2 Construction Work
2 Construction Work
2 Construction Work
1 Provisional Sum
Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate(NPR) Amount(NPR)
1 Man Power c)
Skilled Labour Md.
Unskilled Labour Md. 0.86 845.00 726.70
7. Description of the Items:Eathwork excavation in boulder mixed soil including 10 m haulage and 1.50 m lift 7. Description of the Items:Eathwork excavation in soft rock in
Unit: 1.00 m3 S.No.
S.No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate Amount (NRs.) Remarks
(NRs.) a)
1 1. Labour b)
Unit: 1.00 m3
S.No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate Amount (NRs.) Remarks
(NRs.) b)
1 Man Power
Skilled Labour Md.
Unskilled Labour Md. 4.5 845.00 3,802.50
Sub total 3,802.50
2 Materials 0
Sub total
3 Tools and Plants 3% of Labour cost 114.08 c)
Total of (1+2+3) 3,916.58
Contractor Overhead and profit 15%
Total 3,916.58
11. Description of the Items:Eathwork in filling with common materials 11. Description of the Items:Eathwork in filling with common
Unit: 1.00 m3 S.No.
S.No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate Amount (NRs.) Remarks
(NRs.) a)
1 Man Power
Skilled Labour Md. b)
Unskilled Labour Md. 0.5 845.00 422.50 c)
Sub total 422.50 d)
2 Materials 0
Sub total
3 Tools and Plants 3% of Labour cost 12.68
Total of (1+2+3) 435.18
Contractor Overhead and profit 15%
Total 435.18
14. Description of the Items:Dry stone masonry wall upto 5.00 m height
Unit: 1.00 m3
S.No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate Amount (NRs.) Remarks
1 Man Power
Skilled Labour Md. 1 1,030.00 1,030.00
Unskilled Labour Md. 2 845.00 1,690.00 16. Description of the Items:Random rubbel masonry wall in (
Sub total 2,720.00 Unit: 1.00 m3
2 Materials S.No.
Stone m3 1.1 500 550.00 1
Sub total 550.00
Total of (1+2) 3,270.00
Contractor Overhead and profit 15%
Total 3,270.00 2
16. Description of the Items:Random rubbel masonry wall in (1:3) cement mortar 2
Unit: 1.00 m3
Unit Rate
S.No. Description Unit Quantity (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
1 Man Power
Skilled Labour Md. 2 1,030.00 2,060.00
Unskilled Labour Md. 5.4 845.00 4,563.00
Sub total 6,623.00 3
2 Materials
Cement Mtn. 0.194 16,500.00 3,201.00
Sand m 0.42 3,213.67 1,349.74
Stone m 1.1 2,366.11 2,602.72
Sub total 7,153.45
Total of (1+2) 13,776.45
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% 18. Description of the Items:Random rubbel masonry wall in (
Total 13,776.45 Unit: 1.00 m3
17. Description of the Items:Random rubbel masonry wall in (1:4) cement mortar 2
Unit: 1.00 m3
Unit Rate
S.No. Description Unit Quantity Amount (NRs.) Remarks
1 Man Power
Skilled Labour Md. 2 1,030.00 2,060.00
Unskilled Labour Md. 5.4 845.00 4,563.00
Sub total 6,623.00 3
2 Materials
Cement Mtn. 0.159 16500.0 2,623.50
Sand m 0.45 3,213.67 1,446.15
Stone m3 1.1 2,366.11 2,602.72
Sub total 6,672.36
Total of (1+2) 13,295.36
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% 19. Description of the Items: P.C.C. (1:3:6) (M10/40) in founda
Total 13,295.36 Unit: 1.00 m3
18. Description of the Items:Random rubbel masonry wall in (1:6) cement mortar 2
Unit: 1.00 m
Unit Rate
S.No. Description Unit Quantity Amount (NRs.) Remarks
1 Man Power
Skilled Labour Md. 2 1,030.00 2,060.00
Unskilled Labour Md. 5.4 845.00 4,563.00
Sub total 6,623.00
2 Materials
Cement Mtn. 0.106 16500.0 1,749.00 3
Sand m3 0.47 3,213.67 1,510.42
Stone m3 1.1 2,366.11 2,602.72
Sub total 5,862.14
Total of (1+2) 12,485.14
Contractor Overhead and profit 15%
Total 12,485.14
25. Description of the Items: P.C.C. in plum concrete (1:1:2) with 50% of Plum 25. Description of the Items: P.C.C. in plum concrete (1:2:4) w
Unit: 1.00 m Unit: 1.00 m3
Unit Rate
S.No. Description Unit Quantity Amount (NRs.) Remarks S.No.
1 Man Power 1
Skilled Labour Md. 0.5 1,030.00 515.00
Unskilled Labour Md. 5 845.00 4,225.00
Sub total 4,740.00
2 Materials 2
Cement Mtn. 0.375 16500 6,187.50
Sand m 0.45 3214 1,446.15
Aggregate10-20 m 0.58 3320 1,925.37
Aggregate10 0.3 3320 995.88
Selected boulder m 0.5 Err:509 Err:509
Sub total Err:509
Total of (1+2) Err:509
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% Err:509
Total Err:509 26. Description of the Items: Cutting, bending and fixing of R
Unit: 1.00 Mtn.
27. Description of the Items: Wooden formwork on wall, verti
Unit: 1.00 m2
27. Description of the Items: Wooden formwork on wall, vertical surface height upto 4m. ( For 10 m2)
Unit: 1.00 m2
Unit Rate
S.No. Description Unit Quantity Amount (NRs.) Remarks 2
1 Man Power
Skilled Labour Md. 1.72 1,030.00 1,771.60
Unskilled Labour Md. 2.57 845.00 2,171.65
Sub total 3,943.25
2 Materials
29. Description of the Items: Plywood formwork on pear and
Unit: 1.00 m2
31. Description of the Items:Gabion crate making and filling b
Unit: 1.00 m3
33. Description of the Items : Dress stone linning (Five sides r
Unit: 1.00 m3
36. Description of the Items: 12.5 mm thick cement plastering
Unit: 1.00 m2
38. CGI Roffing 26 Gaudge
Contractor Overhead and profit 0%
1. Description of the Items: Construction Site Clearance (Thick Bush Cutting and removal)
Unit: 1 sq. m.
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power
Skilled Labour Md.
Unskilled Labour Md. 0.06 845.00 50.70
Sub total 50.70
Sub total
Tools and Plants 3% of Labour cost 1.52
Total of (1+2+3) 52.22
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% -
Total 52.22
4. Description of the Items:E/W Excavation in pipeline in all type of soil including 10 m haulage and 1.50 m lift
Unit: 1.00 m3
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power
Skilled Labour Md.
Unskilled Labour Md. 0.75 845.00 633.75
Sub total 633.75
Sub total
Tools and Plants 3% of Labour cost 19.01
Total of (1+2+3) 652.76
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% -
Total 652.76
5. Description of the Items:E/W In Excavation in pipeline gully cutting in soft soil including 15 m haulage and 3.0 m lift
Unit: 1.00 m3
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power
Skilled Labour Md.
Unskilled Labour Md. 0.86 845.00 726.70
Sub total 726.70
Sub total
Tools and Plants 3% of Labour cost 21.80
Total of (1+2+3) 748.50
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% -
Total 748.50
5. Description of the Items:Eathwork excavation in soft soil including 10 m haulage and 1.50 m lift (1m3)
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Un-skilled Labour md 0.9 845.00 760.50
Tools and plants 22.82 3% of labour cost
Standard specification
for Road and bridge
Subtotal 783.32
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% - Activity no. 9.02
Grand Total 783.32 Spec. Clause No. 905
6. Description of the Items:Eathwork excavation in boulder mixed soil including 10 m haulage and 1.50 m lift (1m3)
7. Description of the Items:Eathwork excavation in soft rock including 10 m haulage and 1.50 m lift (1m3)
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Un-skilled Labour md 3 845.00 2,535.00
Tools and plants 76.05 3% of labour cost
Standard specification
for Road and bridge
Subtotal 2,611.05
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% - Activity no. 9.02
Grand Total 2,611.05 Spec. Clause No. 905
8. A) Description of the Items:Eathwork excavation in hard rock without blasting including 10 m haulage and 1.50 m lift (1m3)
8. B) Description of the Items:Eathwork excavation in hard rock withblasting including 10 m haulage and 1.50 m lift (1m3)
Gelatin kg 0.25
Detonator no. 2
fusewire mtr 2
Subtotal 0
Tools and plants - 3% of labour cost
Standard specification
for Road and bridge
Subtotal Err:509
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% Err:509 Activity no. 9.02
Grand Total Err:509 Spec. Clause No. 905
Man Power
Skilled Labour Md.
Unskilled Labour Md. 6 845.00 5,070.00
Sub total 5,070.00
Materials 0
Sub total
Tools and Plants 3% of Labour cost 152.10
Total of (1+2+3) 5,222.10
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% -
Total 5,222.10
10. Description of the Items:Eathwork excavation in Hard rock with chisel including 10 m haulage and 1.50 m lift
Unit: 1.00 m3
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power
Skilled Labour Md.
Unskilled Labour Md. 12 845.00 10,140.00
Sub total 10,140.00
Materials 0
Sub total
Tools and Plants 3% of Labour cost 304.20
Total of (1+2+3) 10,444.20
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% -
Total 10,444.20
11. Description of the Items:Eathwork in filling with common materials (depth upto 1.5m) (1m3)
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power
Skilled Labour Md.
Unskilled Labour Md. 0.7 845.00 591.50
Sub total 591.50
Filling material m3 1.1 Err:509 Err:509
Sub total Err:509
Tools and Plants 3% of Labour cost 17.75
Total of (1+2+3) Err:509
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% Err:509
Total Err:509
13. Description of the Items:Dry stone Masonry (coursed rubble) including dressing etc. complete as per specification, lead 30m
Unit: 1.00 m3
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Skilled md 1.25 1,030.00 1287.5
Unskilled md 2 845.00 1690
Sub- total 2977.50
Block stone (rubble) m3 1.15 2,366.11 2721.02
Sub-total 2721.02
Standard specification
Total 5698.52 for Road and bridge
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% 0.00 Activity no. 26.01
Grand Total 5698.52 Spec. Clause No. 2602
15. Providing and laying Random rubble stone masonary in mud mortar lead 30m masoned height (0-5m)
Unit: 1.00 m3
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power
Skilled Labour Md. 1 1,030.00 1,030.00
Unskilled Labour Md. 2.25 845.00 1,901.25
Sub total 2,931.25
Stone m3 1.15 2,366.11 2,721.02
mud (clay) m3 0.40 50.00 20.00
water ltr 60.00 0.50 30.00
Sub total 2,771.02
Standard specification
Total of (1+2) 5,702.27 for Road and bridge
16. Description of the Items:Random rubbel masonry wall in (1:3) cement mortar (machine mixing)
Unit: 1.00 m3
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power
Skilled Labour Md 1.5 1,030.00 1,545.00
Unskilled Laubour Md 3.5 845.00 2,957.50
Sub total 4,502.50
Cement ton 0.19 16,500.00 3,135.00
Sand m3 0.4 3,213.67 1,285.47
Stone m3 1.15 2,366.11 2,721.02
Diesel lit 1 120 120.00
17. Description of the Items:Random rubbel masonry wall in (1:4) cement mortar (machine mixing)
Unit: 1.00 m3
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power
Skilled Labour Md 1.5 1,030.00 1,545.00
Unskilled Laubour Md 3.5 845.00 2,957.50
Sub total 4,502.50
Cement ton 0.155 16,500.00 2,557.50
18. Description of the Items:Random rubbel masonry wall in (1:6) cement mortar (machine mixing)
Unit: 1.00 m3
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power
Skilled Labour Md 1.5 1,030.00 1,545.00
Unskilled Laubour Md 3.5 845.00 2,957.50
Sub total 4,502.50
Cement ton 0.105 16,500.00 1,732.50
19. Description of the Items: P.C.C. (1:3:6) (M10/40) in foundation of structure. (Machine Mixed)
Unit: 1.00 m3
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power
Skilled Labour Md. 0.5 1,030.00 515.00
Unskilled Labour Md. 3.5 845.00 2,957.50
Sub total 3,472.50
Cement ton 0.22 16,500.00 3,630.00
25. Description of the Items: P.C.C. in plum concrete (1:2:4) with 50% of Plum
Unit: 1.00 m3
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power
Skilled Labour Md. 0.5 1,030.00 515.00
Unskilled Labour Md. 5 845.00 4,225.00
Sub total 4,740.00
Cement Mtn. 0.15 16500.00 2,475.00
Sand m 0.2 3,213.67 642.73
Aggregate m 0.4 3,319.61 1,327.84
Selected boulder m3 0.5 Err:509 Err:509
Sub total Err:509
Total of (1+2) Err:509
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% Err:509
Total Err:509
26. Description of the Items: Cutting, bending and fixing of Reinforcement steel bar
Unit: 1.00 Mtn.
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power
Skilled Labour Md. 10 1,030.00 10,300.00
Unskilled Labour Md. 13 845.00 10,985.00
Sub total 21,285.00
Re-bar Mtn. 1.05 84,000.00 88,200.00
Binding wire Kg 10 92.00 920.00
Sub total 89,120.00
Total of (1+2) 110,405.00
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% -
Total 110,405.00
27. Description of the Items: Wooden formwork on wall, vertical surface height upto 4m. ( For 10 m2)
Unit: 1.00 m2
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power
Skilled Labour Md. 2.2 1,030.00 2266
Unskilled Labour Md. 2.2 845.00 1859
Sub total 4125
Ply wood 9mm thick m2 11 600 6600
strut, ballies m3 0.4 Err:509 Err:509
Nail, spikesetc Kg 2.5 112.00 280.00
Sub total Err:509
Total of (1+2) Err:509
Standard specification
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% Err:509 for Road and bridge
Total Err:509 Activity No. 18.02.01
Cost for (single use) 1.00 m Err:509 Spec. Clause No. 1805
Err:509 Using 8-12 times
28. Description of the Items: Wooden formwork on wall, vertical surface Ht. from 4.00m to 10.00 m ( For 10 m2)
Unit: 1.00 m2
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power
Skilled Labour Md. 5.19 1,030.00 5,345.70
Unskilled Labour Md. 7.5 845.00 6,337.50
Sub total 11,683.20
Timber m3 1.478 #REF! #VALUE! Local rate=Rs. 7064/m3
Nail Kg 6.93 112.00 776.16 No. of use = 3 times
Sub total #VALUE!
Total of (1+2) #VALUE!
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% #VALUE!
Total #VALUE!
Cost for 1.00 m2 #VALUE!
29. Description of the Items: Plywood formwork on pear and column for more than 4 m height (For 10 m2)
Unit: 1.00 m2
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power
Skilled Labour Md. 4.00 1,030.00 4,120.00
Unskilled Labour Md. 5.00 845.00 4,225.00
Sub total 8,345.00
Plywood m2 10.00 Err:509 Err:509 19 mm thick
Local rate=Rs.
Battern/Bulley m 0.45 #REF! #VALUE! 12000/m3
Nail Kg 6.93 112.00 776.16 No. of use = 3 times
Sub total Err:509
Total of (1+2) Err:509
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% Err:509
Total Err:509
Cost for 1.00 m Err:509
30. Description of the Items: Plywood formwork on pear and column for less than 4 m height (For 10 m2)
Unit: 1.00 m
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power
31. Description of the Items:Gabion crate making and filling by boulder (Size 2m*1m*1m)
Unit: 1.00 m3
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power
Skilled Labour Sq.m. 11.00 12 132.00 For making
Skilled Labour Md. 0.93 1,030.00 957.90 For filling
Unskilled Labour Md. 2.44 845.00 2061.80 For filling
Sub total 3151.70
Mesh wire 10 SWG Kg 30.60 105.00 3213.00
Selvege 7 SWG Kg 5.67 105.00 595.35
Binding wire 12 SWG Kg 0.50 84.00 42.00
Boulder m3 2.20 2,366.11 5205.43
Sub total 9055.78
Total of (1+2) 12207.48
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% 0.00
Total 12207.48
Cost for 1.00 m3 6103.74
Man Power
Skilled Labour Md. 0.15 1,030.00 154.50 For making
Unskilled Labour Md. 0.10 845.00 84.50 For making
Sub total 239.00
Pump 4" and accessories Hour 24.00 2.3 55.20 Rs.2.30/hour
Electriciry Hour 24.00 21 504.00
Sub total 559.20
Total of (1+2) 798.20
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% 0.00
Total in 24 hour 798.20
Cost for 1.00 hour 33.26
33. Description of the Items : Dress stone linning (Five sides rough and one side smooth dressed)
Unit: 1.00 m3
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power
Unskilled Labour Md. For collection & dressing
Skilled Labour Md. For linning
Unskilled Labour Md. For linning
Sub total
Cement Mtn.
Sand m3
Sub total
Total of (1+2)
Contractor Overhead and profit 15%
Total 0.00
34. Description of the Items : Dress stone linning (Three sides rough and one side smooth dressed)
Unit: 1.00 m3
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power
Unskilled Labour Md. For collection & dressing
Skilled Labour Md. For linning
Unskilled Labour Md. For linning
Sub total
Cement Mtn.
Sand m3
Sub total
Total of (1+2)
Contractor Overhead and profit 15%
Total 0.00
35. Description of the Items: 20 mm thick cement plastering work (1:4) for 100m2
Unit: 1.00 m2
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power
Unskilled Labour Md. 20.00 845.00 16900.00
Skilled Labour Md. 20.00 1,030.00 20600.00
Sub total 37500.00
Cement Mtn. 0.80 14,500.00 11600.00
Sand m3 2.10 0 0.00
Sub total 11600.00
Total of (1+2) 49100.00
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% 0.00
Total 49100.00
Cost for 1.00 m2 491.00
36. Description of the Items: 12.5 mm thick cement plastering work (1:4) for 100 m2
Unit: 1.00 m2
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power
Unskilled Labour Md. 19.00 845.00 16055.00
Skilled Labour Md. 19.00 1,030.00 19570.00
Sub total 35625.00
Cement Mtn. 0.54 14,500.00 7801.00
Sand m3 1.46 0 0.00
Sub total 7801.00
Total of (1+2) 43426.00
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% 0.00
Total 43426.00
Cost for 1.00 m2 434.26
37. Description of the Items: Fabrication, Transportation and Erection of Penstock Pipe with Materials
Unit: per Mtn
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.) Remarks
Man Power at site
Fabricator Md. 14.00 #REF! #VALUE!
Welder Md. 13.00 #REF! #VALUE!
Painter Md. 9.00 #REF! #VALUE!
Unskilled Labour Md. 22.00 845.00 18,590.00
Sub total #VALUE!
Steel Sheet Mt 1.05 70000 73,500.00
Welding Rods LS 3500 3,500.00
Sub total 77,000.00
Transportation up to Manufacturer Mt 1.00 1200 1,200.00
Transportation to the Site Mt 1.00 1500 1,500.00
Acid bath/sand blasting and epoxy LS 20000 20,000.00
Site Erection LS 1400 1,400.00
Electricity Power LS 1075 1,075.00
Sub total 25,175.00
Total of (1+2+3) #VALUE!
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% #VALUE!
Total #VALUE!
Unit: 1.00 m3
S.No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.)
1 Man Power
Skilled Labour Md 1.5 1,030.00 1,545.00
Unskilled Laubour Md 3.5 845.00 2,957.50
Sub total 4,502.50
2 Material
Cement ton 0.155 16,500.00 2,557.50
Sand m3 0.45 3,213.67 1,446.15
Stone m3 1.15 2,366.11 2,721.02
Diesel lit 1 100 100.00
Sub total 6,824.67
3 Equipment
Concrete mixture hr 0.15 435 65.25
Sub total 65.25
5. Earth work in excavation( Ordinary Soil) of foundation of structures, including construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other
deleterious matter and backfilling with approved Material as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.( Manually)
4. Providing and laying of Plain Cement Concrete M 10 ( or 1:3:6 for nominal mix) in Foundation complete as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Unit: 1.00 m3
S.No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.)
1 Man Power
Skilled Labour Md. 0.5 1,030.00 515.00
Unskilled Labour Md. 3.5 845.00 2,957.50
Sub total 3,472.50
2 Materials
Cement ton 0.22 16,500.00 3,630.00
Sand m3 0.48 3,213.67 1,542.56
Aggregates (20-40) mm m3 0.65 3,319.61 2,157.75
Aggregates (10-20) mm m 0.25 3,319.61 829.90
petrol ltr 0.1 110 11.00
diesel ltr 3 100 300.00
Sub total 8,471.21
3 Equipment
Concrete mixer hr 0.6 435 261
vibrator hr 0.25 250 62.5
Sub total 323.5
Providing and placing Machine mixed cement concrete[cement (1): sand(1.5) : aggregate (3) ] M20/20
including Formwork compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and
drawing.( RCC Grade M20)
Unit: 1.00 m3
X. Description of the Items: Ply Formwork on wall, vertical surface height upto 4m. ( For 10 m2)
Unit: 1.00 m2
S.No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.)
1 Man Power
Skilled Labour Md. 2.50 110.00 275.00
Unskilled Labour Md. 2.00 100.00 200.00
Sub total 475.00
2 Materials
Plywood m2 10.00 224.31 2,243.13
Batten/Bulley m3 0.45 435 195.75
Nail Kg 1.93 250.00 482.50
Form Oil Kg 1.00 80.00 80.00
Sub total 3,001.38
Total of (1+2) 3,476.38
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% 521.46
Total 3,997.83
Cost for 1.00 m2 399.78
3. Providing and laying Reinforcement(TMT) including cutting, bending, binding, fixing in position and lead
30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
Unit: 1.00 Mtn.
S.No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.)
1 Man Power
Skilled Labour Md. 10 1,030.00 10,300.00
Unskilled Labour Md. 13 845.00 10,985.00
Sub total 21,285.00
2 Materials
Re-bar Mtn. 1.05 78,000.00 81,900.00
Binding wire Kg 10 92.00 920.00
Sub total 82,820.00
Total of (1+2) 104,105.00
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% 15,615.75
Total 119,720.75
Total 814.63
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% 122.19
Grand Total 936.83
Total 397.65
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% 59.65
Grand Total 457.30
Total 553.35
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% 83.00
Grand Total 636.35
Providing, Laying and Levelling dry stone soling works in foundation all complete.
Unit: 1.00 m3
Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate (NRs.) Amount (NRs.)
1 Labour
Skilled md 1 1,030.00 1030
Unskilled md 2 845.00 1690
Sub- total 2720.00
2 Materials
Block stone (rubble) m3 1.15 2,366.11 2721.02
Sub-total 2721.02
3 Equipment
Total 5441.02
Contractor Overhead and profit 15% 816.15
Grand Total 6257.17
Remarks Contract
Standard specification for Road and
bridge 8,889.92
Activity no. 26.03 133349%
Spec. Clause No. 2603 10,223.41
Per Sq. m
3% of labour cost
Standard specification for Road and
Activity no. 9.02
Spec. Clause No. 905
omplete as per
Standard specification for Road and
Activity no. 20.01
Spec. Clause No. 2000
on and
Mix Design
Considering Reuse for 10-12 times
and lead
Per kg
3% of labour cost