IT 11 Electronics 1 Syllabus
IT 11 Electronics 1 Syllabus
IT 11 Electronics 1 Syllabus
Contribute significantly to the CO1: Learn and understand the fundamentals of each of the
National Development Goals of electronic components and its principles.
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food security and energy CO2: Understand the use of each of the electronic components
sufficiency through technology and its application.
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CO3: Understand the functions of each electronic devices/tools. * * * * *
Program Educational Objectives: CO4: Design, analyze, test and evaluate the performance of an
electronic device.
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Three to five years after graduation,
the BSIT graduates shall:
1. Graduates are proficient in the III. Course Outline:
IT field and able to engage Allotted Time Course Outcomes (CO) Topic/s Teaching-Learning Activities Assessment Tasks/Tools
constantly in technological 9 hours CO2/CO3 Electronics 1.Reading assignments on the 1. Practical activity on VOM
and professional advancement fundamentals topics with questions to be Functions
by pursuing a higher academic answered and submitted
level and practicing quality Introduction to the 2.Lecture/ discussion 2. Assignment: Research on
improvement in their career Evolution of 3.Hands-on Electronics, Voltage, Current,
and personal lives.
Electronics Devices 4. Demonstration Resistance,AC and DC, Power
2. Graduates are competent in 5.Seatworks Supply.
generating new ideas and VOM- basic
innovations in Information electronic equipment 3. Short Quizzes
Technology with more
emphasis on Resistors and the 2.Lecture/ discussion 1. Practical activity: Decoding
technopreneurship, Resistance of the 3.Hands-on Resistor values and Actual values
management, IT solutions and Materials 4. Demonstration using VOM
the likes through research 5.Oral Activities (Boardwork)
collaborations. 6 hours CO1/CO2/CO3 5.Seatworks 2. Assignment: Research on
Conductor, Insulator and
3. Graduates are practicing Semiconductor
professionals in the field of
Information Technology who 3. Quizzes
can contribute significantly to Resistor in the 2.Lecture/ discussion
human development, socio- Electronics Circuit 5.Seatworks 1. Practical activity: Decoding
economic transformation, and Resistor values and Actual values
patriotic initiatives. 3 hours using VOM
(a) If the final exam coverage are all topics discussed from the beginning of the semester:
Final Grade (FG) = 1/3 MTG + 2/3 FTG;
MTG – Midterm grade
FTG – Final term grade
(b) If the final exam coverage are all topics from the midterm examination.
Final Grade (FG) = 1/2 MTG + 1/2 FTG
Every attempt is made to provide a complete syllabus that provides an accurate overview of the subject. However, circumstances and events make it necessary for the instructor to modify the syllabus during the semester. This may depend, in part, on the progress, needs, and experiences of the studen