Malware Adware Example
Malware Adware Example
Malware Adware Example
SECURITY ISSUES: THREATS TO COMPUTERS & Computer crimes can be categorized into
COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS two which is illegal
perpetrated against computer
There are many threats to computer and the
or telecommunications and use of
communication system which are error, accident
and natural hazards. computer and telecommunications to
accomplish illegal acts by using the
HUMAN ERRORS computer as a tool
Humans often are not good at assessing Other examples of computer crimes
their own information theft of hardware
Humans emotions effect their performance theft of software
Humans perceptions are slower compared theft of intellectual properties
to the equipment information overload to theft of time and services
humans can sometimes be a problem theft of information.
• When people fail to follow the steps and AND COMMUNICATION
instruction prepared, error tends to occur
Security is a system or software of safeguard for
SOFTWARE ERRORS protecting information technology against
facing disaster, system failures, and
• Software malware or bug : causes a program
also unauthorized access that can result in damage
or software to not run properly
and lost.
The process of altering and changing a data 3. Having "nothing to hide" doesn't cut it anymore.
into unreadable form to prevent We must all do whatever we can to safeguard our
unauthorized access personal privacy. Taking the steps outlined below
Advantage is data is available over the can not only give you some sanctuary from
internet spreading surveillance tactics but also help keep
Disadvantage is law officer may not be able you safe from cyber attackers.
to read the data.
4. Protection of software and data
Known as PII, this can include your name, physical
Restrict access to online files; use home address, email address, telephone numbers,
transaction logs\ date of birth, marital status, Social Security
Use audit controls to track who used what numbers (US)/National Insurance numbers (UK),
programs and servers, which files were and other information relating to your medical
opened, and so on status, family members, employment, and
Use people controls—screen applicants; do education
background checks;
monitor Internet, email, and computer Data management is at the heart of privacy
usage; use shredders for discarded
documents and materials Data is a vague concept and can encompass such a
wide range of information that it is worth briefly
5. Disaster recovery plan breaking down different collections before
examining how each area is relevant to your
Method of retrieving important data and privacy and security.
information after a disaster has happened
Data storage system must be kept WHY DOES IT MATTER?
separately and data have to be backed up
Back up all data and keep in mainframes in
different positions
All this data, whether lost in different data Is a powerful presentation software
breaches or stolen piecemeal through phishing developed by Microsoft
campaigns, can provide attackers with enough It is a standard component of the
information to conduct identity theft, take out
company’s Microsoft Office suit software,
loans using your name, and potentially
compromise online accounts that rely on security and is bundled together with word, Excel
questions being answered correctly. In the wrong and other Office productivity
hands, this information can also prove to be a gold is a slideshow presentation program first
mine for advertisers lacking a moral backbone. developed by Forethought, Inc. for the
Macintosh computer in 1987
Microsoft has released several updated
Internet activity is monitored by an Internet Service versions, each offering more features and
Provider (ISP) and can be hijacked. While there is incorporating better technology than the
little consumers we can do about attacks at this one before it. The most current version
level, the web pages you visit can also be tracked of Microsoft PowerPoint is available
by cookies, which are small bits of text that are in Office 365
downloaded and stored by your browser. Browser
plugins may also track your activity across multiple Parts of MS PowerPoint
Office Button- is located on the upper-left
corner of the PowerPoint window
SECURE OTHER BROWSERS Quick access toolbar- is the collection of
Cookies: Clearing out your cookie caches and button that provide one click access to
browser histories can prevent ad networks from commonly used commands such as
collecting too much information about you. The o Save- to save files
easiest way to do so is to clear the cache o Undo- to rollback action taken
(Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Edge). o Redo- to reapply an action you
rolled back
HTTP v. HTTPS: When you visit a website address,
you will be met with either Hypertext Transfer Title bar – it is located at the top in the
Protocol (HTTP) or Hypertext Transfer Protocol center of the PowerPoint window. It
Secure (HTTPS). The latter option uses a layer of displays the presentation name followed by
encryption to enable secure communication a program name
between a browser and a server. Menu bar- it contains a list of options to
manage and customize PowerPoint
Cookies are used to personalize internet Toolbars- below the menu bar. And there
experiences and this can include tailored are 16 different toolbars. The two most
advertising. However, such tracking can go too far, common ones are the Standard and
as shown when the unique identifiers added to a Formatting Toolbar. When several toolbars
cookie are then used across different services and are docked on the same row, they might
on various marketing platforms. Such practices are show only the buttons that you have used
often considered intrusive. most recently.
Microsoft PowerPoint
Minimize Button- a feature of a graphics Slide show- this view is used to display each
based operating system that hides the slide full screen the way your audience will
application currently on screen see it
Maximize Button- a feature of a graphic Zoom control- is used for magnifying and
based operating system that enlarges the shrinking of active PowerPoint presentation
window to the size of the screen
Close Button- a button in the upper right
corner of a window with an “X” in it. It close
Digital Laws and Ethics in Business
the program running in the current window
Outline and Sliders Tabbed pane- allows Computer and Internet Crimes
the user to easily view the presentation in
outline format (text), as well as a list of all Computer Crimes or Cybercrime
the slides in the presentation (with visuals) Refers to any crimes that involves a
Slide- the area which will be displayed as computer and a network , where the
full screen when viewed in Slide Show computer may or may not have played an
mode instrumental part in the commission of a
Placeholders- displayed as dotted lines crime
which allows you to identify where you can Refers more precisely o criminal
add text and insert elements such as images exploitation of the internet
and tables
Insertion Point- it is the blink vertical line in Two types of Computer Crimes
your presentation. It indicates where you
1. Crimes that target computer network or
can enter text on the slide
devices directly
Ruler- it used to set the alignment and
2. Crimes facilitated computer networks or
margins of the elements in the presentation
devices, the primary target of which is
Vertical Scrollbar- a scroll bar to use when
independent of the computer network or
you want to scroll vertically through the
PowerPoint window
Horizontal Scrollbar- a scroll bar to use Exploit
when you want to scroll horizontally
Is an attack on an information system that
through the PowerPoint window
takes advantage of a particular system
Status Bar- displays slide position and the
type of design in PowerPoint
Notes Areas-a place that you add notes to Types of Exploits
each slides content
Normal View – the most commonly used 1. Computer Viruses
view to create, edit or modify your 2. Worms
PowerPoint presentation 3. Trojan Horse
Slide Sorter View- is commonly used to 4. Botnet
delete slides, rearrange, slides, cut, copy or 5. Distributed Denial of service attacks
paste slides 6. Rootkit
7. Email Spam
8. Phishing Refers to listening to, recording, monitoring
9. Computer Fraud or surveillance of the content of
communication, including procurement of
the content of data, either directly through
Types of Perpetrators access and use of a computer system or
indirectly through the use of electronic
1. Hackers eavesdropping or tapping devices at the
2. Malicious Insider same time that the communication is
3. Industrial Spies occurring
4. Cybercriminals
5. Hacktivism and Cybertererrorist Offenses against the Confidentiality, Integrity and
Availability of Computer Data and System
Cyber Crime Law
1. Illegal Access
Republic Act No. 10175 2. Illegal Interception
o An act defining cybercrime, 3. Data Interference
providing for the prevention, 4. System Interference
investigation, suppression and the 5. Misuse of Devices
imposition of penalties thereof and 6. Cyber- squatting
for other purpose
Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 (RA No. Computer- Related Offense
8792) 1. Computer Forgery
o An act providing for the recognition 2. Computer Related Fraud
and use of electronic commercial 3. Computer Related Identity Theft
and non-commercial transactions
and documents, penalties for Content Related Offenses
unlawful use thereof and for other
1. Cybersex
2. Child Pornography
ACCESS 3. Unsolicited Commercial Communication
4. Libel
Refers to the instruction, communication
with, storing data in, retrieving data from,
or otherwise making use of any resources of
a computer system of communication
network Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics