According To The Bible, The Rainbow Is A Token of God's Covenant With Noah
According To The Bible, The Rainbow Is A Token of God's Covenant With Noah
According To The Bible, The Rainbow Is A Token of God's Covenant With Noah
Synonyms: sign, symbol
According to the Bible, the rainbow is a token of God's covenant with Noah.
2. A keepsake.
Synonyms: memento, souvenir
Please accept this bustier as a token of our time together.
3. A piece of stamped metal or plastic, etc., used as a substitute for money; a voucher that
can be exchanged for goods or services.
Subway tokens are being replaced by magnetic cards.
A book token is the easiest option for a Christmas gift.
13. (computing) A conceptual object that can be possessed by a computer, process, etc. in
order to regulate a turn-taking system such as a token ring network.
14. (computing) A meaningless placeholder used as a substitute for sensitive data.
15. (grammar) A lexeme; a basic, grammatically indivisible unit of a language such as a
keyword, operator or identifier.
16. (corpus linguistics) A single example of a certain word in a text or corpus.
Antonym: type