Richmond - Grammar Practice in Context - With - Key PDF
Richmond - Grammar Practice in Context - With - Key PDF
Richmond - Grammar Practice in Context - With - Key PDF
Richmond Publishing
4 King Street Cloisters
Albion Place
London W6 OQT -.
Published by Richmond Publishing@,1997,2003
@David Bolton and Noel Goodev. 1996and 2003
ISBN: 978-8,{-668432G5
Unit5 Unit8
I I had 2 ate 3 sat 4 spoke 5 got on, rode I I They've just won 55,000in the National
2 I Was the flight OK? Yes,it was. Lottery.
2 Was the weather hot? No, it wasn't. 2 Beth has just passed all her exams.
3 Were the meetings useful? Yes,they were. 3 Gillian Trent has just started her new job.
4 Was the food good? Yes,it was. 4 GeorgeTrent has just bought a new car.
5 Were things expensive? No, they weren't. 2 1 I've already made it.
6 Was the trip successful? Yes,it was. 2 I haven't tidied it yet.
3 llost 2got 3rang 4said 5was 6had 3 I've already done it.
7 went 8 didn't know 9 understood 10 stole 4 I've already finished it.
l1 made 12 was 13 took 5 I've already had a bath.
4 I lost 2 didn't do 3 slept 4 spent 5 went 6 I haven't led the dog yet.
6 didn't come home T left 8 ate 7 I haven't shaved yet.
5 1 When did you go? 8 I haven't lound it yet.
2 Where did you live? 3 1 Have you ever been abroad?
3 Did you get a job? 2 Have you ever worked for a travel company?
4 How did you find it? 3 Have you ever learnt German or Spanish?
5 Who did you teach? 4 Have you ever been seriously ill?
6 Was it well paid? 5 Have you ever used a computer?
6 1 works worked 2 come came 3 / 4 ljust 2never 3before 4never 5ever
4 tells told 5 was were 6 gets got 6before Tnever Salready 9yet l0just
Tthinks thought 8/ 1I just 12 already 13 yet
Unit6 Unit9
| /.lt7.23he was waiting for the bus. I I has broken out, have died 2 have arrested
2 At 7.40 he was going by bus to the city centre. 3 has apologised, has reported, has worn
3 At 7.50he was waiting for Andrea. 4 has had 5 have lost, have told
4 At 8.10they were having a drink in a pub. 2 I I haven't written 2l've been 3l've been
5 At 9.00they were watching a film. 4l've had 5 I've learned/learnt 6l've made
6 At 10.40theywere eating apizza. 7l've met 8 They've taught 9 I've run out of
1 was 2 were playing 3 were dancing 10 I've spent l1 I've bought 12 I've eaten
4 weren't listening 5 were 6 were eating 131haven't seen 14 I've become 15 I haven't
7 was lying 8 was 9 wasn't wearing 10 had felt l6l've seen l7l've stayed 18 has given
1l was hiding 19I've started 20 I've finished
2 was having had 3 were meeting met 31A 283C 4A 586A 7C
4 shone was shining 5 went was going 4 I He's gone to 2 She'sbeen to 3 has gone to
6./ 7 ./ 8 was coming came 4 has been to 5 have gone to
9looked were looking
U n i t1 0
U n i t7
I lt 29 3h 4i 5j 6c 7d 8b 9a lOe
r IA 2B 3C 4A 58 68 7A 88 9C lOC lIA 2 1 was 2 was 3 didn't you come 4 had
12A 13B 14C Sl've had 6l've been 7 Did you see 8 did
2 (Ihese sentencescan be in any order.) 9 Did you talk 10 seemed I I She'sapplied
I He'shad breakfast. 12 was 13 they've broken up 14 haven't been
15 didn't know 16 Has Lucy found 17 told 4a But each time Laura has said. thanks.'
18 didn't want 4b She's never liked him very much.
3 I When did you start playing the guitar? 5a It's late now and Laura's been trying to
2 When did you leave school? phone for a taxi since 12.30.
3 Where did you give your first concert? 5b She'stried three times.
4 When did you get your first recording 6 Mark has been waiting for this moment all
contract? evening.
5 How many albums have you made? 2 1b What has Harry been doing? He's been
6 Who chose the name of the band? playing football.
7 How many records have you sold? 2a What has Sarah done? She'sbroken her leg.
8 Have you been to the States? 3b What has David Hall been doing? He's been
4 l,/ 2/ 3l'velost llost 4/ Shaveyou painting the bedroom.
done did you do 6 I've done I did 7 ,/ 4a What has Louise Hall done? She's bought a
8 has that happened did that happen new video camera.
9l've let I let l0 / 11 came has come 3 I he's been 2 he's been trying 3 He's applied
12,/ LSwent havegone 4 he's only had 5 he's been 6 he's been doing
7 he's painted 8 he's built t he's been getting
U n i t1 1 10 he's worked l1 he's hated 12 He hasn't
been feeling (on He hasn't felt) 13 He's seen
I I The men have been fishing. 2 The woman 14 he's been taking 15 they haven't cured
has been swimming. 3 The dog's been digging 16 he's decided l7 He's been watching
a hole. 4 The girls have been collecting shells. 18 He's watched 19 he's seen 20 he's fallen
2 ld She'sbeen living in it for a year. 2l he's been dreaming 22 He hasn't smiled
2f She's been learning it for eight years.
3a They've been going out together since last
4b They've been saving money for months. I She'd had 2 She'd been 3 She'd flown
5c She's been working for a French firm for two 4 She'd broken 5 She'd found 6 She'd made,
years. she'd lost 7 She'd lent, they hadn't paid 8 She
69 He's been having problems with his heart. hadn't had, she hadn't met
7e She's been thinking of moving back to 1 When the waiter had showed them to their
France. table, they asked to see the menu.
3 1 He's been reading it for half an hour. 2 He brought them the menu after he had
2 He's been cooking for an hour. finished his cigarette.
3 She's been lying on her bed for an hour and a 3 As soon as Alexander had taken a sip of his
half. wine, he knew it was off.
4 He's been talking to her for three quarters of 4 Aiter they had eaten half their chicken, they
an hour. suddenly lost their appetite.
5 He's been watching TV for two hours. 5 The waiter brought their coffee before they
6 She'sbeen getting ready for an hour and a had finished their sweet.
quarter. 6 After the waiter had given them the bill, he
4 | ,/ 2 wait waiting 3 felt been feeling 4 / told them that service wasn't included!
've I had climbed 2 jumped 3 had jumped
5 had been having (on've had) 6 /
've 4 followed 5 Iooked 6 saw 7 saw 8 had
7 had been having 8 worried been
worrying I ,/ l0 slept haven't been sleeping knocked 9 realised 10 made I I hadn't
11 areusing have been using opened 12dived 13reached l4put
l5 pulled l6 had pulled on pulled l7 opened
U n i t1 2 18had checked 19 opened 20didn'ttake
2l had landed
l l a Laura's been dancing all evening. I what had you been doing that evening?
l b She's danced with about six boys. 2 I'd been having a good time. I'd been talking
2a She's been drinking white wine and to some old friends. I'd been celebrating my
lemonade. birthday.
2 She's drunk about four glasses. 3 Had you been having a party? 4 Yes, I had.
3a Mark Roland's been asking her to dance all 5 Had you been drinking? 6 Yes,I had.
evening. 7 How long had you been drinking?
3b He's asked her several times. 8 I'd been drinking since about 7 o'clock.
Unit14 4 He'll have finished lunch.
5 He'll have arrived home. (on got home)
I \\ ill he be 2 he won't be 3 will he have 4 it'll
6 He'll be having (his) dinner.
be 5 He r*'on't be able to 6 will he? 7 he won't
7 He'll be watching the TV news.
be able to 8 He'll have to 9 He won't like
8 He'll have gone to bed.
10 he'll be l1 he will l2 They'll look after 4 I Will you have slept ...?
131won't be able to 14 I won't be 15 you'll 2 Which/What train will you be catching?
see 3 How much luggagewill you be bringing? on
I Shall we look at a magazinetogether?
Will you be bringing much luggage?
2 Shall I clean them lor you?
4 Will you have had lunch?/Will you have
3 Shall I make you a cup of tea?
4 Shall we go for a walk?
5 What will you be wearing?
5 Shall I call the doctor?
3 I I'll get it. 2 I'll feed it. 3l'll close them.
4l'll tell her. 5 I won't forget.
U n i t1 7
4 1 will you have 2 I won't have 3 I'll have I was put forward 2 was started was not
4 You'll write 5 won't 6l'll write 7 will you completed 3 was begun 4 were constructed
phone 8 I won't phone 9 I won't 10 I'll phone 5 were killed 6 was opened 7 were delayed
l1 I'll send 12 will 13 I won't talk 14 Will you 8 is used 9 is preferred, are transported
marry 15 I'll think 16 will you give l7 We'll 1 was built 2 was bought 3 has been
talk completely modernised 4 has been installed
5 have also been added 6 was rebuilt
U n i t1 5 3 IA 28 3A 4A 5A 6A
4 I In which country are the most bicycles
1 He's going to write postcards.
2 He's going to hire a car.
2 In which country is the most oil being
3 He's going to read (a lot of books). produced at the moment?
4 He's going to play tennis.
3 Who was dynamite invented by?
5 He's going to go snorkelling. 4 In which city are the next Olympics going to
6 He's going to sunbathe.
be held?
7 He's going to take photos/pictures.
5 In which country will the next football World
8 He's going to visit churches in Barcelona.
, Cup be played?
IA 2C 3A 48 58 6C 7A 88
6 How many times has the moon been visited
3 1e 2a 3d 4b 5f 6c
by astronauts?
4 1 I'll have 2l'll open 3l'm going to sit, I'll
I They want to be paid more.
come 4l'll answer 5 I'm going to phone, I'll 2 They want to be consulted about changes.
give 6 I'm going to leave, I'll ring
3 They think they should have been told about
I will you eat are you going to eat 2l'll I'm
the company's problems.
going to 3 I'm going to I'll 4 Won't you
4 They ought to have been offered longer
Aren'tyougoingto 5/ ll'mgoingto I'll 7./
U n i t1 5 U n i t1 8
I I'll be doing the week's shopping.
I I couldn't stand being told to make my bed.
2 I'll be having a drinkwith Lee at the Red Lion.
2 | got tired ol being given boring jobs to do.
3 I'll be having lunch with Emily.
3 I got fed up with being sent to the shop to
4 I'll be having aYoga lesson in town.
buy my grandfather's tobacco.
5 I'll be having an eye test at the optician's. 4 I hated being treated like a servant.
6 I'll be playing squash with Jerry. 5 | hated being shouted at when I did
1 He'll have left college.
something wrong.
2 He'll have moved into his new flat.
6 I couldn't stand being criticised all the time.
3 He'll have started work as a chef in a I She'sthought to have made a lot of money
selling antique furniture.
4 He'll have got his exam results.
2 She'sreported to have a priceless collection
1 He'll be going to work.
of antique jewellery.
2 He'll have started work./He'll have arrived at
3 She was found to have 525,000in her
3 He'll be having lunch.
4 She'ssaid to have been a very good tennis Unit20
player when she was young.
5 She's believed to have played at Wimbledon. I Are you doing your shopping here for the
3 1 But you aren't supposed to drink tea/have first time?
tea. 2 Do you mind answering some (a few)
questions?/Do you mind if I askyou some
Tea's supposed to be good for you.
2 But you aren't supposed to have sugar.
Sugar'ssupposed to give you energy. 3 Do you come often?/Do you come every
3 But you aren't supposed to eat/to have fried week?
food. 4 Have you bought a lot (on much) this morning?
Eggsare supposed to provide protein. 5 Did you come last week?
4 But you're supposed to have plenty of 6 Is there anything you'd like to change (at the
exercise. Centre?)/Wouldyou like to change anything
Too much exercise is supposed to be (at the Centre)?
dangerous. I Where do you come from?
4 I The dogs will be found new homes. 2 When did you arrive in England?
2 He's been promised compensation. 3 How many times have you been to England?
3 He was offered a gun to shoot the dogs. 4 How long have you been learning English?
4 He's been sent threatening letters. 5 What do you like doing?
6 What are you doing this evening?
7 Can we have dinner together?
U n i t1 9
3 I Which model is it? 2 What type/kind of
I t has it serviced 2 has them painted 3 didn't printer is it? 3 How old is it? 4 How much
have the software installed 4 he's going to does it cost? oRHow much is it? 5 Why are you
have a new garage built/he's having a new selling it? 6 Can I see it? on Can I come and see
garage built 5 he's going to have the roof of his it?
house repaired/he's having the roof of his 4 1 Didn't you like it? 2 Wasn't the food very
house repaired good? 3 Didn't you complain? 4 Didn't he give
2 1 I had myvideo camera stolen 2 I had my you another bottle?
glassesbroken 3 my wife had her passport 5 1 What are you angry about?
taken 4 we had our bags searched 5 we had 2 What are you afraid of?
our car broken into 3 What are you thinking about?
3 I Every day she has her apartment cleaned 4 Who were you talking to?
and tidied.
2 Last month she had the whole apartment Unit21
3 She's (has) just had new carpets laid in every I lb 2c 3f 4e 5i 6h 7g 8a
, IA 2B 3C 48 5A 6C
4 Every week she has her car washed and 3 1 is it? 2 aren't they? 3 didn't I? 4 hasn't he?
polished. 5 is he? 6 doesn't he? 7 can you?
5 This month she's (is) having a new collection 1 shouldn't we? 2 didn't I? 3 won't we?
of summer clothes made. 4 shall we? 5 are there? 6 can we? 7 don't
6 Last week she had her teeth straightened. they? 8 will you? 9 did you? 10 can you?
7 That was only a week after she'd (had) had 11 have we? 12 should we? 13 wasn't it?
her nose remodelled. 14 didn't you? 15wasn't it? l6 was it?
8 Next week she's (is) going to have her 17 does it? l8 haven't we?
portrait painted.
9 Once a month she has her fortune told. Unit22
10 And four times a year she has her poodle I I What happened at 10.00?
shampooed. 2 What exploded?
4 I When did you last have it cut? 3 Which exploded first - the television or the
2 Why don't you have it repaired? lamp?
3 You should have it cleaned. 4 What did Lisa do? 5 Who phoned them?
4 You should have the gas fire checked. 6 What time did the phone ring?
5 Why don't you have a telephone installed? 7 What did Peter disconnect?
8 Which did Peter disconnect first - the CD
player or the video? 9 Who did Lisa phone?
2 lWhat 2Which 3Which 4Which SWhat 7 Would you like me to invite her round for a
6What TWhich 8Which 9What l0What meal?
ll What 8 Would you like to come?
3 2 Have you any idea how far it is?
3 Do you know if I can get a train? Unit27
4 Do you know if there's (is) a bus?
5 Could you tell me what time it leaves? I We had to be at Dover at 10.15.
6 Have you any idea how long it takes? 2 We didn't have to queue.
7 Could you tell me how much it costs? 3 I didn't have to take any seasick pills.
8 Do you know if the buses run on Sundays? 4 Normally you have to show your passport
when you enter a foreign country, but when
we got to Calaiswe didn't have to.
U nit2 3
5 Every time I go to France I have to remind
l l c 2 e 3 9 4 f 5 a 6 d 7 b myself to drive on the right.
2 I So aml. 2 So have I. 3 So do I. 4 Neither 6 You mustn't forget it.
do I. 5 Neither can I. 6 Neither have I. 7 The last ferry to Dover left at 11.00,so we
7 So would I. 8 So am I. had to be at Calais by 10.30.
3 1so 2don't 3so 4afraid Snot I don't have to 2 mustn't cycle on the 3 must
4 1 I think so. 2 I don't think so. be/have to be 4 don't have to pay for 5 must
3l don't expect so./l expect not. take your litter 6 don't have to
4l expect so. 5l hope so. 6l imagineso. 7 must be/have to be, must have/have to have
7l'm afraid so. 8l'm afraid not. 8 mustn't walk on the 9 don't have to
10 must/have to. mustn't
Unit24 3 lf 2e 3h 49 5b 6a 7d 8c
I I Anna and Zoe were, but Suewasn't.
Youmust/haveto Youmustn't Youdon't haveto
2 Sue did, but Anna and Zoe didn't.
3 Zoe has, but Sue and Anna haven't.
4 Anna andZoe have, but Sue hasn't.
5 Sue does, but Anna and Zoe don't.
6 Anna and Zoe do, but Sue doesn't. I I She must be feeling worried.
7 Anna and Sue won't, but Zoe will. 2 She must be.
8 Anna and Sue can, but Zoe can't. 3 She can't be sleeping well.
9 Sue and Anna have, but Zoe hasn't. 4 She can't do.
l0 Zoe is, but Sue and Anna aren't. 5 She must think she's going to fail the exam.
2IB2C3A485C6A788A98 6 Yes,that must be the problem.
3 If 2i 3e 49 5i 6h 7d 8a 9c 10b 7 She must know that.
8 She can't be feeling very confident, that's all
Unit2 5 9 The exam must have been difficult.
l0 She can't have done verywell.
I can 2 he'll be able to 3 he'll be able to 4 be
2 I must have been 2 it can't have been 3 must
able to 5 can 6 can't 7 haven't been able to
have cost 4 must have dropped 5 must have
I couldn't @etter than: wasn't able to) 2 was
left it 6 can't have left 7 must have damaged
able to 3 could (better than: was able to)
8 must have been going 9 can't have been
4 was able to 5 couldn't @etter than: wasn't
able to) 6 couldn't @etter than: wasn't able
3 I Shemusthavedone. 2Shemusthavebeen.
to) 7 was able to 8 could
3 She can't have been. 4 She can't have done.
I couldn't 2 couldn't 3 could 4 have been
able to 5 was able to 6 were able to
U nit26 I may not/might not 2 may/might/could
3 may/might/could 4 may not/might not
l l b 2 e 3 i 4 f 5 g 6 d 7 a 8 c 9 h
5 couldn't
2 1 Would you like allft? 2 Would you like some?
I may/could 2 may not 3 could 4 might have
3 Would you like me to showyou how it works?
5 couldn't 6 may have/might have
4 Would you like to borrow mine?
I couldn't can't 2 mightn't couldn't 3 /
5 Would you like me to lend you some money?
4 might could 5 may could 6 wouldn't
6 Would you like to meet them?
couldn't 7,/ 8/
4 I may not 2 may/could 3 couldn't 4 couldn't 2 IC 2A 3B 4C 5A 6B 7A 88 9A 10B llc
have 5 could 6 might have 12A t3B 14A 15B l6C 17A l8c l9c
D la, b, c 2a 3b 4c 5a 6a, c
Unit30 I 1 didn't get on with 2 get away 3 thought it
I 1 She shouldn't (oughtn't to) work so hard. over 4getout Scomeback 6was goingout
2 She should (ought to) get home earlier. with 7 got up 8 picked up his girlfriend on
3 She shouldn't (oughtn't to) smoke so much. picked his girlfriend up 9 set off 10 ran out of
4 She shouldn't (oughtn't to) eat so much junk l1 talked it over 12 went on 13 took off
food. 14 pick them up 15 was going down 16lay
5 She should (ought to) spend more time with down 17 came up to 18 woke them up
her family. 19 hand them over
6 And now she shouldn't be (oughtn't to be) 2 1 switches it off 2 stay in 3 puts it back
driving (going) so fast. 4 takes it down 5 stay up 6 takes it off
7 She should (ought to) have both hands on 7 carries on 8 gets back 9 put up with
the steering wheel. 3 I Turn it off. 2 You should give it up.
8 She shouldn't be (oughtn't to be) eating a 3 Take it off! 4 Put them away.
pizza when she's driving. 5 Why don't you throw them away?
2 Possible answers 6 Clear it up! 7 I can't put up with it any more.
She should have told (ought to have told) her 8 You haven't paid it backyet. oRYou haven't
parents where she was going. paid me backyet. 9 You haven't filled it in.
She should have looked (ought to have looked) at l0 Why don't you ring him up?
the bus timetable. l1 Well, look it up in the telephone book!
She should have (ought to have) got a taxi. l2 I'm really looking forward to it.
She shouldn't have walked (oughtn't to have
walked) alone along the dark road. unii gg
She shouldn't have tried (oughtn't to have tried)
to get into the concert without paying. I I He can still see the four walls of his cell.
She shouldn't have behaved (oughtn't to have 2 He can still hear the sound of the prison
guards shouting.
behaved) so stupidly.
She shouldn't have tried (oughtn't to have tried) 3 He can still feel the hard mattress on his bed.
to kiss the lead singer. 4 He can still taste the awful prison food.
She shouldn't have refused (oughtn't to have 5 He can still smell the unwashed bodies of
refused) to pay the taxi driver. other prisoners.
He should have apologised (ought to have 2tB2C3A485C
apologised). 3 I could hear 2 could see 3 could see 4 could
She should have Iistened (ought to have listened) see 5 couldn't hear 6 could smell 7 could
to her mother. taste 8 couldn't feel
3ld293f4eSa6c7b 4 1 could hear 2 could see 3 could smell 4 felt
4 I I should have finishedworkby4.15. 5 felt 6 heard 7 couldn't hear 8 heard
2 So I should be able to catch a bus at about 5 lslam 2shouting 3explode 4burning
4.30. 5 getting 6 coming 7 jump 8 approaching
3 There shouldn't be much traffic at that time. 9 take 10 put l1 beginning
4 So I should be able to meet vou in town at 5.00.
U n i t3 1 I I don't feel very well. 2 your face looks pale.
I I has got 2 had 3 didn't have/hadn't got 3 You sound terrible. 4 you seem worse today.
4 had 5l've got 6lt's got 7 hasn't got 5 my forehead feels hot. 6 It doesn't smell very
8 haven't got 9 I've got 10 I'm having 1l I've nice. 7lt tastes quite good.
only had 12 don't have 13 have 14 have 1 What does it look like? 2 It looks like a book.
15 don't have 16 haven't got 17 have 18 are 3 What does it feel like? 4 It feels like a box.
having/have 19 I've got 20 have ('ve) got 5 What does it sound like? 6lt sounds like
2l l've got 22 haven't had 23 had 24 didn't chocolates/sweets.
have/hadn't got 251'vegot 26'll have/will 3 loi 2of 3ot 4like 5like
have 4 1 Yes, I feel as if (as though) someone's hit me
over the head.
2 I feel as if (as though) I could drink a whole Unit38
3 Oh, no. It doesn't look as if (as though) we've I I Every year Doris Slocombe sends her sister
got anywine. Mary a birthday card.
4 It looks as if (as though) we'll have to go to 2 Last week she gave the card to her husband
the pub. George.
5 I don't feel as if (as though) I could go out 3 Two days later Mary sent a letter to Doris.
again this evening. 4 She told her some shocking news.
5 l g 2 d 3h4f 5e6 b 7 a 8 c 5 The postman had only given her half the card.
6 He told Mary the reason.
2 a)lfor 2to 3for 4for Sfor 6to 7to
b) I Make everyone some coffee.
I 1 are there 2 There are 3 are there? 4 There's 2 Send the producer this fax.
5 there's 6ls there 7 there's 8 there isn't 3 Buy me a packet of cigarettes.
9 Is there l0 there isn't 11 there are 12 Is there 4 Book me a table at Doyle's Bar.
13thereare 14Arethere 15therearen't 5 Order me a taxi for 6.30.
's (are)
2 | ./ 2 are (is) 3 4's (are) 5 There 6 Give my assistant this note.
Clhey) 6/ 7's (are) 8/ 7 Take the editor this reel of film.
U nit3 5 Unit39
I I I used to be a historv teacher. I I She doesn't need a (her) French dictionary.
2 I didn't use to (on used not to) travel much. 2 She needs an (her) English grammar @ook).
3 I never used to go abroad. 3 She needs her passport.
4 I didn't use to (on used not to) have many. 4 She doesn't need (her/any) sun cream.
5 I never used to like getting up in the morning. 5 She needs an (her) umbrella.
6 I didn't use to (oRused not to) like hard work. 6 She needs her (airline/plane) ticket.
7 My old pupils didn't use to (on used not to) be 7 She doesn't need a (her) bikini.
interested in me. 8 She needs her (some) English money
2 I usedto 2 did they useto 3 usedto 4 Did (currency).
they useto 5 usedto 6 usedto 7 Did you use 2 1 Do you need to/Will you need to 2 didn't
to 8 usedto 9 didn't useto/usednot to need 3 just need tol'll just need to 4 will you
10didn'tuseto/usednot to 1l usedto need to/do you need to 5 won't need to/don't
12usedto need to/needn't 6 won't need to/don't need
to/needn't 7 Do you need 8 don't need
U n it3 7 to/needn't 9 do you need to/will you need to
l0 don't need to/won't need to/needn't 11 just
l 1 He's used to seeing police officers without need/'ll just need 12 need 13 didn't need
2 He's used to getting free medical treatment. 4IB2D38485A6A
3 He is (FIe's)used to travelling by public
4 He still isn't used to having a small
refrigerator. I If he leaves the window open, the mosquitoes
5 He still isn't used to living in a city centre. will get into the room.
2 l Are you used to being rich yet?/Haveyou got 2 If he closes the window, there'll be no fresh
used to being rich yet? air in the room.
2 to get used to 3 I was used to getting up 3 If he takes off his pyjamas, he'll have
4 I can't get used to staying mosquito bites all over his body.
5 Are you used to living/Have you got used to 4 If he doesn't take off his pyjamas, he'll be too
living hot.
6 I soon got used to 7 get used to living 5 If he tries to sleep in a cold bath, he might
8 ['m not used to being/l haven't got used to drown.
being 9 I'll never get used to 1 What will I do if my train's late?
l 0 I'll ever get used to spending 2 What will I do if I can't get a taxi?
3 What will I do if the interviewer doesn't like
4 What will I do if she asks difficult questions?
5 What will I do if they don't offer me the job? 4 unless he's prepared to talk about them.
3 1 I get embarrassed if people say nice things 5 unless he answers her honestly.
about me. I You can go in provided/as long as/providing
2 I don't feel good if I'm not wearing smart you've got/you have a ticket.
clothes. 2 Under 7s can swim as long as/provided/
3 If anyone criticises me, I feel guilty. providing they're accompanied by an adult.
4 If my boyfriend doesn't listen to me, it makes 3 You can park in the street providing/as long
me angry. as/provided you're a resident.
4 1 It would be better if you went on your own. 4 You can travel in this compartment
2 If you went with a group of English friends, provided/as long as/providing you don't
you wouldn't speak much Spanish. smoke.
3 If you went on your own, you wouldn't be 3 provided/providing/as long as
able to speak English. 4 provided/providing/as long as 5 unless
4 You'd learn the languagequickly if you 6 provided/providing/as long as 7 unless
stayed with a Spanish family. 8 unless 9 provided/providing/as long as
5 If you had a Spanish boyfriend, you'd soon l0 unless 11 provided/providing/as long as
speak Spanish well! 1 I'll pack my case now in case I don't have
5 2 was (would be) 3leaves Qeft) 4 / time tomorrow morning.
5 would have (had) 6 will get (gets) 2 I'll take my hair dryer in case there isn't one
at the hotel.
U n i t4 1 3 I'll take my winter coat in case it's cold in the
I 1A 28 3C 4A 5D 6C 78 8D 9C 1OA 4 I'll phone to confirm my hotel booking in
2 1 If my parents hadn't been poor, I'd have had case they didn't get (haven't got) my letter.
more clothes. 5 I'll take Andrea's phone number in case she
2 II I hadn't missed a lot of school lessons, I isn't at the airport to meet me.
could have learned more. 6 I'll book a taxi now in case there aren't any
3 If I'd been more clever, I'd have done better available at 8.00 tomorrow.
at school.
4 If I'd passed some exams, I might have got a
well-paid job.
5 If I hadn't been shy, I'd have had more I I wish my sister would turn the television
friends. down.
6 If I hadn't worked on a farm, I'd have fought 2 If only my brother would stop playing his
in the war. music so loudly.
7 If I'd left this village, I could have got a better 3 I wish my mother would stop coming up to
job. my room. on I wish my mother wouldn't keep
8 If I'd got married, I might have had some coming up to my room.
children. 4 If only she wouldn't worry so much.
3 I If I'd (trad) been standing under the tree, I'd 5 I wish I knew what the exam questions were.
(would) have been killed. I wouldn't be here 6 If only I didn't have to do the exam.
now I I wish I'd (had) gone to university.
2 If I hadn't been feeling ill, he wouldn't have 2 I wish I'd (had) learned/learnt a foreign
spoken to me. And we wouldn't be living language.
together now. 3 I wish I'd (had) travelled to more foreign
3 If I'd (had) been watching the road, I wouldn't countries.
have hit that car. 4 I wish I'd (had) read more books.
4 If I hadn't been feeling tired, they'd (would) 5 I wish I'd @ad) had a more interesting job.
have offered me the job. I'd (would) be in 6 I wish I'd (had) married the first girl I fell in
Australia now. I'd (would) be surfing on love with.
Bondi Beach. 7 I wish I'd (had) had a son as well as three
Unit42 2 I wish it would stop raining.
3 If only I had more money.
l 1 unless he stops smoking. 4 If only I lived in the country.
2 unless he lets her pay for herself. 5 I wish I hadn't forgotten my raincoat.
3 unless he phones her every day. 6 I wish I hadn't bought so many things.
Unit 44 3 We teach students to have self-respect and
respect for others.
I i Toprotesthisproperty. 4 We don't force students to do homework.
f lfo reduce the cost of his insurance.
5 We ask all students to help with the cooking
3 T'o pay for (Io buy) the alarm system.
and the cleaning.
4 To get into the house. 2 | a) She wants Amy to finish her lunch.
5 To stop it activating the alarm. 'l
b) want you to finish your lunch.'
2 2 She wants a friend to go out with. 2 a) She wants the students to listen.
3 She's only got her cat to keep her company. 'l
b) want you to listen.'
4 There's nowhere to spend it.
3 a) He wants the patient to open her mouth.
5 She wants someone to share her life with. 'l
b) want you to open your mouth.'
3 I To reduce his energy costs/ln order to reduce
4 a) He wanted his student to turn right.
2 So as not to lose any heat 'l
b) wanted you to turn right.'
3 In order to keep fitlTo keep fit
3 I (first)to 2 (first) for 3/ 4{ Sthat 6I
4 so that/so he can leave his car at home. 7oI 8/
5 in order to reduce air pollution/to reduce air 4 1 I'd like you to help
pollution 6ln order to travel less
2 What do you want me to do?
7 so that/so he can communicate oRin order to 3 I'd like you to stand 4 I want you to make
be able to communicate 5 I'd hate you to think 6 I'd prefer you to ask
8 to make sure 9 So as not to waste anything 7 Would you prefer to go 8 wants me to post
l0 so that/so it can be used on the garden
9 Would you like me to show
I I so that/so they can be used again 10 I want someone to help
12 so that/so he can take it 13 to tell the world
l l I'd prefer you not to say
4 1 so that/so 2 tolin order to 3 to/in order to
12 Do you want me to show
4 so as not to oRso that/so she doesn't 5 so as
not to oRso that/so she doesn't 6 so that/so
Unit 47
Unit 45 I It's cheaper to stay in a bed and breakfast.
2 lt's expensive to hire a car in July and August.
I 1 to come 2 to see 3 to pay 4 to leave 5 to be
3 It isn't easy to park in the town centres.
6 not to have 7 to admit 8 (to) tell 9 to worry 4 It would be sensible to buy a map of the area.
10 to talk 1l not to understand 12 to let 13to
5 It's wonderful to walk along the cliffs.
change 14 to leave 15 to give up 16 give it up 6 You'd be silly not to visit Land's End.
lTtoplay 18toearn
7 lt's advisable not to leave valuables in your
2 I She doesn't know where to put her dirty
car. oRlt's not advisable to leave ...
8 You'll be disappointed to know that I won't
2 She doesn't understand how to set the alarm
be here in July.
clock. I It's common for young children to shout
3 She wants to know what time to get up in the sometimes.
morning. 2 lt's rare for children to eat everything you
4 She hasn't discovered how to use the give them.
dishwasher yet. 3 lt's important for young children to have a lot
5 They haven't discussed how much to pay her of freedom.
4 It's difficult for you to understand until you
6 She'snever learned how to cook food in a have children of your own.
microwave. I It was generous of Alan (him) to give the
7 She'swondering where to go to learn more woman (her) S20.
English. 2 It was dishonest of her to tell him (Alan) she
8 She hasn't decided what to do on her day off. was homeless. on It was dishonest of her to
3 lto 2where 3how 4where Swho 6what say she was homeless.
7 which 8 how 3 It was stupid of her to spend his money on
things she didn't need.
Unit 46 4 It was silly of Alan (him) not to ask her why
I I We don't expect students to attend all the she wanted the money.
lessons. 5 It was wrong of her to laugh at him.
2 We encourage students to choose what they 4 l It's good of you to come.
want to do. 2 It was nice ol you to phone yesterday.
3 It isn't easy for me to walk. 4 Would you mind putting my travellers
4 It's difficult to say. cheques in the hotel safe?
5 lt's hard not to laugh, really. 5 Would you mind ordering me a taxi?
6 I'm always happy to help. 2 I Would/Do you mind looking after 2 won't
7 Would it be possible for you to scratch my mind/wouldn't mind you reading 3l don't
right foot? mind staying 4 would/do you mind cleaning
5 don't mind doing 6 didn't mind cooking
Unit 48 3 lflying 2being/feeling 3sitting 4going
5 eating
I I They let them go to bed when they like.
2 They let them watch anything they like on
3 They aren't made to go to school. 1 seeing,finding (to see + to find are possible
4 They let them stay at home if they want to. but less natural)
5 They let their eldest daughter go out with a 2 answering, not knowing
man ten years older than her. 3 waking up, going back (to wake up + to go
2 I makes me laugh. 2 makes me happy. back are possible, but less natural)
3 makes me angry. 4lets me decide 5 doesn't 4 putting, getting (to put + to get are possible,
let me pay 6 make me wear 7 doesn't let me but less natural)
wear 8 makes me impatient 9 make him hurry. 5 talking (to talk is possible, but less natural)
I writing, to write 2 to revise 3 talking, to
Unit 49 phone 4tokeep 5asking
3 1 I'd like to go on 2l'd hate to give up 3l'd like
1 going 2 doing 3 washing 4 filling 5 working to move 4l wouldn't like to live 5l'd hate to
6 changing 7 getting Sleaving 9 sitting lose touch 6l'd love to go 7l wouldn't like to
10 playing/buying l1 learning spend 8 I'd like to leave 9 I wouldn't like to
12 brushing/cleaning have won 10 I'd hate to have been 11 He'd
2 He's going windsurfing. 3 She'sgoing love to have gone
swimming. 4 They're going fishing.
U n i t5 0
I 1 crying 2 bleeding 3 holding 4 screaming
I 1 After leaving school, I studied physics at 5 sending 6 treating 7 trying
university. , I In May she had a car accident coming home
2 Before starting work, I spent a year travelling from work.
in Asia. on After spending a year travelling in 2 In June her father had a heart attack playing
Asia, I started work. tennis.
3 In India I paid for my food and 3 In August she broke her arm falling down the
accommodation by giving English lessons. stairs.
4 I got back to England last month without 4 In October she nearly electrocuted herself
knowing what I was going to do. trying to mend her guitar amplifier.
1 Are you fed up with not having a girlfriend? 3 ld 2e 3a 4c 5b
2 Are you keen on improving your chances? 4 1 Having beaten the eggs,add a little salt and
3 Are you worried about saying the wrong pepper to them.
thing? 2 Having chopped the mushrooms, add them
4 Are you angry about losing that last girl ...? to the eggs.
5 Are you interested in knowing all the answers? 3 Having melted the butter in the frying pan,
3 IA 2D 3C 4C 5D 6A 7C 88 pour in the mixture.
4 1 about (with) 2 do (doing) 3 / 4 Having cooked the omelette for three
4 with (for) 5 get (getting) 6,/ 7 ,/ minutes, serve it with a little fresh parsley.
8 save (saving) 1 Now, not being able (on being unable) to find
a job, he spends most of his time at home.
U n i t5 1 2 One day last month, having nothing to do (on
I I Would you mind showing me your passport? not having anything to do), he bought some
2 Would you mind leaving your passport with iuggling balls.
me? 3 After two weeks, having practised three
3 Would you mind filling in the registration card? hours a day, he could juggle five balls.
4 Feelingthat this might be his career, he Unit55
practises regularly every day.
5 His friends, having seen him juggle, think that I I tostay 2toenjoy 3to get 4toput/putting
he could earn some money as an entertainer. 5 to have/having
, I to have 2 repairing 3 talking 4 talking
6 This week, having done three performances,
he's earned over 5150. 5 working 6 to go 7 to make 8 to light
7 Being a very cautious person, Tim has put 9 leaving l0 to revive 1l shaking
half the money in the bank. l2 deceiving l3 seeing
8 Having found something he can do well, I I regret leaving school when I was only 16.
Tim's now a lot happier than he was. 2 I didn't even try to go to university.
3 I regret not working hard when I was at school.
4 I forgot to go to the last class reunion.
Unit 54 5 I went on working in a (the) supermarket till I
I I Jerry Griggs prefers reading to watching had a baby.
television on Jerry Griggs prefers to read 6 He went on to become a professional player.
rather than watch television. 7 I'll never forget meeting him a year ago in a
2 Katherine Griggs prefers riding a bike to London night club.
driving a car. oRKatherine Griggs prefers to 8 I've stopped smoking now.
ride a bike rather than drive a car.
3 Tim prefers playing football to watching it Unit55
(on TV). on Tim prefers to play football
rather than watch it (on TV). I She said she could see a man. She said he was
4 Jessicaprefers playing computer games to my uncle Walter who died/had died in 1994.
studying. on Jessicaprefers to play computer 2 I told her I'd never had an uncle Walter.
games rather than study. 3 She said I often went/l'd often been to see
I I'd rather not live in this flat. on I'd prefer not him in Manchester.
to live in this flat. 4 I told her I'd never been to Manchester. I said
2 I'd prefer to be in a ground-floor flat rather I didn't know anyone in Manchester.
than this one. 5 She said I must/had to try to remember. She
3 I'd rather not have to do that. on I'd prefer told me he had given me/gave me the
not to have to do that. necklace I was wearing.
4 I'd rather be married. on I'd prefer to be 6 I told her that nobody had given/gave me the
married. necklace.l said I'd bought/l bought it myself.
5 I'd rather have some children. on I'd prefer to 7 She said the man looked sad because I hadn't
have some children. gone to his funeral. She said he was trying to
6 I'd rather talk to people than watch television. give me a message.But he couldn't speak.
1 Gabby,I'd prefer you not to pull Beth's hair. 8 I told her I was sorry, but she'd made a
2 Jessica,I'd rather you didn't eat your lunch mistake.
on the floor. 9 She said the man would come to see me again
3 Jack, I'd rather your feet were on the floor, in a dream.
not on Matthew's head. 1 You said you couldn't live without me.
4 Alice, I'd prefer you to talk quietly rather 2 You said you'd never leave me.
than shout like that. 3 You said I was the only one for you.
5 Nicola, I'd rather you ate your sandwiches 4 You said you felt fine when you were with me.
than threw them at Amy. 5 You said you wouldn't ever be untrue.
6 Carla, I'd prefer you to sit on your chair 6 You said you'd never felt that way before.
rather than stand on the table. I you said you couldn't give me the money
7 Neil, I'd rather your coat was in the then, but you'd pay me back the next day or
cloakroom than on my desk. the following week.
8 Charles, I'd rather you didn't pour your 2 You said you'd (had) done (on you did) some
orange juice over Zoe. temporary work for a travel agency the week
IB 2B 3D 4A 5A 6C before (on the previous week), and you
thought theywere going to payyou that day.
3 You said you'd (would) certainly be able to
give me S50,and you hoped that would be all
4 You told me you were really sorry you hadn't
paid me back yet.
5 You said I could phone you that night if I 7 Trafalgar Square is the most famous square
wanted to talk about it. in London.
6 You said you wouldn't go out till I'd (had) 8 The English, the French and the Spanish
phoned. colonised the West Indies.
th 2d 3f 4e 5b 69 7c 8a
Unit57 2 I (the last year) 2 (the last April) 3 (the
Leicester Square) 4 (After the lunch) 5 /
I Robert asked if he could speak to Tess.Jill said 6 (Ihe last month) 7 (the Russian) 8 / 9 @y
she was sorry but Tess wasn't in. She asked the bus) l0 (Ihe next summer)
him who was speaking. He told her/said his 3 la 2the 3the 4the 5a 6The 7a 8a 9a
name was Robert and asked her what time Tess l0the 1l a l2a 13a l4the lSthe 16a
would be back. Jill told him/said she wouldn't lTthe l8the
be back ti[ ten. Robert asked if/whether she 4 5 the 8 the 9 the 14 the
could give Tess a message,and ask her to ring
him. Jill asked him what his number was. He
told her it was 9298465.Jill asked him what
time he went to bed and he said he wouldn't be I General 2 Particular 3 Particular 4 General
in bed before midnight. 5 General 6 Particular 7 General 8 Particular
2 I He asked to see my driving licence. 9 General 10 Particular (used in a general
2 He told me to start the engine. sense)
3 He reminded me that there was a 30 mph 1 (the wine) 2 / 3 (Ihe diesel) 4 (Ihe
speed limit in town. unemployment) 5 (the sex) 6 (the British
4 He suggested (that) I drove a little more television) 7 /
slowly. I The ozone layer that protects the Earth from
5 He told me not to drive so fast. radiation has been damaged by (the) CFC
6 He threatened to get out and walk if I didn't gasescoming from aerosols and
drive more slowly. refrigerators.
3 He asked her if/whether she had any beds free 2 Scientists believe that emissions of carbon
(for) that night. She said (that) she had. She dioxide are causing global warming, and that
offered him a bed in a room with four other temperatures will continue to rise
people. He said that was OK. She then asked worldwide.
(him) how many nights he wanted to stay. He 3 Water is being polluted. Fertilisers and
replied (that) he only wanted to stay for one pesticides are killing (the) fish and insect life
night. She told him that breakfast was at 8.00 in the world's rivers. The oceans of the world
and added that he must (on had to) make his are full of industrial waste.
own bed. She warned him that alcohol wasn't 4 Acid rain caused by air pollution is damaging
allowed in the hostel. He promised (that) he forest trees and plant growth.
wouldn't be late for breakfast. (on He promised 5 The world's rain forests are disappearing
not to be late for breakfast.) She offered to look because of the demand for hardwoods. and
after his passport and valuables if he wanted. millions of hectares are burnt every year to
She explained that it was a bit risky leaving provide farming land.
them in his room. She reminded him to collect 6 Energy resources, like oil and coal, are being
them before he left. rapidly exhausted, and the burning of these
fuels adds to atmospheric pollution.
Unit58 7 (Ihe) Air pollution in big cities is mainly
caused by cars.
I 1 The River Nile is the longest river in the
2 The Volga is the longest river in Europe.
3 Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in I I An hour and a half. 2 A one-way ticket.
Africa. 3 A European. 4 An American. 5 A university.
4 Downing Street is the residence of Britain's 6 It's an easy job. 7 A hotel. 8 An
Prime Minister. uncomfortable bed. 9 An orchestra. l0 An
5 The White House is where the President of honest person. I 1 A used car. 12 A history
the USA lives. teacher.
6 The rich and the famous stav at the Ritz 2 2an San 7a 8Some lOa lla l4Some
Hotel in London. 17 some 19 a 20 Some
'l'm (a)
3 Russian.I'm an architect. But I haven't 4 many/a lot very few
got a job at the moment. Getting a job is a 5 many/a lot of a lot
problem for me, because jobs for architects 6 many/a lot a few
aren't easy to lind in Russia at the moment. I 7 many A lot
haven't got rich parents, so I must find work 8 many Very few
soon. Some Russian architects go abroad to 2 l,/ 2 / 3little (few) 4 much (many)
find jobs. I've got an American friend in 5 many (a few/a lot) 6 / 7 Mlch (A lot)
California who has offered me a job with his 8 much (many) 9little (few) l0 /
company that builds swimming pools. I want to llmuch (many) 12,/ 73many (much)
speak good English before I go to the USA. l4few (little) 15,/ 16 few (little)
My friend is very successful.He makes a lot of 3lb213d4c5e6a
money. He's got an enormous house near the 4 1 There's plenty of fruit 2 There's plenty of
beach at Malibu. I hope I'll be rich like him in a wood. 3 there's plenty of fresh water 4 There
few years.' are plenty of fish 5 There are plenty of ships
Unit61 U n i t6 4
I 1 two American wives 2 three children 3 two 7 any 2 some 3 any 4 any 5 any 6 none
electronics factories 4 two computer 7 some 8 no 9 some l0 any 11 some
companies 5 two large houses 6 two parties l2none l3some 14no 15no l6no
7 three men, two women, six gorillas 8 two 17 some 18 any
people, twelve pet monkeys I There weren't any buses or trains.
2 lmen 2wives 3women 4children Sbabies 2 There aren't any flights out of Bristol Airport
6 cities 7 churches 8 thousand 9 coaches today.
10 mountains 11 valleys l2 tomatoes 3 And there'll be no trains to London.
13 loaves 14 tomato sandwiches 15 bottles 4 There aren't any places left in the city car
16 hundred 17 flies 18 mosquitoes 19 feet parks.
20 crashes 2l ladies 22leeIh 23 people 5 And there's no movement on the M5 at
24 lives 25 addresses Junction 19.
3 | ,/ 2 were (was) 3 (first) were (was) 6 Union officials see no chance of a
4aren't (isn't) 5 / 6was (were) Twas breakthrough in negotiations.
(were) Sweren't (wasn't) 9/ l0was 7 So there won't be any improvement in the
(were) 1l / situation today.
I Have you got any mineral water?
U n it62 2 Could I have some apples?
3 Have you got any salt?
1 children (countable) 2 freedom
4 Could I have some sugar?
(uncountable) 3 problem (countable)
5 Could I have some sausages?
4 furniture (uncountable) 5 doctor 4 lsome 2any 3any 4some Sany 6any
(countable) 6 satisfaction (uncountable)
7 any
7 sleep (uncountable) 8 love (uncountable)
9 egg (countable)
IB 28 3A 4C 5A 6C 7A
Uncountable 1 everybody/everyone 2All
advice warmth 3 everybody/everyone 4 Everything (All)
money love 5 Everybody/Everyone 6 everything
happiness knowledge Teverybody/everyone 8everything 9All
progress travel l0 everything 11 all 12 Everybody/Everyone
work independence , 1 is 2 costs 3 was 4 was 5 has 6 ignores
furniture tolerance 3 I All 2 each (every) 3 Every @ach) 4 each
3 lsome 2- 3a 4is 5a 6is 7a 8- 5 every 6 All 7 every (each) 8 Every @ach)
9a 10- 9 all 10 all 1l all
I the whole/all 2 all 3 the whole/all 4 the
Unit53 whole Sthewhole/all 6awhole Tall
8 all 9 all 10 the whole/all 1l All 12 all 13 all
l 1 much a lot I all 2 Every 3 all 4 all 5 all 6 Every
2 much not much
3 many a lot/a few
Unit65 7 ourselves 8 each other 9 themselves
10 each other
I Most British people 2 Some of them 3 many
of them 4 all of them 5 a few of them 6 most
British tourists 7 all British tourists 8 some of
my friends 9 most of the time l0 A few of the I 1 anyone/anybody 2someone/somebody
people 11 any of them 12 half (of) the time 3 anyone/anybody 4 someone/somebody
l3 half (of) the time 14 none of the taxi drivers 5 anyone/anybody 6 someone/somebody
l5 most Amalfi taxi drivers 16 a lot of them 7 something 8 anyone/anybody 9 somewhere
17 some customers 18 much effort l0 someone/somebody
19 All tourists 20 all (of) the time 2 1 somewhere 2someone/somebody
I False 2 False 3 True 4 False 5 False 3 anyone/anybody 4 someone/somebody
6False TFalse STrue 9False l0True 5 anyone/anybody 6 anything 7 something
1l Both/Both of 12 either of 13 Neither 8 anything 9 something 10 anywhere
14Bothof 15Both 1l somewhere 12 something
I We were all tired after the journey. 3 I No-one/Nobody 2no-one/nobody
2 We all went to bed as soon as we arrived at 3nowhere 4no-one/nobody 5nothing
the hotel. 4 lanywhere 2Anything 3Anything
3 After sleeping for three hours both Sophie 4Anyone/Anybody SAnything 6Anywhere
and I were feeling hungry. onAfter sleeping 5 lanything anyone/anybody 2/ 3nothing
for three hours Sophie and I were both no-one/nobody 4anyone anything
feeling hungry. 5/ Gsomething nothing 7/
4 We both hate airline food, so we'd both eaten 6 lnothing 2somewhere 3nobody 4anything
nothing on the plane. 5 someone 6 something 7 nowhere
5 We both decided to have a sandwich at the 8 anywhere 9 anyone
hotel bar.
'Do you
6 both want relish with the sandwich?' Unit70
7 I wasn't sure what relish was, so we both said
no. I I They're the Kay sisters'. 2 lt's Sam and Zoe's.
8 The others were all feeling energetic, so they 3 They're Sarah's. 4lt's Anna's. 5lt's the
all went for a swim in the hotel pool. on All Taylor twins'.
the others were feeling energetic, so ... 2 2,/ Scustomers' 4grandparents' 5/
6 cousin's 7 children's 8 / 9 of.(being a
single parent) 10 of (herjob) 11 of (her
Unit 67
situation) 12 women's 13 of (a man)
I I These 2 that 3 That's 4 those 5 those 14 Laura's 15 today's
6 this 3 I His bedroom walls 2 Mick Jaggerposters
, 1 that 2 This 3 this 4 this 5 these 6 that's 3 Rolling Stones albums 4 his garage door
7 this 8 that 9 That l0 that l1 those 12 this 5 His car registration number 6 his car radio
13 this 7 Rolling Stones fans
lthat 2these 3that 4those SThat 6this 4 I a friend of yours 2 a friend of my sister's
7 That 8 that 9 that 10 these l1 this 12 this 3 a CD of mine 4 a video of his
13 this 14 these
Unit68 I I your 2 yours 3 Mine 4 hers 5 theirs 6 my
I 1 yourself 2 myself 3 themselves 4 ourselves 7 yours
5 himself 6 himself 7 itself 8 himself t himself , I our 2 my 3 his 4 his 5 hers 6 their 7 ours
, lB 2A 3BorC 48 5A 6C 7C 8A 9C lOC 3 llt's 2lt's 3its 4its 5lt's 6its 7it's 8it's
rrB r2A 138 r4A 15A 16C 178 18A 9 Its l0 its 11its 12it's
3 I He must iron them himself. 4 I Whoseis this jacket?onWhosejacketis this?
2 They must tidy them themselves. 2 Is it yours,Justin? 3 No,it isn't mine.
3 You must make it yourself. 4 WhosearetheseCDs?onWhoseCDsare
4 You must clean them yourself. these? 5 No,they aren'thers. 6 They're
5 You must do it yourselves. probablyhis.
6 You must make them yourselves. I my own 2 their own 3 its own 4 their own
1 themselves 2 ourselves 3 each other 5 his own 6 her own 7 their own
4 each other 5 each other 6 ourselves
Ur*t 72 4 2 And it'll be ten metres wide.
3 The water at the deep end will be three
I h's cold and it's raining. 2 It's boring. metres deep.
3 h would be nice to go to the cinema. 4 The water at the shallow end will be one
4 h takes 35 minutes to walk to the Odeon metre deep.
circma- 5lt's obvious that the bus is (would 5 The diving board will be four metres high.
be) quicker. 6lt's five to two. 7lt would be
saler to catch the bus.
lThey 2you 3you 4They Sthey 6they
TThey SYou 9you l0you llthey l2you I Melbourne's population is smaller than
l3you l4you l5You l6they Sydney's.
3 1g 2f 3e 4i 5h 6j 7a 8c 9d lOb 2 Sydney is older than Melbourne.
4 1 lt's time to board the flight to Madrid. 3 Melbourne is hotter than Sydney in January.
2 lt's 50 metres to Gate 36. 4 Melbourne's much drier than Sydney.
3 You must (have to) show your passport. 5 Houses in Sydney are more expensive than in
4 You mustn't smoke. Melbourne.
6 Melbourne is further south than Sydney.
Unit73 1 Katherine is the youngest.
2 Luke is the tallest.
I 'Which one did you go to?' 3 Katherine is the shortest.
'The one
on Woodstock Road.' 4 Mark is the heaviest.
one did you see?' 5 Katherine is the lightest.
'The new
one with Brad Pitt in it.' I The Mississippi is the longest river.
one did you go to?' 2 Mount McKinley, Alaska, is the highest
one opposite the cinema.' mountain.
ones did you go to?' 3 Hawaii is the newest state.
'The ones in Walton
Street.' 4 The SearsTower, Chicago, is the tallest
2 I a bigger one 2 one 3 ones 4 The one 5 one building.
6 (some) clean ones 7 one with a sea view 5 New York is the biggest city.
3 I The one in the middle. on The black one. 6 Baseball is the most popular sport.
2 The one on the right. 3 The white one. 7 Death Valley,California is the driest place.
4 The ones made in Europe. 5 The black one. 8 Washington, the most densely
on The one in the middle. populated state.
4 lC(A) 2C(A) 3A 4A 5A 6C I the most annoying, more annoying 2 the
7C 88 9C lOA worst thing, the bestlooking 3 The most
irritating, nearer and nearer 4 more irritating,
Unit74 shorter 5 more angry/angrier, longer
t IB 2A 3A 48 5A 68
, I a good-looking young man Unit76
2 long dark curly hair I False 2 True 3 True 4 False 5 True 6 False
3 ,/ 4 a beautiful old Devon village
T T r u e S F a l s e 9 T r u e l O T r u e 1 1T r u e
5 an interesting well-paid job 12 False
6 hard-working and successful 7 ,/ 8,/ I more and more carbon dioxide 2 More and
9 an enormous old American car more ice 3 more and more people 4 more and
I La Rocca is a charming Sicilian family hotel. more worried 5 The more time we waste, the
2 lt's a short ten-minute walk from the town. worse it will be 6 bigger and bigger 7 more
3 The hotel stands above its own lovely and more common 8 The longer people lie, the
sheltered sandy beach. more probable it is 9 The sooner we all realise,
4 The atmosphere is warm and friendly. the better.
5 The restaurant offers first-class traditional 3 lC 28 3C 4A 58 6A 7C
Sicilian cuisine. 4 lb 2e 3f 49 5d 6c 7a
6 The tennis court is floodlit and free of charge.
7 There's a big palmJringed fresh-water
swimming pool.
8 There are 14 spacious air-conditioned
Unit77 2
.lsNNy:How often do you come here?
t horrifying 2 boring 3 satisfied 4 depressed ulrr: I usually come euery Friday.
5 worrying 6 disappointing 7 annoyed :runv: This is my first visit. I don't usually listen to
8 exhausted 9 tired 10 surprised jazz,butl've always wanted to come to this
11 surprising 12 shocked 13 confused club. Have yolu always liked jazz?
14 damaged 15 amazing 16 interested vlKE: Yes,I've got my own jazzband.We often
l7 shocking 18 damaged 19 horrified play here.ln fact, we played here yesterday.
1 exciting on interesting 2 boring 3 tired rsNNv:Did you? What instrument do you play?
4 excited 5 interesting on exciting ntxr: I normally play the tenor sax. And I
6 disgusting 7 embarrassed 8 annoying sometimesplay the keyboard too.
9 surprised 10 amazed 11 interested 3182A 3C 485A 6C 7A 889A
I tiring on boring 2 disgusting 3 depressed
4 shocked oRamazed 5 annoved
Unit78 I 1 quite f.airly 2 quite rather 3 quite rather
4 rather quite 5 rather quite 6 fairly quite
I lregularly 2carefully 3well 4badly Seasily 7 pretty rather 8 quite pretty rather
6 unfortunately 7 definitely 8 properly 9 quite pretty l0 quite fairly
9 probably 10 quickly 2lc29 3e4a5d 6b7f
2 lhard 2hardly 3first 4right Shighly 3 1 Saint Lucia is such a fabulous island.
6freely Tfree 8early 9late l0lately 1l late 2 It's got such a wonderful climate.
12 straight 3 The Saint Lucians are such friendly people.
3 I Sarah Wright's been getting a lot of junk mail 4 The food was so good.
lately. (onLofely Sarah Wright's been getting 5 The fruit there was so cheap.
a lot of junk mail.) 6 There was such a lot to do.
2 Nearly every day she gets letters trying to 7 It was such an amazing experience.
sell her double-glazedwindows or medical 8 I had such a good time (that) I didn't want to
lnsurance. come home.
3 They've probably iowd her address in the 9 lt's such a long flight.
telephone book. l0 The flight was so uncomfortable (that) I
4 Or perhaps her name and address is on a couldn't sleep.
national computer database. 11 And the flight was so expensive (that) I won't
5 Sarah thinks it's an absolufelyridiculous be able to afford to go next year.
waste of paper.
6 Actually iI really makes her furious.
(onActually it makes her really furious.)
7 She angrily throws all the letters straight into 1 l 28 38 4C 5C 6A 7B
the bin. 2 l like living hereso much.
8 She'spolitely asked the companies to stop 2 like the summer,but I like the winter more.
writing to her. 3 think I like February best.
9 But she probably won'l be able to stop them. 4 And I like August /ecst
l0 UnfortunatelyiI's happening more and more 5 In summer I don't talk to my friends much.
in Britain. (on lt's happening more and more 6 Life in the winter is a 1otoRuery much slower
in Britain, unfortunately.) and,uery much on a lof quieter.
11 Sarah definitely doesn't want double glazed 7 I get a bitbored sometimes. 8l paint a little.
windows or medical insurance. 9 I also write a bit. l0l used to write a lot.
12 Shesimply can't afford to pay for them. 11 But nowadays I write much less.
3 1 very much 2less 3 more 4 worse 5 more
U n i t7 9 6 better 7 best 8 most 9 least
6 I haven't made my sandwiches yet. 2 I he feels (on he's feeling) even better 2 it's
I She hasn't prepared her talk yet. She's still even louder 3 it's even hotter 4 he's feeling
got to prepare her talk. even thirstier 5 he's even more interested
2 She hasn't ordered her foreign currencyyet. 3 1 She doesn't even know his name.
She's still got to order her foreign currency. 2 but he didn't even talk to her.
3 She hasn't been to the hairdresser's yet. 3 so she can't even phone him.
She'sstill got to go to the hairdresser's. 4 not even his address.
4 She hasn't bought anewsuitcaseyet. 5 She didn't even see him leave the party.
She'sstill got to buy a new suitcase. 6 not even the person who organised the party.
1 He still hasn't paid me back.
2 He still hasn't replied. Unit85
3 I'm still waiting for an interview.
4 I still can't see very well. I anything else 2 nothing else
5 I'm still not feeling well. 3 anyone/anybody else 4 nobody/no-one else
4 1 still, any more 2 no longer, any more/any 5 anywhere else 6 nowhere else 7 anything
longer 3 still, yet, any more 4 yet, still, any else 8 something else
more, still, yet 1 someone else 2 someone else
3 somewhere else 4 Where else 5 Or else
6 When else 7 Or else 8 Where else 9 Or else
1 Some drivers don't drive fast enough. U n i t8 6
2 Some drivers don't overtake carefully
enough. I lin 2in 3in 4in 5at 6on 7on SAt gat
1 0 i n 1 l a t 1 2i n 1 3 i n
3 Some people drive too close to the car in
front. 2 lAt 2in 3at 4on 6on 7ln 9in lOat
4 Some drivers aren't experienced enough. 1 l a t 1 2 i n 1 3A t 1 5 o n 1 6i n 1 7 a t 1 8o n
5 The present driving test isn't difficult 3 I In 1981. 2 In June, 1982. 3 At midnight, on
enough. October 5th, 1982. 4ln1982, on his mother's
1 earlyenough 2 longenough 3 enough birthday.
money 4 big enough 5 enough balls
6 enough strawberries 7 enough fine days Unit87
8 good enough lin 2at 3at 4at Son 6in 7in Sin 9in l0in
I too kind 2 too expensive 3 too crowded, 7 l a t 7 2 o n 1 3o n 1 4i n 1 5o n 1 6i n
too many 4 too interested 5 too conservative lat 2in 3in 4in 5in 6At 7On Sln 9at
1 too far to walk 2 too hot to walk 3 too cold l0on 11On12on13on
for me to swim 4 too expensive for us to hire
5 too old to windsurf 6 too difficult for me to Unit88
I The authorities don't make it difficult enough I lB 2C 3A 4D 5A 6BonC 7C
for illegal immigrants to get into the USA. , 1 round 2 next to 3 opposite 4 behind
2 It's too simple (for anyone) to buy a gun. 5 beside 6 near 7 on top of
3 America's rich enough to help poorer 1 by the river. 2 He's sitting between the two
countries more. bridges. 3 He's sitting under the willow tree.
4 Laws aren't strict enough to stop pollution. 4 among the trees. 5 below the house.
5 For many people medical care is too 6 above his head.
expensive (to pay for).
Unit 84 I round 2 down 3 from 4 across 5 under
I I She euenhad her photograph taken with 6 past 7 to 8 through 9 out of l0 up
Mickey Mouse. 1l away from 12 into
2 She euen went on the SpaceMountain ride, lfrom 2through 3round 4along Sacross
3 She euen bought herself a silly Donald Duck 6 up 7 onto 8 past 9 under
hat. I from, to 2 through 3 off, onto 4 into 5 out of
4 Euen her friend was surprised that Jenny 6 round
enjoyed it so much.
5 Jenny's euen decided to go again next year.
Unit90 Unit93
I l- 2 off 3out of 4- 5by 6at Tinto I I I'll miss you desperately while I'm away.
Soutof gto l0by llin 12on 13to 2 As soon as I arrive, I'll ring you. (Less
l4by 15- 16in 17at probable: As soon as I've arrived, I'll ring
2 1 No, he's going by plane. 2 To Barcelona. you.)
3 No, it's non-stop tg Barcelona. 3 When I return, I'll hold you in my arms.
4 At Heathrow airport./At the airport./At 4 We'll get married as soon as your father gives
Terminal l. his permission. (Alternative: We'll get
5 What time does he arrive in Barcelona? married as soon as your father has given his
6 When is he flying back to London? permission.)
7 At Barcelona airport./At the airport. 5 I'll never leave you while there is breath in
8 What time does his return flight arrive in my body.
London? 6 I'll love you till the day I die.
3If2e394a5c6b7d 2tB2A3C4C5A6C788A
U n i t9 1 Unit94
I I I've known mywife @e've known each I l u n t i l / t i l l 2 b y 3 b y t h e t i m e 4 untiftill
other) for 40 years. 5 by the time 6 until/till 7 by 8 by 9 until/till
2 We've lived in this area for 30 years. 10 by the time 11 until/tiil
3 We've had this house for 25 years. 2IA2C384A5A68
4 I've worked at the factory for 20 years.
5 We've been grandparents for five years. Unit95
2 1 We haven't had a party (on one) for months.
2 We haven't cleaned it since last month. I As 2 as 3 like 4like 5 like 6like T like
3 We haven't bought any (new clothes) since I 8like 9 like l0like 1l Like 12 like 13 as
bought those jeans. 14 as l5 like 16 as
4 We haven't seen a film (on one) since we saw I as if/as though we were 2 as lflas though
'Repulsion'. maths was/were 3 as if/as though theywere
5 I haven't phoned them for weeks. 4 as iflas though they were 5 as iflas though I
6 We haven't just done nothing for a long time. was/were 6 as if/as though maths was/were
1g She joined the company as a receptionist.
S lSince 2ior 3for 4since Ssince 6for
7 for 8 since 9 for 10 for 1l since 2c Now it looks as iflas though she'll be the
4 lfor 2since 3ago 4ago SSince 6for next managing director.
7 ago 8 ago 9 ever since 10 for 3h Because it looks as if/as though the present
boss will retire early.
4f Kate's 45 but she looks as iflas though she's
Unit92 still only 35.
lc for four and a half hours 2e during the first 5a She dresses like a fashion model.
and second sets 3d during the third set 6b She treats everyone as if/ as though they're
4a during the tie-break and he lost the set really important.
5f for half an hour 6b during the final set, and 7d She's good at remembering things, like
won it people's first names.
, lduring for 2for during 3/ 4during for 8e Last year the company made big profits, as
5 / 6./ 7 for during she predicted.
3 1 while you do the washing-up. 2 While we 1 as if /as though he was (onwere) a
were dancing together. 3 while I'm going out millionaire.
with Nigel 4 while he's doing his exams. 2 as if las though he was (on were) an old
5 while Nigel's in Spain. 6 while he's in friend.
Barcelona. 3 as if/as though he was (on were) the manager.
1 For three weeks. 2 During the summer. 4 as if/as though he lived in a castle.
3 While he was picking oranges. 4 During the 5 as if he had a Mercedes and a Porsche.
afternoon. 5 For an hour. 6 While he was in 6 as if he didn't have a wife and two children.
the tree. 7 For half an hour. 8 While he was 7 as if/as though he was (on were) an expert.
talking to Adam. 8 as iflas though he knew him intimately
Unit9 6 4 You've given us some wonderful presents
which we're very grateful for.
I (Ihe sentences don't have to be in this order.) 5 I'd like to thank the mother of the bride, who
I He's planning to go to India next month, we've all depended on for so many things.
although he hasn't got enough money to go. 6 And finally I'd like to thank my wife, who I
2 He's never been to India before, although owe my happiness to.
he's read a lot of books about it. 7 There's one thing which I must apologise for.
3 He's going to sell his car, although he won't 8 The speech which you've just listened to has
get much money for it.
been far too long.
4 He's hoping his mother will lend him some
money, although she's recently lost her job.
5 He's quite happyto go on his own, although
he'd prefer to go with a friend. 1 This is the hotel where I stayed.
2 1 She usually goes alone, in spite of her friends 2 This is the balcony where I had breakfast.
telling her she shouldn't. 3 This is the taverna where we ate in the
2 She went sailing yesterday, in spite of the evening.
weather being bad. 4 This is the beach where I spent most of my
3 She went out, in spite of not having a life- time.
jacket. 5 This is the night club where I met Angelo.
3 I He isn't very good at languages,though. 1 That's where he lives.
2 She'sagood actress, though. 2 Yes,that's where he often has a drink.
3 She likes the History of Art, though. 3 That's where he often parks his car.
4 He doesn't play in a band though./He isn't in 4 Yes,that's where he buys his newspapers.
a band, though. 1 We're looking for a red Ford Mondeo whose
5 He hasn't got a girlfriend, though. boot is probably full of wine.
4 lBecause 2so 3Because 4Because 2 We'd like to talk to the person whose jacket
5 so 6 since 7 since 8 so we found in the store.
3 We're looking for the person whose
U nit9 7 fingerprints are on the door of the safe.
4 We'd like to interview the person whose
I r,/ 5,/ 6/ 8./ gloves we found near the store entrance.
2 1 I saw a road accident today, which really 4 l- zwhat 3what 4- 5what 6what
upset me. Tthat 8-
2 It was a red Ford Escort which caused the
5 (Ihese sentences could be in any order)
accident. I What really annoyed me was the cost.
3 It had an unusual registration number which 2 What amazes me is that the buses and trains
began with the letter X. aren't integrated.
4 The driver was a young man who was
3 What we badly need is an integrated system
wearing dark glasses. of transport.
5 He hit an old woman who was crossing the 4 What shocked me was that they said it wasn't
their problem.
6 I called an ambulance, which arrived five 5 What I really don't understand is why we
minutes later. have a Ministry of Transport.
7 I took care of the old woman, who was still
8 I spoke to one of the ambulancemen, who
said she was badly hurt. a) lewhere 2awhich/that 3f where 4cwho
9 They took her to the hospital, which is only a 59 who 6j whose 7d who 8b whose
mile away. th who 10i who
l0 But she died in the ambulance which was b) All are defining.
taking her to hospital. c) You can't omit the relative pronoun in any ol
3 I This is a day which my wife and I will talk the sentences,except 2a.
about for years. I The following incident took place in Trenton,
2 I must thank all the people we've received which is in New Jersey.
presents from. 2 An elderly man, whose name was Henry
3 In particular, I'd like to thank all the people Kaplin, drove into town.
who I haven't had a chance to speak to. 3 Beside him was his neighbour, whose name
was Annie Bednarska.
4 They got to the Riverside Shopping Mall,
where she wanted to go shopping.
5 His passenger,who was 79 years old, got out.
6 The driver, who was in a hurry, reversed.
7 Three pedestrians shouted at him, which
wasn't enough to stop him.
8 He ran her over, which resulted in her
breaking a leg.
9 Police arrived at the scene of the accident,
where they asked them both questions.
10 They spoke to the driver, who they
discovered was deaf.
1l They also spoke to Annie Bednarska,who
told them she was blind.
3 1A283C4A 5 C
U n i t1 0 0
When the Queen visited Barnstaple this
morning, there was a big crowd waiting to see
her. Half way through the visit a man with long
black hair, wearing jeans and a T-shirt with ?
Her Majesty' on it, was arrested by police. The
man, holding a long hatpin, rushed towards the
Queen shouting'Your Majesty!' The Queen's
bodyguards, seeing the danger,jumped on him.
The man, badly injured in the attack, is now in
Barnstaple hospital. The Queen,touched by
the man's efforts to reach her, has visited him
in hospital. The hatpin found in the man's hand
was hers. She'd dropped it as she approached
the Civic Centre.
Avan with green wheels, filled with
conservationists all holding placards with
Green Party slogans written on them and
driven by a woman dressed as a penguin,
travelled round the area for a week before the