Conscience is the
Conscience, as Voice of the Spirit
E.W. Kenyon has said, E. W. Kenyon
is the voice of our
Pastor Joe McIntyre
spirit. As we mature in
Christ, we learn to lis-
T he one who does not crave
righteousness has a smothered
By walking in Love we keep in
harmony with Heaven.
ten to the voice of our conscience. It conscience. Happiness comes from the sens-
becomes for us, as our minds are Conscience is often drowned in es. Joy comes from fellowship with
renewed, a safe guide in the affairs of life. a sea of sin. the Word. Joy is the companion of
Many believers, unfortunately, do not Man was created to fellowship love. Joy can be unspeakable and full
walk with a clear conscience before the with God. The spirit can find no rest of glory when the spirit and reason
Father. They fail to see the tremendous away from Him. The senses can give are in harmony with the Word.
difference between the power and value no peace to the human spirit. They Selfishness wrecks Love and
of the blood of Jesus and that of the blood cannot satisfy the heart cry. God destroys fellowship. Happiness can
of bulls and goats. Under the old coven- alone can answer that. never take the place of Joy. When
The human spirit craves fellow- Joy is destroyed, the heart is deso-
ant, there was a continuous reminder of
ship with Heaven, but there is no fel- late.
sin by the repeated offerings necessary to Religion gives happiness, but
lowship without righteousness, and
maintain rightstanding with God. In the there is no righteousness without never Joy. Christ can give Joy in the
New Covenant, however, Jesus has once eternal life. midst of sorrow, when happiness has
and for all offered Himself without blem- Sin consciousness is the slave- fled.
ish to God. His blood cleanses our con- driver of man. When man knows When the senses rule, the body is
science from dead works – works not that God has made him righteous, on the throne. The spirit is impris-
done in faith – so that we may serve God he becomes Satan’s master. oned. Faith is weakened.
effectively. There are no new creation spirits We walk in darkness when the
It is the Father’s will that we walk free without eternal life, the nature of Word is neglected. Prayer is but a
from guilt and shame. He would have us God. form. No zeal for souls. The senses
stand upright in His presence and enjoy Man is ruled by sin consciousness will put Self on the throne. Con-
born of spiritual death. Satan often science is no longer heeded. The
deep, rich fellowship with Him. Doing
keeps a new creation in bondage to Word no longer comforts. The
this honors the price that Christ paid to
sin consciousness through ignorance. guidance of the Holy Spirit is no
redeem us. Religious humility that glories Condemnation is of the spirit. longer sought. We are turning to
in weakness, sinfulness and failure, has Sense knowledge does not convict of man for help. Love no longer lights
replaced true humiliy in the lives of many spiritual things. the way. Self chooses the light of
in the Church. True humility glories in Here are some vital facts that the senses. Self has destroyed Joy.
what the Father has done for us in Christ, believers should know. Condem- Now it is seeking happiness.
not in human frailty. It honors the Father nation of sin is not of the senses Wisdom of the senses is usually
when we are filled with thanksgiving for until after one has sinned. Then dangerous. It is usually selfish and
His glorious redemption and the demon- sense knowledge sides in with the seeks only its own.
stration of His mercy and grace in the spirit and fills one with misery Selfishness feeds on the helpless-
and remorse. ness of others. Selfishness knows no
Cross and Resurrection.
Our spirit is the custodian of actual ties as brothers. It always
(continued on page 4) fellowship. Our spirit should always seeks its own, and lives but to satisfy
be in harmony with our reason. its desires. ✞
Herald of Life
NEWS of the Ministry
God Inside Minded
E. W. Kenyon
Among the most precious of the facts When some problem comes that baffles us
about the Divine Life is that we have God in again we will whisper, “Lord, here is your
us. opportunity, I cannot see through this, Thou
It does not seem possible. canst, and so I trust Thee to give Thy Wisdom
Human reason cannot grasp it. at this crisis.”
The human mind is staggered by it, but it What a Life!
is true that “Greater is He that is in you than Having that mighty One living in you.
He that is in the world.” Always there, always ready.
Bonnie & Jim Dofelmier Christianity is not a religion, nor science, His healing strength, His mental strength,
philosophy or metaphysics. His love strength, all inside us.