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The Analect of Confucius

Book I Notes/Translation Analysis

1.4 Master Zeng said: Each day 1.4 Master Zeng 曾 子 is the Each day of my life I have been
I examine myself upon three disciple Zeng Shen 參 , among examining myself. One is, have
points. In planning for others, the youngest of Confucius’s been loyal to the person even
have I been loyal? In company major disciples. The fact that though I have some trust issues
with friends, have I been he is referred to as ‘Master’ in to them? I believe in loyalty.
trustworthy? And have I the Analects indicates that his Loyalty is one of the most
practiced what has been passed own later disciples had a hand important qualities in a person,
on to me? in the text. (Zeng Shen’s death and it is one of the most
is described in Book VIII.) endearing and supreme morals
‘Loyalty’ (zhong 忠 ) and of human society, past and
‘trustworthiness’ (xìn 信 ) are present. Second is, does my
complex concepts in the friends considered me as a
Analects. Loyalty involves trustworthy person? A
taking others’ interests as trustworthy friend is someone
central in your conduct; you can count on no matter
trustworthiness means standing what. Third is have I learned
by one’s word, or, more deeply, some lesson what is passed on
being a dependable support for to me.
others. Both could be rendered
in some contexts as
‘faithfulness’; occasionally, I
have rendered xìn in that sense.
Book II Notes/Translation Analysis

2.9 The Master said: I can 2.9 ‘Hui’ is Yan Hui 顏回 (or I can speak all day and no
speak with Hui all day and he Yan Yuan 淵 ), Confucius’s one will contradict because I
will never contradict me, like most celebrated disciple. He am not a stupid person I am
a dolt. But after he is pictured in the Analects in engaging to the person with
withdraws, when I survey his sagelike ways, but dies some relevant aspect of life
personal conduct, indeed he before Confucius, to the which he can apply to his real
is ready to go forth. He’s no Master’s dismay (see 11.8- life. And he is not a stupid
dolt! 11). person after all because of
some his learning that the
applied to it.

The Analect of Confucius

Book III Notes/Translation Analysis

3.1 The Ji family had eight 3.1 On the Ji family, see the In this way, promoting
ranks of dancers perform in note to 2.20. It was a great tolerance of diversity can
the court of their family concern to Confucius that ironically, lead to an
compound. Confucius said of power in Lu 魯 (his home intolerance of political and
this, “If one can tolerate this, state) had devolved from the intellectual dissent. A society
one can tolerate anything!” legitimate ruling duke into to intolerant to dissent is one
the hands of three warlord is not open for ideas and is
clans (the Ji, the Meng, and instead fearful of it.
the Shusun), descendents of
an earlier duke. The
usurpation of power is linked
to the matters of ritual
usurpation discussed in 3.1-2.
It should be understood that
the ultimate problem
concerns the loss of power by
the Zhou kings themselves,
whose control of the Zhou
state passed into the hands of
regional lords after 771 BCE.
In 3.2, and elsewhere, “Son
of Heaven” refers to the
Zhou king.
The Analect of Confucius
Book IV Notes/Translation Analysis

4.9 The Master said, If a 4.9 ‘Gentleman’ translates What I have understood in
gentleman sets his heart on shi 士 , a term applied to all 4.9 book is that you should
the dao but is ashamed to well-born men, from rulers to not be a person who you
wear poor clothes and eat lower aristocrats. It came to want to be because it is an
poor food, he is not worth point more towards the lower embarrassing moment if one
engaging in serious levels, and then as a person tells you that you
discussion. normative term, came to came from a lower class
signify a person of basic aristocrat. A person should
moral attainments and not apply those trait in order
culture, worthy of being to have a companion in life.
treated as an aristocrat,
regardless of birth.
Confucians were among the
earliest champions of treating
people on the basis of their
attainments of morality and
culture, rather than on the
basis of birth.

The Analect of Confucius

Book V Notes/Translation Analysis

5.17 The Master said, Yan 5.17 Yan Pingzhong was a Ones you gained self-
Pingzhong was good at famous prime minister in the confidence to other people it
interacting with people. state of Qi. He lived well would surely allow you to
Even after long into Confucius’s lifetime, interact with other people,
acquaintance, he remained dying c. 506 BCE. because you boost up your
respectfully attentive. self-esteem when it comes
from engaging people who
acquainted you long before.
It allows us to be more
attentive for what we have
in our perspective in life a
individual person.

The Analect of Confucius

Book VI Notes/Translation Analysis

6.2 Zhonggong asked about 6.2 Nothing certain is 6.2 Book said that “Nothing
Zisang Bozi. The Master known of Zisang Bozi. is known of Zizang Bozi.”as
said, “He was satisfactory; what I have understood to
his style was simple.” this statement is that the
Zhonggong said, “To be person must perform the
attentively respectful when position in a satisfactory
interacting at home but way throughout the period in
simple in conduct when order to gain some praise.
approaching one’s people is
indeed satisfactory. But is
not being simple both at
home and in conduct abroad
to be too simple?” The
Master said, “Yong’s words
are correct.”

The Analect of Confucius

Book VII Notes/Translation Analysis

7.7 The Master said, From 7.7 The openness of If we offer something that is
those who offer only a Confucius’s ‘school’ to men coming from our heart then
bundle of dried sausages on of all classes is reflected the openness of a person
up, I have never refused to here. Note ‘on up’: will help you even though it
teach. Confucius was a is a small amount. He is not
professional private teacher hesitant in helping others if
(often said to be the first), he sees that person is
who seems to have lived deserving to teach some
largely off the largess of his moral lessons in life.
wealthier pupils.

The Analect of Confucius

Book VIII Notes/Translation Analysis

8.12 The Master said, A 8.12 The minimum term of The base term of
student willing to study for discipleship was apprenticeship was
three years without traditionally taken to be customarily taken to take
obtaining a salaried position three years. There is a time. There is a pressure all
is hard to come by. tension throughout the throughout. The objectives
Analects between the goals of learning for its own
of learning for its own sake purpose and concentrate
and study in order to gain with a specific end goal to
appointment. 1.1 leads the pick up arrangement.
text with this issue

The Analect of Confucius

Book IX Notes/Translation Analysis

9.1 The Master rarely spoke 9.1 This probably means This in all probability
of profit, fate, or ren. that Confucius rarely spoke implies that Confucius did
of events, actions, or people not really open up much
in these terms, since many about the happenings, profits
passages in the Analects and goodness gained by the
record comments Confucius people as certain evidence
is said to have made on states that comments coming
these general subjects. Like for Confucius were
Book VII, Book IX is translated in a negative light.
studded with short
comments on Confucius and
his style of teaching. In
some respects, Books VII
and IX appear to be variants
on the same theme,
developed by different
branches of the school.
The Analect of Confucius

The Analect of Confucius

Book X Notes/Translation Analysis

10.8 He did not speak while His mind was always

eating, nor when lying wandering to other things
down to sleep. outside from what was
important which lack his
Book XI Notes/Translation Analysis

11.17 The Ji family was 11.17 The Duke of Zhou, a When the Duke of Zhou
wealthier than the Duke of dynastic founder, is not dynasty had some issues to
Zhou. Qiu assisted them in known for great wealth, but the collection of taxes their
the collection of taxes and so this turn of phrase may wealth is no longer a basis
enlarged their riches further. reflect a saying in Lu, which for them to rule a certain
The Master said, “He is no was the fief granted to the place. They must follow the
follower of mine! Young men, Duke and his descendants. new leader which became a
you have my permission to Like Zilu, Ran Qiu’s service to much wealthier compared
sound the drums and drive the Ji clan created an ethical to Duke of Zhou dynasty.
him away.” issue within Confucius’s They must follow some
rules in order to them to
Kristinelou Marie N. Reyna

Analects of Confucius

Book Notes/Translations Analysis/Interpretation

1.7 Zixia said: If a person 1.7 Zixia was a junior How you treat others reflects
treats worthy people as disciple, noted for his abilities your own personality. For
worthy and so alters his with texts. Note how this example, whenever there is
expression, exerts all his effort passage seems a gentle someone who complimented
when serving his parents, correction to the one before. me, I learned how to
exhausts himself when The Analects was composed appreciate those things and
serving his lord, and is by many hands over several treat them with kindness. Not
trustworthy in keeping his centuries. Some portions just for the people I like and
word when in the company of seem to bear the traces of a respect—that’s easy, but also
friends, though others may conversation among differing for the ones that drives me
say he is not yet learned, I view-points within the crazy and those that I don’t
would call him learned. Confucian school. even know.
Whenever you value things be
it a blessing or (the other way
around) [that are () to you,]
you learn something.
Something raw, authentic and
() that fills up your heart and
mind and you realize and
understand the lessons it

Book Notes/Translations Analysis/Interpretation

2.17 The Master said: If you No matter how fast things are
study but don’t reflect you’ll be moving, take the time to
lost. If you reflect but don’t reflect on our experiences. If
study you’ll get into trouble. we want to have greater
impact, faster, we have to
slow down enough to reflect
on what we’ve done and what
we’re going to do. It’s a
balancing act. Action without
reflection is just a waste of
time. For instance, we were
given an activity by group
about the topic we tackled in
our class. Rather than sitting
there with no contribution to
my members at all, I gave my
insights and opinions. If our
workgroup just acts and acts
without pausing to understand
what we’ve learned and how
to apply it, we won’t likely
achieve a higher level of
performance. Reflection, is
about understanding and
interpreting information in the
form of results, observations
and data to evolve our actions
to get more impact. Taking
time to step back and reflect
on actions, the results of
those and our expectations for
actions can be a rich source
of insight and learning.

Book Notes/Translations Analysis/Interpretation

3.7 Zixia said: If a person 3.7 Zixia was a junior How you treat others
treats worthy people as disciple, noted for his reflects your own
worthy and so alters his abilities with texts. Note personality. For example,
expression, exerts all his how this passage seems a whenever there is someone
effort when serving his gentle correction to the one who complimented me, I
parents, exhausts himself before. The Analects was learned how to appreciate
when serving his lord, and composed by many hands those things and treat them
is trustworthy in keeping over several centuries. with kindness. Not just for
his word when in the Some portions seem to bear the people I like and respect
company of friends, though the traces of a conversation —that’s easy, but also for
others may say he is not yet among differing view-points the ones that drives me
learned, I would call him within the Confucian crazy and those that I don’t
learned. school. even know.
Whenever you value things
be it a blessing or (the other
way around) [that are () to
you,] you learn something.
Something raw, authentic
and () that fills up your heart
and mind and you realize
the lessons it brought.

Book Notes/Translations Analysis/Interpretation

4.7 The Master said: People 4.7 Sometimes the sense Everybody makes mistakes.
make errors according to the here is taken to be that by Most of us make mistakes
type of person they are. By observing the pattern of a many times a day. Usually
observing their errors, you can person’s errors, one can they are minor and don’t really
understand ren. understand his distance from matter, what matters is how
ren. we respond to them. There
was this one time, it was
during our quiz when I
encircled the letter instead of
writing it before the number
and it feels like a disaster—or
at least it is used to. I’ve
learned to have mercy on
myself for such things, though
I’m not perfect at that either.
Life is so much better when
you can make a mistake and
then just continue on without it
ruining your whole day. Most
of the time, nobody even
notices, just like you probably
don’t really notice most of the
mistakes other people are
making every day. Thinking
involves making mistakes.
Even if you make a huge,
horrible mistake, just focus on
how to respond effectively and
what can you learn from it. So
mistakes don’t mean you’re a
failure, it enables us to grow
and become more human.

Book Notes/Translations Analysis/Interpretation

5.14 When Zilu heard 5.14 Just like when I get interested
something new and had not in riding a bike, in the
yet learned to practice it, his beginning I’m afraid I might
only fear was that he would get into accident in learning
hear something else new. how to ride the bike. I almost
restrain myself in practicing it
—afraid that I might injure
myself, but after some quite
time, I managed to go through
with it. Due to continuous
practice, I get the confidence
and I lose fear. Similar also to
students who are scared
when it comes to oral
recitation, they are afraid to
commit to trying because of
fear of failure, and that makes
them less capable because of
lack of practice and then the
fear deepens. I believe that
there is never anything to be
ashamed of except not trying
hard. Replace the shame of
feeling slow or dumb with a
fear of being lazy.

Book Notes/Translations Analysis/Interpretation

6.7 The Master said: People 6.7 Sometimes the sense How you treat others
make errors according to here is taken to be that by reflects your own
the type of person they are. observing the pattern of a personality. For example,
By observing their errors, person’s errors, one can whenever there is someone
you can understand ren. understand his distance who complimented me, I
from ren. learned how to appreciate
those things and treat them
with kindness. Not just for
the people I like and respect
—that’s easy, but also for
the ones that drives me
crazy and those that I don’t
even know.
Whenever you value things
be it a blessing or (the other
way around) [that are () to
you,] you learn something.
Something raw, authentic
and () that fills up your heart
and mind and you realize
the lessons it brought.

Book Notes/Translations Analysis/Interpretation

7.36 The Master said, Every little things we do in this

Extravagance leads towards world have an outcome,
disobedience; thrift leads whether it is a good or bad
towards uncouthness. Rather one. There’s always a cause
than be disobedient, it is and effect relationship in what
better to be uncouth. we do no matter how small or
big it is. Such as in my case,
Book Notes/Translations Analysis/Interpretation

8.12 The Master said, A 8.12 The minimum term of

student willing to study for discipleship was traditionally
three years without obtaining taken to be three years. There
a salaried position is hard to is a tension throughout the
come by. Analects between the goals of
learning for its own sake and
study in order to gain
appointment. 1.1 leads the
text with this issue.
Book Notes/Translations Analysis/Interpretation

9.13 Zigong said, “Let’s say I 9.13 This passage seems Finding our lives under
have a precious gemstone; designed to remind members everything we own is more
should I place it in a fine box of the school that although the than clearing away just junk.
and conceal it, or should I doctrine of timeliness says to Often, it requires removing
seek out a good merchant and hide in times of danger, the good quality things. Expensive
sell it?” The Master said, “Sell goal is still to find political things. Useful things. Admired
it! Sell it! I myself am waiting leverage to put the dao into things, and fancy things. We
for a good price.” practice. value things more because we
own them and we’re often bot
consciously thinking about our
motives when we keep things,
but everything has a cost. I
used to think it would be
wasteful just to give things
away that were barely used or
not used at all, especially if
they weren’t cheap. For
example, I was hesitant to get
rid of some items which I think
has a sentimental value on it.
It’s a hard decision to make,
whether I’ll just keep it or
throw it away. But in the end, I
just gave them to people
whom I think they would find it
useful. It is because
sometimes when we hold on
to good things we do not
need, we keep them from
being helpful to others.

Book Notes/Translations Analysis/Interpretation

10.17 When summoned by 10.17 Employ Confucius to

an order from his ruler, he set depict propriety in responding
off without waiting for the to a ruler or affairs of state
horses to be yoked to the outside the context of the
carriage. court.
Book Notes/Translations Analysis/Interpretation

11.16 Zigong said, “Who is 11.16 Shi 師 and Shang 商 are

more worthy, Shi or Shang?” the disciples Zizhang and
The Master said, “Shi goes Zixia. Book XIX reveals that
too far; Shang does not go far these two became rival school
enough.” “Then Shi is leaders after Confucius’s
superior?” “Too far is the death.
same as not far enough.”
Book Notes/Translations Analysis/Interpretation

12.23 Zigong asked about 12.23 This resonates with

friends. The Master said, 4.26
“Advise them loyally and
guide them well. If this does
not work, desist. Do not
humiliate yourself.”
Book Notes/Translations Analysis/Interpretation

13.5 The Master said, If a 13.5 The Poetry had become,

man can recite from memory by Confucius’s time, a
the three hundred odes of the canonical collection of songs
Poetry but, when you entrust well known to the patrician
him with governance, he is elite, who would at times
unable to express his communicate subtle
meaning, or, when you send messages by chanting lines
him to the four quarters on from the songs in place of
diplomatic missions, he is straightforward speech (as
unable to make replies on his one sees throughout the
own initiative, though he may Analects). In this way, the
have learned much, of what authoritative text became a
use is he? powerful tool to invoke ethical
ideas associated with its
lyrics. Memorizing the text
was significant, but if one
could not put the songs to use
through creative citation in
social action, mastery counted
for nothing. It is for this reason
that the Poetry was an
important part of the
Confucian ritual curriculum.

Book Notes/Translations Analysis/Interpretation

14.30 The Master said, Do 14.30 This passage seems to No matter how much effort
not be concerned that others be a prelude to 14.35. you put in, some people just
do not recognize you, be won’t appreciate it. Good
concerned about what you are deeds always pays off,
yet unable to do. sometimes, may be not from
the ones for whom you do
something good but from the
ones for whom you have not
done anything. It’s a circle,
you will get what your work for
not what you wish for. Keep
doing good deeds and do not
expect from people who can’t
give you back in return
because they are not capable
as you are. Be concerned
about the things that you
haven’t been able to do it yet.
In my case, I accepted that if
someone doesn’t appreciate
my efforts, I stop trying to
please them. I cannot force
everybody to like me, if they
don’t appreciate me, then they
don’t deserve me. I’ll just do
what I like and I know this
differentiate me from others.
Do not be bothered about fake
people being praised—who
are the people praising them
not knowing them for who
they are?

Book Notes/Translations Analysis/Interpretation

15.12 The Master said, A 15.12

man who does not think far
ahead will have troubles near
at hand.
Book Notes/Translations Analysis/Interpretation

16.4 Confucius said, There 16.4

are three types of friends who
improve you, and three types
of friends who diminish you.
Friends who are
straightforward, sincere, and
have learned much improve
you. Friends who are fawning,
insincere, and crafty in speech
diminish you.

Book Notes/Translations Analysis/Interpretation

17.14 The Master said, To 17.14 This is a comment on

repeat on the road what one the urge to gossip.
has heard on the street is to
throw virtue away.
Book Notes/Translations Analysis/Interpretation

18.7 The Master said: 18.7 Sometimes the sense

People make errors here is taken to be that by
according to the type of observing the pattern of a
person they are. By person’s errors, one can
observing their errors, you understand his distance
can understand ren. from ren.

Book Notes/Translations Analysis/Interpretation

19.8 Zixia said, When a 19.8

small man commits an error,
he will always make excuses.
Book Notes/Translations Analysis/Interpretation

20.3 The Master said, If you 20.3 ‘Destiny’ translates the

do not know your destiny, you term ming, which in other
cannot be a junzi. If you don’t contexts may mean ‘fate’, or
know li, you cannot take your Tian’s ‘mandate.’ (See the
stand. If you don’t interpret Glossary.) The second
people’s words, you cannot imperative is also found at
interpret people. 16.13.The term ‘interpret’ is
the verb usually rendered
‘know’ or ‘understand’. The
earliest known manuscript of
the full Analects text, which
was excavated from a grave
that was closed in 55 BCE,
ends with 20.2 and does not
include this final passage.

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