White Paper 2014-5-01 Diesel Displacement Final

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Natural Gas Fuel for

Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing

May 2014

Diesel Displacement / Dual Fuel & Bi-Fuel

Part of a series of white papers concerning the use of natural gas to power drilling and hydraulic fracturing operations.
Other topics include: Basics of Power & Fuel, Turbine Power, Natural Gas Fueling, LNG, CNG, Field/Wellhead Gas, Cost, Electrification

As the reality of America’s natural gas age comes into view, it seems fitting that more of the equipment used to
free that gas will also be powered by it. As a cleaner fuel, natural gas offers the promise of reducing emissions,
site footprint and cost.

Operators and service companies are seeking answers even as the questions change. Purveyors of equipment
are innovating to improve and adapt their technologies. The solutions for the near term may not be the best fit
with the ultimate vision of all-gas power for drilling and hydraulic fracturing. Understanding the state of
development for these technologies can assist in making informed decisions about investment in the near and
longer term. Together with our partners in industry and academia, the Environmentally Friendly Drilling
Systems Program (EFD) is exploring the important issues around natural gas fuel.

Increasing supplies of gas in North America, together with tightening of emissions regulations and volatility in
diesel fuel pricing are key factors driving the “switch to gas” as a fuel of choice for drilling and hydraulic
fracturing. Synergistically, technologies to more efficiently and effectively deliver and utilize gas fuel are
rapidly evolving. Gas fuel will increasingly power not only drilling and hydraulic fracturing, but also railroad
locomotives, shipping, and over-the-road transportation.

In recent years, petroleum exploration and development has led adoption of natural gas fuel as an alternative to
diesel. Gas power for drilling has been steadily increasing for some time, whereas gas-powered hydraulic
fracturing has become a reality only within the past two years. Advances in dual fuel diesel technology, turbines
and electrification are drawing increasingly greater interest in gas fuel.

There are three principal categories of engine/power technology being deployed:

 Diesel Displacement (Dual Fuel and Bi-fuel)
 Spark-Ignited Dedicated
 Turbine

Each of these power technologies have advantages and limitations to consider for a specific application. Diesel
displacement by means of introducing natural gas into the diesel combustion process is well-developed and
flexible, finding broad and growing adoption. Diesel engines can be adapted to utilize gas in co-combustion
with diesel fuel, retaining desirable flexibility in power delivery while displacing significant amounts of diesel
fuel. These types of systems are referred to as dual fuel, bi-fuel or mixed fuel engines.

Spark-ignited (SI), dedicated gas engines running exclusively on natural gas fuel have a strong history of
reliability in high-horsepower service. The burgeoning gas-powered equipment market is driving advances in SI
engines for power generation and other applications. SI engines are well-suited for sustained steady load, and
are used for electric power generation in drilling. Ancillary electrical system components are used for energy
storage to accommodate operational demands. Additionally, conventional diesel or dual fuel diesel engines may
be used as a complement with SI engines to supply the high transient load response needed during certain
operations such as tripping pipe.

Environmentally Friendly Drilling Systems

Turbine technology is highly versatile and well-suited to many energy development power needs. Turbines can
accommodate a number of combustible fuels, and are configured in varied ways. Smaller turbines are being
used to directly power hydraulic fracturing pumps. Larger turbines have been widely used for stationary or
mobile electric power generation and will increasing be deployed to utilize the expanding supply of natural gas.
In many instances, natural gas turbine and SI engines are also displacing diesel, not as dual fuel or bi-fuel, but
because the power produced might otherwise have been generated using diesel fuel.

Natural gas is generally regarded as a cleaner fuel that diesel, producing less Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Oxides
of Nitrogen (NOx) from combustion. Where natural gas supplants diesel fuel in dual fuel engines, SI engines or
turbines, there are significant differences in emissions. Some criteria pollutants are significantly reduced.
Ongoing study in the research community is aimed at more complete understanding of the respective engine
emission profiles for these evolving technologies.

Diesel displacement by introducing natural gas as a concurrently combusted fuel source is known as “dual fuel”
or “bi-fuel” technology. Though both of these terms are used to describe this approach, both can be identified as
“mixed fuel”. In general, both terms are broadly used to designate the use of natural gas with diesel combustion.
For the purposes of this paper, the term “dual fuel” will be used to designate compression-ignition reciprocating
engines that have the capability to co-combust diesel fuel with natural gas. Dual fuel diesel engines can operate
on diesel only, offering the flexibility to continue operations even if gas fuel is unavailable. The term “bi-fuel”
will be taken to mean any engine that can utilize either gas or diesel, separately, but not both together. An
example of this would be turbines that can use a multiple of fuels, such as diesel or natural gas, individually but
not together in co-combustion.

Dual Fuel Reciprocating Engines

In most dual fuel systems used in the oilfield natural gas fuel in
vapor phase at low pressure is introduced into the air intake system
of the engine. Diesel fuel is introduced directly into the combustion
chamber near the end of the compression stroke. The two fuels
blend together in a lean mixture and are ignited by compression (no
spark plug) in the engine cylinder. Dual fuel in this configuration
offers many of the operational advantages of conventional diesel
power. In particular, dual fuel diesels offer similar high transient
load response so important in hydraulic fracturing operations and
have been proven to function well in this application. Dual fuel
diesel engines can also run solely on diesel should gas fuel be

Systems of this type are available as aftermarket retrofit kits for

existing diesel engines or as part of an Original Equipment
Manufacturer (OEM) package. There are important Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) regulations concerning the certification of
diesel engines to meet emissions standards. These regulations and
standards also apply to the systems designed to integrate natural gas
fuel, either as part of an OEM package or as an aftermarket kit.


Natural gas fuel can be substituted for diesel fuel in varying proportions according to operating conditions. Dual
fuel substitution rate is optimized with a system of sensors and control logic integral to the engine equipment
package. Though many factors affect actual diesel substitution rates that can be attained, rates of 50 to 70
percent gas on an energy basis have been reported. The graphic below schematically illustrates substitution
rates of natural gas for diesel fuel. Importantly, there is an optimal range of operating load and engine speeds at
which gas substitution is maximized, sometimes known as the “sweet spot”.

Typical Dual Fuel Gas Substitution

Industry figures for 2013 indicate that dual fuel power for pressure pumping has been adopted only by a small
percentage of pumpers. It is estimated that only about five percent of the more than 8,000 hydraulic fracturing
pumps currently in service in North America are equipped for dual fuel. This figure is expected to rapidly
increase, perhaps to as much as 40 percent over the next two years, as more of the conventional diesel fleet is
retrofit / replaced with dual fuel diesel engines.

In addition to OEM systems there are number of aftermarket off-

engine gas fuel train systems for conversion of diesel engines to
add the capability of operation in dual fuel mode. Systems of this
type are variously known as both dual fuel and bi-fuel. Many of
these systems have an established track record of successful and
effective operation, and feature proprietary equipment designs for
fuel mixing, operational control and safety. As with other gas fuel
technologies, these types of dual fuel systems are finding increased


Caterpillar 3512 Diesel Engine

with Dynamic Gas Blending
2250 & 2500 HP

Dual Fuel Pressure Pumping Engines

Industry figures for 2013 indicate that dual
fuel power for pressure pumping has been
Cummins QSK50 Tier 2
adopted by only about 5% of the more than
Dual Fuel Kit 1480 HP 8,000 hydraulic fracturing pumps currently
3 in service in North America.
High Pressure Direct Injection (HPDI) is a means of introducing natural gas fuel directly into the combustion
chamber at high pressure. Though these systems are also a means of implementing the co-combustion of
methane with diesel fuel in a compression ignition reciprocating engine, HPDI is significantly different from
fuel blending systems that introduce gaseous methane at relatively low pressure into the engine air intake.
Though more costly than systems feeding low pressure gas fuel via the air intake, HPDI technology enables the
use of much higher proportions of gas, on the order of up to 90 percent. Some amount of pilot fuel such as
diesel is still needed to initiate compression ignition. With this significantly greater amount of gas in the fuel
blend, HPDI engines afford improved efficiency and fuel cost savings with further emissions reductions. HPDI
engines are increasingly being used in on-road freight transportation. HPDI engines of the horsepower range
typically used in hydraulic fracturing are not readily available at present.

Emissions Reductions

Field experiences with dual fuel hydraulic fracturing reported in industry literature describe significant
reductions in emissions and noise with increased methane substitution.

Among the most attractive benefits in the use of natural gas fuel is reduction in combustion emissions as
compared with conventional diesel. It is well-established that there is a range of operating conditions in which
natural gas is more thoroughly combusted, optimizing fuel substitution and minimizing undesirable emissions.
Understanding the combustion characteristics and performance efficiencies of dual fuel engines is important to
realizing the greatest economic and environmental benefit.

Of particular interest is the significant reduction in Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) and Particulate Matter (PM) that
have long been a concern with diesel engine emissions. Supplanting diesel fuel and the sulfur it may contain
avoids formation of Oxides of Sulfur (SOx) in exhaust gas. Impact on Carbon Monoxide (CO) in dual fuel
emissions is less clear. In some instances, reduced CO has been reported, in others CO is significantly higher
than with conventional diesel. With advanced exhaust aftertreatment, CO can be substantially reduced.

Diesel and natural gas have distinctly different combustion characteristics, with natural gas having a
significantly higher ignition temperature than diesel fuel. Methane has an auto-ignition temperature of 1103oF,
whereas diesel fuel ignites at a much lower temperature of about 410 oF. Speed of flame front propagation for
gas combustion is slower as compared with diesel. This phenomenon, together with the basic geometry of the
combustion chamber and other factors and can result in incomplete combustion within the cylinder. Blending
and mixing of the two fuels for thorough and efficient combustion is critically important.

Many factors affect combustion stability and relative completeness of combustion of the two fuels. Incomplete
combustion that can occur particularly at low loads results in elevated CO and Non-Methane Hydrocarbon
(NMHC). Similarly, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Unburned Hydrocarbon (HC) levels may also
be elevated. Optimally reducing the rate of natural gas substitution at low load can ameliorate this condition.
Sophisticated engine controllers that monitor and regulate the rate of natural gas substitution for diesel fuel are
essential elements of these systems for this reason also, as well as maintaining needed power output to avoid
interruption of operations.

Exhaust treatment with Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) is needed to further reduce CO and NMHC and attain
compliance with some Tier 2 regulatory limits for some certain criteria pollutants. DOCs can be incorporated as
part of the engine exhaust system to provide effective treatment of these substances. Operating conditions can
greatly affect emissions characteristics and the effectiveness of DOC treatment. As with other technologies
evolving to improve dual fuel engine system performance, DOCs are important elements being studied and

With a lower fraction of carbon by mass, combustion of methane reduces the amount of Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
produced, offering a theoretical reduction in Greenhouse Gases (GHG). While CO2 is reduced, there remains
concern with the possibility of fugitive methane, a GHG many times more potent than CO2. There is little
information from published field studies on the amount of fugitive methane that may be present in dual fuel
exhaust. Standard oxidation catalyst exhaust treatments typically will not reduce uncombusted methane in the
exhaust gas stream.

With regulation of GHG on the horizon, offsets of CO2 attained with substitution of natural gas for diesel will be
tempered by the potential for emissions of uncombusted methane (CH4). Though it is known that uncombusted
methane can be emitted in dual fuel, bi-fuel and turbine engines, quantification of this phenomenon is less clear.
As with other emissions parameters, uncombusted methane amounts will vary as a function of engine load,
geometry, controls and other factors. Because of its importance as a greenhouse gas, sources and amounts of
fugitive methane are an important topic for further study so that these can be addressed with engineering
solutions and management practices.

Reducing emissions is especially important when operating in sensitive airsheds, such as near residential areas.
In shale plays that are near a major metropolitan area, existing concerns of urban ambient air quality draw
greater scrutiny to drilling and hydraulic fracturing. Emissions from drilling and hydraulic fracturing activity in
the airshed of a major city are sometimes targeted as an impediment to attaining compliance with federal ozone
standards. Along with heightened emphasis on environmental performance in general, these kinds of concerns
underscore the importance of reducing emissions and are further driving adoption of gas fuel.

There is debate on just how much emissions reduction is attainable, and this continues to be an area of intense
interest. Sources in literature suggest reductions ranging from 25% to 50% of NOx emissions, and as much as
70% reduction of PM. While some of these figures are plausible as a maximum attainable proportion of
emissions reduction, it is important to remember that exhaust characteristics will vary greatly with operating
conditions as well as engine speed and load.

Further research is needed to better characterize emissions profiles for high-horsepower engines used in these
applications. Measurements of specific exhaust gas parameters and particulate matter will further our
understanding of the benefits and limitations of these systems. The potential to reduce fuel cost, emissions and
other environmental impacts is certainly present and will undoubtedly be increasingly realized with advances in
technology and continued research.

Fueling Options

Natural gas fuel can be obtained in the form of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG),
or may be delivered from a nearby location where it is produced or processed. Where available, pipeline gas
may be a desirable option. Transportation distances become a key factor in deciding which form of fuel is
suitable for a particular situation and site. The most practical solution for fueling will be a function of proximity
and availability of supply.

The energy value, expressed as heat content, for gas produced in North America typically ranges from 950 to
1,650 Btu per cubic foot (Btu/cf), with a total average approximate heat content of 1,022 Btu/cf reported for
2011. As a replacement for traditional liquid fuels such as diesel and gasoline, heating value of can be stated as
an energy equivalent of these two common fuels. Since natural gas fuel is replacing diesel in drilling, hydraulic
fracturing and other high-horsepower applications, natural gas fuel requirements are often calculated in Diesel
Gallon Equivalent (DGE). This equivalency basis also serves as a means of calculating the relative cost of
natural gas fuel as compared with diesel. Natural gas can deliver an equivalent amount of combustion energy at
a fraction of the cost of diesel fuel.

Approximate energy relationships between liquid diesel fuel and natural gas:
1 DGE = 132 scf
1 DGE = 1.68 Gallons LNG
1 MMBTU = 6.8 DGEs

LNG is typically about 90 percent methane gas that has

been liquefied by cryogenic cooling to -260 degrees
Fahrenheit. LNG is transported and stored at relatively
low, near-atmospheric pressures. LNG is delivered and
stored on site as a liquid which is then vaporized on site
with special equipment.

When longer transport distances are involved, LNG is

often a preferred fueling option that offers a high quality
fuel delivered to the site in an energy-dense liquid form.
At present, LNG availability is often limited, though high
volumes of LNG production capacity are expected to
come online in North America and elsewhere around the
globe within the next two to five years.


LNG Integrated Storage

and Vaporization Tanker


LNG Storage and

Revaporization Equipment

LNG may be delivered to the field in tanker trailers having volumes on the order of 13,000 to 16,000 gallons.
The transport vessel may also include integrated vaporization equipment, or separate, stand-alone revaporization
may be situated on site to support multiple storage vessels. A volume of 16,000 gallons of LNG would provide
approximately 9,500 DGE of fuel.

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is transported at relatively high pressures, on the order of 3,000 to 3,600 psi, in
cylindrical or round containers specifically designed and constructed for safe containment. CNG has become
increasingly used in fleet and passenger vehicles, spurring development of fueling stations and related
infrastructure accessible to the public.

For oilfield operations, CNG can be delivered and stored on site in pressurized cylinder trailers. A typical
cylinder trailer may be capable of containing about 110,000 Standard Cubic Feet (scf) of gas, equivalent to
approximately 830 DGE. Because of this relatively lower energy density as compared with LNG, CNG has
been perceived as best suited for situations where transport distances are relatively short. However, advances in
compression, filling and transport technologies are extending the range of feasible transport, perhaps to
hundreds of miles. Stations capable of “fast fill” can greatly reduce the time required to fill a cylinder trailer, a
factor that has been an impediment to the use of the large volumes of CNG needed for drilling and fracturing.
Smaller scale CNG processing units are increasingly seen as a solution for field and pipeline gas utilization.
Placement of small-scale or temporary CNG infrastructure near field development locations can provide gas fuel
that would otherwise be unavailable while also supporting the use of field gas and diversion from flaring.

Recognizing the limitations of centralized facilities and infrastructure to produce and deliver LNG and CNG,
more small scale and modular processing technologies are becoming available. These types of systems are
being used in energy production, transportation and mining.
Enclosed CNG Cylinder
Transport Trailer


CNG Cylinder Trailers On Site

Where available, pipeline gas is a desirable fueling solution. Gas in pipeline has been treated to remove
hydrogen sulfide and other undesirable contaminants, though moisture is still present and must be removed for
use as fuel. Pressure regulation and other important steps are also needed. The greatest frustration to the use of
pipeline gas is the absence of pipelines in developing fields. Greater demand may facilitate the technical and
financial methods to bring early value to placement of piping for fuel delivery in field development, later to
function as gas gathering in production.

Pipeline Gas Fueling


Sometimes referred to as “Field Gas” or “Wellhead Gas”, locally sourced produced gas is a highly desired
option. The great appeal in utilizing field gas is in reduced need for processing energy and transportation,
thereby reducing cost and environmental impact.

Field gas composition and quality can vary greatly from one location to another, and must be conditioned for
use as fuel. Field gas may not be suitable if heating value is significantly higher than methane. Natural Gas
Liquids (NGLs) present in raw gas must be removed, along with other troublesome impurities such as Hydrogen
Sulfide (H2S). Innovative technologies and practices adapted to effectively treat and convey field gas for use as
fuel are rapidly evolving. Advances in utilizing field gas will also support monetization of stranded gas and
development of beneficial alternatives to flaring. Ultimately, the greatest economies and impact mitigation will
be realized as fueling technologies, including CNG and LNG, can be developed most proximate to gas sources
and points of use. Reducing the steps and distances involved in the supply chain will not only reduce cost but
also reduce impacts associated with processing energy consumption, transport, and potential for methane

All fueling options, including conventional diesel, have accompanying health, safety and environmental
considerations. Planning should include a review of applicable federal, state and local regulations. In some
situations local authorities may not be familiar with material-specific handling and safety concerns such as
firefighting, so engagement with local first responders is advisable so that all are properly prepared.

Looking Ahead

A greater abundance of natural gas is boosting development of technologies that utilize this resource as fuel.
The enormous economic attraction to provide these technologies, equipment and services is driving innovation
and commercialization. Reducing emissions, site footprint and overall environmental impact are key elements
in these endeavors.

“POWERED BY NATURAL GAS” is an ongoing research initiative

of the Environmentally Friendly Drilling Systems Program.
“Utilizing Natural Gas as a Primary Fuel Source for the Equipment Used in Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing”

Look for additional materials and resources coming to www.efdsystems.org

Engine Performance Research
Emissions Studies
Fueling Technologies
Fuel Savings Calculators
Electrification and Power Generation
Case Studies

Environmentally Friendly Drilling Systems Program

Rich Haut, PhD Carolyn LaFleur, PE

Houston Advanced Research Center Houston Advanced Research Center
[email protected] [email protected]
(281) 364-6093 (281) 364-4035

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