Ethics and Values in Engineering Profession

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General Studies and Engineering Aptitude


Ethics and values in Engineering profession

By- Rahul Verma

(IES officer)

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S. No. Topic

1. Morality, Ethics And Value

2. Integrity, Probity And Perseverance
3. Equity & Equality
4. Aptitude & Attitude
5. Id, Ego & Super Ego
6. Maslows Need Hierarchy
7. Trained Incapacity
8. Formalistic Impersonality
9. Normatevism Vs Empiricism
10. Theories Related to Ethics
11. Mal-Feasance, Mis-Feasance & Non-Feasance
12. Authority & Accountability
13. Delegation, Decentralisation & Deregulation
14. Sympathy Empathy & Compassion
15. Plan-Stamping & Double Dipping
16. Plagiarism
17. Democratic Values
Morality- Morality can be defined as individual or personal conscious which live within the
individual mind.

 Principles concerning the distinction b/w right and wrong or good and bad behavior.
 A particular system of values and principles of conduct.
 The extent to which an action is right or wrong.
 To be moral is very important because it causes us to be have important because us to be
have self discipline and self responsibility.

Ethics- “Morality of a particular group can be defined as ethics”. In a group many people with
similar morality has taken part which constitute collective morality. This is referred as Ethics.

Ex- Medical ethics, Technical ethics

 Moral principal that govern a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity.

 It is to be noted to that ethnicity is different from ethics as it reflects traditions.
Ex- Ethnic wear- In India (Women Saree)

Value- It is macro concept which can be define a preferred way to during something when many
ethical group come together because of similarity in their culture, language, life style, and
tradition then collectively their ethics is called value.
Ex- Indian value, European Value, Western value.
 Arrange marriage Vs love marriage and quantity Vs quality etc all due to different
 Value denotes the degree of importance of something or action, with the aim of
determining what actors are best to do or what is best to live.
 Morality if generalized is called ethics,
Ethics if personalized is called as morality.
 It is not necessary that one ethically and morally correct act is legally correct or vice




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Integrity- Integrity is the qualifications of being honest and having strong moral principles,
moral up rightness.

 It may be defined as the extent to which one is not compromising with his honesty
and professional character.
 It is not a constant or static concept because a person due to compulsive situation
may deviate from professional ethics temporarily to save himself of his family, it
is not wrong, if it is informed to the department latter on.

Probity- It can be defined up rightness or applier or situational ethics, in other words what is
correct in a particular situation may not be correct in another situation.

Perseverance- It can be defined as “Metal toughness” or consistency while working on the path
of duty despite money challenges and the person other than running away from the challenges.

Ex- Hard area posting on Pak Border or Deputation in war torn counting like Iran, Iraq

Equality & Equity-

 Like should be treated ALIKE (equally) ALIKE (unequally) should not be

treated like in alike circumstances.
 Equality can be defined as “equal treatment given to all”. It is an objective
concept which does not include other parameters.
 Equality is a subjective & Border concept which can be defined as the process in
which the unequals are made equal.
 Prominently Act-14 of constitution say that like should be treated alike and alike
should not be treated like in alike circumstances. It means equality is subset of

Aptitude and Attitude-

Nature, Character, Life style, Point of
view opinion, perception.
Skill/talent/Art fullness

IQ Creativity, Initiative, Novelty

Aptitude- Aptitude can be defined as skill fullness or Talent or Art fullness, It is based upon
person’s IQ which given creativity, Novelty, and Initiative power, Aptitude is very important to
have sharpness in our work & performance, that’s way IQ development is very important,
Theoretically, IQ develops till age 7 and after that experience is count, This aptitude can be test
through some of the performance test like CAT, PABT, GATE etc.

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Attitude- It can be defined as long enduring predispositions or habitual pattern or during
something. It is related to our nature, character, life, style, points of views and opinions, it is
based upon EQ or El which is develops by the exposures coming from the family, society
education and political system. It can be tested through some of this achievement test like IAS,
IES exams. The attitudes are very important for our personality & image, (-ve) attitude like
social discrimination should not be practiced in the department.

Q- 1. High aptitude w/o +ve attitude is dangerous.

2. +ve attitude w/o any attitude is meaningless.
Ans- Both statements are correct

1) ID, EGO, Super Ego-

Super Ego



Every human being has certain “Psychological Phenomenon”. These 3 concepts are care to
every human being.

Id- Is prominent in childhood which can be defined as “Animal instinct” or selfishness in which
we can unable to think about other, when we reaches our old age we develop dialectic pattern in
our thinking, in which we always think about others, It is called as ‘Super ego stage’.

In our youth life we developed EGO, which can be defined as a surface reality through which
demands of Id are fulfilled in socially acceptable manners told us super ego, A balanced Ego is
very important to live life smoothly, A person with dominated Id become youngster Rapist,
Serial Killer etc. A person with dominated super ego becomes saint.

Development of Ego- When a baby boy takes birth, he develops emotional bounding with the
opposite gender i.e. his own mother, To impress his 1st heroine he takes up the values, Believe &
life style of father so that same feeling is developed in his mother for him what she has for his
father, This is called as OEDIPUS complex. Which is very important to understand female

When a baby girl takes birth, she develops emotional bonding with father & to impress him she
takes up the values, Belief and life style of mother. It is called as ELECTRA complex, Which is
very important to understand male psychologically by a baby.

The presence of mother and father is important in up bringing their baby because single family
child has certain abnormalities which cannot be fulfill be any other alternatives.

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Development of Ego in Indian society- In Indian society after marriage, baby boy is expected
to the 1st child, if it happen than more respect of mother is there in the society, she oblige it back
to baby boy by loving him more, This over indulgence of mother make baby boy dependent on
her, It curbs on his IQ development and he become unrealistic & short tempered in his youth life.
It is called as dependency syndrome.

If Baby girl happens to be the 1st child after marriage, respect of mother goes very down in
society, She by pass this –ve feeling to baby girl by ignoring, neglecting & discouraging her,
Due to this lows are developed in her confidently in youth life, It is called as analytic
depressions, which are filled by decorating her with gold & demand armament, during marriage
these are arranged in form of do wary, which cannot be arranged through honest salary money,
The guardian then force to take under table money & corruption beings.

Maslow’s Need Hierarchy-

Knowledge for the sack of knowledge Higher order or

– Nirvana psychological
s needs

Name & Fame relative Esteem needs

Marriage, friend relative Social needs
needs or
Security needs physical
Job needs
Basic needs
Food Shelter clothes

Maslow gave one pyramid of need hierarchy in which two brad chartreuse categories were kept.
These are lower under needs or physical need and higher and needs or psychological needs, The
lower order needs are further subdivided into 3 type of need, starting with basic need from the
bottom, This need is about food, shelter & clothes, once this need is gratified, second need is
security need come up which are about securing this future by gathering govt. job. Having
investment, purchasing bonds etc. Once this need is also fulfilled social need come up. Which
are fulfilled getting married, making friends, having social celebration etc. These three needs are
parts of almost all the people in the world, Beyond these needs we find higher order or
psychological needs, These needs are divided into 2 types, One is eastern needs, which about
name & Fame of a person, that is wish to have in society, for this he starts donating money

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during philorthophic activities, charity, CSR etc. Here Aesthetic needs are also included which is
about beautifulness character that every officer aspire for that.

On the tap of need Hierarchy, self Actualization which means NIRVANA or Enlightenment or
knowledge for the sack of knowledge, only 0.2% people of the world have such need as they are
not driven by monetary or materialistic factors.

Trained Incapacity- It can be define as a training programs in which certain artificial concepts
are tough and attempted to the injected and indocrorinatic in the personality of trainee, It is
designed that the “officer should keep in mind his duty and he should forget about every other
things”. Today we are like a generalist who knows something about everything and in some
ways we will become a specialist where we will be knowing everything about something.

Formalistic impersonality- the concept was given by mass where to be practiced in buracratic
life, here formalistic means formal code of conduct which is to be imbibed in our routine to keep
away every causal behavior, So that one common identity can be brought up in the organization,
here impersonal means giving the orders and receiving the orders, Technically without attaching
any emotional. Within, for this we need to learn about following values.

a) Neutrality-
Every officer should follow the orders given by the ministers regardless of what
that officer thinks about the particulars order. It is because of the fact that
Beaurocracy is value free and the values like socialist, capitalist, communist, etc
are passed by the political parties & ministers.

b) Anonymity- It means working without being named or working by remaining

behind the certain, It is the minister who remains in front & indirect touch with
the people. The officer helps the minister in this regard, that is why minister has
to take the credit & blame for the act performed by the officer.

c) Secularism- in department we cannot display the picture of any God/Goddess as

India is neither religious nor Anti religious nor irreligious nor w/o religious but it
is only or religious.

Normatevism VS Empinicism- Normatevism means rules, regulation which is bout the process,
way or value to have a particular action, In other word it deals with have a particular, things is to
be done. It is similar to Teleology given by Immanuel kant and it means effect, consequences or

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Empiricism- Deals with final out comes or the product or the fact which has to be achieved, In
other words it deals with what is to be done, It is more administration oriented and is Immanuel
Kant, It means action oriented people who think about the outcomes.

But the balance has to be made b/w these two extreme as every coin has 2 sides, The goal
should be goal but the process to achieve that goal should also be good.
For ex- Removing corruption as a goal is good but the process followed to achieved it
should not remove to people for ever, otherwise no one will be left to see corruption free
1) Scientific Management- This theory was given by F.W Taylor during world war 1st in
1914, he was an engineer and joined one electric company as a labor and finally he was
promoted to the post of general manager, when he become GM. The company was
suffering from union protest; Taylor studied the union and found the following root
a. Soldering- It means working at lower rate of outcomes then the actual potential,
these is a natural tendency in the workers to give lesser o/p to keep organization’s
expectations low, they make friends to make a group to practice soldering
together and union are formed.
b. Squealers- It means misfeeding the boss about follow subordinate, it results in to
departmental politics, it also create gap b/w the top level & bottom level and
union are formed.
c. Rate Buster- It means working with more level of o/p then the actual potential so
that boss can be impressed for promotions but boss expect the some o/p from
others also which many course exploitation & Union will be formed.

Taylor solved the above problems by introduction. ‘Shop Floor management’ in which the
following ideas were introduced.

i. Piece rate Plan- Taylor started paying for extra piece produced & for overtime, It
brought monetary motivation & union were broken.

ii. Ideal benefaction- It means praising the worker for the good performance, Taylor
started displaying the picture of the best employee, which brought psychological

iii. Gender effect of Elton mayo- It was done to convert working unit into social
unit by introducing female employee as part of women employment. The
Production growth was exponentially high with in short time.

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2) Posdcorb- P O S D Co R B

Planning Organizing Staffing Directing

Budgetary Report Co- ordination

The acronym was given by Luther Guilick & Urivick. It is stands for 7 formal managerial
activities namely, planning, organizing, staffing, Directing co-coordinating, Reporting &
budgeting, It is believed that these activities are common to all the organization records of their
location & nature, But today many informal activities have been discovered which are sometimes
more important than the formal ones, some of them are as follows.

a. Grapevine- It means remover unofficial common or expectation, it is very

important for every organization for its smooth functioning, the rewords, Dearness
allowance, hike, party with boss etc. Strengthen then organization, it ensures
negative entropy.

b. Entropy- It is the tendency of the organization to get disintegrated. It means

worker does not want to work & boss does not want to pay, But still works its
done due to the expectation of mutual report, Negative entropy is beneficial for
the organization.

c. Glass ceiling- It means stopping the woman form getting higher promotion
indirectly. It is because of the fact that organization want a practical person to
occupy the top post, and women generally are emotional through it is unethical
but is not impractical many a time women have broken this glass ceiling, Indra
Nooyi, Mamta Banerjee etc.

3) Utilitarianism- This theory was given by Jeremy Bentham & J.S Mill, They said that
“Maximum of happiness for maximum no. of people is possible”. It is means it is not
possible to make all the people happy everything. It is also says that if 98% people are
happy, due to the sadness of rest 1% people then it is justified. In the development if
some of the subordinate are not happy with you then it is general and nothing wrong it, it
is a practical concept and is similar to ego.

4) Epicureanism-This concept was give by Epicurus in 384 B.C, when Greece was
undergoing a civil war caused by the fight among the king’s heirs in order to be the next
king. People were waiting for their deaths & they were very sad. At this time Epicurus

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consoled them by saying that the death is inevitable and it will happen to all. He also said
that “All the miseries and sadness in life due to our desire to have comfort & luxury” So
we should leave such wishes, He also said that soul is made up of atoms it will be
scattered after death, so there is no change of rebirth. In department we will be having
bad experience & bad time out there is nothing wrong in it, we should take them as part
of our job.

5) Summum Bonum- This concept was given by Aristotle in 324 B.C. He lived his life
without parent but he becomes a very prominent philosopher & he served in 20
Kingdoms as advisor to the king lastly he open his 1st School of philosophy with
Summum Bonum. This means ultimate goal of life. “In other words he said that the
physical goal achievement is not the end itself but the psychological feeling to have
happiness & Satisfaction is the real end”.
It is true to an extent because many people are not happy even after achieving everything
in their life, this concept is similar to super ego. In department we should not fell proud
for being an IES but we should feel proud when we are able to give proper service to the

6) Stoicism- This concept was given by zero. He said that concept are not permanent and
these are not within any particular thing, concept resides with in the mind and it depend
upon the person to see things in particular manner for some people money is a big factor
and for some other money is nothing.
If anything is good in a particular country may not be good in another country, So
goodness or Badness or Ethics or Un-ethicalness depend upon the situation & person, If
two concept are different in a big way then there is no confusion in the person’s mind,
But two similar concept causes confusion, stereotyping, orthodoxy.

Parkinson’s Law- It means artificial creation of work for the sack of work. It is practiced in
department to have more number of officer to have relaxed working hr, & to have leave on time,
It is also used to spend the unspend money for the budget. Practicing this law is not ethically is
correct as it causes extra financial Burden, and it is just opposite to what is called as “Less govt.
more governance”.

Mal-feasance- Mis-Feasance , Non-feasance

Wrong doing

Mal feasance- a mistake done knowingly Unethical punished.

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Mis feasance- A mistake done unknowingly may or may not un ethical may
or may not punished.

Non feasance- No action on noticed mistake unethical, not punishable.

a) Mal feasance- Means a person who commits mistake or corruption knowingly to

get money etc. It is very unethical and punishable.
b) Mis feasance- can be considered as a mistake done unknowingly, It may or may
not be unethical and person should be given a form improvement with wrong.

Non feasance- It means no action is taken even if the unethical but morally correct. It is not
punishable. For ex- In dept if you do not report about the unhappening corruption by other
follow than it is unethical. You did this to say yourself from bad consequences, so it is morally
correct, this person who alert the dept for the corruption happening around him is called as
whistle Blower. RTI is the strongest wlapon in his hand but in vision at privacy it is unethical

Authority & Accountability- Authority can be defined as legally assigned power by the depth.
To gave the order to complete the work. Misusing authority power may result in to punishment,
it is a formal concept. Power is a natural phenomenon. Which comes due to social relation or
charisma in personality, for ex- family power to control us or Mahatma Gandhi role modeling to
impress country people, misusing power is not punishable but if power exist with authority then
it strengthen then organization.

Accountability- Accountability can be defined as a legal obligation or responsibility in the

department, Not fulfilling it may result into punishment. Responsibility is natural obligation
which are coming from with in , No punish ment can be given fro not fulfilling the

Q-1 Authority w/o accountability is dangerous

2 Accountability w/o authority is meaningless.
Ans- Both are correct

Different b/w Manager and Ledger-

 Manager is means formal but leader is informal also.

 He practices authority and accountability only leader mixes power & responsibility in
authoring & accountability.
 He says ‘Go’ and want compliance for his order by subordinate when as leader says
“Let’s Go” as he wants that sub ordinate should accept the order at their own.
 Manager ‘set the things right’ & leader does the right things.

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Efficiency & effectiveness- Efficiency means optimum utilization of the resources or a letter i/p,
o/p ratio through letter time & energy management. For ex- fuel efficiency.
Effectiveness means capacity to reach the goal, It is similar to perseverance as it shows
achievement of the task completion.
Ex- Engine effectiveness to complete it.

Delegation, Decentralization, Deregulation-

Delegation- It means the authority transfer without transferring ultimate responsibility. The
minister given authority to the officer to run the deposit but minister remains responsible for
everything under taken by the officer as per anonymity concept. It is true that the given authority
is misused. But can not stop delegating authority that’s why delegating is a necessary evil.

Decentralization- It means transferring authority & responsibility both for ex- law and order
responsibility with police power have been given to the states, that’s why stat is responsibility for
state problem & CM is authorize to order to the polis, But Decentralization should not result in to
the big gap b/w the HQ & the field, That’s why defence & national security is kept with the

Deregulation- It means reducing the control from a controlled body.

For ex- prevatising a govt. company to make it a PSV. It is done to convert a sisk & losser
making baby into a profit making body, there is shift from red tape (Hand rules & regulation) to
red carpet (Welcome and respective business environment) in LPG era (Liberalization,
Privatization & Globalization)

Sympathy , Empathy, Compassion-

1) Sympathy- Sympathy can be defined as feeling which is given to a known person with
some expectation, that sympathizer will also be given the same feeling in problem.
For ex- feeling of family or friend when we are in problem or fun our well fare.

2) Empathy- Empathy is a feeling given to an unknown person without any expectation that
it will be reciprocated in future,
for ex- Looking after the subordinate in the department by the officer, It is the most
suitable way of balance emotion in a protect & technical manner.

3) Compassion- It is an extreme feeling in which you join other in their problem.

For ex- Posting an compassionate ground to have medical treatment is given in the
department despite no policy exist in that regard.

Plan – Stamping , Double dipping-

Plan – Stamping- It can be defined as an approval given w/o proper inspection. It is unethical &
dangerous; it is like going license to a person w/o checking his during skills.

Double dipping- It is can be defined as dual role played by an officer in the department, if one
officer try to given advantages by helping a particulars company registered on his family
members name than it is neither ethically non morally correct.

Plagiarism- Plagiarism can be defined as an unethical practice in which some one’s original
research work is copied without permission by others some of the related terms with this are

Ever greening- In this unethical practice are researches or company its product many after 20
year to have financial royalty or commission.

Patent right & Royalty- Patent means registration of the research work to have IPR
(International property rights) It is of two type- process patent. In which methodology of formula
to make the final result is registered.

Product patent- In this the final outcomes or result is registered so that no other one can make
similar product.

Geological indication- It is about natural product which are belonging to a particular

geography which are belonging to a particular geography or location and people of that place
have nurtured that product for decades, for ex- Basmati Rice, Alphonsa Mango, Maysore Silk

Democratic values-
Article-19- Right of freedom
Art 19 (II) (a) – Freedom of speech & expression
Art-19 (I) (b)- Right to assemble anywhere with any number of people.
Art-19 (I) (c)- It says that everyone is free to make association & unions but they can not carry
out sinske w/o permission, Public places & road’s can not be used for striker as it causes traffic
from etc.
Art- 19 (I) (d)- Anyone & everyone is free to go anywhere.
Art- 19 (I) (e)- Residence is allowed in every part of India as it is temporarily.

2- Organizational Behavior & Management

This chapter deals with roles & responsibilities of engineers in the origination & problems and
issues in this in the organization.
Organization can be simple or complex, depending upon nature of work, number of people,
Scale of activities, type of technology used, product.
There are at least two type of structure in organizations that reflect the grouping.
1. Formal organization
2. Informal organization

Function of an organization-
Define a goal

How to achieve it

Structure of organization

Men M Material

Structure Is arrangement of 3 M ‘s


 The major functions that are performed in organization by the top level.
1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Staffing
4. Directing
5. Coordinating
6. Reporting
7. Budgeting

Type of activities performed by engineering-

1. Technical- Production
2. Financial- Budgeting, Resources, allocation
3. Commercial- Marketing, Selling, & trade
4. Security- Insurance, Physical activity
5. Accounting-

Code of Ethics Code of conduct
1. Concerned with decision- making. 1. Considered with actions.
2. There are no rules to be followed. 2. These need to be followed strictly in
3. They are wide ranging & non specific. the organization.
4. Violation may not lead to punishment 3. They are in the form of clear- cut guide
but it may degrade the values of an liner.
organization. 4. Violation may be punished by the
organization & it may lead to failures &
loss of revenue.

Manager Leader
1. Does routine work. 1. Is creative.
2. Focus is on following rules & 2. Rules to be used for benefit of all.
regulations. 3. Concerned with participation &
3. Concerned with profit & efficiency. satisfaction.
4. Maintains balance & looks for mistake. 4. Deals with dynamic problems, looks
for solution and motivator people.


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