Kyrie Petrakis 1
Kyrie Petrakis 1
Kyrie Petrakis 1
Task 2 part B,
p8:Structure and deliver a verbal business communication so that its content and type of
communication is appropriate for its audience and purpose
I first want to start of by thanking everyone who has made the time to arrive at this event.
This is a very special moment for me and I am very appreciated that you all are here
today to support me I also want to thank LACIE, Facebook and TikTok for sponsoring
us and being with us at this momentary moment. I shall now begin with my presentation
without further delay.
Within the events that will be happening, there will be free events; a brand new programme of free events including
talks and debates, short film screenings, a VR showcase and much more, screen talks with Kim Longitto and Michael
B.Jordan, LFF connects with William Nicholson, experimenta events, DJ nights,LFF immersive showcase, surprise
film, and award winners.
-More than 100 Press & Industry (P&I) Screenings during the festival
-Free access to screenings and event in the LFF Education programme taking place during the festival
-Free or discounted tickets to selected LFF Industry events and LFF public screenings taking place during the
TO our generous sponsors, partners and funding contributors- American Express, The National Lottery, Facebook,
The Mayfair Hotel, Mayor of London.
This year, we’ve focused on filmmakers telling stories with global ambitions; stories that can be culturally specific
whilst resonating internationally. There will be an interactive and thought-provoking event involving a series of
lightning presentations from a group of programmers, writers and filmmakers involved with non-fiction work, to
discuss what is exciting and/or perplexing them in this dynamic form at the moment. The audience will then be
encouraged to get into groups, with speakers joining them, to discuss the questions that have been raised. Acclaimed
documentarian Kim Longinotto joins us to discuss her storied career and her new documentary Shooting the Mafia,
an eye-opening profile of Sicilian organised crime photographer Letizia Battaglia.
M4: review own use of verbal and written skills when communicating business messages and recommend improvements
Looking back at my own use of verbal and written skills, I have Through my verbal and written skills, I have given information
used an abbreviation with the brand name British Film Institute into on the guidance of BFI but have not explained enough in detail.
BFI as I know people would understand what this stands for and In order to provide the best message for the audience to
saves up time as it is a long word and I don't need to continuously acknowledge, the message must be accurate to ensure BFI's
use it. I know the limit of using abbreviations as using too much can reputation is not negatively affected. Accuracy of spelling,
confuse the audience and may not understand the message clearly punctuation, grammar, technical terms and the quality of
and ruins the origin of the language. However, an improvement I written communication must be in high standard as it would
can make is to use the full English language such as, instead of show how BFI is an organised business and makes sure their
'haven't', I should use 'have not' as it seems more appropriate and message is always seen as a powerful and clear, with perfect
does not sound as an informal tone. Even though, it does take up accuracy showing their audience that they know what they are
more time, it will make it easier for the intended audience to talking about and will come across through all of the people
understand. Using this improvement, we will be able to attract which will give a positive effect. Using this improvement, this
more customers as they understand our message and are intrigued will increase the revenue and profit for BFI as they have a string
by it who wants to know more about it. This will lead to increase accurate speech which will enable their customers aswell as
sales as more people are becoming aware of BFI and buying their potential customers to recognise the doing of BFI and what
goods and services. Although, using this improvement is a good their business is all about. Nonetheless, this can be difficult for
idea, it will also be very time-consuming for BFI when preparing BFI because if they want to have an accurate message, they
their message as they have to constantly check that they used the may hire an editor but will be very costly leading up to all the
full English language when instead they could use some acronyms messages they made as may not have enough to improve on
that will be understood by the audience. Also, if BFI use the origin their business.
English language,it will look like their speech is really long and the
audience won't be asked to read it. 04
D2: justify how to adapt the structure, method of delivery and any other considerations to convey a business
message for differing audience requirements
There are customer that wants to join BFI and be a part of them but is unable to do so due to old age,
disabilities, or they don't have enough time. We, as a successful business wants to change that and include
everyone to become apart of the BFI team and gets to experience the journey with us.
We want to involve everyone and show them the skills we got but unfortunately some may not be able to do
so due to their disability which makes it difficult to participate in activities. For customers with impaired
vision or blind, we welcome guide dogs at BFI where our staff will take care of your dog while you enjoy the
movie and will provide water for your dog. We also have copies of large print BFI guides and menus which
we hope to make it easier for you. Customers who are deaf or hearing-impaired, we have provided all our
screen with induction loop facilities and occasionally present palantype and soft type screening. We had
really good reviews from our visitor that suffered with these conditions, and really made a difference when
watching the movie as it came out more clear. We also have a number of spaces allocated for wheelchairs
and visitors with mobility impairment which you will have to book in advance to avoid disappointment.
We want students from a young age to have an insight on what their future career may look like and
what they prefer more. However students such as secondary and university students find it arduous to
find experience involving with filming industry due to the timetable and so we have arranged a set of
events and activities with different types of filming to suit with everyone's needs. We have short
courses aim to help train and inspire the next generation of UK filmmakers, supporting talented and
committed young people to develop the commercial and cultural knowledge and skills to help make a
career in film a reality. The BFI Academy courses offer training for every film industry role, from
writing to production, sound design, editing and camera, and provides learning around film history and
cinematic storytelling to inspire an appreciation of film culture in the round. We also offer specialist
courses fir students who are really interested in a particular course;we offer craft skills, Documentary,
Animation, Animation and VFX, Screenwriting, and Programming. BFI believes with our help, students
will soon become very successful in their career having help and advice from specialist and receiving
real experience in one of the best UK's lead organisation for film, television and the moving image.