Chamari, K., Hachana2004 (Field and Laboratory Testing in Young Elite Soccer Players
Chamari, K., Hachana2004 (Field and Laboratory Testing in Young Elite Soccer Players
Chamari, K., Hachana2004 (Field and Laboratory Testing in Young Elite Soccer Players
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echnical and tactical skills in soccer are highly dependent players are the vertical jump on a force platform14 15 and the
on the player’s physical capacity.1 2 More than 90% of a 10–30 m sprint.13 16
game is performed by aerobic metabolism,1 and the The major hypothesis of this study was that the results
average intensity is around the anaerobic lactate threshold from the Bangsbo test reflect the VO2MAX of young soccer
(80–90% of maximal heart rate).1 3 However, the actual time players. In addition, we determined whether there is a
spent at exactly that intensity is about 20 minutes, as the relation between the power abilities—that is, vertical jump
players either exercise above (accumulating lactate) or below performance measured on a force platform—and the 10–
(oxidising the accumulated lactate) this threshold.3 One of 30 m sprint time.
the most important factors that influence exercise intensity is
the player’s maximal oxygen uptake (VO2MAX). A recent MATERIALS AND METHODS
study showed that increasing VO2MAX by 11% increased Subjects
match intensity by 5% and distance covered in a match by Thirty four male soccer players volunteered to participate in
1800 m.3 The third variable that influences a player’s aerobic the study and provided written informed consent in
endurance performance is running economy. Hoff et al2 accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The university
estimated that an improvement in running economy by 5% ethics committee approved the study protocol. The subjects
would increase the distance covered in a match by about could withdraw from the study at any time. Their physical
1000 m. Both anaerobic threshold and running economy characteristics were as follows (mean (SD)): age 17.5 (1.1)
have been shown to be increased by increased VO2MAX.3 years; height 177.8 (6.7) cm; weight 70.5 (6.4) kg; body
Whereas evaluation of the first two variables requires mass index 22.5 (1.4) kg/m2; percentage body fat 11.8 (2.0).
laboratory tests, there are several field tests to assess an Percentage body fat was calculated according to the
athlete’s VO2MAX.4 5 Recently, Kemi et al6 showed that it is formula of Siri based on four skinfold measurements
possible to reach VO2MAX in a soccer specific test with the ball. (biceps, triceps, subscapularis, and suprailiac).17 Twenty two
However, this requires a portable gas analyser, not available of the subjects were members of the Tunisian national under
for most teams. Specific field tests have been designed to 19 team, and the remaining 12 belonged to one of the best
assess endurance specific to soccer players,7–9 but, to our three ranked teams in Tunisia during the last 10 years. The
knowledge, none has been shown to be directly correlated latter composed the elite players of the club and lived in a
with the classical VO2MAX laboratory treadmill test. The special ‘‘centre of excellence’’ included in the club’s infra-
Bangsbo1 8 10 intermittent field test is easy to perform and structure. Seven of these 12 players were recruited from
mimics the highest intensities experienced during a soccer Senegal three months before the experiment. The subjects
match. It is acceptable to players because of its movement were informed about the test protocols, without being
similarities to soccer, and the test is routinely used to assess informed about the aim of the study. They participated in
soccer specific endurance.1 7 8 10–12 One goal of the present the national soccer championship as regular players, and
study was to determine whether the results from the Bangsbo some of them were selected for the senior team of their
test reflect the subject’s VO2MAX. respective clubs. At the time of the experiment, their average
Although most of the game is aerobic, the most decisive weekly training programmes included 8–10 training sessions
skills, such as the ability to jump high and sprint fast in duels a week (each session lasting about 90 minutes), mainly
against opponents, are anaerobic.1 Wisløff et al13 showed a soccer training and very rarely on track running or muscular
strong correlation between maximal muscle strength, vertical strength training.
jump performance, and 10–30 m sprint times in well trained The experiment was performed mid-season—that is, three
male elite soccer players. Whether this relation also exists in to five months after the beginning of the competitive season.
younger, less well trained soccer players is not known. The The cohort studied was comprised four goalkeepers, 12
main tests for measuring force, power, and sprint in soccer defenders, 12 midfield players, and six forwards.
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Figure 1 The Bangsbo soccer field test circuit. (A) Circuit dimensions. The length and width of the circuit correspond to that of the penalty area of a
soccer pitch. The recovery zone is delimited by four small cones at the corners and wooden battens on the field. Cones 15 and 39 correspond to
running direction changes, and cones 21 and 33 to the beginning and end of the slalom. They should be of different colour to be easily identified. The
four cones at the area corners (0, 12, 18, and 36) and the slalom cones (21–33) must be at least 1.2 m high. The others can be small cones. (B) The test
lasts 16.5 minutes, during which players alternate between 40 15 second bouts of high intensity exercise and 10 second low intensity exercise jogs.
During the high intensity periods, subjects follow the 160 m circuit, running 40 m forward, 8.25 m backwards, 95.25 m forward and through a 120˚
angle slalom, 8.25 m sideways while facing away from the centre of the circuit, and 8.25 m sideways while facing the centre of the circuit. During the
low intensity periods, players jog to the centre of the circuit and back to the last cone marked position they reached at the end of the previous high
intensity period. If the sound signal stops them during the slalom, the low jogging is performed towards the next slalom cone and back to the last cone
they reached before the signal. The test performance is the distance covered during the 40 periods of high intensity running.
follow an outlined circuit around the penalty area of a soccer standardised warm up, the players had 10 minutes to
field. They run 40 m forward, 8.25 m backwards, 95.25 m familiarise themselves with the circuit by light jogging.
forward and through a 120˚ angle slalom, 8.25 m sideways They then had to try the test pace—that is, the 15 second
while facing away from the centre of the circuit, and 8.25 m high intensity and 10 second light intensity bouts of
sideways while facing the centre of the circuit. During the exercise—for four minutes. This allowed them to find a
low intensity periods, players jog to the centre of the circuit personal running pace to try to perform the best performance
and back to the last cone marked position they reached at the over the 16.5 minute test duration. After the warm up and
end of the previous high intensity period. The test perfor- the familiarisation, they rested for 10 minutes before
mance is the distance covered during the 40 periods of high performing the test. During the Bangsbo test, heart rate
intensity running. Before each test, after 10 minutes of was monitored with a heart rate monitor (Polar S-610; Polar
vVO2MAX, Lowest velocity associated with VO2MAX; vpeakVO2MAX, highest velocity attained before exhaustion; Th2vent, second ventilatory threshold or compensation
respiratory threshold expressed as percentage of VO2MAX; HRMAX maximum heart rate; [La2], lactate concentration.
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194 Chamari, Hachana, Ahmed, et al
Table 2 Main vertical jumping results measured on a There was no significant correlation between vertical jump
force platform in the laboratory (n = 30) height and sprint performance (table 4). However, the peak
jumping velocity and force correlated positively with 20 m
Wan Fpeak and 30 m sprinting performances (table 4), and 46% of the
W/ W/ N/ N/ vpeak height
30 m sprinting performance was explained by the jumping
W kg kg0.67 N kg kg0.67 TPF (s) (m/s) (cm) force (N/kg) and jumping velocity.
Mean 3878 55.1 224 1863 26.5 107.7 0.168 2.71 51.3
SD 553 5.7 25 262 2.7 11.6 0.046 0.19 6.7
This study shows that the performance in the Bangsbo test
Wan, Peak jumping anaerobic power; Fpeak, peak jumping force; TPF, did not correlate significantly with VO2MAX in young soccer
time to peak force during the pushing phase; vpeak, peak jumping players. This was surprising as an average running intensity
velocity. of 95% of maximal heart rate normally corresponds to
VO2MAX when running is continuous.23 The nature of the
Electro, Kempele, Finland). Five second intervals were Bangsbo test is intermittent running, and the heart rate
selected (0.2 Hz). achieved is probably not a good picture of the actual exercise
intensity, as it normally takes one minute of continuous
running to reach an exercise intensity corresponding to 95%
Blood sampling and determination of blood lactate of maximal heart rate.3 Therefore the exercise during the
concentration 15 seconds of high intensity running probably corresponds to
Blood samples were collected 3.5 minutes after VO2MAX and an anaerobic exercise intensity beyond VO2MAX. This is
after the Bangsbo tests. The 20 ml samples of capillary blood confirmed by the high concentration of blood lactate
were withdrawn from an earlobe with Microzym micro- measured (table 3). However, the soccer players in this study
pipettes. They were stored in tubes containing 180 ml of a represent a homogeneous group with regard to VO2MAX, and
haemolytic solution to ensure preservation of the samples at therefore a correlation between the performance in the
room temperature. Blood lactate concentration was subse- Bangsbo test and VO2MAX may be found in a more
quently measured by an enzymatic method (Microzym L; heterogeneous group of players. Heart rate values during
Setric Génie Industriel, Toulouse, France). the present Bangsbo test are similar to previous reports,1
confirming high heart rate responses to the test.
Statistical analysis Furthermore, the venous blood lactate concentrations are in
Values are expressed as mean (SD). For comparison between accordance with those of Mujika et al,12 but higher than
groups, we used a two way analysis of variance. The Scheffé reported by Bangsbo and Lindquist7 and Bangsbo.1 The senior
statistic was used to calculate post hoc p values of possible Tunisian squad (n = 25) that participated in the 2002
difference between groups. A Pearson correlation matrix was African Cup and World Championships had a mean blood
performed between the variables of the field and laboratory lactate concentration of 14.84 (1.31) mmol/l (range 12.6–17)
tests. A stepwise linear regression analysis was used when and covered a distance of 1879.1 (123.7) m in the Bangsbo
appropriate. Statistical significance was fixed at p,0.05. test with a heart rate of 186.5 (9.9) beats/min.
The fact that the Bangsbo test correlates with the lowest
RESULTS and highest running speed associated with VO2MAX is
No positional differences for any of the physiological surprising because normally there is a close relation between
variables were observed and the mean data for all players VO2MAX and running speed on an inclined treadmill.23 Testing
are therefore presented. of VO2MAX normally requires an inclined treadmill,23 and
therefore perhaps the true VO2MAX was not reached in our
Laboratory testing study using a flat treadmill. However, all the criteria for
During treadmill testing, the oxygen uptake levelled off reaching VO2MAX were achieved by all subjects, and we
despite increased running speed in all players—that is, the therefore conclude that the true VO2MAX was reached. Thus
true VO2MAX was determined (table 1). Table 2 presents the relation between running speed and VO2MAX may be
vertical jump height variables. different when a flat treadmill is used rather than an inclined
treadmill. Running technique probably plays a more promi-
Field testing nent role when the former is used. As it has been shown in
The mean (SD) time for the 30 m sprint test was 1.87 several studies3 25 that VO2MAX is a very important variable of
(0.10) seconds with a 10 m lap time of 4.38 (0.18) seconds match performance of soccer players, tests other than the
(n = 30). Table 3 presents data from the Bangsbo field test. Bangsbo test are required to either estimate or directly
measure it. Helgerud et al3 showed that improving VO2MAX by
Correlations between laboratory and field testing 11% induces a 20% (,1800 m) increase in the distance
There was no significant correlation between the Bangsbo covered in a match, 23% increase in involvement with the
test and VO2MAX. However, there was a positive correlation ball, and 100% increase in the number of sprints performed.
between vVO2MAX, vpeakVO2MAX, and distance covered in the The importance of increasing the performance in the Bangsbo
Bangsbo test (fig 2). test on a player’s match performance is still uncertain. A
Average Peak
Peak [La-]
Distance (m) Beats/min %HRMAX Beats/min %HRMAX (mmol/l)
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Figure 2 Relation between distance covered in the Bangsbo test and the lowest velocity corresponding to maximal oxygen uptake (vVO2MAX) (A) and
peak velocity at VO2MAX (vpeakVO2MAX) (B). Dotted lines represent 95% estimation interval.
complementary study to determine the effect of a training As a soccer player jumps on average 15.5 times, with about
induced increase in the Bangsbo test on match performance nine headers a match,1 and performs a sprint about every
(distance covered, number of sprints, involvement with the 90 seconds, each lasting two to four seconds,1 26 jumping and
ball), aerobic function (VO2MAX), and aerobic performance sprinting performance obviously influence the outcome of a
(vVO2MAX, time to exhaustion at vVO2MAX, and running game. The 30 m sprint time did not significantly correlate
economy) would extend our knowledge of this often used with vertical jump height, but rather with peak velocity
test. Although the mean data show that 55% of the during the jump. This is not surprising as it has been shown
performance in the Bangsbo test can be explained by that it is the level of maximal strength and the rate of force
vVO2MAX, the precision when individual values are estimated development that influence both jump height and sprint
is not very accurate—that is, the standard error of the y performance.24 27 This is in accordance with previous studies
estimate is quite large (fig 2A). For example, if a player has a in Norwegian senior elite soccer players13 and emphasises the
vVO2MAX of 18 km/h, fig 2A shows that the estimated fact that muscular force and power are relevant variables
distance covered in the Bangsbo test is 1700–1950 m; the with respect to sprinting performance. Surprisingly, the 10 m
corresponding data for 19 km/h and 17 km/h are 1750– lap time did not correlate with any of the vertical jump
1950 m and 1700–1800 m respectively. So on an individual variables, which contrasts with previous reports.13 It must be
basis this is not very impressive. Therefore, before this test is emphasised that subjects in the latter study were adult elite
used in a standard test battery, more studies to determine its players and that half of the population studied performed
practical use should be performed. The optimum soccer regular high intensity strength training, which was not the
specific test has yet to be defined, and, for the time being, the case for the players in this study. As suggested by Wisløff
most useful tests for evaluating strength and endurance et al,13 when subjects with different training regimens are
training are laboratory tests. However, the Bangsbo test is studied, clearly the correlation between sprinting and
useful for looking at other aspects of aerobic endurance jumping performance may be different. The role of age could
performance besides the traditional VO2MAX, running econ- not be ruled out either, with possible different physiological
omy, and anaerobic threshold—for example, vVO2MAX and capacities17 and/or lower level of acceleration skills. The
vpeakVO2MAX. On the other hand, the usefulness of increasing jumping performance in the present study was in the normal
vVO2MAX and vpeakVO2MAX without increasing VO2MAX has yet range for soccer players.3 15 The sprint results fit in with
to be defined. observations in elite junior players in a previous study.3 The
10 m lap time could give important information, as indicated
The values obtained for VO2MAX and anaerobic threshold in
by the substantial differences within the 30 m test, with
this study are of the same order as found for elite junior
some of the subjects having similar 30 m times but notably
players in Norway.3 With the present knowledge of the
different 10 m times. In this context, it must be emphasised
importance of a high VO2MAX on match performance, further
that the 10 m performance is a relevant test variable in
emphasis should be placed on increasing that. There is no
modern soccer. Cometti et al16 have shown that French
reason for elite junior players to have a lower VO2MAX than
professional and amateur soccer players had similar 30 m
elite senior players, approaching 70 ml/kg/min (correspond-
sprint performances but the professionals had significantly
ing to 205 ml/kg0.75/min for a 75 kg player).15 Effective
lower 10 m lap times.
exercise training regimens, with or without the ball, have
been presented in detail elsewhere,2 3 and include periods of
four minutes at an exercise intensity corresponding to 90– Conclusions
95% of maximal heart rate. Such a training regimen could be In young soccer players, the Bangsbo test and 30 m sprint
expected to increase VO2MAX by 0.5% per training session.3 test correlate with vVO2MAX and peak jumping velocity
Table 4 Correlation between vertical jump variables and the 20 m (from 10 to 30 m) and 30 m sprint performances
Wan Fpeak
W/kg W/kg N/kg N/kg0.67 vpeak (m/s) Hpeak (cm)
30 m sprint r2 = 0.21, p = 0.010 r2 = 0.17, p = 0.020 *p = 0.054 *p = 0.080 r2 = 0.40, p = 0.0002 *p = 0.083
20 m sprint r2 = 0.25, p = 0.005 r2 = 0.17, p = 0.021 r2 = 0.17, p = 0.019 *p = 0.058 r2 = 0.34. p = 0.0006 *p = 0.12
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