The Affecting Factors of Reject Bottles in Bottle Washing Machine

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Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The Affecting Factors of Reject

Bottles in Bottle Washing Machine
Denny Tjatur Indarto Magister Management Program Mercubuana University Jakarta, Indonesia
Niken Sulistyowati Magister Management Program Mercubuana University Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract:- Technological developments and business Keywords:- Reject Bottles, Contact Time, Temperature.
today are in a very fierce competition, many companies
are trying to become the fronliner of the market leaders I. INTRODUCTION
of their products, therefore many companies are trying
to find innovation and diversification to be different Technological developments and business competition
from the others. The quality parameter is one of the today are very tight, therefore the parameters of quality and
most important things for the development of the productivity are indeed one of the factors that must be
company's business, without maintaining quality it is maintained and improved so that companies can continue to
impossible for the business to develop, and to run grow and can generate optimal profits. One of the factors
smoothly and generate optimum profit. This study that is an advantage in competing is quality. the resulting
aims to determine and analyze the effect of dirty bottle goods meet the wishes of customers or consumers, if the
conditions, caustic concentration, contact time and quality does not comply with the standards that have been
temperature on reject bottles in bottle washing set then the product will be rejected or rejected so that it
machines in relation to increasing the efficiency and will cause losses to the company and to be able to
effectiveness of production machines in a beverage understand more clearly about quality and productivity,
company. This type of research is a causal associative here are some definitions according to experts:
explanation to determine the cause and effect
relationship of several parameters and this study uses Product quality is a condition of an item based on an
the measurement from several different parameters. assessment of its conformity with a predetermined
This study uses SPSS version 23 software application to measurement standard. The more according to the
describe, analyze correlation and multiple regression of standards set, the more quality the product will be assessed
the effect of reject bottles. Based on the research results, (Handoko, 2013). According to the ISO 8402 International
it was found that a significant influence between the Standard which has been adopted into SNI 19-8402-1996
independent variables (bottle condition, caustic Quality Management and Quality Assurance, Vocabulary,
concentration, contact time and temperature) had an Quality is defined as: "the overall description and
effect on the percentage of reject bottles, but of the four characteristics of a product or service relating to the ability
parameters the most significant parameter for reject to meet or satisfy stated needs. directly or expressly or
bottles was the bottle condition factor. It is necessary to indirectly or implied "
sort the condition of the bottles, the caustic
concentration must be maintained, the caustic solution Productivity is the relationship between inputs and
is deposited to remove impurities so as to improve its outputs of a production system (Handoko, 2010), while
performance, longer contact times and high according to (Stevenson, 2013) productivity is an index that
temperatures can increase the cleaning process so as to measures output (products and services) connected to
reduce bottle rejects. inputs (labor, raw materials, energy, and other resources)
used to produce these products and services.

Table 1:- Bottle Reject January-June 2019

Source: Monthly Report of Reject Bottle in Packaging 2019 PTD

Based on the data above, which is taken from the the washed bottles are not up to the desired standard. This
monthly Bottle Reject report from the bottling section, the can also increase operational costs.
researchers are interested in conducting research on the
reject bottles. The reject bottles were the biggest The purpose of this paper is to determine and analyze
contributor to the delay and can be seen in the total reject the things that affect the parameters of dirty bottles, caustic
bottles in the reject bottle table from January to June, the concentration, contact time and temperature of the reject
reject bottles were 11.09%. The productivity and quality of bottles.

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Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
II. THEORITICAL REVIEW The movement of the rinse section, the rinse section is
a series of gradual dissolution, fresh water continues to
 Factors Affecting the Performance of a Bottle Washing flow from the final rinse section to the pre-rinse section
Machine however water can cause scaling faster at higher
The results of the bottle washing machine work, there temperatures and pH. It is necessary to do descaling
are many factors that affect the results and some of these regularly by means of acid chemical circulation.
factors can be controlled and carried out so that the work
results can match the desired quality (Ecolab Chemical  Temperature / heating
Aspects in the Bottle Washing Process, 2017), namely: The temperature required for the bottles to be clean
and sanitary and the chemical activation of the caustics is
 Mechanical condition of the bottle washer doubled with each heating up to 10 ° C, for example, the
The mechanical condition of the bottle washer is an cleaning power of caustic at 80 ° C is 32 times greater than
important factor that determines the efficiency and cost of at 30 ° C.
production and usually the lack of cleaning power is always
compensated for by increasing the concentration of  Pressure and nozzle size
chemicals. Regular and planned maintenance is very The nozzle should conform to the recommended, very
important as well as daily inspection of bottle washing alignment of the nozzle. It is important and clogged nozzle
machines such as: operating conditions T, P, C should also be avoided, the caustic solution must reach the
(temperature, water pressure, chemical concentration), bottom of the bottle to remove soft dirt, the flow of the
control sensor level sensors, sensor temperature, sensor washing solution in and out of the bottle must be balanced
conductivity to ensure the percentage of caustic for proper and correct hydraulic action.
concentration, The dosing system for additive auxiliary
injection as well as the accuracy of the sprayer nozzle and  Bottled chemicals
the cleanliness of the filter are also quite important factors Caustic is a chemical that is aggressive. The functions
and must be controlled. of caustic are: it can destroy microorganisms, dissolve
organic impurities, dissolve glue on paper labels, dissolve
 The condition of the return bottle or used bottle aluminum. The function of caustic as described above, but
Cultural and climatic conditions have a big effect on caustic also has several weaknesses, namely: dirt can be
the degree and type of dirt contained in the bottles, normal removed but can be repel back on the same surface, shoes
conditions are only leftover beer, dirty bottles have sand, do not have dirt dispersing properties, caustic can react
mold and rust impurities, bottles that are stored for too long with the hardness of water to form insoluble deposits,
have insect egg droppings, larvae and damaged labels, caustic cannot dissolve Inorganic dirt, therefore, usually the
bottles that cannot be cleaned have paint, oil and cement in caustic solution is added with an additive which functions
them. to reduce the surface tension so that the washing solution
can easily enter under the label.
 Labels, printing inks and adhesives
For labels, it can be easily removed if the label is  Time of contact of bottles and washing solution
intact and is not damaged or torn because the removal of The longer the time, the better the cleaning power, but
the label is a combination of the functions of contact time, this will be taken into account with the efficiency over time
caustic concentration, surface tension and mechanical as well.
action, namely the rinsing water pressure. This printing ink
will have a little effect on the label removal process, the III. METODOLOGY
label adhesive material can also have a significant effect on
the label removal process and usually when using glue with This study uses secondary data from reject data on the
the casein base type it is very easy to come off in the EBI (Empty Bottle Rejecter) machine and there are 4
washing machine but not so strong or fast when it comes independent variables to be examined, namely X1 = Bottle
off. label soaked in cold water. Condition, X2 = Caustic Concentration, X3 = Contact
Time, X4 = Temperature and 1 dependent variable, namely
 Water quality and movement in the rinse side. Y = reject bottle. Researchers analyzed the data using
Water with a high hardness level is not good and a Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) version 23,
high content of insoluble salt can cause: white coating on the authors used multiple regression analysis, which is an
the surface of the bottle, movement of the heating element / analysis tool that can predict the value of the effect between
pipe and movement of the engine, pipe filters and nozzles. two or more independent variables (X) on one dependent
variable (Y) in order to prove there is not. the functional
relationship between two or more independent variables
(X) to one dependent variable (Y).

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Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Data Normality Test
From the test results with the Kolmogorov Smirnov
method in table 2. It can be seen that the value of each
variable in Asym.Sig. (2-tailed) is greater than 0.05, this
means that all the data tested are normally distributed and
fit for use in further research.

 Multicollinearity Test
Multicollinearity test is a condition in which X (free)
variables are correlated with one another. If a multiple
regression equation occurs multicollinearity between the
independent variables, the variables that have collinearity
Fig 1:- Multiple Linear Regression do not provide any information on the variable. Therefore,
a good multiple regression equation is one that is free from
Figure 1 multiple linear regression can be depicted or the multicollinearity between the independent variables.
illustrated like the picture. Symptoms of multicollinearity can be detected using
Pearson Correlation and Tolerance value and Variant
Multiple linear analysis is used to determine the Inflation Factor (VIF). The tolerance value limit is 0.10 and
relationship between the independent variable and the the VIF limit is 10. If the tolerance value is below 0.10 or
dependent variable, namely between the condition of the the VIF value is above 10, it can be ascertained that
bottle (X1), caustic concentration (X2), contact time (X3), multicollinearity has occurred (Ghozali, 2013: 232). The
temperature (X4) and the reject bottle (Y), so that the multicollinearity test uses the VIF (Variance Inflation
multiple liner equation used are: Factor) amount as in table 3.
Y = a + β1X1-β2X2-β3X3-β4X4 + €
Where the values of X1> 1 and X2, X3, X4 <1 Coefficientsa
Information: Collinearity Statistics
Y = Reject bottle variable
Model Tolerance VIF
a = Constant
β1, β2, β3, β4 = multiple regression coefficient 1 Kondisi Botol .289 3.464
X1 = The condition of the bottle Kosentrasi Kaustik .864 1.158
X2 = Caustic concentration Waktu Kontak .465 2.150
X3 = Contact time
X4 = Temperature Temperatur .466 2.147
€ = error a. Dependent Variabel: Reject Bottle
Table 3:- Multicollinearity Test with VIF
Based on table 3, it can be seen whether or not there is
 Descriptive Statistical Analysis a multicollinearity problem in the variables studied. The
Descriptive statistical analysis of research data was basis for decision making used is the amount of VIF
used to determine the characteristics of each variable of the (Variance Inflation Factor) and Tolerance where the
condition of dirty bottles, caustic concentration, contact guidelines for a regression model that is free from
time, high temperature and reject bottles in the form of the multicollinearity must have a VIF value below 10 and have
average data value, minimum value, maximum value and a Tolerance number above 0.10.
standard deviation presented in table 2.
Based on the table above in the coefficient column, it
Descriptive Statistics can be seen that the variable condition of the dirty bottle,
Std. caustic concentration, contact time and temperature, the
N Min Max Mean Deviation VIF number is below 10 (dirty bottle condition = 3,464,
caustic concentration = 1.158, contact time = 2,150, and
Kondisi Botol 87 1 3 1.53 .713 temperature = 2.147) . Likewise, the Tolerance value is
Kosentrasi 87 1.61 2.50 2.1445 .17263 above 0.10 (dirty bottle condition = 0.289, caustic
Kaustik concentration = 0.864, contact time = 0.665, and
Waktu Kontak 87 9.90 18.00 11.3310 2.16173 temperature = 0.466). Thus it can be concluded that the
regression model does not have multicollinearity problems
Temperatur 87 80.00 86.10 85.0656 1.44789
based on the VIF and Tolerance quantities.
Botol Reject 87 2.03 18.88 5.7402 3.52084
Valid N 87
Table 2:- Descriptive Statistics of Research Data
Sumber: Hasil Perhitungan SPSS

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Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Linearity Testing A. Multiple Regression Equation Analysis
Linearity testing is intended to show that the average
obtained from the sample data group lies in straight lines. Coefficientsa
The linearity test of the research variables is presented in
Unstandardized Standardized
table 4. From the table above, it can be seen whether or not
Coefficients Coefficients
linearity occurs in the variables studied. The basis for
making decisions about linearity is to use the Durbin Std.
Watson magnitude which in general can be taken Model B Error Beta t Sig.
benchmarks, namely: (Constant) 60.818 16.657 3.651 .000
Kondisi Botol 3.862 .496 .782 7.791 .000
Model Summaryb Kosentrasi -2.871 1.183 -.141 - .017
Model Durbin-Watson Kaustik 2.427
1 1.356a Waktu Kontak -.415 .129 -.255 - .002
a. Predictors: (Constant), Temperatur, Kosentrasi Kaustik, Temperatur -.589 .192 -.242 - .003
Waktu Kontak, Kondisi Botol 3.068
a. Dependent Variabel: Botol Reject
b. Dependent Variable: Botol Reject
Table 5:- Multiple Regression Equation Output
Table 4:- Linearity Test Source: SPSS Calculation Results
Source: SPSS Calculation Results
Multiple regression equation formula:
a. A D-W number below -2 means no linearity. Y = 60,818 + 3,862 X1 - 2,871 X2 - 0,415 X3 - 0,589
b. The D-W numbers are between -2 to +2, meaning there X4 + €
is linearity.
c. A D-W number above +2 means that there is negative This equation means
linearity.  If there is no change in the X1, X2, X3 and X4 variables
or the respective values are 0 (constant), the reject
Based on table 4 above, it can be seen in the Model bottles (Y) at PT Delta will increase by 60,818 bottles
Summary section, it can be seen that the D-W number is  If there is an increase in the level of the bottle condition
1.356 which is between -2 to +2, this means that the variable (X1) by one unit, the reject bottle variable (Y)
regression model above has linearity. will increase by 3,862 from the type of bottle being fed
and or vice versa assuming X2, X3 and X4 are fixed.
 Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression
 If there is an increase in the caustic concentration
In the following, we will analyze all the data obtained
variable (X2) by one unit, the reject bottle variable (Y)
from PT Delta using the SPSS (Statistical Product and
will decrease by 2.871 and or vice versa with the
Service Solution) application program version 21 with
assumption that X1, X3 and X4 are fixed.
multiple regression and correlation analysis, where the
 If there is an increase in the contact time variable (X3)
variables are dirty bottle condition (X1), caustic
by one unit, then the reject bottle variable (Y) will
concentration (X2), time high temperature contact (X3)
experience a decrease of 0.415% and or vice versa with
(X4) and reject bottle (Y).
the assumption that X1, X2 and X4 are fixed.
This research data analysis is used to answer the  If there is an increase in the temperature variable (X4)
by one unit, then the reject bottle variable (Y) will
objectives of the study which include:
decrease by 0.589% or vice versa assuming X1, X2 and
 To find out and analyze things that affect the parameters
X3 are fixed.
of the dirty bottles against the reject bottles.
 To find out and analyze the things that affect the caustic B. Analysis of the Coefficient of Determination (R2)
concentration of the reject bottles.
The coefficient of determination describes the
 To determine and analyze the things that affect the closeness of the relationship between the X and Y variables
contact time of the reject bottles. or in this case the closeness of the relationship between the
 To know and analyze the things that affect the bottle condition variables, caustic concentration, contact
temperature of the reject bottles. time and temperature with the reject bottle variables.
Furthermore, based on data processing output, the
following will be discussed about:

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Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Model Summaryb  Simultaneous Effect Test (Test F)
Testing of two independent variables X
R Adjusted R Std. Error of the
simultaneously (together) on the dependent variable Y is
Model R Square Square Estimate
carried out by using the F test, namely through the
1 .873a .762 .750 1.76028 following procedures: (Santoso, 2010)
a. Predictors: (Constant), Temperature, Caustic
Concentration, Contact Time, Bottle Condition  Make a hypothesis:
b. Dependent Variable: Reject Bottle
The hypothesis for the F-test submission case is:
Table 6:- Results of the Output Coefficient of
Determination (R2) Ho: x1234y = 0, there is no influence between variable X
and variable Y.
Based on the results of data processing output, it can H1: x1234y 0, there is an influence between variable X
be seen that the Mutipple R square point is 0.762, so the and variable Y.
coefficient of determination between the variables of bottle
condition, caustic concentration, contact time and  Determine F table and F count
temperature of the reject bottle is 0.762. The correlation of The level of significance is 5% (α = 0.05) degree of
0.762 proves that the variable condition of the bottle, freedom: from the SPSS output in the ANOVA section and
caustic concentration, contact time and temperature of the the df column: obtained numerator = 4 and denumerator =
reject bottles at PT Delta has a strong and significant 82, then F (0.05: 4: 82) is obtained ± 2,483. The results of
relationship or R is close to +1. the Ftable calculation used the Excell 2010 program with
the F.INV.RT formula (0.05: 4: 82)
 Partial Effect Test (t test)
The regression coefficient testing aims to test the
significance of the relationship between the X and Y
variables, either partially or simultaneously (together).
(Santoso, 2010)

 Hypothesis
The hypotheses for the t-test case are:
HO: Ƿx1234y = 0, there is no influence between variable X
and variable Y.
H1: Ƿx1234y ± 0, there is an influence between variable X
and variable Y.

 Determine t tabel and t count

The level of significance is 5% (α = 0.05)
Degree of freedom (df) = (n-p-1)
Where: n = amount of data, p = number of variable X then Table 7:- Simultaneous Effect Test Output (Test F)
(df) = 87-4-1 = 82 and for t (0.05: 82) on t table get ±
1.989. The results of t-table calculations used the Excell  By comparing F table and F count
2010 program with the T.INV.2T formula (0.05: 82)
If F count> F table, then Ho rejects
By comparing ttable and tcount: If F count <F table, then Ho is accepted
If tcount> ttable, then Ho rejects Based on the table above, it is obtained that Fcount
If tcount <ttable, then Ho is accepted (65.514) is greater than Ftable (2.483), then Ho is rejected
or H1 is accepted, meaning that the variables of dirty bottle
From table 4. It can be seen that the bottle condition condition, caustic concentration, contact time and
variable (7,791) is greater than t table (1.989), the bottle temperature together have a significant effect on the reject
condition has a significant positive effect on the reject bottle variable.
bottle, the caustic concentration variable (-2,427) is greater
than t table (± 1.989) then the caustic concentration has a  Hypothesis Testing
significant negative effect for reject bottles, the variable Based on the results of the following analysis, hypothesis
contact time (-3,220) is greater than t table (± 1.989) then testing will be discussed as follows:
the contact time has a significant negative effect on the
reject bottles. While the temperature variable (-3.068) is
 Hypothesis 1 (H1)
greater than t table (± 1.989), the temperature has a
Based on the results of the "t" test, it was found that t
negative and significant effect on the reject bottles.
count = 7,791> t table = ± 1.989 then Ho was rejected and
Ha was accepted, which means that there was a significant
influence between the X1 variable (bottle condition) on the
Y variable (reject bottle).

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Volume 5, Issue 8, August – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Based on the research results, hypothesis 1 which The results of this study were the variable condition of
states that the condition of the dirty bottle has a positive the dirty bottles that had the most influence on the size of
effect on the reject bottle can be accepted. the reject bottles.

 Hypothesis 2 (H2) B. Suggestions

Based on the results of the "t" test, it was found that Based on the conclusions of the research results,
tcount = -2.427> ttb = ± 1.989, so Ho was rejected and Ha several suggestions that might be useful for the company
was accepted, which means that there was a significant and other researchers are as follows:
influence between the X2 variable (caustic concentration)  The dirty bottle condition variable has a significant
on the Y variable (reject bottle). effect on the reject bottle variable. For this reason, the
company should strive for the condition of the bottles
Based on the results of these studies, hypothesis 2 not to be too dirty or by sorting them first so that there
which states that caustic concentration has a negative effect are no bottles to be fed to the bottle washing machine or
on reject bottles is acceptable. a few bottles that are in the Very Dirty Bottle category
so that it can reduce the occurrence of reject bottles
 Hypothesis 3 (H3) (Sanmiguel School of Brewing, Fundamental of
Based on the results of the "t" test, it was found that Engineering and Packaging Course Book, 2017).
tcount = -2.137> ttb = ± 1.989, so Ho was rejected and Ha  Caustic concentration has a significant negative effect
was accepted, which means that there was a significant on the reject bottle variable. For this reason, the
negative effect between variable X3 (contact time) on company should pay attention to the percentage of
variable Y (reject bottle). caustic concentration of 2.4% - 2.5% and preferably the
caustic solution that is in the tub of washing the bottle at
Based on these results, hypothesis 3 which states that least once a week is deposited in the settling tank so that
contact time has a negative effect on reject bottles can be dirt and sludge deposits in the caustic solution can be
accepted. reduced so that its effectiveness caustic solution is
better and can reduce the occurrence of reject bottles
 Hypothesis 4 (H4) (Sanmiguel School of Brewing, Fundamental of
Based on the results of the "t" test, it was found that Engineering and Packaging Course Book, 2017).
tcount = -3.068> ttb = ± 1.989, so Ho was rejected and Ha  The contact time variable has a negative effect on the
was accepted, which means that there was a significant reject bottle variable. For this reason, the company
influence between the X4 variable (temperature) on the Y should also pay attention to the optimal contact time of
variable (reject bottle). bottles to washing solutions so that they can suppress
the occurrence of reject bottles (Manual Book Bottle
Based on the results of this study, hypothesis 4 which Washer Lavatec KD-2-663, German, 1996)
states that the condition of dirty bottles, caustic  The high temperature variable has a significant negative
concentration, contact time and high temperature effect on the reject bottle variable. For this reason, the
simultaneously affects the reject bottles can be accepted. company must be able to pay attention to the optimal
high temperature of bottle washing when washing
Based on the results of multiple regression tests, the bottles between 85oC to 86oC so that it can reduce the
coefficient of determination (R2) is 76.2%. This means that occurrence of reject bottles, but if the temperature of the
the independent variables (condition of dirty bottles, caustic caustic solution is too high it will cause significant
concentration, contact time and temperature) contributed broken bottles (Sanmiguel School of Brewing,
76.2% to the dependent variable (reject bottles) while the Fundamental of Engineering and Packaging Course
remaining 23.8% was influenced by other factors which Book, 2017).
were not examined.
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