HR Analytics: A Modern Tool in HR For Predictive Decision Making
HR Analytics: A Modern Tool in HR For Predictive Decision Making
HR Analytics: A Modern Tool in HR For Predictive Decision Making
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Developments in Human Resources Management (HRM) are fast being integrated
with corresponding changes in data and information processing, which are
restructuring our environments. The domain of human resource analytics, which can be
understood as a data and analytical thinking-centred approach to Human Resources
Management, is fast becoming an indispensable part of organisational setups. The
present study explores the existing literature in the field of HR analytics and their
implications for predictive decision-making in organisations. This will also include
critically reviewing the literature on the integration of HR analytics in organisational
setups through the introduction of relevant IT infrastructure and provisions.
Keyword: HR analytics, predictive, decision-making, predictive modelling.
Cite this Article: Dr. Abdul Quddus Mohammed, HR Analytics: A Modern Tool in HR
for Predictive Decision Making, Journal of Management, 6(3), 2019, pp. 51-63.
In a competitive market scenario, it is imperative that an employee’s potentials be harnessed to
the best for organisational success. In such an environment, human resources remain one of the
primary distinguishing factors for an organisation that can be used for competitive growth in
order to create necessary organisational value (Bharti, 2017). The optimum utilisation of the
human resources capital that an organisation possesses is an on-going process; consistent efforts
in the direction will ensure that the human resources of an organisation would remain an asset
and not a liability. Human Resource Management must be undertaken taking into consideration
the needs of the organisation as a whole; it can be understood as a domain of study that is
oriented towards exploring those practices and approaches, which can be implemented in the
context of employees to achieve organisational goals (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). However,
for a Human Resources Management to be appropriately effective and help in making
alterations and introductions that yield positive results or have profitable implications, it should
be oriented towards gaining a deeper insight into behavioural particularities and characteristics
of its employees. Stemming from the domain of Personnel Management, HRM is oriented
towards identifying tools and measures, and relies on the basic principle that the employers and
employees can work together and realise shared goals within the operative space of hierarchies 51 [email protected]
Dr. Abdul Quddus Mohammed
and structured systems (Marchington, Wilkinson, Donnelly and Kynighou, 2016). In order to
realise these goals, HRM includes a variety of established strategies and practices that have
been proven to be effective and also the creation of new ones particular to organisational
Managerial tasks and decision-making on critical issues form an integral part of the work,
which falls under the scope of the HRM of an organisation. Decision-making has been
identified as one of the most critical organisational processes including employee behaviour,
work performance, levels of motivation and the amount of stress levied on employees (Griffin
and Moorland, 2011). It is critical that the nature of HRM practices implemented would be
aligned and synchronised with larger expectations and guidelines for employee behaviour and
competitive goals. Keeping in perspective, the desired role behaviour of an employee, that is,
the requisite skills, knowledge dimensions and abilities, various competitive business strategies
can be closely matched with organisational conditions in order to see development in critical
areas, such as decision-making (Pereira, 2013).
Human resource analytics is a relatively novel intervention in the larger domain of HRM,
and it refers to the use of statistical tools, measures and procedures, which can be used in
employing and masking the most effectual decisions such as HRM strategies and practices. It
is often referred as people analytics or talent analytics or workforce analytics (“People
Analytics”, n.d.). HR analytics can be understood as being more credible because it provides
statistically valid data and evidence that can be used in the process of creating new strategies
during the implementation of existing HR strategies and other measures. The possibilities for
HRM offered by analytics have been realized by employers and organisations, but there remains
an immense room for growth in the area and the study of the relevance of analytics within the
various categories that fall under HRM.
The present study is directed towards exploring the existing literature about the relationship
between Human Resource analytics and the role it can play in improving the existing range of
managerial and HR-related tasks. The exploration of this literature will be instrumental in
providing insight into to what extent people analytics is relevant in the domain of decision-
making and the ways in which it can be adopted by organisations to expect good returns on
investments made in the process. This will include critical examination of the steps in detail
taken for the integration of HR analytics in the organisational structure; the processes employed,
and the statistical tools used for data storing and the approach adopted while putting analytics
to use for industrious decision-making. Hence, HR analytics can be understood as offering
significant prospects and has a huge potential of improving the HR and Managerial decisions-
making process that will be explored during the present study. 52 [email protected]
HR Analytics: A Modern Tool in HR for Predictive Decision Making
of HR analytics and the need for them in order to be efficient in terms of data storing in
order to be relevant for HR analytics
3.1. Integration of HR Analytics within a company
A typical HR Analytics System collects employee data from HRIS (Human Resources
Information System), business performance records, mobile applications and social media
merges into a Data Warehouse, applies big data, statistical analysis and data mining techniques
to provide understanding of hidden data patterns, relations, probabilities and forecasting. A
Data Warehousing System deals with the data collection, analysis, and transformation and
storing data on various databases.
HR analytics is a relatively novel intervention in the larger domain of Human Resource
Management. It is also often referred to as people analytics or talent analytics or workforce
analytics ("People Analytics," n.d.). HR analytics can be understood as being more credible
because it provides statistically valid data and evidence that can be used in the process of
creating new strategies and during the implementation of existing HR strategies and other 53 [email protected]
Dr. Abdul Quddus Mohammed
measures. The possibilities for HRM offered by analytics have been realized by employers and
organizations, but there remains immense room for growth in the area and the study of the
relevance of analytics within the various categories that fall under Human Resource
The effective HR Analytics will help the HR managers in performing HR functions such as
forecasting the demand and supply of people, identifying suitable employments tests to suit
applicant profiles, assessing training needs of employees, implementing pay for performance,
and maintaining effective employee information to decide on rewards and managing employee
discipline. Overall it helps the HR managers to make decisions based on data about recruitment,
retention, training, rewards, career planning and organizational effectiveness and efficiency. 54 [email protected]
HR Analytics: A Modern Tool in HR for Predictive Decision Making 55 [email protected]
Dr. Abdul Quddus Mohammed 56 [email protected]
HR Analytics: A Modern Tool in HR for Predictive Decision Making
recommendation for improving the existing model is based on the inclusion of HR related
variables in the creation of analytics models but at the same time the study cautions against the
unchecked inclusion of solutions provided by analytics software and tools. King’s (2016) study
examined the role of data analytics in HRM through a case study and a critical review.
According to the study the developments in the field have also fueled a degree of uncertainty
about the proficiency of HR professionals in employing the data or information accessible to
them in order to generate productive results. The study reviewed literature that is both for and
looks at the drawbacks of human resource analytics and argued for the involvement of academic
discourse in the inclusion of analytics and related practices. The use of case studies in the
research provides practical advice through the study, with the emphasis on a more applied and
action-oriented approach. Hence the study identified certain targets for analytics, recommended
practices such as outsourcing, and ensuring that the available data was trustworthy and within
reach and the development of models to put to use the available data.
Jasmit Kaur and Alexis A. Fink (2017) based 22 interviews at 16 companies found that most
of the companies (94%) are using R Studio is used for the data analysis and visualization,
followed by Tableau (83%) which is a popular visualization and dashboard creation tool ,some
companies are also using Python for data analysis, data cleaning, data management and machine
learning SPSS and Excel are also used by some companies as traditional and trust worthy tools
for business analytics professionals. Some new technology tools are permitting Artificial
Intelligence are IBM’s Watson Talent, Intel’s Saffron, HireVue’s video analytics platform. For
surveys Qualtrics, SurveyGizmo, Sirota are used and for business intelligence and analytics
Cognos Visier are used. These list of new technology tools confirms that the HR analytics is
still at experimentation stage and there is long way to go in the future. 57 [email protected]
Dr. Abdul Quddus Mohammed
Fitz-enz and Mattox’s (2014) study comprehensively investigated the role of predictive
analytics in the study looked at the three levels that analytics is divided in, namely predictive,
descriptive and prescriptive analysis and the various techniques that fall under them. The study
looked at the complete range of steps involved in the process beginning from creating an
analytic value chain; to the creation of analytic models, the varied processes involved in turning
data into information; along with certain examples of predictive statistics and predictive
analytics in action. The research study also explicitly cites examples from analytics that
demonstrate the use of predictive modeling. This involves the setting up of models that
demonstrate that how raw data can be used to gain insight and to generate inferences for
instance, exit interviews carried out by employers can be an important measure used to
understand the reasons behind why employees choose to leave and hence help the organization
in talent retention.
Laszlo Bock (2015) the Senior Vice President of HR at Google writes in his book Work
Rules, argues that Google uses statistics in people management the interview questions are fully
automated, perfectly tweaked based on the profile of the candidates to find the best suitable
candidates. Google also estimates the probability of employees resigning from the company by
applying HR predictive analysis that the employees who do not get promotion in first four years
are likely to leave the company. Kluemper, Rosen & Mossholder (2012) discovered the
possibility to predict the employee job performance and behavior based o IQ, personality tests,
structured interviews and there is correlation between these tests and the Facebook profile of
the candidate, which could be used as an supplementary instrument of employee selection after
considering legal and ethical issues. Best Buy applies HR analytics in predicting the store
performance based on employee engagement practices for every quarter, it predicted that a 0.1
percent increase in employee engagement resulted in increase of store income to $100,000 (Erik
Van Vulpen n.d). In 2011 Hewlett-Packard (HP) applied HR data analytics to predict the
number of employee turnover that they called “Flight Risk Score”. They found that higher pay
and the promotions and better performance ratings are negatively correlated, someone who
received promotion but did not receive pay raise is likely to leave job. HP created a dashboard
for all its HR managers with important matrices for all employee information. Companies can
save millions of dollars by applying predictive HR analysis by predicting how the employees
behave but also their contribution in organizational performance.
Ballinger, Cross and Holtom in their 2016 study examined the influence of the network
structure as a predictor for voluntary turnover. The research focused on the employee’s social
relationships as a resource that influences the rate of labour capital in the firm. according to the
study, the network reputation which serves as an access to well-connected people is an
influential factor in determining the turnover within the organization. Ballinger, Cross and
Holtom (2016) observe that the brokerage serves as a moderating factor in which it serves as a
gain in terms of the advancement, the generation of ideas and the performance. The primary
inference to the employee turnover that can be drawn from the study is that that employees who
had a more established social network have more brokerage and reputation resources and are
more likely to leave the firms. Mishra, Lama and Pal’s (2016) study examined the role of the
domain of predictive analytics within HR analytics, according to the study HR predictive
analytics has wide-ranging effects regarding the all areas related to human resource
management through the identification and proposal of certain metrics that can be used for
predictive modelling. It helps organizations in reducing implementation costs due to HR related
interventions, and to optimize business performance and see higher levels of employee
involvement. The study helps in explaining the connection between factors like low talent
retention and high rate of attrition. According to the study HR predictive analytics “is rapidly
changing and growing technology which has potential to achieve 100% accuracy in decision
making for HR. Till 2020,” (p. 34). 58 [email protected]
HR Analytics: A Modern Tool in HR for Predictive Decision Making
Reddy and Lakshmikeerthi’s (2017) in their study found that HR analytics poses a way of
being an important tool that can help assimilate the data gathered to describe, analyze, predict
and optimize the potential of an organization's employees. The study also narrowed down
certain factors like institutional mechanisms, competitive mechanisms, configuration and
organization architecture, that are instrumental in effecting HR analytics.
Jasmit Kaur and Alexis A. Fink (2017) based 22 interviews at 16 companies found the
companies are using HR analytics for building predictive models for hiring, retention, attrition
and designing employee benefits based on employee demographics and attrition patterns.
Companies are using HR analytics for employee engagement through satisfaction surveys,
building staffing plans based on data collected from the HR departmental vacancy positions,
talent movement (transfers, promotions) and labour market data, the employee feedback on
good or worst management practices are collected to enable managers understand their styles
and needs for improvement. The measurement of effectiveness of training programs is also an
important application of HR analytics.
In the literature reviewed on the integration of HR analytics within the organisation, the
strategic plan outlined by Mondore, Douthitt and Carson’s study does not come with sufficient
reviews or case studies that could provide sufficient evidence of its real-world applicability. As
such the model posited by the study cannot be assumed to be universally applicable and must
be contextualised according to a particular organisation and its specifications. Rasmussen and
Ulrich’s (2015) study is based on the notion of revolutionising the approach adopted by HR
organisations in terms of aligning analytics with the business goals of the study, but hasn’t seen
adequate implementation in order to make evident the extent to which HR analytics reflected
returns in terms of helping in attaining organisational goals. Levenson’s study looked at the
various tools and statistical procedures that fall in the domain of HR analytics in order to
surmise their particular utility for HR analytics. The study also emphasised the development of
business models and concrete strategies instead of the regular implementation and deployment
of resources for data mining. However, the research doesn’t identify particular time frames and
resources needed for the development of recommended HR analytics COE and for drafting
models required for the implementation of HR analytics.
In the literature reviewed under the section entitled IT Infrastructure and Centralised Data
Storing, Angrave et al. (2016) provides statistically backed evidence and data gathered from
analytical statistics and the inclusion of HR-related variables in the information. While the study
endorses the formulation of an analytical model that is tried and tested, and such a practicable
approach suggested by the study is beyond the scope of a theoretical analysis and can only be
undertaken in an organisational setup. Additionally, the study also points out that data analytics 59 [email protected]
Dr. Abdul Quddus Mohammed
results and recommendations may not be without error, and hence cannot be relied on blindly.
A week’s study claims that the inclusion of online and web-based HRIS will simplify the
process of acquiring HR variable dependent data, making it primarily machine-dependent and
reduce the need for human resources; however, at this stage, the feasibility of the HRIS systems
in terms of their cost and other factors related to their inclusion can only be approximated. Other
impediments to the introduction of HRIS may crop up, such as expensive technical components,
and the need for personnel for monitoring them. The optimistic claims made by the study do
not take this into consideration. Fairhurst’s (2014) study presents a model for including a data-
driven architecture into an organisational setup, so as to manage the data acquired for HR
analytics. Yet, the model presented by the study remains a cursory formulation and does not
provide an in-depth explanation of each of these steps. As such the practical feasibility of the
model remains limited and the task of incorporating it in an organisational framework would
require considerable effort.
The claims of Mishra, Lama and Pal’s study about Predictive Decision-Making need to be
supplemented with adequate case studies done in organisations, in order to legitimise those
postulations relating to the cost sustainability prospects offered by HR analytics. Additionally,
the estimates for future growth in the field posited by the study remain at face value, and the
feasibility of these claims needs to be studied in the context of real-world enterprises. Fitz-enz
and Mattox’s study, on the other hand, provides a more comprehensive roadmap for including
analytics into HRM with detailed insight into the nature of the shift in approach required in
order to adopt a predictive model, which favours decision-making for the sake of human
resource management. by Ballinger, Cross and Holtom ‘s and Rich’s study are useful in terms
of offering parameters around which predictive decision-making parameters like performance
and employee turnover can be based. But the suggestions offered by studies were in isolation;
without an action plan or a model for their implementation. Puhakainen and Siponen’s study
for the implementation of a training program similarly suffers from the lack of an adequate
model to be tested for practical feasibility in organisations. 60 [email protected]
HR Analytics: A Modern Tool in HR for Predictive Decision Making
This paper contributes greatly to the field of human resource management in which the
information explores the range of possibilities that HR analytics opens up for tasks in HR and
administration. The findings point to possible success of analytics-based intervention and how
it impacts the predictive decision making on parameters which are pivotal to the operation 61 [email protected]
Dr. Abdul Quddus Mohammed
within the organization. Further insights and significant conclusions, for the scope of the large-
scale implementation of HR analytics and its implications for future, can be drawn from the
review of literature carried out. The conclusions drawn can also be useful for comprehending
the range of possibilities that HR analytics opens for tasks such as predictive decision-making
and the limitations of these posited tasks.
The main limitations of the following research predominantly centre on the availability of
literature on the issue. There is an existing gap in which the existing literature on predictive
modelling and organizational studies is limited in range. Hence, there is a need for existing
literature to be sufficiently nuanced and to be based on case studies of predictive modelling and
organisational studies so as to ensure that models and roadmaps being endorsed are tried, tested
and fail-safe. Due to this, the present study was limited in the range of literature available for
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