Carleton Courier 20190315

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Produced by Carleton Community Umbrella (CCU)

Carleton Courier
This issue: 15 March 2019
Next issue: 12 April 2019

Spring is in the air!

Forthcoming Events for March A big thank you to all our
and April (full event details within) regular and new Community
Spring is here with lots of activities and Coffee Morning supporters. On
events to enjoy throughout March and April 31 January we raised £175 for
Martin House Hospice and on
28 February we raised £105 for
The newly refurbished Swan Inn will be open Upper Wharfedale Fell Rescue
* Saturday 16 March – this weekend from Saturday 16 March Association.
Reopening of The Swan Inn Come along to view the refurbishments, there is a new
menu and new opening times – see page 3. St Mary’s New Year Quiz
* Monday 18 March – Monday
A very enjoyable evening, raising
Club, Village Hall at 7.30 pm
Big Village Quiz – Saturday 30 March about £150 for church funds.
* Saturday 23 March – PTA Café Organised by the CCU for village funds, in The Swan at Thank you to those who helped
in Skipton Town Hall Hub 8 pm for 8.30 pm start – all teams (max 6 people) and those who quizzed.
must represent a village organisation such as the
* Saturday 23 March – Film
Monday Club, Man’s Shed, Carleton Ladies Choir, Parish The Wizard of Oz Panto
Night, Stan & Ollie in the
Council, PTA, CFC, Playgroup, St Mary’s Church, Knit and Another brilliant and highly
Village Hall 7 for 7.30 pm
Natter, the Social Club, The Swan, Panto Group, etc. successful panto – The Wizard
* Monday 25 March – Man’s Cost is £5 per person and includes a light supper. of Oz. Thank you to all who
Shed in the Club at 7.30 pm There are big cash prizes to be won for your came and enjoyed the
organisation. Contact Vicki or Debby to enter your performances and to all who
* Thursday 28 March –
team. Quizmasters are Jaci and Ian Hawkins. This will helped front of house and back
Community Coffee and
be the third Big Village Quiz - come along and win stage. Thank you also to the
Cakes in The Swan, 10 am to
some cash for your organisation. costume and scenery designers
12 noon
and to those who built and took
* Friday 29 March – Wine and Wine and Pudding Evening - Friday 29 down the stage. Finally, a
Pudding Evening in the March massive thank you to all the
Church at 7.30 pm This delightfully delicious event will be raising money performers and especially the
* Saturday 30 March – Big for St Mary’s Church, starting at 7 for 7.30 pm in the children who were wonderful.
Village Quiz – see opposite church. There will be tasters of five puddings, each
served with a different dessert wine. There will be a Maypole Rehearsals are
* Monday 09 April – Village Hall raffle and a bar. Tickets, £12 per person, are available
AGM – 7 to 7.30 pm
on Tuesdays at 3.20 pm
from Stella, Annie and Chris (07752486938). Pre- in the school yard.
* Saturday 13 April – St Mary’s booking only, please book by 20 March.
The Maypole dancing (an old
Easter Coffee Morning in the village tradition) is open to girls
Village Hall 10 am – 12 noon St Mary’s Easter Coffee Morning – Saturday and boys of primary school age
* Tuesday 15 April – Monday Club 13 April living in the village or those
in The Swan at 7.30 pm This annual coffee morning, raising money for the whose grandparents live in the
church, will be held in the Village Hall from 10 am until village. The group will perform
* 19 to 21 April (Easter Weekend) 12 noon. There will be a variety of stalls selling gifts at the May Day Festival of
– Carleton Beer Fest and cakes and a raffle. Entrance is £2 and includes Dance on 06 May from 2.30
* Easter Monday Big Breakfast – tea/coffee and a hot cross bun. The raffle will be pm outside The Swan. Further
22 April in the Village Hall 9 drawn at 11.45 am. information from Sarah
to 11 am Churcher: 07736 272204.
Other events in March and April Regular activities:
Monday Club (ladies) – 7.30 pm every
third Monday. Contact Vicki on 795307
Monday Club – Monday 18 March or [email protected]
In the Village Hall at 7.30 pm (£3) when we welcome Alan Hemsworth who will be talking about
the origins and meanings of nursery rhymes. All ladies welcome. Man’s Shed (men) - 7.30 pm every
fourth Monday at the Social Club.
Ping! Social Table Tennis – first session on Thursday 21 March [email protected]
The sessions will be in the Village Hall from 4 – 5 pm every Thursday, £2 per person or £5 for a Tuesday Afternoon Card Playing
family. Sessions are for anyone in the community age 7+ (younger children are welcome if Group – 1.45 – 4 pm in The Swan.
accompanied by a family member over 12). Organised by Katie Hoggarth and Natalie Atkinson
from school, there is no need to sign up in advance, just turn up and have a go. Any questions Local History Group – every
please email [email protected] Wednesday, 10 am – 12 noon, The Swan.

Quiz in The Swan – Cash prizes, 8.30

Film Night - Saturday 23 March pm alternate Wednesdays. £1 per
Stan & Ollie (PG) 2017 – comedy/biography person. Free supper.
A wonderful film based on the true story of double act Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. The film
starts at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall, the doors open at 7 pm. Bring a comfy chair and your own Bingo in The Swan – 8.30 - 10 pm
snacks if you wish, very reasonably priced drinks will be available. Tickets are £4 for adults alternate Wednesdays – cash prizes,
and £2 for under 18s and are available on the door. last ticket normally over £300!

Community Coffee and Cakes – the

Stan & Ollie The true story of Hollywood's greatest comedy double act, Laurel and Hardy, is
last Thursday of every month in The
brought to the big screen for the first time. Starring Steve Coogan and John C. Reilly as the
Swan from 10 am - 12 noon.
inimitable movie icons, Stan & Ollie is the heart-warming story of what would become the pair's
triumphant farewell tour. With their golden era long behind them, the pair embark on a variety Knit and Natter Club – every
hall tour of Britain and Ireland. Despite the pressures of a hectic schedule, and with the support Thursday 10 am – 12 noon at 7 Leys
of their wives Lucille and Ida, a formidable double act in their own right, the pair's love of Close (except last Thurs in the month).
performing, as well as for each other, endures as they secure their place in the hearts of their
adoring public. French Conversation – every
Thursday 10.30 am – 12 noon in The
Man’s Shed – Monday 25 March
Held in the Social Club at 7.30 pm. A talk by Jane Rogers about Children’s Books of our Youth. Carleton Crafters Woodturning Club
Members are encouraged to bring a favourite book they loved as a child or one they have read are moving to The Loft, Park Place
to their children or grandchildren. All men welcome. (bottom of Park Lane). Every Thursday
3 – 9 pm from the end of March. Call
in, all welcome.
Community Coffee and Cakes, Thursday 28 March
To be held in the refurbished Swan Inn between 10 am and 12 noon, raising money for The Playgroup – stay and play in the
Children’s Heart Surgery Fund who work alongside the Leeds Congenital Heart Unit at the LGI. Village Hall every Friday (term-time)
Everyone is welcome for the usual delicious cakes, the raffle and an opportunity to chat with 9.30 - 11.30 am. (0 to 4 years)
friends, family and neighbours. Donations of baking and raffle prizes very much appreciated.
The Carletones – a sing for fun
session with Sarah Churcher in The
Village Hall Management Committee AGM – Tuesday 09 April Swan, 11 – 11.45 am every Friday. All
Your attendance and support for the committee would be most welcome, especially regular and welcome. (07736 272204)
occasional Village Hall users. The meeting will be in the Committee Room at 7 to 7.30 pm.
Coffee Pot at St Mary’s – Friday
afternoons 2 - 4 pm – pop in for a
Monday Club – Monday 15 April cuppa and a chat with friends.
This month’s event will be led by Lauren Smith and is all about Calligraphy. The evening will
include a talk, demonstration and workshop where we can have a go at writing with special Carpet Bowls in the Village Hall –
calligraphy brush pens. The cost will be £3, and all ladies are welcome. new members welcome. Mondays
from 2 - 4 pm and on Fridays 7 - 9 pm.
Around the Village (news, updates and information) Useful Information
Bus Timetable (Monday to Friday)
From Skipton: 09.05 10.05 11.05 12.05
Carleton Neighbourhood Plan 13.40 15.00. From Carleton: 09.15 10.15
Concerned villagers recently asked the Parish Council to formulate a Local Neighbourhood Plan. 11.15 12.15 13.50 15.10
This was instigated at various open meetings over the last two years held because of concern
with the many planning applications affecting the village. The Plan will enable the community to St Mary’s Church Services
have a say in the future direction and development of the village. The Parish Council is in full 1st Sunday - 8 am Holy Communion and
support and have formally written to Craven District Council advising them that a steering 11.15 am Family Praise; 2 nd and 4th
group from within the community is being co-opted to write the Neighbourhood Plan. Sunday – 11.15 am Parish Communion;
3rd (and 5th) Sunday – 11.15 am Bread,
Wine and Worship.
What is a Neighbourhood Plan? Vicar: Rev. Ruth Harris (793612)
Neighbourhood planning was introduced under the Localism Act 2011 to provide a powerful set Churchwardens: Annie Persaud
of tools for local people to guide and shape the future development and conservation of their (07714 700595), Christine Hodgson
area. There are over 400 Neighbourhood Plans in force including the nearby villages of Bradley, (798681)
Embsay, Cononley and Gargrave. A village Neighbourhood Plan is part of the Statutory
development for the Craven area. The statutory status gives Neighbourhood Plans far more The Village Shop
weight in the planning process than other local led documents, effectively giving the local Monday to Saturday 7.30 am - 10 pm,
community more influence and control over the development in their village for the next 20 Sunday 8 am - 9 pm
years. A Neighbourhood Plan must meet certain basic conditions including compliance with
National legislation and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The Swan Inn
Updated opening hours
The Community needs to decide on what are the most important objectives and aspirations for Monday to Sunday 11.30 am - 11 pm.
Food served 12 noon to 8 pm daily.
the village including but not limited to:
• How many and what type of housing is needed and how does it fit with the Craven Local Plan?
The Social Club
• How do we conserve local green spaces, conservation areas and character of the village? Monday, Tuesday, Friday from
• How is road/highway safety being addressed? 7 pm, Saturday from 3 pm, Sunday
• Do we have enough school spaces; is public transport adequate? from 12 noon. Function/snooker room
• What village amenities do we have, how do we protect and improve on them? hire charges £20 - £50. Contact
Kerrie on 07792 455943 or email:
To make a start, a small Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has been formed as a sub group of [email protected]
the Parish Council. The first aim is to widen this group to ensure there are representatives
from all sections of the community. Are you interested in joining the Group? Please contact The Pharmacy
Angela on: [email protected]. There will be an update in April’s issue. Monday to Friday 9 am - 6 pm
Your help and support are needed to protect and conserve the character of our village Saturday 9 am - 12.30 pm
for future generations! 01756 709712

The Post Office

Carleton Cricket Club Monday to Thursday 8.30 pm to 1 pm
We are working hard to re-establish Carleton Cricket Club at Ramper Park. From May this year, (Wednesdays 9 am to 1 pm)
in coordination with Carleton Primary School, we will be running the ECB All Stars Cricket
programme which is for boys and girls aged five to eight. Look out for more details about this in The Village Hall
the next Courier. We are also planning four friendly games for all ages over the summer. If The Village Hall can be booked for a
you would like to get involved as a player or a helper please contact Steve Richardson. wide range of events and activities at
£12 per hour for the Main Hall and
£4.50 per hour for the Committee
Carleton Football Club – results and fixtures Room. Contact Debby 07834 545 679
Results: 02 March won away to Skipton Town 0 - 2; 09 March lost at home to Silsden Whitestar or [email protected]
1 – 7. Fixtures: 16 March home to Settle FC; 23 March home to Silsden Whitestar in the League
Cup Semi-Final. See Carleton FC on Facebook for latest news and results.
Further dates for your
Carleton Beer Fest on Easter Weekend – support needed diary: (full details in the next
The Third Annual Carleton Beer Fest will be held in the Village Hall over the Easter weekend, issue)
Friday to Sunday 19 to 21 April, raising money for Carleton Endowed Primary School. There will
be a great selection of Yorkshire beer and cider, artisan gins, prosecco, wine and international Community Coffee and
lagers. Entry will once again be £5 to include your souvenir glass and first pint. Cakes
Thursday 25 April in The Swan
There will be live music every evening with appearances from local band LoozE CoverZ and
return visits from Giles Winterton and folk duo Rum Doodle. Carleton Man’s Shed Singers will Carleton Ladies Rounders
also perform on Saturday afternoon.
Team – practice session
Opening times: Sunday 28 April 4 – 5 pm at
Friday: 5 – 11 pm Sandylands
Saturday: 2 – 11 pm
Sunday: 2 – 11 pm Film Night - The Children
Act (swapped with The
Would you like to give your support by sponsoring a barrel of beer (£100 for a full barrel or Favourite) - Sunday 28 April in
£50 for a half barrel), or donating a bottle for the daily raffle? Your contribution would be very the Village Hall
much appreciated. For more information please get in touch with Lesley Day on 07851 210645
or email [email protected]. Man’s Shed
Monday 29 April in the Social Club
Volunteer bar-tenders are also needed throughout the weekend. If you would like to pull a
few pints, or if you are able to help with the build up and take down, please speak to Debby
Richardson on 07834 545679 or email [email protected].
Duck Race
May Day Monday 6 May 12 noon
Follow Carleton Beer Fest on Facebook and Twitter for updates
May Day Festival of Dance
Monday 6 May from 2.30 pm
Contributions for the next Auction of Promises to be held on
Saturday 18 May Wedding and Baptism Fayre
The third Auction of Promises is being organised by the Carleton Community Umbrella (CCU) to Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 May
raise funds to support village events and organisations. Would you be able to donate a promise?
It can be anything such as a day’s gardening, babysitting, cooking a meal, tickets to an event, a Carleton Gala & Sports
trip out, valeting a car. Or perhaps you could donate an item, for example a painting, a bottle of Saturday 01 June
spirits, a new electrical item, a new piece of furniture. A Promise and Donation form will be
included in the next issue (12 April) and will also be available by email from Carleton Ladies Choir
that date. For further information please contact Lesley Day on 07851 210645. Summer Concert
Your promises, donations and bids would be very much appreciated. Saturday 29 June

Charity Raffle of Oil Paintings Carleton Sheeplechase

David Ward from The Coach House has several oil paintings that he is going to raffle one at a Sunday 14 July. Booking now open
time. The first painting is an agricultural scene by H Bullard. The paintings will be on show in the at
village shop and tickets can be bought there or at The Coach House. The owner of the winning
ticket can nominate the benefitting charity each time. Future Film Nights:
Sunday 19 May – The Favourite
If you want to get in touch about any of the entries, or would like to receive the Carleton Sunday 30 June – Bohemian
Courier by e-mail, contact Debby at [email protected] or on 07834 Rhapsody
545679 or follow Carleton Web on Facebook. Saturday 27 July – A Star is
The CARLETON COURIER is produced and edited by Vicki Woodhead and Debby Richardson for the Born
CCU and printed by Craven Stationery, Skipton.

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