Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Class Schedule:
February 22,2018
9:20 AM- 10:20 AM
Learning Plan
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
1. Identify the types of wastes and its classifications;
2. Illustrate how they can lessen the wastes and protect our environment and;
3. Appreciate the importance of waste management.
A. TOPIC: Safety Regulations
SUB-TOPIC: Waste Management
B. Reference: K to 12 Basic Education Technology and Livelihood Education Learning Module
(pp 38-40)
C. Instructional Materials: Television, Laptop, Blackboard, Chalk, Eraser, Tape, Printed Pictures
and Visual Aids
D. Values Integration: Honesty, Awareness, Unity
Teacher’s Activities Learner’s Activities
A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
Let’s all stand for the opening prayer The students will pray.
to be led by ____.
2. Greetings
3. Classroom Management
Before you take your sit, arrange The students will arrange their chairs and pick up
your chairs and pick up those pieces of those pieces of paper under their chairs.
paper under your chair.
Biological Hazard!
Very good! I am happy that you still
remember and understand our previous
Before we start our lesson, let’s have an The students will dance.
energizer first. Let’s dance!
6. Priming
The learners will be given time to watch The students will watch the video.
the video presentation related to the
B. Learning Tasks
1. Activity
This activity is called “Trash Me Up”.
The learners will be grouped into four.
They will identify where the given
pictures of wastes belong then paste the
pictures on the big trash can posted on
the board. After that, the learners will
identify if those wastes can affect the
human health and environment.
Is that clear?
Yes Ma’am!
2. Analysis
For those who will get the final answer
or the final topic today, there will be an
After watching the video and doing the
Trash Me Up Activity, what did you
Is there any idea formed into your mind Yes Ma’am!
what will be our topic for today?
Very good!
It’s all about trash!
What is that?
Waste Management!
Nice idea! Any other answer?
All right! What else? To have a clean and fresh air to breath.
Very good!
Very good!
If there is a solid waste, there is also Liquid Waste!
Very good! So, what is a liquid waste? Liquid Waste- includes human waste and other
Read,____. forms of waste water from different sources.
Very good!
Again, what are the two types of waste? Solid Waste and Liquid Waste!
The next one is non-biodegradable. What Non-biodegradable- wastes that cannot be broken
does it mean? Read,__. down by living microorganism.
If there is a hazardous waste, there is also Non-hazardous Waste- safe substances used
a non-hazardous waste. What do we commercially, industrially, agriculturally or
mean by non-hazardous waste? economically.
Good! What do we mean by reduce? Reduce-to buy less and use less.
Very good! The next is reuse. What does Reuse- discarded items are used again.
it mean? Read,___.
An example of reuse is an ecobag. We
can wash it after use and use again for a
Very good!
The next one is the recovery. Read what Recovery-capturing useful material from waste to
recovery is,__. energy program.
Very good! Always remember that we The students answer may vary.
need to dispose all the kinds of wastes
properly to avoid disasters and also to
have a beautiful nature living. Is that Yes Ma’am!
Very good!
How can you relate our topic to our daily The students answer may vary.
Very good!
So it is indispensable to have self –
discipline and to protect not just
ourselves but also our friendly
environment. Always remember that we
are doing this things for the next future
None Ma’am!
Are we good? Yes Ma’am!
Very good!
4. Application
Go to your respective groups. The learners will go to their respective groups to
Learners will be given 5 minutes to collaborate and to make their poster.
create a poster on how they can lessen
the wastes and protect our environment
as a student. Then, select a representative
who will explain their output.
Time is up!
The group 1 will perform.
Let us watch the work of group 1.
The group 2 will perform.
Very good! How about the group 2?
The group 3 will perform.
Nice! Then, group 3?
The group 4 will perform.
Wow! Then the last group?
Your performance is surprisingly great! The learners will do the Wow Magic Clap.
Give yourselves Wow Magic Clap!
IV. Evaluation
Choose the correct answer from the
9. Unsafe substances.
A. Non- Hazardous Waste
B. Hazardous Waste
C. Liquid Waste
D. Solid Waste
V. Assignment
Do some research about the contingency The learners will copy their assignment.
measures and procedures Write it on
your notebook.