EK Products Portfolio
EK Products Portfolio
EK Products Portfolio
products portfolio
“Some things can’t be
We believe
in a job well done
Michele Bedin
Our plants
and quality management
Over 50 years of business
Since we set up business in 1963, the company’s head offices have
always been in Italy, near Milan. Today, our aim is to be a market
leader in chillers with natural refrigerant (propane): by doing this,
we are helping the industry to become more efficient, preserving
natural resources and protecting the environment.
Organization in Italy
At our Italian plant spread over an area of 6,000 square metres,
with a work force of 60 people, Euroklimat designs and produces
refrigeration units, heat pumps and precision air conditioners that
can be used both in industrial processes and traditional comfort
Infinite quality
Euroklimat firmly believes that Customer Satisfaction is an
indispensable factor for success. A priority objective to achieve
this result is the constant improvement of our products, services
and the relative production processes.
This objective means involving all of the company’s resources
with planned, systematic activities for Quality; for this reason,
our system complies with the international standard UNI EN ISO
Organization in China
Our plant covers a surface of approximately 100,000 square
metres, with over 1,000 people and includes a large test chamber
and a sophisticated R&D laboratory, in addition to real production
departments, where the performance of the units is measured
before being placed on the market.
= ISO 9001 =
Cooling units designed especially for all activities in which it Machines for cooling or heating fluids designed with the skill
is important to keep distribution products at a controlled tem- and experience of those who have spent years working in clo-
perature, such as storage areas or refrigerated goods in su- se contact with operational problems. The “process” workings,
permarkets. Euroklimat’s machines are able to guarantee an in their most diverse forms of application, find the perfect solu-
extremely high level of reliability and can reach negative tem- tion to all problems in this section.
peratures on a medium level (-8 °C).
Equipment particularly suited to “controlling” civil and/or tech- Refrigeration units and heat pumps designed specifically for
nological environments. From air purity to internal thermo-hy- the sector of air conditioning. The vast number of configura-
grometric conditions, the different needs are treated specifical- tions, set ups and accessories enable this product range to be
ly and overcome with flexible, easy-to-apply solutions, always able to satisfy all users’ needs, with particular focus on energy-
using environmentally-friendly components. saving and limited noise emissions.
Market leader in R290 chillers
Here’s why
It is natural
Propane is an aliphatic hydrocarbon that
It is ecological
Global Warming Potential (GWP) = 3
EER: + 12%
It is efficient
It is safe
The technical measures Euroklimat
adopts for its chillers, in keeping with
compared to an equivalent R410A machine. current regulations and directives,
Wide range of uses: together with its ZERO LEAKS policy,
• HVAC mean it is possible to obtain extremely
• Process Cooling high levels of safety and guarantee
• Medium Temperature maximum reliability in all working
Natural Cooling
Natural Cooling
Natural Cooling
Pharmaceutical industry
Roche Diagnostic Mannheim | Germany
Mass retailing
Metro | Padova
Waitrose | England
Food industry
Nestlé | France
Energy Transport
Metro Copenhagen | Denmark
Cold stores
John Lewis Birmingham | England
Cooling capacity
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 [kW]
Cooling capacity
Heating capacity
0 25 50 75 100 150 200 250 275 [kW]
Cooling capacity
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 [kW]
Cooling capacity MT
Cooling capacity LT
0 10 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 [kW]
Cooling capacity
Heating capacity
0 50 100 200 400 600 800 [kW]
Process Cooling Chillers
Multiple configurations
The various configurations and the vast number
of available accessories make these units virtually
suitable for all applications and every kind of
Maintenance simplicity
The arrangement of the components has been
studied in detail in order to allow any operation of
maintenance in the simplest and safest way.
Compact footprint
The size of the units has been optimized so as to
minimize the space occupied, ensuring an easy
accessibility to all the components.
Process Cooling
Process Cooling
Process Cooling
Plastic and rubber
SevenUp Bottling Company | Nigeria
Electrolux | Hungary
Coca Cola Al Ahlia Uae | Dubai
Pepsico | Vietnam
Arvid Svenssons Metallåtervinning | Sweden
Sarok Italia
Process Cooling - Product range
New low
R410A R134a R513A GWP
1234ze refrigerants
Cooling capacity
0 50 250 300 500 600 800 1300 1400 [kW]
Cooling capacity
0 50 250 300 500 600 800 1300 1400 [kW]
Cooling capacity LT
0 10 50 100 150 200 250 300 [kW]
Cooling capacity
0 50 250 500 750 1000 1500 2000 4200 [kW]
Cooling capacity
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 [kW]
Nominal capacity
0 25 50 100 150 200 [kW]
Dry coolers
Nominal capacity
0 100 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 [kW]
All the technology available
for CRAC and CRAH
EC Fans Advanced control
Compatible with all major
Up to 50% energy saving communication protocols
compared to traditional for complete interfacing with
motors. modern supervision systems.
Expansion Valve
humidifiers FREE-COOLING
BLDC Compressor
Immersed electrode
humidifiers with a
The solutions available for energy
modulating capacity of
saving mean operating costs
the power offer precise
can be reduced by over 65%
humidity control.
compared to traditional systems.
High precision
also in the design
100+ configurations accessibility
Versions with air flow All components are positioned
upwards and downwards, rationally: in this way, the units
direct expansion working, don’t require any particular clear
water or air condensation spaces. All unit maintenance
and chilled-water battery, can be carried out from
in Dual-Cooling or Free- the front. If necessary, the
Cooling mode. panels can easily be removed,
facilitating interventions by
qualified personnel.
50+ accessories
and flexibility
The long list of
accessories available
covers all market needs,
so you can always find
the most appropriate
solution for your
Precision Air Conditioning
Data Center
German Space Operations Center | Germany
IBM | Austria
DHL | Milan
Danish Technological Institute | Denmark
Kenosistec | Milan
Metrology labs
Fca| Cassino
BMW | Munich
air-conditioning Intesa San Paolo | Milan
Aspesi | Milan
Cooling capacity
Heating capacity
0 25 50 75 100 [kW]
Cooling capacity
Heating capacity
0 25 50 75 100 [kW]
Cooling capacity
DUAL-POWER capacity
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 [kW]
Nominal capacity
0 25 50 100 150 200 [kW]
Dry coolers
Nominal capacity
0 100 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 [kW]
Chillers and heat pumps
Maintenance simplicity
The arrangement of the components has been
studied in detail in order to allow any operation of
maintenance in the simplest and safest way.
Compact footprint
The size of the units has been optimized so as to
minimize the space occupied, ensuring an easy
accessibility to all the components.
Comfort Cooling
Comfort Cooling
Comfort Cooling
Offices and business
centres Comune di Milano
Müller | Budapest
Porsche | Salzburg
Shopping centres
Supermercati il Gigante
Holiday Inn | Ufa City
Cooling capacity
Heating capacity
0 50 250 300 500 600 800 1300 1400 [kW]
Cooling capacity
0 50 250 300 500 600 800 1300 1400 [kW]
Cooling capacity
Heating capacity
0 100 250 300 400 500 700 900 1100 [kW]
Condensing units
Cooling capacity
0 100 200 300 400 500 [kW]
Nominal capacity
0 25 50 100 150 200 [kW]
Dry coolers
Nominal capacity
0 100 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 [kW]
The information obtained from the international market is sent to the head
office, and constitutes the basis for the product and organisation’s constant
growth and improvement.
and experience
Since the company was set up in 1963, Euroklimat
has been searching for new products using the latest
technology, with maximum focus on the market demands
and requests, aimed at user satisfaction.
Sales network
Besides guaranteeing a well-established presence in several
countries, internal market representatives and distributors
or branches abroad collect market feedback and send
it to the company; this lies at the root of the product or
organisation’s constant growth and improvement.
Precision design
All parts of the equipment are designed internally,
guaranteeing the necessary competence in terms of
both refrigeration-mechanics and electrics-electronics,
while respecting the applicable regulations in the various
countries of destination.
A scrupulous, sophisticated quality procedure controls the
conformity of the design with the purchased components
and product development.
and assistance
Webservice2 - web portal 24/7
Planned and designed for the specific competences, “webservice” is a web portal that
enables customers or support centres to access the detailed documentation for each
single machine: the construction drawing, electric diagram, list of spare parts, order
confirmation, instructions manual, declaration of conformity and much more.
The information is consequently always available and up-todate, also when you are
physically at the site of installation.
Thanks to the new features of WebService2, it is now possible to check in real time
the availability of spare parts for each serial number, simply by accessing the service
with your own web credentials.
After-sales service
Our organisation includes an office dedicated to after-sales technical support that is
able to offer a great number of services, such as:
• On-line technical service
• Spare parts service
• Technical intervention in situ
• Scheduled maintenance service
• Customer training courses
• External support centre training courses
“Tecno” “Comfort”
solutions Solution
The data are indicative and not binding. Euroklimat reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice.
Via Liguria, 8 Euroklimat Industrial Park, High Bay Office 24, Dubai Silicon Oasis,UAE
27010 Siziano (PV) Italy Huangjiang, Dongguan, Guangdong, China PO Box 28178, Dubai, UAE
T: +39 038 2610282 T +86 0769 8366 0888 ext. 8260 T + 971 4 3423152
E: [email protected] E: [email protected] E: [email protected]