Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.: Materials Selection & Corrosion Control For Surface Operating Process Facilities
Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.: Materials Selection & Corrosion Control For Surface Operating Process Facilities
Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.: Materials Selection & Corrosion Control For Surface Operating Process Facilities
Revision: 0
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: September-2014
Document ID SP-2161
Security Restricted
Owner UEOC
Version 0
Keywords: This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole
nor any part of this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or
otherwise) without prior written consent of the owner. 1/63
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8/16/2019 SP-2161 Materials Selection & Corrosion Control for Surface Operating Process, Sep 14 - Final
Revision: 0
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: September-2014
Appr ov al an d Is su e Recor d
Issu Au th or Ap pr ov ed
Date (see Revisio n Record f or
e No details) (name) (name)
Pedro Rincon
Original issue under PDO Steve Jones
1 September-14 Nasser Behlani
SP-2161 Janardhan Saithala
Cheng Ai Khoo
Revisio n Record 3/63
8/16/2019 SP-2161 Materials Selection & Corrosion Control for Surface Operating Process, Sep 14 - Final
Revision: 0
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: September-2014
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 PURPOSE .............................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 SCOPE................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 SPECIFICATION OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY ............................................................................. 7
1.4 R EVISION AND CHANGES TO THE DOCUMENT ....................................................................... 7
1.5 DEFINITION OF TERMS .......................................................................................................... 7
1.6 ABBREVIATIONS & ACRONYMS ........................................................................................... 8
2 HIERARCHY OF STANDARDS ........................................................................................................... 10
3 MATERIALS SELECTION PROCESS ................................................................................................ 11
3.1 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 TECHNICAL I NTEGRITY ASPECTS ........................................................................................ 11
3.2.1 Health safety and environment .......................................................................................... 11
3.2.2 Sustainable development ................................................................................................... 11
3.2.3 Philosophy ......................................................................................................................... 11
4 MATERIALS SELECTION METHODOLOGY ................................................................................. 14
4.1 I NFORMATION R EQUIREMENTS FOR MATERIALS SELECTION STUDY .................................. 15
4.3 FACTORS AFFECTING MATERIALS SELECTION .................................................................... 25
4.3.1 Information required and review of factors affecting materials selection ......................... 25
4.4 APPLICATION OF CARBON STEELS....................................................................................... 25
4.5 DEGRADATION MECHANISMS ............................................................................................. 25
4.6 ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF MATERIALS SELECTION ................................................................. 30
4.7 NON- OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................... 30
5.1 GENERAL R EQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIFIC MATERIALS GROUP ............................................ 31
5.1.1 Sour service ....................................................................................................................... 31
Alloy UNS N0625 ....................................................................................................................................... 33
5.2 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................................... 34
5.2.1 Metallurgically bonded clad plates ................................................................................... 34
5.2.2 Welding including clad and overlay equipment ................................................................ 34
5.3 PROTECTION AGAINST CATASTROPHIC FAILURE MECHANISMS ........................................... 34
5.3.1 Chloride stress corrosion cracking ................................................................................... 35
5.5 S ..........................................................................................................
AMENDMENTS TO ISO 15156 ............................................................................................. 35 35
6 MATERIALS SELECTION BY EQUIPMENT SYSTEMS ................................................................ 37
6.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 37
6.1.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 37
6.2 VESSELS AND PIPING .......................................................................................................... 37
6.3 PIPING, FITTINGS VALVES AND OTHER COMPONENTS .......................................................... 40
6.5 HEAT EXCHANGERS ............................................................................................................ 40
6.5.1 Shell-and-tube heat exchangers ......................................................................................... 40
6.5.2 Plate coolers ...................................................................................................................... 42
6.5.3 Air cooled heat exchangers ............................................................................................... 43
Compact coolers (printed
GLYCOL DEHYDRATION circuit heat exchangers)........................................................... 44
SYSTEM ........................................................................................ 44
6.7 FLARE & RELIEF SYSTEMS .................................................................................................. 44
6.8 R OTATING EQUIPMENT ....................................................................................................... 44
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: September-2014
6.13 D RY HYDROCARBON FLOW LINES: ..................................................................................... 47
FLOWLINES ........................................................................................................................ 47
6.15 WATER I NJECTION FLOW LINES .......................................................................................... 49
6.16 FLEXIBLES .......................................................................................................................... 49
6.17 MULTI SELECTIVE VALVES (MSV’S) ................................................................................ 49
6.18 UTILITIES ........................................................................................................................... 50
6.19 STEAM I NJECTION SYSTEMS ............................................................................................... 50
6.20 ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY (EOR) ............................................................................ 50
7 MATERIALS SELECTION STUDY ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................ 51
8 CONTENT OF MATERIALS SELECTION REPORTS .................................................................... 51
8.1 SELECT PHASE ................................................................................................................. 51
8.2 DEFINE PHASE ................................................................................................................. 51
8.3 EXECUTE PHASE ............................................................................................................. 52
9 CORROSION MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ............................................................................... 52
SELECTION .................................................................................................................... 53
APPENDIX B: RISK ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................. 56
APPENDIX C: CMF TEMPLATE .................................................................................................................. 58
TEMPLATE ..................................................................................................................... 59
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Revision: 0
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: September-2014
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The document provides the requirements on the process of materials selection and corrosion control
for surface equipment that shall be used during project life cycle to ensure technically proven and
economically acceptable materials selection for PDO projects. This specification also addresses
some of the roles and responsibilities of projects, function, designers, contractors and vendors to
ensure materials are designed, manufactured, procured and constructed to meet Company specified
technical requirements within agreed delivery timeframe.
The objective of this document is to achieve designs where materials are selected to maximise the
likelihood of no loss of containment for the design life at lowest life cycle cost by:
Materials selection and corrosion control are elements of corrosion management, and this guideline
develops further clarification and interpretation of CP-208 Corrosion Management Code of Practice
and DCAF requirements.
This Specification is intended for use by Petroleum Development Oman LLC (PDO), its
Contactors/Subcontractors and Design Consultants and vendors for all PDO equipment and facilities.
This specification covers all surface equipment from the connecting flanges to the Christmas tree.
“ If you are reading a hard copy of this standard, you should consider it uncontrolled and refer
instead to the version cur rently on th e PDO intr anet live link or appropri ate search database.”
1.2 Scope
The scope of this specification is to cover the surface facility materials selection for different phases
of the project from identify to operate phase.
This specification shall be read in conjunction with other Company, Shell and International standards
such as DEP, and DEP. . This document provides
further requirements on other company specifications (SPs), Shell DEPs and MESC SPEs and
International Standards for materials selection process and requirements.
In case of any conflict between this specification and other standards, this specification shall take
This standard defined the minimum Company requirements for selecting materials of construction
and corrosion control measures to support the corrosion management strategy for a facility within the
company. It addresses requirement for identifying and evaluating all applicable corrosion threats,
materials deterioration mechanisms, selecting optimum materials of construction, corrosion control
measures and appropriate corrosion monitoring measures and the data necessary to ensure the
requirements of this standard are effectively implemented.
This standard does not cover downhole materials selection requirements. For downhole materials
selection, refer to DEP, DEP and WS 6/63
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Revision: 0
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: September-2014
The owner of this specification, UEOC, as CFDH Materials and Corrosion, is responsible for
authorising all proposed deviations or amendments to the specification and for the instigation of
periodic reviews and updates in accordance with Clauses 1.2 and 1.5.
The requirements of this specification shall remain in force indefinitely unless superseded by an
authorized revision.
The range of business areas and various life cycle stages of projects to which this standard applies
as below:
This specification will be reviewed and updated as and when required. The review authority will be
UEOC, (CFDH Materials and Corrosion).
Company The term Company shall refer to Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.
The party which carries out all or part of the design, engineering,
Contractor procurement, construction, commissioning or management of a project, or
operation or maintenance of a facility.
The word 'shall' used throughout this specification indicates a Contract
The word 'should' used throughout this specification indicates a
Technical Authority Level 1 (TA-1) for Materials, corrosion and integrity
discipline appointed by the Technical Director (TA0).
Sour Service As stipulated in SP-2041 7/63
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Revision: 0
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: September-2014
Term Definition
AC Atmospheric Corrosion
AL ARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable
BfD Basis for Design
CAPEX Capital Expenditure
CE Carbon Equivalent
CFDH Corporate Function Discipline Head
CMF Corrosion Management Framework
CORRAT Shell proprietary corrosion modelling computer program for corrosion
rate: for calculating single point calculation corrosion rates (the most
basic option in HYDROCOR)
CP Cathodic Protection
CRA Corrosion Resistant Alloy
CS Carbon Steel
CSCC Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking
CUI Corrosion Under Insulation
DEP Design Engineering practice
EFC European Federation of Corrosion
FEED Front End Engineering Design
FMEA Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic (fibreglass). Also known as Fibre Reinforced
Plastic (FRP) (fibre reinforced plastic) or Glass Reinforced Epoxy
(GRE) (glass reinforced epoxy)
HE Hydrogen Embrittlement
HEMP Hazards and Effect Management Process
HIC Hydrogen Induced Cracking. Also known as SWC
HRC Rockwell Hardness
HSE Health Safety Environments
HV Vickers Hardness 8/63
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: September-2014
Term Definition
PDO Petroleum Development Oman
PFP Passive Fire Protection
Principal Technical Expert
PWC Preferential Weld Corrosion
RAM Risk Assessment Matrix
S-RBI Shell Risk Based Inspection (methodology)
SCC Stress Corrosion Cracking
SLC Service Life Corrosion - (total estimated wall thickness reduction of
carbon steel over the life of a project the equipment)
SME Subject Matter Expert
SOHIC Stress Oriented Hydrogen Induced Cracking 9/63
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: September-2014
1. PDO Standards
• SP-2161 (2014): Materials Selection and Corrosion Control for Surface Operating
• SP-2041(2014): Selection of Cracking Resistant Materials for H2S-Containing
• SP-1246: Specification for Painting and Coating of Oil and Gas Production Facilities
• SP-2156 - Specification for use of non metallic materials in PDO
2. DEPs
• DEP Selection Of Materials for Life Cycle Performance
(Upstream Facilities) - Materials Selection Process
• DEP Selection of Materials for Life Cycle Performance (Upstream
Facilities) - Equipment
• DEP Carbon Steel Corrosion Engineering Manual for Upstream
• DEP Materials for Use in H2S Containing Environment in Oil and
Gas Production (Amendments/Supplements to ISO 15156:2009)
3. International Standards
• ISO 15156-1: Petroleum and natural gas industries-Materials for use in H2S-
containing environments in oil and gas production-Part 1: General principles for
selection of cracking-resistant materials
• ISO 15156-2: Petroleum and natural gas industries-Materials for use in H2S-
containing environments in oil and gas production-Part 2: Cracking-resistant carbon
and low alloy steels, and the use of cast irons
• ISO 15156-3: Petroleum and natural gas industries-Materials for use in H2S-
containing environments in oil and gas production-Part 3: Cracking-resistant CRA’s
(corrosion-resistant alloys) and other alloys 10/63
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: September-2014
3.1 General
The materials selection process shall follow the Corrosion Management Framework (CMF) as
described in DEP. section 2.2.3.
Materials selection shall be in accordance with the HSE Hazards and Effect Management Process
(HEMP). This process identifies and assesses HSE hazards, implements control and recovery
measures, and maintains a documented demonstration that major HSE risks have been reduced to a
level that is As Low as Reasonably Practicable (ALARP). This shall be done for the full lifecycle of
assets and operations and uses the Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM). For High Risk and/or Severity
hazards bow tie diagrams with links to relevant details should be used to demonstrate tolerability and
Sustainable development principles shall be applied as part of the materials selection process.
During the past decade it has become clear that the availability of materials and the manufacturing
capacity for materials and products is rapidly becoming a major constraint on construction
capabilities and hence, on energy production and development. Therefore, it is important to use
materials that are readily available and in ways that facilitate standardisation. Thus, one of the
considerations should be to avoid mixing materials in such a way that they cannot be separated
easily as this downgrades their value and limits their availability in the longer term.
3.2.3 Philosophy
Materials selection shall be based on the project life cycle and Basis for Design (BfD) document as
defined in Section 4.1 of this standard.
Materials of construction shall be selected to achieve a balance of minimum CAPEX with reduced
operating costs (OPEX) to maximise project value and minimise risks. The CAPEX shall be the raw
material and fabrication/construction costs. The OPEX shall be the corrosion protection and
inspection/maintenance cost.
The materials selection process shall reflect the overall philosophy regarding design and operating
conditions, design life time, cost profile (CAPEX/OPEX), inspection and maintenance philosophy,
safety and environmental profile, failure risk evaluations, remnant life assessments of existing similar
equipment, lessons learnt via integrity studies, compliance with local and international regulations
and other specific project requirements. 11/63
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: September-2014
A high level materials selection, aimed at identifying unusually high cost materials is carried out
during the project Select phase and feeds into the Level 1 (CAPEX and OPEX) cost estimate (+40
%/–25 %). For main process stream items, initial materials selection is carried out in the Select phase
of a project.
Define phaseMaterials
as part selection for secondary
of the Front processDesign
End Engineering streams is usually
(FEED). carried
During the out in the
FEED, project
selection may be optimised, with the approval of the Materials and corrosion Function, as more
information becomes available in order to reduce costs to a minimum in line with specific project
parameters and risk philosophy. At this stage, more refined judgements on corrosion rates, life
predictions and risk assessments shall be carried out to ensure that the proposed materials selection
will be fit for purpose. For long-lead and/or bulk items (e.g. Line pipe), key materials decisions should
be made as early as possible in the project, preferably during the Select phase, i.e., ahead of FEED.
If the new project will make use of and tie into existing installations, the materials in place and their
current condition should be ascertained in the Select phase. Operations personnel shall be included
in the project team or consulted for these types of developments.
Materials selection is a risk based decision making process with the aim of selecting materials that
give rise to major accident hazard risks that are tolerable and ALARP. The tools of materials
selection decision making and the means of assuring (calibrating) the decision are summarised in the
diagram from SP-2062. - HSE Specification: Specifications for HSE Cases:
The materials selection philosophy should be one that will not require PDO values to be called upon,
i.e. acceptance can be achieved by no more than internal (including Shell) peer review. In practice,
the majority of materials selection decisions will be driven by reference to the GU-611 PDO codes of
practice, specifications, procedures and guidelines; that is to say, the ‘standard materials selection’
option described in this document.
the statedisinformation
selection onthe
used to fill in thedetails
environmental conditions
for the systems that for eachrequire
do not system. Standard
materials materials
Some optimisation may be required on some process systems, if conditions are encountered
that are not adequately covered in this standard, or if it is required to consider other materials
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choices, in the interest of potential cost savings. This will generally require justification based
on a life cycle cost analysis and a technical integrity verification.
For carbon steel applications, the process of corrosion control option selection, corrosion
control system availability and corrosion allowance selection shall follow the requirements of
DEP 13/63
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: September-2014
The internal and external environments for the equipment shall be defined, including any non -
routine or non-operational conditions that might be encountered. The variables characterising of
the corrosive environment shall be quantified for normal operating conditions and to some extent,
for unusual or upset conditions.
At this point, the operation has to be characterised, e.g., in terms of manning levels, access by
operators, capabilities of operators, in-house or contract operated, access to supplies, spare
parts availability, etc.
b) Assess the applicability of carbon steel and define possible corrosion control options
As an initial step in the materials selection process, the suitability of the potentially low cost
option involving the use of carbon steel should be thoroughly investigated and evaluated to serve
as a baseline against which to compare more corrosion resistant, and possibly more costly,
alternatives. Part of this process will involve the calculation of the Service Life Corrosion (SLC)
for the proposed operating conditions.
For the carbon steel option, possible corrosion control options to protect the steel from premature
failure should be investigated. These could include chemical corrosion control, coatings, cathodic
protection and control of process fluids, e.g., pH stabilization and dehydration. The results of
these studies could lead to a lower value of SLC being appropriate. This will often result in more
than one corrosion control option being taken forward for further consideration (e.g., carbon steel
with a corrosion allowance and inhibition system versus carbon steel with a (different) corrosion
allowance and a dehydration system). The availability of these solutions should be taken into
account. For example, it is notoriously difficult to achieve a consistently high availability of
corrosion inhibitors, so if this is considered, the training and organizational responsibilities should
be realized. 14/63
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: September-2014
to ensure all operating costs are considered. This work shall be completed as part of the
corrosion control options selection report and the materials selection report. It is the responsibility
of the project engineer to complete the life cycle costing. The Life cycle cost shall be completed
as per DEP. Life cycle costing.
The activities associated with the materials selection process can be represented by the flow chart
shown in Figure 2.
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6
It is expected that the initial inputs will come from the defined DCAF deliverables of the Assess phase
as per the PDO DCAF Description. The process may be initiated with this information and constantly
revisited as the inputs are further refined and the Select phase deliverables are matured ready for
Define. Materials, corrosion and Inspection (MCI) TA2 will define the required deliverables for each
project. 15/63
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EXECUTE Phase 16/63
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: September-2014
The following MCI deliverables and requirements shall be implemented for any project regardless of
the scope and value. These are as per PDO version of DCAF.
Table 1: Mandatory deliverables and requirements for Select phase from Materials Corrosion and
Inspection discipline
ORP Acc ou nt abl e
ID Name Description
Phase Discipline
• SP-2161
• Materials and Corrosion Engineer specifies
the acceptable velocity ranges for materials
of construction with respect to corrosion. The
Erosive velocity calculation is done by the
process engineers.
• At this stage the overall philosophy should be
Materials defined together with the integrity impact and
Erosion Management
Select 47 Corrosion and need to interface with other disciplines. The
Philosophy (DG3a)
Inspection detailed materials selection and details of
inspection techniques will be covered later in
the Preliminary Corrosion and Erosion
Management Manual in the define phase
• Provide input on the materials limitation with
respect to erosion velocity. And input into
Preliminary Corrosion and Erosion
Management Manual in the define phase
• CP 208 - Corrosion Management Code of
Corrosion Materials • Mandatory for all projects.
Select 60 Management Corrosion and • Recommendation made in Corrosion
Philosophy (DG3a) Inspection Management Strategy shall be embedded in
the Corrosion Management Philosophy
including inspection requirements. 17/63
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: September-2014
• SP-2161
• CP 208 - Corrosion Management Code of
• Mandatory for all projects.
• The corrosion management strategy
including initial failure mode effect analysis
and the preliminary (high level) materials
selection reports are based on are based
information provided by the project that shall
Initial Materials include the required minimum
Selection Report Materials information/deliverables as per DCAF for this
Select 210 (including Corrosion Corrosion and phase of the project (e.g. H&MB, etc.).This
Management Inspection should normally consist of referring to the
Strategy) (DG3a) applicable standards and mention any
important choices that are made, e.g. carbon
steel + corrosion inhibition versus corrosion
resistant alloy. This also includes the
deliverable of materials threats analysis and
the erosion management philosophy.
• Materials selection reports shall be prepared
by function (UEOC) for any project. The
report shall be peer reviewed and signed off
by at least two Materials and Corrosion
Engineer TA2s from the Function other than
the author of the report.
• External peer review shall be completed for
projects above 1 bln
Table 2: Mandatory deliverables and requirements during the Define phase for Materials Corrosion
and Inspection discipline
• SP-2161
• Mandatory for all projects to be made part of
MCI Failure Modes Materials the materials selection report. The report
Define 64 and Effects Analysis Corrosion and shall be endorsed and approved by Materials
Report Inspection and Corrosion Engineer TA2 from Function.
• This is an FMEA of the corrosion control
systems; for each mode of operation and
corrosion risks, analysis looks at the barriers
and monitoring that need to be in place.
• SP-2161
• Mandatory for all projects
• Based on the preliminary report (ID 210), this
report shall include detailed assessment to
ensure the agreed materials selection for all
Materials aspects of the projects is properly
Materials Selection documented independently from the Select
Define 297 Corrosion and
Report - updated phase report based on the updated design
• The updated Materials selection shall be peer
reviewed by PDO Materials and Corrosion
Engineer TA2 other than the author of the
report and Materials and Corrosion Engineer
TA2 from Function. The final endorsement
and approval shall be by Materials and
Corrosion Engineer TA2 from Function.
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• PR 1103 - Chemical Injection
Materials for all projects
selection whereidentifies
report applicablethe
requirement of corrosion inhibitor. Unless a
Corrosion Inhibition Materials corrosion inhibitor (CI) application duplicates
Define 298 System Design & Corrosion and an existing application, tests are required to
Test Proposal Inspection qualify the CI. Corrosion inhibition testing
protocol and the test results shall be
evaluated by Materials and Corrosion TA2.
• This document defines the use of availability
requirements for corrosion inhibitors, test
program and an update of ID 301 the
Preliminary Chemical Compatibilities Matrix. 19/63
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Table 3: Mandatory Deliverables and requirements during the Execute phase for Materials corrosion
and inspection discipline
ORP Acc ou nt abl e
ID Name Description
Phase Discipline 20/63
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Approval by
Function -
Inspectors & • Mandatory for all projects if the material is
Execute 82 Corrosion and
Jointers for Non applicable for the project.
metallic for
contractor staff
Approval by
function:- • Mandatory for all projects if the material is
Execute 87 Corrosion and
Calculation of PE applicable for the project.
Liner thickness
Approval by
function:- use of
external MCI Materials
• Mandatory for all projects if the material is
Execute 88 consultancies, Corrosion and
applicable for the project.
test laboratories Inspection
and test
Approval by
Function - Materials
• Mandatory for all projects if the material is
Execute 168 operators for Corrosion and
applicable for the project.
specialized NDT Inspection
Approval by
Function -
Execute 170 Contractors Materials
Corrosion and
• Mandatory for all projects if the material is
welding applicable for the project.
Engineers & NDT
level III
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Approval by
Function:- GRE
1000 hrs test • Mandatory for all projects if the material is
Execute 171 Corrosion and
pressure, applicable for the project.
material and type
of joints type
Approval by
function:- New Materials
• Mandatory for all projects if the material is
Execute 173 coating Corrosion and
applicable for the project.
applicators or Inspection
coating products
Approval by
function:- New • Mandatory for all projects if the material is
Execute 174 Corrosion and
coating testing applicable for the project.
Approval by Materials
• Mandatory for all projects if the material is
Execute 175 function:- New Corrosion and
applicable for the project.
shrink sleeves Inspection
All specialized
material and • Mandatory for all projects if the material is
Execute 176 Corrosion and
weld qualification Inspection applicable for the project.
Approval by
function:- CP
design for buried • Mandatory for all projects if the material is
Execute 177 Corrosion and
pipelines, tanks applicable for the project.
and submarine
loading liners
Approval by
Approval of Well • Mandatory for all projects if the material is
Execute 178 Corrosion and
casing corrosion applicable for the project.
approval of and the
corrosion Materials
• Mandatory for all projects if the material is
Execute 182 monitoring plans Corrosion and
applicable for the project.
for corrosion Inspection
inhibitors, CP,
Approval of
pipeline and
equipment • Mandatory for all projects if the material is
Execute 183 Corrosion and
integrity report applicable for the project.
including RBA
and RBI reports
Approve Materials
• Mandatory for all projects if the material is
Execute 217 Assessed Corrosion and
corrosion rate Inspection applicable for the project.
• Mandatory for all projects.
• Developed from the Corrosion Management
Framework (ID300, Define Phase and
ID1194, Execute Phase) and linked to
Field Inspection
Performance Standard for Safety Critical
Plan / RBI Plan /
Materials Elements (ID 452 - Execute Phase. This
Execute 484 Corrosion and includes the selection and population of
Inspection /
Inspection CIMS (Corrosion Inspection Management
CIMS (for
System and the Field Inspection Plan / RBI
• Inspection plan shall be included.
• To be signed off by Material Corrosion &
Inspection TA2 from Function. 22/63
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Table 4: Mandatory Deliverables and requirements during the operate phase for Materials corrosion
and inspection discipline 23/63
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Effective: September-2014
a) Section Replace Table 1 with the Table A.1 in Appendix A of this document.
b) Remove reference to EFC 17 as worst case for chloride when not other information is
c) Add the following:
For gas production environments (produced gas or without produced water) and downstream
of separator. Salt accumulation scenarios shall be evaluated as part of materials selection
process.. Presence of formation water shall be included in the evaluation. Assumptions of
lower Chloride
approved levels
by the can only technical
respective be determined with authority
discipline a proper salt materials
(process) andbalance studies
supported by
operation and maintenance philosophy.
d) Section and Appendix E Table E.1 for low temperature requirements shall be
replaced by DEP.
The following table contain the possible damage mechanisms that shall be evaluated during
materials selection process and the mandatory requirements associated to each damage
Damage Description
CO2 corrosion is one of the most common forms corrosion resulting in wall
thickness loss in carbon steel oil / gas preproduction systems. CO 2 corrosion is
caused by electrochemical reactions between the steel and carbonic acid.
The Hydrocor model has been developed for predicting the likely ‘worst case’
corrosion rate of carbon steel. Hydrocor is a model for quantifying the
corrosivity of the operating environments associated with the production and
CO2 Corrosion
transportation of water-wet hydrocarbons in carbon steel facilities. The
predicted corrosion rate is used to identify Service Life Cycle (SLC) and to
determine the appropriate corrosion allowance for a carbon steel system or
corrosion Corrosion Resistant
mitigation method Alloy (CRA),
is required. non-metallic model
The HYDROCOR materials or other
(Appendix F)
or an alternative model approved by TA1 shall be used for corrosion modelling
in systems containing CO2. The aim of calculating the CO2 corrosion rate is to
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establish the SLC and thereby decide what corrosion allowance might be
needed or whether a CRA is required.
Welds and their surrounding heat-affected zones may have lower resistance to
CO2 corrosion than the parent metal. This phenomenon is known as
Preferential Weld Corrosion (PWC). This may arise for a number of reasons,
partly geometrical, partly chemical and partly metallurgical. Corrosion control by
means of inhibition has been shown to prevent PWC, provided that a suitable
corrosion inhibitor is selected and injected to provide a sufficiently high
concentration. See also DEP. (Appendix B). It should be assumed,
for sweet production systems, that the corrosion rate of the weld and heat
affected zone is three times that of the surrounding parent steel.
For carbon steel, the Hydrocor model can be used for corrosion rate prediction
in H2S containing systems. The empirical correlation included in Hydrocor for
H2S Corrosion sour conditions is only verified up to 50 C and 15 bar ppH2S. Above these
values/levels, the corrosion prediction is not considered reliable. Sour corrosion
modelling typically gives over prediction as Hydrocor model provides a worst
case pitting scenario, depending on factors like whether sulphur is present or
not. Testing shall be carried out to optimise the corrosion assessment with
laboratory testing and reviewing operating field analogues.
Corrosion Top
DEPof line corrosion isSpecification, due to condensation
Table 2rate
Amin e Cor ro si on • API RP 571,, 26/63
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• EFC 46
• DEP Informative, Appendix D;
• EI Guidance, Annex B12;
• API RP 571, 4.2.14
In aqueous corrosion, oxygen is a more corrosive gas than CO 2 and H2S. For
bare carbon steel system, pitting corrosion will occur when exposed to
seawater even with only traces amount of oxygen, but the rate of corrosion is
proportional to the mass transfer rate of dissolved oxygen to steel surface. If
oxygen is continually maintained at < 10ppb, a bare carbon steel or lower grade
CRA should be acceptable with minimum expected corrosion downstream of
the oxygen removal point. However, during upset conditions, which are
unavoidable in almost all cases, the dissolved oxygen concentration can reach
fully aerated levels. For carbon steel systems the corrosion rate is proportional
to the rate at which oxygen reached the steel. For hydrocarbon production
systems oxygen is deemed an operationally avoidable corrodent. Where it may
have an impact is in utility water systems for example. Aqueous oxygen
Oxygen corrosion rates can be predicted with HYDROCOR.
CRA oxygen corrosion is a form of galvanic attack where the normal protective
passive surface oxide film fails at one small point and becomes a small anode
to the surrounding intact surface, resulting in very rapid localised pitting attack.
Oxygen pitting attack on a CRA is often more rapid than on CS, with
penetration rates as much as 6 times higher. 27/63
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Internal Cracking
SSC is a rapid form of cracking that can cause catastrophic failure. Control of
this form of cracking SHALL [PS] be through selection of materials not
susceptible to cracking under all expected modes of operation (including start
Sulphide Stress
up and shutdown). Materials selection shall be carried out using DEP
Cracking AND SECTION 5 of this SP. 28/63
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Soil Corrosion
API RP 571, 4.3.9. Including MIC corrosion.
External Cracking
Chloride Stress
Corrosion EI Guidance, Annex B11; API RP 571, 4.5.1
DEP Specification,; API RP 571, 4.5.
Liqui d Metal API RP 571, 4.5.5
Corrosion API RP 571, 4.5.2
Mechanical Degradation 29/63
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Erosion by Solids DEP Informative, D.2.1, D.2.2; EI Guidance, Annex B12; API
and Liquids RP 571, 4.2.14
Fatigue Cracking API RP 571, 4.2.16 and 4.2.17; Energy Institute Process Pipework Fatigue
High Temperature Creep and Stress Rupture
Materials selection shall consider all the operating modes including non operational considerations as
per section 3 of DEP 30/63
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When assessing materials suitability, the pH and H 2S partial pressure shall represent not only normal
life cycle exposures but also exposures as can reasonably be expected to occur during an upset or in
a stratified flow condition (e.g., normal packer fluid pH versus condensing water pH after tubing to
annulus leak, or pH of flowline fluid versus condensing water pH during stratified flow.
For vessels, internal protective coatings are acceptable to protect carbon and low alloy steels against
Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) or stepwise cracking, provided that the coating integrity is ensured
by means of a suitable coating maintenance program and that a program to detect and monitor HIC
formation and growth is in place. (Informative: For practical purposes, this shall only apply to
Stainless steels
The production stream phase behaviour SHALL [PS] be reviewed to identify if flashing conditions or
salt deposition from carryover fluids are present, which conditions concentrate fluid salinity. In the
event flashing conditions are present, either a salinity of 250 g/l (expressed as NaCl) or the greater
value equivalent to salt saturation in water at operating conditions shall be assumed when selecting
and testing the materials. Any testing shall be done in representative water chemistry.
The temperatures given in Table 5.1 shall be used to assess the risk of pitting corrosion, crevice
corrosion and chloride stress corrosion cracking of the most common stainless steel type used in
Upstream in offshore and onshore salt laden environments (e.g. desert environment). The risk for
other stainless steel types shall be referred to the MCI TA2 from Function.
Duplex(3) 40oC 15oC <80oC >100oC
25Cr Super- 60oC 30oC <100oC >110oC
(1) Table gives requirements for generic stainless steel types. Specific materials and conditions may influence
the acceptable temperature
(2) Assumes minimum Molybdenum content of 2%. Higher temperatures may be possible at higher Mo
Contact of zinc with stainless steel items SHALL[PS] be prevented, including zinc coating
contamination and contamination by zinc in fire scenarios from other equipment. 31/63
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Ferritic and Martensitic stainless steels such as those of the 13Cr family are susceptible to both
sulphide stress cracking (SSC) and stress corrosion Cracking (SCC) and therefore their application
shall be in accordance to DEP.
Au st eni ti c st ain les s st eels containing less chromium, nickel and molybdenum than AISI 316, such
as AISI 304, shall not be used / applied in PDO production facilities as defined in DEP
Gen, Appendix A.
All the austenitic stainless steels wrought, forge and cast products shall be subjected to intergranular
corrosion testing in accordance with ASTM A262 Practice E. The materials shall pass required
criteria stated in ASTM A262 specification. The intergranular corrosion test shall be performed for
each heat in the purchase order.
Au st eni ti c/f err it ic st ain les s s teel s (du pl ex s tai nl ess st eels ) can suffer both SCC and SSC, hence
hardness requirements from DEP shall apply and strict H2S partial pressure limits shall
be followed as given in Part 6 and DEP Both 22 Cr duplex and 25 Cr super-duplex
stainless steels are susceptible to CSCC at 80 °C (176 °F) under drop evaporation conditions, and
their use at points of salt accumulation shall be avoided.
Applications of duplex stainless steels at Lower Design Temperatures (LDT), for which the design
code asks for proof of toughness by impact testing, require an additional specification of the steel
being ordered and confirmation of proven toughness on the steel certificate. Welding procedures
shall be qualified or re-qualified with impact testing included, when required by the design code for
the given LDT. The minimum design temperature of duplex stainless steels is -50°C (-58°F) with
maximum thickness of 40 mm (1.6 in) unless otherwise qualified in accordance with
DEP section 5.4. Duplex stainless steel shall have PREN > 34, with a nitrogen >
0.14%. The super duplex stainless steel shall contain at least 25%Cr and PREN > 40 and nitrogen >
0.2%. Duplex stainless steel and super duplex stainless steel shall comply with DEP
Gen requirements.
All the DSS and SDSS wrought, forge and cast products shall meet following requirements in
addition to requirements stated in respective MESC SPEs and relevant DEPs.
Transverse tensile test:
Transverse tensile testing is not required for the pipe nominal diameter ≤ 6”. Diameters 8” and above
shall be subjected to transverse tensile test.
The acceptance criteria shall be a weight loss < 4.0 g/m2 and no initiation of localized corrosion >
0.025 mm (1 mil) at the test face. Note that only corrosion (e.g. pitting) at the test face counts. If the
weight loss is > 4.0 g/m2 and it can be positively identified that this is only due to corrosion at the cut
faces, the test will be invalid. In this case re-testing shall be carried out on replacement specimens.
Frequency of testing shall be each heat in the purchase order. 32/63
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Super austenitic stainless s teels (>6 % Mo) to ensure corrosion resistance of welds, a nickel alloy
filler with increased Mo, such as alloy 625, shall be used. 6Mo materials shall comply with DEP requirements.
All the UNS S31254 wrought, forge and cast products shall be subjected to ferric chloride test in
accordance with ASTM
shall be 24 hours. G48,specimens
The test Method A.shall
The be
testintemperature shall be
the as-delivered 50 °C and
condition. Thethe
testexposure time
shall expose
the external and internal surfaces. No pitting is acceptable at internal or external surfaces at 20 times
magnification. The weight loss shall be < 4.0 g/m².
Frequency of testing shall be each heat in the purchase order.
Nickel alloys such as UNS N07718 (Alloy 718) shall meet the requirements of
DEP UNS N07725 (Alloy 725) and UNS N07716 (Alloy 625+ ) shall be specified in
accordance with DEP These materials may suffer from similar issues to those that
have been observed with Alloy 718, and, as such, care shall be taken during manufacturing and heat
treatment, particularly for critical or highly loaded components.
Al lo y N08825 (Alloy 825) shall be supplied with Ni content greater than 39% and a PREN greater
than 30. Quality assurance in supply chain should be closely monitored.
Intergranular corrosion test in accordance with A262 Practice C. Acceptance criteria shall be weight
loss < 0.9mm/year and intergranular penetration shall not exceed 30 microns average, with minimum
individual maximum 50 microns into the surface that will be exposed to the corrosive environment in
the specific application when measures by micrography shall be performed at an appropriate
magnification in a minimum of eight separate viewing fields average. The intergranular corrosion test
shall be performed for each heat in the purchase order.
For materials cladded with Alloy 825 exposed to post weld heat treatment or other stress relieve
treatment during fabrication shall be subject to corrosion test at simulated worst case process
conditions to evaluate effect on the materials. Test shall include pitting and crevice assessment.
Glass reinforced plastics . The choice of fibre and resin should be selected after full consideration
of the service requirements in accordance with SP-2092 and DEP GRP pipelines
and piping shall be in accordance with SP- 2092, SP-2156 and DEP
Note: Proprietary materials might be considered upon successful qualification and approval from MCI
Corporate Function Discipline Head (CFDH).
All the corrosion tests shall be carried out at PDO and ILAC approved laboratory. 33/63
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Minimum undiluted weld overlay thickness after machining shall be 1mm for the piping components
and minimum clad thickness shall be 3 mm and two pass.
Alloy 825 weld overlay shall not be used for equipments and piping components.
Base material: For the sour service the base Carbon Steel materials shall meet sour service
requirements. Materials composition shall meet the HIC requirement. However, testing can be
Welding procedures for ferritic/martensitic materials with austenitic consumables require close
scrutiny, because a hard, brittle zone of relatively high carbon can form in the austenitic material
immediately adjacent to the fusion boundary. This brittle zone is very sensitive to hydrogen
embrittlement (hydrogen-induced stress cracking, sulphide stress cracking) and even brittle fracture
due to stress alone if the critical flaw size (as determined by means of CTOD tests) is exceeded.
Direct exposure of such hard zones to sour conditions and cathodic protection shall be avoided.
Hardness requirements defined in ISO 15156, such as 250 HV 10 is not sufficient, because the brittle
zone is so thin that it cannot be detected with the Vickers method of hardness testing.
A minimum of two layers of weld overlay shall be used. For Alloy 625, the maximum allowed iron
mm from duethetoAlloy
deposited Alloy
shall be625 by On
10%. the underlying carbon or
surface, chemical low alloy steel
composition shallatmeet
2.5 tothe
original materials specification, including 5% max Iron. Optical electron spectroscopy (OES) shall be
the only method to determine weld dilution. A cross section shall be taken during weld procedure
qualification and OES shall be done at 1 mm increments from the weld metal through the heat
affected zone, to a distance no less than 3 mm from the fusion line.
When carrying out buttering, the closure weld shall be made with UNS N06625 (Alloy 625). Maximum
hardness of 325 HV 10 in the base metal and HAZ are accepted for non-sour and sour service,
provided that the bore is fully clad (Refer to ISO 15156-3, Clause A13.1).
Single layer welding techniques, e.g., electro-slag, shall only be used with prior approval from the
MCI TA2 from Function.
Sudden failure mechanisms such as stress corrosion cracking, Hydrogen embrittement (corrosion)
fatigue, and low temperature embrittlement shall be prevented by means of proper materials
selection and design. Coatings or corrosion inhibition shall not be used as the primary barrier for
environmental assisted cracking or corrosion-fatigue during design.
Performance tested/qualified Coatings or aluminium foils may be considered for mitigation of Cl-SCC
if the risk is assessed as negligible or manageable, approval from MCI TA2 from Function is required. 34/63
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Austenitic and duplex stainless steels may suffer from external chloride induced stress corrosion
cracking (CSCC) when exposed to a combination of tensile stresses, chlorides, water, oxygen, and a
temperature threshold. This failure mode, typically caused by exposure to humid marine atmosphere,
may represent a higher risk than the internal service and is generally manifested by a sudden
fracture of pipe or equipment. PDO is operating in desert environment characterised by frequent
sandstorms and deposition of salt laden sand. Therefore the risk of Cl-SCC shall be evaluated and
Application of stainless steels with significant risk of CSCC above the given temperature shall be
subject to mitigation to an acceptable level (ALARP). Application of stainless steels with risk of CSCC
at high chloride concentration shall be subject to a risk assessment and mitigation if deemed
The threshold temperatures which the material has an acceptable risk of external CSCC are shown
in Table 5.1. Above these temperature thresholds (significant risk of CSCC in Table 5.1) austenitic,
duplex stainless steel, super stainless steels and super austenitic stainless steel shall be externally
coated with Thermal Sprayed Aluminium coating (TSA) in accordance to DEP If
welding is involved, TSA shall be done post welding.
Organic coating qualified for the service life can be applied if ALARP is demonstrated by risk
TSA shall not be used for protection of small-bore (<DN 50) (<NPS 2)) components so selecting a
resistant material is the preferred option.
5.4 Protecti on of stainl ess steels for Corros ion Under Insulati on (CUI)
with aluminium.
Stainless steels may be protected against external pitting and crevice corrosion under insulation by
means of coating with Thermally Sprayed Aluminium (TSA). Joints and ends shall be taped with self-
adhesive aluminium tape. This aluminium foil acts as both a barrier coat and inhibitor. The applicable
temperature range for the use of aluminium foil under insulation is 50°C to 200°C (122 °F to 392 °F)
for continuous service and 50°C to 480°C (122 °F to 896 °F) for cyclic conditions.
Only the arc spray application process shall be used for CRA materials and all systems shall be
sealed using a silicone system. TSA shall be applied in accordance with DEP
DEP. is written as amendments and supplements to the following ISO Standards:
• ISO 15156-1:2009
• ISO 15156-2:2009
• ISO 15156-3:2009 35/63
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Wherever reference is made to the above ISO Standards, it shall be understood to mean the
ISO 15156-1:2009, ISO 15156-2:2009 and ISO 15156-3:2009 as amended/ supplemented by DEP.
Materials limits for sour service shall be in accordance with this SP, DEP, and ISO
15156. Remarks made
ppH2s, temperature and in ISO 15156-3
chloride, tables
etc.) shall indicating
not be used for “materials
ANY” combination
selections. of parameters (pH, 36/63
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6.1.1 General
This Section includes materials for process and utility equipment used in onshore operations for
surface facilities.
The materials selected shall meet minimum toughness requirements at the minimum design
temperature during low temperature events such as blowdown. The low temperature requirements of
materials are covered in detail by DEP and DEP, which refers to
ASME B31.3. 37/63
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(≥1/4 90 <2.0 165000 3832 Clad AISI 316L pp CO2 < 1.5 bar
≥6 22Cr
120 <2.0 170000 3832 Clad AISI 316L pp CO2 < 0.43 bar
(≥1/4 Duplex 38/63
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of construction
CS clad with AISI
≥6 <200 <80 Super (13)
<30330 904L or solid 22Cr
(≥1/4 (<392) (<1.16) Duplex (5)
Weld overlay of
alloy 825 shall not
CS clad with Alloy be considered as
≥6 <200 <14,000
<160,000 Alloy 825 825 or Alloy 625 or material for
(≥1/4) (<392) (<203)
solid Alloy 825 vessels and piping
Weld overlay of
Alloy 28 alloy 825 shall not
CS clad with Alloy be considered as
≥6 <200 <36,000 (pCO <25
(≥1/4) (<392) (<522) <160,000 2
bar (363 825 or Alloy 625 or material for
solid Alloy 825 vessels and piping
psi)) 39/63
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Weld overlay of
alloy 825 shall not
≥6 <240 <30,000 Alloy CS clad with Alloy be considered as
<160,000 (8)
material for
(≥1/4) (<464) (<435) 625 625 or solid Alloy 625
vessels and piping
≥6 <100
(9) Any* Any* GRP GRP
(≥1/4) (<212)
Shall be in accordance with DEP, DEP, Section 3.2.6 and DEP All the applicable MESC SPEs shall be followed for piping, fittings, valves and
other components.
6.4 Small bore instru ment, hydraulic and chemical injection tubing
If carbon steel plus inhibition is used in upstream piping, the vessel exchanger shall be made of a
suitable CRA.
6.5.1 Shell-and-tu be heat exchang ers
The selection of materials for direct water coolers shall be derived from the materials selected for the
adjacent process piping and the coolant (Table 6.2).
Oxygen contamination of closed circuit cooling systems has been a problem in many cases, and
carbon steel shall only be used if oxygen can be successfully kept out of the system, or where a
sufficient corrosion allowance, based on a good estimate of corrosion rate, can be used. Where Ti is
selected, it SHALL [PS] not be coupled directly to carbon steel. 40/63
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Non-corrosive coolant on Carbon steel Carbon steel Carbon steel Carbon steel
tube side. SLC<1
On shell side closed circuit Carbon steel Upgrade to Carbon steel with Carbon steel
(no 02, inhibited, SLC>1 appropriate corrosion
monitored) stainless steel allowance, or
(not martensitic). corresponding
stainless steel,
solid or clad.
22Cr Duplex 22Cr Duplex 22Cr Duplex Carbon steel
Super Duplex Super Duplex Super Duplex Carbon steel
316L 316L 316L solid or clad Carbon steel
Alloy 625 Alloy 625 625 solid or clad 625 clad
(4) (4)
Chlorinated aerated Any C276 or C22 or C276 solid or As inlet pipe,
seawater on tube side. Ti clad or Ti solid solid or clad
Max. temperature or clad
>30 °C (>86 °F) 41/63
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(392) As adjacent Alloy
Otherwise, produced
825, fluid
Alloy C276, or titanium 42/63
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NOTES (1) The maximum temperatures are dictated by the risk of external chloride SCC, see (2.2.1).
(2) These temperatures only apply to heat exchangers with coated tubes that have fully extruded aluminium
(3) Likely to have extruded aluminium fins for heat transfer requirements, but not required as part of the
corrosion design as these materials are resistant to Chloride SCC up to at least 200 °C (392 °F).
(4) Alloy 28 ishall be limited to a pH2S below 36000 mbar (522 psi)
If extruded aluminium fins are used on tubes, no external corrosion allowance is required. There shall
be no exposed steel tube area for both CS and CRA tubes. Achieving no exposed steel at the
tubesheet end is often problematic and requires special attention. For the fins, aluminium Alloy 5083
(UNS A95083) has the best reported performance.
If coating is required on the header boxes, the tubesheet shall be TSA coated prior to inserting the
tubes in the tubesheet, with any repairs to the coating carried out as each row of tubes is inserted. 43/63
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Printed circuit heat exchangers have very fine channels, which restricts them to relatively clean
duties (such as gas or NGL cooling). Upstream filters shall be specified and maintained to reduce the
risk of channel plugging.
Materials shall be selected to withstand erosion in the small channels and also crevice corrosion at
the anticipated service condition.
Material choice is limited by the Manufacturers and the manufacturing method to AISI 316L, 22 Cr,
Cu or Ti.
Shall be in accordance with DEP, Section 3.2.9, Table 8. For severe sour service,
materials selection shall be peer review and approved by TA2 MCI from function.
Add the following table in the first paragraph related to rotating equipment
6.9 Pumps 44/63
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6.10 Bolting
Shall be in accordance with DEP, Section 3.2.12, Table 10 and Table 11.
6.12 Pipelines
Pipelines materials selection shall cover the construction materials for below systems:-
a) Process pipelines
b) Dry hydrocarbon pipelines
c) Water injection pipelines
Carbon steel is widely used for pipelines with or without corrosion inhibition. The corrosion allowance
shall be calculated using DEP There are two applicable standards for carbon steel
linepipe, according to whether it is critical or non-critical service. Carbon steel line pipe shall conform
to the following standards as appropriate:
• Critical Service DEP
• Non-Critical Service DEP
Guidance on the evaluation of pipeline service criticality is given in DEP
For linepipe that is required to be resistant to external CSCC, refer to Section 5.3.1in addition to the
information contained in DEP
When required by the design or welding code, the strain aging shall be applied as part of the weld
procedure qualification program.
Solid Pipe: Duplex and Super Duplex Stainless Steel Line DEP
Solid Pipe: Weldable Martensitic Stainless Steel (13Cr and DEP
Super 13Cr linepipe). production.
All applications of weldable martensitic steel shall
have materials testing of welded product form to
confirm resistance against embrittlement and
stress corrosion cracking. The Principal's
materials and corrosion expert shall be consulted. 45/63
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NOTES (1) Weldable Martensitic stainless steel materials is not considered suitable
materials option for PDO due to high chloride and H 2S
Suitable materials for process pipelines are given in Table 6.6 and shall be in accordance with DEP, DEP and DEP
Item Conditions
SLC Temp. pH 2S Cl Material
mm (in) °C (°F) mbar (psi) g/l
Onshore/subsea <8 <200 <3.5 Any CS with appropriate
pipelines (<3/8) (<392) (<0.05) corrosion allowance
<8 < 200 < 100 Any SSC and HIC resistant CS
(<3/8) (<392) (<1.45) with appropriate corrosion
N/A <140 0 <100 Weldable martensitic
(<284) (0) stainless steel
N/A <200 0 <12 Weldable martensitic
(<392) (0) stainless steel
N/A < 120 <3.5 <120 CS clad with AISI 316L
(<248) (<0.05)
N/A <200 <10 <150 22Cr Duplex
(<392) (<0.15)
N/A <155 15 <38 CS clad with AISI 316L
( <311) (<0.22)
N/A 60 15 60 CS clad with AISI 316L
(140) (<0.22)
N/A <60
(<140) N/A N/A RTP (Reinforced
thermoplastic pipes) (see
flowline non metallic table
6.7 46/63
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Item Conditions
SLC Temp. pH 2S Cl Material
mm (in) °C (°F) mbar (psi) g/l
N/A <60 N/A N/A Thermoplastic lined CS
(<140) (see flowline non metallic
table 6.7
N/A <200 <22,000 <200 CS clad/lined with Alloy 825
(<392) (<319)
N/A <200 <22,000 <200 CS clad/lined with Alloy 825
(<392) (<319)
Notes: (1) For some Corrosion Resistant Alloys, e.g., AISI 316L, more detailed sour service SCC limits can be
found in DEP Part 4.
(2) If there is any chance of H2S increase during the lifetime (e.g., due to reservoir souring) order SCC
and HIC resistant CS, even if the pH2S is below 3.5 mbar (0.05 psi).
(3) These limits are valid for pH ≥ 3.8.
(4) The recent CP studies completed revealed that the optimum CP level in DSS lines is recommended to
be adjusted to a potential no less negative than -650 mV. This value is in the range recommended by
ISO 15589 and DEP 30.10.7310 for DSS structures. Previous level ranged from -850 to -1150 mV
increased the risk of internal stray current. This value will reduce significantly the amount of internal
stray current, reducing the risk of failures in the IJ.
(5) Higher temperature applications are possible – refer to DEP for higher temperature
thermoplastic liners.
(6) Higher temperature applications are possible – refer to DEP for higher temperature
thermoplastic liners.
6.14 Flowlines
Flowline material selection philosophy shall be as per section 2.1 of SP-2156. For non-metallic flow
line material selection shall be performed in accordance with Table 6.7. For metallic materials
flowlines shall be as pipeline Table 6.6.
2 (add
H2S Region 1 as per Max 1 mol%
Max 7 mol% Max 3 mol% permeation issue)
ISO 15156 47/63
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pH 3 3 Corrosivity < 3 3
3.5 to 12 3.5 to 12 1 3.5 to 12
Wax and Asph alt 5 5
4 m/sec liquid
Up to 10 m/sec Up to 10 m/sec
Fluid velocity liquid velocity 2-4 m/sec liquid velocity
10 m/s gas
Limited by rapid
Design p ressure As per SP2092 Max 180 bar 70bar Max
70deg C for
water service
65deg C
and 65 deg C for
Design 8
oil service (This refers to
Max 100 deg C 90 deg C Maximum
Temperature (This refers to
Shall be in Liquid Shall be in Liquid Shall be in Liquid Shall be in Liquid
form form form form
Design l ife > 20 years 20 years 10 years Max 2 years
Ab ov e gr ou nd
Y limited by Y limited by
corrosion rate corrosion rate and
Manifolds X X
and piping piping
configuration configuration
Y limited by Y limited by
On plot piping Y only water/ corrosion rate corrosion rate and X
burried close drain and piping piping
configuration configuration 48/63
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1. For service life corrosion requirements refer to section 4.4.
2. Pipe materials can work however, the connections are metallic and the limitations shall
be checked with Materials and corrosion engineer before use.
3. For fluids having PH out of this range shall be referred to Materials and corrosion TA2 for
review and recommendation.
4. Electrical conductivity of the fluid shall not be less tahn 10,000pS/m
5. Flow assurance study shall demonstrate that the produce sand, wax, asphat, etc. will
not have any erosion effect in pipe service and that solid removal will not be required
during the life time of the project. No test data viable. Any sand production areas it is not
recommended to use the non metallic materials without study. Consult MCI Engineer.
6. Paffin wax and Asphalt deposits may have swelling effect on PE materials. Consult
Materials & Corrosion Engineer before selection.
7. Design pressure changes with size & connections. Max Design temperature changes
with type of curing systems used. Refer to SP2092-1 for more details.
8. Compatibility test shall be carried out
Y – The material may be considered within the boundaries specified in the above table
♦ - No test data or filed experience available. Consult with the PDO materials function TA2 authority
for more details.
X – Shall not be used.
6.16 Flexibles
Shall be in accordance with DEP, Section 3.3.6. Corrosion Prevention and Control
for Water Injection Systems shall be per DEP 49/63
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NOTE (1) DSS weld overlay is feasible but the application requires MIC TA approval.
6.18 Utilities
Materials selection for utilities shall be in accordance with DEP, Section 3.4. Utilities
materials selection shall cover the construction materials for below systems and the criteria for
individual selection is as stated in DEP -Gen
• Water systems
• Fresh potable water
• Brackish/seawater for service water system
• Closed circuit cooling water
• Fire fighting system
• Water injection system
• Tubing materials and completion accessories for water injection and disposal wells
• Seawater caissons and dip tubes
• Inhibitors and other chemicals (shall be in accordance with DEP, Table
• Miscellanies Utilities systems (e.g. air system, instrumentation, etc) shall be in accordance
with DEP, Table 23.
• Diesel fuel systems (shall be in accordance with DEP, Table 24)
DEP, Section 3.5. shall not be used for the selections of steam projects. The
construction materials recommendations included in the DEP, Section 3.5.1, Table
25, is based on experience in North America and Canada where continuous high temperature
production of heavy oil with typical low corrosion have been observed. This is not applicable for PDO
steam operations. Materials selection shall be completed based on standard material selection
process as specified in Section.3 of this SP. 50/63
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Materials selection report for all SELECT phase shall be carried by PDO Materials and Corrosion
engineering discipline (Function).
During the DEFINE and EXECUTE phase, materials and corrosion deliverables shall be prepared by
materials, corrosion and welding specialists that have been assessed and approved by PDO
Materials and Corrosion Engineering discipline (UEOC) prior the start of FEED and DD studies.
FEED and DD materials selection report shall be endorsed and approved by PDO Materials and
Corrosion Engineering discipline (UEOC) in peer review session following the requirements indicated
in Section 4.1. Materials selection peer review sessions shall be organized by the Materials and
Corrosion Engineers from the projects or the author of the report and ensuring participation from
Process, Mechanical, Rotating and Pipeline engineering.
Materials selection report shall contain the following but not limited to:
a) Executive Summary
b) Project Introduction and Description
c) Purpose of the document
d) Abbreviations and Definitions
e) Project documents referred to
f) Standard referred to
g) Design Basis
h) Corrosion Predictive Modelling
i) Erosion Assessment
j) Materials Selection Discussion
k) Recommended Materials Selection
l) Specific Materials Manufacturing / Fabrication Requirements
m) Specific Corrosion Control Requirements
n) Threat-Barrier Matrix
o) Outline of Corrosion Monitoring Methods
p) Technical References
q) Attachments / Appendices
During the DEFINE phase Materials selection report shall include detailed assessments and
specifications to develop required materials and corrosion testing program. The detailed assessment
should be carried out as per the sequences of the process flow diagrams. The materials selection
shall discuss the process description for each system and the basis for the materials selection shall
be documented. All the unknowns identified during select phase shall be addressed, documented
and close.
Typical template with the required content for a materials selection in DEFINE phase is shown in
Appendix D.
Materials selection report shall consider and document all the process information and assumptions
for each stream and shall be presented as per the template included in appendix E. 51/63
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Required content shall be as per DEFINE phase and shall be updated to as approved for
construction status for handover.
Elements of corrosion management framework and corrosion management manual (CMM) shall be
in accordance with DEP Gen. 52/63
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APPENDIX A: Basic Information requi red and factors effecting m aterials selection
Table A.1: Basic information required and factors effecting materials selection
Field Name
Design Life
Reservoir Date
Reservoir pressure √ 53/63
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reservoir temperature √
Bubble point pressure √
Reservoir fluid density √
Sand and silt production √
Mercury √
Water analysis
Fluid Properties
Gas molecular weight kg/kmol √
Gas compressibility factor √
API gravity √
Oil density kg/m3 √
Oil viscosity @ reference temp Ns/m2 √
Oil viscosity reference temp deg C √
Gas liquid surface tension N/m √
Water solubility in oil C1
Water solubility in oil C2 54/63
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Corrosion risk assessment forms an important part of materials selection and risk based inspection.
It is necessary to perform these activities in a structured manner to ensure that all credible materials
and corrosion related threats are evaluated.
The corrosion risk assessment is, essentially, an analysis of the controls in place for preventing the
realisation of a loss of primary containment top event via the corrosion threats that may be identified
by a bow tie analysis as shown in Figure 1. Selection of the corrosion threats can be made from the
listing below. Users must ascertain the threats that apply in each case under consideration, and
positively discount those that do not apply. It is not sufficient to simply disregard a listed threat
without any justifying statement in the MSR.
Reference Title
API RP 571 Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in the 2 Edition
Refining Industry
CP-114 Maintenance and Integrity Management – Code of Revision 5.0
CP-208 Corrosion Management Code of Practice 1.0
Crossland, A., et al Corrosion Inhibitor Efficiency Limits And Key Factors,
NACE Corrosion 2011, Paper 11062
DEP Specification Metallic Materials – Selected Standards February 2013
DEP Specification Carbon Steel Corrosion Engineering Manual For February 2012 Upstream Facilities
DEP Specification Materials
Oil And Gas Use In H2S-containing
ForProduction (Amendments Environments
And In February 2013
Supplements to ISO 15156:2009) 56/63
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1. PROJECT INTRODUCTION................................................................................................
2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION...................................................................................................
4. ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................... 59/63
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9.4 H2S 9.3.1 Control of H2S Corrosion in Satah Field Production Facilities ............................
9.5 Oxygen Corrosion ...............................................................................................................
9.6 Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion ...............................................................................
9.6.1 MIC Mitigation.......................................................................................................
9.7 Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking.....................................................................................
9.8 Erosion and Erosion Corrosion ...........................................................................................
9.9 Atmospheric Corrosion........................................................................................................
9.10 Corrosion under Insulation (CUI) ......................................................................................
9.11 Preferential Weld Corrosion...............................................................................................
9.12 Sour Water Corrosion ........................................................................................................
9.13 Galvanic Corrosion.............................................................................................................
9.14 Vibration Induced Fatigue ..................................................................................................
9.15 Polythionic Acid Stress Corrosion Cracking (PASCC)........................................................
9.16 Flange Face Corrosion........................................................................................................
9.17 Brittle Fracture.....................................................................................................................
9.18 Long Running Ductile Fracture ...........................................................................................
9.19 Degradation of Non-Metallic Seals .....................................................................................
9.20 Sulphidation ........................................................................................................................
9.21 Soil Corrosion......................................................................................................................
9.22 Corrosion Mitigation for Pipelines .......................................................................................
12.1 Valves...................................................................................................................................
12.2 Instrument Tubing and Fittings ..............................................................................................
12.3 Bolting .................................................................................................................................. 60/63
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ATTACHMENTS......................................................................................................................... 61/63
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MSR process
data.xlsx 62/63
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The Materials Selection Diagram (MSD) shall be prepared during DEFINE phase and shall include
the information required by NACE SP0407 including the following:-
a) Materials selection and corrosion allowance for components and pipe line/piping systems shall
use an easily recognizable, generic materials description which shall be shown on the MSD.
b) The alloy type and minimum thickness for CRA lining or weld overlay and generic coating type for
an internal coating system shall use an easily recognizable, generic materials description which
shall be shown on the MSD
c) MSD shall be made by marking up each individual system / unit on PFS and should have colour
coding system for materials.
d) Changes in piping materials or corrosion allowances shall be clearly identified - if the change
occurs at a valve, the higher alloy (or corrosion allowance) shall be specified for the valve.
e) Mix points, third party entry points and chemical injection points shall be clearly identified.
f) Corrosion mitigation measures applicable to a particular item or piping system (e.g. chemical
treatment, cathodic protection) shall be clearly identified.
g) If Contractor MSD does not record the above information for package licensor or Vendor units,
the licensor or Vendor shall supply their own MSD to record such information which shall then be
cross referenced in Contractor’s materials selection report. 63/63