Coinduccion y Correcursion

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Induction, Recursion, Coinduction, Corecursion

Jan van Eijck

June 11, 2002


More on induction and recursion. Creating infinite datastructures with corecursion.

module RAC8

import STAL (display)
A Question about map and filter

The two operations map and filter can be combined:

Prelude> filter (>4) (map (+1) [1..10])
Prelude> map (+1) (filter (>4) [1..10])

These outcomes are different. This is because the test (>4) yields a
different result after all numbers are increased by 1.
When we make sure that the test used in the filter takes this change
into account, we get the same answers:
Prelude> filter (>4) (map (+1) [1..10])
Prelude> map (+1) (filter ((>4).(+1)) [1..10])

Here (f . g) denotes the result of first applying g and next f. Note

that ((>4).(+1)) defines the same property as (>3).

Show that for every finite list xs :: [a], every function f :: a -> b,
every total predicate p :: b -> Bool the following holds:
filter p (map f xs) = map f (filter (p.f ) xs).
Note: a predicate p :: b -> Bool is total if for every object x :: b,
the application p x gives either true or false. In particular, for no
x :: b does p x give rise to an error message.

Proof by induction on xs that

filter p (map f xs) = map f (filter (p.f ) xs).
filter p (map f []) = [] = map f (filter (p.f ) []).
Induction step: Assume
filter p (map f xs) = map f (filter (p.f ) xs).
Consider (x:xs). There are two cases:

1. p (f x) = True
2. p (f x) = False.
In case (1) we have:
filter p (map f (x:xs)) = filter p (f x) : (map f (x:xs))
= (f x) : (filter p (map f (x:xs)))
= (f x) : (map f (filter (p.f ) xs))
= map f (x : (filter (p.f ) xs))
= map f (filter (p.f ) (x:xs)).

In case (2) we have:

filter p (map f (x:xs)) = filter p (f x) : (map f (x:xs))
= filter p (map f (x:xs))
= map f (filter (p.f ) xs)
= map f (filter (p.f ) xs)
= map f (filter (p.f ) (x:xs)).
The Tower of Hanoi

The Tower of Hanoi is a tower of 8 disks of different sizes, stacked in

order of decreasing size on a peg. Next to the tower, there are two
more pegs. The task is to transfer the whole stack of disks to one of
the other pegs (using the third peg as an auxiliary) while keeping to
the following rules: (i) move only one disk at a time, (ii) never place a
larger disk on top of a smaller one.

1. How many moves does it take to completely transfer a tower con-

sisting of n disks?
2. Prove by mathematical induction that your answer to the previous
question is correct.
3. How many moves does it take to completely transfer the tower of

Can you also find a formula for the number of moves of the disk of
size k during the transfer of a tower with disks of sizes 1, . . . , n, and
1 ≤ k ≤ n? Again, you should prove by mathematical induction that
your formula is correct.


Disk k makes exactly 2n−k moves. To prove this with induction, we

prove by induction on m that the disk of size n − m makes 2m moves.
From this the result follows, since k = n − m implies m = n − k.
Proof by induction on m that the disk of size n − m makes 2m moves.
Basis: For m = 0 we get that the disk of size n = n − 0 makes 20 = 1
move. This is correct, for the largest disk moves exactly once, from
source to destination.
Induction step: Assume that disk n − m makes 2n−m moves. Now
there are two kinds of moves for disk n − (m + 1): (i) move it on top
of disk n − m, or (ii) remove it from disk n − m. This makes clear
that to every single move of disk n − m there are two moves of disk
n − (m + 1), giving 2 × 2n−m = 2n−(m+1) moves altogether.
Note that this outcome squares with the formula for the number of
moves to shift a complete tower. If disk k makes 2n−k moves the total
number of moves is nk=1 2n−k . Since 1 + nk=1 2n−k = 2n (use binary

representation to see this) we get nk=1 2n−k = 2n − 1.

A Tower of Hanoi Program

For an implementation of the disk transfer procedure, an obvious way

to represent the starting configuration of the tower of Hanoi is:
For clarity, we give the three pegs names A, B and C. and we declare a
type Tower:

data Peg = A | B | C
type Tower = ([Int], [Int], [Int])
There are six possible single moves from one peg to another:

move :: Peg -> Peg -> Tower -> Tower

move A B (x:xs,ys,zs) = (xs,x:ys,zs)
move B A (xs,y:ys,zs) = (y:xs,ys,zs)
move A C (x:xs,ys,zs) = (xs,ys,x:zs)
move C A (xs,ys,z:zs) = (z:xs,ys,zs)
move B C (xs,y:ys,zs) = (xs,ys,y:zs)
move C B (xs,ys,z:zs) = (xs,z:ys,zs)
The procedure transfer takes three arguments for the pegs, an argu-
ment for the number of disks to move, and an argument for the tower
configuration to move. The output is a list of tower configurations.

transfer :: Peg -> Peg -> Peg -> Int -> Tower
-> [Tower]
transfer _ _ _ 0 tower = [tower]
transfer p q r n tower = transfer p r q (n-1) tower
transfer r q p (n-1)
(move p q tower’)
where tower’ = last (transfer p r q (n-1) tower)

hanoi :: Int -> [Tower]

hanoi n = transfer A C B n ([1..n],[],[])
Here is the output for hanoi 4:
IAR> hanoi 4
Induction and Recursion over Other Data Structures

A standard way to prove properties of logical formulas is by induction

on their syntactic structure. Consider e.g. the following Haskell data
type for propositional formulas.
data Form = P Int | Conj Form Form | Disj Form Form
| Neg Form

instance Show Form where

show (P i) = ’P’:show i
show (Conj f1 f2) =
"(" ++ show f1 ++ " & " ++ show f2 ++ ")"
show (Disj f1 f2) =
"(" ++ show f1 ++ " v " ++ show f2 ++ ")"
show (Neg f) = "~" ++ show f

It is assumed that all proposition letters are from a list P0, P1, . . .. Then
¬(P1 ∨ ¬P2) is represented as Neg (Disj (P 1) (Neg (P 2))),
and shown on the screen as ~(P1 v ~P2), and so on.
We define the list of subformulas of a formula as follows:

sforms :: Form -> [Form]

sforms (P n) = [(P n)]
sforms (Conj f1 f2) =
(Conj f1 f2): (sforms f1 ++ sforms f2)
sforms (Disj f1 f2) =
(Disj f1 f2): (sforms f1 ++ sforms f2)
sforms (Neg f) = (Neg f):(sforms f)

This gives, e.g.:

Main> sforms (Neg (Disj (P 1) (Neg (P 2))))
[~(P1 v ~P2),(P1 v ~P2),P1,~P2,P2]
ccount :: Form -> Int
ccount (P n) = 0
ccount (Conj f1 f2) =
1 + (ccount f1) + (ccount f2)
ccount (Disj f1 f2) =
1 + (ccount f1) + (ccount f2)
ccount (Neg f) = 1 + (ccount f)

acount :: Form -> Int

acount (P n) = 1
acount (Conj f1 f2) = (acount f1) + (acount f2)
acount (Disj f1 f2) = (acount f1) + (acount f2)
acount (Neg f) = acount f
Now we can prove that the number of subformulas of a formula equals
the sum of its connectives and its atoms:
Proposition 1 For every member f of Form:

length (sforms f) = (ccount f) + (acount f).


Basis If f is an atom, then sforms f = [f], so this list has length

1. Also, ccount f = 0 and acount f = 1.
Induction step If f is a conjunction or a disjunction, we have:
• length (sforms f) = 1 + (sforms f1) + (sforms f2),
• ccount f = 1 + (ccount f1) + (ccount f2),
• acount f = (acount f1) + (acount f2),
where f1 and f2 are the two conjuncts or disjuncts. By induction
length (sforms f1) = (ccount f1) + (acount f1).
length (sforms f2) = (ccount f2) + (acount f2).
The required equality follows immediately from this.
If f is a negation, we have:
• length (sforms f) = 1 + (sforms f1),
• ccount f = 1 + (ccount f1),
• acount f = (acount f1),
and again the required equality follows immediately from this and
the induction hypothesis.

If one proves a property of formulas by induction on the structure of
the formula, then the fact is used that every formula can be mapped
to a natural number that indicates its constructive complexity: 0 for
the atomic formulas, the maximum of rank(Φ) and rank(Ψ) plus 1 for
a conjunction Φ ∧ Ψ, and so on.
Analysing Sequences by Difference Analysis

Suppose {an} is a sequence of natural numbers, i.e., f = λ is a

function in N → N. The function f is a polynomial function of degree
k if f can be presented in the form
ck nk + ck−1nk−1 + · · · + c1n + c0,
with ci ∈ Q and ck 6= 0.
Example: the sequence
[1, 4, 11, 22, 37, 56, 79, 106, 137, 172, 211, 254, 301, 352, . . .]
is given by the polynomial function f = λn.(2n2 + n + 1). This is a
function of the second degree.
Here is the Haskell check:
Prelude> take 15 (map (\ n -> 2*n^2 + n + 1) [0..])
Consider the difference sequence given by the function
d(f ) = λ − an.

Haskell implementation:

difs :: Integral a => [a] -> [a]

difs [] = []
difs [n] = []
difs (n:m:ks) = m-n : difs (m:ks)

RAC8> difs [1,4,11,22,37,56,79,106,137,172,211,254,301]

Fact: The difference function d(f ) of a polynomial function f is itself
a polynomial function.
Example: If f = λn.(2n2 + n + 1), then:
d(f ) = λn.(2(n + 1)2 + (n + 1) + 1 − (2n2 + n + 1)
= λn.4n + 3.

Here is the Haskell check:

RAC8> take 15 (map (\n -> 4*n + 3) [0..])
RAC8> take 15 (difs (map (\ n -> 2*n^2 + n + 1) [0..]))
Fact: if f is a polynomial function of degree k then d(f ) is a polynomial
function of degree k − 1.
For suppose f (n) is given by ck nk + ck−1nk−1 + · · · + c1n + c0. Then
d(f )(n) is given by
ck (n + 1)k +ck−1(n + 1)k−1 + · · · + c1(n + 1) + c0
− (ck nk + ck−1nk−1 + · · · + c1n + c0).

It is not hard to see that f (n + 1) has the form ck nk + g(n), with g a

polynomial of degree k − 1. Since f (n) also is of the form ck nk + h(n),
with h a polynomial of degree k −1, d(f )(n) has the form g(n)−h(n),
so d(f ) is itself a polynomial of degree k − 1.
Thus, if f is a polynomial function of degree k, then dk (f ) will be a
constant function (a polynomial function of degree 0).
Here is a concrete example of computing difference sequences until we
hit at a constant sequence:
-12 -11 6 45 112 213 354 541 780
1 17 39 67 101 141 187 239
16 22 28 34 40 46 52
6 6 6 6 6 6

We find that the sequence of third differences is constant, which means

that the form of the original sequence is a polynomial of degree 3.
To find the next number in the sequence, just take the sum of the last
elements of the rows. This gives 6 + 52 + 239 + 780 = 1077.
Charles Babbage (1791–1871), one of the founding fathers of computer
science, used these observations in the design of his difference engine.
We will give a Haskell version of the machine.
If the input list has a polynomial form of degree k, then after k steps
of taking differences the list is reduced to a constant list:
RAC8> difs [-12,-11,6,45,112,213,354,541,780]
RAC8> difs [1,17,39,67,101,141,187,239]
RAC8> difs [16,22,28,34,40,46,52]
The following function keeps generating difference lists until the differ-
ences get constant:

difLists :: Integral a => [[a]] -> [[a]]

difLists [] = []
difLists l@(xs:xss) =
if constant xs then l else difLists ((difs xs):l)
constant (n:m:ms) = all (==n) (m:ms)
constant _ = error "lack of data/not a pf"
This gives the lists of all the difference lists that were generated from
the initial sequence, with the constant list upfront.
IAR> difLists [[-12,-11,6,45,112,213,354,541,780]]
The list of differences can be used to generate the next element of the
original sequence: just add the last elements of all the difference lists
to the last element of the original sequence. In our example case, to
get the next element of the list
[−12, −11, 6, 45, 112, 213, 354, 541, 780]
add the list of last elements of the difference lists (including the original
list): 6 + 52 + 239 + 780 = 1077. To see that this is indeed the next
element, note that 1077 − 780 = 297, 297 − 239 = 58, 58 − 52 = 6,
so the number 1077 ‘fits’ the difference analysis.
The following function gets the list of last elements that we need (in
our example case, the list [6,52,239,780]):

genDifferences :: Integral a => [a] -> [a]

genDifferences xs = map last (difLists [xs])

A new list of last elements of difference lists is computed from the

current one by keeping the constant element d1, and replacing each
di+1 by di + di+1.

nextD :: Integral a => [a] -> [a]

nextD [] = error "no data"
nextD [n] = [n]
nextD (n:m:ks) = n : nextD (n+m : ks)
The next element of the original sequence is given by the last element
of the new list of last elements of difference lists:

next :: Integral a => [a] -> a

next = last . nextD . genDifferences

In our example case, this gives:

IAR> next [-12,-11,6,45,112,213,354,541,780]
All this can now be wrapped up in a function that continues any list
of polynomial form, provided that enough initial elements are given as

continue :: Integral a => [a] -> [a]

continue xs = map last (iterate nextD differences)
differences = nextD (genDifferences xs)

This uses the predefined iterate function:

iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]

iterate f x = x : iterate f (f x)
If a given list is generated by a polynomial, then the degree of the
polynomial can be computed by difference analysis, as follows:

degree :: Integral a => [a] -> Int

degree xs = length (difLists [xs]) - 1

The difference engine is smart enough to be able to continue a list of

sums of squares, or a list of sums of cubes:
RAC8> take 10 (continue [1,5,14,30,55])
RAC8> take 10 (continue [1,9,36,100,225,441])
Gaussian Elimination

Difference analysis yields an algorithm for continuing any finite sequence

with a polynomial form. Is it also possible to give an algorithm for
finding the form? This would solve the problem of how to guess the
closed forms for the functions that calculate sums of squares, sums of
cubes, and so on. The answer is ‘yes’, and the method is Gaussian
See the lecture notes for this. We just give a demo . . . .
The Question about map and filter again

Consider the following problem:

Show that for every finite and infinite list xs :: [a], every function
f :: a -> b, every total predicate p :: b -> Bool the following
filter p (map f xs) = map f (filter (p.f ) xs).
Now induction on the length of the list does not work anymore. How
should we go about this?
We take one step back, and look at the method for defining infinite
lists (and other infinite datastructures).

Generating streams (infinite lists) is done by means of definitions that

look like recursive definitions but that lack a base case:

ones = 1 : ones
Such definitions are called corecursive definitions.

enum_1 n = n : enum_1 (n+1)

naturals = enum_1 0

enum_2 n = n : enum_2 (n+2)

odds = enum_2 1

From the Haskell prelude:

iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]

iterate f x = x : iterate f (f x)

ones2 = iterate id 1

theNats :: [Integer]
theNats = iterate succ 0

theOdds :: [Integer]
theOdds = iterate (\ n -> n+2) 1

zipWith :: (a->b->c) -> [a]->[b]->[c]

zipWith z (a:as) (b:bs) = z a b : zipWith z as bs
zipWith _ _ _ = []

In a picture:

[xn+1, xn+2, . . .
[(z x0 y0), (z x1 y1), . . . , (z xn yn),
[yn+1, yn+2, . . .

theNats1 = 0 : zipWith (+) ones theNats1

Generating the Fibonacci numbers with zipWith

theFibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) theFibs (tail theFibs)

RAC8> take 15 theFibs

Eratostenes’ Sieve

The definition of the sieve of Eratosthenes also uses corecursion:

sieve :: [Integer] -> [Integer]

sieve (0 : xs) = sieve xs
sieve (n : xs) = n : sieve (mark (xs, n-1, n-1))
mark (x : xs, 0, m) = 0 : mark (xs, m, m)
mark (x : xs, n, m) = x : mark (xs, n-1, m)

sieve’ :: [Integer] -> [Integer]

sieve’ (x:xs) = x :
sieve’ (filter (\ n -> (rem n x) /= 0) xs)

primes’ :: [Integer]
primes’ = sieve’ [2..]
Proving Properties of Corecursive Programs

How does one prove things about corecursive programs? E.g., how does
one prove that sieve and sieve’ compute the same stream result for
every stream argument? Proof by induction does not work here, for
there is no base case.
Comparing the observational behaviour of infinite objects

To compare two streams xs and ys, intuitively it is enough to compare

their observational behaviour. The key observation on a stream is to
inspect its head. If two streams have the same head, and their tails
have the same observational behaviour, then they are equal.
The two key observations on an infinite binary tree are to inspect the
labels of its left and right daughters. If two infinite binary trees have
the same left daughter label, the same right daughter label, and the
left and right daughters have the same observational behaviour, then
they are equal. And so on, for other infinite data structures.
The tool for comparing observational behaviour are bisimulations.

A bisimulation between two sets A and B is a relation R with the

following properties. If aRb then:
o o
1. If a −→ a0 then there is a b0 ∈ B with b −→ b0 and a0Rb0.
o o
2. If b −→ b0 then there is an a0 ∈ A with a −→ a0 and a0Rb0.

A bisimulation between A and A is called a bisimulation on A.

Use ∼ for the greatest bisimulation on a given set A.
Call two elements of A bisimilar when they are related by a bisimulation
on A. Being bisimilar then coincides with being related by the greatest
a ∼ b ⇔ ∃R(R is a bisimulation, and aRb).
Proof by Coinduction

To show that two infinite objects x and y are equal, we show that they
exhibit the same behaviour, i.e. we show that x ∼ y. Such a proof is
called a proof by coinduction.
The general pattern of a proof by coinduction of x ∼ y, where x, y :: a,
is as follows. Define a relation R on objects of some set A with a ⊂ A.
Next, show that R is a bisimulation, with xRy.

Proof Recipe for a Proof by Coinduction

Showing that x ∼ y is done as follows:

Given: . . .
To be proved: x ∼ y
Let R be given by . . . and suppose xRy.
To be proved: R is a bisimulation.
Suppose x −→ x0.
To be proved: There is a y 0 with y −→ y 0 and x0Ry 0.
Proof: . . .
Suppose y −→ y 0.
To be proved: There is an x0 with x −→ x0 and x0Ry 0.
Proof: . . .
Thus R is a bisimulation with xRy.
Thus x ∼ y.
Example Proof by Coinduction

map f (iterate f x) ∼ iterate f (f x).

Let S be the following relation on [a].
{( map f (iterate f x), iterate f (f x)) | f :: a → a, x :: a}.

Let R be the relation S ∪ ∆a on [a] ∪ a (note that ∆a is the identity

on a).
(map f (iterate f x)) R (iterate f (f x)).
We show that R is a bisimulation.
map f (iterate f x) = map f x : (iterate f (f x))
= (f x) : map f (iterate f (f x))
iterate f (f x) = (f x) : iterate f (f (f x)).

This shows:

map f (iterate f x) −→ (f x) (1)
map f (iterate f x) −→ map f x : (iterate f (f x)) (2)
iterate f (f x) −→ (f x) (3)
iterate f (f x) −→ iterate f (f (f x)) (4)
The two observations we can perform on streams are head and tail.
Now (f x)∆a(f x), so (f x)R(f x). Thus, the bisimilarity require-
ments hold for head observations.
(map f x : (iterate f (f x))) S (iterate f (f (f x))),
by definition of S, so
(map f x : (iterate f (f x))) R (iterate f (f (f x))),
by the definition of R. Hence, the bisimilarity requirements hold for tail
This shows that R is a bisimimulation that connects map f (iterate f x)
and iterate f (f x).
(map f (iterate f x)) ∼ (iterate f (f x)).

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