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Simulation of Photovoltaic Array Using Matlab / Simulink: Analysis, Comparison & Results

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Anwarul M Haque1, Swati Sharma2, Devendra Nagal3
Asst. Prof.,Power Electronics Department, VGEC Chandkheda, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India,
Asst. Prof, Electrical Engineering Department, Jodhpur National University,
Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India,
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract— solar energy maintains life on I. INTRODUCTION

earth and it is an infinite source of clean The need for a cleaner environment and the
energy. Since last five decades, numerous continuous increase in energy demand, makes
studies have been performed on different decentralized renewable energy production
design aspects and performance more and more significant. Solar cells, come in
characteristics of Photovoltaic (PV) cells with many different shapes and sizes and are made of
a common objective of producing fully electricity - producing materials. When sunlight
integrated PV modules to compete with the shines on a PV cell, the absorbed light generates
traditional energy sources. There is an electricity. The mono-crystalline and
increasing trend for the use of solar cells in poly-crystalline silicon cells are the only found
industry and domestic appliances because at commercial scale at present era. To model a
solar energy is expected to play substantial solar cell, it is imperative to assess the effect of
role in future smart grid as distributed different factors on the solar panels and to
renewable source. This reviews the consider the characteristics given by the
generalized optimization of mathematical manufacturers in the datasheet [10].
modelling and simulation of Solar The datasheet which gives the electrical
Photovoltaic System. The location of the characteristics is calculated under standard test
power point maximal is unknown, for that condition. The PV array is composed of several
purpose we use PV model, PV module and PV interconnected photovoltaic modules. To obtain
array simulation to sustain the PV array the required power, voltage and current, the PV
functioning spot at the Maximum Power modules are associated in series and parallel.
Point (MPP). Here single diode equivalent Thus, the mathematical models for PV array are
circuit is employed in order to explore I-V attained while utilizing the basic description and
and P-V characteristics of a 170W, BP 3170 equivalent circuit of the PV cells.
module made of 72 solar cells (silicon nitride From the theory of the photovoltaic, a
multi-crystalline) in series, using mathematic model of the PV is presented. The
MATLAB/Simulink. simulation of the photovoltaic array is realized
Index Terms—PV array, Simulation, Solar with SIMULINK block. The temperature and the
cell working and characteristics, Standard irradiance are specified. The Simulink model
Test Conditions. uses a current source, voltage source and the
value of the resistance in series and parallel of
the PV. The number of modules in series and
parallel are set. The result is used for the


Simulink block as a current source to obtain the A. Silicon Solar Cell

voltage and current delivered from PV. A solar cell is a device that converts the energy
of sunlight directly into electricity by the
II. STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS (STC) photovoltaic effect [3]. Although there are many
Uniform conditions are usually specified so kinds of solar cells developed by using different
that a performance comparison can be made semiconductor materials, the operating principle
between different PV units (cell, modules). The is identical. The most commonly known solar
parameters obtained from the testing are cell is configured as a large-area p-n junction
usually provided on the manufacturer’s made from silicon. When a piece of p-type
datasheet. Measurements are performed under silicon is placed in intimate contact with a piece
standard test conditions and the electrical of n-type silicon, a diffusion of electrons occurs
characteristics obtained characterize the module from the region of high electron concentration
accurately under these conditions. The (the n-type side) into the region of low electron
conditions are specified as follows [1]. concentration (p-type side). Similarly, holes
 The reference vertical irradiance Eo with a flow in the opposite direction by diffusion [3].
typical value of 1000W/m2
 Reference cell temperature for
performance rating, To a typical value of
25°C with a tolerance of ±2 °C.
 AM =1.5 (A specified light spectral
distribution with an air mass). It provide
a relative measure of the path of sun must (a) Diffusion current ID from the p side to the n
travel through the atmosphere. side
In addition to supplying performance
parameters at the Standard Test Conditions
manufacturers also provide performance data
under the Nominal Operating Cell Temperature
(NOCT).This is defined as the temperature
reached by the open circuited cells in a module
under the following conditions: (b) Drift current IS from n side to the p side and
 Irradiance on cell surface is 800W / m2 the depletion zone
 The ambient temperature is 20°C (293 K) Fig. 1 ID, IS, and depletion zone of a p-n junction
To account for other ambient conditions the This forms a diffusion current ID from the p
approximate expression below may be used: side to the n side Fig. 1 (a). When the electrons
Tcell = Tamb + (Noct – 20)* S / 0.8 diffuse across the p-n junction, they recombine
(1) with holes on the p-type side. The diffusion of
carriers does not happen indefinitely because of
Where an electric field which is created by the
Tcell is cell temperature (°C); imbalance of charge immediately on either side
Tamb is the ambient temperature; of the junction which this diffusion creates. The
Noct is the Nominal Operating Cell Temp & electric field established across the p-n junction
S is the solar irradiance (kW/m2). generates a diode that promotes charge flow,
known as drift current IS, that opposes and
III. PHOTOVOLTAIC CONSTRUCTION eventually balances out the diffusion current ID.
AND WORKING The region where electrons and holes have
In most of solar cells, the absorption of diffused across the junction is called the
photons takes place in semiconductor materials, depletion zone Fig. 1 (b).
resulting in the generation of the charge carriers B. Photo-generated Current and Voltage
and the subsequent separation of the When a visible light photon with energy above
photo-generated charge carries. Therefore, the band-gap energy strikes a solar cell and is
semiconductor layers are the most important absorbed by the solar cell, it excites an electron
parts of a solar cell. from the valence band. With this newfound
energy transferred from the photon, the electron


escapes from its normal position associated with cells are the only found at commercial scale at
its atom, leaving a localized "hole" behind [3]. present era.
When those mobile charge carriers reach the Silicon PV cells are composed of a thin layer
vicinity of the depletion zone, the electric field of bulk Si or a thin Si film connected to electric
sweeps the holes into the p-side and pushes the terminals. One of the sides of the Si layer is
electrons into the n-side, creating a doped to form the P–n junction. A thin metallic
photo-generated drift current. Thus, the p-side grid is placed on the Sun-facing surface of
accumulates holes and the n-side accumulates the semiconductor. Fig. 3 illustrates the physical
electrons Fig. 2 which creates a voltage that can structure of PV cell [1], [2].
be used to deliver the photo-generated current to
D. P V Cell Working
a load. At the same time, the voltage built up
through the photovoltaic effect shrinks the size Photons of light with energy higher than
of the depletion region of the p-n junction diode the band-gap energy of PV material can make
resulting in an increased diffusion current electrons in the material break free from atoms
through the depletion zone. that hold them and create hole- electron pairs, as
shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 Illustration of drift current as well as Fig. 4 Working Principle of PV Cell

photo-generated current and voltage These electrons, however, will soon fall back
Hence, if the solar cell is not connected to an into holes causing charge carriers to disappear. If
external circuit (switch in the open position in a nearby electric field is provided, those in the
Fig. 2), the rise of the photo-generated voltage conduction band can be continuously swept
eventually causes the diffusion current ID away from holes toward a metallic contact where
balancing out the drift current IS until a new they will emerge as an electric current. The PV
equilibrium state is reached inside a solar cell cell has electrical contacts on its top and bottom
[3]. to capture the electrons, as shown in Fig. 4.
C. P V Cell Constructions When the PV cell delivers power to the load, the
electrons flow out of the n- side into the
connecting wire, through the load, and back to
the p-side where they recombine with holes [1].
Note that conventional current flows in the
opposite direction from electrons [15].


A. Photovoltaic Characteristics
Three classic parameters that are very important
Fig. 3 Photovoltaic Cell Constructions on the PV characteristics are:
A photovoltaic cell is basically a 1. Short circuit point, the voltage over the
semiconductor diode whose p-n junction is module is zero and the current is at its
exposed to light [1]. Photovoltaic cells is made maximum (short circuit current Isc).
of several types of semiconductors using 2. Maximum power point (MPP), where the
different Manufacturing processes. The product of current and voltage has its
mono-crystalline and polycrystalline silicon maximum (defined by Impp Vmpp).


3. Open circuit point, where the current is B. Effect of Change in irradiation on I-V
zero and the voltage has its maximum (open Characteristics of the PV Array
circuit voltage Voc). In Fig. 7 when the irradiation increases, the
The power delivered by a PV cell attains a current increases more than the voltage and the
maximum value at the points (Imp, Vmp). The power at maximum power point Pmpp increases
classical points are shown in Fig. 5 and are as well.
usually given as part of a manufacturer's data
sheet for a PV module.
Another important parameter of the PV
characteristics is called the Fill Factor (FF) Fig.
6. It is a term that describes how the curve fills
the rectangle that is defined by (Voc) and (Isc). It
gives an indication of the quality of a cell's
semiconductor junction and measures of how
well a solar cell is able to collect the carriers
generated by light. It is defined as: [4]
Fig. 7 I-V Characteristics of the PV as functions
of irradiation
C. Effect of Change in Temperature on I-V
Characteristics of the PV Array
Fig. 8 shows the variation of the current with
the temperature, the current changes less than the
voltage. Thus, a dynamic point exists on the I-V
curve at MPP. The entire PV system has to
execute at its maximum output power as shown
Fig. 5 IV Characteristics of PV in Fig. 9 [13]. The location of the power point
FF = VmppImpp / VocIoc (2) maximal is unknown, for that reason we use
After a simple manipulation the following calculation models and search algorithms
equation is attained. methods to sustain the PV array functioning spot
VocIoc FF = VmppImpp = Pmax (3) at the MPP.

Fig. 6 Photovoltaic module characteristics Fig. 8 I-V Characteristics of the PV as function

showing the Fill factor of Temperature
It can be easily observed that FF is always < 1
and ranges from material to material. The closer
the value of the Fill Factor is to unity, the better
the operation of the PV cell. For high quality
cells, Fill Factors over 0.85 can be achieved. For
typical commercial devices the value lies around


Fig. 9 I-V Curves, P-V Curve with the MPP Imp : current at maximum power point

V. PV CELL MODEL The solar cell is model first, then extends the
PV cell is a semiconductor p-n intersection model to a PV module, and finally models the
that transforms sunlight to electrical power. To PV array. From fig. 10, the output current of the
model a solar cell, it is imperative that we assess PV cell is [11], [15].
the effect of different factors on the solar panels
and to consider the characteristics given by (4)
the manufacturers in the datasheet. It is to be Where
noted that to form a PV module, a set of cells are Iph : photon produced by the cell
connected in series or in parallel. Thus, the Id : diode current
mathematical models for PV array are attained
while utilizing the basic description equivalent By Shockley equation, the diode current Id is
circuit of the PV cells [4], [9]. given by
A PV cell is usually embodied by an electrical
equivalent of one-diode; series resistance (Rs)
and parallel resistance (Rp) is shown in Fig. 10.
The different parameters characteristics of the
Io : reverse saturation current of diode
PV cells are:
q : elementary electron charge
(1.602x10 C)
Iph : currents generated by the solar cells
Vd : diode voltage
k : Boltzmann constant 1.381x10-23
Rs : resistance in series (Ω)
Rp : resistance in parallel (Ω)
T : temperature in Kelvin (K)
Ga : irradiance from the sunlight (W/m2)
The relation between voltage and current result
Tc : cell temperature (K)
by replacing the diode current
Id : diode current (A)
I : output current of the PV (A)
I = Iph - Id (6)
V : output voltage of the PV (V)
Manufacturer of the solar module gives other
Current equal to zero calculating at temperature
parameters needed to model the solar cells. The
T1. [4] Where Vd is the output voltage of the PV
datasheet which gives the electrical
cell. The reverse saturation Io is found by using
characteristics is calculated under standard test
the above equation. By setting the current
condition STC when the temperature T is 25°C
and the irradiance G is 1000 W/m2.
The current generated by the solar cells Iph can
be approximated with the short circuit current Isc
in [4]. The current generated can be calculated
for other irradiance. The standard current,
temperature and irradiance from the datasheet
are used to determine the current at different
condition [11].
Fig. 10 Equivalent circuit of solar cell with one (9)
The parameters that can be found inside the Where
datasheet are Isc(T1) : current at temperature T1
Voc : open circuit voltage (V) T1 nom : the temp. of cell from datasheet
Isc : short-circuit current (A) at STC
Pmp : power at maximum power point Gnom : irradiance from datasheet at
Vmp : voltage at maximum power point STC

After calculation [5], gives the equation of the Open circuit voltage 44.2
PV Voc
Current at maximum 4.75
power point IMPP
Voltage at maximum 35.8
Where a, is the diode quality factor power point VMPP
between 0 and 1 and must be estimated. The Number of cells in 72
value of “a” is equal to 1 for ideal diode. V is the series Ns
cell voltage. For a PV module, the cell voltage is
multiplied by the total amount of the cells found Temperature (0.065±0.015)%/oc
within the series. The reverse saturation current coefficient of Isc
Io depends on the temperature T. It is calculated
by the following equation [1]. Temperature - (160±20)mV/oc
coefficient of Voc
Different models of the photovoltaic are
The value of resistance in series Rs is developed in so many literatures. The following
quantified from the slope dv/di of the I- V curve equation developed in [6] will be used mainly in
at the point open circuit voltage [7]. The this report. The model consists of finding the
equation Rs is given by curve characteristic of the PV module from the
The goal is to find the values of Rs and Rp that
(12) makes the mathematical P-V curve coincide with
The model is completed by using the the experimental peak power at the (Vmp, Imp )
following recursive equations to find the point. The value of Rs and Rp are reached when
currents [4]. The recursive equation is used to the iteration stopped for Pmax calculated is equal
calculate the current for a PV cell. It is more to Pmax estimated.
convenient to solve numerically. The equation The circuit model of the PV module is shown in
introduces a simplified method to calculate Fig. 11. It is a controlled current source with the
resistance in series and neglect the resistance in equivalent resistors and the equation of the
parallel [15]. model above. The variation of the power being
taken by the load varies the PV voltage.



The following model uses different method
to calculate the resistance series and resistance
parallel. For example, the BP 3170 is made of 72
solar cells (silicon nitride multi-crystalline) in
series and provides 170W of nominal maximum
power. The maximum power point’s voltage is Fig. 11 Circuit model of the photovoltaic module
35.8V and current delivered at maximum power
point is 4.75 A. The parameters of the BP 3170 VII. PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY
are given in Table - 1, which is essential to The PV array is composed of several
model the PV array. interconnected photovoltaic modules. The
modelling process is the same as the PV module
TABLE I PV MODULE BP 3170 from the PV cells. The same parameters from the
DATASHEET AT STC datasheet are used. To obtain the required power,
Short circuit current 5.2A voltage and current, the PV modules are
Isc associated in series and parallel [14]. The


number of modules connected in series and

connected in parallel must be calculated. Fig. 12
shows a photovoltaic array, which consists of
multiple modules, linked in parallel and series.
Nser is the total quantity of modules within the
series and Npar is amount of modules in parallel.
The number of modules modifies the value of
resistance in parallel and resistance in series.
The value of equivalent resistance in series and
resistance in parallel of the PV array are: [1], [2],
Fig. 13 Model structure of the Photovoltaic array
It constitute from the single- diode
photovoltaic I-V model which provides the all
necessary information to effortlessly develop a
(14) single-diode photovoltaic array model for
After extending the relation current voltage of analyzing and simulating a photovoltaic array.
the PV modules to a PV array, the new relation
of current voltage of the PV array is calculated in
[6] by
The simulation of the photovoltaic array is
realized with Simulink block. The MATLAB
(15) model of the photovoltaic array is based from
[2], [16]. The input parameters required for the
Where Io, Ipv, Vt are the same parameters used models are:
for a PV modules. Ns : number of cells in series
Npp : number modules in parallel
Nss : number of modules in series
A : 1.3977, diode constant
K : 1.38e-23, Boltzmann constant
Iscn : nominal short-circuit voltage
Kp : voltage temperature constant
Ki : current temperature
Vmp : voltage at maximum power
Imp : current at maximum power

Fig. 12. PV Array composed of Nser x Npar


This equation is valid for any given array

formed with identical modules. The photovoltaic
array will be simulated with this equation. The
simulation circuit must include the number
modules series and parallel. Fig. 13 shows the
circuit model of the PV array [15].
Fig. 14 Simulink diagram for the model of the
photovoltaic array


PV are the irradiation & temperature, the outputs

are the voltage and the current. Fig. 16 shows the
mask interface of this PV model. The input
parameter for this model is the photovoltaic
current. The variation of the current from the
photovoltaic, varies the photovoltaic output
voltage. The Simulink model is derived from the
model described in [2], [16].


Fig. 15 Simulink block of the photovoltaic array CHARACTERISTICS
/ module In this simulation I-V and P-V characteristics
of the PV are simulated only for one module. It
means here value of NSS and NPP are taken 1. Fig
17 displays the Simulation results. In Fig. 17(a),
the current-voltage characteristics of the PV
module BP 3170 is exposed. It can be noted that
the maximum current output is 4.75A and the
maximum voltage is 35.8 V. These are the same
value as given from the manufacturer in Table 1.
Fig. 17(b) is the power versus voltage curve. It
can be noted that the maximum power of the
single module is 170 W [8], [12].

Fig. 17 (a) I-V curve of the BP 3170 module at

T=25oC and G=1000 W/m2

Fig. 16 Simulink subsystem model of the

photovoltaic array / module
The model of the photovoltaic array has been
implemented in Simulink as shown in Fig. 14.
The temperature and the irradiance are specified.
This simulation allows having the curve I-V and
P-V characteristics. The Simulink model uses a
current source, voltage source and the value of
the resistance in series and parallel of the PV.
The number of modules in series and parallel are
set with Nss and Npp. The Im result is used for the
Fig. 17 (b) P-V curve of the BP 3170 module at
Simulink block as a current source to obtain the
T=25oC and G=1000 W/m2
voltage and current delivered from PV [8], [16].
Fig. 15 is the representation block of the PV
that can be used with different power circuits in
Simulink. It can be noted that the inputs of the



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