Biorefinery Concept: Current Status and Future Prospects: December 2017

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Biorefinery concept: Current status and future prospects

Conference Paper · December 2017


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27 International Conference on Engineering Technologies (ICENTE'17)

Biorefinery concept: Current status and

future prospects

products has emerged from the second generation biofuels [5].

Abstract - A brief review has been done of studies in biorefinery, The second generation biofuels are more environmentally
in order to provide an introduction to the subject from the market friendly [6] and competitive [7] than the first generation
potential. A biorefinery can be considered to be an integral unit biofuels. The implementation of non-food, lignocellulosic
that can accept various biological nonfood feedstocks and convert natural resources is of particular interest, in order to minimize
them into a range of useful products including chemicals, energy,
the impacts on the food and fodder markets.
and materials. Bio-based products are a great curiosity question
of whether it gets to replace fossil-based products. Biomass, a Marine macroalgae or seaweed have a high potential
renewable source of carbon, is guaranteed a place in the new to partly replace terrestrial biomass. With current research
energy portfolio for the foreseeable future. The use of renewable going on in this field it is already declared that algae is a 3rd
energy sources efficiently as possible with biorafinery concept.
Today, the factory is going to study the conceptual stage with
integrated Biorafinery system; although the future seems to be feed plants, nor is using resources for their growth [3].
successful. Increasing efforts are being made to reduce the
dependency of the world economy on crude oil as an
Keywords - Biorefinery concept, Techno-economic analysis,
exhaustible natural resource. One of the most promising
Bioeconomy, Biofuels, Market potential of biorefinery.
approaches is to develop processes that allow the use of
biomass as an alternative natural resource base [8]. In this
sense, the biorefinery concept emerges as an option similar to
Biorefineries, as the name suggests, have so far been oil refineries, where biomass is fractionated into added value
conceptualised around energy and biofuels. A biorefinery is a products with different yields and distributions. Moreover,
facility, somewhat analogous to the petroleum refinery, which these distributions vary widely depending on the physical
integrates biomass conversion processes and technologies to and chemical nature of the raw material as well as on the
produce fuels, power and chemicals. Biorefinery systems economic interest of the process [9, 10, 11, 12, 13].This
have emerged as an attractive route for energy generation, estimate includes biorefinery products that could replace
in the form of combined heat and power (CHP) and fossil-based products that are chemically identical (e.g.
biofuels, alongside chemical production, with great promise ethylene from bioethanol can replace ethylene from natural
for reduced environmental impact [1,2]. gas) and those that could substitute for products having similar
functionality (e.g. polylactic acid can substitute polyethylene
If all of the bioresources within the biorefinery terephthalate used for plastic bottles) [14].
structure are efficiently used, including the biological leftovers
from a cascade transformation process approach, a nearly zero To ensure sustainable use of biomass, cascading
waste production is achieved. Nowadays global biorefinery approach has been developed which promotes that product
concept mainly includes terrestrial biomass with plants and with the highest value is made first, then the second highest is
foreston top and only small part has recently been devoted to made and so on. Bioenergy and biofuels are made using
algae [3]. Since mainly first and second generation biomass is leftovers from other production processes. This approach
used for liquid biofuels production, it is significantly affecting increases resource efficiency and adds even higher value to
the economy due to the competition for food and energy. used biomass, which is a part of circular economy. Increased
resource efficiency also is saving the raw material supply,
As bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas or biomethane in the because biomass can be used repeatedly. With this principle
world, the most widely produced a large part of the first usually the problem is that leftover biomass has to be
generation of biofuels biofuels were classed at the beginning transported from one location to another to continue with the
of the 2000s [4]. It is observed reduction in greenhouse gases next step of production, but biorefinery concept solves this
as a result of the use of the first generation biofuels but food is problem since the concept is meant to be implemented in one
not sustainable due to the excessive demand. This demand, the location [3].
food industry waste or in this sector of the inevaluation

E-ISBN: 978-605-67535-4-1 Konya, Turkey, December 7-9, 2017
28 International Conference on Engineering Technologies (ICENTE'17)

As a result, GHG emissions reduction, fossil

energy saving and economic potential of biorefinery
products have become important measures that make a
biorefinery a plausible alternative to crude oil refineries
The Role in Industry of the Biorefinery
The biorefinery concept has been practised widely
in the corn wet mill industry, the pulp and paper industry
and, more recently, the biofuel industry through the
expansion of their product portfolios with value added
products in the search for improved process economics
and environmental sustainability [16, 17].
Figure 1. The biorefinery concept: from biomass to valuable
The Communication on the Lead Market Initiative products via low-environmental-impact valorization practices.
(COM(2007) 860 final) indicated six sectors as lead markets:
The main focus of biorefinery systems which will
eHealth, protective textiles, sustainable construction,
come into operation within the next years is on the production
recycling, bio-based products, and renewable energies [18].
of transportation biofuels. The selection of the most
In order to decide on a suitable product portfolio, the interesting biofuels is based on the possibility that they can be
following five criteria were formulated [19] : mixed with gasoline, kerosene, diesel, and natural gas,
reflecting the main advantage of using the already existing
High theoretical product yields from substrate.
infrastructure in the transportation sector. The volume and
Market interest in the product as an end product or as prices of present and forecasted products should be market
an industrially important intermediate. competitive [21].
High production volume (current or potential).
Biorefineries show promises both for industrialized
Nonfood use of the product. and developing countries. New competences, new job
Ability to be biologically synthesized from the opportunities, and new markets are also expected to elaborate.
common sugars derived from various forms of The economic value of biomass is determined by the revenue
biomass. from the various products on the market and the production
costs (e.g., capital and operation costs) of the various
products [21].
IEA Bioenergy Task 42 recently coined a formal
definition for In addition, also the size of the market is relevant for
biomass into a spectrum of bio-based products (food, feed, the economic feasibility of biorefining. In most of the cases,
chemicals and/or materials) and bioenergy (biofuels, power products with a high market value have a relative small
. market (e.g., speciality chemicals) and vice versa (e.g., liquid
transportation fuels). Economic values of fossil feedstocks to
This means that a biorefinery can be a concept, a
be possibly substituted by biomass show large differences
facility, a process, a plant, or even a cluster of facilities that
obviously requires the integration of many different areas of
knowledge encompassing chemical engineering, chemistry, Table 1. Fossil-derived product substitution options (cost
biology and biochemistry, biomolecular engineering, and other price per GJ end product)
fields [20]. Fossil Feed Stock ( 3/GJ) Biomass Cost ( 3/GJ)
In this way, biorefining can provide a sustainable Heat 3(coal) 4
approach to valuable products that can also improve biomass
processing economics as well as environmental footprint (e.g., Power 6(coal) 22
GHG savings) if a fully integrated concept is developed [20].
Transportation 8(oil) 10
The integration of bioconversion and appropriate fuel
chemical technologies is critical to the successful translation of Avarage bulk 30(oil) 75
refinery concepts to aqueous transformations. chemicals

In the case of chemical technologies and chemical The economic value of biomass feedstocks grossly exceeds
production, this means the use of green chemistry methods the value associated with their caloric value (which is only
including heterogeneous catalysis and the application of green 3/GJ). They could represent values of up to 75/GJ,
chemistry principles [20]. provided that components could be obtained in a pure form.
Assuming a biomass yield of 10 20 tonnes of dry weight per
hectare per year and that the biomass will just be used for its
caloric value, this would represent a value of 450 900/ha

E-ISBN: 978-605-67535-4-1 Konya, Turkey, December 7-9, 2017
29 International Conference on Engineering Technologies (ICENTE'17)

per year, values that are too low for farmers in Western Table 2. Comparison of refineries and biorefineries regarding
Europe to make an acceptable standard of living. Things to feedstocks, building block composition, processes, and
would be different if we could separate biomass into fractions chemical intermediates produced at commercial scale
that can be used to produce food, feed, biobased products
(chemicals, materials), and/or bioenergy (fuels, power, and/or
heat). As we saw above, separated biomass fractions can Refinery Biorefinery
generate financial returns exceeding their caloric value alone. Biorefinery
Assuming that 20% of biomass is suitable to produce Feedstock Feedstock heterogeneous
chemical compounds, 40% to produce biofuels, and the relatively regarding bulk components e.g.,
remainder to produce power and heat, a biomass yield of 10 homogeneous carbohydrates, lignin, proteins,
20 tonnes dry matter per hectare biomass yield potentially oils
could generate 2000 4000/ha, enough for farmers to make extractives, and/or ash Most of
an acceptable standard of living [21]. the starting material present in
polymeric form
Even accounting for unavailability of supply LNG markets are
not expected to rebalance before the mid-2020s. For now, (cellulose, starch, proteins,
LNG prices remain low (Figure 2), only one final investment lignin)
decision (FID) for new liquefaction facilities has been taken in Low in oxygen High in oxygen content
2017, and demand, while growing robustly, is not keeping
pace with the addition of supply [22].
The weight of the The weight of the product
The economic production of transportation biofuels is often a product (mole/ mole) generally decreases
challenge. The coproduction of chemicals, materials, food, and (mole/mole) with processing
feed can generate the necessary added value. Recently a paper generally increases It is important to perceive the
was published highlighting all biobased chemicals with with processing functionality in the starting
The selected products are either demonstrating strong market
growth or have significant industry investment in development Main building Main building blocks: Glucose,
and demonstration programs [21].Table 2 gives an overview of blocks: Ethylene, xylose, fatty acids (e.g., oleic,
the major similarities and dissimilarities of petrochemical propylene, methane, stearic, sebacic)
refineries and biorefineries. benzene, toluene,
xylene isomers.
Almost Combination of chemical and
exclusively biotechnological processes
chemical processes
Introduction of Removal of oxygen
heteroatoms (O, N,
Relative Relative heterogeneous
homogeneous processes to arrive to building
processes to arrive blocks
to building blocks:
Figure 2. Gas price development, 2012-17 Steam cracking,
Note: NBP = National Balancing Point (United Kingdom). catalytic reforming
Sources: NBP, Henry Hub, Japan LNG contract and Brent data: Wide range of Smaller range of conversion
Bloomberg Finance LP; Asian LNG spot data: ICIS (2017a), ICIS conversion chemistries: Dehydration,
LNG Edge, chemistries hydrogenation, fermentation
(subscription required).
Biorefining requires further innovation but offers
opportunities to all economic sectors. Building a biobased
economy can help to overcome present difficulties while Few but increasing (e.g.,
laying the foundation of an environmentally benign industry ethanol, furfural, biodiesel, mono-
[21]. Many ethanolglycol, lactic acid, succinic

E-ISBN: 978-605-67535-4-1 Konya, Turkey, December 7-9, 2017
30 International Conference on Engineering Technologies (ICENTE'17)

Biomass-Biorefinery-Bioeconomy Renewable platform chemicals are often linked

Biorefineries are a promising integrated approach for the co- technologically to the biorefinery the latter could be viewed
production of both valueadded products (bio-materials, bio- as a key technological solution for the integrated production of
chemicals, bio-plastics, food, feed) and bioenergy (biofuels, food, feed, materials and products [29]. Such a step could
biogas, heat and/or electricity). The bio-based economy integrate the chemical industry into the so-called bioeconomy.
integrates the full range of natural and renewable biological The main goals are to strategically reduce the dependency on
resources (land and sea resources, biodiversity and biological crude oil and to mitigate the greenhouse gas emissions as well
materials (plant, animal and microbial) and biological as the negative impacts on the environment caused by the
processes. In this respect, a bio-based economy is nothing new processing and ultimately the burning of fossil carbon sources
in itself, as before the industrial revolution, economies were [30]. During these exciting developments it is important not to
mainly bio-based. Biomass is already used as feedstock for lose sight of the greenhouse gas related impacts, concern for
example wood based materials, pulp and paper production, which underpins much of the rationale behind biorefinery and
biomass-derivedfibres, and as biofuel feedstock (from bioeconomy accomplishments so far [31]. The current global
oilcrops, starch and sugar crops). Nevertheless, the transition market size for ethylene accounts for 127 Mt/a with a share of
toward a modern bio-based economy implies challenges such 0.2% (0.25 Mt/a) coming from biomass resources [30].
as the sustainability of biomass raw material, efficiency in
Future Prospects of the Biorefinery Concept
biomass use and economy of scalesin biomass mobilization
[27]. According to the Energy Information Administration
(EIA, 2015), today present the annual total electricity
Biorefinery can use various combinations of feedstock
and conversion technologies to produce a variety of producs.
generated from fossil fuels which will cause greenhouse
However, most of the existing biorefinery concepts use
gases emission, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2).
limited feedstock and technologies, and soley produce
Electricity generation will increase our dependence on fossil
bioetanol or biodiesel. Only a small fraction of materials are
fuels increases. It has been found in so many foresight studies.
used for chemical and chemistry products that have a higher
EIA (2015) data by looking at the energy production in 2040
value-added [28]. Because of that the use of biomass for the
production of platform chemicals has recently become an
an annual production of approximately 144 x 10 6 m 3 and a
important research topic [11]. Economical and production
worldwide share of more than 3% based on energy content,
advantages increase with the overall level of integration in the
biofuels already play a significant role in the transport fuel
biorefinery. By missing of the existing biorefinery concepts,
sector [34]. The potential biorefinery market throughout the
which are limited in the using a one feedstock and producing
entire biomass value chain globally has been projected as
one product. Thanks to continuous developments in the areas
$295 billion by 2020 [35].
of feedstock, conversion process (biochemical, chemical, and
thermochemical), and their integration with powerful The mandatory targets for the use of renewable energy in
downstream seperations will enable more economical and transport has boosted the use of biofuels in the EU reaching
environmentally sustainable options of integrated biorefinery. 564 PJ in 2012. The NREAPs (National Renewable Energy
By integrated biorefinery concepts, it has been enabled to Action Plan) forecasted a use of biofuels of about 1216 PJ
spreading of biorefinery implentation within a wider Mtoe in 2020, representing more than 90% of the renewable
geographical area in all of Europe. So, the EuroBioRef energy expected to be used in transport (Banja et al., 2013).
project is focused on enhanced and deploying a highly The NREAPs estimate that about 105 PJ lignocellulosic
integrated and varied concept with feedstock, technologies biofuels could be used in transport in 2020, but this depends
and processes that can be bundled to enable and define a new on their commercial availability and prices.
interweaved value chain with integrated flexible biorefinery
Another study predicts; In 2011, global biofuels production
stood at 1,897,000 barrels per day, up from 1,635,000 barrels
per day in 2009 a 16 percent rise in just two years.
Production levels are expected to reach 2,500,000 barrels per
day by 2020 [36].

Figure 3. The EureBioRef integrated biorefinery approach

biomass feedstock produce low-added value product, multi
biomass feedstock can produce high-added value multi
products by using multi-integrated process [28].
Figure 4. Global Biofuels Production

E-ISBN: 978-605-67535-4-1 Konya, Turkey, December 7-9, 2017
31 International Conference on Engineering Technologies (ICENTE'17)

As a negative predictions; According to UNEP, 35.7 million Microalgea have various oil content as their spieces. Both high
ha were used for biofuel production in 2008 and an estimated level oil content and less land requier they may be only
80 million ha are to be used by 2020. sources of biodiesel that has the potential to displace crop.
The production of biofuels and energy is used by a majority Conclusions
of the resources of the forest is observed. Wood pellets of
Biorefineries are more conceptually for this moment, but the
international trade, sectors constituted 7% of demand of the
studies suggest that it may gain biorafiner with an integrated
energy and transport in 2010. Different countries consider
system. It should be adopted as the main material for biofuels
renewable energy targets established by taking into account
as well as high added value byproducts is quite precious and
the, international demand, come out on top biofuels and
future market share. Byproducts of biorefinery are expected to
biomass supply is expected. For this reason, in particular the
rise in the use of chemicals and materials industries. It also
relatively limited domestic resources, such as the European
provides the formation of a new market for natural resources
Union and India's imports of biofuels and biomass is foreseen
and forestry and agricultural waste. When taking into account
to give the speed. The imbalance in the distribution of biomass
of unsufficient land, nonfood and feedstock, the best
resource potential and boosting the share of bio-energy in
alternative to appear of fuel is that derived from migroalgae.
energy production of envisioning due to political targets in
High level oil content and rapid growing ratio of microalgae
2035 biomass and biofuel is thought that she was going to 40
give a future for clean fuel, chemical and energy. That apart
million TEP (in 2010 the inter-regional 6 million TEP). This
from according to the projections made in the study
increase in the scope of the United States, Canada and Russia
exhaustible natural source the fossil fuels reducing the
is expected to be the largest exporters of biomass. United
dependence on with using of biofuels is promising. Although
States and Brazil's are expected to pull head to biofuel
the surge in oil prices are unstable, biorafineries will be the
production [38].
technology of 2020.
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E-ISBN: 978-605-67535-4-1 Konya, Turkey, December 7-9, 2017
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