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Asymmetric Fault Propagation Mechanism On AC Side of Hybrid Microgrid and Suppression Methods

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2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia

Asymmetric Fault Propagation Mechanism on AC Side

of Hybrid Microgrid And Suppression Methods
Zhu Yongqiang1, Liu Kang1 Che Kai2
Zhang Quan1, Han Minxiao1 Jia Yongyong3
1. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System 2. State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., LTD. Nanjing
with Renewable Energy Sources, North China Electric Power 210024, China;
University, Beijing 102206, China; 3. State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., LTD. Research
Institute, Nanjing 211103, China

Abstract—The analysis of asymmetric fault propagation impact on short-circuit current. These factors lead to AC side
mechanism on AC side and the study of its suppression methods faults in AC-DC interconnected system, and the analysis of
are very important for the safe and stable operation of AC/DC DC side electrical characteristics becomes very complex[2].
hybrid microgrid. In this paper, the influence of asymmetric Traditional fault analysis and protection methods are not
short-circuit fault on DC power and electricity is analyzed. On necessarily applicable to AC/DC interconnected systems
this basis, a compensation control strategy of negative sequence including hybrid microgrid. To solve these problems, scholars
zero-sequence voltage is proposed to suppress the transmission at home and abroad have made some research. In reference
of this type of fault. Then a hybrid micro-grid model using the [9], the inverted DG is equivalent to a model of constant
control strategy of "network-network" interconnected converter
voltage source and constant impedance in series, and the short
is built on the simulation software PSCAD/EMTDC, which
verifies the correctness of the above fault analysis and the
circuit current of DG injection network is approximately
effectiveness of the improved control strategy.1 measured according to the impedance. In reference [10], the
inverted DG is equivalent to a series model of variable voltage
Index Terms-- AC/DC hybrid microgrid; Fault propagation; source and constant impedance, which improves the accuracy
Asymmetric Short Circuit; Non-characteristic harmonics; of short circuit calculation method. Reference [11] considers
Negative Sequence Zero Sequence Compensation the characteristics of inverted DG faults using constant voltage
and constant frequency control strategy, and proposes a
microgrid fault analysis method based on this strategy. With
regard to the influence of AC side faults on DC side in AC/DC
AC/DC hybrid microgrid is an important part of smart grid interconnected systems, reference [13] uses RTDS closed-loop
in the future[1]-[2]. It consists of AC microgrid, DC microgrid test system in HVDC project to simulate the transient
and AC/DC interconnected converter. Various distributed characteristics of DC system under AC system. It is believed
generators, energy storage devices and loads are flexibly that AC side faults will cause low voltage, 100Hz, or double
distributed to AC and DC microgrids according to their own frequency disturbance. In reference [18], the characteristics of
output characteristics. According to the connection DC-side power fluctuation caused by AC asymmetric voltage
relationship between AC/DC hybrid microgrid and large grid, in hybrid microgrid are analyzed. It is considered that the
its operation modes can be divided into grid-connected harmonic content of DC-side is related to the type of access
operation mode and island operation mode. The two modes equipment, and that the double-frequency fluctuation of power
can be switched freely, and the degree of transformation of the will cause the power-frequency fluctuation of DC-side
existing grid is small. Due to the clean, efficient and voltage.
controllable characteristics of AC/DC hybrid microgrid, it will
become one of the important development directions of smart However, at present, there are relatively few basic studies
microgrid in the future[5]. on the AC side fault propagation mechanism of hybrid
microgrid. Based on the analysis of asymmetric fault
Compared with conventional AC power grid, hybrid propagation mechanism on AC side, a control strategy of
micro-grid contains a large number of power electronic negative sequence zero sequence voltage compensation is
devices, which have the characteristics of small inertia and proposed to suppress the propagation of such faults. Finally,
fault current limiting. This makes the operation mode of the correctness of the theoretical analysis and the effectiveness
hybrid micro-grid and DG control strategy have a greater of the improved control strategy are verified by simulation
This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China

978-1-7281-3520-5/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 2748

II. PROPAGATION MECHANISM OF ASYMMETRIC SHORT sequence current and negative sequence current of ILC in
CIRCUIT FAULT ON AC SIDE synchronous dq rotating coordinate system.
Asymmetric short-circuit faults on AC side include single- udqP, udqN, idqP and idqN are written in the plural form:
phase grounding fault, two-phase inter-phase short-circuit
fault and two-phase grounding short-circuit fault. Two-phase udqP =udP +juqP
asymmetric short-circuit faults will produce positive and  N N N
negative sequence components, while single-phase grounding udq =ud +juq
fault and two-phase grounding short-circuit fault will produce P P P (4)
zero sequence components in addition to positive and negative idq =id +jiq
sequence components. However, the inverted DG and ILC on N N N
AC side of hybrid microgrid usually adopt three-phase, three- idq =id +jiq
wire and no-midline grid-connected mode, which can not
Under the condition of asymmetric three-phase voltage of
provide access for zero-sequence components[12]-[13].
ILC connection point, the apparent complex power S of ILC
Therefore, when asymmetric faults occur on the AC side, the
access point on AC side is:
effects of positive and negative sequence components on
hybrid microgrid are only considered, and the effects of zero 3 *
sequence components are not taken into account. S = udqidq = Pac +jQac
A. Analysis of Power Fluctuation on DC Side (5)
3 P jω t N − jω t P jω t N − jω t *
It is assumed that the instantaneous value of three-phase = (udq e +udq e )(idq e +idq e )
voltage and three-phase current of the AC side connection 2
point of ILC is ua, ub, uc and ia, ib, ic respectively. When an Among the formula: idq* and idq are conjugate vectors, Pac
asymmetric fault occurs on the AC side, according to the and Qac are active power and reactive power at the AC side
symmetric component method, the voltage can be connection point of ILC.
decomposed into positive sequence voltage uaP, ubP, ucP and Expansion of Formula (5):
negative sequence voltage uaN, ubN, ucN, and the current can be
decomposed into positive sequence current iaP, ibP, icP and  Pac = P0 + Pc2 cos(2ω t) + Ps 2 sin(2ω t)
negative sequence current iaN, ibN, icN. Write the complex  (6)
vector as follows: Qac = Q0 + Qc2 cos(2ω t) + Qs 2 sin(2ω t)
Among the formula: P0 and Q0 are the average of active
 P 2 P P j2π /3 P − j2π /3
u = 3 ( ua +ub e )
+u c e and reactive power at the AC side connection points of ILC.
Pc2 and Qc2 are the peaks of the second harmonic cosine terms
 (1) of active and reactive power at the common connection points
u N = 2 ( u N +u N e − j2π /3 +u N e j2π /3 ) of ILC. Ps2 and Qs2 are the peaks of the second harmonic sine
 3
a b c
terms of active and reactive power at the common connection
points of ILC.
 P 2 P P j2π /3 P − j2π /3
i = 3 ( ia +ib e +ic e ) Formula (6) shows that when asymmetric faults occur on
(2) the AC side, negative sequence component of voltage and
 current occurs at the ILC connection point, which makes both
i N = 2 ( i N +i N e − j2π /3 +i N e j2π /3 ) active power Pac and reactive power Qac at the ILC connection
 3
a b c
point contain second harmonic component. The relationship
Among the formula: up, un, ip, and in are respectively between active and reactive power components and positive
positive sequence voltage complex vectors, negative sequence and negative sequence voltage and current components in
voltage complex vectors, positive sequence current complex synchronous dq rotating system can be further obtained by
vectors and negative sequence current complex vectors of the using simultaneous formula (4) and formula (5) as follows:
AC side connection points of ILC.
According to the principle of equal amplitude, in the  P0   udP uqP udN uqN 
P   N 
synchronous dq rotating coordinate system, the complex
 c2  ud uqN udP uqP   idP 
vector form of the AC side connection points of ILC is as  
follows:  Ps 2  3  uqN −udN −uqP udP   iqP 
 =  P  (7)
 Q0  2  uq −udP uqN −udN  idN 
udq =udq P jω t
e +udqN e− jω t  uN  
 (3) Qc2  −udN −uqP −udP  iqN 
P jω t N − jω t    qN 
idq =idq e +idq e Qs 2   −ud −uqP udP uqP 
Among the formula: ω is the voltage angle frequency of When the switching loss of ILC is not taken into account,
AC microgrid. udq, idq, udqP, udqN, idqP and idqN are complex the power balance relationship between AC and DC sides of
vectors of AC side connection point voltage, current, positive ILC in hybrid microgrid is as follows:
sequence voltage, negative sequence voltage, positive

the DC side, which will produce the double frequency
 Pac =Pdc =Pc + Pdc′ fluctuation voltage.

 1 dudc2 (8) The second harmonic fluctuation of DC side voltage is set
 Pc = C as follows:
 2 dt
According to the principle of power conservation, when udc.2ω = k1Udcm sin(2ωt +α1 ) (12)
the doubling frequency fluctuation of AC side power Pac
occurs, according to formula (6) and formula (8), the doubling Among the formula: Udcm is the DC voltage on the DC side.
frequency fluctuation of DC side power Pdc will be balanced k1 is the amplitude coefficient of double frequency fluctuation
with AC side power Pac, and the DC side voltage can not be voltage. α1 is the initial phase of double frequency fluctuation
kept constant, resulting in fluctuation. voltage.
B. Analysis of DC Side Voltage Disturbance Combining formula (9) and formula (12), the following
The ILC switching function is expanded by Fourier series can be obtained:
and the non-fundamental component is neglected. The  Δua   sa0   k2U dcm cos(ωt + α1 ) 
fundamental component of the switching function is obtained:  Δu  =  s  u  
 b   b0  dc.2ω =  k2U dcm cos(ωt − 2π / 3 + α1 ) 
2   Δuc   sc0   k2U dcm cos(ωt + 2π / 3 + α1 )  (13)
 π sin(ωt )   k2U dcm cos(3ωt +α1 ) 
 sa0   
 s  =  2 sin(ωt − 2π / 3)  +  k2U dcm cos(3ωt − 2π / 3+α1 ) 
 b0   π   k2U dcm cos(3ωt + 2π / 3+α1 ) 
 sc0    Among the formula: Uacm is the AC side voltage amplitude.
 2 sin(ωt + 2π / 3)  k2 is the third harmonic amplitude coefficient.
 π 
Similarly, when the negative sequence current on the AC
When asymmetric faults occur on the AC side, positive side is modulated by three or five times the non-fundamental
sequence current iaP, ibP, icP and negative sequence current iaN, component of the switching function, four or six even non-
ibN, icN are generated. characteristic harmonic currents and pulsating voltages will be
generated on the DC side. According to the analysis of
ia  ia  ia   I acm sin(ωt +θ ) 
Formula (13), the fourth and sixth pulsating voltages on the
i  = i P  + i N  =  I P sin(ωt − 2π / 3+θ P )  DC side will also generate fifth and seventh order odd
 b   b   b   acm 
harmonic voltages on the AC side. Therefore, the asymmetric
 ic  icP  icN   I acm
P P 
sin(ωt +2π / 3 + θ )  (10) negative sequence components on the AC side will generate a

large number of non-characteristic harmonics on both sides of
 I acm
sin(ωt +θ N )  the AC and DC hybrid microgrid.
 N N 
 I N sin(ωt − 2π / 3 + θ N )  ZERO SEQUENCE VOLTAGE
 acm 
Among the formula: IacmP and IacmN are positive sequence When asymmetric faults occur in AC side of hybrid
current amplitude and negative sequence current amplitude, microgrid, the voltage of ILC AC side contains positive and
respectively. θP and θN are the initial phase of positive negative sequence components. In the case of DC side bipolar
sequence current and negative sequence current respectively. power supply and AC side grounding fault, the zero sequence
component will propagate to DC side and cause power
The output current idc of the DC side is obtained by the frequency voltage pulsation. In order to compensate the
simultaneous (9) and (10): negative sequence zero sequence voltage on the AC side of the
T T ILC and suppress the fault propagation of the two, it is
 sa0  iaP   sa0  iaN  necessary for the ILC to send out the negative sequence zero
 P    N
idc =  sb0  ib  +  sb0  ib 
sequence current to meet the demand, so that the negative
sequence zero sequence voltage almost falls on the AC side
 sc0  icP   sc0  icN  line impedance. Fig. 1 shows the equivalent circuit diagrams
    of negative sequence and zero sequence of the ILC AC side
= k0 I acm cos θ P − k0 I acm
cos(2ωt + θ N ) view.
Among the formula: k0 is harmonic amplitude coefficient. eaN RN LN iaN ea0 R0 L0 ia0
ebN RN LN ibN eb0 R0 L0 ib0
Formula (11) shows that under the action of switching
function, the DC current on the DC side includes the DC part ecN RN LN icN ec0 R0 L0 ic0
and the doubled frequency fluctuation part. The second
harmonic current will cause the fluctuation of DC voltage on (a)Negative sequence equivalent circuit (b)Zero Sequence Equivalent Circuit

Fig.1 Negative Sequence Zero Sequence Equivalent Circuit e0 can be obtained by the simple calculation of formula
(17) and sinusoidalized as a three-phase zero-sequence voltage
Based on the analysis of power disturbance on the DC side compensation modulation signal.
of section Ⅱ, the output power with only negative sequence
components can be expressed as: ea0  sin(ωt + θ 0 ) 
 0 2 0 0 
 P = 1.5(edN idN + eqN iqN ) eb  = 3 e sin(ωt + θ )  (18)
 (14) ec0  sin(ωt + θ 0 ) 
N N N N    
Q = 1.5(eq id − ed iq ) In order to compensate the negative sequence zero
Due to the low proportion of rotating elements in the sequence voltage, the modulation signals of positive sequence
microgrid, it can be considered that AC side R=RN=R0, then voltage, negative sequence voltage and zero sequence voltage
the power consumption of connecting reactor is: obtained in the above process are superimposed as the output
voltage modulation signals of ILC. After modulation by PWM
 P = 1.5((idN ) 2 + (iqN ) 2 ) R controller, ILC control signal is generated, which can restrain
 (15) the effect of fault propagation. The principle of the negative
Q = −1.5((id ) + (iq ) )ω L
N 2 N 2
sequence zero sequence compensation control presented in
Combining formula (14) and formula (15), the following this paper is shown in Fig. 2.
can be obtained: udP uqP
uac i P eP
Current ed dq/abc aP
e =Ri + ω Li
q udc
Power dref
Outer iqref Inner e P eb
 N (16) Ring Loop
q Positive e P

eq =Riq − ω Lid


0 θN eaN
It can be seen from formula (16) that the negative + idN edN
udN - PI

Formula N dq/abc eb
sequence voltage command signals edN and eqN can be N
i eq Negative N  PWM
uqN -
q (16) ec
obtained by algebraic operation using idN and iqN in the form of PI

DC as input signals of ILC output negative sequence current. 0 0 ea0
+ i0 e 0 F eb0
Three-phase negative sequence voltage compensation ua
Single phase
- PI ωL
(18) ec0
modulation signal can be obtained by inverse transformation ub  voltage
measurement θ

of negative sequence rotating coordinates. idN and iqN can be uc

obtained by PI adjustment of the error of negative sequence
voltage and instruction signal at the connection between ILC Fig.2 Control Principle of Negative Sequence Zero Sequence Compensation
and AC bus.
For zero sequence equivalent circuit, according to the IV. EXAMPLE ANALYSIS
definition of symmetric component, zero sequence component In this paper, a simulation model of AC/DC hybrid
is three AC components with equal magnitude and phase. microgrid is built on PSCAD/EMTDC platform as shown in
Namely: ea0=eb0=ec0, ia0=ib0=ic0, Ignoring the equivalent Figure 3. AC bus voltage level is 0.4 kV and DC bus voltage
impedance of switching loss and line resistance, only level is 0.8 kV. The rated power of AC_DG1 and AC_DG2 on
considering the filter inductance L, the relationship between AC side are 50 kW and 30 kW respectively. The rated power
zero-sequence voltage and zero-sequence current can be of DC_DG1 and DC_DG2 in DC-side distributed power
expressed as follows: supply are 50 kW and 20 kW, respectively. AC load AC_Load
and DC load DC_Load are 10 kW and 30 kW respectively.
e 0 = ω Li 0  (17) Bus1


0 0
Among the formula: e and i are the effective values of CB1

zero-sequence voltage and zero-sequence current AC_ AC DC DC_

DG1 Bus2 DG1
Zero-sequence component is relatively independent in Line1 Line4
dq/abc synchronous rotation transformation, and its Bus3
acquisition is simpler and more direct than negative-sequence AC_
component, without occupying too much digital cost of the CB2


Line2 Line5

system. Taking the RMS of zero sequence voltage at the AC_ Bus7 DC_
connection between ILC and AC bus, the reference value i
Load Load

of RMS of zero sequence current can be obtained by PI Fig.3 Hybrid microgrid structure
adjustment of the error between RMS u and instruction
signal 0.

A. Validation of Fault Analysis Theory sequence component can form a loop through the grounding
In the beginning, the hybrid microgrid was in the mode of fault point and the capacitance grounding neutral point on the
joint grid-connected operation. AC_DG1, DC_DG1 start ILC AC side. When the AC side grounding fault occurs, the
charging. AC_DG2 and DC_DG2 are controlled by PQ with DC side appears larger power frequency fluctuation and other
output power of 15 kW and 5 kW respectively. AC_Load odd fluctuation disturbances, which is consistent with the
consumes 10 kW and DC_Load consumes 30 kW. When the analysis conclusion in Section 2.
system is running for 5s, single-phase grounding, two-phase
B. Validation of improved control strategy
and two-phase grounding faults are set at the beginning of
Line 3 respectively, and (+/-400V) bipolar power supply mode In this simulation experiment, ILC adopts "network-
is adopted. Fig. 4 shows the fault response of DC bus under network" ILC control strategy of positive sequence component
bipolar power supply mode. The obvious fault characteristics improved control[8] and ILC control strategy of adding
caused by asymmetric faults on AC side in DC side are the negative sequence zero sequence voltage compensation
appearance of harmonics, and the voltage drop of DC side bus control respectively. The sagging characteristic of "net-net" is
is not obvious. Fig. 5 shows the harmonic content of DC bus 0.4-uac=kg(0.82-udc2). AC_DG1 adopts U-P Droop control
under different AC faults under bipolar power supply mode. strategy, the sagging characteristic is U=0.4-1.9(P-0.02).
AC_DG2 adopts PQ control strategy with output power of 15
Single phase grounding
(a)单相接地 kW. Both DC_DG1 and DC_DG2 adopt U-P droop control
800 strategy, the sagging characteristic are U=0.8+3.2(P-0.025)

790 and U=0.8+4.0(P-0.015). Under the improved control of

positive sequence component, there are two cases of zero
Two phase
(b)两相相间 sequence negative sequence component compensation control
800 or not. The fault response characteristics of bus voltage udc on

DC side are compared. The results are shown in Figures 6, 7
and 8.
Two-phase grounding
900 无 No

800 790 补
700 偿
4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2
t/s 有 Have

Fig.4 DC Bus Voltage Fault Response in Bipolar Power Supply 790 compensation



DC 12.0 Single phase grounding

单相接地 Fig.6 DC Bus Voltage Response under Single Phase Grounding Fault
10.0 Two phase
Two-phase grounding
6.0 无 No

4.0 compensation


4th 7th

5th 6th
2.0 偿
2.0 800
4.0 有 Have

6.0 790 compensation

8.0 偿
10.0 780

14.0 Fig.7 Voltage Response of DC Bus under Two-Phase Interphase Fault
Fig.5 Pulse Harmonic Content of Bipolar Power Supply
无 No
Because of the different types of asymmetric faults on AC compensation



side, the fault characteristics on both sides of AC and DC are 780

quite different. When two-phase short-circuit fault occurs on 770

AC side, the fault current on AC side does not contain zero 800
有 Have
sequence component, but only negative sequence component

790 compensation

and positive sequence component. Under this fault type, the 偿
fault response of DC side bus voltage is basically the same as 780

that of unipolar power supply mode. When the fault type is 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4
grounding fault, the maximum fluctuation amplitude of DC
bus voltage in single-phase grounding fault is 20V, and that of Fig.8 DC Bus Voltage Response under Two-Phase Grounding Fault
two-phase grounding fault is close to 100V, which obviously
exceeds the range of DC voltage fluctuation allowed by the As can be seen from the figure above, the fault
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