Development of Cyberblog-Based Intelligent Tutorial System To Improve Students Learning Ability Algorithm

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Development of cyberblog-based intelligent tutorial system to improve

students learning ability algorithm
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4th International Seminar of Mathematics, Science and Computer Science Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1013 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012157 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1013/1/012157

Development of cyberblog-based intelligent tutorial system to

improve students learning ability algorithm

Wahyudin*, L S Riza and B L Putro

Departement of Computer Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Bandung, Indonesia

*Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. E-learning as a learning activity conducted online by the students with the usual
tools is favoured by students. The use of computer media in learning provides benefits that are
not owned by other learning media that is the ability of computers to interact individually with
students. But the weakness of many learning media is to assume that all students have a
uniform ability, when in reality this is not the case. The concept of Intelligent Tutorial System
(ITS) combined with cyberblog application can overcome the weaknesses in neglecting
diversity. An Intelligent Tutorial System-based Cyberblog application (ITS) is a web-based
interactive application program that implements artificial intelligence which can be used as a
learning and evaluation media in the learning process. The use of ITS-based Cyberblog in
learning is one of the alternative learning media that is interesting and able to help students in
measuring ability in understanding the material. This research will be associated with the
improvement of logical thinking ability (logical thinking) of students, especially in algorithm

1. Introduction
Improved information technology in the field of education is increasingly perceived by learners and
teachers, especially in learning activities. Almost most of the lessons delivered in the classroom have
been using media or applications that aim to help learners understand the material presented. But very
few media or applications can know the level of mastery of the material of learners at the time of
learning. Education aims to establish a healthy human body and spirit, and to have the knowledge and
skills to be able to develop quality, high intelligence and noble character. To achieve these objectives,
there is a need for quality and outcomes of education through improvement and refinement of the
learning process in schools [1].
Conventional learning approaches less cover the aspects of student's activity and creativity in the
learning process. In order to solve it, ICT-based learning strategies can be involved. This learning
strategy has many types, such as: Interactive Multimedia (IM), Macromedia, Hypermedia, Hypertext,
Weblog, and so forth. Weblog or blog is a kind of learning strategies that have many advantages [2]. It
can accommodate the needs of individual learning, connecting geographically dispersed learners, and
asses the student’s performance quickly. Moreover, by using weblog, it can improve teacher’s
knowledge [3] and also improve student’s reading habit [4].
In his book [2] says that the basis of all logical thinking is sequential thought. This process
involves taking the important ideas, facts, and conclusions involved in a problem and arranging them

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4th International Seminar of Mathematics, Science and Computer Science Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1013 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012157 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1013/1/012157

in a chain-like progression that takes on a meaning in and of itself. To think logically is to think in
Previous research conducted by [5] which suggests that learners who have the ability to think
logically earn higher grades than the students who have the ability to think logically below the
average. It can be seen from the results of these studies, that the ability to think logically affects the
learning outcomes of students. This shows that by increasing the ability to think logically learners the
learning outcomes of students will be increased.
According Albercht in [5] says that the basis of logical thinking is sequential thought. This process
involves taking the important ideas, f6cts and conclusions that have involvement of the problems and
unite these things like a chain sequences that take meaning in and of itself. Logical thinking is thinking
Based on the above opinion, there is a relationship between logical algorithms, which both use the
concept of sequential thought. This indicates that the algorithm created by mimicking the logical
thinking of humans, in other words, logical thinking ability of a person affects the manufacture and
preparation of algorithms that person, the better the ability to think, the ability of the algorithm would
be better, and the lack of ability to think someone would affect the ability of the algorithm.
Algorithm and programming is difficult to learn, because in the algorithm, it requires not only
knowledge but also the ability of logical thinking. Algorithms and programming is an important
subject for the student in computer programming because the algorithm is a core competency for
vocational high students who study in the Department of Software Engineering. Algorithm and
Programming can be defined as a work procedures and build a program, also as a basic. These subjects
become difficult for students because most of them never learned about the programming before. So
that when receive the material they are confused.
Cyber blog is one of the products produced by the E-Learning. Cyber blog is web-based software
that unifies the functionality of web and blog in the form of video or computer simulation sourced
from the Internet or from the researchers themselves [6].
Based on the results of research by [6], suggests that learners who use cyber blog as a tool INM
algorithm, the overall increase understanding of the concept of the algorithm participant students with
positive feedback from the students indicated on the questionnaire.
Based on the description and the opinions that have been expressed above, the researchers want to
conduct research into developing new models based cyber blog in improving the logical thinking
ability of students.

2. Methods
The method that used in this research is Quasi Experimental Design Method. Quasi-Experimental
Design is a method of research that aims to determine whether there is a result of a treatment in a
subject and compared with subjects who did not receive treatment. According [3] form of this
experimental design, the development of true experimental design that is difficult to implement. This
research is better
to use pre-experimental design, using two groups of classes as a sample, group of experimental and
control class. Determination of experimental and control class done by a random placement of the
subject using a cluster random sampling technique after the two classes were tested with normality and
homogeneity, this technique is used to determine the experimental class and control. Experimental
class at the time of the study is given cyber-blog learning with multimedia-based system, while the
control group received conventional learning.
The population is students from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (Indonesia University of
Education), Department of Computer Science Education with a sample of one class (30 students) who
had been randomly selected. The process in this research and development strategy includes the
preparation of the study, the implementation of the preliminary studies, planning and strategy,
implementation and development.

4th International Seminar of Mathematics, Science and Computer Science Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1013 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012157 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1013/1/012157

2.1. Location and research subject

Research on the development of cyber blog based learning model is done in one of the public
universities in Indonesia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) in Bandung, more precisely in
department of computer science education. The research location is selected based on the knowledge
and experience of the informant/related to the implementation of educational policies and systems that
ensure the internal quality of the site, as well as considering the ease of access (accessibility) and a
few other considerations.
Subjects selected are teachers and students majoring in computer science education, computer
science education courses. Subjects were selected based snowball technique, which gives authority to
researchers in determining the subject of research based on the search results data sources that are
tailored to the needs of research

2.2. Techniques and data collection

2.2.1. Observation. Observation is used to complete the data will provide information about the
quality of the learning process of writing. These instruments do aim to solve problems facing learners.
During the observation, researchers looked at the activity of respondents and researchers recorded the
things that are important and directly related to the research problem. The instrument used in this
study was a questionnaire in the form of multiple choice, check list forms and checklists. To obtain
accurate data, then do a cross check with data from interviews and documentation study.

2.2.2. Documentation study. This research is to collect and examine the documents required in
development-based learning model cyberblog from both educational establishments and of the
educator, for example, the curriculum used in the study, planning for learning, lesson plans, and other
matters related to learning resources, instructional media used by learners. This is done so that the
information obtained is actually derived from the object used as a place of research. Technique
documentation can be done in the form of photographing all the events that took place during the
researchers conducting the study.

2.2.3. Interview. Interviews conducted by the researchers is that the interviewer structured interview
questions that correspond to the problems being studied. The information gained from the interviews
will be viewed as an answer to the problem in this study, because of information obtained from the
interviews is accurate answers for the questions that have been prepared in accordance with the matter
under investigation.

2.2.4. Questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire will be considered as inputs of the subjects that
will be observed, the question in the questionnaire is to seek information about student opinion of the
learning is done by using model-based cyberblog and student opinion of the learning is done without
using model-based cyberblog.

2.3. Research Instrument

2.3.1. Validity. Validity test is done to determine whether the instrument measuring instrument has
been running a measuring function. Validity demonstrated the reliability and accuracy of measuring
instruments in doing measuring function. To determine the consistency and accuracy of data collected
from the use of the instrument validity test using product moment correlation. The product moment
correlation technique is as follows:


4th International Seminar of Mathematics, Science and Computer Science Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1013 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012157 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1013/1/012157

r =correlation coefficient
N =number of samples
X =questions score/item
Y =total questions score

The result of the calculation of product moment correlation values (r count) compared with the
value of r table. R table value obtained from statistical tables moments product on degrees of freedom
(m-1) and alpha 5% of 0.3610 to 30 respondents. The validity criteria used are: (a) If the results count
r ≥ r table, then the question is valid and (b) If the results count r ≤ r table, then the question is not

2.3.2. Reliability. The reliability of an instrument is tested using the approach of internal consistency
using Cronbach Alpha reliability is to identify how well the items posed as a question in the
questionnaire associated with each other. This reliability calculation using the following formula:


α = reliability instrument
k = many of questions
ߪ௧ଶ = total variance
∑ߪ௕ଶ = item number variants

2.4. Qualitative Data Analysis

Qualitative data analysis core activities, namely data reduction with field reports concluded, noting the
key points that are relevant to the focus of the problem. The focus of these issues include: a) to
develop a systematic way based on specific categories and classifications, b) to create tables, graphs or
images so that the relationship between the data with other data visible and intact, c) to analyze the
data in depth, d) to present the findings, draw conclusions in the form of a general trend, as well as
recommendations for the developers.

2.5. Quantitative Data Analysis

In this study, the analysis is carried out as follows:

2.5.1. Analysis Descriptive Statistics. Descriptive statistical analysis used in this study is the
presentation, with the following steps: Creating a distribution table answers to the questionnaire
variables X and Y, Determine a score of respondents with a score of predetermined conditions,
Summing score the answers obtained from each respondent, and Enter the scores into the formula:


DP = Description Percentage
n = the amount of the expected score
N = Percentage value or result

2.5.2. Hypothesis testing. In this research, hypothesis testing was done by t-test to see how far the
influence (positive or negative) of the independent variables related variables.
Testing the hypothesis can be stated as follows:

4th International Seminar of Mathematics, Science and Computer Science Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1013 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012157 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1013/1/012157

Ho: ρ = 0, means that the independent variable (X) has no effect on related variables (Y).
H1: ρ ≠ h0, means the independent variable (X) positive or negative effect on related variables (Y).
If tcount <ttable, then H0 is accepted, the independent variable does not affect the relevant variables.
If tcount> ttable, then H1 is accepted, the independent variable has an influence on related variables.

3. Results and Discussion

Researchers obtained two types of data, qualitatively and quantitatively. Quantitative data obtained by
conducting pre-test and post-test, while qualitative data obtained through a questionnaire addressed to
students when they use cyberblog.
From the interviews there are some of the conclusions obtained a potential and problems, including
it makes students simply copying what is done by the teacher so that there are students who are
constrained in logical thinking because they do not understand the process / sequence of the material
being taught, students' ability in understanding depends on how able and know him to follow what is
taught by the teacher. This makes some students are in a state with no sign of lectures it will be
difficult to follow the subject matter further, and the facilities available in the department of computer
science education is sufficient UPI good computer for practice, classrooms and internet connection is
capable of supporting ICT-based learning.

3.1. Collecting Information

Based on the potential and problems that have been identified previously, the authors propose
solutions to overcome problems that occur by utilizing existing facilities in the department of
computer science education. The solutions can be described as follows:

3.1.1. Required media learning that encourages students to understand the concept of logical thinking
independently so that students can understand the sequence of instructional material taught in class to
ensure that students really understand not just imitate what is done by the teacher. Algorithms and
programming difficulty level is quite high because of the concepts taught hard to imagine that require
picture material in the form of design that is packed in multimedia.

3.1.2. By utilizing the facilities available in the department of computer science education, researchers
conducted cyberblog development specifically designed to assist students in logical thinking so that
students are able to understand the material sequentially.
From the above solutions, researchers implemented a redevelopment of multimedia based learning
with cyber-blog system. That was developed with using IMSDD (Interactive Multimedia System of
Design and Development) method is very suitable for the development of multimedia which also
requires the development aspects of the Software Engineering optimal. IMSDD method is the
development of the waterfall method adapted to the needs of multimedia application development.

3.2. Software and Hardware Requirements

3.2.1. Hardware Requirements Analysis. When using a program or application then there will be a
minimum requirement to be considered so that the programs/applications can be used as well. These
applications also require a browser, which is recommended by the researchers is google chrome. For
Redeveloped Cyberblog, the minimum requirement to be considered are as follows:

Table 1. Minimum Requirements of Hardware

Hardware Specification

4th International Seminar of Mathematics, Science and Computer Science Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1013 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012157 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1013/1/012157

Processor Pentium 4
RAM 256 MB
Monitor Resolution 800 x 600
Hard disk 64 B

3.2.2. Software Requirements Analysis. To support the development of this web-based multimedia
required adequate and appropriate software. Here are some of the softwares used by researchers in
developing web-based multimedia: Notepadd++, Xampp, Google Chrome Browser, and Adobe
Photoshop CS5

3.3. Cyber blog Products based on intelligence tutorial

In this research, cyber blog redeveloped with the aim to assist students in logical thinking with some

Figure 1. Display of Redeveloped Cyber blog

There are two types of users, students and teachers. Students have access to select subjects in which
there are course materials and tests as a form of evaluation. While teachers can determine where the
material will be displayed and the matter of what will be used in the test and see the value generated
by the students.

4th International Seminar of Mathematics, Science and Computer Science Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1013 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012157 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1013/1/012157

Figure 2. Result Feature in Cyberblog

Figure 3. The results of program execution

After the program's source code is displayed, the user can view the execution results in the form of
CMD featuring the execution of the program has worked.

3.4. Research Data Analysis

Quantitative data obtained was a pre-test score and post-test score of the control group and
experimental group.

3.4.1. Pre Test Data Analysis. Before the student given treatment in learning, students are given first
pre-test to measure students' initial ability. After that the student will be given treatment in terms of
learning and after that given post-test to determine the increase students' understanding of the concept.
This is the following descriptive results of the control and experimental group pre-test.

Table 2. Student initial ability

Experiment Control
Mean Value 73.78 71.22
Standard Deviation 9.36 8.05
Variance 86.45 62.74
DK 58
tcount 1.58
ttable 2.00
tcount ≤ ttable There is no difference
tcount > ttable There is a difference

4th International Seminar of Mathematics, Science and Computer Science Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1013 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012157 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1013/1/012157

From 30 students on experimental group their mean initially capability reached 73.78 while 30
students on the control group mean initially capability reached 71.22. From the table, it is seen that
there is no significant difference between students' initial capability of the experimental group with the
initial capability of the control group.

3.4.2. Post Test Data Analysis. Post-test is done to determine ability of logical thinking of the student.
After the post-test data results obtained, the next step is to perform data processing to obtain
descriptive statistics of the data value post-test experimental group with the control group.

Table 3. Student mastery concept after the learning/research

Experiment Control
Mean Value 82.23 74.22
Standard Deviation 8.86 8.65
Variance 80.22 76.58
DK 58
tcount 4.16
ttable 2.00
tcount ≤ ttable There is no difference
tcount > ttable There is a difference

The 30 student from experimental group the average value capability reached 82.23 while 30
students from control group reached 74.22. From the data we can see that the differences between final
student ability in the experimental group and control group.

3.4.3. Student Logical Thinking Mastery Test. After being tested to determine the increase in student
logical thinking mastery of using a normalized gain obtained mean gain between the experimental
class and control class. The test results of student logical thinking mastery in experimental group and
the control group after following learning can be seen in table 4.

Table 4. Student Logical Thinking Mastery Test

Data Class N Mean Standard Deviation

Control 65,22 8,65
Post-test Experiment 30 77,22 8,99

Improved understanding of the concept that was achieved by the students in the experimental group
was made possible because the students do not merely passively receive materials, but students
actively construct their understanding of the stages of learning using redeveloped cyberblog.
The last Effectiveness is often closely related to the comparison between the objective
achievements with the predetermined plan or comparison of actual results with the planned results.
This is consistent with the results conducted by researchers that there is an increase in the ability of
understanding the logical thinking after implemented the redeveloped cyberblog.

4. Conclusion
From the analysis and discussion of research data that has been done, some conclusions can be drawn
from this research. First, redevelopment of interactive multimedia learning in this research that is
cyberblog, just as a tool in the process of delivery of algorithm material. Multimedia development is
made in several stages, beginning of the analysis, design, development, implementation, and the
assessment stages. Second, Student ability in logical thinking is increased as seen from the comparison
pretest formerly 73.78 into 82.23 in posttest after the researchers applied a redeveloped cyberblog in

4th International Seminar of Mathematics, Science and Computer Science Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1013 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“” 012157 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1013/1/012157

learning. Third, Most of the students gave positive responses regarding the learning that using
cyberblog because there is a blocky that helps them in sequence algorithms view on each
Researchers also have suggestion based on the results of this research include the following: To use
this redeveloped cyberblog system needs good internet connectivity so that the school/college should
provide the infrastructure that supports these activities and In applying this redevelped cyberblog
system, teachers should pay attention to the time allocated when giving a lecture and tried to gauge
student understanding with problems or other challenges.

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