating


• The monitor will need to be an early indication of TBC coating condition changes.

• The monitor will need to monitor the vane globally so that deterioration of

particular areas of the vane will be detected.

There are no current sensors that meet all of the above criteria. Mature techniques

for sensing (e.g., thermocouples) can be used to locally detect Row 1 vane problems,

at least after the problem advances to the point where damage has occurred in the

TBC coating and the vane. This program will evaluate some emerging technologies

for potential application to this problem. At the same time, mature technologies will

be used as a back up in the testing, serving to baseline the interpretation of the TBC

coating life sensing system. The result of the program will be the development of a

vane TBC coating life detection system that incorporates the state-of-the art methods

of detecting coating failures.

During the initial brainstorming amongst experts, a number of vane monitoring

techniques were discussed for potential applications. Candidate techniques included

(1) blade path spread (temperature) measurement by thermocouples;

(2) temperature and pressure measurement inside the vane by thermocouples and

pressure sensors; (3) optical measurement; (4) acoustic guided waves; (5) Bragg

filters; (6) chemical sensors; (7) electrostatic monitors; (8) system’s RF monitors. In

the development process, these candidate techniques will be down-selected in two

stages considering various evaluation criteria such as the technique’s practicality,

accuracy, and maturity.

Subtask 3.2 Design and Fabricate Full Scale Vane Sensor(s)

The selected vane monitor technique(s) will be implemented into the program and

the associated vane monitor sensors will be fabricated in a full scale for final

performance test on an actual test engine. This subtask consists of (1) determine

control interface and vane sensors attachment, and (2) design/fabricate full scale

vane sensors.




1. The AWG sensor system is uniquely capable of acoustic interrogation of an

object in a harsh environment (vane in an operating CT) while the electronics

and signal-processing instrumentation is located in a benign environment

(outside the pressure shell).

2. In field-testing the AWG system was used to interrogate, in real time, several

first row vanes in an operating turbine at full speed base load (FSBL). No part

of the sensor system is exposed to the hot gas path nor does it contact the


3. Signal processing and hardware improvements over the last year have

permitted retrieval of the AWG signal with amplitudes of several hundred mV.

Using the burst pulse technique and signal averaging, all four vanes have been

successfully interrogated many times.

4. The AWG transmitting and receiving wires are welded to the outer body of the

vane. The attachment method launches a type of surface acoustic wave, which

is very sensitive to strain conditions in the TBC and BC.

5. Removal of small amounts of TBC and wearing of the TBC change the strain

levels in the surface layers, which can be detected by the AWG sensor.

6. While a simple measure of the tuned burst-pulse maximum signal can provide a

measure of TBC condition and strain, we believe that using frequency spectrum

analysis we can define other critical conditions from changes in the frequencies

of resonance peaks. These could be plugged cooling holes and structural

defects such as cracks and weld failures.



The objectives of task 4 are (1) monitor failure progression of TBC’s under high heat

flux conditions (Subtasks 4.1) and (2) develop a numerical model to describe the

failure progression as a function of the loading regime (Subtask 4.2).

Subtask 4.1 Conduct High Heat Flux Tests for Monitoring TBC Failures

The high heat flux testing rig (HHFTR) at Westinghouse Plasma Corporation (WPC),

Madison, PA, will be upgraded to allow monitoring of failure progression under

engine-like temperature conditions. The NDE monitoring device proposed in the

program to evaluate TBC reliability during engine service will be incorporated on a

sub-scale level into the test chamber of the available test rig. WPC has a unique

world-class facility for testing coated samples in a thermal fatigue-thermal gradient.

A tubular specimen with APS thermal barrier coating is subjected to the high heat flux

with active cooling. A uniform surface temperature of > 1350ºC will be maintained at

the thermal barrier coating outer surface. A large temperature gradient across the

TBC layer will be created such that the TBC-to metal interface temperature is held at

< 1000ºC while the outer surface is at the high temperature mentioned above.

A cyclic operation with heating cycle durations of 3 minutes to > 8 hours can be


The monitoring device will capture the TBC failure progression during testing period.

Thereby, it is able to detect and quantify delamination as well as vertical crack

growth. In addition to the testing regime proposed in our response to DOE

solicitation DE-PS26-01NT41048 titled “Life Cycle cost reduction through EB-PVD

model development”, testing will continue beyond the initial detection of TBC

spallation in order to derive a database on failure progression as a function of the

applied temperature and cycle regime.

Modify current high heat flux test rig: The test chamber and the data acquisition

system of the high heat flux test rig will be modified to monitor the specimen

condition during high heat flux testing. A test chamber will be designed and

manufactured such that NDE devices can easily monitor the rotating test specimen.

Image analysis software will also be incorporated into the data acquisition system to

obtain quantitative results of the failure progression.

Perform high heat flux tests on TBC coated specimens (APS): TBC coated

specimens will be tested under cyclic thermal loads (of actual engine operating

condition) until TBC spallation occur at an area greater than the critical size. Both

APS and EB-PVD coated specimens will be tested as-deposited and pre-oxidized

conditions. Pre-oxidized specimens will also be tested for the effect of TGO

thickness on the failure evolution under a given loading scheme. Test specimens will

be pre-oxidized in a box furnace under isothermal, cyclic conditions.

Subtask 4.2 Develop Remaining Life Prediction Model

A numerical model will be derived and the model predictions will be correlated with

the experimental results: i.e., the observed failure progression under given

temperatures and cyclic conditions during the high heat flux testing. Classical

theories for sub-critical crack growth under cyclic or static load will be employed to

derive a numerical model for the remaining life prediction of TBC as functions of the

loading condition and the loading history.






This task consists of two separate subtasks: (1) AI-based supervisory system for

blades, and (2) AI-based supervisory system for vanes. SWPC will develop the

supervisory software for the TBC diagnostic system utilizing a rule-based logic. The

system will store all the processed data coming from the blade and vane temperature

sensors. The data will be supplemented by key thermal data produced by the

performance monitoring package. The sensor data will then run through a rule-

based expert system to determine the probability of TBC coating failure. Raw signals

from both the blade and vane monitors will have to be preprocessed before the data

is analyzed. Preprocessing will also be performed to eliminate spurious indications.

Blade monitor signals will include high-speed radiance scans of the blades. Data will

be processed into a meaningful form to demonstrate changes or excursions that

require reporting to the control software. The decisions that guide in this selection will

be made throughout the program.

The control software will interpret the reported trends or excursions and notify or alert

the operator of the finding. Different types of preprocessing logic will be used to

identify excursions or trends. Raw data signals will be processed as collected.

Some preprocessing steps will include a continually updated running average with

statistical significance for ongoing data collection. This will establish a baseline for

comparison of each refreshed data set. Excursions from this baseline will be brought

to the attention and disposition of the artificial intelligence (AI) system. Historical

averages will be periodically stored for long-term trending and AI disposition. The

system will report information in the following categories: Temperature maps,

Remaining life of TBC, Recommendations for optimizing specific parameters, and

Emergency alert. By continually monitoring the operating conditions, the remaining

life for future operating conditions will also be forecasted. Using the advice given by

the control system, an operator will have the ability to balance power output and TBC

life expense rate. This will ultimately optimize power output and outage scheduling

for maximum operator control. Other engine performance and parameter inputs will

also be accessed by the advisory system as identified throughout the program. The

system will also provide alarms for critical TBC loss situations. The alarms will notify

operators only in the event of eminent damage or failure. The system will also

provide alarm signals for connection to standard tripping control devices for the

option of automatic tripping.




Siemens Corporate Research has supported the effort of Siemens Power Generation

to complete the four year program for”On-Line Blade Monitoring for Real-Time

Failure Protection and Life Maximization” in various aspects, with software

development for system control and on-line system operating, experimental data

acquisition and evaluation for the remaining TBC life modeling, and system test

installation in Berlin, Germany and Joplin, MO. The team was successfully able to

acquire images of stationary gas turbine blades at engine base load. Scene based

image non-uniformity correction in addition to standard camera non-uniformity

correction has significant increased image quality. A large software package was

developed to control and operate all components of the on-line monitoring system,

and to acquire, process and store images of blades from stationary gas turbines on a

systematic basis. Various image processing function for non-uniformity correction of

IR images; TBC defect detection and estimation of defect size or auto focus were

developed and evaluated. Siemens Corporate Research has helped to present this

program at the Siemens Power Generation Engineers’ Technology Showcase week

2004 in Orlando, FL. The program was selected as the most innovative program of

the year in 2004.



In the final task of the program, the packaged system will be installed on an AGT at

one of Siemens Power Generation’s long-term-program (LTP) sites to assess its

performance under real plant conditions. A specific turbine engine type and the site

for the field trials will be identified during the development process. The engine will

be modified as needed for sensor penetrations and installations. Siemens Power

Generation design engineering will be heavily involved with all aspects of the engine

changes. Standard engineering practices will assure safe and effective sensor


Subtask 6.2 Field trials for vane monitor.

For field trials for vanes, either the same LTP site as blade monitor or different site

will be identified depending on the availability of the facilities at that time. We are

targeting a site located near the engineering headquarters in Orlando.




An innovative new system that continuously monitors operating blades in gas

turbines has surpassed over 8,000 hours of operation, confirming that the technology

is ready for commercialization.

Developed by Siemens Power Generation, with funding from the U.S. Department of

Energy, the online monitor makes it possible for operators to replace turbine blades

based on their actual condition, when the thermal barrier coating is worn or

damaged. This capability optimizes the life of the blades, avoids the high cost of

unscheduled replacement, and extends the time between preventative maintenance

periods, increasing the availability of the plant.

The first full-scale high-temperature, full-pressure commercial system was installed in

a Westinghouse 501FD gas turbine at Empire Stateline Electrical Company in Joplin,

Mo., during a scheduled outage last October to demonstrate its capabilities in

capturing real-time infrared images of rotating blades. Siemens Power Generation

engineers are monitoring the performance of the first row of thermal-barrier-coated

blades on both pressure (front) and suction (back) sides.

The demonstration will evaluate the mechanical design and integrity of the blades’

thermal barrier coating. The high speed infrared camera is integrated into a smart

supervisor system developed by Siemens Corporate Research, the life model then

predicts when the thermal barrier coating on a blade will fail.

Turbine blades operate in an exceptionally hostile environment; they rotate at more

than 3,600 revolutions per minute, with a linear tip speed of 800 mph, under very

high pressure (220 psi, nearly 15 times the force of gravity) and extremely high

temperature (in the range of 2,600 ºF, about the melting point of steel).

To operate in these conditions, Siemens Westinghouse developed a cooled optical

probe that is installed in the gas turbine reaching down to the moving blades. A near-

and mid-wave infrared high speed camera is also situated in a cooled housing and

connected to the probe outside of the turbine. Despite the high speed of rotation, the

control software can identify and record 85 percent of the blade surface and has the

spatial resolution to capture very small design features. The images are evaluated

automatically, and the entire system can be linked to remote diagnostic center.

The ongoing success of this commercial demonstration is garnering keen interest by

the energy industry and the military. Siemens Power Generation has already ensured

that this technology will be available on its next generation of gas turbines, and online

blade monitor retrofits are currently being marketed for existing gas turbines.

Commercialization of the technology is expected in future months for gas turbines,

and the versatility of the technology may not yet be fully realized. By successfully

operating in the most complex environment, the technology has proven it could

monitor the performance of components in additional hostile areas of the turbine,

such as combustor baskets and stationary vanes.

While DOE involvement in the demonstration is scheduled to end in September

2005, Empire Stateline will continue to use the blade monitoring technology at its

Joplin plant. The site will serve as a test bed to expand commercialization of the

online monitor for gas, steam, and other types of turbines.


• The use of On-line monitoring by Siemens Power Generation design can be

related to TBC condition based monitoring.

• The robust design with proper installation can provide On-Line Real Time
Monitoring of TBC blades. The design system which survived 8000 hrs of
operation has provided engineering and designs a new method of analysis
during turbine operations and provides a basic lifing model.

• Siemens Engineering demonstrated a new and potentially very important

area in remote diagnostics by installation and demonstration of prototype
TBC monitor on a Siemens Power Generation turbine engine in Berlin. This
pro type design was installed into a Long Term commercial turbine.

• The value of the designed On-Line TBC Monitoring system has proved to
be of value for monitoring other important parameters; e.g., cooling hole
blockages, platform rubs, spallation and delamination of TBC coated blades

• The development of software named “Blade Inspector” developed by

Siemens Corporate Research has evolved a monitoring system that has the
ability to image every blade from row 1 and 2 combustion area. With
software development for system control and on-line system operating,
experimental data acquisition and evaluation for the remaining TBC life
modeling, and system test installation in Berlin, Germany and Joplin, MO.
The team was successfully able to acquire images of stationary gas turbine
blades at engine base load. Scene based image non-uniformity correction
in addition to standard camera non-uniformity correction has significant
increased image quality. A large software package was developed to
control and operate all components of the on-line monitoring system, and to
acquire process and store images of blades from stationary gas turbines on
a systematic basis.

• The Optical system design is a unique concept and based on a telescopic

arrangement consisting of a lens objective head and a series of relay lenses
with the final relay acting as the system focus. The system was designed to
function in the near infrared (NIR) region of 0.9 µm to 1.6 µm.

• The TBC Lifting calculation of the driving force (applied energy release rate)
of typical interfacial TBC defects has been explained. Simulation results are
presented and discussed as function of thermal loading conditions and
initial defect size. As a result the defect growth rate was predicted at room-
temperature assuming a sub-critical defect growth mode to be activated.

• On-line TBC monitor with the Siemens Power Generation design can be
used on all existing and new gas turbines that use TBC to protect critical
turbine parts. The fundamental concepts of the on-line TBC monitoring are
equally applicable to smaller land, aero and marine based gas turbines.
This opens future global market opportunities for the team to pursue.


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