65 Item Nursing Exam

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1) The definitive host is an animal:

1-Entamoeba histolitica
2-Toxoplasma Gondii
3-Trypanosoma cruzi
5- Giardia lamblia
2) One is not found (involve) in colorimetric:
1- Cuvett
2-light source
3- Photo sensor and analyzer
4-fule source
3) The smallest molecular weight Ig is:
4) Bacteria can cause pathogenesis to human by:
2-Secret enzymes
3-Endogenous toxins
4-Exogenous toxins
5-All of the above
5) Neutrophil count is high in:
1-Acute bacterial infection
2- Iron deficiency anemia
3-Megaloblastic anemia
6) One is not correctly paired:
1- α- cells→ glucagon
2- β- cells → insulin

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3- Parathyroid
→ calcium
4- Corpus
luteum → Progesterone
5- Estrogen → seminiferous tubules
7) Function of pili of the bacteria:
1- Attachment to the host tissue
2- Movement
3- Reproduction (multiplication)
4- Engulf of food
5- All of the above
8) Hb A2 is consisting of:
1- 3 ά chains and 2 γ chains
2- 2 ά chains and 2 β chains
3- 2 ά chains and 2 δ chains
4- 2 ά chains and 3 δ chains
5- 3 ά chains and 2 δ chains
9) The main (most) Hb found in adult is:
1- Hb A
2- Hb A2
3- Hb F
10) Blood medium commonly used in blood bank:
1- Citrate Phosphate Dextrose adenine (CPD-A)
2- EDTA anticoagulant
3- Heparin anticoagulant
4- Saline alanin glucose maltose (SAGM)
11) Indirect anti-antibody test used to detect:
1- Sensitized RBCs in patient blood
2- IgG
3- IgM
4- Sensitized antibody in patient serum
5- Non of the above

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12) Direct anti-antibody test used to detect:
1- Sensitized RBCs in patient blood
2- IgG
3- IgM
4- Sensitized antibody in patient serum
5- Non of the above
13) Anti-Human Immunoglubin is:
1- Coombs reagent
2- Anti-Ab
3- IgG
4- All of the above
5- Non of the above
14) Rh-ve patient means he dose not have:
1- E antigen
2- D antigen
3- B antigen
4- C antigen
5- Non of the above
15) Detection of malaria parasite is by:
1- Thick blood film
16) One is always non motile gram –ve rods:
1-Haemophilus Influenza
3- E.coli
4- Salmonella
5- Borditella Pertusis
17) One is motile gram –ve rods:
1- Haemophilus Influenza
2- Bacillus anthracis
3- Pseudomonas aerogenes

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4- Vibrio
5- Yersinia

18) One is gram +ve oval (cocci):

1- Bacillus anthracis
2- Meningococci
3- Pneumococci
19) A child diagnosis show scarlet fever the cause is:
1- Streptococcus Pyogenes
2- Staphylococci aureus
20) Xylose lysine Deoxycholate (XLD) is:
1- Selective media
2- Simple media
3- Differential media
4- Enriched media
5- Enrichment
21) Function of Thyroxin is:
1- Increase Oogenesis
2- Stimulate contraction of uterus
3- Increase basal metabolic
22) Increase in Thyroxin Stimulating Hormone (TSH) causes:
1- Cushing disease
2- Gigantism
2- Exophthalamic goiter
3- Hypoglycemia
23) Function of Estrogen:
1- Increase Oogenesis
2- Stimulate contraction of uterus
3- Increase basal metabolic
24) Infective stage of Entrobius Vermicularis is:

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1- Larva
2- Cercaria
3- Egg
4- Cyst
5- Metacercaria

25) Infective stage of Taenia:

1- Larva
2- Cercaria
3- Embryonated egg
4- Cyst
5- Metacercaria
26) Autoinfection of human can caused in case of:
1- Entrobius Vermicularis
2- Taenia Sp.
3- Anclystoma Dudenal
4- Ascaris Lumbercoidis
27) The leukocyte that involve in Adaptive and Acquired immunity:
1- Lymphocyte
2- Neutrophil
3- Monocyte
4- Basophile
5- Eosinophil
28) The atomic mass of an atom is the number of:
1- Protons and neutrons
2- Protons only
3- Neutrons only
4- Electrons
5- Non of the above
29) In case of obstructive jaundice one is commonly not found:
1- Total bilirubin is elevated
2- High bilirubin in urine

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3- Direct
bilirubin is
within the normal
4- Dark color of urine
5- Clay color of stool

30) In case of Hemolytic jaundice one is not likely to be found:

1- Total bilirubin is elevated
2- High bilirubin in urine
3- No chaing in color of urine
4- Direct bilirubin is within the normal
5- Normal color of stool
31) One is not true about acid:
1- Proton donor
2- Turn litmus paper to blue
3- Sour taste
4- React with alkaline to give water and salt
5- Non of the above
32) Pentose phosphate metabolism cycle is important to the cell because it give:
1- Acetyl CoA
2- ADP
3- ATP
33) Hydrolysis of sucrose result:
1- Only glucose
2- Galactose
3- Fructose + glucose
4- Glucose + Glucose

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5- Maltose + Glucose
34) One is not a
Romanowsky stain:
1- Fields stain
2- Gram stain
3- Geimsa stain
4- Leishman stain

35) Romanowsky stain consists of:

1- Eosin + Alkaline methylene blue
2- Eosin only
3- Methylene blue only
4- Indian Ink
36) Deionization of impure water means:
1- Boiling
2- Filtration
3- Exchange of protons and electrons
37) Iodine stain of Entamoeba cyst used to detect (diagnose):
1- Chromatoidal bars
2- Cell wall
3- Nuclei
38) Hb A consists of:
1- 2 ά chains and 2 δ chains
2- 3 ά chains and 2 β chains
3- 2 ά chains and 2 β chains
4- 2 ά chains and 3 β chains
5- 2 ά chains and 2 γ chains
39) Normal range of leukocyte is:
1- 4-11 X 10^9

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40) Diagnostic
stage of Ascaris
1- Finding of a typical fertilized egg in stool

41) Life span of red blood cells in the circulation (body):

1- 80 days
2- 120 day
3- 130 day
4- 20 day
5- 7 days

42) Increase in growth hormone causes:

1- Cushing disease
2- Gigantism
3- Exophthalamic goiter
4- Hypoglycemia
43) If you see this sign (symbol) in the lab it means:
1- Flammable
2- Corrosive
3- Oxidizing
4- Explosive
5- Toxic
44) Reticulocyte is immature:
1- RBC
2- WBC
3- Platelet
45) Best sterilization of Nutrient media done by:
1- Hot air oven
2- Autoclaving

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46) Most common
method (technique)
used to detect
hormone amount in the laboratories:
1- Spectrophotometry
2- Enzyme Linked Immuno Surbant Assay (ELIZA)
47) Test should be kept away from light:
1- Serum bilirubin
48) Immunoglobulin pregnancy test related to:
1- IgG
2- IgM
3- Human chorionic Gonadotropin

49) Leukocyte responsible for cellular immunity:

1- T-lymphocyte
2- B- lymphocyte
3- Monocyte
4- Basophile
5- Eosinophil
50) Buffer solution is:
1- Chaing color when chaing pH
2- Resist acidic pH
3- Resist alkaline pH
4- Weak acid + weak base
5- Strong acid + weak base
51) An indicator is:
1- Chaing color with chaing pH

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2- Resist acidic pH
3- Resist alkaline pH
4- Weak acid + weak
5- Strong acid + weak base
52) Target of prolactin in female:
1- Ovary
2- Mammary glands
53) Parasite can be detected in vaginal and urethral discharge:
1- Trichomonas Vaginalis
54) Org. (bacteria) arranged in Chinese litters:
1- Corynebacteria Diphtheria
2- Bacillus anthraces
55) Malaria infection transmitted by:
1- Male anopheles mosquito
2- Female anopheles mosquito

56) Heparin is:

1- Protein
2- Enzyme
3- Polysaccharide
4- Oligosaccharide
5- Non of the above
57) One stage prothrombin time used to detect (diagnose) disorders in:
1- Extrinsic coagulation pathway (factors)
2- Intrinsic coagulation pathway (factors)
58) Thrombin time is:
1- Extrinsic coagulation pathway (factors)
2- Intrinsic coagulation pathway (factors)

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3- The conversion
of prothrombin
to fibrinogen in
addition of thrombin
59) Confirmatory test of streptococcus pneumonia:
1- Catalase
2- Optochine disc
3- Coagulase
4- Bile insolubility
5- Bacitracin
60) Most sever (serious) malaria infection caused by:
1- Plasmodium Falcibarum
2- Plasmodium Malaria
3- Plasmodium Ovale
4- Plasmodium Vivax
5- All of the above
61) Parasite can cause fetal cerebral infection:
1- Taenia
2- Toxoplasma gondii
62) Gram +ve cocci arranged in groups (clusters):
1- Streptococci
2- Staphylococci

63) Non motile protozoa:

1- E.coli
2- Entamoeba Histolytica
3- Trypanosoma cruzi
4- Giardia lamblia
5- Trichomonas vaginalis
64) One is always oxidase +ve
1- Haemophilus Influenza

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Pseudomonas aurogenase
65) Leukocyte responsible for response to parasitic and allergic infection:
1- Lymphocyte
2- Nutrophile
3- Monocyte
4- Basophile
5- Eosinophil

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