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A Series on Taqwa
Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi
Translated by: Orwatul Wuthqa Seminary
Copyright© 2014
It is not permitted to reprint this book without permission of MATAB
Taqwa which is the divine way of living and extensively presented by
Quran as the essential pillar of the system of guidance has been practically
forsaken by majority of believers. Allah gifted us with the bounty of life
and in order to make this life reach perfection established a system of
guidance whose base was made as Taqwa. Taqwa which literally comes
from the word Waqaya which is a shield used in battles that gives all
around protection to the warrior. In this battle of life where man has
continuously encounter the attacks on self which hinders him, deviates
him from the right course; he needs a system of protection and security.
This is provided by Taqwa.
Today we have limited religion to few ritualistic acts and have forgotten
those conditions, criteria’s, standards, principles and laws which Allah has
made for human being so that he can live a protected life that would take
him towards the purpose of creation. The Holy Quran has presented
various dimensions of Taqwa in human life; in some places on etiquettes
of communication, in marriage, in wearing dresses, in relationships and in
some cases on laying foundations of life.
Allah has granted human being this bounty of life and for its guidance
Allah has established a system which means the human life has not been
left on its own. If you see the life in jungle there is creation but there is no
guidance; they are left free as per their instincts in jungle, deserts and
they continue on their life. But for a man, Allah has established guidance
after creation for life, and for which all arrangements are made. One
phase of this guidance is the revelation of the divine books, arousing of
the prophets and their inheritors who have been delegated to guide
human beings so that the man can reach the purpose of his life. The
purpose of life can be achieved through the purpose of creation which can
be achieved through guidance. If guidance is removed from within, then
neither creation nor life can reach its purpose. Guidance is the means by
which man has to acquire his purpose of creation. If there is no guidance
then the life of a man and the life in jungle becomes the same, and if both
are same in this world then in the world of hereafter also, the end for
Masjid-e-Zaraar (A series on Taqwa)
both will also be the same. Man will then be raised in the same form of a
beast on the day of judgement. In order to protect from that type of end
and destruction in this world, Allah has established guidance on the basis
of Taqwa. The method of guidance has been kept on the basis of Taqwa.
In order to live the life in accordance with Taqwa is not something that is
forced upon, but instead a man has to adopt this by choice.
Taqwa has been made as the pillar and axis of guidance so that man on
the basis of Taqwa can get guidance and on its basis, make his creation
reach perfection.The system of the way of living for a man is Taqwa.Every
person has a way of living, a style of living. He lives his life by his own will
and choice, but he always takes the style, and way of living from
somewhere else. If we ponder over our routine lives we can see a way and
style that governs it that we have copied from our tribes, communities or
others. Like we wear our dress with our will but the type of dress, and
style of wearing is taken from somewhere else. We eat on our own will,
but the way of cooking we have is taken from somewhere else. We never
pay attention to this since there are many sources of adopting a style.
Allah has also established a way of life and it is obligatory on a man to
adopt this way of living. Man has been stopped from following the style of
others, other than the divine law. If a man does this, he cannot be forcibly
stopped but the end of his life will be hell. We have understood hell in a
very simple way and in fact distorted it in the minds of Muslims. We think
it is a Jail, a pit where a man is pushed for the sake of punishment of his
acts. Whereas Quran says Hell and Heaven are the results of his life. The
life itself ends there and reaches that point which is known as Hell or
Heaven. The way of living decides whether he is making the end hell or
heaven. If a person is walking towards a valley then the result is that he
will fall into that valley or if a person is falling into a fire, then this is his
result, his end. It’s not like he will be punished separately that why did
you jump into the fire? The jumping into the fire is itself a punishment.
Masjid-e-Zaraar (A series on Taqwa)
The type and way of life which a man is living is either he is dropping
himself into hell or into heaven. The style of living could be horrid,
ancestral, customary, ignorant or satanic, and amongst these one way of
living is of Taqwa. It is a fact that the end of this life will be as per the way
and style the life is lived. One way of living is the divine way which ends in
Heaven but on the other hand if he has taken any other life style from a
tribe, a community or anywhere else then the end is destruction.
Taqwa is the way and style of living. There is one confusion, or a doubt in
the minds of religious people, and that is whatever type of life they live
whether it is ancestral, customary, ignorant, communal, tribal, Western,
Eastern or anything else, the end is irrelevant to the current life, and will
still remain as an end. This is a wrong speculation which Quran says you
have, and this will not happen. It is not true that a man can live whichever
form of life he desires, but his end will be in paradise and he remain
protected from the divine wrath, although his life was not divine. These
conjectures have been put in our minds by the traders of religion for
whom Quran says that; they sell the religion for a small measly gain. There
are people who conceal the right religion, and create a distorted self-
made religion which they eventually spread in believers. When such a
corrupt group gets developed then a man cannot live a divine life. These
traders replace the true scholars; they come on pulpit and other religious
centers, and just for the sake of measly compensations they spread
distorted form of religion. This kills Taqwa and ignorance seeps in a
community. If you analyze the entire Muslim world you will see this
element in abundance. You can see that from the external appearance
there are Muslims, towns, cities, localities that are all dwelled by Muslims,
but the way of living is non-Islamic which is either of ignorance or corrupt
Western lifestyle. And both of these are destructive and the only true
path is that of Taqwa which is made by Allah.
Masjid-e-Zaraar (A series on Taqwa)
Masjid-e-Zaraar (A series on Taqwa)
The domain of Taqwa is the entire life of human being in which every
affair, relations, steps are all the grounds of Taqwa where a man has to
bring the complete system of Allah in practice. Taqwa is the divine plan
for the protection and security of a man so that human life does not get
destroyed, adulterated and this is the security plan made by Allah for
human life. This Taqwa should encompass man’s life which Quran also
refers to as attire. Taqwa should be dominating every aspect of life and it
should have its effect on everything.
Masjid-e-Zaraar (A series on Taqwa)
their limits. But the domain of religion is much vast and above & beyond
ethics and Fiqh. If you assess the domain of religion as per Quran which is
the standard, and criteria of religion established by Allah, then you see the
vastness of the religion presented by the Quran which are the limits of the
religion. In Quran if you look Fiqh, it is only 1/12th of the Quran and
similarly Ethics are little more than Fiqh, but Quran has more than six
thousand verses. The context of Ethics is related to the attributes, traits
of the soul, and self of a human being. The ethical science does not cover
human sociology, whereas Quran presents the human society and life in
detail. It presents Taqwa in a much broader way and spreads it to the
extent that it comprehends entire human life.
have made ancestral customs as your manifesto and way of living then
this is your religion. If you have adopted the British constitution as the
manifesto of your society then your religion is British constitution. The
thing which has constitutional worth in your routine life is your religion.
You are well versed with what is your manifesto in life. In some places
there are tribal laws whereby the elders and ancestors of tribes have
made laws and everyone living in that tribal society has to follow those
laws. Those who live under governments, they follow the governmental
laws. But a generic law which is covering everyone’s life is culture, which
are a set of man-made customs that have been commonly adopted in a
society. The thing which everyone accepts is the culture of a man. If Arab,
non-Arab Muslims, Pakistani Muslims all ponder and see under which
customs, principles are we spending our routine life, our relations, eating,
drinking etc.? If you see either they are English or some other culture.
What is your criteria, principle under which you wear your dress? Who has
established this dress? If you are wearing dress as per English way then
that is your religion. If you are on your ancestral religion then your
ancestors are your Imam. If you are performing your daily affairs as per
divine laws then you are on a divine religion, then those whom Allah has
appointed as Imams for guidance will be our Imams and we will be
counted with them and termed as their Ummah. We might have love for
anyone in our heart, but in reality, our leaders are those whom we have
made as role models.
husband and not the one where their attraction is. If he or she considers
someone else as spouse then this will be a sin also. The leader is the one
whose constitution we follow, and not the one with whom we have
relationship by heart. Belief does not establish relationship it is the law
that does. We might have love with the Prophet, the Imams but we are
living our practical lives in accordance with some other principles and
then the one who has given those principles becomes our leader.
Masjid-e-Zaraar (A series on Taqwa)
In Quran Allah says that the laws of Allah do not change or alter but man
is having this misunderstanding that they will change for us, the way Bani
Israel or Jews were about this thinking that since we are special, the laws
of Allah will change. Even if we do something wrong we will go in the right
place that is the paradise. This is the mentality of Jews and Quran has
rejected this mentality. The laws of Allah will not change for you nor for
anyone else, and it will not change or alter for any generation. This was
expressed in details in our series of lectures on Sunan e Ilahi.
Taqwa should be made as a routine of life and not just to talk, speak, give
lectures and give information. It should become a practical manifesto of
life and when this happens it becomes the basis of the foundation of
many initiatives in life. Taqwa has been established as the key element of
guidance, and an obligation on the preachers and scholars of religion that
they should develop and nurture an Ummah, System, society, family,
human being and youths on the basis of Taqwa. The way the duties of
Prophets has been established by Allah’s teachings, development and
nurturing. The same has been kept also for their inheritors i.e. scholars,
preachers of the religion and this also should be done on Taqwa. There
are various instances like Development of an Ummah that should be done
on the basis and foundations of Taqwa.
Domain of Taqwa
Taqwa is the divine planning for the way of living for Human beings. The
domain of Taqwa is spread in all dimensions of life of a man and not just
confined or limited to the human self (Nafs) like the way scholars have
described in context of ethics. Taqwa is there for the man’s inner self,
environment, society, relationship, business, and every field of the man.
Taqwa is for every aspect of human life and is present in every field of
human life. It is for his own self, his life, relationships, business, trading
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and there is no dimension of life which is outside Taqwa i.e. where a man
is allowed to adopt any other way of living other than Taqwa.
The domain of Taqwa is so vast that a person can be a believer, but if his
politics and governance is not divine then he is a ‘Believer without
Taqwa’, which Allah does not accept as a believer or a Muslim. Those who
have established non-divine governments and accepted them as well, are
all people without Taqwa. Allah does not consider those who are without
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Taqwa as believers and Muslims. If you look around today then see
where the system of Allah is and what is our state? Just like Non-Muslims
are away from religion today, we are also far away from the soul of the
religion, even though on the surface we do worships, rituals and do good
things but all this is done without Taqwa. Hence, we are unsafe and
insecure both in this world and the hereafter. If today Muslims had
governments on the basis of Taqwa, i.e. If the politics, the constitution,
governances, Ummah, leaders, rulers, families, education, teachers,
students, and managers were all with Taqwa then we can say that this is a
divine system, and then under this situation the circumstances of the
nation and the state would be much different and not like what they are
today. Today a fool is sitting on every branch; in every segment of the
state there are people sitting on top without Taqwa, and every law, policy
and structure of the system is without Taqwa, and we are under this
estimation that we are Muslims and we will go to heaven. How is this
possible? Allah has made heaven for Muttaqeen. It is the end result
(Heaven) of Taqwa which is only for Muttaqeen, and for those who do not
possess Taqwa their place is different and that is Taghwa, and hence the
end is different that is hell.
way that Taqwa is deep inside the soul and it should be present
somewhere in our soul. It was not presented as a social system instead it
was presented in such a doubtful way; it was presented in the light of
‘Irfan and ethics’ and that too in a dubious way. Man got surprised with
this kind of Taqwa as to how to establish Taqwa at this level? As
mentioned before in last night’s lecture that there is a religious
terminology by the word Haneef, which is primarily used in Quran for
Prophet Ibrahim (a.s). It is such a beautiful word which the Muffassireen
and translators have discussed in such a complexity that today hardly
anyone can express the meaning of Haneef. This is due to incorrect
system of the education due to which the Islamic terminologies that were
presented by Quran very clearly to us (as it is Tebyan), have been lost
from our minds. This is because of a scarce education system. This also
happened because the education itself is not on the basis of Taqwa. When
the teachers and education itself is not on the basis of Taqwa, then this
education becomes the basis of creating doubts and estimations.
Taqwa has been made very limited and confined to deep inside the self of
human. Whereas Taqwa should be felt, witnessed and seen everywhere
with eyes in a human society. This way Taqwa should be established on
the outer layer of life as well, and Taqwa should dominate the outward of
Human life. When Taqwa becomes a broad system, then it enters in the
life of human beings. Man cannot create Taqwa in his ‘Batin’ by staying
under the corrupt, Taghooti system. Taqwa is the act of life, for the
market, the family, out in the field, it is the routine life, part of life for a
worker, farmer and everyone whether scholar or non-scholar. This is the
way that Quran has presented Taqwa. Among the several verses present
in Quran related to Taqwa; the verse under the discussion in this book is
from Surah Tauba. These verses say that if you want to make a center
then it should be on the basis of Taqwa; if it’s not then it is a center of
Zaraar and if not dealt with, it is dangerous for the people, the society, the
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Masjid-e-Zaraar (A series on Taqwa)
religion, the Muslims and everyone else and it should be demolished. The
sign of Taqwa is that you should not step inside it and not cooperate with
it in any form. You should not have any form of relationship with a center
without Taqwa.
Secularism has replaced Taqwa to create place for itself in the life of
believers. The meaning of secularism itself is; religion without Taqwa and
instead to bring Taghwa in your lives. Since you have replaced Taqwa with
Taghwa, but you will perform some customs and rituals hence you are
allowed to be termed religious as well. This has caused destruction. This
mentality that ‘whatever is present in the society we should accept it and
not be narrow minded’. This has become the basis of humiliating the
religious people who do not accept secularism; that you are narrow
minded, with a short vision etc. If a believer differentiates and sets a
standard between Believers and Faasikeen, then he is termed as narrow
minded. This vision that everyone is a brother is negated by Quran and it
says whether Believers and Faasikeen are the same? If you differentiate
this, then secular people will criticize you. Secular person is the one who
has hidden his irreligiousness and Taghwa behind religion and beautiful
religious terminologies. They condemn religious persons by saying; they
are narrow minded and do not take everyone along, or they do not
consider everyone as brother. Does the religion allow you to consider a
faasik, wrongdoer, and corrupt as your brother? How is this possible?
an Islamic state. If they possess such deep insight that they can select the
leader of the state, then why have you kept them inside a prison, they
should not be criminals then. A person who is a killer, deceiver, or a
criminal are all voters and this is only possible in secular systems. In
religion there is a difference between believer and transgressor.
Transgression (Fisk) has crept inside believers the way Quran says Shirk
has crept inside believers. Quran says that majority of believers have Shirk
inside their faith. Secularism means whether its corruption, transgression,
Fisk, viciousness, or deception all should be accepted by you with an open
mind. Secularism is the basis of creating a society without Taqwa.
All this happens when Taqwa get confined to ethics and becomes the way
of life and foundation of every affair of our life. The Quran has presented
several such cases for Taqwa becoming a practical manifesto of life. In this
book we have taken the Quranic case on foundations of a mosque that is
laid on the basis of Taqwa and if not than the mosque that is constructed
becomes a center of harmfulness which is termed as Masjid-e-Zaraar. The
Quran expresses this dimension of Taqwa in the below verses present in
Surah Tauba. This is a group of verses in which this practical dimension of
adapting Taqwa is presented. From verse 107 onwards Quran says:
ِِ ِ ِ ِﱠ
َ ﲔ َوإِْر
ﺻ ًﺎدا َ ﲔ اﻟْ ُﻤ ْﺆﻣﻨ َ ْ ﻳﻦ ﱠاﲣَ ُﺬوا َﻣ ْﺴﺠ ًﺪا ﺿَﺮ ًارا َوُﻛ ْﻔًﺮا َوﺗَـ ْﻔ ِﺮﻳ ًﻘﺎ ﺑَـ
َ َواﻟﺬ
ب اﻟﻠﱠﻪَ َوَر ُﺳﻮﻟَﻪُ ِﻣ ْﻦ ﻗَـْﺒ ُﻞ ۚ◌ َوﻟَﻴَ ْﺤﻠِ ُﻔ ﱠﻦ إِ ْن أ ََرْدﻧَﺎ إِﱠﻻ ِ
َ ﻟ َﻤ ْﻦ َﺣ َﺎر
{107} ن َ اﳊُ ْﺴ َ ٰﲎ ۖ◌ َواﻟﻠﱠﻪُ ﻳَ ْﺸ َﻬ ُﺪ إِﻧـﱠ ُﻬ ْﻢ ﻟَ َﻜ ِﺎذﺑُﻮ
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And those who built a masjid to cause harm and for unbelief and to cause disunion
among the believers and an ambush to him who made war against Allah and His
Messenger before; and they will certainly swear: We did not desire aught but
good; and Allah bears witness that they are most surely liars.
ٍ ِ ِ ِ َﻻ ﺗَـ ُﻘﻢ ﻓِ ِﻴﻪ أَﺑ ًﺪا ۚ◌ ﻟَﻤﺴ
َ ﺲ َﻋﻠَﻰ اﻟﺘﱠـ ْﻘ َﻮ ٰى ﻣ ْﻦ أَﱠول ﻳَـ ْﻮم أ
َﺣ ﱡﻖ َ ﺳ
ﱢ ُ
أ ﺪ
ٌ ﺠ َْ َ ْ
ﺐﺎل ُِﳛﺒﱡﻮ َن أَ ْن ﻳَـﺘَﻄَ ﱠﻬُﺮوا ۚ◌ َواﻟﻠﱠﻪُ ُِﳛ ﱡٌ ﻮم ﻓِ ِﻴﻪ ۚ◌ ﻓِ ِﻴﻪ ِر َﺟ
َ أَ ْن ﺗَـ ُﻘ
َ ِ اﻟْ ُﻤﻄﱠ ﱢﻬ
{108} ﺮﻳﻦ
Never stand in it; certainly, a masjid founded on Taqwa from the very first day is
more deserving that you should stand in it; in it are men who love that they should
be purified; and Allah loves those who purify themselves.
ﺲ ﺳ
ﱠ َأ ﻦ
ْ ﻣ
َ َم
ْ أ ﺮ ـ ﻴ
ْ ﺧ
ٍ ﺿﻮ
ان ْ ِأَﻓَﻤ ْﻦ أَ ﱠﺳﺲ ﺑـُْﻨـﻴَﺎﻧَﻪُ َﻋﻠَ ٰﻰ ﺗَـ ْﻘﻮ ٰى ِﻣﻦ اﻟﻠﱠ ِﻪ و
َ ٌ َ َ َ َ َ َ
ﱠﻢ ۗ◌ َواﻟﻠﱠﻪُ َﻻ ِ ِ ِِ ٍ ٍ
َ ﺑـُْﻨـﻴَﺎﻧَﻪُ َﻋﻠَ ٰﻰ َﺷ َﻔﺎ ُﺟُﺮف َﻫﺎر ﻓَﺎﻧْـ َﻬ َﺎر ﺑﻪ ﰲ ﻧَﺎر َﺟ َﻬﻨ
{109} ﻘﻮم اﻟﻈﱠﺎﻟﻤﲔ
َ َ ْ َ ْﻳَـ ْﻬﺪي اﻟ
Is he, therefore, better who lays his foundation on Taqwa of Allah and (His) good
pleasure, or he who lays his foundation on the edge of a cracking hollowed bank,
so it broke down with him into the fire of hell; and Allah does not guide the unjust
◌ۗ َ ﻳـَﺰَالُ ﺑـُﻨـْﻴَﺎﻧـُﻬُﻢُ اﻟﱠﺬِي ﺑـَﻨـَﻮْا رِﻳﺒَﺔً ﰲِ ﻗـُﻠُﻮﻬﺑِِ ْﻢ إِﱠﻻ أَ ْن ﺗَـ َﻘﻄﱠ َﻊ ﻗُـﻠُﻮﺑـُ ُﻬ ْﻢ
{110} واﻟﻠﱠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻢ ﺣﻜﻴﻢ
ٌ َ ٌ َُ َ
The building which they have built will ever continue to be a source of disquiet in
their hearts, except that their hearts get cut into pieces; and Allah is Knowing,
In these verses a basic point and the extent of Taqwa is presented for a
human being; that Taqwa should stretch to this level. That point is when
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Religion in footnotes
It should be noted that at present times, our religiousness is not the
religion as a way of our lives, instead the religious persons have kept
religion in the footnotes of life. Those who are non-religious they have
completely removed religion from their lives and they do not refer, accept
religious teachings in any affairs of their lives. Since they were born in an
Islamic family these biological Muslims only refer to Islam at the time of
Nikah(Islamic marriage contract) and then at funeral. They recite the
Kalema (slogan) of Islam but have not accepted divine guidance in any
phase of their life.
Some others who consider themselves as religious are also such that their
main contents of life are empty of religion and they have placed religion
only in footnotes of life. This means religion is not occupying the central
place in the lives of religious people. He is performing worship, carrying
out religious rites and believes in certain religious precepts but these are
footnotes of life. Religion becomes the main part of life only when day
and night a man takes every decision in accordance with religion, he
thinks, establishes relations, delivers his role in family, takes efforts in life,
earns, spends, participates in social affairs, he is good with some,
distances with some. These are all affairs of life but in these affairs religion
is not involved. They have kept religion as footnotes. It’s like you have a
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good picture then you frame it with nice borders so that the picture looks
good. This is what we have done with religion and the present religious
people are like this, whereas religion is made for life as guidance and not
for decorating the life. All these affairs should be spent in accordance with
religion. It shouldn’t be that the man takes the system of life from
Taghoot (deviant, corrupt systems) or ancestral religion, and then that life
he decorates it with religion. He does everything in accordance with
Taghoot (deviant, devilish) systems and then at the end recites Salaat,
does fasting. He is not a religious person. A capitalist is not the person
whose pocket is empty but has dressed well to show that he is rich. A rich
person is the one who has capital under his possession. Similarly, religious
person is the one who possesses and embraces religion in his complete
Today we are doing tyranny on the religion whereby the religious persons
have kept the main portion of life empty from the religion. As per a poet;
you have spent full night in sinful acts and now at dawn you recite two
units of prayers. A person who spends his entire day in useless and
purposeless things, then he recites Salaat, one Hajj in a year, some other
rituals and feels happy that I have become religious. This is not true as his
religion is not involved in the foundations and fundamental affairs of his
life. This is a deceit, and Quran is bringing our attention towards it. They
claim that they are believers but Quran says they are deceiving others and
their own self also. If Religion has to come in our entire life then
everything should be based on Taqwa. Whatever has to be established in
life it should be based on Taqwa? If you want to establish family its basis
should be on Taqwa. If you want to lay the foundation of constructing a
house it should be laid on Taqwa. If you want to lay the foundation of
education, earning, building a center, politics, relationship with others all
should be laid on the foundations of Taqwa. If someone does this, then he
is a believer. It should not be like Pakistan whereby in every evil gathering
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at the end they supplicate for good. In business dealings they deceive
each other, violate all religious laws and then when the deal is done they
say let us pray for the well-being. This verse of Surah Tauba is very
significant and has guidance. Let us understand the verse
ِِ ِ ِ ِﱠ
َ ﲔ َوإِْر
ﺻ ًﺎدا َ ﲔ اﻟْ ُﻤ ْﺆﻣﻨ َ ْ ﻳﻦ ﱠاﲣَ ُﺬوا َﻣ ْﺴﺠ ًﺪا ﺿَﺮ ًارا َوُﻛ ْﻔًﺮا َوﺗَـ ْﻔ ِﺮﻳ ًﻘﺎ ﺑَـ
َ َواﻟﺬ
ب اﻟﻠﱠﻪَ َوَر ُﺳﻮﻟَﻪُ ِﻣ ْﻦ ﻗَـْﺒ ُﻞ ۚ◌ َوﻟَﻴَ ْﺤﻠِ ُﻔ ﱠﻦ إِ ْن أ ََرْدﻧَﺎ إِﱠﻻ ِ
َ ﻟ َﻤ ْﻦ َﺣ َﺎر
اﳊُ ْﺴ َ ٰﲎ ۖ◌ َواﻟﻠﱠﻪُ ﻳَ ْﺸ َﻬ ُﺪ إِﻧـﱠ ُﻬ ْﻢ ﻟَ َﻜ ِﺎذﺑُﻮ َن
Those who have constructed a mosque. Now the most sacred place in
religion is the mosque which religion has formalized. We have made many
other things like Madrassahs, centers as per our need but religion
formalizes only mosques. Some came forward and constructed mosques
during the time of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s). But the title which Quran gave
to this mosque is “Masjid-e-Zaraar”, means a mosque made to create
harm, sedition, damages and spreading corruption. Their intention behind
this is mentioned by the Quran. First Quran says they made this mosque
for harm and then for Kufr (infidelity).
Those believers who do not have any standard and only look at the
outward, they say this is also a mosque that is also a mosque, they are
both of Houses of Allah. There are some who see everyone as wrong and
some are those who see everyone as good. This is more common
regarding the scholars, where some people consider all scholars as wrong,
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and some are those who consider everyone who puts on the attire of
scholar as correct. Imam Khomeini (r.a) says that in every category there
are good as well as bad ones. There are some traders who are good, some
are bad. In women some are of very good character and some are bad. In
traditions this has been expressed in details that not everyone is same.
You should weigh and assess them on standards, but there are those who
do not assess on criteria’s, instead just look at everyone from the glasses
they have put on. Thus, for some everything that is made as a mosque
they consider is right, whereas some do not give importance to any
Quran is saying there are some mosques whose foundations are made on
Taqwa and some on Taghwa (deviations). These people made a mosque
which Quran says was made for spreading infidelity and to cause harm.
They made it to spread, support and propagate infidelity. Then Quran says
another purpose was to create discord amongst Muslims, and then they
made it as a refuge for the old and open enemy of Allah and his Prophet
(s.a.w.s). They made this mosque as a refuge for the enemy of the
religion. They are pledging that we have made this mosque with good
intention and to spread goodness. Whereas Allah witnesses that they are
liars, and do not be deceived by their swearing. This mosque is for
spreading infidelity, to create harm, to spread discord amongst Muslims
and an amnesty for enemy of religion. They don’t want any goodness
instead they want to spread corruption.
The reason this incident became part of the Quran was because such
mosques are present in every era and would be made in every era. A
mosque was made in the presence of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) and the hosts
of these mosques came to the Prophet (s.a.w.s) and invited him to carry
out the inaugural ceremony of the mosque, offer few prayers there so
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that this mosque also gets attested that this is also a formally recognized
mosque of Islam. Allah ordered the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s)
about the traits of both. In this verse Allah says that he loves those who
are purified. Purification is an important part of Taqwa. You should
remove impurities out of life. Cleanliness is half the faith, but purification
is complete faith. We should remain pure. It is mentioned for Salaat e
Juma that you should come as purified. You are coming for worship of
Allah; you should take ritual bath, wear clean dress, put perfume and
remain every day like this. It is absolutely disliked that man participates in
Salaat e Juma, and his body and breath are smelling. This is disliked and
even human beings also do not like this but just out of respect they don’t
tell us. We don’t smell our bad odor, this is because man gets habituated.
If a man stays for some days in some environment he adopts it and
becomes used to it. If you come to live in a hot place you can get used to
it. It is not that weather has changed but instead you got adapted to it.
No one feels the bad odor of his body but others smell it.
ﺲ ﺳ
ﱠ َأ ﻦ
ْ ﻣ
َ َم
ْ أ ﺮ ـ ﻴ
ْ ﺧ
ٍ ﺿﻮ
ان ْ ِأَﻓَﻤ ْﻦ أَ ﱠﺳﺲ ﺑـُْﻨـﻴَﺎﻧَﻪُ َﻋﻠَ ٰﻰ ﺗَـ ْﻘﻮ ٰى ِﻣﻦ اﻟﻠﱠ ِﻪ و
َ ٌ َ َ َ َ َ َ
ﱠﻢ ۗ◌ َواﻟﻠﱠﻪُ َﻻ ِ ِ ِِ ٍ ٍ
َ ﺑـُْﻨـﻴَﺎﻧَﻪُ َﻋﻠَ ٰﻰ َﺷ َﻔﺎ ُﺟُﺮف َﻫﺎر ﻓَﺎﻧْـ َﻬ َﺎر ﺑﻪ ﰲ ﻧَﺎر َﺟ َﻬﻨ
{109} ﻘﻮم اﻟﻈﱠﺎﻟﻤﲔ
َ َ ْ َ ْﻳَـ ْﻬﺪي اﻟ
Is he, therefore, better who lays his foundation on fear of Allah and (His) good
pleasure, or he who lays his foundation on the edge of a cracking hollowed bank,
so it broke down with him into the fire of hell; and Allah does not guide the unjust
then another verse might come up that Allah witnesses they are lying. We
might say we are telling the truth but still they are not true. As in Surah
Munafiqoon, the hypocrites would come and express in front of Prophet
(s.a.w.s) that we bear witness that you are the Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w.s). Allah also is aware that this is true but the reply is that they are
lying. The same truth when someone who does not believe in it expresses
it without conviction, then this is considered a lie. This is because if he is
the Messenger of Allah, then why do you not obey him, why do you not
follow his guidance. This is why you are lying. If you would have believed
that he is the Messenger of Allah, then it would have been seen in your
In this verse also, we are asked a simple question but still it is a very
complex one. The building whose foundation is laid on Taqwa is better, or
the one that is kept on the edge and is falling in hell is better? If we say
yes, the one whose foundation is laid on Taqwa is better; then
immediately another question will come up as to what are you doing then
in a slipping, instable center? What you are doing in these parties? If that
place is better then why are you not present there? In the inner side it is a
very complex question. In the outward it is a question related to the place
but in its inner side the question is related to selection and choice. If that
is better which is made on the basis of Taqwa and pleasure of Allah then
why have you not selected that? This means you are lying. Then the verse
says Allah never guides the unjust.
◌ۗ َ ﻳـَﺰَالُ ﺑـُﻨـْﻴَﺎﻧـُﻬُﻢُ اﻟﱠﺬِي ﺑـَﻨـَﻮْا رِﻳﺒَﺔً ﰲِ ﻗـُﻠُﻮﻬﺑِِ ْﻢ إِﱠﻻ أَ ْن ﺗَـ َﻘﻄﱠ َﻊ ﻗُـﻠُﻮﺑـُ ُﻬ ْﻢ
{110} واﻟﻠﱠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻢ ﺣﻜﻴﻢ
ٌ َ ٌ َُ َ
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The building which they have built will ever continue to be a source of disquiet in
their hearts, except that their hearts get cut into pieces; and Allah is Knowing,
This will always remain as a concern and trouble in their hearts. This was a
simple explanation of these verses, but the Holy Quran has presented a
ground for Taqwa, which are those affairs where people lay the
foundation like foundations of a building, life, alliances and any other
affair which is done or made by some persons who say that we are making
this for the reformation of society. For them Quran is saying that be
careful, ponder over it and even if it is a mosque do not be blind about it,
it might be Masjid e Zaraar, a center of Infidelity even though in its
outward look it looks like a mosque. You should have insight, possess the
wisdom and should not get deceived. These verses are for awakening the
sense of believers.
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attire coming in presence of these senseless beings, then they will go with
the one without Taqwa being deceived by his outward attire.
will not consider these things. He might end up supporting all or opposing
all. He might visit a Zaraar and oppose Taqwa. A center of Zaraar is made
on the basis of senselessness. The actual plot on which corrupt leaders,
centers come up is senselessness. We can see at every place, village, and
town and we can see in this age that the basis of discord today amongst
Muslims is due to this senselessness.
Similarly, the life of a man is also like this, where there are certain
principles on which the foundations of life should be laid and life should
be constructed on those, only then these buildings will remain protected
forever. But those lives that are not made on these principles, they get
One common thing which is problematic today in our lives are marriages.
We do not keep the basis of marriage on Taqwa instead we do it on the
ancestral, cultural, and communal basis. We take care of all of these but
not the divine foundations. Even those who have put on the attire of faith,
they also do not declare the divine plans as the basis of many affairs of life
and give preference to rituals and customary acts. The result is that these
lives in the very beginning itself get destroyed. Those families in which the
very first year of the marriage the disputes start, and separation happens
are those lives which were established on the basis of Tughyaan. They had
embedded regional, cultural, ancestral plans and rules in it, but not the
divine rules and these were destructive lives. It is possible that it gets
destroyed in the first year or second or later but at some point, it
eventually gets destroyed. Some forcibly continue to live such lives but
even they are destroyed lives where husband and wife have distanced,
hate each other but still live together. This is not a family, they are
roommates just living together. They adopt every policy, and plan except
religion. They establish their lives on worldly systems but not on Taqwa. If
they want to decide where to live, where to make homes, they will see
how that is place, how is the market, weather, facilities and some even
keep corruption in mind and select such places. They do not adopt Taqwa
in their living as to where we should spend our lives so that we can
acquire Taqwa also while we are there. We don’t see if Taqwa will also be
there or not. We populate our generations on such lands where there is
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Background of Masjid-e-Zaraar
Amongst these affairs is when a person makes a religious center, and in
Surah Tauba Allah has presented a scene so that the generations coming
till Qayamat, especially believers should be attentive, have the insight
that certain things may appear to be done on the basis of Taqwa, but they
are actually Taghwa.
In Surah Tauba verse 107 to 110, Allah has discussed about a mosque,
which was made at the time of Holy Prophet in the vicinity of Medina. It
was made at a place where the first historic mosque was made and Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s) went to that mosque and even today it is a place of
Ziarat for believers, where the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) went. This first
Islamic mosque which was made in the vicinity of Medina at that time is
Masjid –e- Quba. This mosque was made by the resident tribe of ‘Auf’ and
Prophet went there, and he used to visit there sometimes. The Masjid e
Nabawi was inside Medina and was made on the instructions of Prophet.
Masjid e Quba was made by Bani Auf, who had two tribes inside them.
When Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) went to Medina, a group of hypocrites came
into existence, who started activities and operations against Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s). This was a dangerous group unrecognized by people and had put
on the attire of Islam. They were pretending to be believers but in reality
they were not and others were deceived by them.
This danger was growing under the veil and it was such a big threat that it
would have damaged the most of Islam, hence with the revelation, Allah
made the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) aware because the people were not able
to understand that these people were hypocrites. Quran has detailed
discussion on hypocrites and we also had a full series in Ramadan on this
subject of Hypocrisy, and these are essential things by which we can
understand the people living around us in every society. These are
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guidance, standards from Quran for people. Quran is the book of guidance
and not a book of Thawaab to be recited on dead, all these are secondary
benefits of Quran. The actual soul of Quran is that it is guidance for the
humanity. These words are on our tongue that Quran is a book of
guidance, but not in our hearts and in our practical lives because even till
now Muslims are not taking guidance from the Quran. They are doing
oppression on Quran that they have made the manifesto of guidance from
Allah into a book of Fa’aal (doing toss, the way we do by flipping coins).
This is not a book of toss it is a book of guidance. There are more
specialized people about Istikhara, Fa’aal etc. from Quran, than those
who are specialized in taking guidance from Quran. All these people who
do Fa’aal, magic, black acts to solve the people’s problem are not part of
the religion, but we have made them sacred and consider them and these
acts to be religious. These acts have become a sign of religiousness that
the one who does these, is the most religious person. This is a book of
guidance and we should emphasize on it a lot, and Quran has also
emphasized many things, and repeated them so that these things get in
our mind and become part of our culture. We have to repeat this
abundantly that Quran is a book of guidance and is a practical guide. We
should take guidance in everything from Quran as what to eat, where to
live, what to make; we have to take guidance from Quran. This was the
saying of Ahlulbayt (a.s) also that we should take guidance from Quran.
They took guidance from Quran and asked their followers to do the same.
Quran has a grievance, when Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) will come in the
presence of Allah, he will have a complaint. That O’ my Lord, this
community of mine had forsaken and abandoned your Quran. They have
recited it, for Thawaab, for funeral rituals but have not taken guidance
from it because no dimension of our lives is on the basis of the Quran. If
you look at Pakistan; is our culture, business, education system, living,
lifestyle, politics and everything else on the basis of Quran? This is the
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This group got born in Medina, they were infidels who had no faith, but
pretending to be faithful came inside Islam. They took many steps to finish
Islam, to stop the movement of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s), they lied and did
many aggressions and Quran exposed them. They were concealed and
were not being recognized. Believers give witness that this person is from
this tribe, he is a Muslim. Quran made the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) aware
that these people are deceivers, not believers, they will betray and you
should not come under their treachery.
These hypocrites made another mosque near Masjid e Quba with their
own arguments. There was a mosque already and another group of Bani
Auf who were hypocrites made another mosque. They constructed it and
came to Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) in Medina and expressed their desire for
him to come for its inauguration and recite the first opening prayer. At
that time Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) was travelling for Battle of Tabuk with
Romans. The army was ready and Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) said this is not
the time for inauguration of a mosque and I am departing for the battle,
let me come back and then we will see. These hypocrites did not
participate in the battle.
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ِ واﻟﱠ ِﺬﻳﻦ ﱠاﲣ ُﺬوا ﻣﺴ ِﺠﺪا ِﺿﺮارا وُﻛ ْﻔﺮا وﺗَـ ْﻔ ِﺮﻳ ًﻘﺎ ﺑـﲔ اﻟْﻤﺆِﻣﻨِﲔ وإِر
َب اﻟﻠﱠﻪ
َ ﺻ ًﺎدا ﻟ َﻤ ْﻦ َﺣ َﺎر َ ْ َ َ ْ ُ َ َْ َ ً َ ًَ ً ْ َ َ َ َ
ْ َوَر ُﺳﻮﻟَﻪُ ِﻣ ْﻦ ﻗَـْﺒ ُﻞ ۚ◌ َوﻟَﻴَ ْﺤﻠِ ُﻔ ﱠﻦ إِ ْن أ ََرْدﻧَﺎ إِﱠﻻ
اﳊُ ْﺴ َ ٰﲎ ۖ◌ َواﻟﻠﱠﻪُ ﻳَ ْﺸ َﻬ ُﺪ إِﻧـ ُﱠﻬ ْﻢ
{107} ن َ ﻟَ َﻜ ِﺎذﺑُﻮ
And those who built a masjid to cause harm and for unbelief and to cause disunion
among the believers and an ambush to him who made war against Allah and His
Messenger before; and they will certainly swear: We did not desire aught but
good; and Allah bears witness that they are most surely liars.
That group which made this mosque to which Allah gave the name of
Masjid e Zaraar and that it is a center of Kufr. The third objective of its
host is to create discord amongst Muslims, so that Muslims can be
divided. The fourth objective was that it was a place of refuge for the
enemy of Allah and is a Harbi (War) enemy of Allah. This means he is in
the state of war and attack with Allah and his prophet, and they have
made this mosque as a place of refuge for him. Quran has presented
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these four objectives of the hypocrites who made this mosque. Then
these hosts are swearing ْ ﺇ ِ◌ ْن أ ََرْدﻧَﺎ إِﱠﻻthat
اﳊُ ْﺴ َ ٰﲎ our intention is only
goodness; but Allah bears witness that they are lying and they have not
made this mosque with a good intention.
Otherwise what was the need to present this in Quran? If there was a
mosque of hypocrites that Prophet brought down, so what was the need
of it to be present in Quran?
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them too. Hence if parents disassociate a child and leave him just because
the child took the right path of guidance, Allah will not leave them alone
but instructs the Angels to take care of such a child.
This person, Abu Aamir had become Christian before the arrival of Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s) in Medina and became a priest of Christians. For some
time, he opposed the Prophet (s.a.w.s) then he left for Mecca and joined
the infidels there in Mecca. This Abu Aamir used to instigate the infidels to
attack Medina as his party was present there and they will support him.
There is a terminology known as a Sutoon e Panjum (Persian), and in
English it is ‘The fifth column’. This terminology started during world war.
It means the fifth group. There are four pillars for protecting country, but
this fifth column is loyal to the enemy. There are four pillars for protecting
every society and nation, but the fifth ones are hypocrites, spies. Like
some live in Muslim lands but are loyal to America. As per this
terminology, the hypocrites were the fifth column in Medina. In Medina
there was a party who were with the Mushriq of Mecca. They would
instigate them to attack from outside and we will support you from inside.
This fifth column played a vital role in Battle of Ohud and they became a
basis of defeat for the Muslim arm. They claimed to join the Prophet in
the battel, they got prepared but at the last moment did not go and
stayed back. They reported information to the enemies and supported
them. This fifth column in medina had taken the shape of a party.
Abu Aamir was the leader of this group. Abu Obay was the top most, and
then after him was Abu Aamir. He first went to Mecca, and then when
Infidels got defeated in several battles, he left Mecca and went to Rome.
Rome was a super power and he went to the emperor and aroused him
that your governance is in danger from Muslims in Medina and they will
topple everything. The king of Rome got prepared by him to invade
Medina, since they were a super power and a big empire which was a big
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Imam Khomeini (r.a) said that amongst the methods used by enemies to
damage Islam, the most successful one was Islam against Islam. Mosque
against Mosques. Britain made sects which were Zaraar. Qadyaniyat,
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Then they pledge that we have made this with good intention. Later the
verse addresses about the duty of the believers against this mosque?
When Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) sent people to bring this down, the
hypocrites were swearing that we have not made this mosques for any
evil purpose. We have made this for some old persons, who could not go
to Masjid e Quba during winters, we have made for them. It is a welfare
act. At present with USA Aid, plates are put at the house of believers. They
have given wheat, sheep to someone and have put plates on the tables,
and it is US Aid. The biggest welfare organization in Pakistan is giving USA
Aid and believers want to take aid from them. There is a lack of sense and
insight, instead it is better to die with hunger rather than taking one bag
of food from them. This one bag of food is given to take away your self-
respect. This is Haram (forbidden) morsel. The child who is eating bread
made from American aid, what will he become? The student who studies
with American aid and gets degree, what will he become? Then they
swear that we are doing this to facilitate believers. The believers who love
comfort for them even if Yazid comes with Aids that gives comfort to
believers they will ask even Imam Hussain (a.s) to get aside.
I have heard from Afghani Ulama in their gathering (when USA invaded
Afghanistan); an Afghani was sending greetings, applauding with others
that Afghanistan will be developed now, it will grow as America has come
there. The American Ambassador in Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad has
laid foundation of many mosques in Afghanistan, he has given lectures to
Afghani Ulama too. You can see a picture on internet, where scholars
from all sects are sitting and General Hamid Gul is giving the lectures
about etiquettes, even scolding them too. So, the point is that if someone
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comes with some benefits, a bag of wheat etc. what will you sell against
it? Will you give your religious centers in return of this charity?
They were swearing that we made this mosque with good intention but
Allah witnesses that they are liars. You should not even get deceived by
their swearing. Quran is even telling that some Muslims might be
suspicious and when they ask, they will swear and convince them. Then
they will come and say that we have seen ourselves, listened to them,
recorded them, that they are sincere.
If Taqwa is not there, such people will get established. You can see from
where discord spread in Pakistan? From mosques. These are all Zaraar
mosques, where the sacrileges were done on Muslim personalities, insults
of Muslims. As per interpretation from Quran, the mosque where discord
is spread is Masjid a Zaraar. Whatever titles they put, swearing they do,
they are liars and Allah says that they are liars.
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and disease. Sick people cannot easily get salvation because they accept
misguidance, oppression, cruelty, corruption and everything. How can
such a community get salvation? Who will give them salvation? Imam or
Prophet? Imam’s start with “La”, Imam Hussain (a.s) started with “La”
and this community of Shiite is present on every land, who are associated
with the school of Karbala. Karbala starts with “La” and due to this “La” all
these atrocities calamities, martyrdom, and captivity was there because of
saying “La”. We have love for Karbala and Imam Hussain (a.s) but we do
not consider Karbala as headline ideals in our lives; we do not practice
Karbala in our lives. The headline statement which Imam Hussain (a.s)
wrote with his blood, in Karbala, history and on the souls, the Fitrat of
humanity and on this entire existence, with the ink that cannot be wiped
of was; “LA OOBAAYE”, I do not submit, I do not accept them. This is what
religion is. If you do not accept, then be prepared for cruelty and
oppression, which happens due to not submitting to cruelty, it is due to
this denial. The cruelty done by tyrants on those who deny them has high
rewards from Allah.
of the dead person is also present and these Nahiyaat are also present.
Mother does not need nauha to cry, her pain is enough for her to cry. But
others cry only when Nahiyaat come and make them cry. But for mother
that feeling of separation is enough to cry. We in Karbala need Nahiyaat,
someone should come, and express and then we are affected. The
principles of Karbala do not make us cry, that “La” of ‘Leader of the
Martyrs’ does not affect but the words of Zakir, and their skills affect us.
This is our weakness and difficulty that why are we not affected by Imam
Hussain (a.s)? We are impressed by a vocal person. Become like that
mother who is in deep grief on the death of her son. The voices of
Nahiyaat are not making her cry but some other pain. Allama Iqbal would
not cry with vocal voices. He would cry after reading Quran, you can see
that Quran which can still be seen in Lahore museum as if soaked in
water. These were his tears. He would cry due to Maarifat, awareness and
not due to vocal. That pain comes with purity and Taqwa, then Quran will
make us cry, and then the teachings of Imams will make us cry, then we
don’t need professionals. That feeling will develop itself in the hearts.
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The same harmful pact was made by East India Company with Iran. When
India came in their hands, they went to Iran. Muslims had three big
powers at that time, Iran, Turkish Ottoman and India. There were
emperors in all these three places. They were all kings but Muslims, it was
the Taghooti system but in the name of Islam, and British wanted to end
all three Muslims empires. They ended the kingship in India, then ottoman
in turkey and then they turned towards Iran. East India Company
approached Iran and started with tobacco trading, that the contract
would be given to British company for setting up industries to produce
tobacco products. It was exclusive to British. At that time there was a
recognizer of Zaraar.
As Iqbal says that caravans are in slumber, and they lose their sense of
suffering and loss due to it; but the leader of the caravan has the sense,
and one of the works of Rahbar is to develop the sense of loss in their
community. The leader should inform the community that this loss you
have suffered, and further losses that are about to happen.
Woe on our state that the assets of Caravan were getting lost
But more than this, the sense of loss for this Caravan also was getting lost
These caravans are looted but they do not even have the sense of loss.
Now you need a leader of caravan;
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They arrested him and issued death sentence, and with great difficulty he
managed to escape from Iran and reached Najaf. He asked the people of
Najaf who is your most elderly personality. At that time the seniors,
elders, Marajae of Najaf were in Samarra. Samarra was quite central at
that time also, and Mirza Shirazi was in Samarra. Syed Jamaluddin Afghani
went to Mirza Shirazi and informed him that your community has taken a
harmful step, and that Rahbar of Shia became attentive and he
immediately issued a verdict that growing, selling, buying and keeping
tobacco as forbidden (Haraam). There is no verse, or hadith for it being
forbidden (Haraam). He could have said that I don’t have verse or hadith
about tobacco so how can I stop people from using it? He knew that the
current demand of salvation of the religion is this, and religion needs this
to be done to save the Ummah from Zaraar. Some may think, that you are
giving the verdict of Hurmat, which is the order of Sharia, and where is
this in Sharia? But Aql (intellect, wisdom) says this, and Aql (intelligence) is
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Prophet (s.a.w.s) had the power to take over the mosque, he could have
done it that you have made it but now no interference from you and I will
manage this. The instructions of Allah came that I don’t want to change
management, but this Zaraar mosque should be uprooted. By changing
administration of Zaraar places, you cannot change its system. The Zaraar
political system cannot be changed by replacing administration. Why
Quran has presented this issue with so much sensitivity. If you look at it, it
was a small issue that in the suburbs of Medina a group made a mosque
and it could have been ignored. But Quran with high arrangement, that
too in the most important chapter i.e. Surah Tauba these verses came to
show that this issue is highly significant. Why? This is because all future
generations will come across this, they will have Zaraar mosques,
madrassas, centers, education institution, parties, and groups and by just
changing their administration will not make any difference, you have to
eradicate them, then only peace would be established, then only the
system of the religion will get established.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) got the order. There are names of people
around 12 to 15 in the tradition who made this mosque, and those who
brought it down their names are also written, in some 3, 5 or 8 and
amongst them one was Ammar-e-Yasir. The hypocrites also proposed
this; they pledged that they are sincere and Prophet (s.a.w.s) should show
them the way to run this. Allah sent revelation that this is a harmful step
and do not go by their words.
The communities should have such standards, minds, and people who can
immediately diagnose harmful things. The things that Sir Syed Ahmad
thought as necessary for community development, but Allama Iqbal
considered the same as Zaraar (harmful). He would say that this system of
Churches (means British) is a conspiracy against our generations. This was
the verdict of that awakened Iqbal, the student of Syed Jamal. This verdict
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of Iqbal came true and we can see it today. See the Zaraar of this system
of education, is there any Murawwat against this. Murawwat means
manhood, courage, bravery and to bear the loss yourself for the sake of
others. These are noble people who step into the field for others.
How much are we fond of this British system of education? We die for it,
and we seek Imam Hussain (a.s) to get a place in that system of education,
which is harmful. What we consider as necessity is harmful. The followers
of Sir Syed Ahmed have declared many things as necessary, which are all
harmful in the eyes of Allama Iqbal. Sectarianism, this economical system,
are all harmful systems.
Many things which are told to you as necessary are instead harmful
(Zaraar). The hypocrites said that a mosque is necessary for the old
people in bad weather, but Allah says this is Zaraar. The same thing that
you consider as necessary if you have sense then you will see this is as
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Sir Syed Ahmed went to the West and in a coffee shop he picked up a
magazine which had an article on the success of a community. He took
that article and returned to India claiming that I found the path of
salvation and success for Muslims which is to follow the path of English
people. Allama Iqbal says that the experts over there gave me the
opportunity to go deep inside and understand its destruction, corruption
and harm present in this education system. There, Allah gave him this
insight that this ‘necessary’ is how harmful for us.
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This person (Iqbal) sitting in Britain is saying that there is nothing here, the
thing that was your need you have been distanced from it, and what is
harmful you have been brought near it
All these commercial adverts are making harmful things as necessities for
you, they are doing this day and night. When a youth watches TV; he
comes to parents, that I need this. Parents are astonished how come such
a dangerous thing has become necessity for you. This Shaitan has done
this work, we should have sense. For women this media makes all
harmful things as necessary in life. I have to go the mall, shopping center,
all these are destructions. For necessary things Allah has given you Aql
(intelligence) so that you can see what the real need for this era is. Do we
have any standards for necessary things?
Hypocrites said this is necessary for us, but the Wahy (revelation from
God) comes to bring it down. This is because if under the disguise of need
and necessity, if harmful (Zaraar) things come up, then generations
should know what is to be done, and that they should bring it down and
not compromise.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) did this as a ruler of state, and on the order of
Allah brought the mosque down. So that the people should know, if
anyone takes this step, then the Islamic system has this path to bring
down Zaraar things which anyone makes. Zaraar mosque, Hussainiah,
madrassah, office, Marjaiyat, Rahbari, Tanzeem, Hizb (alliances), group,
party, if any of those that are giving harm should be destroyed, and you
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shouldn’t make pacts with them that they should not spread harm. If
there is no Taqwa then agreements do not have a standing. How can a
person without Taqwa respect an agreement, one who does not follow
the laws of Allah how can he take care of your laws?
At present MI6 with high capital within Shias, are creating Zaraar masjid,
Marjaiyat and Rahbari. And the representative of this Zaraar Marjaiyat are
present in Pakistan and all other places. These people are making Masjid e
Zaraar against Masjid e Quba. They are making fraudulent Rahbari and
Quran has expressed a standard.
ِ واﻟﱠ ِﺬﻳﻦ ﱠاﲣ ُﺬوا ﻣﺴ ِﺠﺪا ِﺿﺮارا وُﻛ ْﻔﺮا وﺗَـ ْﻔ ِﺮﻳ ًﻘﺎ ﺑـﲔ اﻟْﻤﺆِﻣﻨِﲔ وإِر
َب اﻟﻠﱠﻪ
َ ﺻ ًﺎدا ﻟ َﻤ ْﻦ َﺣ َﺎر َ ْ َ َ ْ ُ َ َْ َ ً َ ًَ ً ْ َ َ َ َ
ْ َوَر ُﺳﻮﻟَﻪُ ِﻣ ْﻦ ﻗَـْﺒ ُﻞ ۚ◌ َوﻟَﻴَ ْﺤﻠِ ُﻔ ﱠﻦ إِ ْن أ ََرْدﻧَﺎ إِﱠﻻ
اﳊُ ْﺴ َ ٰﲎ ۖ◌ َواﻟﻠﱠﻪُ ﻳَ ْﺸ َﻬ ُﺪ إِﻧـ ُﱠﻬ ْﻢ
{107} ن َ ﻟَ َﻜ ِﺎذﺑُﻮ
And those who built a masjid to cause harm and for unbelief and to cause disunion
among the believers and an ambush to him who made war against Allah and His
Messenger before; and they will certainly swear: We did not desire aught but
good; and Allah bears witness that they are most surely liars.
They are making places of refuge for enemies of religion, they are liars
and there is no trust on their swearing. You should never enter inside this
and only order there is that they should bring it down.
ﺻ ًﺎدا ﻟِ َﻤ ْﻦ
َ ﲔ َوإِْر
َ ﲔ اﻟْ ُﻤ ْﺆﻣﻨ
ِ ِ
َ ْ ﻳﻦ ﱠاﲣَ ُﺬوا َﻣ ْﺴﺠ ًﺪا ﺿَﺮ ًارا َوُﻛ ْﻔًﺮا َوﺗَـ ْﻔ ِﺮﻳ ًﻘﺎ ﺑَـ
َ َواﻟﺬ
ب اﻟﻠﱠﻪَ َوَر ُﺳﻮﻟَﻪُ ِﻣ ْﻦ ﻗَـْﺒ ُﻞ َ َﺣ َﺎر
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One was that the formation of the mosque of Zaraar (creating harm) was
not based on Taqwa, hence Allah said that this mosque is harmful
(Zaraar). The second weakness and defect in this center which was not
made on the basis of Taqwa was that it cannot be a center of religion but
instead a center of Kufr (infidelity and denial). The third evil in this is that
it is made for discord amongst believers. The fourth evil inside this center
without Taqwa is that it is a place of refuge for enemies i.e. anyone who is
enemy of religion will take shelter here.
Quran says that when people established such Zaraar centers, those who
made it will swear and pledge about their sincerity that they have made
his for serving religion and Allah says they are liars, their oaths are also
lies and they are deceiving.
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places they also become convinced and become part of these harmful
What are things that are necessity is what Quran expresses in the next
The mosque that is built on the first day on the basis of Taqwa, that is
worthier so believers should go in them, populate them and deliver their
social affairs there. This mosque that has been established on Taqwa,
their hosts had Taqwa and their intention was pure and their lives clearly
demonstrated the purity of their intentions. We can see that those were
of pure life.
Those men who are pure and like purity too are inside the mosques which
are based on Taqwa and Allah loves those who are Muttahireen, those
who purify their atmosphere, relations, life, nation, city, town,
community, house, family, children, friendships and businesses.
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Those who do not have purity and instead they have filth and Haraam in
their business, Allah does not like them, and they cannot make mosques.
Those whose intentions, personalities, trading, relations are not pure,
they can never establish a center of Taqwa. They cannot establish
anything on the basis of Taqwa. They will make organizations (Tanzeem)
which will spread corruption. A person whose life is not pure, how can he
make a pure party to serve humanity? It is not possible that an impure
person can do this. Quran compares and says that Tayyaba (purified
things) and Khabeesa (filthy things) cannot be together. Wherever there is
purity, there is no room for filth (Khabeesa) and corruption.
ﺲ ﺳ
ﱠ َأ ﻦ
ْ ﻣ
َ َم
ْ أ ﺮ ـ ﻴ
ْ ﺧ
ٍ ﺿﻮ
ان ْ ِأَﻓَﻤ ْﻦ أَ ﱠﺳﺲ ﺑـُْﻨـﻴَﺎﻧَﻪُ َﻋﻠَ ٰﻰ ﺗَـ ْﻘﻮ ٰى ِﻣﻦ اﻟﻠﱠ ِﻪ و
َ ٌ َ َ َ َ َ َ
ﱠﻢ ۗ◌ َواﻟﻠﱠﻪُ َﻻ ﻨ ﻬ ﺟ ِ
ر ﺎﻧ
َ ﰲِ ِِف ﻫﺎ ٍر ﻓَﺎﻧْـﻬﺎر ﺑ
ﻪ ٍ ﺑـْﻨـﻴﺎﻧَﻪ ﻋﻠَﻰ َﺷ َﻔﺎ ﺟﺮ
َ َ َ َ َ َ ُُ ٰ َ ُ َُ
{109} ﻘﻮم اﻟﻈﱠﺎﻟﻤﲔ
َ َ ْ َ ْﻳَـ ْﻬﺪي اﻟ
Is he, therefore, better who lays his foundation on fear of Allah and (His) good
pleasure, or he who lays his foundation on the edge of a cracking hollowed bank,
so it broke down with him into the fire of hell; and Allah does not guide the unjust
Now Allah is questioning every believer in the above verse which is very
clear but a deep question. Everyone should answer this question that one
who lays the foundation of his life, affairs, centers on the basis of Taqwa
and pleasure of Allah has goodness, or the one who has placed the
foundation on an edge which is shrinking and falling down. This means the
one who had laid his foundation on firmness or the one who has created a
center at the edge of Hell are not same. By tongue we will say that we like
whatever Allah likes. Allah wants a practical answer from life. If you
believe that those centers which have Taqwa in them are good, than why
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do you still continue to visit those centers and also become part of those
centers which are made on the border of hell? A practical answer is
required as to why you visit those places which have corruption (Fasaad),
what relationship do you have over there;
ِ ِ ِِ ٍ ٍ
ﱠﻢ َ أ َْم َﻣ ْﻦ أَ ﱠﺳ
َ ﺲ ﺑـُْﻨـﻴَﺎﻧَﻪُ َﻋﻠَ ٰﻰ َﺷ َﻔﺎ ُﺟ ُﺮف َﻫﺎر ﻓَﺎﻧْـ َﻬ َﺎر ﺑﻪ ﰲ ﻧَﺎر َﺟ َﻬﻨ
The verse says that this foundation which they have made is on the edge
of the fire of hell.
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If this revelation would not have come, and the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s)
would not have shown sensitivity and this mosque would not have been
demolished, then many visitors from Mecca would have passed by and
prayed there, and would not have been concerned who is the host of this
place. Though these who made Masjid e Zaraar swear in order to deceive
people that we only seek goodness but their inner intention is different.
They are liars in intention and have evil objectives in formation of these
centers. The harms they want to create, a believer of deep insight should
understand this and from the very beginning itself, the believer should
admit it as to what they want to do with this nation. There are many such
centers and personalities who get support from outside and they are not
confined to Pakistan only, outside as well and in India also. They support
them from outside to make such centers. Now there are such religious TV
channels which are made by MI6 and the signs of these Zaraar TV
channels as presented by Quran that is to create discord amongst
believers. It is easy to identify Zaraar TV channels. They spread discord. If
you open any TV channel where discord is spread they are Zaraar, made
by enemies of Islam and elements of anti-Muslims who have supported
them financially and technically to make such channels. The believers
should have sense and by listening to such people believers should
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understand that this is a center of hypocrites, and you should never watch
them and instead the way it was ordered by Allah, that the centers of
Zaraar should be demolished. Such mosques, centers, books, where
discords are spread and taught are all Zaraar. We should be distanced
from it. There is no Taqwa in it.
Kufr in general understanding is a very limited picture in our mind and this
is the reason Kufr has become very common. The true and real picture of
Kufr is not present in our mind. There are many teachings of Quran, and
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their correct picture is not present in the minds of the people. The picture
which the preachers, lecturers and commentators have presented is very
narrow and limited. The result of such limited picture is that people have
indulged into that evil from which Quran wants to protect us.
Kufr has a very vast domain. I have mentioned before in other discussion
that man’s inclination is towards Kufr from inside, which means in human
temperament there is Kufr. There are such internal inclinations, instincts,
deviations (Tughyaan) inside a man which incites him towards Kufr.
Innahoo Kana zalooman wa kafoora. There are many verses which
present the Kufr of a man despite of him being a Muslim, and a believer.
One state of Kufr is against Faith (Emaan), whereby a man is either Momin
or Kafir i.e. whether he believers in Allah or not. Then if he has faith on
Qayamat then he is Momin, if not then he is Kafir. If he has faith on
heavenly books he is Momin, else he is Kafir. If he has faith on prophets
he is Momin else he is Kafir. The base for Kufr is the essence of Allah; the
other things (elements of faith) are not equal to Allah.
separate Allah and Qayamat and bring faith separately on them. We have
come from Allah and the day of Judgement is the day declared by Allah
itself as the day of return towards Allah. The result of believing in Allah is
the faith on Qayamat, to believe in the messengers and book of Allah. You
cannot multiply these things or make them separate then bring faith on
each of them, it does not make you a believer. When you do exegesis of
faith on Allah only then these things come up. The faith on book,
messenger and Qayamat are the elaboration and exegesis of faith on
Allah. If a person considers them separately then he becomes Mushriq.
How is man Kafoor? When a man develops deviation (Tughyaan) inside his
self he becomes a hypocrite. If this Kufr is present inside a man, and he
keeps it concealed then he will be a hypocrite. But if he declares or
exposes it, then he will be a Kafir. One meaning of Kufr as said before is in
relevance to the faith which means if he denies Allah and the elements
established by Allah then a man becomes Kafir. Here one meaning of Kufr
which comes out is denial.
We have given him guidance, shown him the way, destination now either
he will be grateful (Shakir) or Kafir. Here it is not said that he will be a
believer or Kafir. Either he will be grateful (Shakir) or Kafir.
Then one more meaning of Kafir, or comparison of Kufr is done with Ita’at
(Submission). Like Quran says in context of Hajj that Allah has made Hajj
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One such center which does Kufr and has caused big damage before, and
also now they are doing it. This center went through many ups and
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downs. This group started their activities prior to the Islamic revolution
and then it became weak due to the revolution but now again this has
gained strength in the last few years. It has been given a global face and
the name of this is Anjuman-e-Hujjatia. This group was made by a name
sake scholar, pretending to be pious, sacred by the name Sheikh Halbi. He
made this Anjuman which on the outward was against certain
mischievous acts like Bahaiyat and some other such acts which were
present in Iran at that time. But under the banner of Tableegh, Amr-bil-
Maroof and Nahi-Anil-Munkar what they intended was to deviate people
on a distorted face of Shiite. This was their vision and is still there you
should not preach any goodness to anyone because this delays the
reappearance of Imam-e-Asr (a.s). According to them for the return and
reappearance of Imam (a.t.f.s) oppression is mandatory, the earth should
be filled with crime, tyranny, Tughyaan then only He (a.t.f.s) will reappear.
If someone does reformation and Amr-Bil-Maroof then he is delaying the
return of Imam (a.t.f.s). They took away all obligations and responsibilities
from believers except that you only have one responsibility i.e. to
supplicate for Imam’s reappearance and rest are the responsibilities of
Imam (a.t.f.s). These teachings are common and if you listen to many
people, speakers around; you will the same signs that we do not have to
do anything instead Imam has to come and do everything. This group is
spreading this and they have different names in different countries. They
operate under the name of Foundations, Federations and in some places,
they have kept beautiful names like Noor classes. But in these classes the
thoughts which they are propagating are all Zaraar (harmful). There are
abundant such Zaraar centers, groups and in Pakistan itself if we start to
list down the Zaraar centers made in the name of religion, Islam, and
Shiite then it needs a long time and might be a week to count and explain
what teachings are being done from these Zaraar centers.
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These Zaraar centers are present and we have lost the sense of distancing
from them. In fact, we appreciate, praise them that are spreading Kufr.
Anyone who takes people away from Quran, the path of Ahlulbayt (a.s)
and from the pure path of religion, he is doing a work of Kufr. He is
deviating people from obedience, he is making people deedless and non-
religious. Those who make people non-religious in practice are the real
harmful (Zaraar).
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ﺻ ًﺎدا ﻟِ َﻤ ْﻦ
َ ﲔ َوإِْر
ِِ ِ ِ
َ ْ ﻳﻦ ﱠاﲣَ ُﺬوا َﻣ ْﺴﺠ ًﺪا ﺿَﺮ ًارا َوُﻛ ْﻔًﺮا َوﺗَـ ْﻔ ِﺮﻳ ًﻘﺎ ﺑَـ
َ ﲔ اﻟْ ُﻤ ْﺆﻣﻨ
َ َواﻟﺬ
◌ۚ ب اﻟﻠﱠﻪَ َوَر ُﺳﻮﻟَﻪُ ِﻣ ْﻦ ﻗَـْﺒ ُﻞ َ َﺣ َﺎر
Those who made the Masjid e Zaraar and are spreading Kufr, and Shirk
with misguiding beliefs are spreading infidelity. So, what should the
believers do now? There are two actions instructed for believers;
One is to not participate in these things and never go near them, and
second is demolition. You should try to demolish them since Quran is not
approving on Masjid e Zaraar. Allah is not supportive with the presence of
centers of Kufr,hence Allah stopped them. We should not find
justifications to cooperate with them or even accept them.
The infidels (Kuffar) tried to find ways to cooperate with believers. They
came to believers and suggested them that we can live peacefully with
each other and resolve our conflicts. We can do it this way, that for some
days we will come to your places of worship, activities, and gatherings and
for some days you visit our temples, and programs. We will worship your
Allah and you will bow in front of our Idols. This way there will be
cooperation and peace amongst us. This proposal was given by Kufr that a
good atmosphere can be created and an understanding can happen
between Kufr and Islam. The surah of Quran got revealed
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It is prohibited to compromise with Kufr and Shirk i.e. they come to our
majlis and we go to theirs.
The purest school of thought on this earth is Shiite and I am telling this
with responsibility and full claim. It is a highly enlightened, pure and most
beautiful religion for those who have studied it and not just listened to it.
The Shias have also not read it, they who are followers of this religion are
themselves unware about it. They do not refer to Quran, teachings of
Ahlulbayt and they only have positive passions towards Infallibles and just
appreciate the words of belief related to the Infallibles. They are only to
this extent. If you do a survey in Pakistan and see how many followers,
lovers of Ali are there? And that they have not read even one sermon of
Ali (a.s) from Nahjul Balagha. They have high degree of love with Ameer-
ul-Momineen (a.s) but they do not possess the cognizance (Maarifat) of
Ameer-ul Momineen (a.s) himself and neither of his teachings. Both of
these things are forsaken and abandoned. The day they become aware
they will realize this claim of mine that on this earth, Shiite is the purest
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religion and you will not find any other school like this. This claim is
attested by others as well.
There are some who were not even Muslims but read and studied Shiite
as a research subject or as an academic need. A French researcher did his
PhD on Shiite as a subject of research. When he read Shiite, he went far
ahead and wrote a book, proved that amongst all religions Shiite is the
most esteemed religion. If the followers of other schools read Shiite their
thinking will change. If they read the Tafseer (Interpretation) of Quran of
Shiite, they read Nahjul Balagha and read sayings of Infallibles and read
the books of certified Shia scholars, definitely even those who have hatred
towards Shiite will also change. They have seen the behaviors of Shia and
come to conclusion about Shiite but have not read Shiite. One Sunni
Scholar came here and had bad opinion of Shiite and started to complain
on what Shias do. I asked him did you study any Shia books; He replied in
negative. I asked him if there were any Shia book in your library, he said it
was prohibited. I asked him have you read Nahjul Balagha. He said no it
was also not there. I told him these are the sermons of your fourth Caliph.
You also believe in Imam Ali (a.s) as your fourth Caliph so should have at
least read his sermons. But when Shias themselves do not read their own
school how do you expect the others to read it? We just listen. Shiite is
the most enlightened school. The most pure, clean, clear, beautiful vision
of Tauheed which is present in Shiite is not present with any other school
or religion on earth. Those scholars who read this vision of Tauheed could
not deny it and could not bring anything against this. This is a prestige for
Shiite, but on the other hand the cruelty is that we don’t realize the need
for reading it. This is because we have got many alternative content to
refer. We have many alternative things against the sermon of Imam Ali
(a.s), Imam Hussain (a.s) and many alternative teachings against the
teachings of Imam Sadiq (a.s) and Imam Baqir (a.s). This enlightened
school, but you can see how this has been introduced to the world, with
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ﺻ ًﺎدا ﻟِ َﻤ ْﻦ
َ ﲔ َوإِْر
َ ﲔ اﻟْ ُﻤ ْﺆﻣﻨ
ِ ِ
َ ْ ﻳﻦ ﱠاﲣَ ُﺬوا َﻣ ْﺴﺠ ًﺪا ﺿَﺮ ًارا َوُﻛ ْﻔًﺮا َوﺗَـ ْﻔ ِﺮﻳ ًﻘﺎ ﺑَـ
َ َواﻟﺬ
◌ۚ ب اﻟﻠﱠﻪَ َوَر ُﺳﻮﻟَﻪُ ِﻣ ْﻦ ﻗَـْﺒ ُﻞَ َﺣ َﺎر
If the Prophet would not have brought this Masjid e Zaraar down and if it
was not prohibited by Allah to enter this mosque then this entire
hypocrisy would have been considered Islam, and the entire world would
have considered them as Muslims. The mosque which is made by
Hypocrites they will spread Kufr, shirk from inside and when people will
go inside this mosque they will consider this Kufr, Shirk only as Islam. The
way Zaraar organizations like Taliban, terrorist groups, ISIS have been
made are the faces of recognition of Islam made by enemies, not by
Muslims? America has made them. Hillary Clinton has written in her book
that we have made this, their CIA directors have mentioned that we have
made these barbaric terrorist groups as it was our need. They have made
these dreadful, harmful faces of Islam and presented to the world so that
everyone recognizes and believes that Islam and Muslims are these ISIS
and this is their teachings. The accursed priest in America burnt the Quran
with the slogan that this is a book that preaches terrorism. This type of
evil introduction of the purest divine religion has been done by these
hypocrites, and these dreadful organizations and parties. Kufr, and shirk
spreads out from the centers of Shiite, and there is no sensitivity towards
it? This adulterates the face of religion.
Quran is giving the insight of this only; that you are responsible,
accountable when such centers are made in front of you, and if you
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remain silent and in fact due to pragmatism you even participate with
them then you are involved in their crime. If you have relationship and
cooperation with these centers of Kufr then you are part of their crime.
These two attributes Quran has mentioned; one is that they made
mosque of Zaraar which was to create harm and second it was with a
vision of Kufr and Shirk. They made the center of Kufr. They make
mosques, centers for spreading the thoughts of a specific school or a
personality whose views would be spread. They use the money of religion,
Shiite gets defamed and they use such places to spread the evil thoughts
of a specific person which Quran terms as hypocrisy. Till the time such
centers are present; Muslims will never get guidance and will remain away
from guidance and will only get Zaraar (harm). Till the time Zaraar
mosques, personalities, seminaries, parties, organizations which spread
Kufrare present,Muslims will remain away from guidance. Quran says
show reaction to them and if you stop visiting such places they will get
isolated and demolished. Against this Quran says you should refer to the
mosque of Taqwa where faith is strengthened, where the bond with Allah
is made strong.
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your life in which Taqwa is not established. Do not live your lives in the
societies without Taqwa and make societies without Taqwa your own,
and spend your life and your children’s lives in those places. For the sake
of Rizq (Job), people migrate or live in societies where there is no Taqwa
and whether they get sustenance or not, but end up taking their children
away from the path of Allah;
ﺻ ًﺎدا ﻟِ َﻤ ْﻦ
َ ﲔ َوإِْر
َ ﲔ اﻟْ ُﻤ ْﺆﻣﻨ
ِ ِ
َ ْ ﻳﻦ ﱠاﲣَ ُﺬوا َﻣ ْﺴﺠ ًﺪا ﺿَﺮ ًارا َوُﻛ ْﻔًﺮا َوﺗَـ ْﻔ ِﺮﻳ ًﻘﺎ ﺑَـ
َ َواﻟﺬ
ب اﻟﻠﱠﻪَ َوَر ُﺳﻮﻟَﻪُ ِﻣ ْﻦ ﻗَـْﺒ ُﻞ َ َﺣ َﺎر
That group which has made a mosque for Zaraar and Kufr; 1) to do harm
and 2) propagate Kufr & Shirk, and 3) to create discord amongst believers
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and to make groups amongst them; and 4) They have made a shelter for
the enemies of Islam, and those who have made this have four evil
purposes behind these mosques, and the motivation behind making the
mosques were these four. And after making this, they announce, pledge,
put advertisements, spread in people and they take oaths that we have
made this for good intention and only as a good step we have established
We only have good intention, we have done this for religion, Allah,
Ahlulbayt, Quran and for the service of humanity.
That mosque which is made from the very first day on the basis of Taqwa,
whose makers possessed Taqwa, and it was made with the means of
Taqwa is more deserving. If you want to go to a mosque, to do worship, if
you like to visit mosques then go to those mosques where there is Taqwa
and their foundation is on Taqwa. And the sign of a Taqwa mosque is that
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the persons associated with it and inside are all Muttahireen and they like
purity. They like purity and Allah likes these pure beings. They like to
remain pure. Allah does not like impure beings, heart, and thoughts.
Those men, youths, women, human beings are liked by Allah who are
pure in both Zaahir and Batin. The outwardly visible purity is a sign for
inner purity (Batin). I have said this point before that every worship has
three dimensions. One dimension of worship is the external structure, the
next is the embellishment (Zeenat) and third is the soul of the worship. To
create a skeleton, it gets built but might not be beautiful, like some
people make homes but in a very bad, ugly way and there is no beauty in
them. For a man, Allah has kept this dimension that you should decorate
your personality. Your inside personality should also be ornamented with
your acts. Some ornaments are made of metal they are not
embellishments (Zeenat) for a man. The real Zeenat are the virtues,
attributes like courage, self-respect, wisdom, intellects which are beauties
and we should all adopt these as etiquettes.
As regards to TaqwaAllah orders Bani Adam that you have been given a
dress so that you can cover the defects of your body, those parts which
when exposed are considered bad should be covered. Thus, attire has two
qualities; one it covers and second that there is embellishment (Zeenat)
with this attire. Sometimes Man makes attire that covers but without
Zeenat, sometimes there is Zeenat but not covering. There should be both
of these things, veiling and beauty. A Man should look dignified. These
tight shirts, and pants make a person look like a worm, and if a man leaves
in this attire, he resembles like an insect, whose legs are like who are
wearing jeans and T-shirt. Dress is a beauty for you, it should cover,
should not be tight, or small and should cover the skin and also the
curvatures of the body. Dress should not be such that every bone, muscle
of the body can be seen. Such a dress is not a cover. It is like someone has
bandaged the body. Bandage is not a dress. Dress is a cover and I have
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said this, that this is a beautiful coincidence, that the best dress is this
Salwar Kameez of Pakistan and may Allah reward that person who
invented this. This dress is good in all aspects. If you see form all
dimensions, like medical dimension also, the dress should be such that it
does not block the flow of blood and from that perspective also this is a
good dress for covering the body and also it is cheap. Though there are
some perverts who are after this dress also to spoil it and destroy its
essences. This is a very good dress from Qur’anic perspective whereby
two specialties; covering and beautification both are present in it; and if
you bring them together then there is no such specialty present in any
dress. If you wear it properly, a man looks highly dignified in this dress.
There could be some other dress also if it has these two specialties. That is
‘Covering and Zeenat’. Zeenat means “to make yourself look more
esteemed and dignified”. It should not be for arousing lusts but we
consider such attires as beautification which arouses lust and they are
Satanic Zeenat.
Allah has made this arrangement that Taqwa is the best dress for the life
of human being and this is also a dress which covers and also a Zeenat for
you. Taqwa should be dominating your entire life. If you want to make
some center, mosque or take a step for serving religion then its basis
should be on Taqwa. So that you can be dignified and remain protected
from ‘Aafat’ (Calamities) which are generally faced by persons without
Taqwa. Religion also does not like you to wear ‘sacks’ because it brings
your personality down. Even if you are a poor person, wear a dress that is
clean, neat, and washed. Religion likes the outward cleanliness of the
house, the people and a sign of a center built on Taqwa is that people
with purity live there. They don’t let impurity near them. These are the
signs of people with Taqwa and believers, that you will not see
uncleanliness anywhere in their homes, streets and towns. Such people
are staying in these centers of Taqwa who like purity and Allah likes them.
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Purity is the sign, element of Taqwa and is part of Taqwa. After this there
is the second grade of inner side (Batin) Taqwa whereby a man’s mind,
heart, intention, thinking, orientations, inclinations, soul, self, inner-side
should all be also pure. The people of Taqwa are not just those whose
only dress is clean, but also those who’s Batin (spirit) are also pure and
when such pure persons live in this society then it is considered as a
society with Taqwa. The place where there are arrangements for
enhancing lusts then there are impure persons who prefer to live there.
This is because their ways, intentions, thinking are impure. Even though
they have taken clean bath still they are filthy.
Maybe they say practically by tongue, but Allah wants practical reply,
which center is Khayr? With Taqwa or without Taqwa? if with Taqwa is
Khayr, then why are you visiting homes, centers, houses society, markets
that are without Taqwa, and Quran is questioning this not to check
memory of a person but instead to change and rectify our acts. If you
testify that centers with Taqwa are Khayr, then why you are seen in
Taqwa houses, centers, college, school, university, town, taking plots that
are without Taqwa? What have you gone there to take and it is a simple
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question but very deep. All our affairs of life have been put under
question to us. Those centers which are made on the edge of hell are
essential for you, those without Taqwa? If you like Taqwa then why have
you befriended people without Taqwa. Quran has questioned our entire
As said for Masjid e Zaraar, there are four objectives behind it which were
active. I have said Zaraar is any group, or educational system which have
been made under the title of necessity by believers. The NGOs, capitalists
which are made under the tile of necessity are Zaraar, if any one trait out
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of these four are present. First is that it causes harm, second it is a center
of Kufr o Shirk. Any center in which the system of Kufr is spread, then this
is Zaraar. Like they make hospital as a necessity, but when it starts
business starts; there the organs of human body are traded. The one that
you made as an essential necessity has become Zaraar (harmful) for you.
Today many such hospitals are identified where such things are
happening. Recently there was a news about the hospital where
Cardiology is done. It came in news that in all hospitals of Peshawar there
are fraud Stents being used for heart patients. These are all without
Taqwa, hospital, doctor, minister. There is a hospital in Rawalpindi which
does kidney trading. This is announced that Pakistan is number one in
human organ trading. Human organ trading is done from people who die
and from perfect beings, then they are sold; they are removed from
graves and organs are removed. At present the Punjab government is
trying with full force to stop the fake medicines Mafia, and they have not
gotten even 1% success. Some who visit hospital for a small thing, they
visit and get into trouble. At present the cheapest kidney is sold at 6
million Rupees. These things that are built as necessary like hospital are
Zaraar since they are without Taqwa. If the same hospital is with Taqwa
and believing men made them, then this will be a hospital based on
At that time also, the rulers, the army Generals and the accursed Zia-ul-
Haqq who is on top of this list, he intentionally established these centers
from the wealth of Al-e-Saud for the sake of shedding blood of Muslim
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target others by bringing one such person on TV. They are interpreting
that all Shia scholars are like this. Now you can see from where they
picked up the arrow and where they have hit the target, they selected him
so that they can defame the enter Shiite in front of people.
The centers, affairs which are without Taqwa are used as an excuse to
take people away from religion. In order to create discord, they do this. As
I said the Madrassas were made at the time of Zia ul Haqq through
foreign funding, and today they are only sealing the Madrassas that were
made by them locally. It is in their knowledge that even today they
(foreign donors) are supporting them with heavy funds, but now at
national level they want to reform and discipline. First, they spent millions
to make them terrorists, and now they are spending millions to bring
them back to normal life; this is an astonishing country and government.
But some persons who lack Taqwa use these Madrassas to target the right
ones. Those Madrassas which are good; where affection, brotherhood is
taught and Islamic unity is presented in a practical way. You would not
have heard anywhere in Pakistan at least, where a Madrassah is of one
sect and a teacher from another sect comes to teach except Jamia
Orwatul Wuthqa. Here the scholars of Ahle Sunna visit to teach our Shia
students. This is a pure center and the pure tree. There is not an iota of
hatred, or prejudice neither in the heart of students or the teachers. This
is true for both the regular in-house students as well as the short course
ones. You can ask them that they don’t have anywhere in their syllabus or
teachings to teach hatred against Muslims. The scholars who come from
outside also are made well aware as to not trigger any such harmful topic.
I personally requested them that any argumentative issue you want to
discuss; come to me but do not discuss these with students or other
teachers. Tafarqa is forbidden here and Quran has prohibited us from
creating discord very explicitly. Quran says do not create discord and
hang tight to the Hablullah (Rope of Allah). Quran says neither create
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discord and not become like those who create discord. We teach our
students here formally that never follow anything from those speakers
who discuss quarrelsome things that caused discord. There is a saying of
Supreme Leader that speeches, write ups or even indications which bring
out discord is forbidden and a crime. When the leader of a school of
thought says this, then it becomes obligatory on the followers to follow.
But there are such persons who use such personalities that create discord
as a reference to target the right personalities and this is a difficulty for
The centers, and politics that lacks Taqwa creates discord. The Quran has
presented the Masjid-e-Zaraar as a reference so that a criterion is
understood. That wherever there is discord amongst believers, there is
Zaraar. The Majlis, pulpits, speakers, Muftis who spread discord, and issue
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inciteful Fatwas they are all Zaraar, and Quran is ordering these places to
be destroyed but it is not done by us and instead they are kept open.
This particular group that creates discord has people inside them who are
MI6 agents and Fake Faqeehs who promote sectarianism and teach
Muslims to curse each other and defame other sects. Britain has made TV
channels for them and provided all kinds of facilities. When Ale Saud rates
the Shia scholars and categorizes them; they list those scholars who
create discord as the best Shia scholar for them. Whereas those scholars
who preach unity and brotherhood amongst Muslims the Ale Saud
consider them as the worst scholars. From here you can understand that
the criteria which Quran is presenting is so deep, that these mosques are
places for spreading discord, and are places of refuge for the enemies of
Allah and to spread disbelief. The Quran is giving sense to believers. If
Pharaoh is doing oppression, the Quran comes forward and teaches the
believers the sense of recognition. If believers develop this sense, then
these conspiracies will fail and everything depends on the awareness of
the believers. If believers are negligent, and foolish then Pharaoh and
centers of Zaraar would be successful. Quran is informing the believers,
giving them the sense of awareness. This is because people follow each
other, and always bring such reasons that if someone else is doing it why
can’t we do it? Do not make those who are doing wrong things as an
excuse for you to do the same. Even if your parents, relatives are doing
such things then disassociate from them. Prophet Ibrahim (a.s)
disassociated from A’zar. I am away from you, your acts and your Idols. He
said to A’zar you are an enemy of Allah. Prophet Ibrahim is a role model
for us and we should follow him. Do not follow those who are into wrong
Quran is making people aware about these Zaraar places so that the
conspiracies of enemies get foiled. I am stating this with responsibility; if
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believers develop sense and become aware then all plans, conspiracy of
enemies would fail. Quran is developing this awakening that if you want
to recognize such Zaraar places then see if discord is taught, or promoted
there or do they preach unity and brotherhood? If hatred is spread
against believers themselves then this mosque, center, scholar,
organization are all Zaraar (harmful) i.e. to separate believers from each
other. If believers can take this sense from Quran then all these Zaraar
centers will get demolished. You don’t need to take tools to physically
bring them down but just your disassociation with such places will
demolish them. The believers should disassociate from all such mosques,
centers, scholars, madrassah, speakers and all such places where discord
is spread. In any locality believers should decide that we will not enter
that place where discord is being spread. You will see that the conspiracy
of Tafarqa (sectarianism) would get demolished with this step of yours as
they only and always take advantage from your lack of sense.
Quran says if those who possess Taqwa and purity do not build mosques
then those who lack these will come forward and make mosques and take
over pulpits. Wherever there is a gap and Muttaqeen are not present, the
corrupt, and discord spreading elements will come and fill that gap as they
have to do it for creating harm to believers. You can witness in this
incident of Zaraar these hypocrites were in contact with Abu Aamir in
Rome. Today also same is there in the Ummah of Prophet, whereby
people sitting in America, and Britain have their place of refuge in Muslim
and Arab states. This is the cause of destruction of Muslim Ummah and
Muslims have reached to this stage. But if Muslims refer to Quran and
adopt these teachings then all Tafarqa across the world would get
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There is one more dimension which Quran emphasizes along with this is
Tafakkur (thinking and pondering). This means Quran wants us to accept
something only after thinking, pondering over its need, prerequisites,
necessity and essentials. Every human being has been given the ability to
think. Man has many dimensions and abilities amongst them one is the
ability to think. But majority have suspended this ability, although it is
easier to think than anything else as it does not consume any energy.
Thinking does not mean imagination and illusion. Imagination means to
create something out of own whereas thinking (Tafakkur) means to
understand realities outside our mind. Like some children when the
teacher is teaching they try to understand what he is teaching or written
in the book, but there are some children who are drawing lines or making
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things on paper. This is the difference; one who is making lines and
drawing when teacher is teaching something else is an example of
imagination; or another child is listening quietly but in his mind some
other creation and dialogues are going on. This is not Tafakkur
(pondering, thinking) instead these are imaginations. Such persons are not
liked by Allah who are lost in imaginations. They are like drums which
make a lot of noise because it is empty from inside if it was filled from
inside it won’t make any noise. The one who is empty from inside will
make more noise.
Quran refers to such persons as Fakhoor (boasters) who are empty from
inside but with their tongues they keep on boasting, praising their own
self that I have done this that my father is like this and so on. This person
who boasts by tongue but in reality he is empty from inside. A sign of
being empty from inside is that man boasts a lot from tongue. Imam Ali
(a.s) used to tell his forces that you boast a lot that we will do this and
that to our enemies. Those who are not empty from inside the enemy
does not even think to attack them; the enemies remain quiet against
them. People generally beat drums and not wood because they will get
hurt if they beat the solid wood. The communities that are strong,
enemies do not counter them because they know they will get injured.
Allah does not like those who are into imaginations and Fakhoor
(boasters) like political parties who have not done anything but still boast
proudly. They have not done any activity but only through speeches try to
create a picture within people. Allah likes those who think and ponder and
it is presented as a big worship. One moment of thinking is greater than a
lifetime of worship. Ta’abbud is the best thing inside a bondsman (Abd)
which means he should be ready for obeying every command of his
master. But Ta’abbud is not the successor of Tafakkur; it’s not something
that is presented as sacred to us and we accept it out of respect. Like if
someone comes and presents a mosque to us, it should not happen that
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we just blindly accept it; we should first think what kind of mosque it is; is
it a mosque of Zaraar or a mosque of Islam. If Quran would not have
mentioned the incident of Masjid e Zaraar then this mosque would have
been a big place of pilgrimage for believers. This is because the hypocrites
would have propagated it that way. If they would have got some time to
keep this mosque then they would have broadcasted this mosque more
than Masjid-e-Nabawi. Masjid e Zaraar would have been in the hearts of
people and people from Pakistan would have gone for Ziarat of Masjid e
Zaraar. It happens that at times people leave obligatory things and go
after recommended things. They say that we did not get time for Salaat
because Majlis was going on. The obligatory should be given first priority
and under the umbrella of obligations secondary things should be done,
or else religion would become forsaken. Today also some people
religiously carry out the secondary, recommended acts and leave the
obligatory acts. Even the management of mosques and programs they
themselves are deprived. They arrange congregation prayers and arrange
for Majlis but do not listen to it themselves. One host was telling me that
after forty years I have listened to Majlis. It is foolishness to do other
things but be deprived of guidance.
If Quran would not have presented the reality of this center (Masjid-e-
Zaraar) and had not aroused the Prophet against it then with the plans of
hypocrites this would have been the biggest mosque of Islam. It was the
revelation of Quran due to which this mosque got demolished and
Muslims became secure from its evil. But this was one such mosque that
got demolished but like this there are many such mosques present in
abundance in the Islamic world in every country today. In Pakistan also,
there are many such mosques which are Masjid –e- Zaraar because the
four signs which Quran presented for such mosques either they are all
present in them or at least one trait is present in them. Quran says that if
you want to make a sacred place and Taqwa is not present in it, then this
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will not be a sacred place. The sanctity given to mosques by Islam, the
same status is not given to any other place. Madrassah, Hussainiah, Office
of Islamic organizations and even Holy shrines do not possess the sanctity
to the level of mosques. The rituals, and arrangements of mosques have
been separately expressed by Quran, Prophet and Infallibles. But
unfortunately what we have got as inheritance is that the most
insignificant thing is mosque. If someone comes and disputes inside our
homes we consider it as disrespect but if a dispute is going on in a mosque
we are fine with it and even consider that as worship. The sacredness of
mosques is to the extent that you should not even speak in a loud voice or
make noise inside a mosque, it will be a sin. Discussing purposeless
worldly things inside a mosque, sleeping in mosques are all not permitted
and against the sanctity of a mosque. We only use the mosques for this
purpose to fight, debate and dispute inside the mosques.
I remember in Iran around thirty years back where in the locality that we
were living; in Ramadhan youths would play football inside the mosque as
it would be cold outside with snow. And no one had the courage to stop
them also. It is not permitted to use mosque for playing games. The
mosques are centers of religion and if these centers are not on the basis
of Taqwa then they are not worthy of any respect hence should be
demolished. Then those centers which do not have the sanctity equivalent
to that of mosques, if they become Zaraar (harmful) for religion, and
society then the order for them is clear with this verse.
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They make the mosques and very important step is the opening ceremony
in which they invite a specific personality. If the mosque is made by a poor
person they invite a rich person just for the sake of getting funding. There
are several mosques in Pakistan whose foundation stone has been laid by
corrupt persons whose pictures are also present there. They do this
because those ungodly political leaders desire only for their votes, and
they come and give some funds also. These people are those who collect
funds to make mosque and they invite wealthy persons for its
inauguration. Certain mosques are made by rich, wealthy persons who do
not have any issues of funding. When they do the opening they do not
invite a personality to get funding from him because they have more
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money than the one who is coming to do the opening ceremony. When
such wealthy persons make a mosque they invite a specific personality for
its opening for a certain purpose. There might be political objectives
behind it or this mosque is made as a shelter for some specific group who
will come later to carry out certain activities from there.
Abu Aamir also instructed them to make a center where the enemies of
Islam can sit and make conspiracies. They did this is in an intelligent
manner under the cover of a mosque but their plans got foiled with divine
revelation (Wahy). If this revelation would not have come then the
hypocrites were moving forward successfully as no one was aware of this
conspiracy, in fact people were happy that a mosque is being made and
were praising them for making a mosque. A revelation came from Allah
that this is a Masjid-e-Zaraar and a place of refuge for enemies of Islam
and this enmity is continuing since long. As I pointed before that if divine
revelation would not have come this Masjid-e-Zaraar would have been a
sacred place. Even today itself whereby the Shahi mosques which were
made by irreligious, tyrant, cruel, alcoholic Kings are highly respected and
notable in India, and Pakistan. Wherever there are Shahi forts, mosques,
markets, and localities are all memories of these kings, and emperors
which were made by them for their own purpose. These mosques have
given them effective results as the religion spread from these Shahi
mosques is the religion of Kings and emperors.
Everyone has read about the religion of Shahs (Kings) and we liked that
religion so much that today the Syed’s (Sadat, progeny of Ahlulbayt (a.s))
have termed themselves as Shah. I am not talking about localized Syed
who became Syed for certain gains, but I am referring to the original
Syed’s who are from the progeny of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) from Lady
Fatema (s.a) that is from amongst the children of Imam Hassan (a.s) and
Hussain (a.s). In Sindh all the Syed’s who have titled themselves are Shah,
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neither were nor are they Kings. This is the effect of kingship and
emperorship that the most dignified lineage coming from Ahlulbayt (a.s)
has also selected the title of Kings for themselves. They also want to
present that we are also Kings. In Sindh all those who call themselves Shah
are not from the progeny of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s), they are feudal. Sadat
is different and Shah are different who come from the family of Kings, but
the effect of this Kingship is such that Syed’s have even selected this title
for themselves. Now this culture is changing and moving towards
Westernization. First it was a Kingship culture and now we are moving
towards the West.
The forts, centers, and mosques which were made by Kings, and since
they were Muslims they made Islamic centers also for fulfilling their own
purpose. Today we visit such places for entertainment but we should visit
them for taking lessons. Where they who made this and what were was
that purpose for which they made this? You visit and take pictures in the
Forts of Kings and come back. We are sent to these places to take lessons
from Shahi Mosque. It is better to recite Salaat outside on a street but go
inside the Shahi mosque to take lessons. The same Shah who made this
Shahi mosque also made centers of lustful corruption, and that too
adjacent to the mosque. We came out of emperorship and went into
slavery of British and they pushed us into slavery of feudal lords. We have
not yet turned towards the school of Prophet and Imams. The way Allah
tells the Prophet that first change your direction towards religion. Ibrahim
was asked and he replied that I have changed my direction towards my
creator and Lord. Our direction is still towards Kings, British, West, and
America and in between we have belief on Imams. We are moving
towards West and dragging our belief on Imamat along with us. We
should change our orientation and turn towards Allah and the divine
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We can see the respect that is present today for these Shahi mosques but
were they made for spreading the religion? We in Pakistan have the
inheritance of Kings and this spreading of religion is also from Shahs. If we
study the religion of Prophets and see what religion they have brought
and to the contrary what customary, ritualistic religion has been given by
the Kings? These kings have spread cultural customs in the name of
religion. They have spent treasury on rituals and have forgotten the
religion of Prophets. The Masjid-e-Zaraar, the centers of Zaraar are
shelters for the enemies of religion and not the centers, and shelter of
religion. The enemies of Allah visit here.
Amongst those centers which are refuge, and shelter for the enemies of
Islam one of them are these NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organizations)
which are voluntary public services organizations. They are made in
abundance. The entire education system of Pakistan is under these NGOs.
We see what these western NGOs who have come from Europe, UK, and
America are doing in Pakistan, it’s terrible. These are places of refuge, and
shelter for the enemies of Islam, and look at the respect and sanctity our
community has towards them. Similarly, those centers which are places of
refuge for the enemies of religion, you see it every day in news that many
terrorists who are enemies of the Islam, the Shia, Humanity, and Pakistan
are caught every day from these mosques and religious places but none of
these centers get demolished. Why have these become shelters of Islam,
nation, country and people? They are caught every day and announced
also, that from such and such place so many were caught, if these
mosques are places of refuge for terrorists then why don’t you demolish
such places? These suicide bombers are identified with their DNA as to
where they belonged from, so when you are aware who they are, and
from which centers they are bred and nurtured, then why you don’t take
action against those centers? You take the terrorists out from there, but
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leave the center as it is for them to make more. Until the time the place of
refuge is secure, the terrorist is also secure.
The Masjid-e-Zaraar got demolished because it was not made on the basis
of Taqwa instead it was made as a place of refuge for enemies, hence it
was demolished which made Islam secure from its evil. By just sealing
mosques you cannot stop its evil. There are Zaraar organizations in
Pakistan who are declared only on paper as banned organizations, and
coincidentally these same Zaraar organizations are the most active, as
compared to those organizations which are not banned. Banning an
organization in essence means abandoning it completely or making it non-
existing. It’s just like a man is present in a house, but no needs of house
are fulfilled then this man despite of being present is non-existing
although alive. If there is a doctor who does not attend duty, or a
manager is present but his department is non-functioning, then these are
all non-existing in reality. If a teacher is present in school but all his
students fail, this means this teacher despite of being alive and present is
in reality non-existing. This means if you see the effects of these people it
is like they are not present. Now if you analyze those organization, and
personalities on which there is no ban, can you see any effect of their
presence in Pakistan? They have made themselves as non-existence in
reality. On the other hand, there are some organizations, and parties that
have been formally banned by the government, but if you read the
newspaper you can see that big meetings, congregations take place
almost daily by these banned organizations. You would see that almost
every day these banned organizations gather, publicly meet for the sake
of defending the Haramain. These banned organizations meet the rulers,
they fight elections and even win, like a banned outfit leader won the
elections in Jhang. Why these parties were banned? Because they were
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They were refuge, and shelters for enemies. If Pakistan has enemies then
these enemies have their place of refuge in Pakistan. If we consider India
has enmity with Pakistan then they have their place of refuge in Pakistan,
and if they don’t then they are useless enemies. Our government also says
that they have shelters and places of refuge in Balochistan, but it is not
just there in fact it’s everywhere. They have places of refuge in media,
educational institutes, political parties and enemy cannot show its enmity
without having such places inside Pakistan. Israel is an enemy of
Hezbollah and it cannot fight Hezbollah unless they have a place of refuge
inside Lebanon. An enemy can fight a successful battle with these
infiltrations only. America and Russia were enemies and they had
infiltrations both ways. An enemy cannot do enmity effectively unless it
makes places of shelter inside its enemy’s camps. The enemies of Islam
are attentive towards the fact that they have to make such places of
refuge inside Islam. Today after the arrival of Trump this animosity has
become exposed in a crystal-clear manner. This crazy person when he
came he exposed all their concealed things and hypocrisy. He first issued a
statement that Muslims from seven countries cannot come, next it will be
all Muslims, and then all Muslims who are in America they also cannot
stay there. If he cannot do this then the next President will come and do
this. Their enmity has come out like daylight, so have they not made
places of refuge and their camps inside Islamic territories? If you see in
Arab states, the entire countries have been made as their camps. Bahrain,
Qatar, Emirates, Saudi Arabia are places of refuge, shelter for the enemies
of religion. Their oil companies and other set ups are place of refuge for
them. The enemies of Pakistan have made shelters and camps inside
Pakistan. They give bribe and personal gains hence their shelters are not
Quran says that those who make Masjid-e-Zaraar it is not necessary that
all of them will be corrupt persons, but the places that they have made
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are destructive places. Now where will the enemies of Shiite make their
places of refuge? They will not make these in their own places but inside
Shiite. These places could be some organization, religious center, political
parties, media, personality and they will make their shelters inside Shiite.
If they do on their own land they will not be able to damage Shiite at all,
the damage happens when they make places of refuge ‘within Shiite’, that
is Qom, Najaf and places where Shiite are in big numbers and this is where
it is the most damaging for Shiite. Quran is enhancing this insight for the
believers to open their eyes and see the places of refuge that are being
made for destroying you. Do not step inside such places.
ٍ ِ ِ ِ ۚ ِِ
َ َﺣ ﱡﻖ أَ ْن ﺗَـ ُﻘ
ﻮم َ ﺲ َﻋﻠَﻰ اﻟﺘﱠـ ْﻘ َﻮ ٰى ﻣ ْﻦ أَﱠول ﻳَـ ْﻮم أَ َﻻ ﺗَـ ُﻘ ْﻢ ﻓﻴﻪ أَﺑَ ًﺪا ◌ ﻟَ َﻤ ْﺴﺠ ٌﺪ أُ ﱢﺳ
ﻓِ ِﻴﻪ
Never step inside it, never become a party and supporter to it. If there is a
majority of Shiite in some country or some locality they will visit that place
and make their shelter over there. When a center, or a place of enemy
gets established inside you, then it is the most dangerous. This is the
reason Quran is demonstrating this much sensitivity towards a mosque,
but if Quran would have gone by our thinking that everyone is a believer
so let them make, then today Masjid-e-Zaraar would have been
worshipped in place of Kaaba. The resemblances of Masjid-e-Zaraar are
present everywhere today which are places of shelter for the enemies.
The enemies are not always necessarily from another country, they might
belong to the same country or even locality and this center will become a
place of refuge for them. If it has become a place of shelter for them then
this is evil and will definitely cause discord among believers.
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and shelter for enemies will get fulfilled. Then the Quran says that they do
not accept these objectives because they are not fools that in a Muslim
society they make a religious center with evil objectives, they cannot
express it openly that we have done it for these purposes. Instead they
express in front of people that our intentions are pure and for the sake of
comfort of people, and for the sake of Allah we have done this. They
swear that in making of this mosque other than goodness there is no
other intention. Then Allah says that Allah bears witness that they are
liars. The hypocrites are liars and externally they have established a
religious center but the intentions are evil.
If the divine revelation would not have come then believers would have
kept different perceptions about it. Some would have rejected it; some
believers would have accepted it because they accept anything that is
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sacred even if it’s manmade, like the calf of Saamri which is another
example of the misguided acts of believers presented by the Quran.
Saamri made a calf; it is mentioned that for Bani Israel the cow had a
sacredness like the Hindus. Hence Saamri selected the calf because it was
in the culture of Bani Israel that cow had a preference over other animals,
and such thoughts were present in the minds of this community. This
inspired Saamri to build a calf. E.g. if stones or amulets are sacred to a
community then Saamri will make something out of this. The past
condition of a community prepares the grounds for people like Saamri
who then take advantage of this. When Allah ordered Bani Israel to
slaughter a cow they started to make excuses as it was tough for them to
sacrifice a cow. But Allah insisted to slaughter a cow only, and they were
not prepared to do it. Since the command was becoming tougher then
undesirably they had to do this. Saamri made a calf and the community of
Bani Israel accepted it.
Just like in the Battle of Siffeen the Quran was raised on the spears to
deceive Muslims. It is happening now as well that sacred titles are
selected, and people are gathered under them to misguide people.
Sometimes they do it in the name of Quran, Wilayat, companions, or
wives of Prophet, they are all sacred titles and when such titles are used;
simple, foolish believers can be easily deceived. This act is taking place in
every street, and the sense which Quran is communicating from this verse
has not been taken into account by the believers, because they don’t read
the Quran with this perception that Quran is a book of guidance that
conveys sense. Believers recite Quran for Thawaab, Istikhara and other
things but not as a source of wisdom, recognition, guidance, revelations,
and inspirations and in fact they do not even turn towards the Quran for
these real acquisitions. If you see the same verse related to Masjid-e-
Zaraar the Qaari (reciters) have recited it in different tunes but the world
is full of Masjid-e-Zaraar and the actual Masjid of Taqwa are different.
About the mosque of Taqwa, Quran says that you should visit such
mosques and practice your worships in such mosques.
Certain believers argue that both are mosques and houses of Allah, so
what is the difference between the two. This is the best mentality of
people for hypocrites, and this is a big support for the objectives of
hypocrites. Such people who consider both types of mosques as same;
one time they visit one mosque, next time the other. They are the best
targets for hypocrites. This kind of thinking supports the hypocrites to
fulfill their goals. We can see what dangerous step was taken in that
young Islamic society that came into existence since few years only. They
made a mosque to cause harm to Islam and Muslims. Then they wanted
to spread Kufr and Shirk from this mosque. The Kufr, shirk to be spread
from mosques are not the type of open idol worshipping Kufr, but instead
this is hidden Kufr and Shirk. The Kufr that spreads from mosques is
different from that what spreads from the temples and churches which is
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open Kufr, but the one that spreads from mosques is open Kufr with the
external title of belief. The way people did Kufr for the Prophet Isa (a.s),
and they went to the extent of labelling him as the son of Allah out of
belief and this was done from Churches. The Kufr that is spread from
mosques, and pulpits has to complement with the center from where it
They made this mosque for spreading Kufr and Shirk. Then they had the
purpose of creating discord amongst believers and to give shelter to the
enemies of Islam and Religion. Now they want to make this operative to
accomplish their goals. At this instance Allah sent revelations and made
people aware about their intentions. Since at that time the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s) was present, and he was receiving the revelations and accepting
them. The specialties of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) which Quran has expressed
due to which he received success. Quran has mentioned the secret behind
the success of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) as to how he got a community that
was immersed in darkness out from it, into enlightenment. How did the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) get this success? That secret is present in the last
verses of Surah Baqarah which I have mentioned before also and should
be known to everyone and specifically for students and scholars who
desire to keep and continue on the path of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s). The last
but one verse of Surah Baqarah says:
ﻮل ِﲟَﺎ أُﻧْ ِﺰَل إِﻟَْﻴ ِﻪ ِﻣ ْﻦ َرﺑﱢِﻪ َواﻟْ ُﻤ ْﺆِﻣﻨُﻮ َن ۚ◌ ُﻛﻞﱞ َآﻣ َﻦ ﺑِﺎﻟﻠﱠ ِﻪ َوَﻣ َﻼﺋِ َﻜﺘِ ِﻪ َوُﻛﺘُﺒِ ِﻪ َوُر ُﺳﻠِ ِﻪ
ُ َآﻣ َﻦ اﻟﱠﺮ ُﺳ
ِ ٍ َﻻ ﻧـُ َﻔﱢﺮ ُق ﺑـﲔ أ
َ ﻚ َرﺑـﱠﻨَﺎ َوإِﻟَْﻴ
ﻚ َ ََﺣﺪ ِﻣ ْﻦ ُر ُﺳﻠ ِﻪ ۚ◌ َوﻗَﺎﻟُﻮا َِﲰ ْﻌﻨَﺎ َوأَﻃَ ْﻌﻨَﺎ ۖ◌ ﻏُ ْﻔَﺮاﻧ َ َ َْ
{285} ﺼﲑ ِ
ُ اﻟْ َﻤ
The messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord,
and (so do) the believers; they all believe in Allah and His angels and His
books and His messengers; we make no difference between any of His
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messengers; and they say: We hear and obey, our Lord! Thy forgiveness
(do we crave), and to Thee is the eventual course
This was the secret by which the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) changed the state
of that society and developed an Ummah from the same misguided
beings. The verse says that the Messenger of Allah has faith in everything
that is being revealed by Allah. This is the deficiency which we have today.
Knowledge is present in abundance today. As per Bulleh Shah, they read
books to the extent that no book was left unread, but they leave reading
the secret in them. This is the deficit today, that is the group which is
reading the books of Religion like books on Belief, Fiqh, Ethics, and History
etc., but how much faith we have on what we have read? We have learnt
the lesson on Imamat, but how much faith do we have on Imamat? Faith
gets manifested with the action of a man. They study religion for twenty,
thirty years and then finally they select a Qiblah (direction which they
select) that is non-religious, and they make non-religious organizations,
parties and ways. They select non-religious leaders, political systems and
ways of living. This is what happens when a man reads the footnotes but
not the actual content. When a person does not study the secrets of
religion the problems don’t get solved. The verse says that everything
which has been revealed by Allah, the Messenger has Faith on it, not just
knowledge. Martyr Muttahhari says that knowledge is light but the
activator, the movement is created by Faith. Knowledge is like light but a
person can still sit stagnant under light. For movement you need a
separate engine which inspires and makes a man rise. Light only shows
the ways but not makes someone move. It is the faith that produces the
movement. This is the actual secret of all the privileges and successes of
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s). The Prophet had faith in this revelation also, that
this is Masjid-e-Zaraar, which is a mosque of Zaraar, Kufr, Tafarqa and
meant for giving refuge to the enemies. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) did not
develop any doubt about what was revealed unto him that may be some
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misunderstanding has happened, that the people who made the mosque
seem to be good and they are swearing as well. But the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s) did not doubt the revelation. This revelation is present even
today as is, and it is not about a movie hall, club or any other place of
corruption. This revelation came to tell us that certain mosques have
harm for believers, i.e. Kufr, and Tafarqa for believers. This is for mosques
that is being said, because for the places of corruption Quran says they
are clearly seen as evil. Quran says that right path and deviated path are
separated, there is no mixing in them. The paths are clearly seen and
hence revelations will not come for evil, deviated path, but you will be
surely guided there where there is confusion still present. Even though
these believers of Masjid-e-Zaraar visit the places of corruption as well,
they go to clubs, dances, place of indecencies and then return back
considering themselves as pure. It is like someone jumps into filthy water
and then feels that good fragrance is coming out of his. They jump into
every evil place and then think that we are very pure beings.
The message which Quran is giving is not for temples of idols, but for a
mosque. There are certain things that are placed in mosques and you
should keep your eyes open. But we have closed our eyes on such things.
Today in every city, town, street such centers are established and simple
believers have been deceived by their titles and are unaware about the
evil intentions behind them. They justify that both are religious groups.
You can see in your country and across the world as to what the religious
groups are up to? If the believers would not have been deceived by them
and not closed their eyes from the, then today these centers and groups
will not exist.
other group is only after good deeds and participate in everything that is
being presented as good. But they do not have the sense on deciding
what to do. If a person has passion to do well, but does not have the
common sense, then from his hands destruction takes place in the name
of goodness. We need this common sense as to where we should go and
do goodness. Here also their simplicity becomes the basis of the fact that
they select the field of goodness without common sense. Religion is first
telling us in ‘which’ areas and fields you have to do goodness and ‘where’
you have to do goodness. If goodness is not done at the right time then
this won’t be counted as goodness. This act which does not have the
sense with it, will have no use in this world and hereafter. First find the
path and right direction, as to which act I should participate in, and not
just jump in anything which is ‘seen’ by us as goodness. What we see
today is so much is wasted in the name of goodness and not done so
much in the name of evil. There are people who are wasting so much
money in the name of goodness. Today is the day of Friday and you can
check where people have done goodness. There are some people who do
goodness on Friday; they do charity and they look around to see some
good act going on and participate in it without much sense. Few days back
in the newspaper this figure came out that in Pakistan more than 4 billion
rupees are spent in charity and good acts. If such a big amount is spent in
the name of goodness then Pakistan should be the best nation in the
world, when people desire this much goodness. Why are we not able to
see the effects of goodness, and everything should have been good here,
that is good governance, education, people, and children etc. but we are
astonished that nothing is there. When you evaluate these 4 billion rupees
spent in the name of goodness, you will see majority of it is spent on
centers and acts of Zaraar. It is spent on places which spread Kufr, Shirk
and in those programs, activities and places from where Tafarqa is spread.
These budgets are used to strengthen the places of refuge of the enemies.
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Hence the result that comes out of spending in the name of goodness is
evil; the shortcoming lies in the common sense. The passion for doing
goodness is worth appreciating and cannot be criticized, but the sense
that is required to do goodness is not present. You should know where to
spend? Either in the centers, or groups of Zaraar considering them as
good? A big amount is spend this way.
Religion says first find the Sabeel, or Siraat and it is said about Siraat that
it cannot be discovered without sense. It is there in tradition that Siraat is
thinner than hair (Sha’r). Sense (Sha’oor) also comes from the same family
of word as hair. Sha’oor thus means that the level of understanding which
can recognize a path that is thinner than hair. Sha’oor means very precise
and sharp understanding. For people who want to do goodness should
possess such sense. They call Zaraar speakers, cooperate with Zaraar
centers and consider these to be assets for the hereafter. Quran says
these are centers of destruction and everyone who cooperates with them
is destroying his hereafter. A Masjid-e-Zaraar is being made in the vicinity
and a believer contributes to it. This believer is a fool who lacks deep
insight and sense. When the hosts of Masjid-e-Zaraar would be gathered
on the day of judgement this simple minded believer will also be called
with them that your lack of sense and contribution is also part of it. This
Masjid-e-Zaraar is a place of refuge for enemies made by hypocrites, and
this simpleton believer contributes to this shelter made for enemies of
Islam. One group is totally unaware and unconcerned, another is the one
who likes to do goodness but without the sense and out of passion gives
harm to Islam.
These issues are such that if a person does not have sense then it is very
difficult to identify them. Quran is the source of sense (Sha’oor); the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s) and Ahlulbayt (a.s) are the sources of sense. The
inheritors of Prophets that is the Ulama and Fuqaha who possess Taqwa
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Today those Fuqaha who have taken the sense from Quran, Prophet,
Imams (a.s) are the sources for this generation to take sense from. This is
because these social matters need awareness, analysis and it is not within
the capability of everyone to analyze social affairs, to go deep down into
social matters and discover the hidden facts. Every person with insight
and sense also, it’s not necessary that he becomes aware about deeply
hidden elements so that he becomes acquainted with the intention of
someone as well. It is not possible. The way the Ummah is acquainted
with the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) and Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) is linked to the
divine revelation. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) found out from the
revelation and people found out from the Prophet. The Prophet had faith
on the revelation and also the people had faith on the Prophet as well.
There are certain persons who are not connected with any source of
sense and hence unintentionally become partner in the Zaraar acts. They
donate everywhere and want to be part of every good act. They want to
have at least one brick from them in every mosque. There are certain
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things which are told to believers for the sake of getting orientation and
attraction towards a good deed. It is related in the tradition that you
should serve Iftar in Ramadan even if it is to the extent of one date. Big
rich wealthy persons do this, they serve dates to their workers. They serve
one date and want to loot holiness. The poor person was fasting and this
rich man by serving one date now wants to acquire all Thawaab. This
tradition was for the sake of attraction. When the Prophet expressed the
importance and virtues in serving Iftar, the people said we are all poor
and hence we will remain deprived of this virtuous act. Then the Prophet
said whatever is your ability you serve to that extent. Those who are
earning big money every day should serve Iftar in an elegant manner and
not just serve few cheap dates. On top of that, this rich guy first argues
with the date hawker for one rupee. That hawker is a poor person and
you are a rich person so why are you negotiating with him. If a poor
person negotiates it is acceptable but not from a rich person. You should
do as per your worth. If Allah has given you millions then spend millions, if
billions then spend billions, if thousand then spend in thousands. َوِﳑﱠﺎ
ﺎﻫ ْﻢ ﻳـُْﻨ ِﻔ ُﻘﻮ َن
ُ َ َرَزﻗْـﻨwhatever we have given you spend from that. This is the first
verse of Surah Baqarah. You know what Allah has given you and you
should spend from it. Not that you donate one brick for the mosque. Allah
says you should become the host of making a mosque and has been said
that him who lays foundation of a mosque is a Muttaqee. On one hand
Quran is arousing to make a mosque, but on the other hand it is also
preventing from donating even a single brick to Masjid-e-Zaraar. If you
donate to a Zaraar mosque or to a group, or a party that is causing harm,
and discord then you are also part of them. There are people who donate
to terrorists they are also partners with them and killers. You should
acquire insight and that insight comes from the source of senses.
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Is there anyone who can say that there is not a single mosque, or center in
Pakistan which is not supporting or giving shelter to the enemies of the
religion? There are big banners, and posters that are put up, that in such a
mosque this personality will deliver a speech today. Can you not see that
terrorists who cause seditions are invited to these mosques? Everyone
can see these but under some pretext they go and cooperate with them.
It is necessary for a community; the way Allah has made the body of a
man and there is a center of sense which is the mind made by Allah, every
human being takes commands of sense from his mind. The stomach, the
lust also gives commands but do not listen to them instead listen to the
intellect which is having sense. It is there in tradition that the status of
Imam in Ummah is that of a mind. Imam is the source of sense in an
Ummah. If you think that if the Supreme Leader would not have
mentioned as to what MI6 the British agency is doing in the world, then
who else was aware. There are still many believers with good intentions
that are watching MI6 channels, listening to their speakers etc. If the
source of sense is like that of the Leader i.e. when he says (on the basis of
the sense acquired from Quran) that MI6 has created Shia channels then
you should have faith in him. When sense comes to you from Allah
through some means, then accept it and distance yourself from that thing
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that is being told to be distant from. We should submit and bring faith on
the source of faith and accept that these centers are harmful for us. When
these Zaraar orators stand on the pulpit then they present themselves as
if they are the most pain bearing persons for the community. You should
not become insane and get deceived because these hypocrites swear and
say that we only want to do goodness. By making this mosque we have
provided facilities to the believers and have taken one more step in the
way of the religion. There is no evil objective behind us. We should not be
impressed by their speeches and the crocodile tears which they shed.
You would have seen in films where actors cry, so are these tears real or
are they doing as per the script given to them? These politicians who
come on media after bomb blasts take place; they have roast lambs in
front of them and then they express their grievances for these incidents.
These are all actors specifically in the world of politics. Why does a
community get impressed with the acts of the actors, isn’t this itself a lack
of sense? I remember in Qom, where there is a culture that drivers and all
others consider everyone from our part of the world as Indian. They are
quite impressed with Indians and not Pakistanis, this is because of Indian
films and they know the names of the film actors too. They ask scholars
about film actors. We sat in a taxi, the driver was a religious person and
started to speak about Indian films. He said I like Indians a lot due to
Indian films. He said at the time of Shah one Indian film was played and
we all went to see the movie. He says my mother cried throughout the
movie, and I said to my mother if you would have cried this much for
Imam Hussain (a.s) you would have gotten salvation. Indians are expert in
making emotional films and can make people cry on self-made stories.
Actors are doing acting in film so why are you crying on their acting? In
Pakistan when a marriage is done and the bride leaves on that day, she
cries and in some cases the bridegroom also starts to cry. There was an
incident when the bride was leaving and the bridegroom was smiling. A
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young child who was the brother of bride asked his father as to why the
groom is smiling when everyone is crying and my sister is crying so loud.
The father said that for now she is crying for a few minutes only and he is
laughing for a few minutes. After some time, she will laugh for the entire
life and he will cry for his entire life.
When people are doing acting why are you getting impressed? An actor
comes live on a pulpit and you cry. This is a weakness of a man to cry on
someone’s acting. They are all actors and you should not get impressed
with their emotions. Similarly, those who do acting in politics; in the
secular politics, do not claim sincerity but the religious politicians always
talk about sincerity as if all their body organs are filled with sincerity. You
see their activities and not go by their swearing. Quran says that they will
swear that we have good intentions; we are here for your welfare, for the
community we are doing all this. But Allah bears witness that they are
liars. Be attentive that a hypocrite swears that I am telling the truth, but
Allah is saying no he is lying. Then whom should a believer believe in? The
witness that Allah is giving or the false swearing of the hypocrite? He
should have faith on the witness of Allah because Allah is saying that he is
liar even in his swearing. Here also if we fall into the deception of the
swearing, then we have denied the witness of Allah too. If you see in
Pakistan how mosques got exposed, the famous mosque of Islamabad
was exposed to everyone that this is Masjid-e-Zaraar. Zia ul Haqq laid the
foundation of that mosque and we can see what damage that mosque did
and till now they are doing it. Mosque is necessary and without it religion
cannot be established. There is no replacement for the mosque; neither
Madrassah, library, organization, institutes, centers nor anything else can
take the place and deliver the role of the mosque. Mosque has its own
position and Masjid-e-Zaraar are established in the name of the mosque
itself. Here the believer should demonstrate their sense in building
mosques on the basis of Taqwa and recognize the Masjid-e-Zaraar and do
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not cooperate with such mosques. If you cannot physically bring down the
structure of these Masjid-e-Zaraar then at least disassociate from them so
that without the cooperation of the believers these mosques will get
destroyed automatically. The believers unintentionally should not become
part of these Masjid-e-Zaraar.
You should not have any excuse to step inside the mosque. Pay attention
to this people, that the Prophet is strictly prohibited to not even step
inside this Zaraar mosque. But today the opening ceremonies, the ribbon
cuttings are done of such Zaraar centers by big personalities, where the
Quran is ordering not to even step inside them. Today there are such big
centers present in Pakistan and elsewhere as well which were made by
foreign financiers. There is a big Madrassah outside in another country
which was funded by American Ambassador and he did the opening
ceremony of that Madrassah. There are many such examples present in
Pakistan, but other countries also have in abundance; i.e. these centers
which are made today for causing discord (Tafarqa). The way Supreme
Leader has referred to the Shiite of MI6 which has now become a Fitnah
and is gradually dominating many Shia centers and places. They have
planted people up to the level of Marjaiyat and have caused big Fitnah in
Shiite. They have made Madrassas in various countries which are run by
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the Khums of MI6. They take money from MI6 and take the name of some
A clear case is that of Shirazi family who originally belonged to Iran then
moved to Iraq, and this family had big personalities as well in the past, but
since the last three to four decades they have played a very negative role.
These people have been behind the back of big Fitnah’s in Shiite today.
The three groups i.e. Pakistanis, Indian and Afghanis are specifically
associated with them including common people and scholars. The
Scholars, and the students of seminaries associate themselves with the
centers and personalities of this group, they do translations of their
books, and they make their madrassahs and centers flourish. The
transgressive scholar of this same group who lives in England has titled
the Queen of England as Syeda. This is the wickedness and filth of these
people for the Queen, for whom even titling her as a witch is a little title
because of the oppression she has caused in her life, the communities
which she and English have destroyed; and in her honor, this devilish
scholar has associated her with the family of Prophet (s.a.w.s) and
prohibited any form of opposition against her. This person wearing a
turban has given an interview on British channel and said this on air.
Another person from the same family sitting there, is another turban
bearer who insults every scholar and defames them and specifically he
targets Ayatullah Behjat and curses him publicly. Ayatullah Behjat who
passed away few years back was a highly respected, and dignified
personality amongst Shias who was honored and respected by highest
level Marajae, and this person belonging to this Shirazi family abuses such
a pious scholar as well. All these clips are present on internet. He has used
the most severe abuses, and filthy words for such scholars. These
personalities are the elements of this Shirazi family. They ignite the fire of
discord, and prejudice amongst Muslims by insulting the respected
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personalities of the Sunni sect. They insult the opinion and condemn
Islamic Unity. They find sensitive topics, write books on them and arouse
the feelings, sentiments of Sunnis so that they develop extreme hatred
towards Shiite. They want every Sunni to not think good about Shia and
hate them. This is a big Fitnah that in order to arouse hatred towards
Shiite they are taking these steps. This is the Shirazi family who under the
guidance of MI6 are doing this, and they have centers, delegates,
representatives, promoters present in Pakistan and in other countries.
They are people and centers of Zaraar. Quran says do not go near them.
First of all, Muslims should have awareness and possess Sha’oor. They
prove themselves as senseless and indifferent to society to present
themselves as Muttaqee. This is a distorted Taqwa that a person makes a
fool of himself to be considered a Muttaqee. Imam Khomeini (r.a) would
say that there was a time that a person who was a fool and insane would
be considered as Muttaqee, and the more the person is a fool the more
Muttaqee he is. Hence even good scholars would present themselves as
fools so that they could be counted as Muttaqee. This is not Taqwa
instead being alert, clever, having deep insight, understanding Fitnah, and
corruption; this is Taqwa. Taqwa means to understand the intentions of
seditionists before they even act. Taqwa means when the hypocrites are
making the mosques in Medina you should pick this in advance, do not
enter there and demolish them; then you will be considered as a
Muttaqee. If you say we were not aware, no one told us, which is
generally the words that people speak as simpletons; they are not
Muttaqee. In worldly affairs they are not simpletons; there without
anyone telling them anything they are aware about everything. Like if a
doctor, engineer goes out to find a job and you offer him $ 50 a month
salary there he will not accept it and reply do you think I am a fool. If an
engineer, doctor accepts a job for $ 50 salary, then later someone points it
out to him, will he say that no one told me? In these situations, you don’t
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need a lecture, you intellectually understand that they are paying me only
$50 to get such a big job done. If this sense and intellectuality is present
inside you then this should get demonstrated in religion as well.
Cleverness, and insight is a virtue and not deficiency. They say we were
not aware, we did not know and this excuse is not acceptable.
Today there are so many Marajae present, where there are big
personalities like Ayatullah Khamenei and others, but you leave all of
them and select a Marajae of MI6 for Taqleed? It is like a shining sun is in
your solar system but you select some other planet in some other Galaxy
and try to walk behind it then you say no one told me? Who can tell this
Bat that does not see a shining sun? This is a sickness and lack of Taqwa.
When believers go on Ziarat their agents are present in Qom, Najaf who
are delegated to take believers to the offices of these MI6 Marajae and
they get commission. And specifically when these agents take a full
caravan to them and when people donate or pay Khums the commission
of these agents is further increased. The rates of certain Marajae offices
have very good rates. When you are students also; if you run away from
this Madrassah then this is a good business for you as well. One or two
students who left our seminary and went there are doing this business.
They have become agents of some of the offices of these personalities
and certain offices give 50% commission. If someone deposits $ 1000
khums to these fraud offices, they take 50% themselves and give the
other half to the agent. Some have done this work and have become
millionaires and have acquired big properties in Pakistan. The agents are
mostly from three countries; Pakistan, India and Afghanistan who do
these things. They take the caravan of pilgrims to the offices of these
Marajae who are associated with the MI6 and gain personal benefits by
misguiding people. Many who visit get deceived.
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ﻮم ﻓِ ِﻴﻪ ٍ ِ ِ ِ ۚ ِِ
َ َﺣ ﱡﻖ أَ ْن ﺗَـ ُﻘ َ َﻻ ﺗَـ ُﻘ ْﻢ ﻓﻴﻪ أَﺑَ ًﺪا ◌ ﻟَ َﻤ ْﺴﺠ ٌﺪ أُ ﱢﺳ
َ ﺲ َﻋﻠَﻰ اﻟﺘﱠـ ْﻘ َﻮ ٰى ﻣ ْﻦ أَﱠول ﻳـَ ْﻮم أ
Visit only centers of Taqwa
The center which has been established from day one on the basis of
Taqwa, the believers should visit there, cooperate and provide their
services there. That mosque which has been established on the real basis
of Taqwa and not just the name of that mosque is Taqwa. In Lahore and
other places there are mosques by the name of Masjid-e-Taqwa where
even the government has declared these mosques as centers of terrorism
and made by terrorist organizations. Visit those mosques whose hosts and
persons inside them are Muttaqee. Those who’s thinking, character,
personalities and paths are that of Taqwa.
Is he, therefore, better who lays his foundation on fear of Allah and (His) good pleasure, or
he who lays his foundation on the edge of a cracking hollowed bank, so it broke down with
him into the fire of hell; and Allah does not guide the unjust people.
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This verse is for secular persons among those believers who are without
Taqwa; those who consider transgressors and believers as the same, as
voters. This verse is asking them as to what has happened to your minds,
are the mosques made on the basis of Taqwa same as compared to ones
that would get annihilated. The religion which has been taught to people,
in the religion everything is the same, in fact in some cases the centers of
Non-Taqwa are better because their personal gains are fulfilled in them.
They get decrees of their choice, they get justifications for their forbidden
acts. Hence, they have more inclinations towards them.
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followers then say we want these facilities, these rulings. You would have
seen such examples yourself.
A Maulana came to us and was saying that I was a resident A’lim in some
other mosque, and I made a contract and whatever their Anjuman wrote
on the contract I signed it. Then later when he came under extreme
pressure he came to us claiming that injustice has been done with him. He
said that this is happening because I have agreed to certain undesired
things in the contract. When we asked him but why did you sign off to
such things? He said at that time I was under pressure, I had some certain
personal difficulties at home and hence as undesirable as they were, I still
agreed to every condition they had and signed off.
from there. People would come to Imam Khomeini (r.a) with big amounts
of Khums so that by doing this, they could get permission of something
forbidden or get justification of some wrong act. But Imam (r.a) would
not come under any pressure and if they would complain, Imam would
say take back your Khums. I am not in need of your Khums, in fact I am
taking this responsibility of being your trustee for this Khums
At times they say that for the benefit of religion we have accepted this.
You should not accept any such contract as this is a Zaraar contract.
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