Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire - Short (Ede-Qs)

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Name: ____________________ Date: ___________________ Weight: _______ Height: ________

ON HOW MANY OF 0 1-2 3-5 6-7

THE PAST 7 DAYS…. days days days days

1. Have you been deliberately trying to limit the

amount of food you eat to influence your weight or 0 1 2 3
shape (whether or not you have succeeded)?

2. Have you gone for long periods of time

(e.g., 8 or more waking hours) without eating anything 0 1 2 3
at all in order to influence your weight or shape?

3. Has thinking about food, eating or calories

made it very difficult to concentrate on things you 0 1 2 3
are interested in (such as working, following
a conversation or reading)?

4. Has thinking about your weight or shape made

it very difficult to concentrate on things you are 0 1 2 3
interested in (such as working, following a
conversation or reading)?

5. Have you had a definite fear that you might 0 1 2 3

gain weight?

6. Have you had a strong desire to lose weight? 0 1 2 3

7. Have you tried to control your weight or shape

by making yourself sick (vomit) or taking laxatives? 0 1 2 3

8. Have you exercised in a driven or compulsive

way as a means of controlling your weight, shape 0 1 2 3
or body fat, or to burn off calories?

9. Have you had a sense of having lost control 0 1 2 3

over your eating (at the time that you were eating)?

10. On how many of these days ( i.e. days on which

you had a sense of having lost control over your 0 1 2 3
eating) did you eat what other people would
regard as an unusually large amount of food in one go?

OVER THE PAST 7 DAYS … Not at all Slightly Moderately Markedly

11. Has your weight or shape influenced how you 0 1 2 3

think about (judge) yourself as a person?

12. How dissatisfied have you been with your weight 0 1 2 3

or shape?
Derived from the EDE-Q, © Fairburn and Beglin, 2008

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