The Construction of An Indoor Floor Plan PDF
The Construction of An Indoor Floor Plan PDF
The Construction of An Indoor Floor Plan PDF
Abstract—Most blind people require assistance to navigate within introduced the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) [2].
unfamiliar environments as there is often insufficient information OpenBIM [4] describes the database that contains information
about the buildings available to them. To address aspects of this about IFC compatible applications for the whole range of
problem, this paper describes the “AccessBIM” model as an design and construction disciplines, including architectural,
approach to facility management in which a digital
structural, building services, facility management and model
representation of the indoor building features is used to facilitate
the exchange and interoperability of real-time information in viewing. To manage and centralize the construction based on
digital format which can assist blind people to independently the open standard IFC. This research proposes to build an
access unfamiliar building indoor environments. The model Accessible Building Information Model (AccessBIM) to
driven architecture that can be implemented for way finding and centralise and manage the information of the built
data synchronization, generating, in real-time topological map, to environment.
assist vision impaired individuals to navigate known and
unknown indoor environment. II. RELATED WORKS
978-1-4799-6629-5/14/$31.00 2014
c IEEE 145
blind users and on a custom-built end-user device. However,
the “Chatty Environment” by Coroama [6] is focusing on
technology that does not require special hardware, but rather B. Processing Stage 2
equipment that is already generally available. This system uses
standard 802.11 Wi-Fi for positioning and PDAs as end-user
devices, which increases the chances for a widespread use. In At the second stage, two sub processes (Sub Process
a later work they even extend this system to special routing 1 & Sub Process 2) are executed, Sub process 1 includes
algorithms focused to the needs of the blind [15]. However, smoothing, vertex constriction and sphere contraction and sub
their system does not really address common problems with process 2 contain as modification of a relaxation algorithm for
Wi-Fi positioning and its rather coarse precision. error correction of the data (Fig. 2). Using a relaxation
algorithm as a first step can calculate the estimated position
and its variation proposed, the map creation and the post-
III. NAVIGATION MODEL editing put every vertex to its expected position [6].
D. Processing Stage 4
Fig. 10. Outdoor Navigation Results Fig. 11. Outdoor Navigation Results
Fig. 6. Downloaded Map from AccessBIM In the outdoor navigation situation for testing purposes
authors create the API in order to access the Google Maps [19].
Then retrieve the longitudes and latitude of the destination
buildings which are stored in the database. Then retrieve the
user’s current location and check for the last saved location
from GPS location service. Call the URL to get polyoverview
lines and extract in order to decode the encoded string. JSON
map gives JSON objects and pass it to an array to initialize the
map and it will update the marker position according to the
user's desires.
This proposed research the authors used outdoor maps to
identify and reach the locations. In the fig 10.dipicts the how
the device identify the location before entering an indoor
Fig .7. AccessBIM Database
The suggested method can overcome multiple user behavior.
As an example if the vision impaired individual entered to the
location using another door even it can be managed.