Electron Configuration
Electron Configuration
Electron Configuration
Electron Configuration
• Electrons exist in different energy levels (previously described as “shells”)
• The energy levels correspond to the horizontal rows on the periodic table
• Orbitals are areas within shells where the electrons are located
• These orbitals may have different shapes
• There may be different numbers of orbitals within a shell
• We know the electron is somewhere in the orbital, but we can’t know exactly where it is
or how fast it is moving –Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
• Each orbital can hold two electrons (Pauli Exclusion Principle)
The electron configuration of an atom is the representation of the arrangement of
electrons distributed among the orbital shells and subshells. Commonly, the electron
configuration is used to describe the orbitals of an atom in its ground state, but it can also be used
to represent an atom that has ionized into a cation or anion by compensating with the loss of or
gain of electrons in their subsequent orbitals. Many of the physical and chemical properties of
elements can be correlated to their unique electron configurations. The valence electrons,
electrons in the outermost shell, are the determining factor for the unique chemistry of the
Order of Fill
The order in which electrons are placed into the orbitals is based on the order of their energy.
This is referred to as the Aufbau principle. The lowest energy orbitals fill first. Just like the
quantum numbers themselves this order was determined by calculation and is summarized by the
following chart:
How to Write an Electron Configuration?
Looking at the periodic table, you can see that Oxygen has 8 electrons. Based on the order of fill
above, these 8 electrons would fill in the following order 1s, 2s and then 2p. So Oxygen's
electron configuration would be O 1s22s22p4.
Special Cases
If you need to write the full electron configuration for an anion, then you are just
adding additional electrons and the configuration is simply continued.
For example, we know that Oxygen always forms 2- ions when it makes an ion. This
would add 2 electrons to its normal configuration making the new configuration: O2- 1s22s22p6.
With 10 electrons you should note that oxygen's electron configuration is now exactly the same
as Neon's. We talked about the fact that ions form because they can become more stable with the
gain or loss of electrons to become like the noble gases and now you can actually see how they
become the same.
The electron configurations for Cations are also made based on the number of
electrons but there is a slight difference in the way they are configured. First you should write
their normal electron configuration and then when you remove electrons you have to take them
from the outermost shell. Note that this is not always the same way they were added.
Here is an example of what I mean:
When we make a 3+ ion for Iron, we need to take the electrons from the outermost shell
first so that would be the 4s shell NOT the 3d shell: Fe3+ 1s22s22p63s23p63d5
As with every other topic we have covered to date there are exceptions to the order of fill as well.
But based on the electron configurations that are generated, these exceptions are easy to
In the d block, specifically the groups containing Chromium and Copper, there is an
exception in how they are filled.
The Pauli exclusion principle states that no two electrons can have the same four
quantum numbers. The first three (n, l, and m l) may be the same, but the fourth quantum
number must be different. A single orbital can hold a maximum of two electrons,
which must have opposing spins; otherwise they would have the same four quantum numbers,
which is forbidden. One electron is spin up (m s = +1/2) and the other would spin down (ms =
-1/2). This tells us that each subshell has double the electrons per orbital. The s subshell has 1
orbital that can hold up to 2 electrons, the p subshell has 3 orbitals that can hold up to 6
electrons, the d subshell has 5 orbitals that hold up to 10 electrons, and the f subshell has 7
orbitals with 14 electrons.
The first three quantum numbers of an electron are n=1, l=0, ml=0. Only two electrons
can correspond to these, which would be either m s = -1/2 or ms = +1/2. As we already know from
our studies of quantum numbers and electron orbitals, we can conclude that these four quantum
numbers refer to the 1s subshell. If only one of the m s values are given then we would have
1s1 (denoting hydrogen) if both are given we would have 1s 2 (denoting helium). Visually, this is
be represented as:
As shown, the 1s subshell can hold only two electrons and, when filled, the electrons have
opposite spins.
Hund's Rule
When assigning electrons in orbitals, each electron will first fill all the orbitals with
similar energy (also referred to as degenerate) before pairing with another electron in a half-filled
orbital. Atoms at ground states tend to have as many unpaired electrons as possible. When
visualizing this processes, think about how electrons are exhibiting the same behavior as the
same poles on a magnet would if they came into contact; as the negatively charged electrons fill
orbitals they first try to get as far as possible from each other before having to pair up.
We can clearly see that p orbitals are half-filled as there are three electrons and three p
orbitals. This is because Hund's Rule states that the three electrons in the 2p subshell will fill all
the empty orbitals first before filling orbitals with electrons in them. If we look at the element
after Nitrogen in the same period, Oxygen (Z = 8) its electron configuration is: 1s 2 2s2 2p4 (for an
Oxygen has one more electron than Nitrogen and as the orbitals are all half filled the electron
must pair up.
Aufbau comes from the German word "aufbauen" meaning "to build." When writing
electron configurations, orbitals are built up from atom to atom. When writing the electron
configuration for an atom, orbitals are filled in order of increasing atomic number. However,
there are some exceptions to this rule.
Following the pattern across a period from B (Z=5) to Ne (Z=10), the number of electrons
increases and the subshells are filled. This example focuses on the p subshell, which fills from
boron to neon.
Although the Aufbau rule accurately predicts the electron configuration of most elements,
there are notable exceptions among the transition metals and heavier elements. The reason these
exceptions occur is that some elements are more stable with fewer electrons in some subshells
and more electrons in others (Table 1).
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