KSE User Manual
KSE User Manual
KSE User Manual
1 Preface .......................................................................................1
2 Safety instructions ................................................................................1
3 Signs .........................................................................................2
4 System wiring diagram………………………………………………………………………. 2
5 Installation .............................................................................................3
5.1Packing list.................................................................3
5.2 Machine appearance............................................................................4
5.3 Installation position ....................................................................4
5.4 Inverter installation ............................................................................5
5 .5 W irin g .............................................................................6
5.5.1 AC wiring .........................................................................6
5.5.2 PV wiring ......................................................................9
5.5.3 Battery connection .........................................................10
5.5.4 RS485 Communication connection....................................................12
5.5.5 RS232 and dry contact .....................................................13
5.5.6 External CT connection .....................................................13
6 Instructions for LED indicator ........................................................................15
7 Working mode ....................................................................................16
7.1Self-generation and self-consumption ......................................................16
7.2 Battery priority.............................................................................16
7.3 Peak load shifting ...........................................................................16
8 Display and setting .................................................................................18
9 Alarm code and error code ..................................................................36
10 Fault diagnosis and solutions ............................................................37
11 Machine parameters………………………………………………………………………40
1. Preface
This product is a hybrid inverter, through which solar energy can be connected and stored in
batteries as well as power the load. It is an intelligent energy product that incorporates both
general needs of customers and industry, and facilitates personalized control.
Figure 1
Solar energy can produce direct current through PV panels, partly of which is then
transformed into DC by inverter to supply batteries for energy storage, while partly converted into
AC to support the load or power grid. Besides, the portion of energy that is converted by inverter
can be wisely manipulated and rationed based on practical needs.
Strict inspection has been made in terms of the manufacturing, packaging as well as
out-of-factory impertinent to products. If there is anything missing, do not hesitate to contact us or
supplier for better solution.
Our company is committed to the constant improvement of inverter, so if the information
offered by the company is altered, no timely notification will be sent.
2. Safety Instructions
Before using the inverter, its operation and maintenance must be performed by
professionals in accordance with locally accepted standards and regulations.
Install where children are not accessible.
After power-off, do not perform maintenance within 5 minutes; meanwhile, make sure the
bus voltage is below 36V.
Local temperature of working inverter may surpass 60 ℃. A void touching les
To ensure full de-energization of inverter, DC switch should be turned off, and PV terminal,
batteries and AC terminal need to be disconnected.
Make sure DC input voltage does not exceed the maximum input voltage of the inverter;
otherwise, the inverter will be damaged. In this case, the company does not assume any
responsibility and quality warranty.
Appropriate measures must be taken to avoid thunderstruck.
The inverter must be safely earthed.
3. Signs
Caution-Igoring the signs in the manual may cause minor or moderate injury.
Hot! No touching!
CE sign
Wait for 5 minutes after power-off and make sure the machine is fully
PV Load
Battery Power
Figure 2
5. Installation
5.1 Packing list
Prior to installation, please check if the outer appearance of machine is intact and the parts in
attachment bag are not inconsistent with the list.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
Figure 3
Providing users with guidance for
13 User manual 1 installation, operation, maintenance,
fault diagnosis and the like.
14 Packing list 1 Accessories list
15 External CT 1 Monitoring grid current
5.2Machine appearance
Figure 4
Figure 5
The inverter should be installed vertically or tilted no more than 15°
Do not install the inverter on a forward-leaning or horizontal plane.
Install the inverter on a solid and ventilated surface.
Figure 6
To secure good heat dissipation and easy dismantlement, the minimum clearance around
the inverter should not be smaller than the below values.
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Purge away the dust inside and outside the drilling hole, and insert the expansion tube into
the hole vertically. Strike expansion tube directly with the hammer to make it fully into the
wall, then align the rack to the hole and tighten it with the self-tapping screw.
Gently hang the inverter onto the rack top-down, lock the setscrews flanking the inverter,
and make sure they are mounted correctly.
Figure 11
5.5 Wiring
5.5.1 AC Wiring
Install the AC wiring following the below steps:
(1) Measure the voltage and frequency of the connection access point, and make sure it is in
conformity with the specification of grid connection.
(2) The PE line (ground wire) of the inverter must be reliably earthed so as to ensure the
impedance between the neutral line and ground wire is less than 10 Ω.
(3) Disconnect the AC circuit breaker between the inverter and the power grid.
(4) Loosen the nut.
(5) Disassemble the single-aperture sealing ring.
(6) Pass the cable successively through the nut, single-aperture sealing ring, AC protective
cover and AC wiring terminal (as shown in Figure 12)
(7) Wire stripping requirements(as shown in Figure 13)
Nut Insulator
Figure 11
Figure 12
(8) Use tool to clamp the AC wiring terminal and wire rod; screw the nut, but do not tighten it.
Make sure that the cable is free to pass through the waterproof components. Once the terminal
is connected to the right site of the inverter, tighten the nut.(refer to Figure 14)
Figure 14
(9) Connect the AC wiring terminal to the corresponding hole site of the inverter and lock it
with a screw driver or electric screw driver (suggestion: stem diameters and torsion of
screwdriver or electric screwdriver should be 4mm and 8 ~ 12kg-f.cm respectively)(refer
to Figure 15)
Pan-head screw
Figure 15
5.5.2 PV wiring
(1) Installation instructions for the connection of PV wiring terminal
(Terminals are polarized,please pay attention to the sign of “+” and “-” on the body)
Figure 17
Figure 18
5.5.3 Battery connection
A reverse polarity connection may damage the inverter. Please pay attention to the
connection. Damage caused by a reverse polarity connection is not covered under
Be careful of electric shock and chemical contamination.
If the DC circuit breaker between the inverter and batteries is absent, an electric arc
may be generated in wiring.
For the safe operation of the system, it is advisable to use the wire in line with following
A Cross-sectional area of conductor materials 20~25mm
(1) Check if the voltage of batteries complies with the product specifications.
(2) Disconnect the DC circuit breaker between the inverter and batteries.
(3) Loosen the nut.
(4) Disassemble the single-aperture sealing ring.
(5) Pass the cable successively through the nut, single-aperture sealing ring, insulator and
battery protective cover (refer to Figure 19).
Cable Single-aperture sealing ring
Battery wiring terminal
Figure 19
Battery protective cover
(6) Use tool to clamp the battery wiring terminal and cable; and then screw the nut,but
do not tighten it. Make sure that the cable is free to pass through the waterproof
components. Once the terminal is connected to the hole site, tighten the nut.( refer
to Figure 20)
Figure 20
(7) Connect the Battery wiring terminal to the corresponding slot of the inverter and
tighten it with a screwdriver or wrench (suggestion: torsion should be
50~70kg-f.cm ), and then lock the battery protective cover with pan-head screw
from the attachment bag(refer to Figure 21)
Figure 21
5.5.4 RS485 Communication connection
The power storage inverter contains two 485 interfaces, with one for external WiFi and
GPRS communication, and the other for lithium battery communication.
Figure 22
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Single-aperture sealing ring
Cable Crystal head
Nut Sheet metal parts
Figure 23
5.5.5 RS232 and dry contact
Power storage inverter has a 232 interface, which is used for program upgrading;
The inverter has a DI data interface, on which key 7 and 8 are signal input of dry contact.
Figure 24
Figure 25
(2) Loosen the nut, and untangle the single-aperture sealing ring.
Nut Insulator
Figure 26
图 25
(3) Pass the wire through the waterproof components.
Figure 27
(4)Use a slotted screwdriver to keep pushing the lock-wire groove of the terminal, and insert the
white connecting wire of external CT into the hole site of the left terminal; Loosen the slotted
screwdriver, and make sure the connection is secure.
Figure 28
Figure 29
Stand-by off off off off
Hybrid power
on off off off
7. Working modes
The machine has three kinds of working modes: self-generation and self-consumption, battery
priority, and peak load shifting.
7.1 self-generation and self-consumption
When solar energy is sufficient, power converted by inverter (from solar energy) will first be
used to supply the load,with the residual for batteries and then the grid; If solar energy is
inadequate, power stored in batteries and PV energy will support the load altogether; as night
falls, batteries and mains supply will provide power for the load.
7.2 Battery priority
Power converted by inverter from solar energy will first be used to charge the battery, with the
residual power for the load.
7.3 Peak load shifting
The energy will be stored when the electricity price is low, which can be utilized when price
high; the timing control of machine charging and discharging may also be carried out based on
the actual usage.
Power grid:
Press ESC Select 1 to set up
Initial interface
User Enter password
button Press ENTER button
before powering on
Note: If there are requirements for reactive power in the locality, please refer to 8.2.4 and set
up in line with the actual needs.
Enterpassword 4 Operation
Setting button 1 Reactive power mode
PV input mode:
Enter password 6 PV input
Setting 1 System button
button tti
Battery parameters:
Enter password Refer to menu 8.2.2and
Setting 2 Battery button
set up according to actual
parameters battery needs
1 Working mode
Setting 1 System setting Press ENTER button
Enter password
After the Restart interface appears, the machine will return to the selection interface of
three working modes;
If more items are to be set up, restart after finishing the setting.
Battery priority:
Press ENTER button
Restart button 3 Battery priority
Note: When choosing battery priority mode, the corresponding charging current should
be opted for according to the battery type. The system default current is 20A.
Press ENTER button
Restart Refer to 8.2.1and set up the
time according to needs.
Note: If the time is set up incorrectly, the system will pop up an interface indicating the
setting error. Charging and discharging time will return to the state prior to setting.
8. Display and Setting
PV1 Input
Voltage:33.8V PV1 input real-time voltage
Current:0.00A PV1 input real-time current
Power: 0W PV1 input power
PV2 Input
Voltage:49.8V PV2 input real-time voltage
Current:0.00A PV2 input real-time current
Power:0W PV2 Input power
Bus voltage
BUS: V Bus voltage of the system
8.1. 4
8.1.5 Battery
Type:XX Lithium battery Battery type:(lead acid, lithium battery)
Temperature:0.0℃ Battery temperature
8.1.6 BMS parameters
Grid-connected output
Voltage: 0.0V Mains Real time voltage
Current: 0.00A CT real-time current
Frequency: 0.00Hz Grid-connected real-time frequency
Inverter output
Voltage: 0.0V Inverter real-time voltage
Current: 0.00A Inverter real-time current
Frequency: 0.00HZ Inverter real-time frequency
8.1.9 Load
Voltage: 0.00V Emergency load (BACKUP) voltage
Current: 0.00A Emergency load (BACKUP) current
Percentage: 80% Percentage ratio of load to rated road
8.1.10 Power
Inverter: W Inverter real - time total power
active grid-connection: W CT real-time total power
8.1.11 Power
PV:W PV real-time total power
Load: W BACKUP real-time load
Battery: W Battery real-time load(+ means discharge, -
means charge)
8.1.12 Temperature
Inverter: 25℃ Real-time temperature of inverter system radiator
DCDC:26℃ Real-time temperature of Bidirectional DCDC
Environment:27℃ System Radiator
Internal temperature of chassis
Error information
Warning : W11-1 Alarm code( see Chapter 9)
Error: F10-1 Error code(see Chapter 9)
Status mod e: Se lf-gene ration and
System setting self-co nsu mp tion, P eak load shifting, and
Mode: Peak load Batte ry p rio rity
shifting Grid -connec tion standards: Ch ina,
Grid-connection German y, Austra lia, Ita ly, Spa in, U K,
standard: China Hungary, Be lg iu m, Weste rn Australia,
PV input: Parallel Greece, France , Bang kok, Tha ila nd, loca l
connection and 60 HZ.
PV inpu t mode: indep endent connec tion,
para lle l co nnec tion
8.2 Setting
Interface Description
--Setting-- This in te rfa ce is used fo r various
→1:System setting info rma tion inqu iry o ptions.
2:Battery parameters
P ress UP /DOWN button to mo ve the
3:Grid standard
corre spond ing op tions.
4:Operation parameters
P ress ENTER to ente r the se lec ted menu.
5:485 address
P ress ESC button to retu rn to the user
6:485 baud rate
interface(re fer to 8.1.1 6)
There are 13 op tions in to ta l, including
8:LCD backlight
s ys te m mode , b atte ry para me ters, grid
stand ard, ope ra tio n para me ters, 485
10:Clear history
address, 48 5 baud ra te , lang uage d isp la y,
11:Password setting
LCD back ligh t, da te/time, c lear h istory,
pass word setting and ma in tenanc e, and
13:Factory setting
factory se tting.
① Working mode
Interface Description
This inte rfa ce is use d to opt for the
--Wo r k i n g mo d e --
work ing mode.
1 : S e l f- g e n e r a t i o n a n d
After se lec ting the th re e modes, th e re start
s e l f - c o n s u mp t i o n
interface will be ente re d.
→ 2 : P e a k l o a d s h i ft i n g
P ress ESC button to return to setting
3: Battery priority
interface. ( refe r to 8.2. 1)
After completing the setup of peak load shifting mode, the time for charging and discharging also
needs to be set.
Time setup
Interface Description
This interface is u sed to opt for the time o f
--Time setup -- peak lo ad sh ifting
Charging begins at 00:00 P ress UP /DOWN button to mo ve the
Charging ceases at 00:00 corre spond ing op tions.
Discharging begins at 00:00
P ress ENTER to ente r the se lec ted menu.
Discharging ceases at 00:00
P ress ESC bu tton to re turn to the work ing
mo de interface.
② Backup enable
Interface Description
④ Program-controlled enable
Interface Description
⑤ Boot delay
Interface Description
⑥ Input mode
Interface Description
Setup o f P V Inpu t mod e.
--Input mode-- →
The fac tory se tting by default is
1:Independent connection
stand alon e mod e.
2:Parallel connection
When para lle l input is se t to be
stand -a lone mode, PV power will be
imba lanc ed.
--Lithium battery
1:ZTC Pylon
Options inc lude ZTC P ylon Lib, Vision
Lithium battery(Li B)
→2:Vision Group LiB Group Lib , LG Lib an d P anasonic Lib.
Interface Description
--××LiB-- After e nte ring th e lith iu m ba ttery
Charge current: A
specifica tion , you nee d to set the c harge
curren t.
② Lead-acid setting
Interface Description
P ress UP /DOWN button to inc rea se or
decrea se the inpu t figu re;
--Cut-off voltage--
P ress Ente r to mo ve curso r back ward ,
Input: 43.2
confirm input and retu rn to ba tte ry
Unit: V
para me te rs in terface ;
P ress ESC bu tton to move cu rsor fo rward
and re turn to ba tte ry pa ra me te rs interface.
Discharge depth
Interface Description
P ress UP /DOWN to in crease o r dec rea se
the inpu t figu re;
--Discharge P ress Ente r to mo ve curso r back ward ,
depth-- confirm input and retu rn to ba tte ry
Input: 60
para me te rs in terface ;
P ress ESC to mo ve c urso r forwa rd and
retu rn to ba ttery para meters interface ;
The value rang es be twe en 20% and 80%.
Charge voltage
Interface Description
P ress UP /DOWN button to inc rea se or
--Charge voltage-- decrea se the inpu t figu re;
Input: 56.5 P ress En ter bu tton to mo ve cursor
Unit: V backwa rd, c onfirm in put and re tu rn to
battery para me ters inte rface ;
P ress ESC bu tton to move cu rsor fo rward
and re turn to ba tte ry pa ra me te rs interface.
Charge current
Interface Description
P ress UP /DOWN button to inc rea se or
decrea se the inpu t figu re;
--Charge current--
P ress Ente r to mo ve curso r back ward ,
Input: 25
Unit: A confirm input and retu rn to ba tte ry
para me te rs in terface ;
--Grid standard--
→ 1:China
3:Australia P ress UP /DOWN button to mo ve
4:Italy corre spond ing o ptions. Here are e le ven
5:Spain countrie s for se lec tion , inc lud ing Ch ina,
6:U.K. German y, Austra lia, Ita ly, Spa in and U. K.;
7:Hungary P ress ENTER button to con firm the
8:Belgium sele ction and en te r re start inte rfa ce (refe r
9:AUS-W to 8.4 );
10:Greece P ress ESC button to c ancel the se lec tion
11:France and re turn to setting interface (re fer to
12:Bangkok 8.2).
--Operation parameters--
P ress UP /DOWN button to mo ve
→ 1:Reactive mode
corre spond ing op tions ;
P ress Ente r to en te r th e selected me nu;
P ress ESC button to return to setting
3:Discharge power
interface (refe r to 8 .2 ). Option s inc lude
4:Charge power
reac tive co mpensation mode, g rid po wer,
5:Low grid voltage
disch arge /cha rge po wer, low/high grid
6:High grid voltage
power, low/h igh grid voltage and lo w/h igh
7:Low grid frequency
grid frequenc y (refe r to ① ~⑧ ).
8:High grid frequency
① Reactive mode
Interface Description
P ress UP /DOWN button to mo ve
corre spond ing op tions;
--Reactive mode--
P ress Ente r to con firm the input a nd en ter
→1:Power factor control
power fac to r se tting in terfac e;
2:Reactive power control
(se lec t 2 , p re ss Ente r to con firm input and
ente r re active powe r in terface )
P ress ESC button to c ancel the inpu t an d
retu rn to ope ra tio n pa ra meters in te rfac e.
Reactive Power
Interface Description
P ress UP /DOWN butto n to ad just the inpu t
--Reactive power-- figu re ;
Input: +60% P ress ENTER button to confirm o r ESC
button to c ance l the input and retu rn to
Value range work ing in terface ;
(-60%~+60%) The inpu t va lue sho uld range be twe en
-60% an d +60%, wh ich varies with the
stand ard.
② Grid-connected power
Interface Description
P ress UP /DOWN butto n to ad just the inpu t
figu re ;
P ress ENTER button to confirm o r ESC
Input: 100%
button to c ance l the input and retu rn to
Value range opera tion para me ters in terface ;
(0~100) The inp ut va lue shou ld rang e be tween 0
and 100.
③ Discharge power
Interface Description
P ress UP /DOWN butto n to ad just the inpu t
--Discharge power-- figu re ;
Input: 050% P ress ENTER button to confirm o r ESC
button to c ance l the input and retu rn to
Value range opera tion para me ters in terface ;
(0~100) The inp ut va lue shou ld rang e be tween 0
and 100.
④ Charge power
Interface Description
Grid Low Voltage Pro tection Po int
--Low grid voltage-- P ress UP /DOWN butto n to ad just the inpu t
Input: figu re ;
Unit: V P ress Ente r to con firm the input a nd en ter
res tart in terface (refe r to 8.4 );
Value range
P ress ESC button to c ancel the inpu t an d
retu rn to ope ra tio n pa ra meters in te rfac e;
The va lue should rang e between 150V and
220V, wh ich va rie s with d ifferen t
stand ard s.
Grid Over Fr equency Protection Po int
--High grid frequency -- P ress UP /DOWN to adjust the inpu t
Input : 52.0 nu mber;
Unit : Hz P ress ENTER to confirm the inp ut and
ente r re start interface ;
Val ue r a n ge P ress ESC to cance l the inpu t and retu rn to
( 5 0 .5 ~ 5 5 ) opera tion al pa ra me te rs in te rfa ce(refe r to
The value rang es b etween 50 .5 and 55,
whic h varie s with d iffe rent standa rds.
8.2.7 Language
Interface Description
P ress UP /DOWN button to mo ve
--Language-- corre spond ing op tions;
→1:Chinese P ress ENTER button to confirm o r ESC
2:ENGLISH button to c ance l the se lection an d retu rn to
3:GERMAN setup in te rfac e
Interface Description
P ress UP /DOWN butto n to ad just the inpu t
--LCD backlight-- figu re ;
Input:20 P ress ENTER button to confirm o r ESC
Unit:S (seconds) button to c ance l the input and retu rn to
setup in te rfac e;
Value range
The input valu e shou ld range be twe en 20
(20~ 120)
and 120.
8.2.9 Date/time
Interface Description
P ress UP /DOWN butto n to ad just the inpu t
--Date/time-- figu re ;
Date:2016-09-19 P ress En ter bu tton to mo ve cursor
Time:10:01:12 backwa rd, c onfirm in put and re tu rn to
Week:一 setup in te rfac e;
P ress ESC bu tton to move cu rsor fo rward
and re turn to se tup in te rface ;
The inpu t va lue shou ld range between 2000
and 2099.
8.2.12 Maintenance
Interface Description
→12: Maintenance
Main ta iner use on ly.
-Factory default
setting- P ress UP /DOWN button to mo ve
→1: Cancel corre spond ing op tions;
2: Confirm P ress Ente r to en te r th e selected ite m.
8.3 Inquiry
Interface Description
P ress UP /DOWN button to mo ve
corre spond ing op tions;
→1: Machine model
P ress En ter bu tton to jump to the sele cte d
2:Serial number
3:Firmware version
P ress ESC button to retu rn to use r
4:Running records
interface (re fer to 8.1.1 6);
There are fou r a ltern ative op tions:
machine mode l, se rial nu mbe r, firmware
ve rsion and runn ing re cords (re fe r to ① -
⑤ ).
① M achine model
Interface Description
This in terface d isp la ys mach ine mode l of
--Inverter-- the in ve rte r;
5K-048 P ress ESC button to retu rn to inqu ir y
② Serial number
Interface Description
This interface d isp la ys se ria l nu mbe r of
the in ve rte r;
P ress ESC button to retu rn to inqu ir y
③ Firmware Version
Interface Description
This inte rface d isp la ys firmwa re version
for ARM and DSP of th e in ve rter;
ARM version:0.0
DSP version:0.0 P ress ESC button to retu rn to inqu ir y
④ Running records
Interface Description
SN of the fau lt: Fau lt warn ing code s (500
at utmost)(th e la test fa ult o r a la rm ma rked
--Records (170)--
as No.1)
Time o f the fault:
P ress UP /DOWN button to vie w the reco rd;
P ress ENTER button to ente r th e
descrip tion inte rface for corre spond ing
record s;
P ress ESC button to retu rn to Inquiry
8.4 Statistics
Interface Description
This inte rfa ce is used to se lec t statistics
→1:Time accounting
ite ms;
2:Grid-connection frequency P ress UP /DOWN button to mo ve
3:Peak power corre spond ing op tions;
4:Power generation for the day P ress Ente r to en te r th e selected me nu;
5: Power generation for the P ress ESC button to retu rn to use r
week interface ;
6 : Power generation for the There are e ight alte rna tive op tion s in to ta l:
month time acc ounting,g rid -c onnection frequ enc y/
7 : Power generation for the peak powe r/ powe r gen eration for the d a y /
year power gene ra tio n for the week / po wer
8: Gross power generation genera tion for the mon th/ po wer gene ra tio n
for the yea r/g ross po we r gene ra tio n (re fer to
① -⑧ ).
① Time accounting
Interface Description
--Time-- Operation leng th o f in verte r( hou rs)
Operation:5 Grid -co nnec tion le ngth ( hours)
Grid-connection:0 P ress ESC bu tton to retu rn to sta tistic s
Unit:Hour interface.
②Grid-connection frequency
Interface Description
This in te rfac e d ispla ys g rid -conn ection
-- Grid-connection -- freque nc y o f the in verter;
Value:0 P ress ESC button to re turn to statistics
③ Peak power
Interface Description
④ The day
Interface Description
This in terface d isp la ys po wer gene ra tion
--The day-- for the d a y( KWH) ;
PV:0.0KWH P V power genera tion ;
Grid -co nnec tion power genera tion;
Load p owe r con su mp tion;
P ress ESC bu tton to retu rn to sta tistic s
⑤ The week
Interface Description
This in terface d isp la ys po wer gene ra tion
for the week ( KWH) ;
--The week--
P V power genera tion ;
Grid -co nnec tion power genera tion;
Grid-connection: 0.0KWH
Load:0.0KWH Load p owe r con su mp tion;
P ress ESC bu tton to retu rn to sta tistic s
⑥ The month
Interface Description
This in terface d isp la ys po wer gene ra tion
for the mon th ( KWH) ;
--The month--
P V power genera tion ;
Grid-connection: 0.0KWH Grid -co nnec tion power genera tion;
Load:0.0KWH Load p owe r con su mp tion;
P ress ESC bu tton to retu rn to sta tistic s
⑦ The year
Interface Description
This in terface d isp la ys po wer gene ra tion
for the ye ar( KWH) ;
--The year--
P V power genera tion ;
Grid -co nnec tion power genera tion;
Grid-connection: 0.0KWH
Load p owe r con su mp tion;
P ress ESC bu tton to retu rn to sta tistic s
⑧ Gross generation
Interface Description
This interface d isp la ys gro ss po we r
genera tion;
--Gross generation--
P V power genera tion ;
Grid -co nnec tion power genera tion;
Load p owe r con su mp tion;
P ress ESC bu tton to retu rn to sta tistic s
8.4 Restart
Interface Description
P romp t: Resta rt the mach ine fo r
Please Restart work -re la ted settings to take e ffe ct. It will
retu rn to the corre spondin g wo rk ing
interface with in 2 seco nds.
W00 风扇堵转 Fan Lock
W01 过载报警 Over Load
W02 电池未连接 Bat Volt Open
W03 电池欠压 Bat Volt Under
W04 电池电压低 Bat Volt Low
W05 电池电压高 Bat Volt High
W06 电网电压低 Grid Volt Low
W07 电网电压高 Grid Volt High
W08 电网频率低 Grid Frequency Low
W09 电网频率高 Grid Frequency High
W10 漏电流高 GFCI Over
W11 PV 未接 Solar Loss
W12 外置 CT 反接 Tran Reverse
W13 BUS 电压低 Bus Volt Under
W14 BUS 电压高 Bus Volt Over
W15 逆变器过流 INV Current Over
W16 充电过流 CHG Current Over
W17 母线震荡 Bus OSC Fail
W18 逆变欠压 INV Under Volt
W19 逆变过压 INV Over Volt
W20 逆变频率异常 INV Frequency Loss
W21 环境温度过高 NTC Temp High
W22 串口通信失败 SciParall Fail
(2)Error codes
Error codes
F08 后备继电器错误 EPS Relay Fail
(1) Cut off all the power and shut down all the
machines; disconnect the load and plug in to
restart machines, then check whether the load is
INV Volt Short F03
short circuited if the fault has been eliminated;
(2) Contact customer service if fault remains
(1) Check for good ground connection.;
(2) Check if the earth resistance of PV+ and PV-
is greater than 2MΩ;
Insulation (3) If it is smaller than 2MΩ, check PV string for
Resistance Fail ground fault or poor ground insulation; if it is
greater than 2MΩ, please contact the local
inverter customer service once fault is not
(1) Restart the inverter and wait until it functions
F07 normally.
Relay Fail
F08 (2) Contact customer service if error warning
(1) Restart the inverter and wait until it functions
GFCI Sensor normally.
Fail (2) Contact customer service if error warning
(1) Restart the inverter and wait until it functions
Current Sensor normally.
Fail (2) Contact customer service if error warning
(1) Check if the battery is in line with the
Bat Volt Over W05 (2) If so, power off and restart;
(3) Contact customer service if error warning
(1) Check if the local voltage and frequency is in
compliance with the machine specification;
W06 (2) If voltage and frequency are within the
W07 accepted range, then wait 2 minutes for the
Grid Fail W08 inverter to function normally; but if no recovery
W09. or fault repeats, please contact the local inverter
customer service;
(3) Contact the local power company if voltage
and frequency are beyond range or unstable.
(1) Check PV string for direct or indirect
grounding phenomenon;
Current (2) Check peripherals of machine for current
leakage leakage;
(3) Contact the local inverter customer service if
fault remains unremoved.
(1) PV is not connected;
Solar Loss W11 (2) Check grid connection;
(3) Check PV availability.
(1) Check whether the installation follows the
Tran Reverse W12
(2) Contact customer service if error warning
(1) Restart the inverter and wait until it functions
BUS Volt normally;
Over (2) Contact customer service if error warning
(1) Wait five minutes for the inverter to
automatically restart;
INV Current (2) Check whether the load is in compliance with
Over the specification;
(3) Contact customer service if error warning
(1) Check if battery wiring port is short circuited;
(2) Check if charging current is in compliance
CHG Current
W16 with presetting;
(3) Contact customer service if error warning
(1) Wait five minutes for the inverter to
automatically restart;
INV Under (2) Check whether the load is in compliance with
Volt the specification;
(3) Contact customer service if error warning
INV Over
W19 (1) Please contact the distributor.
Frequency W20 (1) Please contact the distributor.
Minimum input /
100V/150V 100V/150V 100V/150V
startup voltage
Maximum input
current for each 13A/13A
Maximum power for
each string
MPPT path 2 2 2
AC output
Rated power 3680w 4600w 5000w
Maximum power 3680VA 4600VA 5000VA
Output voltage range 180V-280V 180V-280V 180V-280V
Output frequency
+/-5Hz +/-5Hz +/-5Hz
Rated frequency 50Hz/60Hz/230V 50Hz/60Hz/230V 50Hz/60Hz/230V
Maximum output 16A 20A 22A
Power factor 1 1 1
Power factor range L0.80~L0.99, C0.8~C1.00
Output grid single phase
97.6%/97% 97.6%/97% 97.6%/97%
Battery charge /
discharge efficiency
Battery Parameters
Battery voltage range 45-55V 45-55V 45-55V
Maximum charge/
3680w/3680w 4600w/4600w 4600w/5000w
discharge power
Maximum charge/
80A/80A 80A/100A 80A/100A
discharge current
Protection device
Input isolation
optional optional optional
measurement switch
protection/Grid YES YES YES
Input reverse polarity
protection/AC short
withstand protection/
isolation method
Protection rank/over
voltage rank
Built-in battery
General parameters
Dimension 523*495*191 523*495*191 523*495*191
Weight 28 30 30
-25°~60°C -25°C~60°C -25°C~60°C
Noise <35dB <36dB <37dB
Night power loss <0.5w <0.5w <0.5w
Coupled mode DC DC DC
Isolation mode Non-isolated Non-isolated Non-isolated
Cooling mode natural cooling natural cooling natural cooling
IP rating IP65 IP65 IP65
Humidity range <95% <95% <95%
DC connection and
PV connector/battery terminal/spring terminal
AC connection
Display LCD12864 LCD12864 LCD12864
Communication RS485/Digital IO
Machine Warranty 5 5 5
Grid specification (single-phase)