HARDNESS TESTERS - 2019 - echoLAB - Catalogue Small PDF
HARDNESS TESTERS - 2019 - echoLAB - Catalogue Small PDF
HARDNESS TESTERS - 2019 - echoLAB - Catalogue Small PDF
Hardness Testers
Hardness Testers
Hardness Testers
Hardness Testers
Hardness Testers
Hardness Testers
Hardness Testers
Hardness Testers
Hardness Testers
Hardness Testers
Vickers Hardness Testers
Vickers Hardness
Developed in 1921 as an alternative to the Brinell Hardness
test, Vickers Hardness test is a common method to measure the
hardness of materials, specifically thin sections and small parts.
The test is done by pressing a square-based pyramid diamond
indenter on a well prepared sample surface under specific load.
The resulting indentation is measured by scaled eyepiece or
through a specific analyzing software and converted in the HV
The Vickers method can be divided in two ranges that, while
using the same indenter, vary depending on the applied load:
Macro and Micro range.
Vickers hardness numbers are always expressed as xxHVyy
where xx is the hardness number, HV is the hardness scale and
yy the applied load.
Knoop Hardness
Developed in 1939, Knoop Hardness Test is used to measure
the hardness of brittle materials or thin sheets. Knoop test can
replace a Vickers test and use a pyramidal diamond indenter. It
is expressed as HK.
d1 d1
Scale Indenter Indentation time Sample preparation Application
HV0.01 Pyramidal diamond 10 to 15 seconds Polished Small samples, thin layer, ceramics, CHD
HV0.02 Pyramidal diamond 10 to 15 seconds Polished Small samples, thin layer, ceramics, CHD
HV0.35 Pyramidal diamond 10 to 15 seconds Polished Small samples, thin layer, ceramics, CHD
HV0.5 Pyramidal diamond 10 to 15 seconds Polished Small samples, thin layer, ceramics, CHD
HV1 Pyramidal diamond 10 to 15 seconds Polished Hardness progressions, Surface hardness testing, CHD
Method Indenter Indentation time Sample preparation Application
HK 0.01 172° x 130° Pyramidal diamond 10 to 15 seconds High Polished Very thin layers
HK 0.025 172° x 130° Pyramidal diamond 10 to 15 seconds High Polished Very thin layers
HK 0.05 172° x 130° Pyramidal diamond 10 to 15 seconds High Polished Very thin layers
HK 0.1 172° x 130° Pyramidal diamond 10 to 15 seconds High Polished Very thin layers, embedded specimens
HK 0.2 172° x 130° Pyramidal diamond 10 to 15 seconds High Polished Very thin layers, embedded specimens
HK 0.3 172° x 130° Pyramidal diamond 10 to 15 seconds High Polished Very thin layers, embedded specimens
HK 0.5 172° x 130° Pyramidal diamond 10 to 15 seconds High Polished Very thin layers
HK 1 172° x 130° Pyramidal diamond 10 to 15 seconds High Polished Very thin layers
HK 2 172° x 130° Pyramidal diamond 10 to 15 seconds High Polished Very thin layers
Applicable standard ASTM E384, ISO 4545, JIS Z2251
> Automatic Vickers hardness tester adopts the integrated design of panel
computer with Windows 7 operating system. CCD image acquisition
system, show the indentation image directly on the touch screen and TIC
automatically detect the Vickers hardness value.
> All testing parameters can be selected on the side panel computer. User
friendly with touch screen.
> CCD image acquisition system, shows the image clearly and detects the
hardness value by touching the screen.
> Separate screen for better view of results.
> Automatic recognition and shifting between the objective and indenter.
> Hardness scale conversion function.
> With USB, VGA and LAN interfaces, the hardness measurement can be
print out by USB interface printer.
> Automatic data save, generate the hardness-depth curve and save as
WORD or EXCEL document.
> With motorized X-Y test table, automatic focusing and automatic
measuring, it is the fully automation of Vickers hardness testing.
Application X-Y-Z MOTORI
> Suitable for ferrous metal, non-ferrous metals, IC thin sections, coatings,
ply-metals, glass, ceramics, agate, precious stones, thin plastic sections
Reference standard
> ISO 6507, ASTM E92, JIS Z2244
Model HTV 10DT / HTV 50DT V3.0 Model HTV 10DT / HTV 50DT V3.0
Test force control Load cell closed loop - Load electronic controlled Indenters Diamond Vickers indenter
Load selection Touch screen control panel N. of indenters 1
HTV 10DT V3.0: 0.2kgf, 0.3kgf, 0.5kgf, 1kgf, 2kgf, Nose cone support diameter 6.35mm
2.5kgf, 3kgf, 5kgf, 10kgf Indent measure algorithms Automatic
Main loads
HTV 50DT V3.0: 0.5kgf, 1kgf, 2kgf, 2.5kgf, 3kgf, 5kgf, Auto reading time 0.3 sec/1 indent
10kgf, 20kgf, 30kgf, 50kgf Specimen detection Yes
dwell time 0~60s Movement program patterns Zigzag, circle, arc, straight line, random, teaching etc.
Loading time 0.2kgf~5kgf: 8s, 10kgf~50kgf: 10s Vertical test capacity 185mm
Load applying speed Horizontal test capacity 130mm
(indenter descending speed) Anvils dimensions Motorized cross test table, size: 110x110mm
Test force tolerance ±1% Max. weight on anvil 50kg
Fully-automatic type: focus, load, dwell, unload, X-Y travel 50x50mm
Test cycle type
show of the hardness value X axis speed High: 1mm/s, low: 0.25mm/s
HTV 10DT V3.0: HV0.2, HV0.3, HV0.5, HV1, HV2, X axis resolution 0.002mm
HV2.5, HV3, HV5, HV10
Hardness scales Y axis speed High: 1mm/s, low: 0.25mm/s
HTV 50DT V3.0: HV0.5, HV1, HV2, HV2.5, HV3, HV5,
Y axis resolution 0.002mm
HV10, HV20, HV30, HV50
Z axis movement Motorized
Hardness test range 1HV~2967HV
Z axis resolution 0.00125mm
Hardness resolution 0.1HV
Z axis speed High: 1mm/s, low: 0.0625mm/s
Repeatability hef/% Table 1
Display type Touch screen
Scale conversion HRK, HR15N, HR30N, HR45N, HR15T, HR30T, HR45T, Display dimensions External touch pad 15” | Internal touch screen 8”
HS, HBW - According to ASTM E140 Input mode By tap touch
Turret type Automatic Hardness value, D1, D2, dwell time, test number,
CCD camera pixel 1.30 Million Displayed data conversion scale, test force, date and time, indentation,
Microscope eyepiece 10x
Statistics or functions Max, min, average value, report, hardness curve
Objectives 10x, 20x, 40x objectives
Data storage SSD 64GB
Optical path 2 ways eyepiece
Data output Word, Excel format
Optical function Optical diaphram / field aperture / color filter
Energy saving mode Yes
Illumination Halogen lamp
Interfaces 2x USB, 1x VGA, 1x LAN, 1x RS232 (15pin)
0.1μm (10x objective)
Safety device Emergency switch
CCD min. measuring unit 0.05μm (20x objective)
Operation temperature 23±5 °C
0.025μm (40x objective)
Operation rel. humidity ≤65%
680μm (10x objective)
CCD max. measurement Weight 52kg
340μm (20x objective)
length Dimensions 560x335x675mm
170μm (40x objective)
Power supply 230 V
Measurable. indent/
10μm Voltage variance ±10%
Absorbed power 500W
Auto-focus time 3s
Total enlargment resolution 0.06μm, 0.03μm, 0.015μm
Measuring method
Model HTV 10D / HTV 50D V2.0
> Automatic mode——Automatic test table moving (X and Y direction) +
automatic Test force control Load cell closed loop - Load electronic controlled
> Manual mode 1——Automatic loading + manual eyepiece scribed line Load selection PC and control panel keyboard (HV mode)
measurement HTV 10D V2.0: 0.3kgf, 0.5kgf, 1kgf, 2kgf, 2.5kgf, 3kgf,
> Manual mode 2——Manual test table moving + manual focus + Main loads
5kgf, 10kgf
Automatic / manual measurement HTV 50D V2.0: 1kgf, 2kgf, 2.5kgf, 3kgf, 5kgf, 10kgf,
20kgf, 30kgf, 50kgf
Automatic / manual reading dwell time 0~60s
> Automatic reading time: Single indentation reading time is about 300 ms Loading time
0.3kgf~5kgf: 8s,
10kgf~50kgf: 10s
> Automatic measurement precision: 0.1μm Load applying speed
> Automatic measurement repeatability: ±0.8% (indenter descending speed)
> Manual reading: Manual pick, automatic search points, 4 points Test force tolerance ±1%
measurement, 2 diagonal measurement Semi-automatic type:
Manual - focus
Results save / output Test cycle type
Automatic - load, dwell, unload, show of the hardness
> Save/output: measurement data and parameters, including D1, D2, HV, value
X, Y, etc. HTV 10D V2.0: HV0.3, HV0.5, HV1, HV2, HV2.5, HV3,
> Save / output : effective hardening layer depth curve report, image. Hardness scales
HV5, HV10
HTV 50D V2.0: HV1, HV2, HV2.5, HV3, HV5, HV10,
HV20, HV30, HV50
Software function: Hardness test range 1HV~2967HV
> System linkage: System - hardness tester linkage through Hardness resolution 0.1HV
communication interface. Repeatability hef/% Table 1
> Pressure linkage: When converting test force, the system percepts the HV, HK, HRA, HRB, HRC, HRD, HRE, HRF, HRG,
test force change and displays in real time. Scale conversion HRK, HR15N, HR30N, HR45N, HR15T, HR30T,
> Turret linkage: Software shifting controls between objective and HR45T, HS, HBW - According to ASTM E140
indenter without manual control. Turret type Automatic
> Loading linkage: Automatic loading control. CCD camera pixel 1.30 Million
> Measuring linkage: The software controls the turret, and after Eyepiece microscope 10x
loading,directly reading the Vickers hardness value. HTV 10D V2.0: 10x, 40x
> Light source linkage: Manual focus. HTV 50D V2.0: 10x, 20x
> Image acquisition: Real time indentation display, saving and printing. Optical path
Optical function
2 ways eyepiece
Optical diaphram / field aperture / color filter
> Automatic measurement: Automatically detect the four indentation HTV 10D V2.0: 0.25μm (10x objective),
vertices. Microscope min. measuring 0.0625μm (40x objective)
> Automatic point search: The system automatically finds the best unit HTV 50D V2.0: 0.25μm (10x objective),
vertices, greatly reduce the human error. 0.125μm (20x objective)
> Diagonal measurement: By just one mouse click on the top left HTV 10D V2.0: 800μm (10x objective),
and lower right corner of the indentation the hardness value will be Microscope max. 200μm (40x objective)
displayed. measurement length HTV 50D V2.0: 800μm (10x objective),
> Four point measurement: Selecting the four indentation points the 400μm (20x objective)
hardness value will be displayed. HTV 10D V2.0: 0.1μm (10x objective),
> Hardness conversion: According to international standard, CCD min. measuring unit
0.025μm (40x objective)
HTV 50D V2.0: 0.1μm (10x objective),
automatically convert the hardness value between Brinell, Rockwell,
0.05μm (20x objective)
Vickers and Knoop with real-time display. HTV 10D V2.0: 680μm (10x objective),
> Graphic report: Automatic record of measurement data, automatic CCD max. measurement 170μm (40x objective)
generation of hardness-depth curves, saving or printing reports length HTV 50D V2.0: 680μm (10x objective),
generated as Word documents. 340μm (20x objective)
> Results statistics: Output the multiple measured indentation results Measurable min. indent/
in Excel format and automatically counts the measurement number, indentation
maximum value, minimum value, average value, variance, etc. of Illumination Halogen lamp
hardness. Indenters Diamond Vickers indenter
> Automatic displacement: Equipped with high precision X-Y automatic N. of indenters 1
test table. Nose bore diameter 6.35mm
> Automatic identification: Leading indentation automatic identification Indent measure algorithms
Auto reading time
0.3 sec/1 indent
technology, read D1 / D2 and HV value in 0.3 seconds.
> Stable performance: The indentation of non mirror polishing, uneven Specimen detection Yes
Movement program patterns Zigzag, circle, arc, straight line, random, teaching etc.
light, not in the center can be read automatically.
Vertical test capacity 170mm
> Powerful functions: Manual reading, automatic reading, hardness Horizontal test capacity 130mm
conversion, depth-hardness curve, indentation image, picture and text
Anvils dimensions Motorized cross test table, size: 110x110mm
Max. weight on anvil 50kg
> Automatic scanning: Automatically scan the sample edge and shape.
Optional accessories
Model Description
VT-CTT100100 Cross test table 100x100mm
VT-DCTT120120 Digital cross test table 120x120mm
VT-FLCTT7680 Flat clamping test table 76x80mm
VT-TSTT76 Thin specimen test table ø 76mm
VT-FICTT60 Filament clamping test table ø 60mm
VT-LTT108 Large plane test table ø 108mm
VT-VTT40 V-shaped test table ø 40mm
VT-WB Work bench
VT-APP Additional printer paper roll
Vickers hardness blocks
Model Range
HB-V0.3/200-750 200-750 HV0.3 (HTV 5D V2.0, HTV 10D V2.0)
200-750 HV0.5 (HTV 5D V2.0, HTV 10D V2.0,
HTV 30D V2.0)
HB-V1/200-750 200-750 HV1
HB-V2/175-750 175-750 HV2
HB-V3/175-750 175-750 HV3
HB-V5/175-750 175-750 HV5
175-750 HV10 (HTV 10D V2.0, HTV 30D V2.0,
HTV 50D V2.0)
HB-V20/175-750 175-750 HV20 (HTV 30D V2.0, HTV 50D V2.0)
HB-V30/175-750 175-750 HV30 (HTV 30D V2.0, HTV 50D V2.0)
HB-V50/175-750 175-750 HV50 (HTV 50D V2.0)
> Automatic data save, generate the hardness-depth curve and save as WORD or
EXCEL document.
> With motorized X-Y test table, automatic focusing and automatic measuring, it
is the fully automation of Vickers hardness testing.
> Suitable for ferrous metal, non-ferrous metals, IC thin sections, coatings,
ply-metals, glass, ceramics, agate, precious stones, thin plastic sections etc.
Reference standard
> ISO 6507, ASTM E92, JIS Z2244
Model HTV 10DT / HTV 50DT Model HTV 10DT / HTV 50DT
Test force control Load cell closed loop - Load electronic controlled Indenters Diamond Vickers indenter
Load selection Touch screen control panel N. of indenters 1
HTV 10DT: 0.2kgf, 0.3kgf, 0.5kgf, 1kgf, 2kgf, 2.5kgf, Nose cone support diameter 6.35mm
3kgf, 5kgf, 10kgf CCD camera Pixel 1.30 Million
Main loads
HTV 50DT: 0.5kgf, 1kgf, 2kgf, 2.5kgf, 3kgf, 5kgf, 10kgf, Auto reading time 0.3 sec/1 indent
20kgf, 30kgf, 50kgf Indent measure algorithms Automatic
dwell time 0~60s Vertical test capacity 185mm
0.2kgf~5kgf: 8s, Horizontal test capacity 130mm
Loading time
10kgf~50kgf: 10s Test anvil dimensions Digital cross test table size: 120x120mm
Load applying speed Max. weight on anvil 50kg
(indenter descending speed) X-Y travel 25x25mm
Test force tolerance ±1% X axis speed Manual
Semi-automatic type: X axis resolution 0.003mm
Manual - focus
Test cycle type Y axis speed Manual
Automatic - load, dwell, unload, show of the hardness
Y axis resolution 0.003mm
Z axis movement Manual
HTV 10DT: HV0.2, HV0.3, HV0.5, HV1, HV2, HV2.5,
HV3, HV5, HV10 Z axis resolution Manual
Hardness scales Z axis speed Manual
HTV 50DT: HV0.5, HV1, HV2, HV2.5, HV3, HV5,
HV10, HV20, HV30, HV50 Display type Touch screen
Hardness test range 1HV~2967HV Display dimensions 8”
Hardness resolution 0.1HV Input mode By tap touch
Repeatability hef/% Table 1 Hardness value, D1, D2, dwell time, test number,
HV, HK, HRA, HRB, HRC, HRD, HRE, HRF, HRG, Displayed data conversion scale, test force, date and time,
Scale conversion HRK, HR15N, HR30N, HR45N, HR15T, HR30T, indentation, objective
HR45T, HS, HBW - According to ASTM E140 Statistics or functions Max, min, average value, report, hardness curve
Turret type Automatic Data storage SSD 64GB
CCD camera pixel 1.30 Million Data output Word, Excel format
Microscope Eyepiece 10X Energy saving mode Yes
Objectives 10x, 20x, 40x Interfaces 3x USB, 1x VGA, 1x LAN
Optical path 2 ways eyepiece Safety devices Emergency switch
Optical function Optical diaphram / field aperture / color filter Operation temperature 23±5 °C
Illumination Halogen lamp Operation rel. humidity ≤65%
CCD min. measuring unit 0.25μm, 0.125μm, 0.0625μm Weight 48 kg
CCD max. measurement Dimensions 560x335x675mm
1.2mm, 600μm, 300μm Power supply 230V, 50Hz
Measurable min. indent/ Voltage variance ±10%
indentation Absorbed power 500W
> Digital Vickers hardness tester adopts load cell control system,
improves the accuracy of the test force and the repeatability of the
indicating value. Equipped with color touch screen with adjustable
backlight and energy-saving mode, for easier working operations.
Directly shows the test force, indentation length, dwell time, test
numbers, conversion scale, date and time. With digital measuring
eyepiece after measuring the indentation length, the hardness value
is automatically detected and shown on the screen. Test results can
be saved or printed out by the built-in printer, with RS232 interface for
computer connection. It can be equipped with LCD video measuring
device and CCD image automatic measuring system.
> Suitable for ferrous metal, non-ferrous metals, IC thin sections,
coatings, ply-metals, glass, ceramics, agate, precious stones, thin
plastic sections etc.
Reference standard
> ISO 6507, ASTM E92, JIS Z2244
> Digital Vickers hardness tester adopts load cell control system,
improves the accuracy of the test force and the repeatability of the
indicating value. Equipped with color touch screen with adjustable
backlight and energy-saving mode, for easier working operations.
Directly shows the test force, indentation length, dwell time, test
numbers, conversion scale, date and time. With digital measuring
eyepiece after measuring the indentation length, the hardness value
is automatically detected and shown on the screen. Test results can
be saved or printed out by the built-in printer, with RS232 interface for
computer connection. It can be equipped with LCD video measuring
device and CCD image automatic measuring system.
> Suitable for ferrous metal, non-ferrous metals, IC thin sections,
coatings, ply-metals, glass, ceramics, agate, precious stones, thin
plastic sections etc.
Reference standard
> ISO 6507, ASTM E92, JIS Z2244
> Digital Vickers Hardness Tester adopts load cell control system,
improves the accuracy of the test force and the repeatability of the
indicating value. Directly shows the test force, indentation length,
dwell time, test numbers, conversion scale, date and time. With digital
measuring eyepiece after measuring the indentation length, the
hardness value is automatically detected and shown on the screen.
P Type: built-in printer, Z Type: automatic turret shifting and built-in
printer. It can be equipped with LCD video measuring device and CCD
image automatic measuring system.
> Suitable for ferrous metal, non-ferrous metals, IC thin sections,
coatings, ply-metals, glass, ceramics, agate, precious stones, thin
plastic sections etc.
Reference standard
> ISO 6507, ASTM E92, JIS Z2244
> Digital Vickers Hardness Tester adopts load cell control system,
improves the accuracy of the test force and the repeatability of the
indicating value. Directly shows the test force, indentation length,
dwell time, test numbers, conversion scale, date and time. With digital
measuring eyepiece after measuring the indentation length, the
hardness value is automatically detected and shown on the screen.
P Type: built-in printer, Z Type: automatic turret shifting and built-in
printer. It can be equipped with LCD video measuring device and CCD
image automatic measuring system.
> Suitable for ferrous metal, non-ferrous metals, IC thin sections,
coatings, ply-metals, glass, ceramics, agate, precious stones, thin
plastic sections etc.
Reference standard
> ISO 6507, ASTM E92, JIS Z2244
Main Function:
CCD Image automatic measuring system for Vickers, Knoop and carburizing layer tests.
Equipped with CCD camera allow direct observation and measure of the indentation on the display. With its
measuring software a single point measurement, random multipoint measurement, data statistical measurement,
arbitrary two-point or multipoint measurement are possible and automatically display the depth, statistical
calculations, conversions, display curves, data and images management, record and reports in Word or Excel
Standard Configuration:
1. Computer (Hard disk: 500G, memory: 2G, 19” LCD screen) 1 set
2. Ink jet printer 1 set
3. CCD camera + 1.5x adapter 1 set
4. Measuring software + USB softdog 1 pc
LCD Video
Measuring device
Main Function:
LCD Video measuring device is composed by video measuring device, 8" color LCD monitor and connections
components. With this device, the indentation can be directly showed on the monitor.
The measurement is more accurate. Avoids visual fatigue and human-made error, increasing working efficiency.
Standard Configuration:
1. 8" Color LCD monitor
2. Video measuring device
3. Video connection cable
Macro Vickers
Code Description
Test tables
Code Description
Additional options
Code Description
Hardness blocks
Micro Vickers Hardness Testers
> With two indenters and three objectives, automatic recognition and
shifting between objective and indenter, automatically get the Vickers
or Knoop hardness value
> Hardness scale conversion
> With USB, VGA and LAN interfaces, the hardness measurement can X-Y-Z MOTORI
be printed out by USB interface
> Automatically save the measuring data, generate the hardness-depth
curve and save as WORD or EXCEL document
> Motorized X-Y test table, automatic focusing and automatic measuring
> Suitable for ferrous metal, non-ferrous metals, IC thin sections,
coatings, ply-metals, glass, ceramics, agate, precious stones, thin
plastic sections etc.
Reference standard
> ISO 6507, ASTM E384, JIS Z2244
> Operating system: WIN XP, WIN7
> Digital imaging system
> High resolution: 130 million pixel
> High speed acquisition: 1280x1024 resolution, 25 FPS
> High definition: Black and white images are clear and defined
> Target surface size: 1/2”
X-Y automatic test table
> Table size: 100x100x50 mm
> Maximum travel: 50x50 mm
> Minimum step: Less than 1μm
> Movement speed: Adjustable
> Control mode: Manual control, electric control, computer control
Software function:
Model HTMV 1000MD V2.0
> System linkage: System - hardness tester linkage through Test force control Weights - Load electronic controlled
communication interface. Load selection Right side handle
> Pressure linkage: When converting test force, the system percepts the Main loads 10gf, 25gf, 50gf, 100gf, 200gf, 300gf, 500gf, 1000gf
test force change and displays in real time. Dwell time 0~60s
> Turret linkage: Software shifting controls between objective and Loading time 12s
indenter without manual control. Load applying speed
> Loading linkage: Automatic loading control. (indenter descending speed)
> Measuring linkage: The software controls the turret, and after Test force tolerance ±1%
loading,directly reading the Vickers hardness value. Semi-automatic type: manual - focus
> Light source linkage: Manual focus. Test cycle type Automatic - load, dwell, unload, measurement of the
> Image acquisition: Real time indentation display, saving and printing. indentation, show of the hardness value
> Automatic measurement: Automatically detect the four indentation HV0.01, HV0.025, HV0.05, HV0.1, HV0.2, HV0.3,
HV0.5, HV1
vertices. Hardness scales
Optional: HK0.01, HK0.025, HK0.05, HK0.1, HK0.2,
HK0.3, HK0.5, HK1
Hardness test range 1HV~2967HV
Hardness resolution 0.1HV
Repeatability hef/% Table 1
> Automatic point search: The system automatically finds the best Scale conversion HRK, HR15N, HR30N, HR45N, HR15T, HR30T,
vertices, greatly reduce the human error. HR45T, HS, HBW - According to ASTM E140
> Diagonal measurement: By just one mouse click on the top left Turret type Automatic
and lower right corner of the indentation the hardness value will be CCD camera pixel 1.3 Million
displayed. Microscope eyepiece 10x
> Four point measurement: Selecting the four indentation points the Objectives 10x, 40x
hardness value will be displayed.
Microscope min. 0.0625μm (40x objective)
> Hardness conversion: According to international standard, measurement unit (10x objective is for observation purpose only)
automatically convert the hardness value between Brinell, Rockwell, Microscope max. 200μm (40x objective)
Vickers and Knoop with real-time display. measurement length (10x objective is for observation purpose only)
> Graphic report: Automatic record of measurement data, automatic CCD min. measurement unit
0.025μm (40x objective)
generation of hardness-depth curves, saving or printing reports (10x objective is for observation purpose only)
generated as Word documents. CCD max. measurement 170μm (40x objective)
> Results statistics: Output the multiple measured indentation results length (10x objective is for observation purpose only)
in Excel format and automatically counts the measurement number, Measurable min. indent/
maximum value, minimum value, average value, variance, etc. of indentation
hardness. Optical path 2 ways eyepiece
> Automatic displacement: Equipped with high precision X-Y automatic Optical function optical diaphram / field aperture / color filter
test table. Illumination Halogen lamp
> Automatic identification: Leading indentation automatic identification Indenters Diamond Micro-Vickers indenter
technology, read D1 / D2 and HV value in 0.3 seconds. N. of indenters 1
> Stable performance: The indentation of non mirror polishing, uneven Nose cone support diameter 3mm
light, not in the center can be read automatically. Measurable min. indent/
> Powerful functions: Manual reading, automatic reading, hardness indentation
conversion, depth-hardness curve, indentation image, picture and text Indent measure algorithms Automatic
reports. Auto reading time 0.3 sec/1 indent
> Automatic scanning: Automatically scan the sample edge and shape. Specimen detection Yes
> Suitable for ferrous metal, non-ferrous metals, IC thin sections,
coatings, ply-metals, glass, ceramics, agate, precious stones, thin
plastic sections etc.
Reference standard
> ISO 6507, ASTM E384, JIS Z2244
HTMV 1000K
> Suitable for ferrous metal, non-ferrous metals, IC thin sections,
coatings, ply-metals, glass, ceramics, agate, precious stones, thin
plastic sections etc.
Reference standard
> ISO 6507, ASTM E384, JIS Z2244
HTMV 2000M
> Suitable for ferrous metal, non-ferrous metals, IC thin sections,
coatings, ply-metals, glass, ceramics, agate, precious stones, thin
plastic sections etc.
Reference standard
> ISO 6507, ASTM E384, JIS Z2244
> Suitable for ferrous metal, non-ferrous metals, IC thin sections,
coatings, ply-metals, glass, ceramics, agate, precious stones, thin
plastic sections etc.
Reference standard
> ISO 6507, ASTM E384, JIS Z2244
> Suitable for ferrous metal, non-ferrous metals, IC thin sections,
coatings, ply-metals, glass, ceramics, agate, precious stones, thin
plastic sections etc.
Reference standard
> ISO 6507, ASTM E384, JIS Z2244
Main Function:
CCD Image automatic measuring system for Micro Vickers, Knoop and carburizing layer tests.
Equipped with CCD camera allow direct observation and measure of the indentation on the display. With its
measuring software a single point measurement, random multipoint measurement, data statistical measurement,
arbitrary two-point or multipoint measurement are possible and automatically display the depth, statistical
calculations, conversions, display curves, data and images management, record and reports in Word or Excel
Standard Configuration:
1. Computer (Hard disk: 500G, memory: 2G, 19” LCD screen) 1 set
LCD Video
Measuring device
Main Function:
LCD Video measuring device is composed by video measuring device, 8" color LCD monitor and connections
components. With this device, the indentation can be directly showed on the monitor.
The measurement is more accurate. Avoids visual fatigue and human-made error, increasing working efficiency.
Standard Configuration:
1. 8" Color LCD monitor
2. Video measuring device
3. Video connection cable
Micro Vickers
Code Description
Test tables
Code Description
Additional options
Code Description
Hardness blocks
Brinell Hardness Testers
Method Indenter Indentation time Sample preparation Application
HBW 1/30 Tungsten carbide 1mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Steel / lron
HBW 2.5/187.5 Tungsten carbide 2.5mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Steel / lron
HBW 5/750 Tungsten carbide 5mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Steel / lron
HBW 10/3000 Tungsten carbide 10mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Steel / lron
HBW 1/10 Tungsten carbide 1mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Light metals, copper, aluminium, copper alloys, aluminium alloys
HBW2.5/62.5 Tungsten carbide 2.5mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Light metals, copper, aluminium, copper alloys, aluminium alloys
HBW 5/250 Tungsten carbide 5mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Light metals, copper, aluminium, copper alloys, aluminium alloys
HBW 10/1000 Tungsten carbide 10mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Light metals, copper, aluminium, copper alloys, aluminium alloys
HBW 1/5 Tungsten carbide 1mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Light metals, copper, aluminium, copper alloys or heat treated
HBW2.5/31.25 Tungsten carbide 2.5mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Light metals, copper, aluminium, copper alloys or heat treated
HBW 5/125 Tungsten carbide 5mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Light metals, copper, aluminium, copper alloys or heat treated
HBW 10/500 Tungsten carbide 10mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Light metals, copper, aluminium, copper alloys or heat treated
HBW 1/2.5 Tungsten carbide 1mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Light metals
HBW 2.5/15.625 Tungsten carbide 2.5mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Light metals
Brinell Standard
HBW 5/62.5 Tungsten carbide 5mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Light metals
HBW 10/250 Tungsten carbide 10mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Light metals
HBW 1/1 Tungsten carbide 1mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Light metals, lead, tin
HBW 2.5/6.25 Tungsten carbide 2.5mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Light metals, lead, tin
HBW 5/25 Tungsten carbide 5mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Light metals, lead, tin
HBW 10/100 Tungsten carbide 10mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Light metals, lead, tin
HTB 3000A
> Fully automatic three indenters digital Brinell hardness tester adopts strong
rigidity and precise structure design casting, load test force controlled by sensors,
allowing accuracy and stability. Test process controlled by CPU, automatic
switching between the objective and the indenter. Switching system adopts
mechanical and electronic double control in order to obtain precision set. Built-in
panel computer for easy parameters settings and results, reduces the measuring
error. After scale choice, the instrument will automatically detect and select the
indenter and objective, the test table rises automatically and, after loading the test
force, back to the focusing position, a clear image of the indentation will be shown
on the display and the system will automatically start the measuring.
> 10 test force levels, 13 Brinell hardness test scales, suitable for different kinds of
> Three indenters and two objectives, no need to change the indenters when testing
different samples; with rigorous optical structure and high magnification clear
indentation observation;
> Automatic indenter and objective selection according to the test scale;
> Automatic lifting test table adopts precise structure with high stability;
> Integrated design panel computer, Windows 7 operating system, touch screen, test
force, dwell time, light source intensity adjustment, indentation length, hardness
value, test range and test number etc.;
> Hardness conversion scales;
> Test result can be saved as WORD or EXCEL files, report and can be printed out;
> CCD image measuring system;
> With USB port, VGA interface and network interface for high connectivity;
> Suitable for cast iron, steel products, non-ferrous metals and alloys, etc. Also suitable
for some non-metal materials such as rigid plastics and bakelite etc.
Reference standard Z MOTORIZED
> ISO 6506, ASTM E10-12, JIS Z2243
Standard block hardness range Displayed value allowed tolerance % Displayed value allowed repeatability %
≤125 ±3 3
125<HBW ≤ 225 ±2.5 2,5
>225 ±2 2
HTB 3000Z
> Suitable for cast iron, steel products, non-ferrous metals and soft
alloys etc. Also suitable for some non-metal materials such as rigid
plastics and bakelite etc.
Reference standard
> ISO 6506, ASTM E10-12, JIS Z2243
Table 1
Standard block hardness range Displayed value allowed tolerance % Displayed value allowed repeatability %
≤125 ±3 3
125<HBW ≤ 225 ±2.5 2,5
>225 ±2 2
HTB 3000D
> Suitable for cast iron, steel products, non-ferrous metals and soft
alloys etc. Also suitable for some non-metal materials such as rigid
plastics and bakelite etc.
Reference standard
> ISO 6506, ASTM E10-12, JIS Z2243
Standard block hardness range Displayed value allowed tolerance % Displayed value allowed repeatability %
≤125 ±3 3
125<HBW ≤ 225 ±2.5 2,5
>225 ±2 2
HTB 625Z
> Low Load Digital Brinell Hardness Tester with direct-viewing display,
stable performance and good reliability. 8 test force and 9 Brinell
testing scales, 2 objectives 5x and 10x for measurement; automatic
shifting between indenter and objectives; dwell time pre-set and
light source intensity regulation; automatically display the testing
indentation length, hardness valu; test result can be printed out by
the built-in printer; According to the requirements the tester can be RRET
equipped with CCD or Video measuring system.
> Suitable for cast iron, steel products, non-ferrous metals and soft
alloys etc. Also suitable for some non-metal materials such as rigid
plastics and bakelite etc.
Reference standard
> ISO 6506, ASTM E10-12, JIS Z2243
Standard block hardness range Displayed value allowed tolerance % Displayed value allowed repeatability %
≤125 ±3 3
125<HBW ≤ 225 ±2.5 2,5
>225 ±2 2
V 1.0 System
Main Function:
1. Basic function: include all functions of image processing and measurement system, such as image capture,
calibration, image processing, geometric measurement,annotation, photo album management and fixed times print etc;
2. Automatic measurement: Automatically capture the indentation measure the diameter and calculate the
corresponding value of Brinell hardness;
3. Manual measurement: Manually measure the indentation, the system calculates the corresponding value of
Brinell hardness;
4. Hardness conversion: The system can convert the measured Brinell hardness value HB to other hardness value
such as HV, HR etc;
5. Data statistics: The system can automatically calculate the average value, variance and other statistical values
the hardness;
6. Standard exceeding alarm: Automatic mark the abnormal value, when the hardness exceeds the specified value,
an alarm will appear;
7. Test report: Automatically generate the report in Word or Excel format, report templates can be modified by the
8. Easy to use: Click on the interface button or press the camera button to automatically complete all the work;
9. Strong noise resistance: The advanced and reliable image recognition technology can handle the indentation
recognition on the surface of complex samples, two automatic measurement modes to deal with difficult samples;
10. Automatic calibration: System provided with calibration function. With a calibration grid, the system can
automatically implement full calibration for calibration data.
V 1.0 System
Standard Configuration:
1. Computer (Hard disk: 500G, Memory: 2G, 19" LCD screen) 1 set
2. Ink jet printer 1 set
3. Portable camera device 1 set
4. Measuring software 1 pc + USB softdog 1 pc
CCD Image automatic measuring system allow test performing through mouse click, and CCD camera for directly
observe and measure the indentation on the display, test conditions setting, results clearly and conveniently
managed and displayed. Automatic calculation of indentation depth, statistical calculations, conversions, curves, data
managing and export as Word or Excel documents.
Main Functions:
1. Basic function: include all functions of image processing and measurement system, such as image capture,
calibration, image processing, geometric measurement, annotation, photo album management, etc;
2. Automatic measurement: Automatically capture the indentation, measure the diameter and calculate the
corresponding value of Brinell hardness;
3. Hardness conversion: The system can convert the measured Brinell hardness value HB to other hardness scales
such as HV, HR etc;
4. Data statistics: Automatic calculation of average value, variance and other statistical values;
5. Standard exceeding alarm: Automatic mark abnormal value, when the hardness exceeds the specified value, an
alarm will appear;
6. Test report: Automatically generate the report in Word or Excel format, the report templates can be modified by the user.
7. Easy to use: Click on the interface button, press the camera button or press the run button to automatically
complete all the steps;
8. Strong noise resistance: The advanced and reliable image recognition technology can handle the indentation
recognition on the surface of complex samples, two automatic measurement modes to deal with difficult samples;
9. Automatic calibration: System provided with calibration function. With a calibration grid, the system can
automatically implement full calibration for calibration data.
Standard Configuration:
1. Computer (Hard disk: 500G, Memory: 2G, 19" LCD screen) 1 set
2. Ink jet printer 1 set
3. CCD camera 1 set
4. Measuring software 1 pc + USB softdog 1 pc
Main Function:
LCD Video measuring device is composed by video measuring device, 8" color LCD monitor and connections
components. With this device, the indentation can be directly showed on the monitor.
The measurement is more accurate. Avoids visual fatigue and human-made error, increasing working efficiency.
Standard Configuration:
1. 8" Color LCD monitor
2. Video measuring device
3. Video connection cable
Code Description
BI-1 Hard alloy steel ø 1mm ball indenter
BI-25 Hard alloy steel ø 2,5mm ball indenter
BI-5 Hard alloy steel ø 5mm ball indenter
BI-10 Hard alloy steel ø 10mm ball indenter
BT-IB1 ø 1mm Hard alloysteel ball
BT-IB2.5 ø 2.5mm hard alloy steel ball
BT-IB5 ø 5mm hard alloy steel ball
BT-IB10 ø 10mm hard alloy steel ball
Test tables
Code Description
Additional options
Code Description
Hardness blocks
Rockwell Hardness Testers
SM 220D-B10
Digital Continuous
Zoom Stereo
Rockwell standard
Scale Indenter Pre-load Load Indentation time Sample preparation Application
Cemented carbides, thin steel, and shallow case
HRA Spheroconical diamond 98.07 N (10 kgf) 588.4 N (60 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation
hardened steel.
Copper alloys, soft steels, aluminum alloys,
HRB Ball, 1.588mm (1/16") 98.07 N (10 kgf) 980.7 N (100 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation
malleable iron, etc.
Steel, hard cast irons, pearlitic malleable iron,
HRC Spheroconical diamond 98.07 N (10 kgf) 1471 N (150 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation titanium, deep case hardened steel, and other
materials harder than 100 on the Rockwell B scale.
Thin steel and medium case hardened steel, and
HRD Spheroconical diamond 98.07 N (10 kgf) 980.7 N (100 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation
pearlitic malleable iron.
Cast iron, aluminum and magnesium alloys, and
HRE Ball, 3.175mm (1/8") 98.07 N (10 kgf) 980.7 N (100 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation
bearing metals.
HRF Ball, 1.588mm (1/16") 98.07 N (10 kgf) 588.4 N (60 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation Annealed copper alloys, and thin soft sheet metals.
Rockwell Standard
Malleable irons, copper-nickel-zinc and cupronickel
HRG Ball, 1.588mm (1/16") 98.07 N (10 kgf) 1471 N (150 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation
HRH Ball, 3.175mm (1/8") 98.07 N (10 kgf) 588.4 N (60 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation Aluminum, zinc, and lead.
HRK Ball, 3.175mm (1/8") 98.07 N (10 kgf) 1471 N (150 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation Bearing metals and other very soft or thin materials.
HRP Ball, 6.350mm (1/4") 98.07 N (10 kgf) 1471 N (150 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation XXXXXXXX XXXX
Bearing metals and other very soft or thin materials.
Superficial Rockwell
Scale Indenter Pre-load Load Indentation time Sample preparation Application
Similar to A, C and D scales, but for thinner gage
15N Spheroconical diamond 29.42 N (3 kfg) 147.1 N (15 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation
material or case depth.
Similar to A, C and D scales, but for thinner gage
30N Spheroconical diamond 29.42 N (3 kfg) 294.2 N (30 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation
material or case depth.
Similar to A, C and D scales, but for thinner gage
45N Spheroconical diamond 29.42 N (3 kfg) 441.3 N (45 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation
material or case depth.
Similar to B, F and G scales, but for thinner gage
15T Ball, 1.588mm (1/16") 29.42 N (3 kfg) 147.1 N (15 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation
Similar to B, F and G scales, but for thinner gage
30T Ball, 1.588mm (1/16") 29.42 N (3 kfg) 294.2 N (30 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation
Similar to B, F and G scales, but for thinner gage
45T Ball, 1.588mm (1/16") 29.42 N (3 kfg) 441.3 N (45 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation
15W Ball, 3.175mm (1/8") 29.42 N (3 kfg) 147.1 N (15 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation Very soft material.
30W Ball, 3.175mm (1/8") 29.42 N (3 kfg) 294.2 N (30 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation Very soft material.
45W Ball, 3.175mm (1/8") 29.42 N (3 kfg) 441.3 N (45 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation Very soft material.
30X Ball, 6.350mm (1/4") 29.42 N (3 kfg) 294.2 N (30 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation Very soft material.
45X Ball, 6.350mm (1/4") 29.42 N (3 kfg) 441.3 N (45 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation Very soft material.
15Y Ball, 12.70mm (1/2") 29.42 N (3 kfg) 147.1 N (15 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation Very soft material.
45Y Ball, 12.70mm (1/2") 29.42 N (3 kfg) 441.3 N (45 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation Very soft material.
Rockwell Hardness Testers
Hardness Standard block Displayed value Displayed value Hardness Standard block Displayed value Displayed value
scale hardness range allowed tolerance allowed repeatability scale hardness range allowed tolerance allowed repeatability
20~≤75 HRA ±2 HRA ≤0.02 (100–H) or 0.8 70~77 HR15N
>75~≤88 HRA ±1.5 HRA Rockwell unit* HR15N 78~88 HR15N ±2 HR15N
20~≤45 HRB ±4 HRB 89~91 HR15N
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRB >45~≤80 HRB ±3 HRB 42~54 HR30N
Rockwell unit* ≤0.04 (100–H) or 1.2
>80~≤100 HRB ±2 HRB HR30N 55~73 HR30N ±2 HR30N
Rockwell unit*
≤0.02 (100–H) or 0.8 74~80 HR30N
HRC 20~≤70 HRC ±1.5 HRC
Rockwell unit* 20~31 HR45N
40~≤70 HRD ±2 HRD ≤0.02 (100–H) or 0.8 HR45N 32~61 HR45N ±2 HR45N
>70~≤77 HRD ±1.5 HRD Rockwell unit* 63~70 HR45N
60~≤90 HRF ±3 HRF ≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2 73~80 HR15T
>90~≤100 HRF ±2 HRF Rockwell unit* HR15T 81~87 HR15T ±3 HR15T
30~≤50 HRG ±6 HRG 88~93 HR15T
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRG >50~≤75 HRG ±4.5 HRG 43~56 HR30T
Rockwell unit* ≤0.06 (100–H) or 2.4
>75~≤94 HRG ±3 HRG HR30T 57~69 HR30T ±3 HR30T
Rockwell unit*
70~82 HR30T
12~33 HR45T
Plastic Rockwell HR45T 34~54 HR45T ±3 HR45T
55~72 HR45T
Hardness Standard block Displayed value Displayed value HR15W 83~100 HR15W ±1 HR15W 2 HR15W
scale hardness range allowed tolerance allowed repeatability HR30W 60~99 HR30W ±1 HR30W 2 HR30W
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2 HR45W 38~99 HR45W ±1 HR45W 2 HR45W
HRH 80~≤100 HRH ±2 HRH HR15X 89~100 HR15X ±1 HR15X 2 HR15X
Rockwell unit*
70~≤90 HRE ±2.5 HRE ≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2 HR30X 75~100 HR30X ±1 HR30X 2 HR30X
HRE HR45X 63~99 HR45X ±1 HR45X 2 HR45X
>90~≤100 HRE ±2 HRE Rockwell unit*
40~60 HRK ±4 HRK HR15Y 80~100 HR15Y ±1 HR15Y 2 HR15Y
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2 HR30Y 77~100 HR30Y ±1 HR30Y 2 HR30Y
HRK >60~≤80 HRK ±3 HRK
Rockwell unit*
>80~≤100 HRK ±2 HRK HR45Y 64~100 HR45Y ±1 HR45Y 2 HR45Y
HRL 100~120 HRL ±1.2 HRL 1.5 HRL
HRM 85~110 HRM ±1.5 HRM 2 HRM
HRP 72~130 HRP ±1 HRP 2 HRP
HRR 114~125 HRR ±1.2 HRR 1.5 HRR
HRS 99~122 HRS ±1 HRS 2 HRS
(H: average hardness value, *: select a larger value)
HRV 78~115 HRV ±1 HRV 2 HRV
> Automatic Rockwell and Superficial Rockwell Hardness Tester, with its
complete test automation trought full motorization and touch screen
control, grants high accuracy test results.
> Support all the Rockwell and superficial Rockwell scales.
> Support conversion scales of different kinds of hardness.
> Touch screen control panel realtime displays lifting screw and indenter
working state.
> Automatic specimen lift, loading, dwell and unloading, hardness value
displaying, test table homing.
> Storage, statistics, data output.
> Quenched steel, tempered steel, annealed steel, cold and hard casting,
malleable cast iron, hard alloy steel, aluminum alloy, copper alloy,
bearing steel, surface quenched steel, surface heat treating and chemical
treating materials, sheet, zinc, chrome and tin layers.
Reference standard
> ISO 2039-2, ISO 6508 - ASTM E 18, ASTM D785(A+B) - JIS Z2245
Hardness Standard block Displayed value Displayed value Hardness Standard block Displayed value Displayed value
scale hardness range allowed tolerance allowed repeatability scale hardness range allowed tolerance allowed repeatability
20~≤75 HRA ±2 HRA ≤0.02 (100–H) or 0.8 70~77 HR15N
>75~≤88 HRA ±1.5 HRA Rockwell unit* HR15N 78~88 HR15N ±2 HR15N
20~≤45 HRB ±4 HRB 89~91 HR15N
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRB >45~≤80 HRB ±3 HRB 42~54 HR30N
Rockwell unit* ≤0.04 (100–H) or 1.2
>80~≤100 HRB ±2 HRB HR30N 55~73 HR30N ±2 HR30N
Rockwell unit*
≤0.02 (100–H) or 0.8 74~80 HR30N
HRC 20~≤70 HRC ±1.5 HRC
Rockwell unit* 20~31 HR45N
40~≤70 HRD ±2 HRD ≤0.02 (100–H) or 0.8 HR45N 32~61 HR45N ±2 HR45N
>70~≤77 HRD ±1.5 HRD Rockwell unit* 63~70 HR45N
60~≤90 HRF ±3 HRF ≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2 73~80 HR15T
>90~≤100 HRF ±2 HRF Rockwell unit* HR15T 81~87 HR15T ±3 HR15T
30~≤50 HRG ±6 HRG 88~93 HR15T
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRG >50~≤75 HRG ±4.5 HRG 43~56 HR30T
Rockwell unit* ≤0.06 (100–H) or 2.4
>75~≤94 HRG ±3 HRG HR30T 57~69 HR30T ±3 HR30T
Rockwell unit*
70~82 HR30T
Plastic Rockwell 12~33 HR45T
HR45T 34~54 HR45T ±3 HR45T
Hardness Standard block Displayed value Displayed value 55~72 HR45T
scale hardness range allowed tolerance allowed repeatability HR15W 83~100 HR15W ±1 HR15W 2 HR15W
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2 HR30W 60~99 HR30W ±1 HR30W 2 HR30W
HRH 80~≤100 HRH ±2 HRH
Rockwell unit* HR45W 38~99 HR45W ±1 HR45W 2 HR45W
70~≤90 HRE ±2.5 HRE ≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2 HR15X 89~100 HR15X ±1 HR15X 2 HR15X
>90~≤100 HRE ±2 HRE Rockwell unit* HR30X 75~100 HR30X ±1 HR30X 2 HR30X
40~60 HRK ±4 HRK HR45X 63~99 HR45X ±1 HR45X 2 HR45X
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRK >60~≤80 HRK ±3 HRK HR15Y 80~100 HR15Y ±1 HR15Y 2 HR15Y
Rockwell unit*
>80~≤100 HRK ±2 HRK HR30Y 77~100 HR30Y ±1 HR30Y 2 HR30Y
HRL 100~120 HRL ±1.2 HRL 1.5 HRL HR45Y 64~100 HR45Y ±1 HR45Y 2 HR45Y
HRM 85~110 HRM ±1.5 HRM 2 HRM
HRP 72~130 HRP ±1 HRP 2 HRP
HRR 114~125 HRR ±1.2 HRR 1.5 HRR
HRS 99~122 HRS ±1 HRS 2 HRS
(H: average hardness value, *: select a larger value)
HRV 78~115 HRV ±1 HRV 2 HRV
HTRS 150
> Digital Rockwell and Superficial Rockwell Hardness Tester equipped with
large displaying screen allowing excellent operation and easy watching.
Display and set the scale, test force, test indenter, dwell time and
hardness conversion;
> Main functions: Rockwell and superficial Rockwell scales selection,
conversion scales, test results, data save function, prining, automatic
calculation of maximum, minimum and average value.
> Quenched steel, tempered steel, annealed steel, cold and hard casting,
malleable cast iron, hard alloy steel, aluminum alloy, copper alloy,
bearing steel, surface quenched steel, surface heat treating and chemical
treating materials, sheet, zinc, chrome and tin layers, etc.
Reference standard
> ISO 6508, ASTM E 18, JIS Z2245
Hardness Standard block Displayed value Displayed value Hardness Standard block Displayed value Displayed value
scale hardness range allowed tolerance allowed repeatability scale hardness range allowed tolerance allowed repeatability
20~≤75 HRA ±2 HRA ≤0.02 (100–H) or 0.8 70~77 HR15N
>75~≤88 HRA ±1.5 HRA Rockwell unit* HR15N 78~88 HR15N ±2 HR15N
20~≤45 HRB ±4 HRB 89~91 HR15N
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRB >45~≤80 HRB ±3 HRB 42~54 HR30N
Rockwell unit* ≤0.04 (100–H) or 1.2
>80~≤100 HRB ±2 HRB HR30N 55~73 HR30N ±2 HR30N
Rockwell unit*
≤0.02 (100–H) or 0.8 74~80 HR30N
HRC 20~≤70 HRC ±1.5 HRC
Rockwell unit* 20~31 HR45N
40~≤70 HRD ±2 HRD ≤0.02 (100–H) or 0.8 HR45N 32~61 HR45N ±2 HR45N
>70~≤77 HRD ±1.5 HRD Rockwell unit* 63~70 HR45N
60~≤90 HRF ±3 HRF ≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2 73~80 HR15T
>90~≤100 HRF ±2 HRF Rockwell unit* HR15T 81~87 HR15T ±3 HR15T
30~≤50 HRG ±6 HRG 88~93 HR15T
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRG >50~≤75 HRG ±4.5 HRG 43~56 HR30T
Rockwell unit*
>75~≤94 HRG ±3 HRG ≤0.06 (100–H) or 2.4
HR30T 57~69 HR30T ±3 HR30T
Rockwell unit*
70~82 HR30T
Plastic Rockwell 12~33 HR45T
HR45T 34~54 HR45T ±3 HR45T
Hardness Standard block Displayed value Displayed value 55~72 HR45T
scale hardness range allowed tolerance allowed repeatability HR15W 83~100 HR15W ±1 HR15W 2 HR15W
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2 HR30W 60~99 HR30W ±1 HR30W 2 HR30W
HRH 80~≤100 HRH ±2 HRH
Rockwell unit* HR45W 38~99 HR45W ±1 HR45W 2 HR45W
70~≤90 HRE ±2.5 HRE ≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2 HR15X 89~100 HR15X ±1 HR15X 2 HR15X
>90~≤100 HRE ±2 HRE Rockwell unit*
HR30X 75~100 HR30X ±1 HR30X 2 HR30X
40~60 HRK ±4 HRK HR45X 63~99 HR45X ±1 HR45X 2 HR45X
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRK >60~≤80 HRK ±3 HRK HR15Y 80~100 HR15Y ±1 HR15Y 2 HR15Y
Rockwell unit*
>80~≤100 HRK ±2 HRK HR30Y 77~100 HR30Y ±1 HR30Y 2 HR30Y
HRL 100~120 HRL ±1.2 HRL 1.5 HRL HR45Y 64~100 HR45Y ±1 HR45Y 2 HR45Y
HRM 85~110 HRM ±1.5 HRM 2 HRM
HRP 72~130 HRP ±1 HRP 2 HRP
HRR 114~125 HRR ±1.2 HRR 1.5 HRR
HRS 99~122 HRS ±1 HRS 2 HRS
(H: average hardness value, *: select a larger value)
HRV 78~115 HRV ±1 HRV 2 HRV
HTR 150D
> Digital Rockwell hardness tester with high resolution color touch screen,
high brightness display type adjustable with energy-saving mode.
Control system allows the display and set the present scale, test force,
test indenter, dwell time and hardness conversion;
> Main functions: Rockwell scales selection; conversion scales; data can
be saved and printed out, automatic calculation of maximum, minimum
and average value.
> Quenched steel, tempered steel, annealed steel, cold and hard casting,
malleable cast iron, hard alloy steel, aluminum alloy, copper alloy,
bearing steel etc.
Reference standard
> ISO 6508, ASTM E 18, JIS Z2245
Hardness Displayed value allowed Displayed value allowed
Standard block hardness range
scale tolerance repeatability
20~≤75 HRA ±2 HRA ≤0.02 (100–H) or 0.8
>75~≤88 HRA ±1.5 HRA Rockwell unit*
20~≤45 HRB ±4 HRB
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRB >45~≤80 HRB ±3 HRB
Rockwell unit*
>80~≤100 HRB ±2 HRB
≤0.02 (100–H) or 0.8
HRC 20~≤70 HRC ±1.5 HRC
Rockwell unit*
40~≤70 HRD ±2 HRD ≤0.02 (100–H) or 0.8
>70~≤77 HRD ±1.5 HRD Rockwell unit*
60~≤90 HRF ±3 HRF ≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
>90~≤100 HRF ±2 HRF Rockwell unit*
30~≤50 HRG ±6 HRG
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRG >50~≤75 HRG ±4.5 HRG
Rockwell unit*
>75~≤94 HRG ±3 HRG
Plastic Rockwell
Hardness Displayed value allowed Displayed value allowed
Standard block hardness range
scale tolerance repeatability
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRH 80~≤100 HRH ±2 HRH
Rockwell unit*
70~≤90 HRE ±2.5 HRE ≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
>90~≤100 HRE ±2 HRE Rockwell unit*
40~60 HRK ±4 HRK
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRK >60~≤80 HRK ±3 HRK
Rockwell unit*
>80~≤100 HRK ±2 HRK
HRL 100~120 HRL ±1.2 HRL 1.5 HRL
HRM 85~110 HRM ±1.5 HRM 2 HRM
HRP 72~130 HRP ±1 HRP 2 HRP
HRR 114~125 HRR ±1.2 HRR 1.5 HRR
HRS 99~122 HRS ±1 HRS 2 HRS
HRV 78~115 HRV ±1 HRV 2 HRV
> Digital Rockwell Hardness Tester with high resolution color touch
screen, high brightness Display type adjustable with energy-saving
mode. Control system allows the display and set the scale, test force,
test indenter, dwell time and hardness conversion;
> Main functions: Rockwell scales selection; conversion scales; data save
and print out, automatic calculation of maximum, minimum and average
> Quenched steel, tempered steel, annealed steel, cold and hard casting,
malleable cast iron, hard alloy steel, aluminum alloy, copper alloy,
bearing steel, surface quenched steel, surface heat treating and chemical
treating materials, sheet, zinc, chrome and tin layers.
Reference standard
> ISO 6508, ASTM E 18, JIS Z2245
Hardness Displayed value allowed Displayed value allowed
Standard block hardness range
scale tolerance repeatability
20~≤75 HRA ±2 HRA ≤0.02 (100–H) or 0.8
>75~≤88 HRA ±1.5 HRA Rockwell unit*
20~≤45 HRB ±4 HRB
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRB >45~≤80 HRB ±3 HRB
Rockwell unit*
>80~≤100 HRB ±2 HRB
≤0.02 (100–H) or 0.8
HRC 20~≤70 HRC ±1.5 HRC
Rockwell unit*
40~≤70 HRD ±2 HRD ≤0.02 (100–H) or 0.8
>70~≤77 HRD ±1.5 HRD Rockwell unit*
60~≤90 HRF ±3 HRF ≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
>90~≤100 HRF ±2 HRF Rockwell unit*
30~≤50 HRG ±6 HRG
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRG >50~≤75 HRG ±4.5 HRG
Rockwell unit*
>75~≤94 HRG ±3 HRG
Plastic Rockwell
Hardness Displayed value allowed Displayed value allowed
Standard block hardness range
scale tolerance repeatability
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRH 80~≤100 HRH ±2 HRH
Rockwell unit*
70~≤90 HRE ±2.5 HRE ≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
>90~≤100 HRE ±2 HRE Rockwell unit*
40~60 HRK ±4 HRK
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRK >60~≤80 HRK ±3 HRK
Rockwell unit*
>80~≤100 HRK ±2 HRK
HRL 100~120 HRL ±1.2 HRL 1.5 HRL
HRM 85~110 HRM ±1.5 HRM 2 HRM
HRP 72~130 HRP ±1 HRP 2 HRP
HRR 114~125 HRR ±1.2 HRR 1.5 HRR
HRS 99~122 HRS ±1 HRS 2 HRS
HRV 78~115 HRV ±1 HRV 2 HRV
HTR 150M
> Motorized Rockwell Hardness Tester, automatic test force load and
unload, test force selected by side load-change hand wheel. Selectable
dwell time and dial zero setting. High sensitivity and stability for accurate
> Quenched steel, tempered steel, annealed steel, cold and hard casting,
malleable cast iron, hard alloy steel, aluminum alloy, copper alloy,
bearing steel etc.
Reference standard
> ISO 6508, ASTM E 18, JIS Z2245
Hardness scale Standard block hardness range Displayed value allowed tolerance Displayed value allowed repeatability
20~≤75 HRA ±2 HRA
HRA ≤0.02 (100–H) or 0.8 Rockwell unit*
>75~≤88 HRA ±1.5 HRA
20~≤45 HRB ±4 HRB
HRB >45~≤80 HRB ±3 HRB ≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2 Rockwell unit*
>80~≤100 HRB ±2 HRB
HRC >~≤70 HRC ±1.5 HRC ≤0.02 (100–H) or 0.8 Rockwell unit*
40~≤70 HRD ±2 HRD
HRD ≤0.02 (100–H) or 0.8 Rockwell unit*
>70~≤77 HRD ±1.5 HRD
60~≤90 HRF ±3 HRF
HRF ≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2 Rockwell unit*
>90~≤100 HRF ±2 HRF
30~≤50 HRG ±6 HRG
HRG >50~≤75 HRG ±4.5 HRG ≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2 Rockwell unit*
>75~≤94 HRG ±3 HRG
> Digital Superficial Rockwell Hardness Tester with high resolution large
screen. Control system allows the display and set the present scale, test
force, test indenter, dwell time and hardness conversion;
> Main functions: Superficial Rockwell scales selection; conversion scales;
data save and print out, automatic calculation of maximum, minimum and
average value.
> Surface quenched steel, surface heat treating and chemical treating
materials, copper alloy, aluminum alloy, sheet, zinc, chrome and tin
layers, bearing steel and cold and hard casting etc.
Reference standard
> ISO 6508, ASTM E 18, JIS Z2245
Superficial Rockwell
Hardness Displayed value allowed Displayed value allowed
Standard block hardness range
scale tolerance repeatability
70~77 HR15N
HR15N 78~88 HR15N ±2 HR15N
89~91 HR15N
42~54 HR30N
≤0.04 (100–H) or 1.2
HR30N 55~73 HR30N ±2 HR30N
Rockwell unit*
74~80 HR30N
20~31 HR45N
HR45N 32~61 HR45N ±2 HR45N
63~70 HR45N
73~80 HR15T
HR15T 81~87 HR15T ±3 HR15T
88~93 HR15T
43~56 HR30T
≤0.06 (100–H) or 2.4
HR30T 57~69 HR30T ±3 HR30T
Rockwell unit*
70~82 HR30T
12~33 HR45T
HR45T 34~54 HR45T ±3 HR45T
55~72 HR45T
HR15W 83~100 HR15W ±1 HR15W 2 HR15W
HR30W 60~99 HR30W ±1 HR30W 2 HR30W
HR45W 38~99 HR45W ±1 HR45W 2 HR45W
HR15X 89~100 HR15X ±1 HR15X 2 HR15X
HR30X 75~100 HR30X ±1 HR30X 2 HR30X
HR45X 63~99 HR45X ±1 HR45X 2 HR45X
HR15Y 80~100 HR15Y ±1 HR15Y 2 HR15Y
HR30Y 77~100 HR30Y ±1 HR30Y 2 HR30Y
HR45Y 64~100 HR45Y ±1 HR45Y 2 HR45Y
> Surface quenched steel, surface heat treating and chemical treating
materials, copper alloy, aluminum alloy, sheet, zinc, chrome and tin
layers, bearing steel and cold and hard casting etc.
Reference standard
> ISO 6508, ASTM E 18, JIS Z2245
Superficial Rockwell
Hardness Displayed value allowed Displayed value allowed
Standard block hardness range
scale tolerance repeatability
70~77 HR15N
HR15N 78~88 HR15N ±2 HR15N
89~91 HR15N
42~54 HR30N
≤0.04 (100–H) or 1.2
HR30N 55~73 HR30N ±2 HR30N
Rockwell unit*
74~80 HR30N
20~31 HR45N
HR45N 32~61 HR45N ±2 HR45N
63~70 HR45N
73~80 HR15T
HR15T 81~87 HR15T ±3 HR15T
88~93 HR15T
43~56 HR30T
≤0.06 (100–H) or 2.4
HR30T 57~69 HR30T ±3 HR30T
Rockwell unit*
70~82 HR30T
12~33 HR45T
HR45T 34~54 HR45T ±3 HR45T
55~72 HR45T
(H: average hardness value, *: select a larger value)
> Digital Plastic Rockwell Hardness Tester with high resolution large
screen. Control system allows the display and set the scale, test force,
test indenter, dwell time and hardness conversion;
> Main functions: Plastic Rockwell scales selection; conversion scales;
data save and print out, automatic calculation of maximum, minimum and
average value.
> Hard plastics, hard rubbers, aluminum, tin, copper, soft steel,
synthetic resins, etc.
Reference standard
> ISO 6508, ASTM E 18, JIS Z2245
Hardness Displayed value allowed Displayed value allowed
Standard block hardness range
scale tolerance repeatability
20~≤75 HRA ±2 HRA ≤0.02 (100–H) or 0.8
>75~≤88 HRA ±1.5 HRA Rockwell unit*
20~≤45 HRB ±4 HRB
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRB >45~≤80 HRB ±3 HRB
Rockwell unit*
>80~≤100 HRB ±2 HRB
≤0.02 (100–H) or 0.8
HRC 20~≤70 HRC ±1.5 HRC
Rockwell unit*
40~≤70 HRD ±2 HRD ≤0.02 (100–H) or 0.8
>70~≤77 HRD ±1.5 HRD Rockwell unit*
60~≤90 HRF ±3 HRF ≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
>90~≤100 HRF ±2 HRF Rockwell unit*
30~≤50 HRG ±6 HRG
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRG >50~≤75 HRG ±4.5 HRG
Rockwell unit*
>75~≤94 HRG ±3 HRG
Plastic Rockwell
Hardness Displayed value allowed
Standard block hardness range Displayed value allowed tolerance
scale repeatability
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRH 80~≤100 HRH ±2 HRH
Rockwell unit*
70~≤90 HRE ±2.5 HRE ≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
>90~≤100 HRE ±2 HRE Rockwell unit*
40~60 HRK ±4 HRK
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRK >60~≤80 HRK ±3 HRK
Rockwell unit*
>80~≤100 HRK ±2 HRK
HRL 100~120 HRL ±1.2 HRL 1.5 HRL
HRM 85~110 HRM ±1.5 HRM 2 HRM
HRP 72~130 HRP ±1 HRP 2 HRP
HRR 114~125 HRR ±1.2 HRR 1.5 HRR
HRS 99~122 HRS ±1 HRS 2 HRS
HRV 78~115 HRV ±1 HRV 2 HRV
(H: average hardness value, *: select a larger value)
> Plastic Rockwell Hardness Tester, automatic test force load and unload,
the test force is selected by side load-change hand wheel. Selectable
dwell time and dial zero setting. High sensitivity and stability for accurate
> Hard plastics, hard rubbers, aluminum, tin, copper, soft steel, synthetic
resins and fricative materials etc.
Reference standard
> ISO 6508, ASTM E 18, JIS Z2245
Plastic Rockwell
Hardness Displayed value allowed Displayed value allowed
Standard block hardness range
scale tolerance repeatability
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRH 80~≤100 HRH ±2 HRH
Rockwell unit*
70~≤90 HRE ±2.5 HRE ≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
>90~≤100 HRE ±2 HRE Rockwell unit*
40~60 HRK ±4 HRK
≤0.04 (130–H) or 1.2
HRK >60~≤80 HRK ±3 HRK
Rockwell unit*
>80~≤100 HRK ±2 HRK
HRL 100~120 HRL ±1.2 HRL 1.5 HRL
HRM 85~110 HRM ±1.5 HRM 2 HRM
HRP 72~130 HRP ±1 HRP 2 HRP
HRR 114~125 HRR ±1.2 HRR 1.5 HRR
HRS 99~122 HRS ±1 HRS 2 HRS
HRV 78~115 HRV ±1 HRV 2 HRV
(H: average hardness value, *: select a larger value)
Code Description
Test tables
Code Description
Additional options
Code Description
Hardness Testers
Universal Hardness Testers
Universal Hardness
Universal hardness Testers are multi-function instruments for
the determination of Rockwell, Brinell and Vickers hardness.
As an all-in-one equipment they allow the user to concentrate the
measurement, the calibration and the maintenance in one single
Mostly used when all kinds of hardness have to be tested with
specific ranges.
Always applying the international standards ASTM, ISO and JIS
this solution grants performance and versatility.
Scale Indenter Pre-load Load Indentation time Sample preparation Application
Cemented carbides, thin steel, and shallow case
HRA Spheroconical diamond 98.07 N (10 kgf) 588.4 N (60 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation
hardened steel.
Copper alloys, soft steels, aluminum alloys,
HRB Ball, 1.588mm (1/16") 98.07 N (10 kgf) 980.7 N (100 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation
malleable iron, etc.
Steel, hard cast irons, pearlitic malleable iron,
HRC Spheroconical diamond 98.07 N (10 kgf) 1471 N (150 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation titanium, deep case hardened steel, and other
materials harder than 100 on the Rockwell B scale.
Thin steel and medium case hardened steel, and
HRD Spheroconical diamond 98.07 N (10 kgf) 980.7 N (100 kgf) 2 to 6 seconds No surface preparation
pearlitic malleable iron.
Applicable standard ASTM E18, ISO 6508, JIS Z2245
Universal Standard
Method Indenter Indentation time Sample preparation Application
HBW 1/30 Tungsten carbide 1mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Steel / lron
HBW 2.5/187.5 Tungsten carbide 2.5mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Steel / lron
HBW2.5/62.5 Tungsten carbide 2.5mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Light metals, copper, aluminium, copper alloys, aluminium alloys
HBW2.5/31.25 Tungsten carbide 2.5mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Light metals, copper, aluminium, copper alloys or heat treated
HBW 5/62.5 Tungsten carbide 5mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Light metals
HBW 10/100 Tungsten carbide 10mm sphere 10 to 15 seconds Ground, polished Light metals, lead, tin
Applicable standard ASTM E10, ISO 6506, JIS Z2243
Scale Indenter Indentation time Sample preparation Application
HV30 Pyramidal diamond 10 to 15 seconds Ground Jominy, surface hardness testing
HV100 Pyramidal diamond 10 to 15 seconds Ground Jominy, surface hardness testing
Applicable standard ASTM E384 for Micro and Macro ranges, ISO 6507 for Micro and Macro ranges, JIS Z2244
> Digital Brinell, Rockwell & Vickers hardness tester equipped with
large displaying screen. Three test modes and 7 level of test
forces, test force loading, dwell, unload adopts automatic shifting.
Present scale, test force, test indenter, dwell time and hardness
conversion dispayed. With RS232 interface for computer connection.
> Suitable for hardened and surface hardened steel, hard alloy steel,
casting parts, non-ferrous metals, various kinds of hardening and
tempering steel and tempered steel, carburized steel sheet, soft
metals, surface heat treating and chemical treating materials etc.
Reference Standard
> ISO 6508, ASTM E-18, JIS Z2245
> ISO 6506, ASTM E10-12, JIS Z2243
> ISO 6507, ASTM E92, JIS Z2244
Rockwell table
Brinell table
Allowed Tolerance of Displaying Allowed Repeatability of Displaying
Hardness ranges of standard Block
value% value%
≤125 ±3 3
125<HBW≤225 ±2.5 2,5
>225 ±2 2
> Digital Brinell, Rockwell & Vickers hardness tester equipped with large
displaying screen. Three test modes and 7 level of test forces,test force
loading, dwell, unload adopts automatic shifting. Present scale, test
force, test indenter, dwell time and hardness conversion dispayed. With
RS232 interface for computer connection. Increased test space for large
> Suitable for hardened and surface hardened steel, hard alloy steel,
casting parts, non-ferrous metals, various kinds of hardening and
tempering steel and tempered steel, carburized steel sheet, soft metals,
surface heat treating and chemical treating materials etc.
Reference Standard
> ISO 6508, ASTM E-18, JIS Z2245
> ISO 6506, ASTM E10-12, JIS Z2243
> ISO 6507, ASTM E92, JIS Z2244
Rockwell table
Brinell table
Allowed Tolerance of Displaying Allowed Repeatability of Displaying
Hardness ranges of standard Block
value% value%
≤125 ±3 3
125<HBW≤225 ±2.5 2,5
>225 ±2 2
> Brinell Rockwell & Vickers hardness tester multi-functional three test
modes and 7 level of test forces. Test force loading, dwell, unload adopts
automatic system, widely and easy to be used.
> Suitable for hardened and surface hardened steel, hard alloy steel,
casting parts, non-ferrous metals, various kinds of hardening and
tempering steel and tempered steel, carburized steel sheet, soft metals,
surface heat treating and chemical treating materials etc.
Reference Standar
> ISO 6508, ASTM E-18, JIS Z2245
> ISO 6506, ASTM E10-12, JIS Z2243
> ISO 6507, ASTM E92, JIS Z2244
Rockwell table
Brinell table
Allowed Tolerance of Displaying Allowed Repeatability of Displaying
Hardness ranges of standard Block
value% value%
≤125 ±3 3
125<HBW≤225 ±2.5 2,5
>225 ±2 2
Code Description
Additional options
Code Description
Test tables
Code Description
Hardness blocks
Code Description
Hardness Testers
Portable Hardness Testers
> For measuring hardness values of various materials. LCD display with
indication of values and battery status. Hardness conversion in HV,
PHL 960 HB, HRC, HRB, HRA, HS scales.
> Equipped with USB interface. Suitable for hardness measurements on
cast iron and steel rollers.
INTERCHANG Standard Equipment
> Rebound probe (D type), calibration wedge, probe cable, software,
carrying case and user manual.
PHL 960
Steel, tool steel, stainless steel, cast iron, nodular cast iron,
Testable materials
aluminium, brass, bronze
HLD(170-960), (19-651)HB, (13-100)HRB, (17-68.5)HRC,
Measuring range
(59-85)HRA, (80-976)HV, (30-110)HS
Measurement scales HL, HB, HRB, HRC, HRA, HV, HS
Impact direction 360°
Display 128x64 LCD digital display
Memory Max. 600 groups (32 for each group)
Interface USB 2.0
Electrical supply 2 x 1.5V AA Battery
Dimensions 130x85x35 mm
Weight 600 g
> For measuring hardness values of various materials. LCD display with
indication of values and battery status. Equipped with USB interface
960P and integrated printed.
Standard Equipment
> Rebound probe (D type), calibration wedge, probe cable, software,
Digital Continuous carrying case and user manual.
Zoom Stereo
PHL 960P
Steel, tool steel, stainless steel, cast iron, nodular cast iron,
Testable materials
aluminium, brass, bronze
EABLE HLD (170-960), HRC (17.9-69.5), HB (19-683), HV (80-
INTERCHANG Measuring range
PROBE 1042), HS (30.6-102.6), HRA (59.1-88), HRB (13.5-101.7)
Measurement scales HL, HB, HRB, HRC, HRA, HV, HS
Impact direction 360°
Display 320x240 TFT digital display
Memory Max. 500 groups (32 for each group)
Print roll dimensions Width (57.5±0.5)mm, diameter 30mm
Battery autonomy 150 hours (print and backlight off)
Interface USB 2.0
Electrical supply 1 x 7,5V rechargeable
Dimensions 210x85x45
Weight 600g
Rebound probes
Rebound probes
> Soft rubber, elastomers, natural rubber, neoprene, resin, polyester,
DSH100 series soft PVC, leather, etc.
Reference Standard
> ISO 7619, ASTM D2240, JIS K7215
Digital Shore Hardness Tester Model DSH100A
Range 0-100HA
Indenter 0.79mm Truncated (Frustum) Cone
Hardness deviation <1%HA
Display type 4 digit LCD
Display resolution 0.1
Input mode By buttons
Hardness result, average value, max value, low battery
Displayed data
Data storage Internal storage
Energy saving mode Yes
Interfaces RS232, Bluetooth (optional)
Operation temperature 0~40°C
Weight 175g
Dimensions 65x38x162mm
Power supply 4x1.5V AAA batteries
Application Application
> Middle-hard rubber, rubber rollers, etc. > Plastics and middle-hard rubber
Reference Standard Reference Standard
> ISO 7619, ASTM D2240, JIS K7215 > ISO 7619, ASTM D2240, JIS K7215
Model DSH100B Model DSH100C
Range 0-100HB Range 0-100HC
Indenter R 0.1 Cone Indenter 0.79mm Truncated (Frustum) Cone
Hardness deviation <1%HB Hardness deviation <1%HC
Display type 4 digit LCD Display type 4 digit LCD
Display resolution 0.1 Display resolution 0.1
Input mode By buttons Input mode By buttons
Hardness result, average value, max value, low battery Hardness result, average value, max value, low battery
Displayed data Displayed data
indicator indicator
Data storage Internal storage Data storage Internal storage
Energy saving mode Yes Energy saving mode Yes
Interfaces RS232, Bluetooth (optional) Interfaces RS232, Bluetooth (optional)
Operation temperature 0~40°C Operation temperature 0~40°C
Weight 175g Weight 175g
Dimensions 65x38x162mm Dimensions 65x38x162mm
Power supply 4x1.5V AAA batteries Power supply 4x1.5V AAA batteries
Application Application
> Soft elastic materials, rubber rollers, textile fabrics, nylon, rayon, etc. > Middle-hard rubber, rubber rollers, etc.
Reference Standard Reference Standard
> ISO 7619, ASTM D2240, JIS K7215 > ISO 7619, ASTM D2240, JIS K7215
Model DSH100O Model DSH100D
Range 0-100HO Range 0-100HD
Indenter R 1.2 Spherical Radius Indenter R 0.1 Cone
Hardness deviation <1%HO Hardness deviation <1%HD
Display type 4 digit LCD Display type 4 digit LCD
Display resolution 0.1 Display resolution 0.1
Input mode By buttons Input mode By buttons
Hardness result, average value, max value, low battery Hardness result, average value, max value, low battery
Displayed data Displayed data
indicator indicator
Data storage Internal storage Data storage Internal storage
Energy saving mode Yes Energy saving mode Yes
Interfaces RS232, Bluetooth (optional) Interfaces RS232, Bluetooth (optional)
Operation temperature 0~40°C Operation temperature 0~40°C
Weight 175g Weight 175g
Dimensions 65x38x162mm Dimensions 65x38x162mm
Power supply 4x1.5V AAA batteries Power supply 4x1.5V AAA batteries
Application Application
> Hard Sponge, EVA > Plastics and middle-hard up to hard rubber materials
Reference Standard Reference Standard
> ISO 7619, ASTM D2240, JIS K7215 > ISO 7619, ASTM D2240, JIS K7215
Model DSH100DO Model DSH100E
Range 0-100HDO Range 0-100HE
Indenter R 1.2 Spherical Radius Indenter R 2.5 Spherical Radius
Hardness deviation <1%HDO Hardness deviation <1%HE
Display type 4 digit LCD Display type 4 digit LCD
Display resolution 0.1 Display resolution 0.1
Input mode By buttons Input mode By buttons
Hardness result, average value, max value, low battery Hardness result, average value, max value, low battery
Displayed data Displayed data
indicator indicator
Data storage Internal storage Data storage Internal storage
Energy saving mode Yes Energy saving mode Yes
Interfaces RS232, Bluetooth (optional) Interfaces RS232, Bluetooth (optional)
Operation temperature 0~40°C Operation temperature 0~40°C
Weight 175g Weight 175g
Dimensions 65x38x162mm Dimensions 65x38x162mm
Power supply 4x1.5V AAA batteries Power supply 4x1.5V AAA batteries
> Sponge and cellular rubber, foam rubber, silicone, gel-like materials
DSH100OO Reference Standard
> ISO 7619, ASTM D2240, JIS K7215
Optional accessories
Code Accessories
Standard accessories SHS-D-2 Test stand
USB-D RS232 to USB cable and software
Code Standard accessories Quantity
BTH-D10 Bluetooth 10m and software
DSOO-CC Carrying case 1 pc BTH-D100 Bluetooth 100m and software
> Soft rubber, elastomers, natural rubber, neoprene, resin, polyester,
ASH100 series soft PVC, leather, etc.
Reference Standard
> ISO 7619, ASTM D2240, JIS K7215
Shore Hardness Tester Model ASH100A
Range 0-100HA
Measurement range 10-90HA
Indenter SR0.1mm
Stroke 2.5mm
Display type Dial
Display dimensions 57mm
Display resolution 1
N° of pointers 2, peak hold
Operation temperature 0~40°C
Weight 150g
Dimensions 60x25x115mm
Optional accessories
Code Accessories
SHS-A-AC Test stand
Application Application
> Plastics and middle-hard rubber > Fibre Plastics, hard rubber, hard plastic, plexiglas, thermo plastics,
Reference Standard formica, rubber rollers, vinyl-plate, cellulose acetate, etc
> ISO 7619, ASTM D2240, JIS K7215 Reference Standard
> ISO 7619, ASTM D2240, JIS K7215
Model ASH100C Model ASH100D
Range 0-100HC Range 0-100HD
Measurement range 10-90HC Measurement range 10-90HD
Indenter SR2.5mm Indenter SR0.1mm
Stroke 2.5mm Stroke 2.5mm
Display type Dial Display type Dial
Display dimensions 57mm Display dimensions 57mm
Display resolution 1 Display resolution 1
N° of pointers 2, peak hold N° of pointers 2, peak hold
Operation temperature 0~40°C Operation temperature 0~40°C
Weight 150g Weight 150g
Dimensions 60x25x115mm Dimensions 60x25x115mm
Accessories for
digital Shore Testers
Accessories for
analog Shore Testers
Accessories for
analog Shore Testers