Movement Mobility 101

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Video 1 - Introduction

Video 2 – Making the Invisable Visable

Challenge Cardio, Positional (metabolic, speed, load), Movement Errors in tasks that have more parts,
Random practice vs Blocked practice, continued reps at same weight quality should improve during

Video 3 – Overview Wheel

Life move self – How you move throughout life
Environment (adaptation): warm up, cool down, sleep, dehydration, nutrition, sedentary, stress, chronic
inflammation, insulin sensitivity (All on going)

Position -
Motor Control: Skill transfer exercise, corrective exercise (FMS, crawls etc) - Start here
1. Mechanical faults can be fixed with cues (coaching).
2. Athletes working at limits of available position can be protected and optimized within available
3. Motor control sets condition for mobilization
Mobilization: Links after Motor Control (intergrated)

Video 4 – Defining Normal

Is it functional? First – towards full control.
Fitness, a ready state, full available physiological rage (normal).
Eg. 2 Legged squat = full ROM of hip and ankle
Pistol = bench marks visable

Video 5 - Spine First

Axial to peripheral – from the center out (movement) - trunk first
CNS biased approach:
1. Injury of the spine is a problem – you get shut down due to its importance (ppl become sensitive)
2. Force production loss – things tight
3. Spine creates a chassis or carriage for the primary engines – stable and best position

Demo 1: Arm out fingers spred try bend arm > look up > try bend again (not across body)
Demo 2: scarecrow Arm out Internal rotation > ribs out arch low back > try internal rotate again

Video 6 – Spinal Archetypes

What we see as our universal functional shapes.
Key – One joint rules: Avoid local flexion and/or extension fault - Neck, ribcage base, pelvis – common
motion segments.

Braced Neutral - Most utilized, proper bracing sequence – handles loads

Squeeze butt, pull ribcage down
Missed? Second order bracing kicks in (not ideal)
Dynamic utilization – global braced flexion and extension – minimise inoculous loads that lead to bad
Still maintain function at key areas. Functional – minimised compressive forces

Additional spinal language: Safe shortcuts

Maintain integrity on troublesome segments
Fixed flexion and extension “picking up something off ground with flatback/stable lumber/hybrid bw
nraced neutral and global flex/exten.
T spine only.

Achieving Neurtral - Formal spinal shape sequencing reduces movement variability in complex tasks.
How you achieve neutrak us at times more imortant then whether you are neutral – starting in a
maintained shape and going as far as you can in that, not putting tension trying to get in to end position.
Minimizing translation into braced neutral – avoid compromised position.

Braced position priority: fixed extension (load in less advantagous position) > fixed flex (staying round
the whole time picking things up) - these lead to translation movement across motion segments
(movement underload – eg rounding under axial load) Translation/Flexion/Roation Injury Trap.

Video 7 – Butt Wink

Insidious Loaded spinal translation – changing of lumbar postion during movement (proprioscetion
awareness during movement). Large movements under load – eg.
Over extension when going into squat with wink at end range.
Get organised first with bracing sequence = maintains integrity during squat.

Video 8 – Bracing & Breathing | Stiffness

spine 1st - maintained under load – more than just “get tight” = contious awareness (not thinking about)
Any LBP? Bracing first – create stiffness in trunk

• Point toes (cant do all the time) eg. Get toes down when squatting

• Squeeze butt - don’t tilt pelvis

• Easy breathing into diaphram (not in chest) - hand on belly

• Pull bellybutton towards spine (belts encourage outward belly hold) - peak tension leaves little movement: find whats right for the situation (skill that

needs practice)

• Standing: Feet straight and screw feet in (torsion) - locks pelvis in place

Video 9 - Bracing
& Breathing: Practical Applications - (any back related issues = start here)
Point toes > Squeeze butt = pelvis and spine connected (more specific than tilt pelvis + toes first enable
better quality glute squeeze + now can optimize belly)

(hand on belly and breath – easy belly coming up and coming down) > (bellybutton towards spine on
exhale – should have flat belly here) = stiffness “big breath” (in stiffness) - compressed/small area
around spine

How much stiffness? Flared/exposed ribcage – grab thumbs with arms up and then move over head we
should see no change in stiffness/pelvis (if can get all the way back = full range) (no bend in elbows)
Butt off in arms up? Loss of pelvis position – not able to get this same position when already in arms up

In plank (additional load through legs) – shoulder over wrist, neutral head, glutes squeezed, abs stiff,
controlled back. (wide feet? Makes it harder to engage glutes

Standing (gravatational load) - feet under shoulders, big toe on ground, squeeze butt, abs stiff
breath/exhale - ears should be over shoulder (enough tension to maintain tension: don’t need to be
Arms over head – no change in LPx position

Want to follow this sequence in all positions when getting ready

Incomplete shoulder flexion (overhead) can induce an extension load on the spine

Video 10 – Two Hand Rule

Pubic bone/belt buckle = pelvis relationship
Zyphoid process/bottom sternum = T Spine
Hand at chin if had 3rd hand

Shouldn’t change as you stand and sit

Video 11 - Braced Neutral & Braced Dynamic

braced/global flexion and extenion = avoid creating hinges

Push Up/Plank: Ground up, segments all move together, engage abs and glutes bracing
Yoga Extension = without proper sequencing we get a large hinge point = need to worm up effectivly
Noticed: Legs straight in extension

Cant squeeze glutes while on knees (knee push ups): Would rather the go all the way down and worm
up with all the right activations.

Video 12- Head as the Keystone

Ext head back changes Lx position
Minimize spinal movement underload and pay attention to the head.

Head back creates greater extension movements in the spine.

Video 13 - Neural Dynamics Primer

NS acts as a mechanical system – hows it slide? Neural tissue don’t stretch
down regularates system to deliever when kinked
“Tension vampires” eg. Tx sympathetic chain ganglia – high neural stretch – P&N in hands? Clear Tx

ROM Test – leg straight? Sequence first – no spinal flinch – not just hamstrings
Hip ROM – int/ext rot – hip needs to be in back of socket – winding up of fascia
Shoulder ROM – full internal with shoulder pinned down – hand should be inline with hip “hold a bar”
if missing rom shoulder can come up – wind up system

Working up and down stream to maxmise the neural integridty of the body to get into proper shapes
Failing to depress the shoulder in overhead movements creates mechanical slack for the nervous tissue
of the arm.
Video 14 - Principles Protect us from Complexity
Common movement faults
take hands put them behind back, scoot back on seat if needed – in this position and slump – we can see
kink in neck and rounding of upper back (lost integrity – sympathetic chain ganglia- loss of power)
Tuck check – see if it makes things worse? Causes increased length demands in spine “used as

Sit up, straighten legs out - see if any lumbar curve “another tensioner”
Now slump here = more pressure, with head down even more again, brings toes up “yet another

Ergometer – full seat slide = preloaded Lx = at full catch – curved Tx broken Head and loss shoulder
stability = incomplete mechanics (if you cant maintain straight and neurtal)

Video 15 – Rules of Torsion

Wave of contraction from mid to perif
Language of spine is about stiffness
Most cues are either about stiffness or organizing rotation in joints

Organized spine now out to primary engines in hips and shoulders

Shoulder blade gives extra flexiblity – otherwise shoulder and hip very similar

1) Motions of flexion have a corresponding external rotation torsion force (fist in shirt example)

Every position we are in has a corrisponding stabilization force (cant have stability without rotation)
Mobility creates stability

Missing rotation lets us be more valunerable

2) Motions of extension have a corisponding internal rotation torsion force

Extension, still has stabilization ration – failure to ident rotation compents = missed components of full

Creates stability and improves performance and mitigates factors of compensation

Video 16 - Arthrokinematic Primer aka Joint Motion

Not just 2 axis of motion – also has the abilty to translate, rotate and Flex/ext
Small motions in the joint that define its movement
If we don’t have all of these we end up with an artifical joint (impingment joints = artifical wear out)

Video 17 - Introduction to the Shoulder Archetype

4 Archchetypes – represent end ranges of complete shoulder function
1. Overhead – armpits forward, no change in spine, Flex ER
2. Front Rack – ER, bend hand to head (mid range ER range) Flex ER
3. Hang – eg row/barbell hang, shoulder (mid range IR range) “Resting shape” Ext IR
4. Press – hand beind back eg. Pushup (full IR load in shoulder with some Ext) looking at whats
happening at shoulder!
Basic building block of shoulder – OH (Flex + ER), FR (Flex +ER), Hang (IR), Press (Ext + IR) - start or finish
positon with almost every movement

Video 18 - The Problem with the Incomplete Archetype

limited and mobilised but still having a problem – not just one position = need to address all the

Shoulder > OH FT Press Hang = all start and finish positions need to be looked at
Imcomplete = vampires on whole system = Compensations elsewhere – need compentency in all

Video 18 - Introduction to the Broken Shoulder Archetype

eg – over head = flex + ER – broken lets us ident the incomplete motions
eg. Incomplete = Less flex + translation?IR instead (palms out/elbow bent (unwinds end range ER)

FR – Flex + ER : incomplete if wrist is moving in = IR (or Elbows are down/in)

Bench Press – Shoulders rolling in
Push up – Shoulders /elbows flared out

Hang – Ext + IR: incomplete motion or shoulder forward “rolled/translated forward”

Press – IR – missing Ext in whole joint or shoulder don’t wind up or come forward

Video 19 - Introduction to the Hip Archetype

Shoulder and Hips still stable if elbow/knee is bent

Squat/Hinge - torso upright = overhead/air squat – hips below knees, shoulders out and roller out
Hand behind neck = increase demands – should see same orintation
90 degrees with legs straight no problem - don’t round back legs straight,
Flex + ER – Lil plantaflexion

Lunge/Run - no change in spine, vertical shin, back knee should beable to drop to ground (knee behind
hipetc) no rear leg turn out
Ext + IR

Pistol – double leg, feet together, and L and R with full hip flexion and foot straight/dorsiflexion
Full Flexion of hip and Full Dorsiflexion of ankle


Video 20 - Torsion Quick Test

Creates stability (not by winding limb)
when trying to generate stability its from the hip or shoulder (not feet screw! Hip screw)
Straight feet, braced, then sccrew hips into ground with toes stuck
Cant generate as much force with toes out – can press knees in a lot easier (stability of hip less)

Squat – maintain integrity of foot arch

Not so much the knee going out but force going out there
Hip function usually remains uncompromised up to about a 15% turn out

Video 21 - Active vs. Passive Unimpingement

Scaption – shoulder has most ROM = similar in hips (squat and pullups egs) impinge less likely
Active unimpingement – screw feet in = winded up hip capsule, stable hip – can move more efficiently
Passive unimpingement – duck feet = less tension – sacrificed stability – short term compromise
alleviate the likelihood of shoulder and hip impingement

Video 22 - Why Big Toes Matter

big toe on the ground!!
Because knees don’t go too far outside feet
Load so ankle bone is in middle of feet = even distribution
Closes circuit to make ankle and knee more stable

Toe down cues better extension in the posterior chain musculature

Video 23 - Torsion Quick Test: Shoulder

Femur and humerus are simialr – but humerus has more ROM
You can go a little further with shoulder to create torsion

In plank: Hands forward/Shoulders over wrist/arch in hand(like foot) - screw shoulders into ground via
hands – amouint of torsion able to create decreases with ER

Elbow pit faces forward (reclaim this position each rep)

Maintain spine position

Hands straight!

Video 24 - Avoiding Rotational Shear

Taking a chicken bone off the body example
Avoid things like knees coming in on loaded activities or Flexing spine and rotation under load.

Things become more susceptible to damage – body cant buffer

When we are cueing for movement – watch for these movements in knees and elbows

Video 25 - Why Thumbs Matter

Don’t take thumbs out of grips – helps to create stable elbow/shoulder/wrist
Thumb over bar gives more IR – makes them feel more stable “stability for more ROM”
Using your thumb allows for higher generation of torque and forces through the shoulder

Video 26 - Open Torque / Closed Torque

How the athlete engages the capacities of hips and shoulders.
Creating torgue off fixed object “Closed” - stability created – can hide organic stability at the shoulder (if
in plank) - more difficult if done on rings “open” (rings out too 11 and 1 – no turning hands in for

Over Head - “arm pits forward” “dumbbell like hammer” (not elbow bent and dumbell spin)

Pistol – create rotational stability at the hip – watch rotation in areas that should not have it
It is easier to hide mechanical restrictions in closed torque systems

Video 27 - Reciprocating Stability

Stable torso > stable joint (shoulder/hip) > more stable torso – missing stability = goes hunting for it
(body in poor positions)
Lx more stable if feet screwed into the ground – knees in? Rounding of low back
head in neutral, shoulders back = phone up

In runners, fixing rounded upper backs and forward head and neck position has to include improving
shoulder mechanics

Video 28 - Reciprocal Stabilization: Humerus/Trunk System

Plank – elbow flare = increased demands = ability to create torque through shoulder
Hands backwards = quick test for wrists and shoulders (cant create torque
fingers spred elbow pits forward
Strenghth vs ability to make torque

Video 29 - The Stability Problem with Sitting

squeeze butt – glutes don’t work In sitting position the same way,rotate hips?, Abs on

Only one out of 3 (abs) - when sitting we start tension hunting “hanging on the meat”
Posture = position
Try to find tension with extion and flexion
Rec fem becomes tight - “theater sign = knee caps hurting after sitting too long”
psoas shorter – trying to maintain stability of spine
Iliacus tighter – pelvis to fem

Sitting on ground = lotus position – hip capsule activated (now abs and hips on 2/3)

Video 30 - Why Feet & Posture Matters

Feet straight! - big toe on ground - COG
Feet in (kids) low energy position
Feet out – can not weight evenly without compensations (collapsed or too much on heels)

Butt – stabilises pelvis and lubar

Abdo – Brings rib cage Tx on Lx and Pelvis
Rotation into the ground via Hip torque

Transferability of positions – the next step is less efficent (athletes default poor activity)
Bunion? Bring foot through flared out (foot rolls onto it on take off)

Video 31 - Load Sequencing

Loaded in the sequence that they are activated – loaded first eg. Bending knee first will
Hamstring stretch – straight leg first will be closer to the knee first (bent knee first = Mm belly)
Deadlift, exagerate hip load first, knees to adjust for position,

Video 32 - Empty Can Test (Video) for Front Rack Achr

Double empty can with shoulders forward
With shoulders back + rev empty can = Stable/stronger
Empty can = max unstable position (disfunction of RC)

Video 33 - 7 Green Lights (Video)

Movement Screen templete (Shoulder 4 Hip 3) + Neutral Spine
Have patients pass and understand the language to have a base to work from.

Video 34 - The Movement Hierarchy (Video)

Diagnotic language around start and finish position.
Cat 1: decrease speed demands, strict variations, high stability, clear start and finish position
(back/front/overhead squat, DL, bench, strick PU, Pushup, HS Pushup, Dip, hinge)

Video 35 - Category 2 Movements (Video)

Increase speed demands of movement
Push Press, Kipp, swing (KB), running, box jump, kipping drive
decrease connectivity – harder to high tissue restictions, tissue demands increase as speed increase.
Athlete not competent unless they are competent at speed (eg speed wobbles, Biomech restrictions)
elbows flaring, knee wobbles (Not temp squat)

Video 36 - Category 3 Movements (Video)

1 – change to get in stable position and move into another stable explosive and powerful
2 – adding speed component to motion, hard to hide deficents and biomech restrictions (eg running
wobbles – in achiles and hams – incomplete start and finish position)
3 – continue with high speed and decrease in connectivity + change in shape/change in direction (eg.
ADL/real life actions)

Push to a pull within movement context (eg. 1Press, 2push press, 3push jerk/snatch/Mm up)

Health of joints, should beable to change direction without variablities in movement

Add cardio respiratory demands, metability, load, stress – not just high rep (can just be with a higher HR)

Templete for Rehab -

After injury/surgery back to Cat 1 (no speed, last thing added back)

Video 37 - Squat: Category 1, Category 2 & Category 3 (Video)

Greater movement errors towards 3
1 simple test – airsquat, head neutral, shoulders engaged, spine
2 quick drop – knee wobbles? Due to change and find stabilization
3 Jump from knees (change shape ) - its like an olympic lift
eg 2 burpee jump up – challenge motor demands

Video 38 – Front rack to Overhead: Category 1, Category 2 & Category 3 (Video)

db in open torque, can see deviations easier
1 Front rack (on shoulders) to press (over head)
2 Speed – bend knees push press
3 Overhead - jump over head

Video 39 - The Tunnel Concept (Video)

Start (archatypes) “mob 1” – movement – finish position “mob 2”
movement has variables to make it more difficult
How you start is how you end – partern recognistion
Eg. FR – Movement – OH
Movement – through range pain? Can resolve if start and finish corrected

Training Planning based around cleaning up this positions

Eg. Running – Foot strike – movement Terminal stance (lunge like)

Circular movement – the finish dicates the start of the next swing
Most errors tend to be at the finish stance .

Eg. Swimming – Overhead – movement – Hang/Press

Missing IR at finish? Going to compenate as arm comes through to next start due to missing ROM

Eg. Pullup – OH – movement – Front rack (head thrown back to finish etc)
circular tunnel conscept

1st full compency at start and finish


Video 40 - Conceptual Model to Evaluate Programming (Video)

What shapes are my athletes performing?

Gym day – Press 5x5, DL 5x3 and Row and 30 PU

2 cat 1 movements, press has FR and OG Arca, DL has Hinge Arca
Row and 30 PU – doubling up a bit

What have I missed? Hang?

Is there a lot of repeats, moving from similar shapes? Need speed? Change demand? Etc

Video 41 - Competing Patterns (Video)

Heel striking? When running fast this changes (to more barefoot strike)
A fast pattern and a slow pattern
Challenge patterns, avoid multiple patterns competing for the ring
recognoise changes
Bench press – shoulders in press arca, forearms verticle (ideal)
PU – Bent elbow first (competeing pattern)

Video 42 - Pattern Fault: Jump Rope (Video)

Movement should remain stable under all conditions
Jumping – feet should always be straight
eg. Dbl jump should look the same just higher

Video 43 - Pattern Fault: Power Clean (Video)

Landing with knees forward in a power clean – not able to do front squat easily in this position
Should look like Front squat
Video 44 - Translational Loading (Video)
NS – has reasons that stay stiff and some that give slack to others

Systems arnt all self equalising

Eg. Knee coming forward in a squat = tendon interface injury/jumpers knee

on top of bending knees first = preloaded more so, high forces

Car in ditch, - rope to bumper and tree – friends put pressure on the middle of rope pulls car out

Mechanical efficiency focus – help to avoid downstream myofasical tenderness problems

• In missing internal shoulder rotation, the head of the humerus often translates anteriorly to
compensate. This is an example of a translational load
• If an athlete is landing with turned out and collapsed feet, the medial malleolus (inside ankle
bone) can often act as a vector load on the tendons running through that system

Video 45 - Coaches Eye (Photos/Videos)

Video 46 - Moving from Motor Control to Mobilization (Video)

Get tools and underlying rational to get more skilled and athletic
Resitiction or pain problem? Work through the system -

- Motor control
- Sliding surfaces (ability of tissues to slide over one another ART/Rolf/Rollers/Voodoo etc)
- Muscle dynamics (trigger points, PNF) how the contractile tissues are working, stiffness?
- Joint Capsule – 50% of motion restriction can be from here (Distraction, Gemini, 2xLacross

Video 47 - Mobilization Safety & Consideration (Video)

1. All humans have the right to know and perform basic Maintenace on them selves
Ident poor patterns, beable to fix it ourselves and our families

Just because something doesn’t hurt doesn’t mean there isnt something to be worked on
Like a car with a handbrake, if you try to ride with it on even a little it creastes drag

• Mobilise at position of restriction (MAPR) - mobilise the archatype – eg Deadlift

• Mobilse into better shapes and positions
• Consistent before heroic – create a habbit - (“micro” )Dose – (“micro” ) Response (small tissue
change to put back into good movement pattern)
• 10-15mins a everyday aka per training session (can be a little before and a little after session)
(min theraputic dose) NO days off
• Am I doing damage to myself? Normal tissue = full ROM in archetype, no pain during ROM or
compression of involved tissue, not stiff (not beef jerky) and breathing normal (prevents over
treatment – can you take a full breathe while in archatype)
• Should not feel sketchy – gut intuition, mobilise into archatype, got control, when I finish mobs –
there is no pain that lingers that wasn’t there before
Video 48 - Upstream / Downstream (Video)
Over tension – feed slack

Video 49 - Implications of Missing Ankle ROM

Neutral Joint
Bump on back of ankle? Extra bone growth – turn foot (eg 30degrees like a squat – got more neutral

Achillies has pulled- and added extra to normalise tension – creates fraying/tendonopathy and
compression anterior ankle.

Planta Fascia – loads straight through the toe, when foots turned out this does not happen (torsion and
rotation created + callous on edge of foot + toe cuts in over other toes (bunion) + collapse of arch

All beacause of missing ankle ROM – and movements in the lower leg + collapse knee

Tib tuberosity – with foot turned out – creates off access point (osgoods slaters - appophositis)

Decrease rotation of hip rotators

Cant have full Hip ROM without full Ankle ROM

Video 50 - Restrictions & Proximal Stability

When missing wrist and ankle ROM the ability to stablize and creaste stabilizing forces are
Close ankle all the way day into the bottom position – knees in, loss of rom in back
Wrist create rotation in closed position and create proximal stability at the shoulder

Video 51 – PNF Basics

Not a fan of static stretching
Should incorp contract relax 5 secs on 10 secs off
Inhibit resistance with contraction with neuromusclar techniques – restoring normal rom of joint
Hold Breath and get tight and resist
Contract into pressure (eg. Elbow, roller etc) give it some time to relax then repeat.

Trigger point, post surg, tender points, areas that need to contract

Video 52 - Muscle Dynamics: PNF (Video)

No stretching – returning to normal
Joint capsule kinda is but its not neuromuscular
Contract relax - Mapping new position in brain
Static stretching – not related to exercise, while watching tv and hanging out
Other stretching (neuromuscluar) should be active and while doing other mobs
Better outcomes!

When muscular tissues appear to lengthen with techniques like contract/relax, tissues are just behaving
like a stretchy rubber band

Video 53 - Soft Tissue Techniques (Video)

PNF when addressing a Trp when we load tissue, localised high pressure areas found.
1. Contract relax into the ball/roller and then release a few times
-stopped breathing? Going too deep – post injury

2. Pin/tack and floss – unglue, movement to all layers, take limb through normal range
-mobilise at the position of restriction
-keep working area until pain ameliorates

3. Pressure wave – slow roll, deep and let tissue yeild, back and forward and side to side

No tissue painful to compression

No tissue should be stiff

“Warm silk steel springs”

Length of time and amount of pressure important

Informed freestyling – your job is to find your restrictions

Any time you can add rotation – do it, winding up the skin, high level tension, less excursion needed

Piriformis – glutes, hips, skin, hams – addressed simultaneously

Video 54 - Sliding Surfaces & Voodoo Floss (Video)

Like active release therapy or tack and floss above – treatment and warmup
restore sliding movements, Adheard areas of fascia
By tacking tissue down in circumferencal manner, we can trap the fascial sheath and by moving the joint
we get movement of tissue underneath this.

Different from Trp we can get a lot boarder area

Tissues that don’t slide – poot blood flow and hydration

When released band we get increase in blood flow and hydration – upregulate and change in pain

Post surgery or chronic condition – tears in Mm

Width of fingers
50% Tension
Single wrap initally, then 50% overlap there after
Tight on top – not much worry about underneith

Start – Contract/Relax Mm underneath

Then – Move through full ROM
A few minutes

Can 4-5 times a day in an acute area

Should notice a lot less resistance

Assess change in pain and ROM

Contrainducations – blood clots, cant handle compressions of rolling, peripheral neuropoathy

Video 55 - Voodoo Floss: Elbow (Video)
Pain that’s tender to palpation – are tissues sliding? Can I improve the enviroment (blood flow,
Improving ROM, increasing sliding surfaces, reperfusing the tissues (H2O and Blood)
Area that’s tender = put it in the center of wrap
Start away and move towards easier
And cross area you want to change – even creaste and ‘X’ with wrap

Hand on chest (fingers up and down) – help create rotation (2 hands unwind elbow both directions)
Bend and rotate

Still have capillary refill

Might see zebras – marks on skin – this is OK
Easier to move, less resistance, when touching on areas that are painful should be reduced

Video 56 - Voodoo Floss: Hip (Video)

Try get as high into the groin as you can
Foot up on Step

Good mornings, Squat, Lunge, all archatypes possible, with band traction pulling backwards and
forwards, knee lunge forward and back

Biasing tissues at end range, joint capsule involved,

Video 57 - Voodoo Floss: Shoulder (Video)

Internal Rot – shoulder very tacked down, a lot of common insertions “common fasical region”
voodoo floss first before mobilising
More tension over top of the arm due to sensitive area around armpit
Try to capture deltoid “hang shape archatype”
Lock off in a place where he can grab it

Trap tissue with hand/foot and have patient internally rotation while laying on back
Starting to feel funny? Take off – probs wont get to 2 min
Give tissue time to normalise before appliying again

Video 58 - Voodoo Floss: Ankle (Video)

start mid foot too just able the ankle
Post air plane ride, plantafascia, achillies, peroneals,
Heel lock figure 8 on both sides

Take through full ROM, up onto toe, open hip up and squat etc
support self by holding chair etc

Video 59 - Sliding Surfaces & Voodoo X Floss (Video)

Alternate bands – thicker not as grippy, injured tissue
Injured – distal to proximal
Swollen joint
Lymphatic draining – driven by Mm contraction
50% ober the whole thing
Then small motions – eg Knee wrap, flex foot not knee
Take off, just as much as you had it on, then reapply (2mins on 2 mins off

Stay ahead of the swelling – while on the field, let the tissues down and heal them selves
Tweek or sprain useful first thing to do

Video 60 - Ball Whacking: Ankle (Video)

Skin should have full slidablity in all directions – eg. Skin on hand
Adhesion - around the ankle especially

Can check skin excursion

Tendinopathy? Check skin first this adhesion
Create tension with a grippy ball and then whack
Work way down the skin so that it can slide better than initial check

ITB is another place

When we sit we are not clearing congestion and then the skin adhers

Video 61 - Sliding Surface: Scraping (Video)

Gua Sha/Rockblade/Graston - another with a blunt rounded edge (eg asian soup spoon)
Hand lotion is fine to use
30-60 degree angle slide down the skin
May feel crunchy and gritty in problem areas – happens a lot in the superfiscal limbs
30-60 secs press hard enough so that you don’t miss the crunch
Srap down away from toes (if working on achillies) -
Don’t hammer the area so hard that you get new pain as a result

Restoring slidalblity of the skin and bring in nurtians, blood flow, hydration etc
Tendoniopations, apophositis,
Find those restictions while restablising sliding of skin


Video 62 - Joint Capsule Mobilization Example: Hip (Video)

Joint capsule first - a lot of down stream changes that impact other tissues, relax and decrease amount
of treatment. Right place? Is it moving?
Sitting on hams pushes socket higher – aka sit on ischials

Can I get into a pistol shape? Sign for full Ankle ROM
Feet together in squat and not fall over
Enough ROM in hip to keep back flat in Squat (not going to round back if lifting something heavy)

Joint capsule before training – STT after training (unless specific area that needs action)

Stand on 1 leg and bring knee up past 90 degrees without much hip compensation (belly, butt, abs tight)
Reset Hip – 4 pt, femur pressure into hip joint, guide WB leg straight with nonWB leg.
Contract relax anything in that position - don’t change anything in this position
Push hip back, with line of force through femur, drive to back of the socket as you increase hip flexion
Spend 2 minutes, move hip around, oscilate in and out of tension, winde up, hunt.
Can also rotate IR/ER WB leg with Non WB leg and then do the same hunting
Don’t round back
If you get a PINCH use next technique
Retest Hip with 1 leg stand

But squeeze test – the side with the better socket positioning will squeeze harder or in DL one leg ROM
Reorganise head of femur into socket!

Pinch – use lateral distraction – same thing in positon you felt pinchwith banded distraction (thick band)

Questions for Video:

Resetting the hip in the hip socket while in quadruped (on hands and knees) is an example of restoring
joint congruency to improve joint function
Chair sitting (sitting on your hamstrings) can often be a mechanism for disrupting intrajoint relationships
Two simple guidelines for restoring mechanical based tissue restriction are: 1) if something is not in the
right place, put it in the right place and 2) if something is not moving, get it moving
Pinching or a hard joint-end feel is likely an indication of tissue pinching (impingement)
Often signs of hip impingement during mobilization can be addressed by biasing the joint capsule
laterally with banded distraction
Employing a contract/relax cycle can be used as a differential diagnostic to assess whether the
restriction has a neuromuscular (contractile) component
Variability in a person’s geometry/structure (anthropometry) is not a good excuse to not move well or
Test/retest is a vital component of mobilization to ensure that techniques are observable, measurable
and repeatable
Both internal rotation and external rotation of the hip joint during flexion is important for normal
Often addressing joint positioning and restriction first can result in secondary changes in soft tissue and
neural muscular function
A feet-together, knees-together, heels on the ground squat is a quick assessment of hip and ankle

Video 63 - Joint Capsule Mobilization – Classic Distraction: Hip (Video)

Facing Band attachment
joint goes opposite direct of hip (ext hip forward, flex hip backwards)
As close to joint as you can get it
Kneeling lunge, don’t hang, keep butt squeeze, don’t over extend
more Mm thicker the band

Hinge forward toward band, oscillate, different corners, rotate (downstream)

Have joint in most robust position and then traction
Leaning backwards (move tisseus above axis/upstream)
Raise and lower off ground.
Can also increase futher into splits type position

Video 64 - Joint Capsule Mobilization – Classic Distraction: Hip Part II (Video)

Facing away from band attachment
on feet, like a down dog position
oscillate play corners moving back and forward

Stiffness in hams? Can flex/contract quad “flossing”

Can also do on all 4s like what we did in part 1
Also have lunge squat like position – hunt and move around in these positions
Also can be at 90 degrees to band attachment

Mobilise in positions of restrictions

Start with basic planes of motion then then go exploring

Video 65 - Joint Capsule Mobilization: Long Distraction (Video)

Roll side and glide
can also pull joint out – y axis (long)distraction

Still need to account for rotation – need to be in a stable position

Get stable first (account for rotation first)
ER arm into a stable position first “superfriend could ER even more once in position”
Then lunge/hinge forward to traction shoulder with band around wrist
-if done while loose (no ER) we are working in an unstable position\

Video 66 - Joint Capsule Mobilization: T-Spine (Video)

Sliding surface or Joint capsule or Muscle damage problem?
Change the motion segments bw vertebra – the inter segmental capsule/facet joint
Not just a straight up and down motion (hug wiggle eg) - various angles and vectors.
With single lacrosse ball – we get more of how rib articulates
With double ball – we get general joint capsule of vertebrae
Also address the First Rib

On back – not right at top

Hug self (pulls scap out of the way) - sway back and forth
Keep breathing
Arms up and over head when you find a spot, cross arm across body and then over head

Arm overhead – scapular raises

High and lower ribs – implicated in blocking scapular movement
Segments below scapularstiffer with arm behind back
Bridge, arm over head, snow angle, IR/ER of arm, arm hind back

Video 67 - Conceptual Model of the Shoulder (Video)

Scapular humerus attachment
Shoulder roller forward, off labrum, disadvantagous position, we need to reposition
RC – octapus in a shell – steer move etc – everytihng is working together
The arm can remain in a similar position no matter the position of the scapular – but the octopus can be

RC positional problem vs RC weakness problem

Shoulder positioning – work from core to sleave
CNS 1st - Tx spine > scapular > humerus

Can you get fingers under scapular in resting position – out of position, shoulder infront, scap out to side
Head of shoulder infront of pec/nipple – another bad position

Resting position ER shoulder ribcage stable, should beable to see rhomboids through shirt
Thumb forward.
Can you see kink in neck?
Shoulder forward – pecs shorten – can cause shearing around sternum
ACJ in good position when arm ER
IR shears SCJ – sulcus sign?
Scapular down and back? Dosnt talk about primary position

Video 68 - Asymmetries Are Important (Video)

SMFA/FMS eg of finding asymmetries – upregulate force when system is balanced
How can we use? Reference limb, naturally differences side to side,
Bring the body back into balance – more so in the lower limb
Difference in length, force production, stablility in spine
Resting asymmetries – Try break in set up position vs with one foot up (foot turned out can be same)

Video 69 - The Pelvic Fault (Video)

lbp cause – “sudden stab”
pulled out of position dt capsule , quad, stability etc – body try to protect shear on spine
ASIS – check on back to see if out of position, PSIS – check on stomach to see if out of position
Standing – feet fist apart, ASIS/PSIS - Single knee up with centre marked can see rotation

Tx – 1.bend knees up, push pull opposite directions 5sec each side 3 times x 2
2.Ball between knees, squeeze (or resisting with friend) 5sec 3times x 2
1 2 1 2 Recheck – Stt, Gut smash, QL lacrosse,
Pelvic faults are usually acute onset

Video 70 - Programming for the Hypermobile Athlete (Video)

Hypermobile – long term yoga practice, prego, gymnist, dancers, CT issues, young children
Where stability is. Hanging on the meat/bone
Motor Control is first focus – Stabile positions, Cat 1 Movements Slow positions, where is end!
How are they organizing spine, where are they organizing

No Joint capsule stuff

Trp, Mm dynamics, contract relax, isometric holds, helps develop situational awareness
Sliding surfaces –main place to work – wont impact ROM as much
Video 71 - Programming: A When to What Order of Operations (Video)
When exerciseing/training - Foam roller – not a place to start in the morning, need to be more specific

Warmup is good teaching time, what is athletes ready state, what positions are missing from workout
“touch all of the corners”

Joint capsule before work infront of workout/session - if athletes have incomplete ROM – may need
prior as well. Doesn’t impact force production like static stretching – improving position – ramp up –
Coffee - sympathtics

Exercise/Workout session - Once hot n sweaty might add in focused mobility activities if you have a
specific grissily area

Try to keep STT to a min prior – Sliding surfaces and Mm Dynamic post exercise – brings body back

Maybe not around workout 10-15mins as a separate entity – prior to bed

Video 72 - Rehab Programming (Video)

Cat 1 – stable position to stable position, 2sec –ve pause then back
Linear progressions – gives time to adapt – 5x5 3-5x/week - Weight eg 45lb +2.5/5 each session

Load + volume over time – speed no part until tissue healing is appropriate
When stable can move to Cat 2 and start progressions again

Competency in start and finish movements – eg FR > OH For press shape – do I have isometric/static
capacity (can athlete maintain positions/stablity) - without movement – restore pain free end range

Controlled or timed eccentric and concentric motion (tempo) should be considered an essential tool
during rehabilitation programming

Video 73 - Incidents Vs. Injuries (Video)

Tissue patterns dysfunction = restore position and improve movement = restore function and tissue

Incomplete mechanics – what are basics that humans can do = archatypes. motor control
problems?Incidents – tissues that hurt when you move (missing ROM and leads to pain with movement
(during or after)). Tells us something about mechanic – could just be technique - which can be cleaned
up easy
Injuries – incidents can become,

Eg. Missing IR > shoulder gets sore (goes with rest) > new load etc can lead to tore tendon
Good movement = come out unharmed doing 1-100+ times

Incontorlled environments – therapest addresses – sometimes misses the incidents or incomplete

Self organising criticality

Video 74 - Incidents Vs. Injuries Part II (Video)

FMS idents incomplete mechanics incomplete ranges
FMS – 0 and pain = incident
resting state should be pain free – pain is not part of the normal athletic practice

Therapist can get out of pain but just gets back to incomplete mechanics – no time/$ to full get out of
this area “sub incident level” - can ultimatly get flared up again – stuck in a cycle
-not getting regular contact. Difficult to see all the poor mechanics

Coachs continue to improve mechanics – increase weight speed etc etc with training
Gym – sue – injury = why wait until issues happe catch early (when just starting to get painful

Video 75 - Movement Principles in Technology (Video)

Make combat stance everyday stance
eg. Your phone, 2-4hrs a day “checking 200x a day”, practice makes permanent
Texting should be heads up neutral eniroment – maintain intergrated posture
Squat arm text stand – haha
At desk? Break bar setup vs vinyasna ER position

Video 76 - Seeking Professional Help (Video)

Try fixing yourself but the second you think its over your head seek help.
Ask your team if they know anyone – develop relationship – bounce things off

DDx at patient level – specific positions that cause issues

not up to them to maintain position, maintence etc

14 Day Challenge: Find the blind spots, 10-15mins on each, some favs, 15min to spend on each

1. Hip Hinge - should beable to get to 90, legs straight (slight ok not bent through), no rounding.
Achive SLR 90 degrees with straight leg. Squat/Pull only difference is amount of leg bend.
a. Hip Capsule Mob – Lateral pull, WB through femur, can IR/ER floss in and out 2
b. AP pull – down dog, lock out straight hooked leg, bend and lock, 30-40x, fingers ground
c. Supernova/softball - feet on chair, ball on high glute, ER knee out with lateral hunt 2-
d. Ball again – QL, peel open, in from side and get under, supine, knees fall side slow 2-
2. Squat – “hip cap 50% of ST restriction” “no jerky, no pain on compression”
Air Squat – forward torso, big toe on ground, knee outside, feet straight, back straight
Test – hands above head X, air squat with hands up without collapse
a. 4pt away – oscilate, knee to chest & ER and IR
b. Ham Roller – seated not just back and forth, side to side shear “pencils in rubber band”
c. Pt 2 Roller – with leg straight – both from isch to knee
d. Supine distraction + loop toes - leg up knee chest > straighten, take across and away
e. Ball TFL – side lye, hunt, 2mins a side circle around front to rim to glute min
3. Overhead Lats - No change in ribs with arms over head. both arms. test retest.
a. Tx Roll hug - hunt all over, moving as much as we can. Side to side, breath on stickies
b. Tx Gemini – Start bottom of ribs hug, arms over head crunch, Segment 1 at a time
i. Weight on chest with single arm over head more upper Tx
c. Arm to lats axilla ball – arm up, back and forth, breathe spots, contract into ball
4. Overhead Ant – Breathing, work on painful areas
a. Serratus smash – wined up ball,
b. SubScap smash – gemini dig in to back of scapular, lift arm with arm up
c. Overhead distraction – wined up/rotate, kick leg back lean forward
d. Lacrosse Ball Traps – arms over head and side to side, hips up
5. Front Rack Rotation – Elbow up flat, wrists out side, hands outside shoulders, wrists flat moving
forward. Shoulder wound up, ext tolerant upper back. Break the bar with bend elbow
a. Banded pull away – little rotation with shoulder rest, hold band against arm with other
b. Frontrack stretch – FR shap with band low and pulling down, hold elbow and hunt, C/R
c. Elbow Banded Pipe wind – With pipe held w elbow on bench, ER, 2mins
d. Tricep Smash – using bar(wine bottle or 2 lacrosse balls) to hunt and scrub distal triceps
6. Front Rack Ribs – capture the rib joint as it comes into spine
a. Rib Scrub – High traps single ball hunt, 30-40 secs, start 1st rib and move down 2-3
b. Post Shoulder ERs – Ball scrub hunt, 2-3mins
c. Wrist traction - backwards pushup position (test – stiffness = pain) shoulder over hands.
Traction, band on carple bones, get them to glide on radius, other hand on hand
d. Wrist smash - with bar roll hunt, moving wrist around
7. Pistol ankle – Full hip Flex, Ankle, knees together heels together, foot hanging out ok, hands out
a. Ankle carple distraction – below maleolous, weighted ball on knee out, floss, 2mins
b. Heel mobs – calcaneous stiff with collapsed arch, push M>L with foot on stack, elbow on
knee – can also use kettle bell M>L to twist
c. Heel smash – roller/barbell achilles rotation and toe points, opp foot on top (bone saw)
d. BONUS test – spend 10mins squat, fist bw to exaggreate
8. Pistol Hip
a. Hip Distraction – lateral and AP, end range knee out open, push out, knee hug, also do
all the same with weight on lateral foot 5mins
b. Shin smash – single or dbl ball, tight? C/R
c. Low Quad Smash – supra patella pouch focus, 2mins,
d. Banded Pistol – band around hips, down into leg flat pistol, can have band around knee.
No band? Hold fixed object until you can feel burn then switch.
9. Hang Scap – row, pull, swimming, KB swing, general resting position. Check supine, IR/ER
shoulder at 90 while compressingshoulder down. Test – supine bridge arms in small shoulders
remain on ground while lowering
a. Elbow distraction – lean away with hand behind back and twist body away
b. Scap Lower smash – hand on ball, breathing with weight, hunt (IR) outline of blade
c. Post Shoulder Smash - (ER) this time moving arm IR and ER at 90 2mins
d. Ant Shoulder Smash – barbell on shoulder while IR and ER at 90 – can put foot on
10. Hang Pec – PecMinor can pull on scap, breathing stress
a. Pec Smash – On bench, Ball sternum to ACJ, move shoulder hunt, smallOB 30-40reps
b. Subscap Rail – Load up SS and same hunt, SmallOB take arm forward and back
c. SOB Bridge – Bridge with arms in SmallOB, shoulders back of socket, hips up and dwn
10mins – no banana ribs! C/R
11. Lunge capsule– back and knee problems, error w foot turn out, knee easily behind hip, spine
neutral, toe 70-90 degrees, verticle shin, rear knee close to ground.
a. Couch stretch - Test – shin vert, torsa not broken, glutes can be squeezed and activated,
knee into corner, challenges end range, can bring front leg up onto box, this should be
b. PA lunge distraction – for ant hip, 150lb, can press down on back to challenge more, osc,
can also raise up and down
c. Adductor hydrant smash – ext and flex leg while KB is into adductors like a dog, 3-4mins
12. Lunge ST – High quads (iliaccus, psoas “quads of spine”, abdominals) - flex hip
a. Gut Smash – KB into pelvic bowl with handle or base, iliac crest, breathe all the way
b. Quad Smash – across, wined up and across (with Superfriend foot) back and forth of
foot. Roller can so it solo, side to side, full semi circle of quads
c. Puppet splits – lunge/front splits position with band around armpits and fixed to pullup
bar. Keep butt swtichted on
13. Press – missing IR shoulder rotates forward, also miss ext, BP Dip Row Off floor Run MU,
a. OH Flip – top of door band walk out, basic opener, then flip arms to side, breathe, rot
b. Banded Hook – arm in small band around elbow palm away, C/R
c. Bicep Smash – BB rolling arm out, leg on bottom of bar
d. Test getting into bottom of pushup
14. Press 2 – vertical formam, shoulder don’t translate forward, head straight down, pinch scap,
shoulder infront of pec (bad)
a. Bar lean away – hands on bar behind, hands together, squat down (yoga arms around
b. CTx Smash – c7t1 dbl lacross, hips up, hands small, hug, rock, OH, hunt
c. Lat Smash – axila dbl lacross, back and forth across lat tendon, side to side down to ribs

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