The Affecting Factors of Reject Bottles in Bottle Washing Machine
The Affecting Factors of Reject Bottles in Bottle Washing Machine
The Affecting Factors of Reject Bottles in Bottle Washing Machine
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Technological developments and business Keywords:- Reject Bottles, Contact Time, Temperature.
today are in a very fierce competition, many companies
are trying to become the fronliner of the market leaders I. INTRODUCTION
of their products, therefore many companies are trying
to find innovation and diversification to be different Technological developments and business competition
from the others. The quality parameter is one of the today are very tight, therefore the parameters of quality and
most important things for the development of the productivity are indeed one of the factors that must be
company's business, without maintaining quality it is maintained and improved so that companies can continue to
impossible for the business to develop, and to run grow and can generate optimal profits. One of the factors
smoothly and generate optimum profit. This study that is an advantage in competing is quality. the resulting
aims to determine and analyze the effect of dirty bottle goods meet the wishes of customers or consumers, if the
conditions, caustic concentration, contact time and quality does not comply with the standards that have been
temperature on reject bottles in bottle washing set then the product will be rejected or rejected so that it
machines in relation to increasing the efficiency and will cause losses to the company and to be able to
effectiveness of production machines in a beverage understand more clearly about quality and productivity,
company. This type of research is a causal associative here are some definitions according to experts:
explanation to determine the cause and effect
relationship of several parameters and this study uses Product quality is a condition of an item based on an
the measurement from several different parameters. assessment of its conformity with a predetermined
This study uses SPSS version 23 software application to measurement standard. The more according to the
describe, analyze correlation and multiple regression of standards set, the more quality the product will be assessed
the effect of reject bottles. Based on the research results, (Handoko, 2013). According to the ISO 8402 International
it was found that a significant influence between the Standard which has been adopted into SNI 19-8402-1996
independent variables (bottle condition, caustic Quality Management and Quality Assurance, Vocabulary,
concentration, contact time and temperature) had an Quality is defined as: "the overall description and
effect on the percentage of reject bottles, but of the four characteristics of a product or service relating to the ability
parameters the most significant parameter for reject to meet or satisfy stated needs. directly or expressly or
bottles was the bottle condition factor. It is necessary to indirectly or implied "
sort the condition of the bottles, the caustic
concentration must be maintained, the caustic solution Productivity is the relationship between inputs and
is deposited to remove impurities so as to improve its outputs of a production system (Handoko, 2010), while
performance, longer contact times and high according to (Stevenson, 2013) productivity is an index that
temperatures can increase the cleaning process so as to measures output (products and services) connected to
reduce bottle rejects. inputs (labor, raw materials, energy, and other resources)
used to produce these products and services.
Based on the data above, which is taken from the the washed bottles are not up to the desired standard. This
monthly Bottle Reject report from the bottling section, the can also increase operational costs.
researchers are interested in conducting research on the
reject bottles. The reject bottles were the biggest The purpose of this paper is to determine and analyze
contributor to the delay and can be seen in the total reject the things that affect the parameters of dirty bottles, caustic
bottles in the reject bottle table from January to June, the concentration, contact time and temperature of the reject
reject bottles were 11.09%. The productivity and quality of bottles.
Multicollinearity Test
Multicollinearity test is a condition in which X (free)
variables are correlated with one another. If a multiple
regression equation occurs multicollinearity between the
independent variables, the variables that have collinearity
Fig 1:- Multiple Linear Regression do not provide any information on the variable. Therefore,
a good multiple regression equation is one that is free from
Figure 1 multiple linear regression can be depicted or the multicollinearity between the independent variables.
illustrated like the picture. Symptoms of multicollinearity can be detected using
Pearson Correlation and Tolerance value and Variant
Multiple linear analysis is used to determine the Inflation Factor (VIF). The tolerance value limit is 0.10 and
relationship between the independent variable and the the VIF limit is 10. If the tolerance value is below 0.10 or
dependent variable, namely between the condition of the the VIF value is above 10, it can be ascertained that
bottle (X1), caustic concentration (X2), contact time (X3), multicollinearity has occurred (Ghozali, 2013: 232). The
temperature (X4) and the reject bottle (Y), so that the multicollinearity test uses the VIF (Variance Inflation
multiple liner equation used are: Factor) amount as in table 3.
Y = a + β1X1-β2X2-β3X3-β4X4 + €
Where the values of X1> 1 and X2, X3, X4 <1 Coefficientsa
Information: Collinearity Statistics
Y = Reject bottle variable
Model Tolerance VIF
a = Constant
β1, β2, β3, β4 = multiple regression coefficient 1 Kondisi Botol .289 3.464
X1 = The condition of the bottle Kosentrasi Kaustik .864 1.158
X2 = Caustic concentration Waktu Kontak .465 2.150
X3 = Contact time
X4 = Temperature Temperatur .466 2.147
€ = error a. Dependent Variabel: Reject Bottle
Table 3:- Multicollinearity Test with VIF
Based on table 3, it can be seen whether or not there is
Descriptive Statistical Analysis a multicollinearity problem in the variables studied. The
Descriptive statistical analysis of research data was basis for decision making used is the amount of VIF
used to determine the characteristics of each variable of the (Variance Inflation Factor) and Tolerance where the
condition of dirty bottles, caustic concentration, contact guidelines for a regression model that is free from
time, high temperature and reject bottles in the form of the multicollinearity must have a VIF value below 10 and have
average data value, minimum value, maximum value and a Tolerance number above 0.10.
standard deviation presented in table 2.
Based on the table above in the coefficient column, it
Descriptive Statistics can be seen that the variable condition of the dirty bottle,
Std. caustic concentration, contact time and temperature, the
N Min Max Mean Deviation VIF number is below 10 (dirty bottle condition = 3,464,
caustic concentration = 1.158, contact time = 2,150, and
Kondisi Botol 87 1 3 1.53 .713 temperature = 2.147) . Likewise, the Tolerance value is
Kosentrasi 87 1.61 2.50 2.1445 .17263 above 0.10 (dirty bottle condition = 0.289, caustic
Kaustik concentration = 0.864, contact time = 0.665, and
Waktu Kontak 87 9.90 18.00 11.3310 2.16173 temperature = 0.466). Thus it can be concluded that the
regression model does not have multicollinearity problems
Temperatur 87 80.00 86.10 85.0656 1.44789
based on the VIF and Tolerance quantities.
Botol Reject 87 2.03 18.88 5.7402 3.52084
Valid N 87
Table 2:- Descriptive Statistics of Research Data
Sumber: Hasil Perhitungan SPSS
The hypotheses for the t-test case are:
HO: Ƿx1234y = 0, there is no influence between variable X
and variable Y.
H1: Ƿx1234y ± 0, there is an influence between variable X
and variable Y.