Project Report: Idukki

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Promoted by ,

Sheena Robin (president)

Palathanath (H) , Cheenikuzhy

Sally Dhabar ( Secretary)

Kunthanam (H), Cheenikuzhy
Mob : 9497897586

Sheeba Asis
Palakuzhyill (H) , Cheenikuzhy

Ajitha Jayaprakash
Puthanpurackal (H) , Cheenikuzhy

Fish is the cheapest and most easily digestible animal protein and was obtained from
natural sources  from time  immemorial  for  consumption  by  human  beings. 
However,  due  to  over  exploitation  and  pollution,  the  availability  of  fish  in  natural 
waters  have  declined  considerably  forcing scientists to adopt various methods to
increase its production. Fish farming in controlled or under artificial conditions has
become the easier way of increasing the fish production and its availability  for
consumption.  Farmers  can  easily  take  up  fish  culture  in  village  ponds,  tanks  or 
any new water body and can improve their financial position substantially. It also
creates gainful employment for skilled and unskilled youths. The technology developed
for fish culture in which more  than  one  type  of  compatible  fishes  are  cultured 
simultaneous  is  the  most  advanced  and  popular  in  the  country . This technology
is known as Composite Fish Culture. This technology enables to get maximum fish
production from a pond or a tank through utilization of available fish food
organisms in all the natural niches , supplemented by artificial feeding. Any
perennial fresh water pond/tank retaining water depth of 2 meters can be used
for fish culture purpose. However, the minimum level should not fall below one
meter . Even seasonal ponds can also be utilized for short duration fish culture

The Entrepreneur
This is a sole proprietorship enterprise and the entrepreneur of the unit is
Dhebar Joseph Kunthanam (H), Cheenikuzhy . He is aware of establishing and
successfully running a FishFarm Unit. They are currently running the farm and is
seeking for its expansion.


The promoter established the unit at Ward X of at Cheenikuzhy Village at

Sy.No. 205/X of Udumbannoor Panchayath. There is a big scope for fish farm
unit as the nearby areas has lots of markets, hotels, etc. Hence the location is
best suitable for the development of the enterprise.
Market Potential
Quails are small sized birds. They require less space, feed, care and other
managements Quails are small sized poultry birds and they require minimum
floor space. Required initial investment is comparatively very low. Quails are
comparatively sturdy than any other poultry birds.Quails reach marketing age
earlier. They reach marketing weight within 5 weeks of age. They gain sexual
maturity earlier. Layer quails start laying eggs within their six to seven weeks of
age. They have high egg laying rate. A layer quail can lays about 280 eggs per
year .Quail meat is very tasty and lower in fat than chicken meat. This meat helps
to promote body and brain development in children. Quails egg is small in size
but has about equal nutritional value like chicken egg. Quail meat and eggs are
very suitable diet for children, patients, pregnant and nursing mothers. Feeding
and other costs are less in quails. And they have a very good feed to meat or egg
converting efficiency. Quail meat and egg has huge domesti c demand in India. So,
there is no tension about marketi ng the products. Anyone can easily sell quail
products in the nearest local market.. Commercial quail farming business in
India has a great probability. Quail meat and egg has great demand in the

The promoter itself is the worker . Hence , there is no need to hire external
workers to carry out the process.

The Total Cost of the Project and Means of Finance

The total cost of the project inclusive of working capital is Rs.1.5 Lakhs.. Details
are shown in Annexure 5

Financial Feasibility
The financial feasibility of the scheme is evidenced by the projected cost of
production , profitability analysis, Projected Cash flow statement and break even
Cost of Production and Profitability Analysis
The cost of production and profitability analysis is computed and annexed. This
is based on the following assumption.

This unit will work for 365 days a year.

the interest of Loan is considered at 15% per annum

The loan is repayable in 5 years from the first year itself.

Break Even Analysis

The Break Even analysis of the enterprise is shown in Annexure 8

Cash Flow Statement

As per the Statement it is evident that the cash inflow is sufficient to assume the
repayment and to meet the interest and tax liability. It provides enough sum for
the growth of industry. It is given in Annexure 6

The Enterpreneur’s purpose to avail financial assistance under the scheme PMMY

Considering the above aspects ,the scheme is technically feasible and
economically viable.
System of rearing Deep litter system
Batch Size +5%
Batch interval 52 days (45 days r +7 days c(leaning)
Mortality of birds 5%
Cycle size 2000
Cost of day –old chick Rs 25
Cost of kg of feed Rs 28
Cost of equipment (waterers ,feeders etc.) Rs 15/bird
Cost of insurance ,medicine ,vaccine etc. Rs 4/bird/year
Insurance per bird 0.5
Insurance of building and equipment 0.001
No. of batches/year introduced in the first year 6
No of batches / year (sold) 6
No of batch introduced 2-5 years 7
No of batch sold 2-6 years 7
Cost of kg of quail meat Rs 210
Feed convertion ratio FCR 1.68 to 1.72
Average quail need to make a 1kg 3
Feed requirement to attain 1 kg body weight 1.875kg
Rearing period 45 days
Cleaning period One week
Interest rate 15%/year
Repayment period 5 years




1 Power 400
2 Rent 0
3 Stationery 1000
4 Marketing/Advertising 1000
5 Miscellaneous 1000
TOTAL 3400



Construction of Brooder cum grower cage 750 300000
Sq.ft/2000birds @Rs400/sq.ft
Equipment for 2000 birds @ Rs.20/bird 40000
Electrification & electrical installation 76100
Feed store 200 sq.ft @250/sq.ft 50000

Cost of chicks 2060@ RS.40/chick (5% extra for 82400
mortality 2% free from hatchery)

Cost of concentrate feed @ 0.625kg/bird for 43750

2000@35/kg for first batch

Insurance of first batch bird 10000

Insurance of shed building and equipment 18500

Misc, expenditure i.e . electricity, vaccine , 16000

medicine including veterinary
aid @Rs 8/bird/batch


Total working capital 183900


1. Total working capital 183900

2. Total fixed capital cost 466110

3. Total Project cost 650000

4. Margin money 25% of the project cost 162500

BANK LOAN 487500


CASH FLOW Project period (year ) Amount in Rs.

i ii iii iv v

Cost of day old chicks/year 494400 576800 576800 576800 576800


Cost of feed for birds @0.625/bird 262500 306250 306250 306250 306250
Rs. 35/kg

Misc , expenditure i.e. electricity, vaccine, 48000 56000 56000 56000 56000
medicine , insurance etc. including veterinary aid

Insurance of Bird 6000 7000 7000 7000 7000

Insurance of shed building and equipment 18500 18500 18500 18500 18500

Total expenditure 829400 964550 964550 964550 964550

Sale of broiler 83300 98000 98000 98000 98000
@ Rs.70/bird
(kg @ Rs.210)
Sale of 7000 8000 8000 8000 8000
Sale of 1152000 1296000 1296000 1296000 1296000
on shed and 32150
building etc @
Depreciation 8750
on equipments
TOTAL 1242300 1402000 1402000 1402000 1442900
GROSS PROFIT 412900 437450 437450 437450 478350

Calculation of BCR and IRR

Year 1 2 3 4 5
Capital 466100

Recurring 829400 964550 964550 964550 964550


Total 1295500 964550 964550 964550 964550


Benefit 1242300 1402000 1402000 1402000 1442900

Net -53200 437450 437450 437450 478350

Financial Indicators Estimated Value Preferred value

PW costs at 15%DF 2800712

PW benefits at 15% DF 3593536 3155667

Net Present Worth (NPW) 392824 Should be +ve

@15% DF

Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) @15% 1:11:1


Internal Rate of return (IRR) 33.86% >15%

Debt Service Coverage Ratio 2.5 >1.5


S.No Monthly Principal Paid Interest Paid Total Outstanding

Insstallment (A) (B) Payment Balance
1 11598 5504 6094 11598 481996
2 11598 5573 6025 11598 476424
3 11598 5642 5955 11597 470781
4 11598 5713 5885 11598 465068
5 11598 5784 5813 11597 459284
6 11598 5857 5741 11598 453428
7 11598 5930 5668 11598 447498
8 11598 6004 5594 11598 441494
9 11598 6079 5519 11598 435415
10 11598 6155 5443 11598 429260
11 11598 6232 5366 11598 423028
12 11598 6310 5288 11598 416719
13 11598 6389 5209 11598 410330
14 11598 6468 5129 11597 403862
15 11598 6549 5048 11597 397312
16 11598 6631 4966 11597 390681
17 11598 6714 4884 11598 383967
18 11598 6798 4800 11598 377169
19 11598 6883 4715 11598 370286
20 11598 6969 4629 11598 363317
21 11598 7056 4541 11597 356261
22 11598 7144 4453 11597 349116
23 11598 7234 4364 11598 341883
24 11598 7234 4274 11598 334559
25 11598 7416 4182 11598 327143
26 11598 7508 4089 11597 319635
27 11598 7602 3995 11597 312033
28 11598 7697 3900 11597 304336
29 11598 7793 3804 11597 296542
30 11598 7891 3707 11598 288651
31 11598 7989 3608 11597 280662
32 11598 8089 3508 11597 272573
33 11598 8190 3407 11597 264382
34 11598 8293 3305 11598 256089
35 11598 8396 3201 11597 247693
36 11598 8501 3096 11597 239191
37 11598 8608 2990 11598 230584
38 11598 8715 2882 11597 221868
39 11598 8824 2773 11597 213044
40 11598 8935 2663 11598 204110
41 11598 9046 2551 11597 195063
42 11598 9159 2438 11597 185904
43 11598 9274 2324 11598 176630
44 11598 9390 2208 11598 167241
45 11598 9507 2091 11598 157734
46 11598 9626 1972 11598 148108
47 11598 9746 1851 11597 138361
48 11598 9868 1730 11598 128493
49 11598 9991 1606 11597 118502
50 11598 10116 1481 11597 108386
51 11598 10243 1355 11598 98143
52 11598 10371 1227 11598 87772
53 11598 10500 1097 11597 77272
54 11598 10632 966 11598 66640
55 11598 10765 833 11598 55875
56 11598 10899 698 11597 44976
57 11598 11035 562 11597 33941
58 11598 11173 424 11597 22767
59 11598 11313 285 11598 11454
60 11598 11454 143 11597 0

Cost of Machinery & Depreciation Written down Value
1st year 466100 46610 419490
2nd year 46610 372880
3rd year 46610 326270
4th year 46610 279660
5th year 46610 233050
6th year 46610 186440
7th year 46610 139830
8th year 46610 93220
9th year 46610 46610
10th year 46610

The project can generate sufficient return to effect the repayment of loan . The
financial indicators show that the scheme is technically feasible and economically
viable .

Promoted by ,

Sheena Robin (president)

Palathanath (H) , Cheenikuzhy

Sally Dhabar ( Secretary)

Kunthanam (H), Cheenikuzhy
Mob : 9497897586

Sheeba Asis
Palakuzhyill (H) , Cheenikuzhy

Ajitha Jayaprakash
Puthanpurackal (H) , Cheenikuzhy

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